Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1923, p. 4

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UK|\| Ill us--\ . V _ V-.\11w 1: ..\Ir. St-{men nu httle journey In Imd e.\Wp1:\in(- in In Gerxnzuxy xw txme. He did 1 - 1..-. . time. 1 proper ctlm-:n'mn_-.'. a nation. zrml n`X;I tional nrerlrmk ca-. catastrophe ue 1`: lads to-day. :m\'1 Iheir own h:\ml.~.. the country over their own study they will not lw which had sun _x to a cruel war." Service. The speaker ul place religion .~l~. every boy, and .< slogan was am placed by the .-I ""== mm nf the r DIBCCCI U_V nu: m was one of the 'bnys work. 81 missing the mar C.S.H'.T. prngzrm boy in making i was based on th to hold up'~Hi.<-I L --. L..,l.n- LU uunu up _ boy today. The church w: as therqwas' u I was ht h21\'iI1;: velop himself pl itually, and to I munity in whic rw ,,v_:;._ ,4; llluuuq u. ....._ Speakihg of on theiattainin the cleaning of glass of water bath, etc. (A6 Hm nnnnhl Dam, etc. `At the conclu stration of a" which proved structive. 1... nm after surucuvu. In the after the boys coun cil,` and metho It pays td let Column. origin aw >3 nm tmul Ed. Bryso_n s % CONFECHONERY UllL' F v reform Icing Sugar . . . . . ; 2 lbs. 27 -__II-_, DAICIRIC 0 IL- OE- 9 lbs. for 99] Orders of lsejivered .3S!!,3"d 93??! Need one asl-:V.wliowl1lr:-(l`;renfell'is? Need one askthe` question`,-' indeed, in any English-speaking country? , Canada can only. claim a sha're`of 'idu_al seized , with an altruistic spirit him, though that is an important one. As the founder and superintendent of the Labrador Medical ,Missio,n. this English-born physician may well be regarded as" one _of the. most prac- tical and efficient of modern philan- thropists. It is rarely, that an indiv- of service puts his ideals pinto prac- tise so persistently and benecially, but this is what Wilfred Grenfell has ' done for. a quarter `of a century. The . fact that he carries along line of. well-earned degrees and honors" only e hasizes the sacrices he has . m e, although the application , of. this word to him is most distasteful. . The scope and extent of his medical 1 and other services, from the Coast I to Newfoundland to the far north of . Labrador, constitutes a parish hun- ` dreds of miles in length. He has been instrumental in raising large ` sums of money for his work and also for an endowment fund that will place it on a permanent foundation. His" efforts to reak down the trad- ing rings that ressed hard on the Labrador sherman are among his praiseworthy contributions to human welfare. The story of Dr. Gr_enfell s work is one of the most thrilling of modern times and affords an example of unselsh service difficult to excel. Moms cHocoLA'rEs nnnenms In EVERY uma ron J wean-sun HOMEMADE TAFFlES- 40 `lb. BUTTERSCOTCH 4 TAFFY with walnuts, SUGAR Peanut . . . .' .` Butterscotch . _. `Almond . . .1 Brazil. . .3 . . 4 `Bulk and Pac-kag" i1iiAis'1NS, 2 lbs. 255] 11-4-1 hi--. l\-___..I.._. 01- gsc lb. V910 svgvvv VI. .l.,VVV lllllcc It ig a well-known fact; that big, heavy cars and trucks are -much harder _on the roadways than age lighter vehicles. Under`the Californ- ian ;scheme the heavy vehicles will pay "for theirextra wear on the roads - through the gasoline consumption, which will be very much greater. than W 1;; ' this sgylem the motorist will pay in exac proportion to the use - of the road, whereas under/the On- tariosystem the license fee is the same -whether the .car is 'used 865 days or 100 days or. whether it `tra- ' vels 10,000 or 1,000 miles. TL 3- _ _.._II 1-_____ .___L' L`__L I,I_. `Ia.u,vvv,v_vv On every gailon of gasoline sold, the customer pays atax of 2 cents, of which-one cent goes to the state and one cent to the countyto `be used for the upkeep of the roads. At the same time, the `license for the ordin- ary-sized` car is reduced from $18 A t_$4-;..} / ul- uyvu VIII: IABU Ialuuv VJ. UIIU Lvuo Out in California a new method of motor taxation is being introduced. it being based upon the amount of use that is made of the roads by car- owners. This impost is in the form of a gasoline tax which is expected to produce an annual revenue of $18,000,000. ' l'l_ ........-- ....`ll.... .5 ..-....`l.'..- ..-I.I This year within the connes of Simcoe County expenditures on roads will run considerably ' over half a million dollars. On the Provincial Highway $317,901.45 has been spent; > some $200,000 has been `paid out on the County Roads System, and added, to thesetare the amounts expended by the several municipalities Aonother roads. Though people 'aredemand- ing good 1'-oads, they are nding thefn _ a `bit expensive. As it works out, too, the roads taxation is not based upon the use made of the roads. l\uJ- 3.. l"1..1.'.\....:.. .. ....... .....LL...l -3 E the manner in which Canada s forest 5 export of Christmas trees. P. i r states closely adjacent to Ontario re- ` - quire approximately [4000 to 5000 . V cars. "-Continuing, the writer says: -of destroying for a few hours pleas- ` Last week reference was made to resources are being depleted by the It was stated" that a buyer was taking out from the Wiarton district fty car- loads - some 25000 young ever- greens. Large as though this seems, -it isapparently but a fraction of the heavy toll"Canada is paying to sat- -isfy this American demand. In a let- ter published `in last week's Wiarton `. Echo,` it is stated that cities in the To give one an idea. of the volume of business in some of the cities, I quote `approximately the number of cars used: In New York City/`B00; Boston, 200; Pittsburg, 300; Balti- more, 300; Philadelphia, 300; Chi- 'cago,. 500; Detroit, 250; Cincinnatti, 250; ,B,u'alo, 150: Cleveland, 150; St. Louis, 150; `Harrisburg, 100; Washington, 50." ' This trade, it is_ said, was formerly supplied from the- New England. States and. Quebec. These seem to have realizedvthe-folly ure. trees than in a few years would be of immense value _to,the country. It is high. time Ontario wkned up and put an end to this wasteful prac- tice. Georgetqwn Herald; Give a boy everything he wants and some day he'll want a pardon fromthe Depart- ment of Justice. ' To `see an over- indulgent fool of a father allowing V a cub of a boy to lead_ him round by Unbusineulike Methods Dundab Star: The war, of course, must be paid for, "and special taxes are therefore necessary, but just why business should be continually upset by changes, and whywhen changes aregmade those who will have to pay the tax are not clearly and denitely informed as .to just what these taxes are and how they` are to be raised, is hard to understand. If a deliberate attempt were made by the officials of the Department of Finance to `complicate and interfere with busi~. ness, their_ present policy would be one good way of going about it. &$mmw&$&$m&&&m& :11; AMONG EXCHANGES Where Over-Indulgence Leads f1_, we rtyour boy with a $1.50 set and increase it up to $315.00. Extra parts kept .in stock. T_ DO YOUR SHOPPINGEARLY WHILE SELECTIONS ARE GOOD 3% A small denosit will be` a(`r"pn+pd +n ham .....; ...._- - , ,- ._ _ __.`- ---annual Ivgllllpdl-I Lil-ill-II; deposit will be accepted to hold any purchase to visitour store. No obligation to buy. Come in- and l ` L "_'(1Vi{'B\f`WJrTd). .75.: Magic Lantern with ` 0124-- . An -- VA11`Iron Cook Stoves 65 S1a t`es with Bead `.--v--vw vv An a.aIv|.I.\.O Countgrs . . . . . .. 15 Revolving G1obe-`- lll-.. ,.c \x.r__.1_1\ -- Reed The Examiner and get all the `local and district news. $2.00 `a year. and werth more. ' ` o v\a\o ....T'1".5o to $4.50 Barking Dogs . . . . ., 25 Fur Monkeys 15 Clown Acrobats . . . 15 Noah _s Arks . . . . . . 25 Bak_eboard with rolling naoocnwuvvuau vs pin Foldinglroning Boards Lo9se_-h_and1e` Talking Marhma Dolls-_ .....`.$1.95. to $3.75 Teddy Bears-- ' Q1 Ell L- `VA EII ea-v navsnnuvl AI Slides .... . .'.' 131.25 Meccano%---The GeatEd;cator LToy morjqys Snend hours working wi+h '+hpcn Vnn I`\nr\ ,n-;v_.-.___ . 59 Burton Warnica of Painswick is rapidly coming to the front as a Hereford breeder. At the Royal `Winter Fair this week he showed his class by getting sixth "place for Sen- ior Calf, in competition with entries from some of the best herds in Can- ada and the United States. 'l'J'-..-.-_.J- 7 '- ..--_ u-.u unnnuvu wvawca. fierefords were an exceptionally strong exhibit this year, and it re- quiredhigh quality to get inside the money in ,any event. PAINSWICK MAN WINS . ` . AT ROYAL WINT-ERA FAIR , _the nose is a most_distressing sight 4 to any person with enough imagin- ation in their make-`up to look into the distant futre. The boy who`*is allowed everything `he wants and ex- pects everything he asks for is lay- ing up a load of trouble for the kind and indulgent old man whose later -sorrows are only. in the making. We have a strong belief in the kindly feelingslthat should be felt by a par- ent to his child, but we are equally strong in the belief that parents are entitled. to the respect of their child- ren. While, severity on_the part of parents is to be deplored, over-indul-' gence is not to be commended. Phone 668 I i Limzted 36 Dunlop St., Barrie, Ont. -_ Santa s been here,'the good old Dear, ,. . he has left us his big Bag of Toys, And also a note`, .in wliich he wrote: I hope these Toys will bring much Joy . To every Barrie Girl` and Boy. We are opening today\\the biggest assortment of Toys that ever came out of Santa-`Claus Bag. Pareqts; bring your Children that they may ' V. make their selections from Santa. `The prices will astonish you. _, Buy advertised things. _ nnnubvu " ` .".-'2.49 up to $6.25 Wheelbarrows, _$1.l0 up Kiddie Cars $2.75 to 5.00 Boys .Wagons- Q-I n-I- --A `Iron Autos, Trains, Fire Trucks at various prices. Menageries with Animals, a wonderful toy- sPrices_._ . $2.19 to 3.49 Doll Carriages- 1-0 An $4: an.` n I manna ""T';;ei;'r: . . . . . ."si`.`5o The Krazy Auto" . . . 75c Iron Banks 25c Building Blocks 15 to 50 ` Boys Toy Pistols- Set of Dishes 59 to 1.19 A# `Xmas Tree Decorations .....5cand 10 each Me_ Train with A` _n. 5 I . I'i`.5 to 3.50 I . . to 45 CURRY'S! /4_--_ :T& :hase until Christmas. Don t fail .u.cu:.I.u1'u sires are onereu. The Hereford breed of cattle is going ahead faster in Canada than any other beef breed. Now is the time to buy at your own price. Twelve mnnthg tI'rn14- ..:...... n....1. uuuc uu uuy 6 your OWH p_r1ce. Twelve months credlt given. Cash dis_count. Good guarantee on every ammal. ' ~ W. D. ALLEN, Auctioneer. Send, for catalogues to Daniel Grainger, Creemore, Ontario. . ___- _ `*1 Q Q ll` M at 1 p.r;:. Your great opportunity good Hereford Cattle (A Most Popular Beef Breed). 31 COWI III!` `Ann 0 of DANIEL , Read The Examiner and get all the local and district news. $2.00 a year and worth mm-. A -........ nu unaulub 11 a year worth more. HAND SLEIGHS AND TOBOGGANS Hand Sleighs priced at- 45c, 60c, 75c,` 95c, _ $1.10, 1.25, up to 3.25 Toboggans, size up to 8 ft., priced at- . . . ._ $2.50 up to 6.50 Made by War Veterans. , Strong and serviceable. Do1l s Cradles and Beds 74 up Hay Wagons,` Wood Trains, Horse Wagons, Duck Carts, Goose Cars, Auto Trucks, Rocking Horses, Dump Carts. These toys are `substan- . . tia1~1'y made and will stand the knocks. wE% n~Esm:3:Ee:'a;"' 134-1....- .- w v v u A v L A w V59, JVIIIVIIAKI VV V (4 per lb.. . . . . . Cranberri S, 2 quarts for 40 Mixed Nu s, new` crop, lb". 24c Almonds, lb. ". . . . . . . . .. 24c Filberts, lb._ . . .V . . . . . . 20_c Walnuts, in shell, lb. 23 Walnuts, shelled, lb." . 44c . Almonds, sh`elled-, lb. 44 VETCRAI-LT TOYS ` COMPLETE - DISPERSION SALE or THE PURE BRED HEREFOl_2_l_)_ _l:lERD S l\ VI-In A-- A Crecmoa ty to _buy I `( A me1-1ca s THURSDAY, Novena"? {Taylor Stattgim P( ' Value of Eia Tests. the Laanaulzux ouuu..~.. T Tests for boys, Taylor _` tional Boys? Work Sect ,Y.M.C.A., addressed a ', ing of boy and older jschoolroom of'St. And: Tuesday night. In t Mr. Statten addresse , Council in the police (`( `dresses were listene-_d ,,interest. and it is antici "visit. willresult in an s '~'-boys activities in this r the winter months. Jazz, ofbtho .lv K Mr. Statten, in HM` remarks, took 0c(':l. opinion of jazz l1l1l:4l(' A declaring that its tonal- in the direction of tin` of .,its- being Solna-Ll`: "Music could be a '{:r(~.-1 spiration to old and _v he urged his ht-zu'(-1'5 selves so that they xv: the best music, the lu best in nature. V - n ('1 111 71'` ........~... Q &IIl&U Uuant V 6C table . . . . . . . . .3 3 for 25 Cheese, extra ne, lb. .. 32c Clover Leaf Salmon, tall, 39. Eagle Salmon, tall . . . . . ,23c Tomato Catsup, large tin, 18c Tea,'Orange Pekoe, lb." .. 79 Oranges, dozen, 33c, 35c, 38c Quaker Oats, large .. . .. 28c Lux . . . . . . ,l'1c Comfort Soap . . . . .. 7c Lifebuoy Soap . . . . .. 8c. Bacon, sliced, Meadowvale, IL. ` an vsnu Championing the p 1' the Canadian Stnn(`.:n' V--Cm `run knve '1-`!\\'l(H' from thirteento ni lI| nus--...\,. The C.S.E.T. p1'og'i': adopted in J_nan\' H: parts of the woTl. an in Japan, China, Nmv tralia and other (`mu with splendid results minister recently won learn the latest im- work and the progzrun adian S.E.T. \\'a;<.h:r` thing which he Cuulrl home and which. tho here. is now in use leading universitic.< States. . The programme : stronger and ahlcr (`: 1 the speaker declared. a personality and `things that are wort the things that have about human life. 0 important is the fzw UC age is one of the m `the life of the boy. out at this time. +rainin2 along dill`. have been the nc-.<* lives do not amount high soul climbs tho the low soul grow , with the low levels. . . .1.-- M... 'f.lJ,U `LU Lina pk. `have largely been In ents. From now on you have to` make t`. self. The manney i` these declsions will er you are to by ` whether you are to of top-notchers. T the C.S.E.T. is `de-.~ in trying to n1zik<- "life. . u/\ .....m+ mzmv "1118. A szreat mz\`n v .queradim:r under t work. In Nowfo visited recentlv. t gone in for militar '1-pure avg given 1-09- 1319 U1 |IIu||u ..... .. habits. The prugriu see that he has a M from the cold. prm-xi '~ -- `uh n_- {hp 0 irom U19 Cum. yum... In so far as the on The boy should he :1 music. .'1`Ln-A I; .1 (.\.:w lllumu. "There is :1 t}'_:< the lower in one"; what `I have ref: it had its ----` H (Inn: n(\l N` _;- 1-...-....1u Bonn H It nun u.~ u..z,... and 1: does to highest. typo. As the nlusic some `Barney Gonglo` that. Thoro is :1 of the (`.S.1`..T. 1; tion of nmsic * been secured in bnys know the 1 bad nxusic." Y 1.... A ' XBBVIIBIIQ I n1$, 1 hurt: it: Gold Meda:1.l-3~1<.g. Powder, 24 5-lb. pail Pure Honey .. 49 SOql"S, Tomato and Vege- 0) t-.. l'IE_

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