Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1923, p. 5

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Wwa Wawava - Most everybody tries to stret his dollar to the point where almost the last penny will buy some useful article. And we assure you that during this sale every one of your dollars will get you-g-not fty, sixty or seventy-but the biggest one hundred cents worth of merchandise you ever bought. V i eMany the bargains we have listed are worth much more than the amount we ask; So it will please you to know that these are at ces offerings. %BL99MER5% AND SW5 JJJIX l\.LV1.l. .l.I.'JlJ V Ills)-LL39 UUIU mauve; and pink. . Wonderful value at, each . . 1 U5 IIIKOI. V an my Dollar Days SILK CAMISOLES AND % BLOUSES Merchandise listed at 2, 3 or 4'for $1.00" may be bought in less quantities at the same low price. Do your Christmas shopping early. Now is the best time and ' here the best place to start. V ` ` DEVLIN S frat .-: BARRIE EXAMINER nu uv Anvv u.....-- v 49c missed by Husband :3;s;'Family !LOOKER--In loving memory of Gunner. Thomas Alfred Looker, who died in Eng- land on December 3, 1917. A0- , TPnl-Lawn TM'ni-has av-u-1 T|`a1-nun TUCK-In memory of our dear fathei-, Thanh-I T "I`n:-Ir 1:11-In nnaantl nmnv nnn, 49p TAYLOR--In loving memoiy of Pte. Edgar -r....1.... 14-mm 94+}. Rnttnlinn f`.,F!_T`-_ l.t1l`1J\Jl.V-'.l.ll 1uv1ug uwuxuxy U1 1 w. uu5au Taylor, 142609, 24th Battalion, C.E.F., who died Dec. 8, 1921. Far and oft our thoughts do wander _ To a grave not far away Where we laid our dear Edgar Just two years ago to-day. The -world may change from year to year, Qur friends from day to day, But never shall the one we love, .From our memory pass away. ' * 49p. 7 --Father, Mother and Family. STRONG MISSIONARY SPEAKER A AT COLLIER ST..NEXT SUNDAY Missionary anniversary services will be ` conducted at Collier Street Methodist church on Sunday next, when Rev. A. Lloyd Smith, M.A., B.D., Associate Secre- tary of the Mission Department of the Methodist church, will be the special speak- er. Rev. Mr. Smith is a strong speaker A and has a firm grasp of the missionary sit- N uation not only in this country but in the foreign lands served by the Canadian Meth- odist church. . Dec. 5.-Misg Jennie Jago is visiting her aister, Mrs. Geo. Young. Mrs." John Bishop has returned after spending a week with Newmarinet and Cookstown friends. The school teachers are busy getting the A `pupils ready for the Christmas tree. nnwu Halo is annnrlimr A aw dnvn..\-rith . U\JIX-`1LI xucuxury UL uux David J. Tuck, who passduzxayzmzi 10, 1921. - ` Thoughts of loving remembrance. n` `l\_--_LL_'__ 12.1.; .._.I nu-.-` rupua many 101' um Uunlauuxw unzu. Henry Cole is spending a few days-with isi:| JJCCCHIUCF O, 1311!. -Father,. Mother and Family. D UL IUVLAJB |\4A.|;\4A-I-lIuA|aav\uu .-Daugh~tei's Violet and Olive CHAM01Si2;i"E_ ELovEs-Ladies' Fine Imported Chamoisette Gloves, with fan- _cy cuffs, colors grey and fawn, regular l))rdl:1(:1r$I.a5y(s`, pair . . . . . . . . 0 A KID GLOVES-Ladies Kid Gloves in tan and white, wrist length, regular prices %%33;3y,T; ........ .. $1.00 SILK HOSE-Pure Thread Silk Hose, colors navy, brown and black, regular l))rdll:r$I1)::s, pair . . . . . . . . . . CLOX D HOSE--Penman s Make Pure All 3 W001 Cashmere Hose with embroidered clox, colors black, brown and meadow l`Zi;%`yZf 32;?` .... . . . $1.00 TKYHHT. l'1T.f\\7`l3Q__'I .nAna 'D`lun`lr Tlfnnl uuuar uuys, puu: . . . . . . . V-`V WOOL GLOVES--Ladies _B1ack W931 `l'7....'4.L.'..:I rI'I..--..... ........-`l.... _..-..- zn- _..-.. NIGH'I GOWE\IviSi-<-Ladies and Children s White Flannelette Nightgowns, assorted styles and `sizes, regular prices $1.25 3;11ai1*32y:ft-. . . . ...... .. $1.00 1' A `l\`l'1rV9 \v1-I1-r~rr-ruin Avvvsvnu u LlC1ii~ "1~?f }.;1e of good heavy quality white annelette, round geek and. Ifhort s1l{eevels,i trimmed with ancy stitc in pin or ue. Dollar Days . . . . . . . . . . . `. . . UNDERSKIRTS--Ladies Black Taifetine ' Underskirts with deep ounce in a ow- ered material, worth $2.00. Dollar Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 0 APRONS--Fancy Aprons in yellow, rose, `mauve and orange colorings, trimmed with braid andembroidery. 00 Specially priced at, each . . . . 0 GOWNS, UNDERSKIRTS %- AND APRONS DINNER WARE Axyp FANCY CHINA __G_!,0v1=s Aypyosmnv V lJlL)'*-IJGIIL Y\J LJ .lJ\J 1)]. ' V Knitted Gloves, regular price 50c pair. B2l?``2.s ' 4 PAIRS $1-0 UUI. 1110:: U1. uxu. uuu CILIIII. UIIAUI. @@@@8@@@@@@@@@@ W @ % Christmas Sllppers $ O W Q NEXT TO BANK OF TORONTO A. W. GOODFELLOW WALTER COOPER aaaaaaa@&a&a@&a&aa@&&@a Visit Our Big Slipper Display and you are certain to see the very pair you want. We have a most complete range in a11vco1ors.: .. v.--__r-v-v -u.-- Qua us a vv-vnv V Our Fancy Boudoirs in eleven different colors and with heels are a splendid selection to choose from. ' $1.25 plain. - $1.85 with straps. @@@Q@Q 3@@@QV@@`E?@@ We have just _-received two of the most up-to- date lines of LADIES OXFORDS on the market, in narrow and wide widths, black and brown. Also three lines of ARCH PRESERVER SHOES made especially for us.` . `Those shoes are the same as made for Walk- Over and Royal shoe stores in Toronto. V `Large Display in Big West Window A. W. Goodfellow Shoe Store VERY SPECIAL SETS MEDIIIADE An . NEW ARRIVALS La Mode Si;1;1:-1\&esh Hair Nets, made from real human `hair, colors mid and %%i`a3 B3; .... .. 4 FOR 25 MANY USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS WILL BE BOUGHT DUR- ING THESE DOLLAR DAYS. We invite you to come in and look around. We ll make it worth while. WOOL SANTOY, 40 in. wide, colors navy, black, brown and henna, regular $1.75 % L%`32y:Za ;`;rd ...... .. $1.50 SILK POPLINS, yard wide, colors grey, vbrown, green, plum, sand and rose, %`i,`ii`a; %`;`*y's ....' 2 YDS. $ .50 FANCY SILKS, plaid and stripe, yd. wide, 3`5?? HfSyfa`? .$.`2.`*:"T'.. $1.00 CDUCHESSE SILKS, yard wide, colors rose, sand, green, helio and black, regular price 2.50 yard. Dollar_Days, yard . . . . . . .. SATIN DUCHESSE, wool dress goods, colors plum, brown, taupe and copen, 44 in. wide worth $2.25. Dollar Days, yard . . . . . . . . COATINGS-Blanket Cloth Coatings, 54 in. wide, colors rose, green, twine, navy 3:111::e1;ns, per yard . . . . . . HEAVY COATINGS, 2 pieces only, heavy weight winter coating, 54 in. Wlde, col- ors dark `grey and navy. Dollar `Days, per yard . . . . . . NAVY SERGE, 1 piece only navy blue wool serge, 40 in. wide, regular C $1.25, Dollar Days, yard . . UNDERWEAR-Men s Pure Woo1.Ribbed Underwear, shirts and drawers, sizes 36 to 44. Dollar Days Per garment, $1.50. 2 F NECKTIES-Pure Silk Neckties in a wide range of patterns and colorings, reg. $1 Eff,` %`i ." "5 2 FOR $1.5 HEATHER SOCKS--Pure All Wool Wide ` 1):1.1....: u....n....__ c<....1-.. 1......... ....u 2-- J.J.JJIl.I.1J.J.'JI.\y uuuxxo--ru1.'t-: 1111 H UU1 VV lue Ribbed Heathersocks, brown and fawn %oii` D2i, ;t.'??'. 2 PRS. $1.00 SOCKS AND TIE-2 prs. 50c Black Cash- mere Socks and your choice of any 50c -Knitted Tie, total $1.50. Dollar Days KID GLOVES-Men s Unhned Tan Kxd :`1,`iYa5 1``,?sT'?l.i? T . `.75 . 7'.5.` $1.00 DOLLAR DAY DRESS GOODS MEN S WEAR AHA113 NETS `Page Five 7':-`:\~'I5 I gOOVER munsmv. DECEMBER 6 ~ 9 1-&-nun rNw I I H I . '1`: 1 HI 3'] 2' anyone in the famil. ___ ---.-v-w Saucers . . . $2.25 ugar . . . . . $4.50 . . $2.75 to $3.25 . $1.25 to-$1.65 ttes . ._. . . . $1.40 . . . . . . . . . $1.75 $4.50 and $5.25 . $5.50 and $6.00 ..__I Q, , ...v -..u vvc aid Sauce:-3- LDNQMQ . $3.75 . $2.25 $2.25 $1.95 $1.95 A_ _A A sadness was cast over our village on! Wednesday of the past week when the news was received- in the village of the death of Harrison Telfer. second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Telfer. The deceased was born at King- ton, Ont., in May, 1905, coming to Elm- vale with his parents six years ago. I-Tn:-rinnn IlI"I!\ urn: a Brick} vnnnnnriu Vll VVII/U U15 })l1l`Ul4Il: B14` _YUl_G3Uo Harrison, who was a -bright, mannerly boy, -was terribly burned in an -auto ac- cident on Friday, Nov. 23, on his way to Toronto with Ken. Burt with a truck load of potatoes. The truck upset and took fire and before he could be rescued from the wreck he received burns from his hips down which proved fatal.` . 11:: rnmndnn urnrn lcrl in vault In In Fun-1!!! QJUWII VVULUH PIIUVUU l.lvdIa . - His` remains _were laid to rest In the fannly plot at Gananoque, Ont. n nun-nnn-nr nf fhn nnv-r\v-nun-Ir `a Av- Death of Miss Elsie Sneath On Thursday, November 29, 1923, M. A. Elsie, second daughter of Mrs. Wm. A. and the late W.` A. `Sneath, died at the `home of her mother, 83 Colborne St., Or- illia, after only three days illness. The ffuneral took place December 1, by motor to Elmvale Cemetery. She leaves to mourn `.ner.loss her mother, three brothers and three sisters, namely: Chas. A., manager Royal Bank, Brandon, M-an.; Alfred J., Zlnnisfail, Alta.; Harold F., Walkerville, l00nt.; Mrs. A. H. Nixon, Orillia; Lulu and , Olive at home. Many beautiful floral tri- [ ibutes were received, among them from J. E R. Eaton & Sons,-Employees Canadian Na- . ttional Railway, Ford Motor Co. of Canada, Walkerville, Methodist Mission, Circle, of- fice staff J. R. Eaton & Sons, Treasure Seekers Bible Class and several relatives and friends. e _ 5.1101 nu unuauuquu, \llll4o The sympathy of the community is ex- rzended to Mr. and Mrs. Telfer and family. We `invite you to call; Make T inspections. 2 You re under" no obligation to buy. We `are glad to have you come in andlook. Make yourself right at home in our store. A REMINDER: '@`%"%%'Z ;T"t7i`@@@'@@ A wedding ol"<:'o'r1-siclerahl-e`i`nterest toVElm- 'vale,residents was solemnized in High Park Presbyterian church, Toronto, on November 28,` when Miss Muriel Locke, formerly of the staff of the Standard Bank here, was united in marriage to Mr. T. R. McCaw, local manager of the Massey-Harris Com-' pany. The ceremony was conducted at 6.45 in the evening, the Rev. Mr. Cowan M officiating. Miss Marion Scott of Toronto, cousin of the bride, acted as flower girl.- 'I"l-un lnu-bin and .n-I-nnnn Inf!-. irnrnm-Hal-nlv' 'UUU-3111 U1. IJHU Ul'l\.lU, KIUIAUU U5 IIUVVUI. sills The bride and -groom left immediately` tiollowingthe ceremony on an extended hon- eymoon trip -to points in the -east and south, spending some time in New.York. Upon their return `they will take up residence in Elmvale. The bride is the daughter of Mr. George Locke of Baltimore. J. H. McCaw of Barrie is a brother of the groom. Mr. McCaw of Barrie and Mrs. Storey of Elrnvale were among` the guests from this district at the wedding. M IIIV hlolv IIIIUI 11 I v n u v u - - v u Another of the pioneers of the towoship of F105 has passed away" to the Great Be.- yond in the person of Margaret Cullen, wife of Alex. Cullen, who died on Setur-A day, Nov. 24. nnnnnana-` urn: flu}: rlnlurhfnr nf MI`, RH!` Noble Grand, Mrs. Olive Beardsall; Vice-I rand, Miss Gladys Guest; Recording Sec-| etary, Mrs. Ruth Graham; Financial Secre-1 ary, Miss Pearl Usher; Treasurer, Miss: ennie Ellis; Trustee for one year, Robt. raham; Trustee for two years, A. Mc-T Grath; Trustee for threeyears, A. Thomp- can I es place on Vvuuuuauuy, you. 45:, . Remember the date. ` M49: nturous trip to British Guiana. The bazaar held last Friday and Saturday the ladies of the Wycliffe Church was a cided success, the ladies realizing over 00.00 from the two days` sales. A vast improvement is being made in the- pearance of the cemetery. Several men 'th teams are busy thisiweek "drawing rth and levelling off, the grounds, which ill decidedly improve the appearance of! e burial place. 0 ` 3 With Christmas less than three weeks` way`. the business places of the village` re taking on the holiday appearance. The usiness men are striving to give to thei eople of the village and community Christ-! as goods at prices that are as low as they: an be considering the quality of the goods d service rendered. `Buy at Home" is applicable to Elmvale_ as elsewhere. ; The many friends of Max Murray are glad a see him back in the village after his ad_- T. (lay, J.Vov. za. Deceased was the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Greenlaw, whocame to Canada from Scotland and settled in the township of Medonte, Mr. Greenltaw passed away in 1822 and his wife, Jean Ritchie, in 1892. r`nnnnanA IIYIIG `nnvln :11 rnrunn IOIU uuu L115 WIIU, IJDBLI LDIUUULU, Ill .uJ(Iao The deceased was born in 1862, moving to Flee in 1881 where she resided until 1898 when she .became.the wife of her now eorrowing husband and moved to the town- ship of Tiny. . 7 T1: `I010 Mu mm-I Mr: nnllan lennir un Inim- amp or uuy. In 1912 Mr. and Mrs. Cullen took up their residenee in Elmvale where they have :6- sided since. .`D-_:.l-- L-.. L-...L.....l -1... 1--..-- L. _.;.-.-n GIUUU 6111060 Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss four brothersy Robert, William and Richard of Elmvnle and `Thomas of Buffalo. One sister, Janet, died in 1916 and her brother, James, in 1917. "FHA `nnnrnl {nan I-nah-I an 'I`unaAnn "Av uuu HUI UFUUHUT, UHIHUH, Ill .I.V.lJe `The funeral was hel on Tuesday, Nov. 27, from the Presbyterian church of which. the deceased was a loyal member.-`and was largely attended by her many relatives and friends. Rev. R. M. Hanna, B.A., had charge of the services. Interment took place in VElmvale cemetery. V ` win; up I0 $6.15 Flower Vases .. . . 75c to Berry Sets, 7 pieces . . . Salad `Bowls _ . . . . . . . . . . Cake Plates . . . . 75c 19 Fancy Cream Jugs, 85: to $2.50 Mayonnaise Sets, $f.65 to 3.65 Candle `Sticks . . $1.00 to $2.50 Spoon Trays . . . . . . . . . 98 up Celery Trays . . .' . . . . . . $3.75 Sandwich Trays . . . . . . $4.75 Bull: Pots . . . . . . . . 43: _to`:75c 5 Beautiful Jardinieres-- 69c,` 99c, $1.19 to $2.39 jljh mu) `.4; ._....n H. Dee. 6.--The usual meeting of the W0- men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Albert Bonney on Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 2Ao'clock. Donations for the Christ- mas cheer of the Chi1dren a Shelter will be brought and.a box packed. ` __,___; - LL- T_..L-L-_L- I1 ____ __A!-_. wnvu-econ any--w -uu- ray--nu: The report of the Institute Convention, held recently in Toronto, will be given. There will also be an exchange of Christ- mas gifts. Everyone heartily welcomed. An interesting meeting is expected. - Y1` I'I..2..LA-_ I.-- L--- e recenuy. . Miss Margaret `Kerr spent the week-end h friends in `Barrie. . l Stayner s Big Christmas Street Market place on Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 9 `Pnmnmhnr thn dam- 490 The Rev. Geo. H. Knighton has been training the children of the Public School for a cantata to be held on Thursday, Dec. 20. A good time -is expected. Keep` the date in mind. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening with the /children`. new rumauu us uycuua-5 u ovvv .. ks with [friends in Toronto. I . L. Johnston and daughter Mary spent ew days this week in Toronto. 5 1: infant Ann nf M1`. and M13. Blt aaya 151118 weex In .I.0r_uuw. ; e mfant son of Mr. and Mrs. enbank died on Sunday, Dec. 2. urse Katharine Pearson of Toronto was uest for a couple of weeks at her home recently. 311;:-5 Mnrunrnf KAI`! nnnnf. HIA week-and huasnxv, DECEMBER 6, 1923. iss Reta Pearson is. .`I._ .151. rC_:.u.A_ :I\ Turn Officers of. Glen Rebekah Lodge LI, I`1_,_,, _I II... f\I2___ Y1____.l__II. V The Late H(aZrris7on Talfor , _.-.-vnl \nlUI'I' _at More `Acceptabl . Gift to Mother? ssens her labor, makes usekeeping a pleasure. ver Special, $69.50 oover Baby, $57.50 ese prices will be high-[ r after January 1st. Tun: nn" - ' The Late Mrs. Alex. Cullen cnown HILL Mccaw--Locko- NEWS ' spending an On few JOHN WILLIAM FIRMAN ` The death occurred in Buffalo on Sun- day, November 25, of `John William Fir- ~ man, brother of George A. Firman of Bar- . rie, at the age of 56 years. Mr. Firman y had been "ill a_ considerable time. Born in. Toronto, Mr. Firman was the son of the late Ezekiel James Firman. The greater part of his life was spent in Toronto where he was employed with the Grand Trunk Railway. He had been a resident of Buffalo ` about ten years. Besides his wife, who was , Mary Russell of Toronto, he is survived by , two brothers, Geo. A., of Barrie, and . Charles of Toronto; and three sisters, Mrs. , A. O'Dell and Mrs. J. G. Urquhart of Tor- , onto, and Mrs. Bessie Adams of Winnipeg. ; In religion, Mr. Fix-man was an Anglican.` u rm... fnnm-nl \-mm held on Wednesday, 1n 39113101), Mr. .l`ll'II1uI1 was an nuguuqu. The funeral was held on Wednesday, November 28, burial taking -place in For- est Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. IV..- A 1:~:.......... at ncm-ha Atnndnd the 8815 Lawn Uemewry, Duntuo. mu`. uuu. nus. Geo. A. Firman of Barrie attended the funeral. Mrs. Emily Firman of Allandale is a sister-inalaw of the late Mr. Firman. JENNAIE ALMA LANE vWord was received in Barrie last week of the death in Toronto of Miss Jennie Alma. Lane, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Lane,` 2l6'Oseington Avenue, Tor- onto; Miss Lane pessedaway Wednesday, . November 28, the funeral taking place on Friday, November 30, from the family res-y idence to Prospect Cemetery. Mia: Lane ---- A -an-nnA_I`nnn`1nI A` Mil.` `US$100 $0 1'I'O8p60li vemewry. Jluaa uuuu was a `granddaughter of. Mrs.` Matthew V Campbell of Allendale, and the niece of Mrs. "1`. R... Caldwell, Miss Mar-the Lane, Mrs. C. J. Allison of Barrie `and. of Mrs. A. C. Batten, Toronto.` Two -brothers, George and Harvey ,of Toronto, and her parents survive. Mrs. Campbell attended the funeral in. Toronto on Friday. 112-- 1'--- ...... Gm. anunI\ 11nn.Pn nnintnnt the funeral 1n_`J.'oronw on rnuay. . Miss Lane was for sevenyears assistant manager in the store of the Ansco Film Company. She formerly attended Givens Street Public School and was actively con- nected with Chalmers Presbyterian Church and Sunday School. She was twenty-five wanna A` can . MRS. ELIZABETH McGRAKEN Mrs. Elizabeth Me-Orecken died in Tor- onto on Saturday, Dec. 1, aged 68 years. 'I`hree years ago her husb'and, James Me- Craoken, died and since that time she had been in failinghealth. v Elizabeth Ferguson was born in Glen- uuu Duuuuy : years of age. Friday and Saturday, Dec. '. A SPLENDID TIME To BUY CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT WORTH WHILE: SAVINGS. THERE ARE -MANY OTHER BIG BARGAINS NOT LISTED HERE Mercerized Damask TABLE CLOTHS, as- sorted patterns, sizes 63 by 63 and 64 ]b3361i7a8r i3:}:? each . . . . . . . . . All_ Pure Irish Linen TABLE CLOTHS, sizes 70 by 70 inches, beautiful quality, 2 %Si`ia5.`iZ' ........ .. $4.00 UNBLEACHED TABLE LINEN, 62 -inches wide, rose pattern, a good wearing .% yard, . . . . . . . . `HUCK TOWELING, plain weave, 21 `in; f.`ii ;,%;13 .75' "'2 YDS- $1-006 Pure Linen HUCK TOWELS, size 18x36 inches, hemstitched ends with damask ?)(:)1iil:r?.Days, per pair . . . . . . Grey and White Stripe BATH TOWELS, sizes 21x47 inches, hemmed ready for use regular $1.25 each. Doliar Days, each . . . . . . . . Pure~Linen TEA TOWELING,` 22 in. wide, 31$." 13'$i1ii;'`ys 2 4 YD5- $1.00 ROLLER TOWELING, pure linen," with red or blue border, regular price was %i`i1$`3`;ys .... 5 YDS-r $1-00 5. out. uyuunun . Unbleached FACTORY COTTON, `full yd. ' wide, Veven weave and free from specks, .........I.... 99.. A `Inn 101 An UVCII VVCGV *;:.a`:::'::;; 4 Yns.$"iI6'6 `Unbleached FACTORY COTTON, 40 `in. `1'33?;r'13a,5 svT`.7"f .a?'T Z 5 YDS. $1. C%TTON, zsgov white bleached, Do1i$"v]?:3.; 5 `WHITE-FLANNELF.}T~TE, about 34 inches wide and well napped, regular price Qnn 1101!!` ` Dozens of English V Earthenware Tea` Pots to select from. Beautiful decorations From 75c to $2.50 has; ...... 4..- W626 wan uayycu, Lcsuuus tun, Doll; Dys 4 STRIPED .FLANNELETTE, 35. in. wid, i ;:`fc?:$i?;1 .4 YDS.$1.00 1- _.1 vnxnrnrvnxr r1r\rnl'I1r\\Y Jun ".1 DO L LA RD A Y S DOLLAR DAY LINENS B;>`i1a'. r Dys . . . . Women's Wide Ribbe<;`E-n_gl'is;1-:nade Hea- ther Hose, colors brown, sand and taupe. Dollar Days Pair 69, _or . . . . . . STAPLES !!3" went to uve In Lorouw. ,, She "is survived .by one son, Frank, :3. member of the Toronto police force; four daughters, Mrs. John Ga-lehouse, Mrs. Ray Emmerson and Miss Florence of Toronto and Mrs. Frank Walkinshaw of Barrie; also .by two brothers, Alex. Ferguson of Barrie `and Hugh'Ferguson of Meaford. ll ... M'nf`.u-m-lvnn mac n mnmhar nf thn and nugn rerguson 01 meuroru. Mrs. Mcracken was a member of the `Presbyterian church and the Rev. Alex. Rintoul of Angus 'was .the officiating clergy man at the funeral which took place Mon- day. afternoon from W. D. Minnikin s to Barrie . Union Cemetery. The r pall-bearers were Donald Ferguson, David Maw, Rich- ard Parr, Geo. Young, Isaiah McMaster and Albert Bishop. ` Oro Council met at the town hall, .De- cember 4, with all the members present. Reeve Thompson in the chair. , .___I'.-__ 2-.. 2---- -1. 4.-.... L..ll LUCU V U In uvuxynvu nu vuv vuuun - Only one tender for fence at town hall was received and it was not accepted. 7! 1' 11- -I_-...1 WK Iuucxvcu nuu. Av "nu uvv I-vvvrrvvlnu On communication from H. J. Packard re award "drain, etc., the matter was left with the Reeve, as was also communication from Esten & Eaten re some drainage mat- ters at the property "of Mrs. Rosa L. Clip- stone. ' ~ V Claims of George Gilchrist, W. A. Luck, Robert Paisley, Frank Crooks and Thomas Addison for sheep killed by dogs were order.- ed paid at valuatora figures. A `Ru.Iaw smnnintimr time. and nlaca for GQ paxa BI? vmuauora ugurca. A By-law appointing time and place for `nomination meeting, etc., was brought in and passed. A mnnn mu nnunrl I-nnnostinlr W. Fin- ana passeu. V _ A motion was passed requesting W. Fin- layson, M.P.P., to apply for a grant for `drainage purposes in the township for 1924. Q.-lnmanlz nf than nnnnnnf. nf W. A. uramage purposes In we wwmuup aux wax. Settlement of. the account of W. A. Smith for damages to his carwaa arranged. _____ L- `L--.._ .L- 11-----.` Dluuvu IVA uutunavy In: any van nun. u-q-navy" The various accounts before the Council were ordered paid and Council adjourned to meet on Dec. 15; ~ . W. B. TUDHOPE, Clerk. onto alter Vlsmng nor puruuus uexu. J. H. Guin-n- of the firm of Bartlet & Guinn, Port Nelson, Vancouver Island, mo- tored thnough seven States to Winnipeg. Passing through to _Toronto by train he has `been spending a few days with Lnnl`-nnn_:I\_`a1I! M Miss Mabel Ellis` has 1-;turnedTto' Tor- onto after visiting her parents here. `I U (.`.u:n,n. A` {Jan rm A` Rm-I-Inf. C'on;pox-ts . . i5`!- Fancy Cups and DES DeU.u apvuuu: brother-1n-law, 55 E IV a 0 0130 COUNCIL; THORNTONV B L3o M_E1is-'-Ladi's' Stripedi` s;ti:;.=tte `Bloomers, colors rose, mauve, navy, sand and white, nicely nished at knee vI5,:>t1}lla:uIf;;13rs . . . . . . . . . . A. . . . . PONGEE B'LOOMERS, made from nel I \J.I.V \I'l`JJ.`J JJlJ\J\JJ.Vl.l.`J1\t}3, HIGUU LIJUIII. .I.ll.lC natural colored pongee `silk, nished with cuff, all full sizes. . Dollar Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 PRINCESS SLI~PS-Striped Satinette "Princess Slips, colors navy, black, pink, White, mauve and "sand, hemstitched :/re0rI;rm:p:0cIi)al at . . . . . . . . . .. TTEITHIVYHTT TIT I\l'\`II'TNT\(`I T _ .12-- 'H`.. _ 6&1`- ;rEiz~. :Y" 1i`5b1?/["132iL1L;da;;" Firae Silk Jersey Bloomers, colors pink, mauve, black and shrimp. Specially big value at . . . . . l'I`I"P 1-r 1'7\Y`I'fI'I!I\1T|1`I trmnmn -_`l-.._ ._.`L:L_ v\aA\~n|J nab 1 many slii KNITTED vE71*s.',' 'c'o'1ors.' white, ............. ..+.,1 ...:..1. as All SIEK _c{.MISpL:as-Pin1{ Habutai Silk _... . _ . _ _ _ . . . -- J............`I ..-LL `I--- A.- D.I..Ll1\. .\Jl1LVI.I.D\J1-llIlDjI.'lllI\ ILEIUUDGL Dllh Camisoles, nicely trimmed with lace or hemstitching, worth up to $2.. 0 o c n | I u o Q o u o 0 I . Dollar Days CAMISOLES made _from good quality Habutai silk or wash satin, pink only, very prettily nished with lace or hem- stitching, regular values were $2.50 to $3.90 each. V Dollar Days, your choice . . . . SILK BLOUSES, made from heavy quality white Habutai silk, tailored styles} reg- fiaZ`13 s$"ff f`i`T .*.:'T".". _ $3.00 BLOUSES--White Habutai Silk Blouses and a few F ncy Crepe Overblouses, regular values 6.00 to $6.50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- ._-...._ sauna UNV- . Y-l`iiS-RWARE, 97 pieces, reg- ular $34.75, to clear $26.75 INDIAN TREE design Colport V Cups and Saucer: Cream and Sugar Cake Plates . Ban-Bons ` B. and B. Plates Tea Plates 5 . Teapots I. . .`

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