Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1923, p. 14

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My face broke out with pimples that were hard. large and red. They festered and scaled over, and itched and burned causing me to scratch them. I tried several different rem- edies hut they did not help any. I read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and `Ointment and purchased some. and after using them about a month I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Catherine .1. Carter, Aberdeen Hospital, New Glasgow, ` Nova Scotia. , _. . vr-vu :I`Z'UW Own /7. Jam 03:?) YEARLY _ the neck. All night_l9ng you breathe HERE is the last word in treating cold troubles-rub Vicke well in. over throat and chest. . Get into bed and leave the coverings loose about in the healing vapors of camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, turpentine, etc. The application also acts like a heat- ing linimentlor plaster-almost sure to lobsen the cold before morning. ` Vicks is just as good, too, for inam- mation, such as cut, burns, bruises, sores, stings and skin itchingst L 1;.- : I 1 J Hard, Liifind Red Cuticura Healed, ?nge Fourteen " "`"7aaq1.\m"/97e'n2I}"'" 79'c0WII8. 0l.D$.8RON6lIITI. ZAFPE ES`; ov~u_~( IT`-5 LATE:-| an one PORTION or Guess NO MORE CORNEO BEEF` AND CUSroM\_=:s2~'a wuu. CAEsB COME - cm/E -n- `rz-\_n',-.. . -1.-u...-..-`.- r'\Lu=- as uamunuuy uus nuppens.` bucn IS believed to be the cause of the destruction of the fine bank. barn belonging to Mr. James Duggan on `the`Town -Line, three miles south of Stayner. . The fire occurred about four o'clock Monday morning, `Nov. 26, and completely destroyed the -building and the contents. The loss included four horses, eleven `head of cattle, twenty-four pigs, fifty-six turkeys,'besides all the farm im- plements- and the year s crop. The insur- ance is understood to be $2000 on the barn and $1700 on the contents. Cases where people are in the habit of stealing grain and. then setting fire ,tQ the barn which contains the valuable product, to cover up their marks are `few, but oc- casionally this happens.` Such is believed tnv he Hm nnmm 1.4` H... A....+......n.... -1: LL- I `.--l....- \dIbO\lC aaA\~\xa_lJ_u||lbll_GllI unc auuuuh .To have a boy's knife stuck entirely through his arm` was the unfortunate ex- perience of Fred vRobb,_an. Owen Sound collegiate institute `student. The boy, with a classmate, Jack Beer, was fooling about, one with a compass , the other with a large knife. The boys were playing about inno- cently enough with the somewhat dangerous playthings. In the foolingvone of the boys was jabbed with a compass, while the other boy, Fred Robb, .had the knife stuck tlurnnnrh his arm uu_y, rrcu mum through his arm, [BARN MAY bHAVEWB(EEN rlasp . I .'ro- HIDE WORK. or `THIEVESI UUIIIIIE WUUU. J.V uvva. Some of the teachers of Midland High . School have been having troublesince the fall term commenced in, maintaining order among the older `pupils. and the principal has found it necessary to suspend some of the offenders for var'ous periods in order! if possible to remedy the trouble. The! Board of Education will see to it that the principal s action is. fully backed up and I proper order maintained ;at the school. I' FHA L____ _ L,_ 9 I -1- 71:3 ;'{vB.{.lia:1E27$1a son :5: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wheeler, Collingwood. had a narrow escwpe from death on Wed- nesday afternoon. While playing around the house the little chap fell into a tub of_ scalding water, sustaining very painful scalds and injuries; For a time the child's life was despaired of, but the latestreport is that he is on his` way toward recovery.- Collingwood News. ` Qnm. At .1... 4......L...... .: u:.n..-, V`r';,I_ ,_..._.. . -_.. v\r\-C-V u Ion anssvnJ vuuuu uuauaao The Teachers . `Association and Boardlofl Education are trying toeim-press upon`Mid-. la_'nd Town Council the desirability and ne- cessity ofv re-establishing the curfew law in that town, but according toreports that body .doesn't appear; to be particularly enamoured with the proposition. V TIVL- L.-._ -.__I - L_I _,_, ,II 'n I- Rubbed on, Vicks Hat a double effect V'" l-`l1-e-I- ublic Utilities Commission of Mea- ford proposesato instal an electrically. driven pump in its water-works station. The cost is estimated at $6000 and will be placed , against $12,000 for coal `and one man an- nually. The council will likelyicome actgss. 1 l rm_- m-__L___9 A , , . , , , .- - n v-----vpq ---vu -\rv!1IVI4\O Ili/Ol\-II HVVVIIJ IIIJKIIHXI At its November meeting Dufferin County Council decided by unanimous vote-to mem- orialize the House of Commons and Senate to preserve Dufferin intact as a Dominion electoral district. ` I When a small boy was coasting down a hill in Midland he ran into a motor truck at an intersection` and had one of his legs `broken and received other severe injuries. AL :4... .RT.........L-._ ...__L:_. .. 1'\;-u--,,2,, n , Meaford town council will ask the_ D6- minion Government. to place $50,000 in next. year's estimates for the improvement of the harbor. . ' IUI u uu wt. ' W. J, Holden state. that 75 per `cent. of` `the `charity cases which are treated in C01- lingwood hospital drift in from oixtside mun- icipalities. h - ' ., .._- ..a. `.-..v -4..- gnnullvbl on-tutu UL l.\_lU y A man and a woman not hiswife ned $300 and $1001-espe'ctively. last i for registering as man and wife at a I ford hotel. T! T T'I`_IJ, n n .1 . nu - I 2' g DISTRICT N I . , V ' 0 2.Ki?f7d1fKY1?K1f7d1f71f7d1`K1T7ii1?7o17&7. FEW} W- --....., v......v.. 1 V Jho. Freethy died, `Nov. 26, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jas. Holden, Stayner, at an ago just six months short of 100 years. A vnnn any` n n-.u~...... ._-L L3- ~~-99 uuw uuuxuer UU. '( V A motion` to reduce the warden s honor- arium from $200 to $100 was defeated by Grey County Council, o -- ungwooa. ' , . $4000 hasrbeen spent for-repairs on Grey `House of Refuge this year. Its inmates now number 60. (' A ......a.:..._~;- __.L.-, -1 ' ` Warts-+ I zuacu. Capt. G. C. Gales` has -been elgctd First Principal of Manitou Chapter, R.A.M., Col: `lingwood. { unnn 1......1......_ -..-_L r-_ - -- ~ I aupu n A At th_ annivetary services of -0 `Methodist: church, recently, $2000 raised. - 11-..; (`I A A I Gravnhurst has a new industry-d 3 ranch. AL L`- -,, 5 -. ' ` ` Orillia A . ROB- e were week , Mea- ` goat ' lJ1UVUUu He proposed that a large delegntion go ' to the County Council on Tuesday and that with the whole thing ready, andwithout any chance for the members in the other narts of the County to organize opposition, hefelt sure the scheme would go through. He had been canvassing some of the mem- bers and was well satisfied with the pros- nect. There wasno use going any further. however, without support from Oriilia. He said East Simcoe should grab what they _could while the chances were good. Messrs. J. B. .InIma+m. (1.... e:..-1-=- uuulu wuue we cnances good. ' Messrs. J. B. Johnston. Geo. Sinclair. D. C. Anderson, Mayor Tudhope, Reeve Boyd, John Foley,.Jno. C. Miller and P. G. Macdonald. as well as Deputy Reeve Mc- Lean, spoke briefly. Mr, Annv-nnn 61-.nn...LL LL- ....-,,, ` E ated. When it Simcoe already "had a good highway north -` 7 i rl doubtedly become .;West `Highway, ..... .-.u.u_ysuu was or me ovpmion that no more 86-foot highways would be built, because finances -would not permit. As there had been an engineer s report against taking over the Coldwater road as a Pro- vincial Highway, it was not likely to be done for some years, when it would un- part of the East and Whitby to Sunderland. was already design- was remembered that East and south. and that the other three Simcoe _ ridings had not a cent of Provincial High- I l } what` was going, were anxious to way money spent within"their bounds. the chances were slim to get any more for East Simcoe. However, now was the time to get and with the co-operation of this part of East Simcoe to back the Coldwaterroad grant from the County, he was satisfied that the proposal to take over the Penetang road as Provincial Highway would be well received by the Government. This road was favored by the engineers, and by the Minister.~ The Georgian Bay tour- ists, who had considerable influence, also get the Penetang Road proved. I-T . ; n n A n . .....! LL_L , I a section of which, from" .9 uu we support oexore-nana. ' . After a rather stormy passage between the audience and Mr`. McLean, it was agreed that Mr. Finlayson would have, 92 confer- I ence the next morning with the Reeve and Deputy Reeves. and after this conference was held on Friday morning; Mr. Finlayson said he would abandon the whole project. Mr. Finlayson was of the opinion that more 86-fnnt hiuhwmm us.-...1.: L... 1...:u luau, Mr. . ---.... >4-vvn avvuu tllllll Lllllll LU Midland. Mr. Finlayson said he wishedito get the -' supportof the three Orillia members of the County Council, and with that he was sure the joint proposal would have a majority p of the members in its'favor. _ Reeve 'Boyd was in the chair, and gave rather 'a' non-committal support to the pro- to its support before-hand. Affnr n mu-I-..... ..a..._.._- _- ' posal. Deputy Reeve Fisher was. not pre ` sent, but'Deputy Reeve McLean, while not - giving away his opinion of the proposition. - was emphatic in his refusal to be pledged uuu umuuug as Iouows:- _ `Mr. Finlayson s proposal was that the County Council should pass a resolution urg- ing the Ontario Goverrlment to take over the Penetang road from Barrie to `Pene- tanguishene as a Provincial Highway, and that, if the Government would do this, then the County Council agreed to vote $35.000 a year for four` years to build the Goldwater Road from Orillia to Midland. Mr I":-`I ..... .. ;...:_I L- , 9 I 1'. - -- Before he` came down to the County Council last week, W. Finlayson`, M.P.P.. endeavored to get 0rillia's support for` his plan to extend the Provincial Highway up the Penetang Road to Midland, and to make the Orillia-Midland road a County Provin- cial Highway. As Orillia has hopes of hav- ing the latter road made a Provincial High- way. the meeting to which Mr. Finlayson submitted his scheme did not a-pparently take very kindly. to it. The Times reports the meeting as follows :- ` Ml` p:V'IlnIvnnr\,- -------` Next meeting of council will be held at Cookstown, (Dec. 15, at 10 am. iuuuuug uuwers and 1'01! marks. I `W u` nrwrnrnnnv nv - 'bIo NOT EN}HusE oven < r;,m.AvsoN's ROAD PLAN =,_...-., ......-;u, u. vvrcggetv, IZU l'0Cl8_ wire fence._ con. 9, lot 16,' $30.00; Jas.f Jennett. '65 rods-wire fence, con. 10. lot: 14, $16.25 ; D. McLean, 80 rods wire fence, ` con. 10,'lo't 23, $20.00; Jos. Bell, 40 rods wire fence. con. 4, lot 25. $10.00;. Chas. Wren. 40 rods wire fence. icon. 2, lot 3, $10.00; Ben Terry, 15 rods wire fence, con. 2, lot 2, $3.75; Chas. Blackstock. valuing sheevp, $2.00; David McWaters, 1 lamb killed. $12.00; W. E. Banting. 2 sheep killed ($20.00), 1 injured ($2.00), $22.00; F. A. Arnold, valuing same, $4.00. A by-law was passed naming time-and place for nomination and appointing of Re- turning Officers and Po1l_Clerks. Newt manfii-m at ..... ...I --.:n L. It: oo.uu; ::..- Jennen, `digging ditch, 15 s.r.,! con. " 8, $2.25; David Jennett, draggingl -con. 10, lots 15-20, $2.90; W. A. Gallo- way, repairs to culvert and road con. 10, lots (25-30, $15.00; Andrew Miscampbell, Sr., puttingeinders on con. 3. 25 s.r. and repairs to culvert and cedar, $50.00; Thos. Truuax, planlgs and erecting railing, 25 s.r., and repairs to road, con. 5. $20.00; Dam,` 0 Shaw, bridge in Angus, $280.62; M. Bell,] Utopia. refund dog tax, $2.00; H. Don- nell. building bridge. lot 11, con. 10, $1.046.50,~ J. J. Williams, taking Mrs. `-' repairs to culvert, con. 9, $6.50; Herman: Thompson, gravel.~$15.30; Ingham-;;rSharpe, Banks to ,asylum, $20.00; Robt. Mooney.l gravel, $11.40; G. Wreggett, 120 rods 9,_ lofi` Jas.f T.m....u '11: _A J ; lunpla Bach Prutglhll. Addy-cu: "I. I, may ma, 3 St. Paul t.; W.. llontrul." old every- where. Soap 25. Ointment 25 and60c. Tnlculn 25. Cutigura Soap shaves without mum v:.uU rreu muoun, dragging con. 8 $9. ; W. J. McLean, dragging 20 s.r., $.25; A.| Corbett, putting in pipes, con. 8,.lot_ 718, 38.00; E.- Jennett; `digging ditch, s.t.,, con."8. $2.25: nwm 1...m..u .:_---=-~r ayuzu: lane! l_V. . Anderson thought the proposal would A meetjng of Essa Council was held at Thornton ' on November 20,, with all t-he* members present. _ Accounts were ordered paid as follows: Hiram Speers, repairs to road and build- ingrailing, con. 6, $31.50 Chas. Hyde,. planks and posts for railing, n. 6, $24.86;l W. J. Corrigan,-gravelling W. Townline, $14.30; Geo. Wilson, (work on W. Town- lirle, 363.70; T. Demnpster, repairs to wheel` scraper, 82.25; C. W. Blackstock, `draggingl 10 s.r., cons. 8 and 11, $10.00; Clifford Davis, dragging con.. 7, lots_ -15 and 20, $4.50; Fred Elliott, dragging 8 $9.Q0; McLean. rlrnmrlno an g. - at`: 0:. A . ESSA/COUNCIL :u. 10, an 1U a.m. W. M. DINWOODY, Clerk.` -rm-: menu-: EXAMINER _ EN- --... ......,. yulua ux Luc uuunty. Mr. McDonald advocated de'ay to get the Goldwater road taken over as a [Pro- vincial Highway. He urged co-operation with the County of Ontario to bring this about.` . A r be received better if it had something in for the other parts of the County. Mr M.-h.-m..l,1 .-..l....._._;_-.I 1 I .-. -195 `G 13 K "tun: Iran! on soft coal, or wood are built as part of a definite heating system `to accomplish a definite heating purpose. - T when installed according our individual home, we you have to burn soft coal and wood for fuel, the will be the best for your home. the Fire Pot is equipped with air-cell ribs. ' d to -the fire, making it al with complete satisfac For wood, th Through these, possible to burn even the tion. ` e only way to get all the heat is to have the sticks lying flat in the furnace. This is possible `= with the Findlay All-Fuel. The. firepot being oblong, allows 26-inch Wood to be used. Note _ the large double feed door -- actual size of opening 12 inches by 13 inches. The.Service Department of Findlay Bros. Co. Limited, "of Carleton Place, 0nt., will give you'a thor- oughly dependable recommenda- tion for the heating of your home. `Call. and see us about it, or write for booklets and Service Sheets. \ ill I I sou) IN BARRIE av: BRAUND S onus sronz. WM. CROSSLAND, 1 ERTSON-A-LLANDALEL PATTERSON S onus s1'om:. .. `VINTER comgort means even heat, evenly distributed. There s nothing more annoying than to have some of the rooms _roasting hot and therest of the houseAfreezing' cold. Be Cbmfortable ' this Winter Life s Mi_1_1_o`r Ailments I':.!1i12j;~I.4.\'c'E s Bayeld St., Barrie 1-Hurnsmxv DECEMBER 1921 `Jill-:l.l'JRSDAY, DECED. n_ 1`he.handclasp that is w says, I share _on( l`I1e`look that says, "I lonveying more than \\ |.'h_- ower picked by 11 that whispers,` Dear. .3mn1l things perhaps. b ;l`_o~c1_1eer and bless 11 The smile so loving. 'l'l.a4- cnvsx "I Still hi! ; lunpia Bach P:-uh `Hull. `Addy-us: 1,!!! ` __o]d ovqz;y- whm-A nnnon n:_a-._..-. n! __:-n, 4:--The beloved. hut in .'honey, whlo l'l1hl)(ll llll`. mortality through '.`m- . George McManus. is 2.- Int Grand Opera ll(>`l> agagement next~Szitiir:'.:i inee. Jiggs. as li?.< lvzzr is the original "I":itlui '.iF8`th8l` fame, the in} l McManus and \\`l 1l('ll ll: liions and alreziily l!:L'~` _in8titutlon. The lll'\\ scribed as 3 iii1i. :il "and five scmu-.<. is (`ii Father on Brm "acters who figure in ventures aS`1'(*(.'nrilwl i -the country c-vi-r_v .l.i;.~ ?in evidence. .p:u'Ii(-ii":ir Tmimgant wife; llinty plotting Jiggsi ilv.~'.rn .still has `nuniormi.~ ~v hand. All told i: .~ll -casion and one dumm- an reputatimi of um (cartoons of the (lil_\'. ` oemrployetl `a1i(l".<;-i-<-i:il` inno \'z1tion:~' will lie- '.Dec. 8. mzitim-0 ziml Dluau ' Have with .aXes Agents: lI.:ru`..1 .` HJIGGS FOR l tnlugs, uu power to loud m ( SMALL TI-` 843?` Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Ta!-T cum promote and maintain skin pu- rity. skin comfort and skin health ` often when all else: fails. . a Three inside white white `Its efc by over IN IE3 quickly disappear affer a ` fgw applications of

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