Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1923, p. 13

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,, ., ....u 5, muse are sneeial value at 2.25, $3.25 $3.50.. $4.00, 4.50, ` $6.00 `You should see this line. oys Cape Mitts `with knitted ,cu_`s, special value at $1.25 en 5 Wool Gloves, black, hea- ther and khaki, eas_y priced 40c, 50c, 85c, $1.35, $1.50 en s Brown Mocha Mitts, special value . . . . . .. $2.00 en s Brown and Grey Mocha ._ Gloves, lined and unlined, easy priced at . . . . . . . . . . $1.50, $2.25, $2.50 & $2.75 right Christmas and New Year Cards, . . . . .. 5c each vTowering Thrills- . L Crashing Drama- `Breathless Suspense-- Romance---V HARRY CAREY ossm ?!..`._.(" his sister were home for the week-end isit- ing his parents, Worsley St. .11.. ____I 1:..- 1' An--4. n-L,-, 1 -_-D --_.. `......_u.., II\lQIll\lJ was Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Gibson and son, after living in Hamilton for fseveral years, have returned to Barrie and are residing at 59 Donald St. IVVM; and Mre. Harold C. Manuel of Sas- katoon, Sask., have been spending 8 few days with the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs; R. G. Manuel, Owen St. wt-Tnnrair Wornnr uyl-an Ln- lnnnou at. LA... xuxa. _J.\:. U. muuuex, UWCLI DB. `Harvey Warner, who has been at home for several weeks` holidays, left today for Oshawa to take a position as linotype op- erator on the Daily Telegram. MI 911!` Mr: Ink`-| I-"11!-nl-Juana n......:.. UAGIIUA uu but: Uuuy xexegruxu. Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson, Barrie, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Jean M., to Mr. Lawrence I. Singer, the wedding to take place the latter part of December. AIL-.. I2_-2.___ 9,, In, , - 0 ' JJUUULIJ UCI I After living in Toronto for a year. and nine months, John Clayton has returned to- Barrie and is filling his former position -'-l-SEE- W j for WYNDHAM AA A 311;: What terrib1e'sight `made them hesitate at the T threshold? nu run-av .....v ....--.~- A committee representing the members of. the County Council waited on Miss Freyda Bird, in the Crown Attorney's of- fice on Friday and. presented her with as wrist watch and bracelet as a slight token of the willing assistance extended by her towards the members of the Council in the discharge of their duties. Miss Bird thanked the Committee in her usual happy manner. with J. Sutcliffe & Sons. He says there s no place like Barrie. ;L_ ,_-..,L._, Priceville and Swinton Park Presbyter- ian congregations, Grey County, "vacant since the translation a few weeks ago of put) I`. Q Inna- in TufArInn vnnnlnu-afar` BIHUU UJU lAl.lllJB1l1l.IlULI U LOW WGCIS-5 UEU _Ul Rev. C. S. Jones to Waterloo, moderated in call unanimously given Rev. George I. Craw, B.A., of Springville, -Peterboroughl PRIGEVILLE PRESBYTERIANS . CALL REV. GEO. I. GRAWI MONDAY AND TUFSDAY, DEC. 10 AND 11 A The Greatest SENSATION of the Yegr I LOYAL LIVES of tlge town. Charles G. Rich and Dorothy Farnum . -WlTH- V ' BRANDON TYNAN and MARY` CARR FAIRE BINNEY and WILLIAM COLLIER, JR. Directed by Charles Giblyn. A Story of;Tears and Laughter of the Unsung . Heroes of the Mail Service A Smashinlg, Crashing, Melodramatic Romance of THE MAIL SERVICE V Misses Red Felt Slippers, ankle strap, padded soles and heels, elk leather out-sole. Sizes 11' to 2, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.00 Girls same style, sizes 8 to 10, pair . . . . 9_Oc Cllildren s same style, sizes 3 to 7, pair . ; 85 ' Children s Blue Felt Slippers, exible leather sole, Santa Claus gure design. , Sizes4'to7,pair....' . . . . . . ..;...$1.00 Girls sizes 8 to 10, $1.25. Sizes 11 to 2, $1.40 Indian Moccasins, brown buck leather, fancy worked front, _most serviceable style for boysand girls, all sizes . . . . 65c_to 95c Cute arid Pleasing in Styles for the Little Folks A WHITMAN BENNETT PRODUCTION ALSO A MERMAID comamr _RUNNlNG WILD CHILDREN S SLIPPERS .ian ministry in Ontario. Presbytery, where he he s been pastor for nine years, Mr. Crew was the only candi- date heard. He is an able preacher and belongs to a family of preachers, there be- ing three other brothers in the Presbyter- 1\____, 11 - III .1: II _-.._ .____.v.., ._ ...... v. . Prior to going to Springville, `Mr. Craw was stationed at Thornton for eleven years. , . . . . . . . . . . . .. vs-UV PHI)` Ladies _ Cashmere and Silk Hose, black and white, sand and white, brown and White, sizes 8 1/_- to 10,ispecial value at. . . . $1.00 and $1.50 pr. Ladies Double Silk Hose, mode and black, sizes 8% to 10, easy priced . . . . . . $2.75 Ladies Fine Quality Silk` Hose, colors; black, dove, beaver, beige, silk and white, sizes 81%.; to 10, special .. $1.75 Ladies Black Silk Hose With white clocks, sizes 8 1A `to 10, special prices, $2 and $2.25 ST. AN D R EW S BAZAAR The Ladies Aid of St. Andrew s Presby- terian church' held a very successful bazaar, Saturday afternoon, as a result of which $290.00 was realized. The following ladies were in charge of the various tables: candy, Mrs. R. B. Johnston and Mrs. E. Braden; dolls, Mrs. Goodall and Mrs. -H. R. Palmer; baking, Mrs. S. W. Moore; fancy work, Miss M. Hunter and Mrs. "G. 0. Cameron; handkerchiefs, Mrs. A. Cowan; aprons, Mrs. R. J. Binning; afternoon tea, Mrs. A. G. |MacLellan and Mrs. Byron King. PRICES 15c and 25c REGULAR Page Thirteen Ladig -_FanC-.V Wid<:Ribb:d Hose, black, brown and fawn sizes" 8 1/2 to 10, special at: . . . . . . . . . . . . v p.ir TJIIHIJQ f`.sac11n1r.n~n on...) nu. <-- GIFT s-rocxs READY 28 Boys Like% THURSDAY, DECEMBER CROKWOLE mm n--=- * Nance 0 6,. LL- .vl\l HUI-I. ght Barrie beat Veduesday night 5. orgmn Bay lb. vI:I'e:W . I Midhursty Minesing I/LIB HJFEU uumuur pl'UU1l|u There are still a number o .Y.M.C.A. membership renewals which have not been received by the Secretary`, Mr. McMillin. He is anxious to have all in before the end of the year. and the co-operation of the members to this end is solicited. l`|....._..- 1IY..J....._ 1-24. l....A. .......I- A... -1-L..'...I' d.l1l71llU!:l'B IIU IILH5 (mu 1! BUllUll.rUuo - _ I George Watson left last week to attend ' rthe union meeting of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and " Engineers in Montreal." International gatherings were being held on Dec. 2 in sixteen of the larg- er centres on the American continent. Then `1l\l":l\ Ac QG rlnnvvnnns pariah `Cf CCIIBTCS U11 BUG HIIIUYIUHH uuuuuuuu. The ladies of St. George's Parish held ; .a bazaar Tuesday afternoon and evening in ` the parish hall, as a result of which they realized the sum of about $200.00. A large` quantity of very fine articles of clothing and fancy goods were on sale, as well as home-made baking of varied description." The boys are having the laugh on a couple of local hunters who claim they shot a rabbit in the marsh the other day. `Shooting the bunny through the ear, they were surprised that he did not try to make a get-away. Upon closer examination they discovered that he had been snared and was already quite dead. ' nnn A` 1-Ln rnnaf >n`I-nrnafinm `AIIYYIEV inf nn-l -uucnuy qurw ucuu.> . ' One of the most interesting forms of semi tertainment of the present season was the indoo_r baseball match held at Burton Ave. Methodist church last Monday night. The match was played between the Maple Leafs captained by Miss Vera. Spearn' and the Beavers captained by Mrs. Ed. Moore. The Maple Leafs won out by afscore of 5 to 3. John Hutchings was the umpire. The game lasted for three innings. Instead `of baseballs, the balls consisted of, questions, on Biblical, historical, political and other subjects. Some of the answers were most amusing. Sir Adam Beck was declared by one to be the Prime Minister of Canada, and other replies, equally distant from the mark, were given. An interesting system of keeping score was adopted, and the session throughout proved one of exception- `al interest and instruction. The members of the two competing teams were numbered for batting purposes. ~ - ' n vs "nu. gov-`nu I The death occurred at `Allandale on Tuesday, December 4, of Mrs. Sarah Ann Givens, wife of Geo. Givens, Grenville St., at the ego` of 72 years, following a brief illness.` Deceased had been about as us- ual after tea but was taken suddenly ill and died at 9 p.m. u-__ n _____ _ ___ 1.-.... =_ 1-__u-_,e '_,,e Ian-up In-vu I-v up rvonnv Mrs. Givens was born in Ireland, ' and shortly after her marriage, came to this country with her husband, settling in this district. She was a Presbyterian in reli- gion` and a very respected member of the community. . ` 1-1; L- _.---..._ 1___ I--- L. ED101131 1111113. ` Commencing Sunday last; eight engineers n the C.N.R. at Aliandale were eat back to he left hand side of the cab, and eight iremen were laid off temporarily. Dan hr M..nm..~.nn AF Rnrrin nrnunl IIEIIIUII WCT6 13111 011 laUlpUl`Bl'lly. Rev. Dr. McDouga1l of Barrie addressed` V be young people's society of the Allandale Iunakvfnv-inn nklnvnh Mnnov nhrhf. nh it-I-an ue yuuug pcuplc S auwvvy UL uuc n_uquunw resbyterian church, Monday night, on the ubject of missionary work in China. Dr. ;iMcDougal1 s address was much enjoyed by `the large number present. Thorn urn :16 n nnvnhnr nf V,M ,l`2,A_ vv--c...-.- There are left to mourn her loss, be- sides her husband, five daughters. four sons and twenty-three grandchildren. The children are Mrs.` A. Lookhart, Allandale, U I OCIUCK, III DUE \JI_'l-11136 111811. The, A.Y.P.A. [of St. George's Parish will old a meeting on Wednesday evening next, hen there will be a free showing of edu- ational filxrls. ` n_......_..-_._.. :.._.:--.` I.;..A.' ;.:..LA. .......:.......... A IUUUIJIUE U1 l)l1l'1'.lU nay uuugu, 1). UL 1.10" . & E., wxllbe held on. Sunday afternoon t 2 o clock, in the Orange Hall. 'I'1A A V D A -n`C Q6 -(IL-anI0tn:'a pariah mi Mrs. W. D. Little was a visitor to the een Cityfor a few days this week. Albert Taylor of Saskatchewan is visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs.-W. B. Taylor; The Presbyterian Christmas tree enter- inment will be held Friday, December 21. Mrs. J. Hedger, Miss Dollie Hedger and iss Bertha Garside spent a short holiday Toronto this week. ' Mrs. S. Watt of Noxfar isivisiting her sis- r, Mrs. Geo. Poucher, for a few days on er way to the city. * . ` Annual meeting of S.O.E. Friday night for the election of officers for 1924. A ood attendance is requested. A meeting of Barrie Bay Lodge, B. of L. Xv I3`. uyilllnn Mn]:-I nn Qnnrfnu ntnrnnnnf ronto, returning Luesuuy. I $1116: UUU. UVUL vlanmu LUMIULVUS Au annua- on this week. Mrs. Wm. Carson of Toronto spent a week - her home here. M V Miss Drucilla T Poucher is spending the k-end in Toronto. Mrs. J. S. Brunton spent a few days in ronto, returning Tuesday. on T D TSH-In nmn u uinifnr -tn Hun Mrs..Geo.` Ovrs visited felatives in Ham- -_' uL :- ..._.J- I56 ettuce, each . . 25 18 Celery . . . . . 20c and 25 , dark, lb p "OIuVun 3fOr25 6 cake: for 25 3 lbs. for 22 EJRSDAY, DECEMBER E3, 1923. Death of Mrs. George Givens .1.....d. ---.-.._-.1 -; AM-_..v_I `NEWS FROM THE RAILWAY LADIES OVERGAITERS-,-Ectra Values are _ shown in brown, beaver and grey felt cloth, 12-button style, to t the slim and stout an- kle, sizes 3 to 7, pair, special .-A. . . . . . The `Romeo style, brown kid, elastic side, turn sole, kid lined_, sizes 6 to H, special, ' 50 ;Men s brown and -black .kid Everette style, exible s_o1e, wide toe,- eece-lined, sizes 6 ..__-.. non (IF lkllv GU09, V7 luv ELIE, ls`I\r\r\rv Iunlvsl, uni-Air 1 , pair`. .s . . . . .._ . . . . . . . . . . . . Me'nsi Felt Slippers, in black felt andileather sole and heel, sizes 6 to 11,-pair . . . Men s Plaid Felt Slippers, Combination felt and leather soleand heel, eece-lined, very cosy, ' sizes 6 to 11, pair .. ._ . . . . . . . . .. Boys" Cosy, Warrrr Felt House Slippers, felt and leather sole style, in black, grey and brown plain and plaidpatterns, sizes 11 to I! ....:.. HF "I"'I\ 01 `IF may V! 1- rows`;- 5, 0 0 VI Little Boys- , Jersey` Suitgnice . 1 gauge of colors, t ages 2, v 4 5. 6 and 7; these are Sn:-pin] xmlnn ..4. on n- -_ _# Here are Slippers for everyone in an immense variety of plessing styles, colors ancl materials, something that is oractical, yet an inexpensive gift. Mr. H. Coburn, Allandale, Mrs. Frd D01." In-n Allnnnlnu Mr: I-T Rnfnmnn Qnlnnm- On Friday evening the officers and mem- bers of Barrie Bay Lodge, B. of L. F. & E., held a very successful At` Home to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the organization of the Lodge.` The first part of the even- ing was spent in a euchre drive. An im- portant feature of the gathering was the presentation to John Spearn, of Penetang, of a gold button emblematic of 25 years continuous service in the order. A similar button was to have been presented to John Webb, of Allandale, but Mr. Webb was unable to be present. The prwentntions were made by James Munro, Financial Sec- retary of the local lodge. , ,l I Irv- `I17 1 171.18. 11.. uuuuru, nuuuuuxu, nus. L'u'.u. uur lery, Allandale; Mrs. H. Bateman, Schem- -berg; Mrs. Hilliard Webb, Stroud; (James, of Schomberg; Percy, of Toronto; and John and George of Battleford, ,Sa.skatchewan._ .rI\I _ l_,I_I ALE- I"lVL.__._.]---\ 'The,funera`l was_ held this (Thursday) afternoon from the family residence, Gran- ville Street, burial taking 'place in Barrie Union cemetery. The [pull-`bearers were: Marshall Boyd, Alvin Wice, Wm. Lockhart, Sam Switzer, Wm. Robertson and Alex. Ness, Rev. W. J. Watt took the services. . .v......, V. ._v .v...-.. -..--a~.- Short addresses were made by His Wor- ship Mayor Little, John Clark, member of the B_elIeville Vlodge, Mrs. C. W. Edwards representing the Grand International Aux- iliary, and James Brunton. James Munro gave a brief outline of the history of the organization. . ' 111 II II I II B. of L; F. & E. Celebrates Half cehtury ___Vj _. -___ Winners of the euchre prizes were: Mrs. J. Little -and Miss F. Srigley for the ladies, -and A. F. McGuire and G. Stinson for the gentlemen. Following a bountiful luncheon the. remainder of the evening `was spent in dancing. The banquet, euchre and dance lwas `given in the Orange Hall, Burton Ave. 'IVL_ .___L_ -2 LL, _ _ _ _ _!__L!, C`!!! _,, B. 1 van .u ...-y V. I-luau gpuun, .- \-Q vvu on v I. n The motto of the organization is Char- .ity, Protection, Sobriety, and Industry, but the Greatest of These in Ch-arity. Some Historical Notes -In giving a history of the organization Mr. Munro said :- * On Dec. 1, 1873, Joshua A. Leach, who was born in Tipperary County, Ireland, with eleven other firemen on the Old Erie R.R., organized the Brotherhood of Loco- motive Firemen. During the first few years this young organization- met with much op- position from many quarters but the or- iginal faithful and fearless few "stood shoul- der to shoulder and kept the ag of the Brotherhood, flying until time brought re- lief. Today there are 912 lodges with a membership of over 118,000. 104 lodges are in Canada with a membership of over 8,000. In 1920 the membership reached 128,862, the highest in the history of the organization. There -has been $28,749,- l 666.80 paid out -by the organization in death landdisability claims. . A . 'f1_,, T _.`l___ __- _ _ _ _ __2___I __ A_,!I Barrie Bay Lodge was organized onApril 1, 1891, with 10 charter members. James Brunton was first Master; W. J. Church, Secretary; .Ts 0. Bradford, Collector and John Warren, Receiver. Since that time Barrie Bay Lodge has paid into the Bene- = ficiary Fund $29,632.90, and. the Grand Lodge has paid to disabled members and Beneficiaries -of deceased members 333,- 000.00 for 27 deaths and disability claims. 1-_ 11.- 11---; .117--. an min ._..._. I..__ ._-.__ In the Great 'War; 12,816 members saw service under the ags of Great Britain and United States; 414 paid the supreme sac- rice, 195 in Canada, 219 in United States, $528,500 being paid to their beneficiaries. 41 members of Barrie Bay Lodge were on ac- tive service. Three _were killed in action: Broe. J. J. Tavener, F. Hamilton and N. W. Paddison~,~ while T. S. Hounsome died from the effects of his war service. The `membership of the `local lodge in 1920 reached 142. -. . A4. 41... .............L 44...... 4.1.... ........L....'.L:.. 1. TQECHBQ .I.`.to 1. At the present time the membership is 81 with the following officers: G. Watson, Pres.; K. Dawe, Past Pres.; O. J. Travers,- V-ice-Pres.; J. W. Munro, Fin. S_ec y.; F. J. Ellis, Ree. Secy.; Chas. ChapmVan,'Chairi- man of Looal.Grievance Committee. ' . man 0! uUl7aI.uuuvm.Iuu uunuuuvwuu `The organization has held 29 conven- tione: 13 annual, 12 biennial and '4 trien- nial. It has had nine Grand Masters. The first of these, Joshua A`. Leach, lived to see the organization grow from .11 members to over 116,000 -and diedvwhile in. attend- ance at the 28th convention in Denver, Colo. Two` conventions have been held in Toronto (1884 and 1898). The last conventioh was held in Houston,'Texas,. in .1922. I FORMEN ........% ,,...... ,,....-...-, .,--., .. I.\J ......... .. 75 T9 $135 . '-.--MOORE S-i"" House Slippers for Christmas Giving nun. II: 1:. Unuuyo Mrs. T. Metcalfe was in Callingwood last week visiting Mrs. P. Walker. Mr out` Mr: I! Q 'I:`:`uMu.- -nL..........J J... ucn umuu Lulu. I o W uuwr. Mr. and idrs. C. S. Foster returned to their home in Colborne this week. 'M :m. M ...-l.JI:..... t`II....1- :.. ._'_n.:_._ u-:_. _.....-=..-.... ....----uv-n sun; wvuuuo Mr. and Mrs. W;z;ll;ce R. Lawrence of Toronto spent the week-end with friends in town. A |r:_1_u,L__ in, ., 4- vs- Mrs. Huh of Fergusonvale is visiting` Mrs. A. B. Carley. | Mr T Mnfnnlfn an ha ("A-lI!.....-.......l 1..-; uuuu uuuu: xu UUIUUIUU was WEEK. Miss Maddline Clark is visiting Miss Margaret Morrison of Parry Sound. ' i `II . ...._I `ll ..- I'IT_1l_,, -n 1- - VUWLIu _A. Middleton Eastman of Hamilton spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman, 35 McDonald St. - 11.. _,, ,1 an . . -.. . _-... ._.-wu-ow, uv Luv uuuau uvn Mr. and Mrs._ Hot;-:on of Kitchener and Mtiiiee ' Satuklay. at 2.30. Admission 10 ,& 15c. TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT 7.30 `and 9.00 Boy, oh, Boy !- What a treat there in in store for you! Come and see the greatest Western photodrama ever ung on the screen. You ll get more thrills per minute than you've ever had in your life. Here s the picture that will hold you spellbound for one- solid hour-it s so utterly entertaining that you ll wish it was twice as long. If you miss this picture, you're cheatin_g_yours_elf of one of the nest motion picture entertainments that ever cam eto town. COME AND SEE lT-TONlGHT! FRIDAY AND SATU_l1AY, mac. 7 AND 3 PERSONAL ALSO A cool) cutusnn comm MOORE S SHOE STORE Ladies Felt Romeo Slippers, best grade of felt, 'in`black,' brown and red, fur-bound, exible leather sole .and heel, sizes 3 to 8, pr. Ladies Kosy Style Felt Slippers, ribbon-trim. med, elk sole, also suede leather boudoir `style, padded soles and heels, different col- ` ' ors, sizes 3 to 7, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Ladies Boudoir Slippers, quilted satin, black and mauve colors, English made, pr. Ladies Felt Slippers in red and brown colors, padded soles, elk _outsole, high cut style, ribbon trimmed, sizes 3 to 7, pair . . cosv WARM SLIPPERS mmrrv snruas FOR woman THE BARRIE EXAMINER DONE `IN on." CAPITOL THEATRE

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