Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1923, p. 12

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. [NIGHT SCHOOL, Barrie Business College, `Monday and Thursday, 7.30 to 9.30. 42tfo $10.00 REWARD given for information leading to conviction `of party- who out rope on agpole at 170 Dunlap St. Major J. Rogers. - 50p SPECIAL REDUCTION for Christmas sales in all hosiery. Also new line of yarns in all colors to make up Christmas gifts. Printed instructions given with `A lb. sales for latest styles in sweaters, toms; eoarfs. Special care given to ordered goods. Boys` warm stockings and mittsysooks and'stock- ` inge refooted, etc. .1`. Plett Rose, 52.110- Donald St. Phone 1072. 48-589 HAIR mzmssmo done by Mrs. D. c.' Howard. Bring your combing: `and have a good switch made. 26,Muloaater St. 40tfo U BIA uuuutcu LIUIIDIBQ 0. (lo LVIUIJUUlIGn iphone 116, Hawkestone, R.M.Dl V50c'| Buy Advertised Things _F':rrns For Sale Wood or. Sale _ ,_,,,,_,1 _ _ _ Miscellaneous -IILIIJIVINPJI. \1'l1I\4lJl-`AV VV`l1LV_`.l.I.'llJ, 6 U!` U acres-, close to Barrie, with" some outbuild- ings.` Would lease for five years. P.O. Box 864 or phone 63. 50-52c For Sale :9 100 acres, SV} ` Provincial, High- nlnnll -ants!` kn:-`_` clay loam, Innnha III"-cl only nuuul, mie, rural Examiner ` 44-50p U It 50p .UIIUU 50p| IUIII7 500 `--c'omi`ng: 'Pola Negri- in `."rhe- Spanish. Dancer. ' 5`0c -.--Bryson s Christmas cakes, 45c per lb. Order now. 50c --Dance out the Old, dance in the New Year, at. the armouries. 50c --Dr. J. F. Ro'llit, dentist, `office No. 1 Dunlop St., `phone 450. 48-9p Avnvl-inure In-n rnnrlnuf-at` 4-A cin-ul. TT '5` ADLET COLUMN :3 TVETTT I`T'A?'E'A"AV'A` D10. 1 uuxuuy om, puuuv: -zuu. -so-up Advertisers qre requested to send copy for advertlsements in early next week. 117 7!` 'l .-.Lu......~. J11 .-uL1u...~.- 4.1-... `II: WUUlS- W. T. Johnson will address the Ki- wanis Club this week on The West Indies. - IV}..- ...-....u...L. -I-`.-u. f`I...3.-.4-5...... n.:J-.. IIIIU .IJaLhl.o -'I`he Barrie service shop, Robert- son s Drug Store, is now booking or- ders for Laura Secord chocolates for Christmas. V 48-50c -.-Wallpaper, latest designs, all prices. Exclusive agency for Staun- ton s semi-trimmed.-W. A. Lowe & Son, Elizabeth St. . 43tfc Contractor Garrett has nished the cement -work at the organ factory and has a staff of bricklayers at work rushing up the walls. T.nn:-in .9: (`.n lrunyn nnvnlanun `F1-rlnah Luuxea. ' Give records for Christmas gifts. We have the choice ones for Christ- mas. Keenan & Kennedy. 50c Rev. J. Scott of Holstein ` will preach at Guthrie, Cen-tral and St. Andrew's Churches, Oro, next Sun- day. - W `Toy-:'Dn+-nan kn: Inoan `e n-nvann PUESUSSIUH UINDHC EH11 `UL DHU ,yt:a.r. -Have you tried Billie McBride s sausage? You will like them. Please phone your order a day ahead. Phone No. 766M. & T ' 50c tBandmaster Sylvester` is getting together a tidy little band of stud- ents from among the boys attending the B.C.I. VH1..- 'l)......:.. ............ ..1...\.. `l)..`L....J- 'uml,'. VanPatter has leased his garage to the new Ford agents and gives up possession` atvthe end ..of the year. :.T-Tnvn vnu frib RHHA MnRrin c 1'us1uug- up um wuus. . Lewis & Co. have purchased from Mrs. A. W. Wilkinson the property where they have carried `on their coal business for several years. Tnu Q1-u-nn : ana-vrL+rirn1'nnr` UUSIIIUSS 101' UVU1':l.l years. -Buy Staunton s semi-trimmed wallpaper-22 inches. `wide instead of the old 18-inch. For sale by W. A. Lowe & Son, Elizabeth St. 43tfc ,, Qnun ITAIIYI QQQ of Who n1nuino-_n1'. A. .l.40We 65 nun, mlmuuuuu Din '20UL\ A-Save your $$$ at `the closing-out sale of [jewelry stock at 104 Dunlop St. Prices slashed to clear, every- thing must go.--W. J. Johnson. 50c __T\nvmn `l\Tnur `Vamp : Eva, in the Elllg must. gu.--vv. d. uuuuauu. uu-.; --Dance, New Year's Eve, in the arrnouries. ' Best oor north of Tor- onto,.10`0x50 feet; ve-piece catches- tra; auspices A `Co., Simcoe For- esters. . . .50c Geo. Hill, 15 Sophia St.. brought to The Examiner office a dozen sec- tions of pansy plants covered with fully developed bloom. These were picked in his garden today. _r:..na 4-}n'na-Q for n*m~ig+.mas'! Whv MARRIED COUPLE WANTED, woman tr. act ashousekeeper and man ntd~;3i5L general work in hotel. Apply Box K,I`Exami115e6-. ' c plcxeu In ms garuen wuuy. . -Good things for Christmas! Why worry about-your Christmas baking when Brysons can supply you with such deliciuous fruit cakes, fried cakes .and mince pies that just melt in your mouth? , Order from our drivers and we will do the rest. Phone 26. 50c 71... ..L..Q...... AJ iunlnnnnln nann111+ J.'nmx'4n ULVl`U'lULVl.DIl'l.`Jll nvuuu LU` mu allrconveniences. 17 Sophia St. E. Phone 964W. _' . ' W 500 W11! (10 line rest. rnuue 40. Due The charge of indecent assault brought against Alfred Herrel1'of Orillia was dismissed when the case was heard in the Criminal Court at Barrie on Wednesday morning, Dec. 12, before His Honor Judge Vance. _nmn-mm Vnivncr Rvifnnq T.nria-A. 1'6, 0810: 1.118 .l.1UuuI.' uuugc va.uuc. -Orange Young Britons Lodge,` No. 360, will--hold a concert, box so-. cial'and dance in Orange Hall, A1- landale, Tuesday, Dec. 18. Come and get the worth of your money. Gentlemen, 25; -ladies with boxes free. : 50c M-TW_hen -gi_vi`ng lchvocolateg fog Iree. UV --When -givin chocolates for Christmas, think of Laura Secord and place your order early at the Barrie service shop, Robertson s Drug Store. opposite Post Office. 48,-50c _-The Christmas entertainment of Collier St. Methodist Sunday School- will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 19. Christmas drills, dialogues, tableaux, songs and many other fine attrac- tions will constitute the programme. Everybody welcome. . 50c --Good things for Christmas! Why worry about your Christmas baking when Brysons can supply you with such delicious fruit cakes, fried cakes and mince pies that just melt in your mouth? Order from our drivers and I we will do the rest. Phone 26. 50c A; rI1..u......L..... `n... (2 `(X7 1' AH, TO R1EN'I`-Coxnfm-table four-roomed apart- ment; conveniences. Phone 797.)`. 49-501) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS to- let, ..u.'..._................. 1'! .....1.:. Q4. 1:`. `nlmngr V V _ [NOTICE I - . Aeeounta owing to the Stroud Telephone 00. must be paid on or before December 31, 1923, as -books will be closed on that A `n FA qt, Lac idate 49-sic , BOAR-DERS WANTED by day,` or week. ' A -..I-- ll` .4A'1!r....I.... H6 `luv-I-:3 ` lR_K1 n WANTED-A warm bed~sitting room; or 1 bed . and 1 sitting room. single man, Allandale preferred. Apply to Box B," Examiner office. A 50p DUAIUJDIVD VVn.uI.'1`1I.l uy uuy `Apply at 44'Woraley St., Barrie. ROOMS T0 LET--Two unfuinished rooms with all /conveniences. Suitable for light housekeeping`. Apply at 22 Vespra_St. 50p we W11! (10 Lue 1'68! ruuue cu. am; At Tottenham, Dec. 6, W. J. Aik- ins, a farmer of Adjala Tp., was ar- raigned before -Magistrate Jes in police court, charged with doing bod- ily harm to one E. A. Wilsonyhis brother-in-law. Accused elected trial by jury_ahd he vvas granted ban of [$500. _ ' . "l`hn' nlnmni-an i-Mn 'PnnnIn n- met uucn Luuliauau auu uuu. avauunay. 1: - illy Girdwood, aged seven, son of A. R. Girdwood, principal of the Collegiate, while playing tag with his schoolmates, Tuesday afternoon, fell from the-schoolyard fence and suier- ed a" broken arm between the wrist and elbow. The injury is very pain- ful just now, but theboy will soon` TGCOVET. f\unL;.n "An!-ns Finns Q10 Kn` nn qaouu. The charter for the People's Co- Operative Company has arrived and ameeting of the shareholders is call- ed for Saturday evening at eight o - clock at the Co-Operative Store, Dunlop St. Officers will be elected at this meeting and other business discussed. .4. ...u.. ..'I..u..u.J canal-A and 13~n1v_ GISCIISSEQ. , -Get your almond paste at Bry- son s. It's the best. 45c lb. 50c 1'T...`I.... LL- nuunuinauu A0 J-`an Twila recover. I -Quebec Heaters from $12.50` up at W. A. Lowe & Son's, Elizabeth Street.` 7 ' 43tfc SOYYS. IVS nne Desk. -soc nu. uuu Under the auspices of the True Blues and L.O.L. No. 452, a euchre and dance was held in the Orange Hall last Thursday evening. The prize-winners at cards were as fol- lows :- Ladies, Mrs. Arthur Lowe. Mrs. Oaks and Mrs. Elston; gentle- men, J ack Marshall and Jno. Mackay. `D:IIu I11`-nurnnrl nan:-I anvnn nn LOCAL NEWS TRzt_>oms and Board WAN'I`ED-Good hard maple at $30.00 per thousand; also 4-ft. maple in the round at $15.00 per cord. If you have only small lot, co-operate with your ' neighbor and load a car at your nearest station. State quantity you will have in flrstletter. Ap- -ply G. W. Hickling,vBox 1096, Barrie. Phone 970w. j V 49.50;; A. PURVIS, Treasurer... ' nu: BARBIE" axamuan uuuay ouuuu: day, Jes, ' ne a . ristmas! stmas ply S, ; up alatynmva onrr 432:; 3% SHOP EARLY Grey Bone Hair Pins special value at M H 41, ch- f - 1 1 .......... .. 121'/zc and 25c Pk8- .".7 . .5 ? . ..'. .'..7 .s`i3`3,a3V?o3esiE Grey Back Combs, special . . 40 each 20c, 3 for 50c, 25c, 50c and 65 ea, / / 1 E writing Pads -- 5c.1oc.15c and 20c a':f?5ii"1FJ$fe1.2g;;.a'si.sa'.;;. 5 ST PEEUPLE -8ea.son tickets _for the Mammoth ice A rink are now on sale at the` rink and at Robertson : drug store. What better Christ-. gznds present `for your girl or boy? 49-51cl u---u-x nun -r nnnuus In Angus Orange -Hall, Dec. 19, 1923. Mixed dancing. $1.50 couple. McKeown s orchestra. J. McFadden, oor manager. -J. F. McKeown. UUUII UUllllHg Ill Uuu. Fisher Flour Mills are nishing up a warehouse which will have a cap- acity of 2000 bags of our. This is in addition to the feed warehouse "which affords storage for 3000 bags. A drive-shed for horses also has been built. The mills have been running night and day, large shipments going to Montreal, besides taking care of local and district demands. ' VV AL` 11311] -" UUIVULLVU D.I.\JLV1_'JD,' gnu weight, price, etc. Box 152, Elmvale. * V M A 50-51p R. G. Houghton of Barrie was el- ected a director of the Ontario Bee- keepers Association at its annual meeting. held in Toronto, Wednesday. "Besides Mr. Houghton, Allan Hutch- inson of Barrie attended the sessions. Mr. Houghton opened the morning session with a talk on outdoor win- tering of bees. DI1uun Dnwuin nap` mun Ag...-1.`...-...... ucrulg U1. uees. Russell Perrin and Wm.- Anderson, two of the men convicted in connec- tion with the Draper hold-up, were- committed for ve years to Kingston at the Toronto police` court, Thurs- day, for stealing a `car belonging to Geo. Howe, the term to run concur- rently with the sentences theyreceiv- ed in Orillia recently. _ ?wHnvn Ta Mu TIT.-..-1. -.w:n.-n Dan cu Ill Llllllld 1'UUUIll;I.yo -Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight? is the title of a big picture production that will be shown at the Capitol- Theatre on Friday and Sat- urday. McQuinn Sisters Novelty Orchestra will also be an attraction and Manager Morrison promises a high-class entertainment to all who attend. V ' .50c Despatches in the daily papers tell of pansies and other kinds of owers` abloom in December. Barrie is right in line with such unusual products of the garden for this time of `year. Pansies, English daisies and -dande- lions were picked in town this week, and some of the small fruits have been coming" in bud. `Wuhan 1314-\u~n M -HI. nun Rah-`lniouu um Handsome Bath Towele, white, with pink, white with blue, white with I yellow, white with mauve, and easy priced, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 each, and $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 `a pair Linen Bath Towels, 20x46, $2.50 pair Large White BathiTowe1s, 22x42; these ___..1.. .._.- .._-1..... -...1..,. -4. monn _._-.. lnainlaw vvluli-\n cannon: nvvv yaw, a-4-an u-, v---rvv towels are extra value at $2.00 pau- Round Cushions, nicely covered with silk and satin, colors green and rose, special value $2.50 and $3.00 White Wool Blankets, also White and blue checks, ne _quality, easy priced $7.50, $8.50, $9.25, $10.00, $12.00 White Union. Cot, Blankets, 33x44, easy priced . . . . . . . . .. $2.25 pair Children s Picture Books, extra value .' . . . . . . . .' . . .'5c, 10c and 25c:each "' You should see them. Children s Picture Handkerchiefs, easy priced . . . . . . 5c and 10c, 3 for 25 Nice Dolls, dressed and undressed; the prices, 25c, 39c, $2.25, $2.75, $2.98 Ladies Parasols, nice handles, easy sat-:nn.-I Q9 `U: ml f\(\ __..I `.1! III` ' "Hc'ed' .'.".'T Papeteries in ,__-__-- --- ___vv ~v--vu, - ............ .. 25, 5oE"n'&"2 . . 5c, 10c, 15c 20c Pins, 101/- __._`I nrl, I BALL AND SUPPER nice boxes, easy priced OE`. En- ___.I nu-J, m&*w&m&&wm&$&w$: .2. '. nu nun an! IIIIII :4 $3.25, Annvv n a L s I l\uIl\r GILQ $4.00 ancui THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES No. 2 Fall Wheat (new) . . . . . . . . .' . . . 95. Oats (new) .'. . . . . . . . . . . ..- . . . . . . 40-45c Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-60c Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-75c Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . $1.40-1.45 Buckwheat . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c Hay, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00-12.00 Butter per pound . . . . . . . . ._,. . . . . 40-43c Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 65c Chickens, spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-25c Potatoes, per bag 75c Lamb skins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-85c Horse hides .. . . . . . . . .........$l.75-3.00 Horse hair 30c` Beefhides ........ .o5c| Saturday, Dec. 15.-W; H. Martin, at Martin's Yards, Barrie, auction sale of 17.high-class cows. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A._ Mcconkey, auctioneer. Monday, Dec. 17.-W. R. `Ferguson, 47 Sanord St., Barrie, auction sale of household furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Moconkey, auctioneer. Tuesday, Dec. 18.--J. A. Slack, lot 5, con. 4, Oro, 2 miles north of Edgar, farm `stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. Wednesday, Dec. l9.--*Bariliff s sale of farm stock and implements at lot 22, con. 7, Innisfil, farm occupied by S. H. Whit- ing. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer. -All sizes in linoleum rugs at W. A. Lowe & Son's, E1izabeth=St. 43tfc RAW FURS Bought at Highest Prices MARKET sQU1{id-5' Successor to Jon. Man-in BARRIE _111gmKErs CREDIT SALE PERMANENT WORK WANTED by wo- -mnn Avunlu Dav I-Y" n`.vnvn;nnr n'inn Wheat (new) )' . . . .` .................... .$.l..4 o{'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'."s'1<')I lozen spring The Daintiest of Christmas Hand- -kerchiefs will be found here in our splendid assort- ments. Hundreds a n d hund_reds of jhem hundreds them IIIC IJBIIIUCSI UK in assort- to. choose from, and all the best values. Nicely boxed. We mention a few prices- 39c, 40c, 50c, 75c, 95c, 98c, $1.25, ' $1.65, "$2.00 and $2.95 Always dainty as a gift, always pleasing to the recipient and so very low in price that you can remember all of T your friends. ' ' _,..-.-___:_.?-_.:__p i N! and you remember quality, easy priced . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Men's Hook-On Ties, black and color- ed, special value _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Men s Silk Scarfs, easy priced . . . . .. . . . . $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75 __ n n... - __ ..- Men _s B-rushd. wo.1'Mu&1ers, `easy ........,.,.1 $1 our 151 an ____`I don nn nvnh-val 5 1:13:91 \I\In vninnn IV: 0 vs. prized" . . .. $1125, $1150 and $2.66 Men's Umbrellas, special values, $2.75 $3.00, $3.50. $3.75, $4, $5, $6.50 Men's Garters in nice boxes, priced at GE. , ,1 pin _-__.- __.._--_' -_- _---v ~v--vv, ..... 35c';.;a'35;. Men s Armbands, prices 25c, 40c, 50c Men's F ine Cashmere, Wool and Silk Socks`, easy priced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . En- HE. 101 nn 01 411- I an -A Ill .. G0 02.. ' FHJIVUIIULV EJLV 1 VV UINIX VV 1 LIEU Dy WU` man. Apply Box I-I", Examiner office. 5011 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1923. With General Merchant GRAIN -- SEED -- _COAII Real Estate -- Money to Loan 1 ____-__ - On Wednesday, Dec. 19th, there will be a Bailiff s Sale of Farm Stock and Implements I at Lot 22, Con. 7, lnnisl lat farm occupied by s. H. Whiting. Sale at 1 p.m. V B, Smith, W. A. McConkey, Bailiff. _ Auctioneer. oi; all his 1:ousehold furniture: Everything is nearly new and will be` sold without reserve. Sale at 1\ p.m. W A Mnnnnbnn A ~n1n<|vl'nou anu- -comingx' Pola Negri in The Spanish` Dancer. 500, 3!-1ADY_` `F03 sAN7X in four-in-hands`, nice `at 47 Sanford St., Barrie to sell by public auction on ,1 1 I -s I - - u:-T WANTED CURLING STONES; give nminkb v\I-:nA An. nnv 1 K9 lmlmiynln - .-v..... ..v.u..a.v\.- uuuc an .1. 11. \ McConkey, Auctioneer. The undersigned has received instructions from AUCTION SAIT of H9usehold Furniture -- _v-- Iva tau `Monday, A.;K1R1i7A'iiEK everything Eafon s sell `and some things they don t. Wantedfor 1923 only: Rye, Barley, Buckwheat. ` -__: _._ w. 3. 1fE1gcj.UsoN LEFROY, oN'i*.' `THURSDAY, mi VV. fl. uunruxu I on Wednesday. Mrs. E. Currie. za week with friom M13. Marshall of her daughter, .\Ir.~. Leighton Snidvr. Ida nun} Mrs 11}, S'FRAYvED--Fro1nTlot28, con. 8, Essa, Mo yearling heifers. Finder please notify Wea- ley Martin, Thornton, Ont. 47tfc| hlgutull nunu ; , his aunt, Mrs. Ru}: 1:... I... n`.....: IHB uuuu, nun. unn- Mrs. Jos. Rina` Oro have recm:t'._\ .'Ban'ie. It- rm. n....; .Dl1r1'|c. Mrs. Jos. Dzxvi. couple of \v9ok.~ \ Thompson. 'P('vw::1' re F. I. 1{~|L'1 lllulllpauu. `A x -u .4: Mrs. G. L. B::L:: Dawson St.. TUYHI husband in.. Kin_:z~` ll..- ll] 11 \ nluaunuu An~ um`-..- Mrs. \V: H. .~\. today for No-\\' V spend the (`h:`i.~:n-.: at-nu `Irv-. ter .1! Ulla. l.lL\b LA Hampshire. .<;w: the home of }: Chown. .\Ii:;l.- \l'- .....l \1... '\JIlU\\lI, .'lulhl' _v Mr. and I\`.r.<. announce xhv - daughter. Iiliz.-._'x. B. Pullhmnk. .~-v Pullbrook. of (1 ?take place l)e-cs-1 Mr. and .\Ir.< -f\,L _ A LVllo an am daughter." Russell E New Lrm rtake plan II__ ,___ ULI. o (lll\ Ont.. `ann daughter. Marwuod. wood, Co place the MI` On: KEYS LOST-In Barrie Post Office, Dec. 3, bunch of keys, one. of which` is marked Nash." Finder please [leave at Examiner office. 50p Stroud. On their eldesl Clarence A Elizabeth ] to take pl: Miss"Mu _. l1_._I. lib J.`1Al.lAl.V nip; celery dish w: partner got an `Clark won first `II..- 1'.` \ 11113,. L. . . H: Wood. Mrs. . Jni Maconchy and .\1 -`cu WCIC a.I.|rIn,; guests to :1 lum-'1 shut-t at Gm'(-rm Tuesday. Se'.'<~r;1 ceived invit;x:inn.~ `tend. I'I`YL_ fZ_.l._` P1. QCIIU. The Girls` Clilr. der the. Depurvm successful 3ft`l'Imv on Friday. Dre. '.R..N., and .\Ii.<'J course. were rho- Jones acted as 114 `Smith poured HM: McLean and ML.- _,_,,__ L __,_ -were many other JIIULACZIII 1lI'l AVI1`.` A very htlppy `name of Mr. :1: Davis St.. Tum-I "bers of their fun vited guests met the fortieth mm`. After dinner, xv! there were :n fm `hearty cnngram ; were exp re.~\ I-` two-sc0re _ve:1r.< xv were presented E :and..dancing fillw l a.|.: him. said TL I, ll!` . be he] tion (1 tions STRAYED-To E`/.2 lot 25, con. 7, E35 'umm.l:.... of-nah nillnh innit. L n u v n n n u `An In.- ilpu an 1.` Reeve mpu} pol Vin 60au\`nn pu':uuu;;. J. Crosxmr of. Toronto, a suit ( ~-ather it('n:.<. \\`::.~ I\..L..-. {-3 C...` Q1xt.=ide`t}m t headway was m :1 December .Q0.<. Court HOlL<(` or presiding. ' I (`J-nznnr (1; 'ULlltl llrxlm. n ...~ Dates` fox Tf-vx `fixed xx: fn1Y.s~.\ 'DEC. 14; BPl`\\'-i 'C`,,_!;L ..- T)..'.: UEU. 11 , ur nu VS. Rn ,,_ m. __.._ 1,_ Jlllllll \n`. An: vs. -Sharpe. J :3 Ill: 1 Mr. ASQUITH-~-Tn Mr um! \I r.- H53W`R`l;{:.' '} pita]. Orillm 8, 1923. to TL."-in (nnn IT ,S'l`RAYED-To E`/.2 lot Essa, yearling steer. Owner may- have. same by proving property qnd paying expenses. W. J. Dgampater, Utopla. . 48-50p 4 daughter tn . son, l en(`t:u~.\ Miss Lottie Hospital after! in surgery at lion, Toronto. n......u..- 1).... uuu, LUIUHUI. Douglas Pu: end with his p Ill LU The st >.e held , Mrs. Johnn` wish to t`hanL bars for their and bere_aveme4` I..-.-.I L.__L __ .1` 5811 uere_avem I loved husbancq 1. I13 1'I'(?SlU(.`I beta of the W Church, Alla of thanking . donated to th "-I-'i.'.7":.ai y'q Horpe _ wish . In-auu..L.__ .t L pnvh HIV W IDLI preciation of `t -\nLL_. _`- ---- ynvmuuuu U1. I. pathy shown cant bereavem 'LOST---Horse's halter on Mill` Road, be- tween Dunn's Hill and Barrie, on Saturday night lasts Finder please return to-John `Bemrose, Barrie, R.R. 3. 50p xowcuLLu--~.u Mr. and .\1r.<. berland F} .. KXTPTS-Jn Sunday, Dm- Janxes A. (V \4 'I l\I\Y 71.111 I `:lllC.`l `I-I` rence An}_{u.~' zabeth Ru.~k _nl:a(-0 3 [is "Madge ;e (lucky nu "Friday nig ..... 4:4. 0, luau. u_v Barrie (non ll \ct:_)_c 1 mm I )3} politics 1 rterson nmy . lIJ.....\.... _ . -... ._....a-......... The Presid 5] m... _E LL- Y1. A cclns pm Inland] `UULI. Nu. Ill Co:;k. latter . and Mr.<. Id. 0nt.. :m V` . I , 3 LJCILI I (lay STRAYIED OR STOLEN-0ne black and Jun. Gnu Ln-.nI L...-u.... luuul kl--.1. L....I. ....!4.LI ll|lIIInH\. my `ook. place D(`(.`('I announce 177' \I _._ I 2 cents nor $:--- 'lC|L'l.' and T. .\Iuru Bell of ,,_,,II I DUII Jun} .-\1d(=rnw o conteu . d next 5 ,.. Z- \l Sibhald llL'.\I . I5 .x) :\IO"4] V uunx "nighx 1 l' rag ishor, l3L`lUl'\l`l1llJ LILV U1\IlJl!ILV"\JIIU UHIUK lulu] tan fox hound, brown head, black back with scar on left side. Anyone giving informa- tion will be rewarded. Robt. Mccraoken, Angus P.0. . 49-50p S l`RAY'ED-0nto `lot 18, con. 8. Ease, about October 20, one heifer rising 2 years old. Owner may have eame by proving property and paying expenses. Andrew Corbett. Utopia. \ 48-50p HOUSE AND TWO LOTS-7--107 Bayfield Sf..--nhmm fmv nuinlr gala Annlu J -M 1l|.IU\3L`J nruu LVVU uUl,D"f"l.Ul nuyuelu St.--~cheap for quick sale. Apply J. `M. Dickey, C/o R. V. Hospital. 49p tfc BARRIE LOTSV!'or at-Ie. on Victoria Sta` $100.00 ea,ch,.cas-`A or time. [Address Lew Howe, Box 129, Lewiston, New York. 48-53c` ' UNFURNISHED HOUSE TO LET, water and light. Apply at 16 Caroline St., Al-{ landale, or phone 643. 500 l BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE, new, six rooms, all modern conveniences, good gar-i den. Apply at 50 Donald St., 2 blocks` west of Arxnonies. Phone 6l1r4. 50-55pi FOR SALE-A valuable garden property, 7 avres. good frame house, stable, large, henhouse, orchard and small fruits. Good, state of cultivation, R. B. Anderson. on! the premises, 127 Duckworth St., -North,] Barrie._ . 50p T0 REN'I`--A garage for five months. Ap- ply 80 Owen St., Barrie. ` _50p T0 RENT--Good house'in the village or Midhurst, stable, hen-house, cellar, etc. Apply to W. W. Boyce, Midhurst; 47-52p FARM FOR SALE OR RENT, 100 acrs, lot 3, con. 3, ,Vespra. _ Apply to Mrs.LI. Ward, Thornton. 49-54p uuuwu run. wnulu U11. LU unit` 8|} ZZ Carolina St., Allandale. Apply D. F. Mc- Cuaig, Duulop St., or phone 90114. 50pI - GEESE FOR SALE. Line 605 ring -1. 50p IIU VVI 611r3. . FOR SA4I1E-'1`wo Durham some 8.0. White Leghorn, 1 Bathumt strain. .1. D. Birnie, I run uA'uu;--Pure bred Holstein bull calf. month old, aired by and champion. Korn- dyko Eoho'Butter` o . Apply to T. F. Swindle, Lefroy, nt. 509 FARM T0 RENT----130 acres posssion! Mnrnh `, Annlv R .' rlnvnln` nnuAu_"-Tn:-_! ,.L'nu.Lu. LU \.1'41.V J.--LOU acres, POSSBSSIOXM March 1. Apply R. J. Gamble; Massey-I-Iar-i ris agent, Barrie. 46tfc` HOUSE FOR SALE on T0 LE 1` at 22 (`An-nnnn Q} Allnwulnln An-.I.. I'\ I.` ll. . 18:3. ` LITPLE PIGS for sale, reasonable. price. Apply to D. Barclay, Stroud, R.R..2. Page a IJIVIEJIJ LK oookerela, E..__. T _- mu SALE-Matched pair blank Percheron: ` mum and nnlrlinn umhylu-. anon llu - -run. BALE-Matched pair black Percheron: mare and gelding, weight 3500 lba.. case` 7 and 5. Apply to Jas. J. Orok, Midhuut, phone 608: . ` _ ? 49-50p ibn SA'I4E--Pure bred nou:e1n_buu' calf, Inna-Ha nhl Juan! Inn ....-A -L-.....-.. 12-... 5&&&&w&w&m$&w$a| Page Twelve - ,FOR SALE, calf at foot. ' Apply . R. Burris, Barrie, R.~R, 2, phgxtns Live Stock or Sale` Property For Sale . For Sale gffo Let Buy Advertised Thing; !a* 9n9'[_F #991 Property To Let Help Wanted `One cent a won-d,'.cash, reach insertion` Kminimum charge, 25c); six insertions for the price of four. 10 cents extra when dharged; also 10 cents extra when replies Ire directed to Examiner Oice. . Wanted . UUWIO R150 male birds , Barrie. 50-51p IIIUUO 50? DAVENPORT FOR SALE. Apply to K. Robertson, Painswick, Ont.` - 5 - BARN FOR. SALE. Britton Dunsmore, Crown Hill, Out. 7 ` 47tfo - ` IFOR SAIJE-8 H.P. engine on trucks. D. '0. Howard, 24 Mulcaatenj St., Barrie. 42tfc 500 BUSHELS OF TURNIPS fdr 8316. $8 ---- A-A-- `I7-an nunbn Dhnn WU nuanmm Ur LUIVLVLID zur auw. (pa per ton. Wm. Burke.` Phone 60716 5 PENINSULAR RANGE, almost new, m _.....n .......m:.... 4'... cola Annlu 66 Ennlau MEN WANTED to cut cordwoodr Apply J. Campbell; 7th con., Vespra. 50p .l l11N`1N SU UA`.l:t HALVUD, uuuusu uuw , zu good condition, for sale. Apply 66 Ecclea St. 50p j FOR SALE-34piece mahogany parlor suite-, ...\....I ..mANnn Almi nnnl hnntnr. Phone .l"U1t 5Ams-a-tpleoe manugauy puuur auuv, good condition. Also coal heater. Phone 31.]. T 500 FOR SA-LE--Pandora range, with reser- voir, in good condition. 99 Blake St. 1 Phone 137. - T 50-51p _ FOR SALE--One cutter in A1 condition. One set silver mounted carriage harness, good as new. Apply to F. H. Ball, Shanty Bay. 485% -- _ FOR SALE-An -extra good set of double` driving harness, good as new. Apply Thos. F. Swindle, Lefroy P.O. ` ` V .50p - . CARIFOR SALE-Chevrole,t, model four- ninety. Driven about 7,000 miles. Apply 58 Mary St. or phone 272J. - 49-51p FOR SALE-'6-inch 5-ply 100 feet endless rubber threshing belt, slightly used, $50.09. Apply to. T.A A. Reynolds, Alle.ndale, R.R. 2. ' T ' - 50-52.0 $50.00 WILL BUY ea` triplex auto knitter, as good as new. Ill health will not permit owner's operating it. Price when new $77.25. Apply at Examiner office; 48-51p ---: FURS FOR, SALE--Set of cross fox furs, muff and neckpiece. Price $7.00. May be seen at Eizaminer office. A50p MIDDLEAGED M~A'N WANTED to work on farm and help with farm chores. Gan start immediately. Archie MoDouga1l, phone 606r3l. ` 50c n A-CME COOK STOVE, high back, burns coal or wood. Aiso wood heater and lady's Bun-berry coat, cheap. Box N, Ex- aminer. ' 50 51p `FOR. SALE--6 H.P. gasoline engine, will sell or "exchange for cattle. Owner having purchased larger engine,` has no further use for above. Ernest Love, Shanty Bay. . - C 49-54p ENGINESTFOR SALE-0ne 30 I-I.P.. Bell Portable; one 25 H.P. Case; one 25 H.P., Sawyer & Massey for sawmill work. Small- er `sizes 10 to 20 H.P. New nortable en- aWyUr W U.I.%HUy IUF HIIWIINLI WUl'l\c Dlllalf er `sizes to ortable gines 10 to 100 H.P. Sawmil , new and annnntl Hunt` IA Rnhl-. F`. T. (`.n_. glues 1U 60 um 11.1`. uuwmuw, new auu second hand. The Robt. Bell E 6: T. 00., Ltd.. Seafonth, Ont. 45-50c MIXED WOOD for sale, cut| and split any length and delivered. $12 per load. Apply W. B. Quanta,-Allandale, R.R. '1. Phone Stroud. A 46-51;) WOOD FOR SALE by the cord or in any quantity that will suit the purchaser. at reasonable price. Apply - to Archie Mc~- Dougall, phone 606r3l . ? 50c WOOD FOR SALE-400 cords of 4-ft. wood; also 200 cords slabs, or out to order, 4 miles out of town. Prompt delivery. For particulars phone 40J. _T. E. Emmy, Bar- rie. 48-53p WOOD FOR SALE--.-12-inchor 16-inch, in blocks. or split, mixed hardwood and dry tamarack; sold in any quantities desired and "at a very reasonable price. Leave grders at 19 Vespra 81:. `Yard on Toronto + 50.. FARM FOR SALE-82 acres; brick house, good out-buildings, young orchard. 2 wells and windmill. Water in atabl "5 All in first- class condition." Wm. Mao onald, R.R. 3, Thornton,` 46-51p ZAGENTS WANTED tb cell Polar Dust, the Magic Washing Crystal. . Washes clothes without rubbing. Saves clothes. Saves labor. Lucas Products Co., Dept. D., Ham- ilton, Ont. 46-51p FARM FOR SALE-l00 acres, mixnll l-\II"t':I-Ina noun Irnnyn A` R: L`l'1l.\LVl. l.`\lul\a D3111-ll'J".IUV V105, VIII good buildings, near town of Barrie, mail and telephone. Apply at Exae office. ` 4 |l'Ill\lVl I-'\IL|r U31]-ll.1l"-\Jl|UIUU LUV GUIX,` I-J72 ]lot 15. con. 8. Innisfil, on -way, `good clay loam, all clear, "good build- ings, well fenced. 30 acres wheat. Apply to M. Robertson, Stroud, Ont. _ 46-51p ' . I EFIFTY ACRES in Oro township, 40- acres !cropping land, 10 acres hardwood"bush, lgood frame house, Farm. well fenced. Price six `hundred dollars. J.- A. McLucas. f\_.. ...L....... 11A 'I .l'..---L....J.-_- D II I'\' an.` `FARMS FOR SALE--I have a large number [of farms` for sale. in Oro Township, Simcoe ;County,owith good buildings and well 10- icated. Also good timber lots from six illmiundlxedt dollansc up. Also. a good houshe in aw es one. ome an see me_ or p one `Om 116. J. A. McLucas, -Hawkestone, |R.R. 2. V 500 PHUPOGRAPHS of homes, `outside and inside, groups, decorations, enlargements, etc. Also copies made of` your old valued photos. Martin. 17 Eugenia St. ' 50-51p Unnoismnmo, all kinds; 'Z<:;r;>:ta;t and aqwed; mattresses repaired: auto and buggy tops, tire covers, made and repaired. J._ Baleskey, rear of Simeon Hotel. 46-51p {FARM FOR SALE--Choice 1oo_ il_; 1: _-_. 0 1'_..:_L':I __ n ____ ... iron QUICK `SALE-0ne hundred acres in `Oro township, vSirncoe county, 83 acres cropping land, 17 acres maple bush, large timber never culled, nine-'roomed_ A brick house with furnace, kitchen and woodshed, cistern, good well, new barn, 40x60, ce~ ment stabling, evaporator and 125 sap buckets, fall ploughing done. Four thous- and, fivehundred takes an. Apply to J. A. MoLucas, Oro phone 116, Hawkestone, MAsR:KET GARDEN WANTED, 2 nnrna. nlnnn On `Run-I-in 1:1-`\ nnvnA nur

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