Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1923, p. 3

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n or Bay will MUST HAVE GHILDEEN. (CrF'VFllO(-'LD (ANADA, I900 BY [MILK Bflllkil "ms MASTER'S VOIC As the desire comes anew to remember your ' loved ones withvgifts of appropriate sentiment, why not choose the one fitted above all. THE BARBIE EXAMINER ------., .. ......_,. your message or atfection-- His Master s VoiceT -Victrola-gthe theatre of the home. 11 Here is life it If, unending days- of pleasure, i the companionship of the world's greatest artists, for one and all they have chosen the Victrola to interpret their incomparable genius. 1IHere is the key to the kingdom `of music, a gift of enduring happiness, ` present, an endless program of living, thrilling entertainment. {I Indeed, why wonder what to give when you can secure such really worth while gifts, at any His Master s Voice dealer , _-.--for as little as $37.50. l`;ve'c_l-;)r`1-es vn not (:2 Prices of genuine Victrolas range from $37.50 to $615.00. Look under the lid" for our famous trade mark "His Master's Voice It is placed here for your protection ' -u_ nvvuval fl . or when the saw 15 gidxtion to the sow :- mg is suggested :- t. of tin. m.:..m -3 ' ucc nu me ouivanon Army Hall, Uollier St., at 8 pm. A wonderful programme will be given, including musical drills and matches, dialogues, recitations, tableaux,- otc. Tickets 15c each. Don t forget the date. Come and bring your friends. 49-50c Static electricity generated while a Biog- hampton. N .Y., woman was washing gar- ments in gasoline, caused an explosion `which may prove fatal to her. 01 UV St., 1 1.. . SALVATION -ARMY _ Thursday, December 20, is the date of A the Christmas entertainment and Christmas tree at the Salvation Army Hall, Collier St at 8 n-rns A nlnnrlnu-Cnl nI-nn$'-r----- --3" uuv vvv II |Jl'\V!\ The -husband, who had` a- great habit of teasing his wife, was out motoring in the ` country with her; when they met a farmer driving -a pair of mules. _ - Just as they were abouteto pass the farm- ger's turnout, the mules turned their heads A towards the motor car and brayed vocifer- ously. ' ` ' Turning to his wife, the husband re- marked ` cutting , Relatives of yours, I "Van " ....:.l L:.. ...:t.-. _-,-,-I H- I uuul. mm. us me reason 101' the frequent sud- den appearance of islands and shoals in the lsouthern oceans. uuppuac I f`Yes," said his wife, sweely, by . riage.n V J, is that the chart, made when the cable` was! laid in 1899, is wrong; `but some .;men of! science hold that the bed of the ocean isl constantly changing, that it rises in one place and falls in another. They believe that that is the reason for the frequent sud- _den annearance nf inlnnrk gm: .1.....|. :.. .1... made ' laid in moo :. ............ n..-` . HIS OWN BACK t? T j ` .818 MASTER'S VOICE. LIMITED n ' ' :Dec'laring her husband i who`dec1ared he had a broken back after work in 3 Patterson, NJ. `being run down by an auto,'M. J. Rednoui-| he sported two automobil signeda release slip and walked-out of an enjoyed himself, Mrs. M: Akron, Ohio, hospital. seeking divorce. H. ELSTON, I HAVE A new LADIES ANl)Mi?'2i\'Iv'i"l'.:ET MEN'S OVERCOATS AND SUITS that have been cleanedand :pr_es'sed and left here to[ be . sold, eheap. GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Iirhlld Ngw READ'Y-MADE b'vERcoATs REGULAR PRICE $35.00, NOW $2530 HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED . , _.GL.0VES CLEANED NING '- PRESSING - REPAIRING - DYEING 31, regular $1.: "His Master : Voice" dealers have many combinations of records-aIl attractively pazked in handsome gift boxe9--with the privilege of exchange after Christmas. if found necessary. sum as an Harry Lauder. incompar- able dance orchestras such as Paul Whitcmarfs--and you can simply by 'sending a box of "His Master`: smamg box of "His Master`: Voice"-Victor Recorda-the per- former: of the home." uucn as nnnan. famous mtertaincrs such Sir Harry Lauder. such as Pnul The living gifta box of His Master : Voice "- Victor Records Send into the homes of your friends` the living genius of gm-h mu-.Mo.| acnu Into the homes of living genius of such immortal `singers as Caruso. great violinist; such as Elman. famous such Hnrrv Lanrlpr em-.........._ hysicians, -Declaring compelled her to uack 3 N .J., silk mill, while \ automobiles and otherwise out himself, Martha Holbert in , .,: PHONE 441w 29 ELIZABETH ST. ` gg g g e_haroa1 "'1'.-`E; '18nhkl'bezl1`el::ligal to- :. .1..- ..:-L g in Youth ' ahd O_ver- - - u u o o o 0 0 UUC yles to choose Knit and other Neatly put up oprietor. --a--J genoncuu ac- meal 18 also rich Dd Phosphates are A jahe ration of the Dill. . ovntlfll Phone 213 -_-nu, Wll pl'0pQf nll make profitablo Lxgendent, expense. BOY J aceessibga at an 1' this am: in assortment of and Collars row. and `you , boxed, reg- ur Christmas . . . . . . $3.95 ntity of other" choose_ from: % ` It pays` to._ read The Examine: Ad- lot Column.` Page 1l.- " BELLE EWART WALLPAPER &_ PAIN? -`-PAINTING AND DECORATING-- 7 V91 ? regsonable prices. Wogk guaranteed Also sellmg paint; and wallpapet. Cut prions FRASER. Belle Ewart. Ont. Phono I-4 * :2----2- ' . _ v - & nu - I3: DVQIJE Invest your Spare Capital .in City Pro- perty. We have several First Class Mort- gages from Two to Ten Thousand at 7% per cent., for five years. Splendid Secur- ity. _ - National Investment Register Limited, 53 Adelaide St., West, Toronto. 48-500 s Dimlop at Mulniter - Phone Whether it be a houe, iv farm or a market.` garden,_ SEE__ .$2E6B:Modern Thouse, A1. condition. qw-auuu--muucru 0110:: name, every` convemence. $38.00-Brick' house, good groung. well located. $1800-Well located, comfortable home. T ' An-an. an - Gowan St. : Phone 202 r ' ' I New 6-roomed .home, strictly mod- ern nmzv farm; .u.u v-suuuu:u~_uuuu7, au.I.'u;uy mou- ern, easy terms. _ $1500-Comfortable cottage. $4000-Modern brick home, every; convenience. [ Solicits `the patraxage of" the people of Allandale and vicinity ....---.--u an IIIIVIIIIUII oIlIIOl'I' . Association of Canada Stenography Bookkeeping Banking Adding Machine Higher Accounting & Auditing ` DiCt8ph(.vne Graduate; Assisted to Positions. Begin any day. Free information W. A. Turner, Prop. Barrie Business ,..`9"9_se% Member of Buvsineis Educatdu A.._-3-L2__ -1 f`--- ' rr PAYS To ATTEND THE BEST 2 % FirstaCla_ss Furnished Home. Two` Modern Homes, unfurnished. Houses withwicreage, all sizs. _1'Hu_RsDAY, DECEMBER 13, nsa. . Saadle Horses _ Cutting and Gengrd TIES l'lTe Established years. at reuonahlg rates San_ta Almond Paste, usef 45 I read}! to b.. - R. c. mam ?M0I_m2A_.?s7 \w2\7e-.'li'2i'\;ethem in `pleas-I ing designs. See window. display ,or, better still,_ come and look them over. Prices reasonable, 30c up Also see our displays "of Homemade T a f f i es,` Fudge and Mixtures, etc. . 5c lb. and up __.__.__.___..____._____ --5 15 suggested: of the weight 3 e 3 per cent., bone further addition of limestone will fro.- e. Tankage is val- tein content, in thai ineral sulfa d_erived are best. xprssed i the gift 0f[a Box of Good Chocolates. ' _ _ A- , voun j casnsmns coon WISHES v gutqvtl, HI I IJJ-`ll-`J lulu Tomato Soup. - 1-`on SALE. .1.01!REN.T: FOQNTAINT '1Iiii;;_.c'1;1e \ x r - . | There were two more births during `the month of November in.mBarrie. than during the previous month of October. There . were the same number of deaths, while the marriages showed a decrease in number` by two. Figures for November 1922-we!-`e high- er in each classification. Births for No vemberrtotalledv 15, mar_riages.5 and deaths . 9. For October the figures were births 13, 1 marriages 7, and deaths 9. One -year ago 4 in November the statistics were births 17, 1 marriages 9 and deaths 11.- . v . t _ __.- -_...-.-.. vu u--u-rsuvv IIIFII .` has come to be aproverb -among the stage folk and theatre-goers that a David? Belascoplay must be" a great success. The - name and the genius` of this great play- I wright -are enough to insure the success of any play he puts out. The Gold Diggers,- one of his recent successes which played for two years in Broadway and had "a long ; tour of the country will come in screen ' form to the Dreamland Theatre with Hope ' Hampton in the feature role. It is a Warn-p ` J er._Brothers classic `of the screen. . - uqutvuo . ' | In. 17 railway crossing accidents during` the month, six persons were killed and 16 were injured. In all but two of these cases, the crossings -were unprotected. ' -scnszu vans! liar BELASCO PLAY` vIU`Il U'IVVI3&|`Iu Ottawa, Dec. 10.-Thirty` persons were killed and 416 injured in a total of 337] railway accidents on Canladlan railways} during the month of November, as `reported -to the Dominion Railway Commission. There were 112 -pa.s.senger_s injured, but none met death during the` month. Em- ployees who lost their lives numbered 15, while 251 were injured. Other persons. were killed to the number of 15, while 23 were; injured. Tn 17 nn:1nvnup nu.--3-.... ---5J--L- -1----r'-- dealt leniently with him because of testi- uuu uuy. , _ _ Fox wasfound guilty by a jury of a' charge of arson in connection with the re- cent destruction by fireiof the Euphrates Mil} at Meaford. He admitted his complic- i~ty, but his Lordship stated that he had many as to his former good character which had been submitted. { `IN... ll......L..ll 1:! n 1'1-__.,h A In ' uau uucu suuuuuceu. I Fire Marshall E. P. Heaton of Toronto; had previously entered a plea for leniem-.y,] in View of the fact that Fox had acted under` the: direction ' of his employer, William. Moore, who was sentenced to four years in the penitentiary a-boutAa `month ago. Owen Sound, Dec. 9.- -Mr. Justice Suth- erland, sitting [in the Criminal Assizes here yesterday, sentenced William Fox of Mea- ' ford, formerly of Toronto, to detention at the refonnatony for not: less than` six months -and not more than -two years less "one day. I-Pnv mu. 4`........l ....L:u--' 1.-- - 2-.. -' .The`view of the present` Ministry is that it cannot each year include such a sum in its estimates and provide for it by the sale of debentures. It inclines to the view in- stead that the time has come when the Hydro should depart from its strict basis of power at cost and should `charge rate which would-help it to provide for its own expansion and keep it from always consum- ing a large share of the Province of On- tario s credit in the finance markets. coMMrrs ARSON UNDER (moans .MAN- IS GIVEN SHORT JAIL TERM u an: Aalvulllco .Undoubtedly the enterprise which will be most affected by such a policy upon the part of the Government `will be the Pro- vincial Hydro`. Formerely ordinary ex- tensions of its present system and without any provision for new departures, the Hy- dro will require $12,000,000 annually from `the Government for_ the next-10 or '12 years. ` 'l`Ln`u.u.. -0 LL- ______ 4.1: - asnmr, DECEMBER 13., aaeulvo The policy which the present Cabinet intends to embrace `instead is one of debt ,'retirement. Public services which are nec- essary on a large scale, such as good roads, will be paid for as they are constructed out of taxes levied directly for that pur- nose. The Province, in short, is to be made to live within its income. `It, ,I I . n . I . vu yvuuuucua PJVUH ll Une Crelto 01 the Province would stand an expenditure of $160,000,000 within the next four years, they point out, such a debt would -bring the Province's annual interest bill up over the 822,000,000 figure. YIVI... ._..I:-__ __,L!,I, .1 - -- -- yuuuu uenu un:,w1uuus nyuro Sl0g8Il 0! "power `at cost" must go by the boards 1:. I-favor c-{"11 policy of rates that will provide ` for fl!!! system's future need.of extensions. Good toads, too, will cease to be a charge upon the province's debentures and credit will we financed instead by taxes` levied on their account upon those who benef`t.mn.st . from their use. These changes are not ll- able to be brought about at the next ses- sion. Theold order cannot beremodelled in -a day, and it is almost certain now that the presentiGovernment will bring in `none of these radical changes during the coming session of the House. Their details. how- ever, are already being worked out and ~ they are policies which will be given effect within the next year. ' .*Plan Debt Retirement AThe essential feature of the situation which the Provincial Treasury faced when _ the Ferguson administration fassume of- fice was a debt swelled t'o' some 270 mil- lions of dollars. Carpital expenditure upon behalf of roads, Hydro, and other projects, was reaching the enormous sum of $40,- 000,000 and annual interest charges of up- wards of twelve million dollars had been loaded upon -the Province. The ministers of the present Ontario Government are of the opinion-that this pace decidedly cannot be continued. Even if the credit of the Provlnmi. wnnld afnm-l an ....-.....l:....- -1.- p nun` }.|lu`pUb`8. . - I The decision which the Government. has { practically reached in the `matter, The Mail 1 and I er.-1;-ire` learns, is that, the Province has ~ [came to the parting of the ways. that from `this time forward` public service` projects . must finance their `own expansion- or` else be. paid fr-r" by specific taxes on '-heir ac cnunt. which will not leave them a charge up\m- the credit or future of Ontario. 31 I _ ,. .-- --- .. v. owl/wow vn vnluuzluo . Such a decision carries with it the intim- ation that the,fan1qus Hydro slogan of "nnwpr 2.1` nnat mun? on I-m H-m ;`\nI:|I\/Ila .7 yauuv Ul uuruuuclug H1811` nrst budget $0 the Ontario Legislature, and thus they are -being` forced to face squarely the problem as to whether or not the province can con- tinue `or another four [years to borrow annually $40,000,000 Vfo1_-`capital expendi- ture purposes. 'rl1n Ht.-rIa:nv\ nJ\:I-L `LA 5* ` L" (Mail-&i Empire) - . . Just how long a province can continue. to borrow on behalf. of public service projects, no matter how tangible may be their re- turns, is a question which is exercising the minds of the `Ferguson Adrninistratinn. The ministers are within appreciable _dis- tance of introducing their first budget Iafiltllf, nnrl fhlln huni urn Wvme Try \to Keep `Province ` Within Its Income; Higher Hydro.Rate's Likely. cow. P1LANNINGf DEBT RETIREMENT _ . . . . - - o on IIJU patterns, boxed, . . . . '. 50c "1 * ` RAILWAY Xcclozurs VITAL STATls:I4l-40$ ,u.au~acu. uu we cnurn as 2,100 tatnoms deep, or a little more than" three miles, was in fact only a litigle` more than three-quarters of '3 mile down. The obvious_ gxplanation vrurluul Ur UUEI-\N'5 NED V _A cable repair ship near St. Helena re- cently reported that the cable at a point marked. on the chart. as 2,700 fethoms deep, nor than" three milm 1.... :. ` cvcu n 3171120! men In one smallest township. The reading of the text of the measure a created a stir in the senior house of the French Parliament. Senator Labrousse ob- served: "We" have been taken unawares. I move that we only pronounce on this bill when each of us shall have had time to have three children.'. A majority of the senators agreed and refused to give the measure immediate consideration. -u-v_l Ilrtvlp Ilrlll-III'\C.l Otherwise a Man Cannot Be `Elected to Office if am Passes J Paris, Dec. 5-Senator Massabau, con- l-cerned at the deficient French birth `rate. .1 has introduced a `bill providing that no man can be elected to public office unless he has at least threepchildren of `his own or adopt- ed. The effect of the proposed law_ would be to make such men as Premier Poincare, . Aristide Briand, Rene Civiani and Louis Barthou ineligible for the public service even as select men in the smallest township. reading of the text nf f.lII: rnnnanI\n ma, wucru we young woman was buried. The ornaments, says the. New York World, represented doves swinging in golden. hoops. The miniature birds were marvel- s ously wrought; the feathers were of gran- lulated gold; the wings and breasts were, enriched with bands of color supplied by in-` iserted gems, and precious stones gleamed like tiny sparks for the.eye s. Dsiatiest. of all. the tail feathers were so finely made and curiously adjusted as tojmove at the slighi- est motion of the pendan-t loop, so that whenever the proud wearer tossed her head the two attendant doves seemed to balance [themselves upon their perches as live birds balance themselves when swinging on a bough ` ` 1 __,, , -. _..---u uy-nu-v |.r\nnl~lIll-3 Not so longago particular women did not wear earrings; the -thing ' was not done." "But fashion has danced round again, and now the earring is as common an article of jewelry as the bracelet. 'Few :if any of the modem trinkets can surpass in haste `and delicacy the earrings of Biote, ithe daughter of the famous `Greek philoso- gpher Aristotle, which were found in Chal- cis, where the young woman buried. The nrnnmhnfa mm. 41.... `.\T-... v....1- smrrme or OcEAN s ggn nnhh: rnnnhn 1-L:-. .u..... 5.4. A GREEK GlRL. S EARRINGS .1. __ I-___', . - Lack` 'c;f advertis- V

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