Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1923, p. 19

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of us, (1 are e fam- Boots, will tthat L ONTARIO 7'59; ks! color. XRGE mv H cheap 65 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Pure brod Holstein cow, 5 Vyrs. old, with calf at foot. - Pure bred Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, with no`: 1:! {An} IUIU UIUU LIUIDVUIH UV", V JAE! VIE "AIM- calf at foot. ` v Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, due by sale. Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, due Dec. 22. * Holstein cow, 4 yrs. old, due Dec. 24. Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, clue Dec. 26. Pure bred Holstein heifer, due December 18. Purebred Ayrshire cow, 4 yrs. old, with no" `of. `Ant tun: u_n7u nyuu calf at foot. Ayrshire cow, 6 Ayrshire cow, 5 Ayrshire cow, 6 Interprovincial GoodA Roads Conference danger sighs and uniform speed lixwa be de? in Winnipeg recommended that ` uniform clared essential. . Sale at 1 pm. Auction Sale ` of 17 \ High-Class Cows % Saturday, J Dec}: The B. B.VSH0E STORE WHY PAY Mon: ? Gll"'l' SUGGESTIONS . FROM THIS STORE: ' Fancy Slippers, Spats, Galoshes or a pair of serviceable Shoes for the women. a ' ` Slippers, s0v'ershoesfor a pair of nice Boots for the meri. Slippers, Overshoes andrsolijlp leather Footwear for the ys for de en- paired Nothing makes a girl feel more happy than nice shoes. CHUMS are real shoes for growing girls and -misses. In blackvcalf, tan calf, black -patent and log cabin, just that shade the girls are look- ing for. Sizes from 3 to 6. Prices $5.00, $5.50 & $6350 For the smailer girls we gel! Chums, Classic, the Genu- `inc Hurlbut, and others. 5 c:L:BRA'ri:D MARCONI RAb`Io srrrs P A FQR TAT VERF-.. B.E.ARDSALL The undersigned has received instructions from EIIIILILIQLI VI-Iunxlbnnl 955 hr 1 `re. aura vsanwu Oyovsn whoa ggygygq. WW-:`:ACso `HANDLE WESTINGHOUSE sE'i: AND HAVE THEM IN s'roc1<,$so;oo AND up COME IN AND HEAR THEIR FAMOUS R.Q. LONG WAVE SET \, and are offering these at half the original price:- 1.-Tuner-Detector; this set complete, aerial, etc., with Radiot on UV No. 199 tubes}, . . .V. . . $60.00 2---Tuner-Detector, 201A tu'bes, complete $57.50 _.3--Tuner-Detector and amplifier units; this is their fam ous C long range set. `This set has never before 0 ' sold for less than $200. We are offering this set 0 complete in. every way for . . . . . .` . . . . . .$100.00 We have only 20 of these sets for Xmas. The first 5 or- ders that-come in we will install free of charge. We\wi11 give demonstrations on everyset and guarantee results ---2 4 - LL iii- 1 CO1. T CC.IKhj'Q'I" '3. `RT Rfi 1 1'3 OPPOSITE BRYSON S CONFECTIONERY E*:aeasaz:arma: aa::a:aaau}a:a:aa::aa%aa` to fast. 9 156:, W5-v AT MARR1N"s'YARns, BARRIE ` W. H; MARTIN 0urMotto: Va.lu:o.;d-S:rvi`c'e- calf at foot. calf at foot. due by aalq. to sell by public auction on THE FOLLOWING: W6 hafe just receivd fhe'disttibi1tion of the W. A 'McCONKEY, Auctioneer.- BUY HIM ` oHUMs if you want a7 shoe that gives wear and carries its looks to the end of time with a pair of shoes. In black and tan storm calf, round toe and solid leather- `Sizes 1 to 5% $6.00 pair Sizes 11 to 13% $5.00 pair Other lines of Boys Boots- Sizes 1 to 5% .. $2.75 to $4.85 Sizes 11 to 13 . . $2.50 to $3.15 We sell Astori`a`and Dr. Reed's Cushioned Soled Shoes for Men. Ayrshire cow, 4 yrs., dueiby sale. Jersey cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh. Ayrshire heifer, due by sale date. Durham cow, 4 yrs., calf at foot. Durham cow, 6 yrs., calfat foot. Durham cow, 5 yrs., due by sale. The above are all reaLgood milkers and anyone wanting good cows should be sure toattend this sale. - All _.ill I... nl\`A uribiunul-, Iumnuun - Terms of Sale--6 month` credit will be given, to parties furnishing approved joint notes." 6 per cent. off for cash. [F9RAT;!*AT_3Y awanu villa anus. All will be sold without reserve.` Tuesday evening, Dec. 4," U.F.0. Club and U.F.W.O.t met at the home of Mccuaig. This being the annual meeting o both clubs there was election of ' officers and other business to be done. The officers of the U.F.W.O. wereeall re~elected for this year. U.F.0. officers are: president,'Robt. Caldwell; vice president, Neil Mccuaig; secy.-treas., Alex. Graham. At the close of the business, a joint meeting was held to read and consider some thirty resolu- -tions which are being. brought up at the convention held in Toronto this week. The meeting then closedvinthe usual -manner. Next meetingis to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Walker Caldwell on the even-' ing of Jan. 3. The reports from delegates attending the convention will be given at this meeting. (Eur!-Erin fl}-nn9vD:n~ AnaI\:n:n`:I\-u -1. LL..1.. uuu: uruc uug, Guthrie Beef` Ring Association at their| annuallmeeting last year decided to hold la banquet to mark the 20th anniversary of the organization. This function was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Camp- bell on the evening of Dec. 7, with a good attendance of members and their wives. After all had partaken of a sumptuous supper, the B.-R.A. held their annual meet- ing to appoint new officers. 1923 officers were re-elected. Alex. Graham `gave a short address and W." M. Campbell presented Norman Campbell with" a gold signet ring from the members as-a slight token of ap- preciation of_ his very faithful service as president for the past twenty years. Mr. Campbell, although very much taken by surprise, thanked his friends in suitable words and expressed good wishes for the future. He hoped that good co-operation would continue to mark the Association. Theremainder of the evening was spent in social converse, some enjoying a few hours ' of dancing to the violin music. All went home havingspent a very enjoyable even- ing. $2.00 `$2.50 $5.50 $2.00 . 50 $3.50 $2.50 $1;75 'Dec.. 11..--Mrs. Jane Jacques of Ford? wich spent last week theguest of her sis-= ter, Mrs. Joseph Cook. ` I It In 1 vv . A an -. `....-, ----.... vi-vvroq vvv--u Mr. and Mrs. Charles H;n-ton of Big Bay Point spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. lForrest Wall`win. ' II- .-_.I II ... II? VI? TI___-. ,,,,, L 1'1 ...._, `u--.. unnvnlwow my ...uuuu uurvuvnvbll Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Coutts on the arrival of 3 Baby boy on Dec. 9, at;the R.V. Hospital, Barrie. Mrs. W. H.` Miller has returned home after spending a month with friends in Toronto and Sharon and is much improved - in health. u':-- 11-1.4 nuns- -1 n____:_- _,,,,,. .1. WC8K'8l1(1 WWII 1181' parents. " Mrs. Joseph 0.001: `is visiting friends in Br dford this week. . ' ~ 8 11:-.. n__:- |t..n_.._I--.. L..- _-a....._-.: |___;_ VUIJ WEEKS JUI/u Miss Florence Lynn has returned after spending a-few days with friends in Tor- onto. in !\,,,,,!II, I\,,,,I ,,, ,,,.- .1 I unlit). Miss Drucilla Poucher spent" the week-A end in Toronto. _ `I... ;L`.._..I- f\.._-.. ...-L __2LL - ---.._- ___!... um: 11] auruuw. Mrs. `Frank Orser met with a. very pain- ful accident on Saturday. As she was re- moving some pans off the nails at the. top of the cellar, she slipped and -fell down the cellar`-way , breaking three of her ribs, also. receiving other bruises. She is doing nicely at present. T}. in runs-I-ninlu `inn unnarluau `An 4-L3; `kn; Dec. 1{.;m.} ogi. 'vr7..;."r.eigh o are ape ding a few days in Toronto. !IIL._ r__I2,_'l AS.` ,1-' .1, vs -. 1 III ,1.- L` UILCBII VV llllWHl| Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyce spent Sun- day `with friends at `Essa Station; - Ill HUGI Ull - Miss Mabel Wattie of,Ba1-rie` spent the \ week-end with her parents. `IL- r___AL l`I_-I_ 3, _, ugh 9,,-, 1 $4.00 5 $4.50 $5.50 lunauwru bum wuuzs. _ Miss Ennie McCracken has returned home- from the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, and- is doing as well as can be expected but is `very weak yet. Mk: wlnrnnnn Txynn has unhn-mgr` nflmvn uwmy up pruauul.-. V It is certainly fine weather for this time of the year. It will help ahprten the win- ter months. ` ` |"l""`,B "' "' ""J " ""`"`""` . The Ladies Aid of the United Church were` `entertained at -the home of Miss Nellie Smith. After the business was trans- acted `a social time was spent. Miss Atkins is in Toronto for a few days. Mrs. Tate is in Barrie with her baby, who has to undergo an operation.` - I Il'_Il'!__,, ,p A,, ',,u,1 -_ "7niaa"uiaaI."&?'oI a2'1'mea on friends here last Tuesday. MI and I-a` nan II an:-I I've` `(lawn IIJUIIUH JIUIU ICED Luuauuy. Mr. and Mrs; Rm, Mr. and Mrs`. Adam and Miss Adam spent Sundaywith Mr. and Mr`a,._ Feltljowg. -~ ` ____. --.__I__-L-_1 AL- _-_._2,_ 2_ LIIIB I I.` UHUWB n :Rv. H. Berry conducted the aelhrioe in` United Church last Sunday evening. HQWKESTONE MIDHURST - tw-v . 25c $1.25 50 $1.50 $6.50 uuuuny vvuu Duuyuer Aneuus. Several Orangemen from here attended the annual meeting and election of officers on Monday evening of `L.O.L. No. 452, Barrie. 1 n_n_-_. I.-- 1_,_ ,_,,a. -n u . - .'. UU UV BIUUHU. again. The entertaniment given by the scholars on Friday evening was a. success. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Miss Elliott,l the teacher, for the efficient. training of the scholars. A large number of- boxes was disposed of and many more of such dainty boxes could have been sold. Dec. 12.-Mr. and Mrs. Storey and fam- ily spent Sunday with friends at Elmvale; Mr. and Mrs. Haverson and family spent Sunday with Stayner friends. RAIYDIIIII onnnnnmnn `n(\vv\ Lu... ..LL.....l....1 I-151115. l J. Botham has been quite ill but is able to be `around again. A nnf-nu-fonrnnn4 nhvnn kn Hm` gmludnua The New a`%to)o Sedan coup MO`l`_OR COMPANY-OF CANADA. um-reo. FORD, In the New Fordor Sedan the well-known Ford sturdiness, dependability and economy have been combined with a degree of convenience and renemenbthat. makes this the most remarkable closed car value ever ored. ` The front s rat in this new - model is of the full-width stationary type. Four doors are provided, affording easy access to front or rear from either side. .Upholstery and appointments are of a quality and complete- ness hitherto obtainable only in cars of much higher price. You are cordially invited to inspect this remarkable new car at the nearest Ford dealer s showroom. . I Coupe, $665 Fordor Sedan, $895 ` Ebclrlc Sfdln] and Llghllng Equlpmenl Standard on than models. Touring Caf. $445 Runabout. $405 Truck. $495 l.'L-a.:.. (':..u... --.l I 1.1.0:... l.`...:..-...a IR: nn -..:.. Bmna MOTOR CAR co. .506 `any. sy nu.-no-amount) V I combos. Ekeldc annI.l.`lgIWng Equipment .00 extra. Prleeef.o.b.Ford, Ontario. CovemmentTa:nesextra. A II Ford models may be obtained through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan Voman -cfzs 7 TRTJCKE - 'rRXc'r'ons- 77- 11 (From Another Correspondent) Dec. 1l.-John Ferris visited his daugh-i ter, Parkhouse of. Kingston, for a' short time recently. n..k.,..+ n............. :;. :.. 'r........+.. n.:.. .......1. DI-IUI II IIIIIIU IUUULI Ill 0 V Robert Cameron is in Toronto this week attending the U.F.O. convention as dele- lgate from the local club_. an-no} Ann` A` `ruin:-An` :5 kn:u-up I-nirnn EGLU IIUUL IILIU IUUGL UIuU_o . A great deal of interest is being taken in the question as to which road should be taken over as a Provincial road, the Penetang Road or the Mill Road. Your` correspondent fails to see why the latter road should not be chosen as East Simcoe already has a share of the Provincial Road. -nIIhf'lnn anbunnl bane nlurntyu `nnnn n`-hr` C1165, 115$ 5 BUKIIU U1 IIIIU Il U\"II.|U1ul I\UlIUo 'Cundles school has always been noted for the Shed concerts giten by the chil- dren but b the entertainment provided.by the scholars on Friday egening of last week was unanimously voted the best for a be used for payment on the gramophone now in the school. After the programm-2 was rendered Geo. McDonald of Barrie mounted the platform and disposed of the long time. Proceeds of the evening willl New Ford Prices `.CU.ND.'-F-5"; lladies boxes at good prices. A hearty vote [of thanks was tendered to Miss Elliott for :the' splendid programme given as the train- !ing of the children involved a great deal of work on her part. 'l"1m Inna` TTWQ (`Ink noun An:-.n blue!- The local U.F.O. Club are doing their part to provide entertainment for the com- munity during the winter months. A de~ bate will be held on Friday evening of this week, the subject being, Resolved that Western.Canada has done more for .the Prosperity of Canada as a whole dub ing the last fifty years than has Eastern Canada." The affirmative side will be taken by H. Shannon, C. Miller, C. Fer- lris and H. Plowman, while the negative will be upheld. by K. Cameron, A. Pearson, H. Pearson, and Mrs. Plowman. The de- bate promises to be warmly contested and each side appears confident of winning. [UL WUl.!\ Ull LICK [JI{IJo Chancellor Hadley, of,Washington Uni~ versity, at St. Louis, Mo., announced that plans are being worked out to enable de- serving students unable to pay to obtain D university education free. 'r1i'I7:

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