Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1923, p. 8

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1 K "E:'6E6X.'-f1'T,_ EH2.- Bulk . . . . . . . . 2 lbs. 1 Fry s, tin, 1; s . . 2 Cowan s, imsw. pkg. 1 Bakers , unsw. large I -run AI4-VII U6 LJUCUCU . . . . . . . .. 2 kg . ' Valencia, bulk, g Ib`s. ` Muscatel Rais. 2 lbs. 3 ;-.......- ___ Thempso-1'1. .1')ulk, Del Monte Seeded CHRISTMAS FRurr,UTs AND CANDIES RAISINS CHRISTMAS AB,AKl*li\lG NECESSITIES 139 DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE .> -25c 25c 10c 19c Me1_1 s Fur-Lined" Aan- Ag-- . 35 \ 35 25:: 15 spscw. NOTICE Lemons . . . . . . . 25c doz. [Cranberries 2 qts. 45 NUTS Special Mixed . . 23:: lb. -. nnuqcvup A `I 11 Ira-nl\Iu Magic, 1 s . . . . . . .. 3 Sailor Boy, 1 s . . 2 Eggo, 1's . . . . . . . . . 3 Bak. Am; and Oil of Lemon .. . . . . . . . .` 1 an --`pant! Currants . . . . . . lb. `19 Prunes, 60-70, 2 lbs. 25 Dates, new, . . 2 lbs. 25 Figs, cooking, 2 lbs. 23 BAKING POWDERS FRUITS 34c 28c" 35c B avnvon V I you I-4l|a\v\l \.)I\JV\v~J Woolen-Lined > ' --$1.75 to \XI- -......-- .. 1.L_.-.- A-- 1 9c 25:: 25c 23c 15 CANDIES Chocolates, per lb. ; . 30 Creams, per lb. . . . . 30 Special Mixed, per lb. 25 PEEL 40raA.n'ge, per lb. . . . Lemon, per lb. . . . `Citron per lb. .. . Mince Meat, per lb. NUTS ms cc 1 Shelled Alr`1:c>;1;ls, lb. Shelled Walnuts, lb. Broken Walnuts, lb. Std. Cocoanut, % lb. 48: 55c 39c 14c 5 35c 35c 58c 1 9c Twice each nig at 7.15 and 9.0 USUAL PRICE Directed ` b Harry Lea"-n \\'i It's a bear - I} T lD$\OIUIr I I I I I5I`YI --$3.00 andJ$3.50 Caps . $1.00 t6 $2.50 Good Musi Regular Fri` A story of; lil _, v\n:41-snu I I1 DLUIJ KIL III --neith0r ( And a fro.~`.h, the midst of Two Pictur the Price of We have wit} from clear uh niest Chap1)i'.' a Western on new kind. 1* a bloomin` sc ,QAY1D' Wi}JH2x}f ;.ouIs1s Dz rec HARRY B AVERY HOPE I and a nozab/4 All set to ;:r V T3? Borsalino Hats .. $7.00 M,en s Felt Hats, best Canadian makers ' A1` A5: I Ag`-1- Everything ix Secured aft and expvens Players Can $10,000.00 \\ exceptional gave our T0? THE 2;; 7,,;;,W5] l\ A---its V Technicd DON"] HAI5 my Fine Quality Velouzs eve] M1TT.5 &%G1-OVF-5 Pianosandslzhonographs Keenan and Kenndy . THE MUSIC MEN _ For Christmas Giving GIVE HIM A HAT `Page Eight Keenan & Kennedy D DI)!!! rs - CAPS ..%- T runs Ladies Cloth Coats` and Ready-to-Wear Hats j T We have; all kinds of Music?! lnstrur:1nts_ fad .Sl_n_v.fetl MIIJQ king f`._.._. (3. aluvc nu ISIIIUS OI IVIUSICCI lnstfulnents and D1188! Mssic, Books, Games, Stationery; Magazines, Etc. See our line of CHRISTMAS PAPETERIES NEW COLUMBIA AND sonori PHONOGRAPHSV - The New Columbia Graphonola and the New Process _ Columbia Records are the last word in Phonograph and Record achievements. Thousands of Records to choose from. We HAVETI-IE SHERLOCK-MANNING, . NORDI-IEIMERN ` DOMINION AND EVANS BROS, PIANOS .MNE5!NGA. We Specialize. on Phonogfaph Repairs MEN , an. nuu Aura. D. J. \. In Allnston last week. iui;sw:\.mIUi`;';;3n. spent the weekend in Midland. . J. McNaul has returned from the West. ` Mix Norma Coughlin of Phelpston visited with Miss L. Shanahan recently. Ml . anrl MFR 1 Av nnnn} 1: Cam Ann- Dec. i0.-Thos. Binnie_ left for Fort F1-anew, Monday. ` `;ec .` I-You-v-:ann annnb -`kn uunudu -...l 2.. `"1 `;i:1;;f>eru:)f wtecufzrmers attended the 3' Beef Ring meeting held in the school last !week. V ' V . * `I7 GI. _____ -_ 'L.'_ LL- -..__I-L!__. _ LS- Finest s1eigi1"12E13E+in large size $7.50 Bonnets, Caps, Toques, pk` l:$n Siurgess `has te foundatidn of his bar_n completed; IUOIJG db ENC VVIIIICY 13511: - I Norman Gourley is very ill in the R.V. lLH., Barrie, at present. A llmhnr A` Oh`: for-vnnra onvu-hat` +3-an uuulp UVOF HIE WUK`|`.'ll. I Scott Sharpe, James Cunningham, Chal-, uners Mayes and Ted Webster spent a few. `days at the Winter Fair. I . Nnrrnnn {lain-lav :5 unit "I :n kn D V I Dec. 11.-'-Miss Collafd visited at he home over the weekend. ` 94-. 01.-...- I__.._ n.__.__:._..L__.. nL-1 vcr_v uppeuzuig Iuucn was served. The Rev. Joshua Patterson of Orillia. chairman of the Barrie District, will preach on the Minesing Union charge Sunday, _16th inst.: Edenvale, ll a.m.; Minesing, 3.15 pm. ; Midhurst, 7 p.Am. The Rev. Mr. Pat- terson is a speaker of exceptional ability, and his coming provides a treat for the . people of the community uuu `.u1.\'9 u. ouuuuuuu raceuuy. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Cox spent a few days` :1 Allistnn last wnplr. _.GT FOR BABY c6Ai` REDUCED Pmc;-:s. cLo iH 4. __ KILLYLEACH Ladies Furs, Neckpieces, _ Chokers, Coats, Etc. A special treat was-given thepeople of Minesing and vicinity Tuesday. evening, Dec. 4, when the Rev. Lloyd Smith, assist- ant general secretary of Home Missions`, de-, livered an excellent address in the Union Church, Minesing, on thesubject. Molding-J New Canadian Life." He dealt partic ularly with conditions in the West, and` gave first-hand information which convino-,|j ed the audience that the East has a very'|` important -part to sustain in the making of a united Canada. The choir rendered 1 very appropriate selections, among which was a solo by Mrs. `Andrew Ronald, also one by `Andrew Orchard, all of which was greatly enjoyed.` After the programme as very appetizing lunch was served. IA non Ina`-nun Dnlvbnuanu. Al f\..1IN.. l |uv 19 Ill uucu popr neaxm. .Ba'll_1rli8: iI;';:d;'$x.1ffault spent an few dgyg in V--`saucy I IAPIIIJ -Alex. 1\_lcKinnon returned home last weok after spending a few days in the Golng- wood -Hospital All are sorry to hear that he is in such poor heal . ' Min. .13`.-mi. 'm.:u...u .........x - :-_ -1 him a speedy recovery. III Ul um. wuaua. Chas. Wattie met with an accident during the past week. His* horse became fright- ened ,at a car and threw him out, the buggy going on top of him and giving him a bad shaking up. Mr. Wattie's A friends wish wows-uuu an 1. rarwnuens. Fred Payne is in the R.V. Hospital, Bar: tie, undergoing an operation for the remov- al of his. tonsils. ' > FL. Tl7..4.4':.. __-A ...:Ll -7, uuuu unsu. ' Stanley Catlin -of Thornton spent the! weekend at T. Pattenden~ s. _ I Fun! 13...... :.. :.. ;L- n 11 run, -- - muuuu ul nuunuale. j `Mr; and Mrs. S. McLean have moved; into one of the reforestation houses as` Midhurst. G4.....I-.. n_n:_ -2 nu, `. . - uv-- `junta: 1\uI ll IrIIII` Dec. 1l.--Mrs. G. Richardson is visiting I friglds in Allandale. ' 5...! 11.... G 11.1 ... Lu -! 91. um: ulgub. I The debate held in the hall Monday; _even,ing._Dec. 10, under the auspices of the Women's Institute. brought out a good crowd. `Rev. W. Haig occupied the chaixf and D.`A. McLean. Mrs. Sutherland of the5 Settlement, and Mr, Craig of ,Tottenham.l acted as judges. Resolved that the world is growing better rather than worse" was` the topic and the affirmative was taken by! Mrs. Jno. Faris and Miss Coutts who were, given -the-decision. Sidney Brown, a new-i comer here,- and Henry Coffey upheld thc' negative side and these two` young men` made a very strong appeal to the audiencel even though they lost the decision. Miss` Dorothy Andrews gave. several recitations which, along with community singing, made a pleasant evening. I son on Bunaay_ . . . wuu.u n:llllS. u_ere._ . ` b ` . Jas.iCerswell, Jas. McEwen, Wm. Ander- .M'Ss Chnstle Jumor teacher 15 laid up son` Jas. Wier {and Pte_. Wallace Chippett _with the mumps; A number of the children (now of London but formerly of this die-im the Sh1 have had them i I U bbt , I v :i.*::;;::,: 1123325,. Mi. wan. Toward evening the `latter two becamei I a.m glad `to repmt that Th.ml" Jen` separated from the rest and as darkness mm` `.5 hie to lea the Hosp?! and that settled over the swamp verv early that h'3 3" 5" have .the use f ms 3- day, they were unable to fizid their way; A'th"gh the mght '35 d "'k and the out.` Pte. Chippett"s military training fitted wads bad` 3 3d "'d attended the A."-`= v' Mrs. Clark of Powassan is visiting her i If youvca ' phone. - BRE: him to meet just such an emergency and;. even though they had no matches, by means of a discharge from the gun into the lit); ing of his cap they got a. fire started. By V keeping close to this fire they were able to keep reasonably comfortable till morning when they made their wa out and met do anything to locate them in the darkness! of the night . Than Anknfn kale` :o. `LL- Ln`! 'll -__.I.___l @@@@@` @`@@@`7?@`@@@@` their anxious friends who yw-em unable tc l P an . 1 '20 BI IN! ('11) cu man mu: m ucucuwer. } `Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Winters of Aurora visited G. Gummer-` son on Sunday. Ina ` nu-aura" Top. \KA'II\....... TIT... A.__I_._ SlMMONS& C0. Axuuccua uuuuo vI`ll.0.UU. . I Some'of the weather prophets told us' `last spring that the Gulf Stream had chang-i ed its course. and some of the more credu-' lous were somewhat concerned lest their prediction that we were not to have any, summer might come true. We feel sure` now that this change has been a decided. improvement, `as instead of having had no? summer, summer has been greatly prolong-A ed. Sunday was more like a day in August than one in December. } Ju. ......l 11... 117... oi___. , I In I Ia -ueuig uevuwu w puric improvement. 1 On Saturday, Dec. 8, a bazaar was held` in the rectory and in spite of bad roads and unfavorable weather was quite successful. Goods not sold in the regular way were finally sold by auction, D. W. Watson of * Beeton officiating in his usual breezy way.3 Proceeds about $113.00. ` Q..........t' 4.1.- -..-..u____ __'-,,L_. . II uuuluuu uunug we summer. ` t The Girls Institute realized about fifty dollars at their -recent bazaar . This money is -being devoted to'park improvement. On gnhlrrlnv Dan 9 a `moron: Iivnn LALI Dec.' 11.-I' regret to report that W. McKay is under the doctor s care. It` nnnnniu :n nrnlurlil:-11.. l\ 8-.-. -1---- l---- Auuxxay 15 u_uuur we uocwr 5 care. F. Draper is spendmg a few days here after havmg been in the King City neigh- borhood during the summer. I"Im ("lip-la `l naHouo.. ......l:.....l ..L....; ::n__ nvcryuuuy, welcome. uance trom [5 to 12.5 Spondenot all your pennies befofe Xmas.l Ye remember the dates, Cookstown Townel Hall, ye `nights of January sixteenth land! seventeenth. Ye best concert in years!; Ye music of ye olden time will be sung; and ye. talk pieces given. Watch for fur- ther notice. (Advt.) auu so acme. ;.vvcryuuuy_wBlc0me. (A(1Vt.l The Maple Leaf Club" will hold their weekly dance on Wednesday instead of Fri- day 'at the new Travellers Inn. Good, orchestra in attendance. Admission 50c;; ladies free. Come and enjoy yourself.; Everybody` welcome. Dance from /8 to 12. 9 Snnntlrnn ..u ...... ....`....:..- 1.4-1- v`.-- I pu1L;I:.. . ' | II A Xmas tree and play entitled `Xmas Fantasy" will be held in Braden's Presby- iterian church on Wednesday, Dec. 19. commencing at 8 o clock. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Everybodywelcome. (Advt.) Thu Mnmln Tpnf (`Ink nil! LAIA L._:.. ulcsuw cawuu ayulpuvuy Lu LUIS. Dzultlllg. The remains of Mlss Emma Hlpwell of Toronto were interred on Tuesday, at New-' ton Robinson. herformer home. Miss Hip- well is _a niece of W. R. ant` v\`n`v nu-;6:6L...l ?......_ Chantler of this . I UV puuu U1 llC`Gl'Uc ` `hits. J. J. D. Banting received "the sad news of the death of her brother. Mr. Perry of Vancouver, last week. Many friends extend sympathy to Mrs. Banting. , Tho 1-mnnine nf Min Wmmu `H3nm}a1l nf Boys i;1(i Girls Woolen Caps, Tqques, Etc., Etc. IUSUII 0 James and Geo. Jebb were called to Tor- - onto on Monday to the bedside of their sister, Mrs. Carter. who -was reported to be at the point of death. I71: "I ,1 D nnnHna I'nlIA`1.'.\r` -Okla cur` 1108. I F. O Connor of the Bell-Telcphone C0,, Barrie. -was in town on Monday, installing llcozne new phones. V 1 Jos. Chantler called on friends in town ion Tuesday while on his way to attend the ifuneral of Miss Hipwell at Newton Rob- inson. - . ~ 1-.~._.-_ ..._.u n... r..LL ......._ _..Il...I 4.. m... `Ill UOUIIGH next year 15 1!. d. Luuxuuawn. Misa Mamie Hancev of `Alliston visited. `with Mr. and Mrs. R5131`. Cole on Sunday. 11...... -....'.- -..I........:..o:.... on Dun-m I3`-_ lWll:n MI`. anu Mrs. 11001. nun: uu Duuuay. Renew your subscription to Burma Ex- aminer at H. Le%on's, Bell Telephone of- fice. ` l 1: n9n.._._.... .: .1... 12.11 'r..I....l........ (V- J l1Bl'- DI'OH1'l', auuu rugswy, un auuuay. Miss Richards of the school staff en- Mjoyed a day in Toronto the end of the week. ' One-of the names mentioned for Inn)_s- ifil Council next year is W. J. McMaster. I 11:... M.....:., uonnnly nf Alligtnn visitor! town a one: canon Monrwy. 1 Miss Gdrgia Reilly of Beeton was the guest of Mrs; Jos. Martin last Friday. 1 Chas; Copeland has moved into the! house. lately vacated by Jno. Rame_v. ' ' VMiss Hannah Pugsley of'Toronto visited her. brother, John Pugsley, on Sunday. I :55 `):n`\oI-Ag A` I'l'|A at-hnnl Efff Pn- 11181105 Ill .I.0l'0IlF0o I Many are wondering now if. Christmas , "will come clothed in white. i Mi`. Wood, High School: principal, visited Toronto pne day last week. 4 I Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chantler entertained` `Toronto friends on Sunday._ 1 -Kfnnumnn Mnrrinnn A` Allinfnn IIRVA anks- '.l.'0l'0nl30 menus on ouuuay.-. I `Norman Morrison of Alltston gave Cooks-, I town brief caIl`on Monwy. mu-.. ru..;....:.. n..:n.. A: nnAnn tuna Hm .U.lIlTy DI: I l'l`l_U. . . ' . . I Mr.` and Mrs. Geo. _Mo1r are vaamng friends in Toronto. 1 Il .._.. .... ..._._.l.._:..... .....u it I'\u-Labnsnn Ml`NESll:JG s'r4'rI(_)N__ `I... I` Y`|3,I, White Thiiaet and White % Coney Furs. ' Ancus. |r-*rr2,, ,, , BONDHEAJ7 n THE sauna" axammsn -_ -v..J Imvaw&@aawwmva@av&a@a@&va@w@wv@&wa 0 EVQE Eg THE PE rxucl cxcuuug mere omcers xor nexu year] they held a hot,chicken supper whlch was ' prevpare`d by some of the good men cooks. I s Mrs. Cnnlr nf Tnnr mu .......+ e..-.v--- pnvpxucu uy some or me good cooks. ; Mrs. Cook of Tory Hill spent Sunday I with friends here. M':.... (`II....:....:. :.._:n - ' - '- mun uao man WEEK HI 1115 DOING here. Q vTh'e Orangemen of _L.O.L. No; 450 held jtheir. annual meeting last Friday night. After electmg there officers for year .thev hair! 1: hm nh:..l.-m. .....\.\.... ...L:_1. _---I .|.u|uuIu, .;1.uuuuuu lulu omer places. 1 Arthur McQuay ofeThornton was on the sick list last week at his home here. i nrnnnnnmnn at T f\ T RY- IPA ` -" Dec. 10.--A quiet and beautiful wedding was solemnized at high noon on Dec. 5, at the home of Mr. and_.Mrs. T. W. R. Ar- `nold, when Estella M., their eldest daugh- .ter. was united in marriage to Arthur Coxworth of this place. Rev. Geo. A. Brown of Barrie performed the ceremony. The bride, who was unattended, looked .charming as she entered the. parlor. on the ;arm of `her father to the strains of the` wedding march. played by her cousin, :Bracken. of Orangeville. The groom s fa- fvor to the bride was a gold watch; to the pianist, a rope of pearls. Mr. and Mrs. Coxworth took the train at Barrie for 'I`uronto,tHamilton and other places. Allhllf VMEOIIRV nf"l`l'1nrnfnn nuns An 51-. 3 30 Elizabeth St. ; BAR_RlE_ p1.o..,,u:.gI mamagamaa&m&aama&&&@ I __-__-_._--. .. .-..1a.a;1lu, jgeautifully embroider- ,ed in oral, motif "and eyelet designs, come straight from the Ma- deira Isles. $6.00 ea.` . If ' ed fW kMitt, Mac} ' Socks, >Boots afnndnghogs, grk Rub rs, etc.,wsee our 20:1? I;f3:dl::;i`:::_ `Eh nz;.$.-zaphmx .4xA_44_ .4... A - _ A A, ,. , ORANGES Surikist_Oranges 39c doz Sunkist Oranges 49 doz. ' `Sun1gist`Oranges 59 doz. M `To enable our town customers to take advantage of merchandise advertised, we will deliver orders of $2.00 or over to any part of the town. ~ All orders strictly cash. ` s - ; FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS "VIII? iv Ipoll We -carry a large range of Heavy `Mitts, Gloves and Driving Gauntlets.

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