Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1923, p. 13

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URSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1923, Illollls {Jar pcueubs, Jul`. 8110 lV.l.l'S. . E. Sutclle, Bayeld St. . MISS Hazel M. Marr has reeelved cnv nah!-H"|nn+n on D`.uu.~d-.._...J' \T.-.......` REBEKAH OFFICERS Heintzman & Co. pi~nos--We'have fwo specials this week; A, Patterson, distrib- utor, _Allanda1e. , 48c JITNEY I AND `CAR COLLIDE A collision between Marshall s jitney and a Chevrolet 490 occurred on Saturday night -about ten o`clock on Elizabeth Street near the corner of Mary St. The Chevrolet at- tempted to turn round on the road, without giving the proper warning and the jitney, coming along from the east, hit it broad- sides, bending the fender and twisting one of the wheels. No one was injured and the Chevrolet was able to proceed under its own power. The jitney was crowded at the time. BARRlE_l\1ARKE'l'S SARJEANT &KING. Limited Suits up to $45.00 FOR % Suits - up` to $35.00 FOR Selling- Out Prices ving inemory of 1 her, Mr. and Mr_s M en s Suits SARJEANT & KING S Men s Overcoats at Less Than Cost Price LOOK AT THESE PRICES: Selling 0utMen s Wear SALE PRICE $24.75. $1 7.50 AT Regular $15.00 and $20.00 15 COATS s--'I`ea drawers, , sauce pans, etc}; at the small price `IE- A, 1 `rm-: BARRIE -EXAMINER`. Sizes 36 to 42 SALE OF LADIES COATS Regular Price $25.00 0 Regular up to $20.00 Clearing Price - $14.75 Clearing Price $5.95 BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL LADIES COATS `Geo. Vickers D. F. McCuaig J. O. Scythes G.D.Hubbard, sls. nu .l;l.o Ulluliflll IV. do uauagner O; D. Williams W. A. Turner S. G. Underhill Jas. Paterson Harry Hook, skip Alex.Brownlee, sk. 9 V 10 (`An 1T:..`l--.._ A `L`l'.._ 11 - C. E. Robinson Alex. Sinclair Harry Arnold - P. Love, skip -'-Quebec Heaters from $12.50 up at W. A.- Lowe & Son's, Elizabeth Street. , `. ' 43tfc U L. Jay . V. Donaldson .F.A.Malcomson . Malcomson, sk. IR, H. Underhill I`! 'l'\ TlT`I`I:....... H. M. Dyment Art. Wolfenden C. R. McConkey, D.A.McNiven, sk. The Following Will Conititute the Rinks of Barrie Curling Club for the Season 1923-24. All Millinery Reduced 1-3 19 COATS DURING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY W135 '0t`ton, skip both crushed and sore m the sweet words come VV c I.` lflall H. Meredith . Fred Loth, skip .12 `I ! `I1! t'i..._2.. R. F.` faig T. D. Brovyn TIT - A l'l\_.._.. T. Tooke J.G. Scott Dr. W. A. Lewis . G.0.Cameron, sk. R. J. G:1lagherT `I - .-. ,'l)..L........... A. Moaftt Donald Ross ` D. H. Allan S. Meredith, `skip `I Tideman G.- MacLel1an G. Habbick H. Beelby, skip Reading the acivts. is protable employment. < Iving megnory of dear lit1 'ho was called away `:3. ye v. 30, 1922. ound our family board, ng kindred" meet, d. hhnr A..- u - David-I-S-mith, who made Ninety and- Nine and Masters of Men for Vitagraph, directed The Mid- night Alarm, and pronounced this picture as more sen- sational and spectacular than either of his two previous remarkable productions. A re scene, a vault rescue and an automobile-crash give some of the thrills in this . picture. i i REGULAR. PRICES. Matinee Saturday at 2.307 ` R GOOD COMEDY ATTRACTION ALSO j J. A. MORRISON, _Manager. 'The%Midnight Alarm nQ1f;f` Qrhifh urhn rnorln I\Hr'sn4-u nnrl Y\TnnH .-....A Capitol Theatre THURS., I-'RI.,%SAT. - NOV. 29, 30, DEC. 1 David Smith : Best Picture SALE PRICE Regular $25.00 and 30.00 17 COATS Sizes 34 to 44 12 COATS ll:come o'er us, and dear, rrow filled our heqrta arth was o'er. {ulna -- ~~ f Big Store WE ARE SELL- INC ALL mm MEN S cons AT cos'r PRICE AT THE THIS IS . Page Thirteen "5 ;unared' d, how dear it was! fair `and sweet. -.-Mrs. John Jory. your memory ngers er, fond and true. day, dear Sadxe, not think of you. er,` Father and Brothers$ eaters, navy with mmed neck. cardinal ite and green trim- `O plain black, sizes 1d 40, regular $4.50". arlce . ; . . . $2.95 V F wqra; mxmmum 50 cents E ; memory of Sadie Poole,` (Dec. 8, 1918. - ing inemory my dear fath- er, Mrs. Henry Ball, away Noyember 1917 and W-`-`:1r*"1'om the F g - . and fo 4:! ~ Baldwin? --Daughter_ Effie. -_.____:-j- [i(;;'ing daughter [ Maud. ...__.-._.._..___..: - - u v no r ! l\/y 15 each ck ahd Heather Sox, 15 . . . . . . 75c pair ' little nnrnv `n ......_ memory my dear '}Inn\ l`1....l yea; ucul` God v v v I I I I it III &l'IlIIII& Stewart Olmatead, rep-am-ti as having escapedfrom the Gu'e1_o31 Reformatdry, re; centlw 18 wanted in Barrie on an inform tion having been swcrn .':ut fo1"hi8 arrest by Chief Case. ` ' ILI LVUWHFIC. J.` cl ! -' The bride has a number of, friends in Bar- rie; having frequently visited here. A pretty-house wedding took place Wed- nesday evening, Nov. 21, at 6.-30 o clcck, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Goff, 248 West avenue north, Hamilton, when their daughter, Muriel Elizabeth. was united in marriage to Mr. Clymont Mac- Arthur, B.Sc., M.D., of Newark, NJ. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. W. A. Mcllroy. The bride looked -lovely in her gown of oyster georgette, with pearl trim- mings. She wore a court train and carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and lily- of-the-valley. Miss Marguerite McKinley, of Barrie, was bridesmaid, wearing a gown of Nile green georgette and carrying yellow` `mums. Mr. Archibald MacArthur, brother of the groom, was best man. An aisle through which the bridal party passed was formed of white ribbon, carried by six- teen girl friends of the bride. Mrs. Goff, mother of the bride, wore a gown of sandal- wood georgette,'trimmed with beaver, and beaded in bronze, and wore a corsage bou- auet of Premier roses. Mrs. MacArthur. the groom's mother, was gowned in -black Canton crepe, with jet trimmings, and cor- sage bouquet of violets and lily.-of-the-vat ley. The house was prettily decorated with `mums and palms_. Miss Isobel Land played the wedding music, and, during the" signing of the register, Miss Douglas Anderson sang Love's Coronation. After the wedding - breakfast, Mr. Charles Peebles proposed the ~ toast to the bride, and wished the happy couple long life and happiness. Guestswere 1 present from London, Toronto, Brantford, Barrie, and Newark, NJ. -The happy * couple, left for Toronto, `en route to New I York,- the bride travelling in a dress of * biege Canton `crepe, with trimmings of ` brown velvet ribbon and hat to match. . Dr. : and Mrs. MacArthur will make their home ~ in Newark, NJ. I WVLA Ln}.-L. L-.. - ........L-__ -1 __!_ , ,1 0 cu u--vwvwwu-I--~-v-r\IIl\hu The marriage was solemnized on Tues- day, November 27, Rev. Dean H. J.` Sween- ey officiating, of Archibald McDougall and Mrs. Nellie Casselg Clarke of Barrie. Mr. McDougal1 resides on the 6th concession of Vespra. Following the ceremony, a wed- ding breakfast was served at" the residence of the groom.'e brother, Alex. M:'.Dougall, Elizabeth St., Barrie, after which Mr. and Mrs. McDougall took up their'reeid'.'nce in Vespra township. . lannl Shifts, also 1 shirts; prices of . . $2.25'and $2.50 s cc this shirt. utscu. _ , - Reg. Blackstock stated that while the programme of the Ahmekparty was some- what smaller than the Advance Party's programme. still it was better-to complete V a smaller programme than to tackle a. larg- er one and` leave it partly finished. He spoke strongly in. favor of the formation of Tuxis clubs in high schools and in coun- try districts. ` V:..+m. n,.II:.... .-.. :.. .. ...'..-.a ...-...1 1--.. 1.:_ lily l.HBlll`lUIlv Victor Collins `put in 9. good word for his friend, Clark Scott. who was unable to be present as a result of la. sprained ankle. Clark had a fine personality. and would` make a good representative, he stated. - Clark was supporting the Vanevery party he told the boys, andehe spoke for a few moments in support of their platform. I lurgcr uuwuas uuu clues. '. Chas. Hunter was the first speaker. He made a strong plea for support, not on per- sonal grounds. but because of the strength of the platform which he represented. Neither denomination," section, or anything eIse:`sawe service. should be cpnsidered,` he urged. `Dar n'nn1raC~nn`- ..o.....I A.L..L _.L:I_ LL- ya u: abwalauu. ` I 7. That insignia, caps and regalias be emphasized for Tuxis-groups to be worn at conclaves, banquets ahd other special Tocca- sions. . ,_ O "l1L..L .._-__ --__,1,_ ! I I I -I lvllal . 8. That more emphas be placdon the `devotional side of the programme and that- every C.S_.E.T. group take an active part in the work of the church. 0 1'1...` .. ..J......J.....l ..._:1-....,. L`. .,..Lu- 1 u us um wuI.`n_ Ul one unurcn. 9. That. a standard uniform be established for Trail Rangers. ~ 1n I`lm+ ...-.m....o:c:,... 4'..- ..n ......._.1 __; nun 1.1au 1.\.au5c1`a. 10. That competition for all-round pro~ ficiency be encouraged, rparticularly jn the `larger towns and cities. rqnnn 'l'J....4.... ....... u..- 2:..-` _-.-_I--.. rt vuuuarwluu wuns 1-Ur uuya. 5. That an effort be made to improve the calibre of the C.S.E.T. work through encouraging more groups to strive for white, blue and red honors. - A 'l`l....a. LL- .... ._1 -L__;:-_, p In - ulur: uuu {cu uuuurn 6. That the annual charting of Tuxia boys be stressed._ ' '1 'l"I....4. :....:....... -'...... -._.I _-__I!-. I V sports. v.. .... u:\.o\4\1\4IUIv\1 yauauauuuu nu uuyo. `3. That high standards and ideals be es- tablished for clean and whqlesome amateur J Thu! {Jun knits, ......l:............a. .... ....- ,' regular zmjfor 25c, ay only, 3 for 25 WLIC Lllllll U51- 2. That every member of Parliament makes an honest effort to establish the C.- S.E.T. programme in the churches of his constituency which are not already carrying on an adequate` programme forboys. '9 'l`L..a. L:...L ..L.....l.....1 --_I 24-,` 1 apux us. . I 4. That the boys parhament assume a` larger" responsibility for financing the pro- vincial-wide work for boys. 5, That an nffnvf. I-m mania dun :vv|v\Iu\Ivn -.-V uuuu nu gnu-vgunano Claude J. Gunthier, leader of the opposi- tion, presents hisplatform as follows :- 1` That nu. an M` H... :n;+:ul.. rue um Lu. -uuu, yucacuw um pLv.uUl`lu uh zuuuwa:-- I. That the use of the initials C.S.E.T. be restricted to groups that have registered and are fully prepared to carry on the four-fold course of training advocated in the manual. ` n f[\|___`_ _____ __ _______LA,_ 3 1\ I` ,lined in the young people s manual. ....=... V- ..-.. ....r.vvuu uovtocun . 6. To encourage Tuxis boys graduating from Tuxis to support actively in their churches and communities the programme of the National Young People s Board as out- AI... 11 . _ _ . . . _ _. ` ` `-...-.. ... V.-- 'yu.....a yyurnv 9 auuuuusn V Alan Vanevery, former premier, is leader of the party. - r\ ' 0.1 an: .n NLICII BUIIUUI Ell`-I VUJIIIIIUIIIUJI 5. To interest a larger number of boys of Tuxis age in the revised programme with specialmeference to b'adge.s, group honors and progressive orders by the members` of the parliament `visiting groups within, their constituencies and advocating the advan- tages of the improved plans. ` ` Q I'[|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I`IV____. I 7 V - ' IUIIU 'lU1 llllll .u,uu5I:u`a. 4; The formation of Tuxis clubs in the high schools so as to bring together boys from the various Tuxiasquares who are at - `tending such schools with a view to their rendering united service in the interests of `their school and community. Tn intnrnaf. n hn-our nnvnknr nf knua A` v.._ ....u. nu... ... uaucvvvnovu 2." The establishment of older boys county councils. R Thd nnnahlnrnnn A` an nfnini nun: 1. That the Parliament inquire into the financial needs of theeprovincial-wide Boys Work and take whateveresteps may seem necessary to insure sufficient funds to carry on that work in Ontario. 601 Black Mackinaww 1 long, special price . . . . . .; $1.25 pair IJUUII Cy UUUIIUIWO 3. The consideration of an, official uni- ` form for Trail Rangers. A"l`}\n `I\I'fVID+:l\V\ A: 'rnv;u nluka :r\ LL- (Cqntinue-dg;r_rI phge .9) V championed by Chas. Hunter." Music was furnished by the boys` orchestra and the chair was takn by `W. C. Walls. Y'I_J-fI_, L Briefly the progrhmme of th parties as follows :- ` - u - `- rs ...L.___._ L nI__1__ CLARK scorr ma BOYS PARLIAMENT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2.9.1923. WANTED in name McDoueALL;Ef;\TaKE MacARTHUR-;-OFF W-'i`Jh'e Oppvosition Platform ' T lV_.__LL!_; I.,,I, Government Plank ....g was o`er. r and true the together. E Vv___, .1 -BADMINGTON CLUB FORMEDi . A public meeting was held Friday evening in the police court, when a Barrie Badmington Club was form- ed, with J. R. Boys as president and Miss Ida Creswicke as secretary. It is hoped tointroduce this popular in- door sport in Barrie with the open- ing of two. courts .in Trinity `Parish Hall. When these quarters `-have become too small, the Armouries will likely be secured. Equipment is being brought from Toronto this week and . the rst game will likely be played Friday or Saturday; The Club starts. out with a member- ship; of sixteen, but this number will be. somewhat augmented as the. sea- son 'advances. _s -Notice--For plumbirig and heat- ing, `ring 214, _J. J..Nee1ands, 48 Blake St. Repairs for all stoves and |urnaces. T . 33tfc A boy cyclist narrowly escaped serious injury in front of Simmons & Co. s store about ve o clock. on Tuesday afternoon. Proceeding west- . ward on the south side of the street, he suddenly became aware of a car` approaching and started to turn out. As he did so his wheel skidded on the - slippery street and fell right in the. path of the car. Prompt action by Bert. Pitchford, driver of the car, saved the boy. He suddenly swung his car to the curb and missed the lad, though it meant a smashed fen- der and some other damage to his auto as well as to a Ford ahead into which he pitched. Snapping the lines._in two as a farmer attempted to hold .back a team of horses which had become frightened when an automobile start- .ed up at the corner of Mulcaster and 1 Dunlop Sts. this morning, the horses dashed up on -the sidewalk on the west side of Mulcaster St. and were making headway up the hill when Chief, Case, who happened to be on the scene at the time, caught the an- imals and brought them to, a stand- still. The Chief's shoulder was bruis- ed when he came in collision with the runaway horses. On Saturday, the rst day of Dec- ` ember, we make our rsttdisplay of dollies. It will be the largest~col1ec- tion seen in Barrie for a very long time. _Ma-ma dollies, boy dollies, baby dollies with hair, dollies that can walk, talk and go to sleep, some in lovely dresses, others just waiting to be dressed up. Every child, and grown-up, too, is `welcome to come and see. . ` 48c ._ GEORGE VICKERS Limited. auuunnun vv va av ll`hlIIl\llI-I The . Women s., eInst_it_ute will -meet at the home of Mrs. Thos. Smith, Albert St., on Tuesday Dec. .4, at 3 p.m. Mrs. `Burton will give a syn- o sis of Nellie McClung s book,` hen ChristmassComes_ Over the Top. Miss E. King will give a sketch of Nellie McClung"s, life. Roll call will be answered-by a question. Our| motto is, For Home and Country. `Everybody welcome. -aw----- an. `r any-answ Election of officers for BeaversRe- .bekah Lodge, `No. 190, held Wed., Nov. 21, resulted in the following ladies being chosen for the various o'icesV for the ensuing year: Mrs. E. Burgess, Noble Grand; Mrs. E. Part- ridge, Vice Grand; Mrs. E. Kightley, Recording Secy.~; Miss,Connie Nash, Fin. Secy.; Miss M. Madden, 1_`-reas. u.l.l.'. auu Lu..l.'. 1. VV. n. l1!'Il0l(l OI Ivy announce the engagement of their -eldest daughter, Estella Mar- ion, to Mr. Arthur H. Coxworth, youngest son of Mrs. Coxworth and the late John .C_oxworth, .Ivy, the marriage to t_ake place early in Dec- ember. ` * ' ting, 2 yds. {fc1?, hite, special value . . . . . . $1.75 yard \JllulU'q Mr. and Mrs. F. Woods, Craigvale, announce the engagement of their` "only daughter, Mary Kathleen, to Mr. lrthu Rlichgrdson, Eng! soln 0fN1IV.[1f. eo.` ic ar son an ` e ate . Richardson of -Craigvale, the mar?- age to take place early in December. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. R. Arnold o T1111 nu-nnnnvnnn I-`an I\b|1na\auo\`a4\nunL ... DIICIUO Mark` Robinson, Supt. of Algon- quin Park, was with his family in town, Monday, on his way back to the.Park after a visit to Toronto, ` where he gave an illustrated nature study talk to the Field iNaturialists Club. ' . , `Mr.. ......:I 'Mr..'.. 1:! I`lT__.1l.'. n.._:_.--_1_ IJIIILJU quacuy Cfly Ill .IJUUHlUl'o M. Coughlin of-Anten Mills -was in town today on his way home from Preston Springs, where he was un- dergoing treatment for rheumatism. {I3-Ille was much beneted by this visit ere ' 1m....I." `n_1_:....-.. a-__;. -2 51--.. uuuu: Lu Dumuugnum, _ucu1'gm. Mr. Wm. P, Carr announces the engagement of hxs youngest daugh- `ter, Helen Joyce, to" Mr. Wm. A. Warnica. The marriage -will take place quietly early in December. M (`.I\I1u-Hnn n'F,An{-an Mills you u'v v vy vuuuguuu V DD. . _ . Mrs. (Dr.) Vaughan, whohas been visiting with her Sisters in town for a few months, left this week for her home in Birmingham, Georgia. `WT? `KIWI D (Torr gnnnnnnna +1-no BARRIE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE -:79 I 10 Wellington St. hull-1:: (ge:?hen of Joellake, Chief ' Ranger for Algonquin Park, is spend~ ' ing a short time with his family at NI -mu (nu! \ `fnnru-Ron` `\t\A~nI uauh ' T Mr. and Mrs. W, J. McKinley and Miss Anah McKinley attended the MacArthur-Goff wedding in Hamil- torlrlait week. ' ` n..'n:...1...._ -1: 'r._..'1' -1-.. n1.:-1.- auu ouun 111 one nuyal. vvmner r`a1r.[ . Mrs. O. G. Hart returned home on Saturday after visiting her daughter! 1 Wallaceburg and friends in Uhat-I am. ?\I.. .._.`I `IA ... 121 'r 11,`!!! I I nu; one own: U1; New. 101'K. Mr. and Mrs. P. .J. Moran visited in Toronto the `early part of the week andvtook in the `Royal Winter Fair. MFR, n (1 I-Turf vnfn-nnnrl Inna-an A11! rah Ella Baer, whom Gc t.` Dec. 4, 1921. touch of a vanished hand, I loved is stilled. e sound of your footsteps, rom your dear, sweet face, n this earth. dear mother, vacant place. ed by her loving dagghtc: ving memory of den ucr guugubezj, '~_J,vu's. 11. A. _a`un_s_. M188 "Vance,-of Millbrook as the guest of he'i' brother, Judge Vance, and Mrs. Vance. M:.... 13.4.. C\..4...I:Q- -4: rn-..-_L- 2, uuazi rI.uze1~ .LV.l.. _J._VJ.a.1'I' nas Ifecelveag her certlcate as V Regxstered Nurse! 'torMthe State of New York. `, T .n...4 1\':f...... 1) -mr-.._._ --.'_:L-.I .u.uu| hue V1 650 last: WEEK. Mrs. Kels,o'` Millbrook is visiting her daughter, =Mrs. H. A. Sims. Mina -\.u.n.;.=.\+' M:1n........1. .--. u... auu uuiao Vance. Miss Reta Sutcliffe of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. .QI`l'i'.nliI"fn nnirnld Q0- CAYCLlST SV NARROW.ESCAPE Gilb'e'rt` Lavendr iepurned home" from the West last week. M175 113.1, ..'a M.1n........1. .-- -.':_:L:_._ DOLLY HAS COME TO TOWN CHIEF STOPPED RUNAWAY APERSONAL wills 111"] 10110 eyB memory of aldwin, who entered ber 28, 1919. ond and Iovi rnton, who ng memory ntered rest

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