111559 LUUIU WUS ll guuu ZIULCIIUHHUU. - . Last Monday evening in the basement of. the Burton Ave. Methodist Church the Young People s League were treated to a very interesting talk, illustrated with lan-' tern slides, by the pastor,` Rev. S. M. Beach, portraying the ancient life of 'Ja-? pan as compared with the present life.i There was also a short programme of sing-i ing and music. ' At the annual meeting of Royal Black lPreceptory, No. 601, held in the Orange. Hall, Burton Ave., Wednesday night, the; following Sir Knights were elected to the re-I spective offices :-.. . ~tp.p_.Anm..+ p..,m:m... 1)......,.\-..... ml 3 _ Royal Black Knights Elect After the business, an oyster supper was servedfollowed by speeches and music. the `meeting proving both successful and enjoy- able. - T |t___|_ :______;_-_-_ ___,_,._,,_LI ,. .1, , I , WIGICUUC KJIIEICJ LED lICUUlJUU1 u ' I Wlllllxch fegret lwas expressled at the absence, through illness, of Sir Knight Albert Pad- dison, Past Preceptor. l A meeting of the Barrie Badmington Club was held at Trinity `Hall, Tuesday evening, when furt-her arrangements were made` for furthering this popular sport in` Barrie. Jack Boys, President of the Club, occupied the chair, anda number of mat-I ters came to the attention of the meeting, It was decided that the waiting list shoulda be limited to twenty persons, and appli- cants will be received in the order in which their names are turned in. i ' A ..,.'..2..I -...........24.L _ _ _ . _ - -L-_-_ ;- UMUII llK1lllC GIG lIlll.l_lCl.l Illo A social committee was chosen to arrange for the social gatherings during the coursel of the season. The personnel of the com- mittee is as follows:--Mrs. H. A. Sims, Miss'D. Boys, Miss E. Creswicke and Miss "H. Palling. "A social evening will be held every third Tuesday. A nin-nlnnr AF rnlnc nun-A nus-mu! nan -TL BADMINGTON PROVES `POPULAR @&@&@@&a@a&&&a@@&a&a&@@@aa&a@ggmaagaag anus AND BOYS; SLIRPERS AND MOCCASINS 3 -Child:-en sy'elt Slippers, ankle strap style in` red felt, padded insoles, soft "leather soles. Sizes 4 to 7, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . ._ 85c ,Sizes8to10,pair...,.....v . . . . Sizes 11` to 2, pair . . . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . .. $1.00 Indian Moccasin `Slippers, color brown, fancy bead- ed vamp, very serviceable style. - Sizes 6 to 10, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65:: Sizes 11 to 2, pair . . . . . . . .', . . . . . .. 75c__ Sizes 3 to 6, large range, pair c . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Indian Laced Moccasins, genuine buckskin, fancy beaded vamp, a gift that pleases boys and girls. `Sizes 5 to 10, children s, pair, special ; . 85c Sizes 11 to 2, boys and girls , pair,special, $1.65 Sizes 3 to 6, boys and girls , pair, special, $1.95 .-Co1_ning! `Pola Negri in The --Ke.ena_n .& Kennedy havetthe -Get your almond paste at Bry- panish Dancer. A * 50c ; latest hlts 1n sheet muslc and records. son s. It's the best. 45c. lb. 50c ,% 82 DUNLOP STREET` weawmwawawaw@@&&@a@@@@@@&awzwaaawawagwg I Thursday, December 20th On this day buyers and sellers will gather at the market place from all over the County, and as supply and demand at allptimes govern `prices, producers are advised to be on the ; ground as early as possible. QWVEQVQ@@@ `??@@@Q??%'@`5?@@@"V3 ?%W3 ?@@ A 7 Let Us Who Specializein ...\ P 0 WELL v 0. @@&@@@w@w@@wa@@@@@@a@@@@a@@&@@@@@ . Ladies Wear SLIPPERS wi-in EASE AND COMFORT FOR THE MEN ` E Men's `Felt Kosy Slippers; heather shade, padded soles, soft leather outsole, sizes 6 to H, pr. $1.40 Men's Plait! Slippers, with eonilbination felt and` leather sole and heel, very cosy and warm, sizes 6Ato 11, pair .,..'. . . . . . . ._ . . . . . .. $1.50 Men's Brown and Black. Kid Leather Slippers, eece lined, leather sole, easy tting, sizes 6 to '1_1,pair..e..,_...._ . . . . . . . . . . ........$2.25 `Powell - Co. ,1; Offer a Few Suggestions for Your Christmas Giving Clearing Out All Our Millinery ; AT HALF PRICE Saturday, the 15th of December, is the (la y we have chosen to launch this important Sales Event, just atithe time when you can get a full season s wear. Good, new, dependable merchan- dise at a` reduction oil` the regular selling price. Every Coat, every Dress and every_Hat is offered at a saving of from ten to twenty-ve per cent. Be at the store early. V GEO.VICKERS Limited Silk or Wool V ` All boxed I-IOSIERY We have sevefal of our beau- tiful model coats left. They will be sacriced at and Qelow cost. ' J 2e=e2aee:e2&%a!:ra4%re#e SILK SCARFS zzararazatawazsagagrgta PETTICOATS, S L I? S . AND BLGOMERS We carry av full range in `Silks ` ..- and Satins. Men s Mule Hide Hockey Boots, strap and ankle support,.one of the best made, heavy solid soles and spring heels, sizes 6, ton, pair, special $3.95 Boys in the same style, sizes 1 to 5, pair . [$3.35 Ladies I"'ligh71I_..acI'!ockey Boots in box kip lea- Prices range from $1.50 to $5.00 All boxed separately. COATS - MO0RE S% SHOE STORE Ladies" 12-Buvtton Overgaitrs in nest cloths, all colors, to t the slim and large ankle, s'izesT3 to 7,-_specia1_ . . . . . . . uunvv 5: jun - nnrwnuur -onairv All IJ\J-ll A \rLI. uther, f.1ec<.=. lineva; sizes 3Jto_ 7, pair .i .. . . . HOCKEY BOOTS ISEJCUUIVU VJIllUU ' .*I.P.P.---Albert Paddison; Preceptor. G.! ` H. Stunden; Dep. Preceptor, R. A.-Vaugh-. an; Chap., Garnet Soules; Registrar, Jas.l -W. Munro; Treas., Clarence Srigley; lst `Lect., 0. Hooper; ?md Lect., W. A. Ar-l lnold; Censors, .L. J. Allen and C. Arm- 'strong; Standard Bearers. F. Longhurstl land Allan Watt; Pursuivant. Ward Cole;: `Tyler,V S. _N. Hurst; Committee Men, C- M. G. Smith, H. G. Robertson, Geo. Les~` lie,` H. Kirby, James Leonard, R. R. Stor-_ ` ey and R. `W. Taylor. | These were duly i_nstalled by Sir Knight` Clarence Srigley, Past Preceptor. ' \ Affnr flu: lxnalnnacr an niialnr nnnnnr Inna