Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1923, p. 6

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BULLDOG sous LEATHER We have given. the above Bulldog Leather a thorough test and nd it the best wearing leather on the market, _ . ' especially adapted for A. w. WHITBY _A. E. wnrnay II A Inll! _ . n - _ `J - jarrie RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS n1'ar1o Scholarship Matriculation, Solo Singing, Music, Art, Conversational French ` emphasized. Outdoor games and sports. ' -Health I-cu-_m-d nvnnllnnlv ' ` um-n'.u..un:ucu Health record excellent, |0.lmmediate Delivery - Any member not wishing to wait until Christmas for his Bruns- wick, may secure delivery at ` any time before then, by ad- vancing the Club payments due up till Christmas, yet re- tain all the Club privileges. ll. Free Delivery - All Club Brunswicks are delivered free. 9. Service-Our service is back of every instrument sold [by us. Should your Brunswick get out of order, we employ experts who can rectify the trouble. ,_ Tewn Fires -- Farm Fires 4- Village Fires -- Mercantile Fi remind us of the advisability of being adequately insured. We have the companies that will cover your risk. "I'__.__ I"\_.__II!,, -, I I` - - "' ` ' 8. Exchange Privilege - Club members can exchange in- strumente selected, if in -good condition, at any time within three months after purchase for a new one of greater val- IID regular Club payments. If you neglect the slight eye trouble today, it may become a serious eye trouble tomorrow. ..- __...- ---., -v...yu.uu.: uuau vvxu I.:UVc.l.' your I'lSK. . Town Dwellings and Contents a Specialty UPTOWN TlCKET~ OFFICE AND INFORMATION BUREAU I`AlI`Al\lAll `lAFI'I'l\`IAI up`.-- -..-..__- ,5. r. A. MAi'.6's_oN - swan FIIVIJ l.11l`\Jl\lVll`\lI\J 'ANAD_ NATIONAL RAlLWAYL THE `DEAD! I.-we nnnu an . n Fl_2EgUElfIT FIRES Name Christmas Club` Grene Music ' 4 Please sent} me full information about the Christmas Club and a Membership Form. 1.--.n_` Ia.nl\Il`f'IIa I\f'IIId` THE PEOPLE'S OWN ROAD For Prospectus apply to Principals Eye troubles --_- _lessening powers of vision V-.are gener- ally of very slow growth. '9/9:LV%1 The name of this store is identied .with good service in high-class musical instru- ments. Not only do the man- ufacturers of the Brunswick guarantee the quality of their phonographs, but we back it up with our own re- sponsible guarantee as well. CALL AT THE STORE OR SEND Tl-HS COUPON OUR GUARANTEE Genuine Brunswick, Style 205,, Oak or Mahogany, with 10 double-sided records---` 20 selections. $2.00 Per Week $157.50 Co., . Barrie. 0. R. RUSK, 0ph.D.. OPTOMETRIST A 43 Elizabeth Street" 'Phone.143 ': BARRIE_ Phon 447W F ire: Limited numbers. 5, 1923 `1f1-x.LxRsDAY, DECEMBER 1 Specialw Hats, Caps, 100 `SAMPLE ( up to $2.30, sulc MEN S & BO`. Marvellas, Velpu or SLOW GROWTH INSURANCE SECURITIES STOCKS The GOOD N your POLICY Only compun Be sure of yo "J 56111.. Mg Sp1end1d V ATI THE PEOPLE'S co.gPE_gzA1IyE. co., L'l`D. Oh I\____I _ A n 9'0 3AY..'_79.."`?" jjnj Children's Fine 80_c pair Youths Fine ' 95 pair Youths Heevy V Red Sole A $2.10 pair C` 3 Misses Fine Women s Fine 95:: pair ' $1.10 pair Boys Fine V Men's Fine A` $1.15 pair V $1.45 pair `Boys Heavy Men's Heavy `V Red Sole Red Sole $2315 pair V 33.50 pair ALL om. nunnnns AREGUAQRANTEED mzsws rnnu Orange, per lb. . . . . Lemon, per lb. . . .j. Citron, per lb. . . . . _Molasses, per qpart Mmce I FRESH - GROCERIES -- ALWAYS CHRISTMAS BAKING NECESSITIES DAIEIRIE . Isnlvuonn . RAISINS V Thompson Sdl s, bulk 15 Del Monte S ded, pk. 18 Valencias, bulk, 2 lb. 35 .Muscatel Rais. 2 lbs. 25 DALSTON i`isher s Star A___. n F:i:r'e-'Rvoses 24-lb. bag $1 .10 .R,HBBER., .,.sUBB@.I3 l3_9 `Dunlap St., Barrie, but; C jT TC` Fisher's .Gold ' Medal- . $3.25 bag Five Roses 49-lb. bag $9 an- . 35` Shelled Ai;1T<);1?is, lb} 35: `Shelled Walnuts, lb. . 58 Broken Walnuts, lb. 15 - Apple Cider, quart- Megt, per lb. 19 V` t J?-T9? ; U"lUa U $2.00` uuvc pruvcu uiuv Lima 18 U18 only remedy. ' The draining of the Phelpston Marsh has been one big mistake from the start, and I venture to say that many more men are under the same impression today that were thinking the opposite a year ago. Instead of any improvement, the only thing `ac- complished is the adding `of- many more dollars to the expenditure. Heavy piling and plank to try and overcome the natural urauc nu uuriuuuu one ulruslllllg DUSIIICSS. -As the days pass by and the time is rapid- ly approaching when the township people will once again go to.the polls; I occasion-I ally hear" certain names mentioned and much discussion in favor and against those certain names, Before that "day arrives would it not be advisable for the ratepayers to look around the-township,` or in fact around` their own locality and see if any) thing has been done that they could truth fully say they were proud of ? If they icon- scientiously areproud of anything done by the presentcouncil, give credit where due. but if otherwise, act accordingly and choose a complete new council. Past experiences have proved that this is the only remedy. draining nf the Planlnatnn Mnkak I-ma wucrr: previously H8611. - g Chas. MeGinnis has completed his con- tract at Hobart, having had his two steam engines running a. portable `saw-mil! there for several weeks. Since returning home he has closed a deal, whereby his grain Mr. Dewsbury of New Flos. He still has threshing outfit becomes the propertv oil on hand the clover threshing outfit, which no doubthe intends to sell, having lost all desire to continue the threshing business. `A: film dnvn mm: in; and Han firnn :5 um-AA. IIIGVIIO i If some of the visiting hunters would! fgive your scribe the tip just; about the time they expect to arrive, they might learn where rabbits and bare abound in large] quanvities, probably a little `closer than where previously seen. (`.h.m, M4-l':hm:= has nnvnnlnluul Ll- ..-.- new The wiringof the housesand other buildi ings in the village, which has been "going on merrily during the past few` weeks, will soon be through and it is hoped the Hydro people will be doing their share of the work in a few days, which will complete the job, and give us the lights. Jerome Shanahnn has had a coupleof electricians from Orillian {doing a large percentage of the work, while Mr. Sutcliffe from Allandale is doing some. So far I have not learned of any others. be- ing engaged,` nor even heard that a.Jew had ever made_ an application in the village. Harry McCarnen, who had the contract of placing the necessary poles in the vil- lage, has succeeded in finishing this con- tract. 4 - i ' ' ; T.--...- _. AL. ,--.- I Currants, per Prunes` T. . Dates Figs . . . . . . . nil Ilia. aunu vu aw up man WCBK. I `Phelpstone extends sympathy to Mr. and; Mrs. Telfer of Elmvale over the loss of their!` son, through the sad accident over a week I I l I -A despatch from . Ottawa reports thel death, on. Dec. 1. of a-former rector of St. Thomas Church as follows; Rev. Charles Edmund Sills, M.A., 72. former priest- vicar of St. Al_ban`s The Martyr,_`Ang1ican Church. died here Saturday night. He was born at Picton, Ont.,' and was descended from an old United Loyalist family of that place. He waslordained as deacon in rthel Church of England, and took this first charge at Shanty Bay. In 1909 he went to England,` and took up ministerial work there. He w_as sent to Lisbon, Portugal, as English chaplain of -the_Anglican Churchl there, and on coming back to London he was appointed to St. James` Church, Pre- bend Square. Islington, where he remained` for nearly four years. .He was prominent in Masonic circles. ' Dec. 3.~-Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mofan of Barrie were visiting relativw in the vil- llage, Sunday. Mia nlnrnnha '.n:nn n1\A;nL ...._A. -2 I-_L lsu, ouuuay. - ` ~ Mrs. Clarence Laing spent part of last week with her mother, Mrs. Burt-, in "Elm; vale. WUVL vale. vcuuo l I am glad to report that Jno. McGinnisVisi limproving ajlittle in health, having been `able to sit up last` week. I Ephnlnatnn nvfnm-In ..un-unntluu A- II. ......I- uuiuw uuwruig uguur in M18 uruua npspltnl. `A social evening was held in. the Hail on ~ Monday of last weeks in connection with the Methodist church. The occasion was to present Rev. S. Martin with tokens of esteem for him and his wife in "the form of a shower of good things. The evening was spent most profitably with songs; speeches, etc. At the close Mr. Martin spoke very feelingly with `reference to the work on the cirouit. - ' ' .l........:.-L 1..-..- t'\L4,,,,. - -I uy quwu u uugu uruwu. * Miss Lettie Hart arrived home from Tor- onto and spent Sunday with herparents before entering again in the Orillia Hospital.` A unoinl nvnnina nmn Mal:-I :n bl... YJ'..|I ....` IUUISIII5 wcuu V The oyster supper in connection with St, Thomas` Church Guild held in theyl-Iall last Wednesday evening was very much enjoyed by quite a large crowd. was I.nf:n nu! an-Juvnpl Rana` C-A... VI`..- Dec._ 3.-Miss Sadie McGili, who ha been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Hill, in the West, -arrived home last week. `James Pemberton is progressing very fave:-abLv in the hospital and it is hoped to have him home again soon. . . Vinfnr "or! mien `:43 fun 9'1.` Tomb 8...... IIIVU vuuu LIULIIU gill! GUI): Victor Hart, who left for the West `four months ago, arrived home last Saturday looking well. 1-An nun!-on annnnu `n nan-..u.LI.... ...3AL GA `FRUITS ..-. -nu. IL Cream of West $3.90 bag Five Roses V 98-lb. bag $3.90 The meeting of the Vl oinen's Institutei will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Watson on Wednesday, Dec. 12. at 2 o'- ' clock. Mrs. Geo. Baldwin will give an ad- dress and Current Events will be given hyi Mrs. Lavender. A contest will be held con- sisting of inexpensive Christmas gifts, each gift not to exceed 50:: in value. Mrs. Mc-g Lean and Mrs. Pearce will be the judges. RAY gHELPsTo7v I lb. . . 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 48 .551: 39c 19 25: 25: 23c 15 mmuwmmumm UIUFU ll! IUUUWGS I Dear Carrie,--We are gathered here to`-` gether this evening in anticipation of the_ happy event which we learn is about to take place in your life and which must necessarily mean a loss to us of a `good friend and helper, especially in the work of the choir. You have long been one of our useful and most faithful members as well as a close friend to a great number of those present here this evening and we all realize what .a loss your departure will. mean. We wish also to take advantage of this opportunity to wish you and your prospective partner through life the great- est happiness and prosperity for your (future. May the step you are taking be the starting point of a long, happy and prosperous life together is the collective and individual wish of us all. We would ask you to accept these knives and forks and carving set from the choir and trust it may prove al pleasant reminder to you of your term' amongst us and serve to express in a slight degree our appreciation of your services -and regret at your departure. Signed on -be- * half of St. Paul's.choir, A. C. `lightingale, E. W. Carr. . . American girls may be like dolls, as a` Vienna `artist asserts, but it is not very often these days that you will find one who. will holler munn. . -Nashville Banner. I It "takes a lot of intellectual steam tol operate 3 train of thougl_1t,-Illinois State Journal: . ratterson were the clele ates to the Women s . i. Institute convention hgeld in Toronto last. Dec` 3.`-Rev` Wallace Jh5t 0f the week. They also attended the Winte: Fair. `Presbyterian h."h `ind Re J` S` St"n' Ursell Slesser, who has been a patient`~Sn .f-the Me.thd's.t h. 1.` exchmged in the Orillia Memorial Hospital, is recover- Ipulmts W" t_h 'A`t S'`di3Y- 3 ing, nice]y_ ` - T 'I _ Lefroy public school" is making prepara- The next regular meeting. of the Women s,t1n5 f0!" 9- Public concert to be given in Institute will -be held at the home of Mrs. ` the 5h.]""} f" the "lE_ 05-Dem -20. Geo, Kigsick on Wednesday evening. ])ec_ The continuation school is also arranging 12. Part `of: the programme will take the!f1' 9 CON`-Wt at 8 late!` date. i form of a Christmas tree, each person to! H.3}'l`Y Tel! Of Orillla has been niIv in8 place a gift on the tree. not exceedimr 8 holiday Wlth his om-ants. e Lulu: U: u. uunauuus tree, eacn person to! place" gift tree, exceeding` the value` of twenty-five cents. A pleasant! evening is anticipated. V vvwu. um uruuucr uh uruwn 11111. I Miss ~Kate "McKay and Miss Elizabeth Patterson were the delegates to the Women `held i TTI-an Qlneanr mkn Ln. L--- .. .....L:__.A. 110:1 K` DC` ' .Dec. 3.Miss `Jean McLean is spending `some time with friends at Jarratt. I M ... `I ..L.. 'I'J'.....:4.L :. _..-._.I:.__ 41.. __z_;.., euuw Luuu wuu uwuus uh uurrubu. Mrs. John Hewitt IS spending the wmter with her brother at Crown Hill. `ll :.... `II..a... "n`..17..-- _.._l 11:__ nuA,,u, .1! vumgu, Lu nu. uuay. 7 Some years ago Phelpston was pestered with the friendly pig, and much was said concerning her. Then came the dark com- plexioned `lady mentioned recently, but as she has been put into safe keeping at last, residents were under the impression they were free from any further pests. but 10 -and behold our premises were again vis- ited; this time being a flock of turkeys who cleaned up everything in sight, and that much completed, quietly ew up in the tree to observe anything else tasty near at hand. Between hens, turkeys, pigs, cows, and horses it seems to be a hard matter to be really. successful with a garden in these` small villages, but no doubt it will always be the same, forthere seems to be the same trouble year alter year. s A frinntd A` nu:-`cnvlxn :Y\`l\I`fU\ vnn 6`-uni BLIIIH`. uuuuxc JCCII IIIIIUI `YURI: A friend of your scribe informs me that from over twenty years sojourn in Alberta, he has been observingthe weather condi- non and. that after a severe winter. out. there the yearfollowing will surely be mild down here,` and vice versa, so that this year we are due for a mild winter.` Guess we won t kick if his prophesy comes true. - . ~ . - - V ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ v - - - - - - - o n o o o o o - - o . - - - u - o - . o . u - - . - - - - a - - - o - - o o o o o o o a T3 623* I - Comer Elizabeth and Mal`? Streets Barrie I U dress read by Isa. lrwln, as rouuws: _ A Dear Carrie,-We, your friends and neighbours, regret to learn of your intended departure from our circle at an early date. It is indeed with mingled feelings of mirth and sorrow we attend your home to-night to bid you what we hope may be but aibriei farewell. Your sterling character and blithesome courteousness have made you endeared by all and have been on inspira-` tion to, all you have `come in contact with. May you and your chosen life part- ner be long spared to enjoy health, hap-" piness and prosperity to the fullest degree in your new home. May you never forget the duties that devolve upon you in that home and may you ever find pleasure in fulfilling those obligations. We ask you to accept these gifts, not for their appraised value but as a slight token of our apprecia-- : tion and esteem, with which is enjoined the good wishes of the entirecommunity. Sign- led on behalf of friends and neighbours, Bernice Green, Edmund Irwin. 'I"lnnu-arlnur nunnlnn Au 9`) Q1` p|lIG . l quickaands will be of no avail, and the chances are ten to one that after next spring's flood, the most of the earth already `scooped out will be back in the ditch. In this instancowhat is your opinion of the `work of our Council in this matter? mL- .._:._.. ......1 ....:1.i .......n...... ..c at... .....La WOI'K 01 our uuuuuu ll! hula 1uuhu:L': , The rams and mild weather of the past week or two and up to the present writing, M are quite a-contrast to the weather in the ` Western States and Western Canada, the mercury there registering .below zero in many parts last week, while heavy snow- falls' have been reported in many places. Isn't Ontario weather all right? (`.1-tuning T.nl-'l>nn Lu: anlrl l-n lnrir-lz rnai. IBHIB UIILHFIU WUIIIILIUF Ill 115110: Charles Loftus has sold his brick resrl dence and property, a little West bf the village, to Ed. Gray. `Rama Iinllfa nan plnnlnafnn TIIQG nifhll Green Music Co y s Annual % % JChr1stmas Club J. M. Greene Music Co.Ltd. The Club is rapidly lling, our previous announcement having brought a wonderful response. The Club will be closed as soon as 25 mem- bers have enrolled. To have our heavy Christmas trade - partially spread over Novem- ber greatly relieves ' the Christmas congestion and helps us to give the advan- tages here shown. Genuine Brunswick, Style 109,. Oak or Mahogany, with 10 double-sided records- 20 selections. $1.50 Per Week Lifnited to 25 Men'1bers---Membership Fee $1.00 7 ' `CONSIDER THE MANY ECONOMIES OF THIS PLAN! DEPUICB UITOEII, numuuu J.I`Wlllo I Thursday evening,- Nov. 22. St. Paul's choir gathered at the home of Miss Agatha Nightingale in honour of Miss Caroline Rey- nolds, to present her with some beautiful silver. An address was read by E. South- more as follows: n--- n......:.. nr- ...... ....n........1 1...... ..- = JOIN NOW $122.50 THE HOME OF 0001) MUSIC Elizabeth Streets, winter." r Elmer Grose of Toronto spent Sunday I with his parents. a uuuuuy wuu 111:! parents. - j A large `number of Lefroy W.M.S. ladies attended `the annual prayer servic-'3 at Stroud on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Bateman of Belle Ewart have moved into the village for; the winter." l`l_-_ lV---- -" "" ' I :..uu'ry usuu ox uruna na '3 holiday parents. i A lm-on 'nnmkm- at Y-4'--- ----- ..r....-...... .7 ....v nvnnvvvnnla \~\4\.An\I\nJ- Dear FrIends-We cannot allow you to take your departurefrom among us without giving you some token of our regard. We desire to record our appreciation of the lab- ors of Mr. Davidson as an officer in the Bethesda church, as well as being'superin- tendent of the Sunday School for 99 number of years. We recognize that With your distance from church and the difficulties of the roads this must often have meant self- denial. We ask you, Mr. and Mrs. David-` son, to accept this electric lamp and heat- er, and you, Lorene, thisivory clock. We regret that owing to sickness in your home we were not able to meet together to pre- ent this as has been the custom. We feel that you will understand that it was through consideration for Mrs. Davidson, as we did not wish to cause unnecessary excitement. With these gifts go the good wishes of your friends and neighbors. - __b not look upon, these gifts for their intrinsic va1ue,i* but consider the spirit in which they are! given. May they ever remind you of your? friends at Bethesda. Our sincere wish -is: that the future may bring to you and yours? Heaven s richest, earthly blessing, health and contentment, in your new home and: may you belong spared to work in the ` Master's vineyard. Signed on `behalf of the Church. Sunday School and other friends,'5 R. G. Gallaugher, R. `J. Eldridge. IN . A _ I 'WCCl\'Ullu wuu Llllbo IIVIHS J.VClBULlo George Squibb called on friends here, Sunday. before leaving for. Rodney. , ,1 `ll',, '1, _E A,, , n 5,, .........,- ..-___- __...-_. . . . . _ . . _ . --_,. Mr. and Mrs. Bates of Aurora spent Sun- day at John Eldridge's. M? an . MWQ W I n`7:AQl\'\ 0'1!` AI`lI`\, On Friday evening, Nov. 28, a large num- ber of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reynolds _and presented their daughter, Carolina, with a miscellaneous shower, followed by an ad- dress read by Ed. Irwin, as follows: nu. nnrvin _.Wn_ w mr friends and uay no IIUHII JHIUIIUEC 3- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davidson and daugh- ter Ieft last Thursday for Aurora, where their son Ralph has a grocery. Friends in this neighborhood marked their apprecia- tion of those departing by giving to Mt. andA,Mrs. Davidson an electric lamp and heater and to Mix Lorene an ivory" clock, iaccompanied by the following address :- ' T\_._. T.`,`, J 111 A 1` Miss Gilmore of Crown Hill spent the week-end with Mrs. Irving Nelson. I 11...... nm.:m. ...n...1 M. ..:....a. 1...... Buy Advertiged Things. Remember -- These Privileges Apply on Every -' Style Brunswick . No SUCH ADVANTAGES ANYWHERE ELSE l.Unlimited selection from any Brunswick in our Showrooms. 2.Cash prices,` with time privi- leges for Club Members only. 3. Egsy terms-Only very small weekly payments. ' 4. Relief |nsurance-Sickness or temporary unemployment en- titles member to privilege of half payment for. as many months as he has previously paidpin full. 5. Ten days free tria|-If dis- satisfied, instrument may be returned within ten days after delivery. All money paid, less cartage charges, will be re- funded. s ` - 8. Guarantee--Every instrument guaranteed to give satisfaction. 7. Deferred Payments Von Rec-- ords--Records are usually sold for cash. Members get a se- lection for which they pny in THE INSTRUMENTS on which you secure. the ex- traordinarily liberal Club privileges. - . THE VALUE of the privileges on such instruments. THE PRIVILEGES themselves. BETHESDA LEFROYW Internationally Famous All Phonbgraphs in One Correct these defects in the- early stages with properly t- ted glasses and you save your- self much time, `much `money, much worry and often serious trouble. ' '

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