(Too Late for Last Week) I Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rainey and family of Barrie spent last Sunday at Mrs. Robt. I Reynolds . . M.;- I.l'nm:ln.. V........ Q;.......: 2.. -.:-:4.:__. Liijllulkl Mrs. Hamilton Young, Stroud, is visiting! Iwith her brother. John Patterson. 11.. .._..I ll ... (3 1' n----._1_I_ \r_ n I. The building of character was the theme upon which he based his remarks at the Uentral church` Sunday evening. taking as his text Genesis 37: 10, "What is` this dream that thou hast dreamed?" Joseph had had a dream, in which his life was un ` folded before him. Through application and hard work his boyhood dreams were realised years later, when he became Prime Minister lof the State. Dreams were a blessing if ; they spurred a man on to greater things. . Everv man. declared the sneaker. "is '1ngstone and as host of others. ._'l`3';;`* ' ' ` ' ' ' ' ' `.3 ` | `Speaking from a national standpoint, 3 Fee` ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " '9 L Canada is making a greater call on its: "arrots ' ' ' ` ` ' ` ` ` ' ` ' " lcitizens than ever before. the speaker de-4 gclared. Its very vastness is. a challenge to ; Cauliower ilts manhood. 'I:he nation has become fam- _ Potatoes. per baa ~ous for the character of its men. and Cam] A _ b 1] ada stands for nothing if it doesn't stand 3` per um for the building of a noble manhood. Can- .1, L. ------------- -- ada had taken a stand on the question of, Aumlpamls. ' L. ' ' ' ' " slavery, even before Wilberforce and Lin-'Dr:pkeS" 0??" awaits icoln, and had declared that there shouldipgrck gerlb ' "" " igeve1;i.stanl ahsl&ave on tllnle soil of Upper ' p r -' ' ' ' ' ` ' ' ana :1. inc nen as t ese were never dead. In fact the speaker contended that CALIFORNIA AND ' no man fit to live. ever died._ . *1-OUR 1'.l....I- ...... ...J.....):.I 1...; __-__, .L, --I I live in the hquse that he has built. gl'88El' mlngs. eucy spurrcu 21 man U11 [0 Every man, declared the speaker, Is the architect of his own house, and he must T9 urns nnnnukln tau. tilbvirnm` KILLYLEAGH Llllllfllo (To Be Continud) VINE L nu: a usw uays enamel is easy to clean. but the saucepans In buying lcitchenware remember that should have lids to match. not tin. Tin lids rust and need constant attention. Eggs took a big jump during the week and on the Biirrie market, last'Saturday, were quoted at :1 record figure for the sea- son-70 cents. Some could be had on tal market, however, at 68 and even as low as 65 cents, the highest figure quoted the week previous. ' s I V 'rI'n-lrnva nun` rnu.-sen mnrn nnf fn kn her` i Morgue and Chapel IN CONNECTION . A 3An.aII:. ONT. - - Phone 82` IPIC VIUUBQ ' Turkeys and geese were not to be had,` the experience of the week before, when a _number of producers had to let their choice `fowl go at the close of the market at very low prices, having_disc_ouraged them from bringing any more -this week, At Thanks- giving time turkeys were selling for 35 cents a pound when the Qnarket opened; but at noon. they could be had at 25 cents. The situation practically amounted to a glut on the market. Wkiln +1. n u A u ...`.)..... IILLL. -2... A... L- L...) If the brown sugar is lumpy. place it un- covered on the top shelf of the refrigerator `for a few days. I 1,, p,,,.,:.,., 1.:+..L........._- _-_4. ' When winter comes the Pacific Coast] States and British Columbia offer a haven-l of refuge from our rigorous climate. par- ticularly Sunny California. California has become famous as a winter tourist region because of its excellent climatic conditions, its varied and magnificent scenery, "the possibilities it affords for all kinds of outdoor sports and recreations, its splendid motor roads, sea bathing. etc. The `Canadian Na- tional `Railways offer a wide choice of | routes embracing rail and sea trips. Travel one way through Canadian `Rockies via Jasper National Park and Mount -Robson. | the North Pacific Coast Route to Vancouver: 3and Victoria._ Seattle. Portland, San Fran! cisco and Los Angeles. R Any Agent of the Canadian National Rail- `ways will be pleased" to furnish full informa- ltion regarding these tonrs. - 47-48c sxuu uu uxe uxarnct. While there weithno little pigs to be had, the farmers are` killing now and a quantity _of choice pork was displayed at from 14 so 17 cents per poiind; 14 for from quarters. and '17 for hind. | 1'. - -- :..l.__._ -___I L`, I II- nuu II [VI Hllluo Chickens and fowlwere selling at the same figure, namely 25 cents, but there did not appear to be much demand for hens. Chickens were readily picked up, however. A few ducks were on display but they were quickly grabbed` up at 25 cenfs a pound. `D..L..._.... -L--..-_I ,_ LIDUEII pl lUC- l A `few pumpkins were sold at figures' ranging from 10 to 25 cents each. Cabbage was plentiful but cauliflower was scarce this weeksand small. , s 1 I\....a...A.2___ ._ .`...--..., a......u\.u uy an. no \./\.n| n puuuu. Potatoes Showed some change in quota- tions this week. Some were to be had as low as $1.00 per bag. Other yendors were `asking $1.10 and $1.25. 7-~--~-vc w - - -. .. .-.-\u V. --v o I Butter was slightly easier. the quotations] varying from 42 to 43 cents per pound. Vegetables were in quantities, all the var- ieties being represented, including carrots, beets, arsni 9 tunii onions etc... at _ 9 ps! 3 usual prices. A fun. ..........1.:...... --.-.._ _.1,1 .1. 9-, - I THE MARKETS AAJD PACIFIC COAST TOURS UN`D_E'f_R"`I"A'i'{ERS~ uvcw Ipuvu Inrcuuzr I61 015 TEETH` A. 0. Leonard, Inc. If Fifth Avenue New York as; For sale in Barrie by Geo. Monkman. Robertson's Drug Store, W. Cross- land, and all reliable druggists. rr no'nEL1Evn nnumss and HEAD NOISES. Simply rub itinbackotthe cars and insert in nostrils. . Use DON T ` uutun IJN UALVAUA Descriptive circular cent on nquut. A (I ' tuxouauml T..- Sandal ;nntIctloIn by a noted ear specialist in ouch package. MADE IN CANADA Hlnrinlinn n-q'uu nan -4-: 4.. -....... SATU RDAY MAR KET |.:6"iini) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. DC 83011 5c bunch, 30-40c basket . . 5c bunch . . . . . . . .. 2 or 3 for 25c ..... .. 700 small basket} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-250! ; . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00-1.25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c v A0 A0. 1L puss. C4161-zsmixliiiv PASTRY `Bakery and Saleshop Cor. Elizabeth and Small Stu ..... .. 23-35c 1b.! . . . . . . $6.00 bbl.' 25c small bakset . 50c large basket ' . . . . . . . 5c bunch . . . . . . 60c basket . . . . . . . 20-50c jar Kn nf . . . . .. IUD"! . . 42-43c lb. .. 10-25c each per bbl. $6.00 .. 25c lb. . . . . . .. 14-l7ci ., 65-70c dozenl . . . . . . . 25c Ib.i 25-30c pk. 30-50c basket 5-15c head . . . . .. 20c qt. `. 5-10c bunch HU'UUU Jul .. .. 5c qt. $3.00 each 5c each | An. L_,I__; unarterea Accountants `Phone Main 5874; 59 Yonge St., Toron. H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Campbell, C. `o I T. E. Lawlesn, (1 A avaafv nvno lvllufll l.IIIuII' FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIR! Over Hurlburt s Shoe Store, Barrie. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barrie Branch '~\ ' Miss Nellie M. Laycock, R.IN., C.P.H.N. 86 Worsley St. Telephone 751W. Office hours 2 to 3 p.m. daily. Phone Application for the nurse's services may be made direct or through your doctor. gift |Aut Licgnses I... V: vvvlvll, u.n. U. U. uampoell, U. `Q T. E. Lawless, C. A. W. S. Hulbig, Production Enginegr. Manager Cost and Efficiency Department. ___:.j.:-1. r MISS E. GOSNEY ` TAILORESS Suits. Topcoa'ts, `Dresses, Etc., Etc. , 2 Adelaide St., Allandale. Telephone I053 G. 8. Smith &`Go. T7 I EDMUND HARDY, Mus.Bac., r.'r.c.M. Teacherof Piano, Organ, Vocal, and Musiou Theory, Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbvterian Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Conservatory oi ` Music and of the University of Toronfo. u3 Worsley St. Phone In { MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations leading up to and including the A.T.C.M. degree. Studio-King Block. Phone 424. -:_-_',"""""""-'-"""'-""""" PERCY HOADLEY Organist and Choir Leader Collier St. Methodist Church Teacher of Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory Terms reasonable. 46%; Clapperton St. BOYS 5. MURCHISON . Barristers. Solicitors, Notary Public Conveyancers: Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interen. Oice-13 Owen St., in Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Branch -0Hice-Elm\-ale. W._ A. Boys, K.C., M.P. D. C. Murchjsog. UUIC Phone 710. L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON |OEic_e and Residence---Collier St., corner 01 ' Clapperton St.. Barrie. Phone 275. ` THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1923. '13? Z EEVVFIIIX l'\o Us EIIVI I8 Toronto St., Toronto. R. J, Edwards. G. R. Edwards, B.A.3o. -.__.-..------ vvv--urn |Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate 00 lwills. guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor. Notary. Conveyancer. om. Office--Hmas Block, 8 Dunlop_St., Barrio. ` MONRV 'rn ln.\N C. W, Plaxton.' | j` Are Well Supplid DR. MORTIMER` LYON 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto, will be 04 i9l Owen Sf., Barrie, 1st Saturday of each m'nn1-In month. Diseases of Eye, Ear, N4 Consultation hours-11 Barrie, phone 2, Toto DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of .McGill University, Montrell. I I Oice and Residence--Corner Elizabeth and Bradford St.s:__ Rnrrio m....... an: , .,....c quu neslueuce--lJO!`nel' Elizabeth Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Office hours-9-10 a.m.. 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.II4 I Nnnvvorfr-'XNb-t-:1io1}f 6I6'i{DEna l\n:gnn- ;AA BARRISTIZZR. soLii`1"E)1uz'.15'fc. MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block. Barrio. III`: 7': VI Grauuaze ul Tprouto Umversity Phone 61 0tfice--58 Collier 8|. Hours:`8-9 a.n_1., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. | ons. LITTLE & LITTLE 1 Ph sicians and Surgaons, Barrie Ont. } Ogce and Reside-uce-47 Maple A-.3. `Office hours:- -1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., 0! by appointment. Phone 213. A. T. Little. M.D. _W. C. Lucie M.B. cvaIvawv\r\rv ---..- V..- -.-v ....aur-v-yuan-- ` PHONE 406 or call at gtiice for information `I , on any disease. vn. I1. I. HHIIHLL A Associate Coroner County of Simcoe lOice and Residence--Cotner Toronto at Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church. l Telephone 167 1 _______.__________- HOTWATERHEATING PLUMBING _ V TRY General I f\ Ian. rrli {(FnrrnvrI_\' of Drs. Late Surgeoq rlI'\IIU HNU VIULIN IUITION Special attention to younger children. * Rnvh QVI \lr,'I1-I-n DU! u ov|..Vt.a l I:.H Bandmaster Barrie Citizens` 120 I_3`ayeld St. __-.:-._.__.___:_-.-____..._ LAWSON, WELCH & cAMP3`ELt Chartered Accountants nm: Main R974 :0 v......_ cu In PLRXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Oices: 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. W plnvtnn I`. (`_no-.-L... DI--. nAoENHuT {HAMMOND BARRISTERS, soucrrons, ETC. Masomc Temple Building, Barne Mnmcv Tn Inuu DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Disepses of Women Assoclate Coroner County of Simcoo -and-- BB III II Innnun-p-.. DONALD R05. LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR: ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TO LOAN R. J. EDWARDS a EDWARDS` In 1`---..A- ca 'l ...-..A- Page Ten PIANO AND VIOLIN TUITION mninl ntfnnoim. 4.. -o........_-_ ,I, `I I `Dns. suaus a surms 60 Elizabeth St. Opposite Palmer's New Garage xI7I\I'YQ A l"\ ul\I"I \f\lT`Il` I\'Gl\I'\I'\ 11 VII IIIO Masor ;ic "Eemple Building DUNCAN F. McCIIAIG, B.A. gin-nnccnr fn (`.2-nenyinlna Xv Dnll |dIJl`UF\I` IHBUUIKIII, Dufh Successor to Creswicke & Bell . 1 v\U\vr\rI-gnu.` - -I|..|I U13 U09 rnvrly Ross & Ross, Barrio.) bate Surgeon Specialist with the lmgwemzl Army, 4% years. al Surgery and Obstetrics especially. O'ice--l5 Owen St., Bah-ie. D It V1,, unn- v 1 C j- }$I V Succes:or"to J. Arnold ,FIRE INSURANCE ,f__ Mi_ss M. McArthur `DI:`ln'\T\`I:w 1' Inn A 171-\ nu... CHIROPRACTIC -nnn-- DR. w. v. JOHNSTON nluru up 'I`........... II...__ Call and see our display of monuments before purchasing. Our stock of imported and domestic granite is well assorted, and prices right. ` ALEXANDER COWAN ARCHITECTS .. ....... IAJ vv Juuugcl I.` BOYD SYLVESTER nafnr Do--l- n:.:_-_ 7` DR. ARNALL .9- I" A _ . . ~- -.-.--..:_.._.--.--_.:_ DR. FRED A. ROSSV 1' A; haw D-~~ '~ - uua IJIUUI, 0 uuuxu MONEY TO LO.~\% 0-. Luv L Uulyl J) uuuux MONEY TO LOAT 1 tl WIEDICAL /MUSIC G. W. J. EASTMAN, PROP. Phone` 277 .....-., Lou uauuuny OI EEC!) month. e, Nose and Throat. hnnv-a_`l`l 1: iv! to E -- - _. ..v.v sun: I Illvllo -'11 am. to 5 o.m. Toronto, North 3325. --::.o-.----j-:j-- , vau- G. Gordon Plano: nu, JJGIIIC. P. 0. Box 1071. UUC an : In). Band. w. J. RICHARDS i Published every Thursday sfternoonast the ?est Office Square, Barrie. Subscription hice--Csnsds and Great Britain 82.00 as year in advance (in arrests $2.50); `United States. $2.50 per year in advance. Bub old `and new addresses should be ewhsn change of address is requested. . N--' CELL-ATl0NS-_We find that most of our uhscribers prefer not to have their subscrip- ioll interrupted in case they fail to remit Ifore expiration. While subscriptions will int he carried in arrears over an extended pried, yet, unless we are notied to cancel, we mums the subscriber wishes the service continued. Remittances should be made by` registered letter, money order, or. cheque payable at par in Barrie. I I A `l__Y __-_. IIIJSL-.. YOUR % READING NEEDS xyuy. Consult us with your building 20 Owen St., Barrie DO NOT DELAY Agent for McC1ary s Furnaces _ 52 Elizabeth St. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 250 V FOR run: 3251' IN BAKER'S ' BREAD HOMEMADE BREAD llinl 311 AL I/I/`V 'T EYES ur, Bright and Beautihd . .co..c1ucuo.to:3ncuenook' l|lvl1IVIrII'1 1113113 BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREA I II It Q "mos. ROGERS `It pays to read The Exmiher Ad- tet Column. Page 12. - ' - SCOTT S BOOKSTORE ifI.Vf WV UTII -I`Xl"X and 3 full line of Phoxie 952w % Established I869 Phone 72i MANUEL, MGR. -3.. MacLa:en, Editor. W. 0. Walls, Manager, Ctr llU1.llIl{uH'UlIc _ _ `That I can't tell until my visit south of the river." ' Then what men will you want?" Kestner lighted a second cigar-as usual, he was smoking too much--a.nd for a few seconds was deep in thought. T Hnlr V an Hu hlnnn." um: Bin Finn] The Barrie Planing Milli lug rupiuuy U1 bum: Iupuuuuns annual. His activities durng the hour that en- sued stood proof enough of this. `Within that brief space the Lamberte, father and daughter, had been shadowed to the res- taurant where they gave every promise of dining; divers messengers had been dis- atched and interviewed; a number of pass- eysx hadfipeen freshly cut from the dia- grams pencilled on a gilt-edged carte des 1511 U _I41lIIl Uuuusu; ulquucu IV .Illll1UlI- Sounds Well It sounds like a. very fine plan. But 3 you knew all this, why haven t you closed ' in on them?" H ClI'I'_...l_..__..A . _ _ _ -:.I L._....l -1`! __._;!I 4.... ILIIIBUHAKIUIJ SCIIUIIIU, UUBUIVCII L\UlJ1IUru I And so is her appetite.Vfor I notice that; `she's just made away with her third Coupe] ` _ Jacques." l Ska :. ..n.+n:..1u -0 5...- 4.. an..- "` '.... ` auuquea. She is certainly not true to type," re- peated the perplexed Kestner.` ~ "Well, you ll find her -true to her gang! eI'll tell you that before midnight." You mean,you re going to jump right into the case.` I on`... :_ : 1! L _L.___l__ 9! __,'.;__;.J Y}, 1 'lllLU but: 035. ~ I'm in it already," re'to1-ted Kestner, looking at his watch. ` ' ' -T 1...... I.........1 .1... 1.4.. .;...J :61 ...., IUUl\lllg Hla 11115 Wnwu. _ . `I have located the lady, and if I _am not vastly mistaken, I have located the plant." ``Where? ' 7 ` - * The first in a little street off the Boule- vard Montparnasse, and the second in so remote a place as the city of'Pale1-mo." uwuilannnk fnnnuyarl fl-an l'\-+`\nF man mg kg aqsuube cs pmuu G6 nut: uuy U1 rutuquu. 'W-ilsnaoh followed the other man as he rose to his feet. ' `ITI._L`lI L- -_-.-_ l!__ -2 ..-______I_____0'V -Iacvaivvo vv -v.w..w ' cITIiPT:n n Kestner, who at times gave the appear- ance of being as lethargic as a blacksnake, could on occasions move with the astound- ing rapidityoof that reptilious animal. Y-Tia nnuifina Hun-nu I>}\.. Hnnr an- {LIEU UIU U13 ICUIH What`ll be your line of -procedure?" hezinquired. ' my south SUUUIIUG WIS UUUP In LLIULISLII4. I think I ll go this alone," was his final answer to Wilanach. M . 0 T and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and , .. U Corner Sophia and` Mary Street: I Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, Water Troughs, , Tanks. etc. A_ ~ ` We carry in stocka large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles! Kiln Drying a Specialty. `Dressing done promptly. (`L-m.ml+ ... mist. I1l\II- L..:l.l:'.... UULIIU IAHKU UVU1'- I/IIU 03!}: That was very kind of headquarters," sighed Kestner. Then Kestner sat without speaking, for a withered -faced street vendor had placed on his knees a folded copy of an afternoon newspaper. This paper the secretiagent carefully unfolded and let lie on the table in front of him, and for a short while seemed busied with its contents. `L. LL..L L...:_ ..._....- -1.` L1._.._ L____-_-_ uuuucuuau | Another was to register a mental note of every name and address found therein. And still another was to trace on a. gilt" edged carte de glaces an outline of each key found in the bag of that quiet unsus pecting lad) , while the final movement was lto slip the bag back into the admit hands of one Galipaux, who, in due time, drew the attention" of a stately lady in a bird of paradise hat to the fact that her pursehad fallen to the pavement. And for this. Kest- -ner saw.. the mendacious old scoundrel was `rewarded with a franc. ' Genuine Money Her money, I regret to say, was all un- mistakably genuine," observed Kestner. I Ant! an la lune onnnf-lfn `Inn T nnl-:nn I-l\n#. ;WUlIU BCVHIUU UUDIUU Wl:l lI IIIB uuuwzrlua. In that brief space of time, however, Kestner had done several -things. One was to hold ma lady s bag between the flaps of I his coat front, well under the table edge, and there quickly but minutely examine its ` contents. I A..._1.L-_ ..._- L- ......l_L-_ _ ...___L_I ___;_ .11 um`. ' . We've concluded that his next move! must mean America. It's what he s been planning for for years.` He's laid all his "ropes. He's going into the thing on a big scale. In six months` time he s going to unload three or four million dollars In coun- terfeit on `the Republic. In the second six months he ll put out more than double that amount. . And then what?" Isn't _that enough?" inquired Wilsnach. :......,a. w.n Ill U11 UIIUIIII . Headquarters said hands off until yuu could take over. the case." N'l`L..u ....... ...._-. I-:_..i ..t L_....L......._L-__ `Y I I don't think money's Lambert s con-U lsideration," Wilsnach went on. He s al-i lways had money enough. I know for cer-i I tain he got eleven thousand marks for sup- = plying the forgeries of the Kiel fortifications H when the originals were cgrried away. And I-l-e nnvf n'\n\'n` nrnvnnfanl Valet. Two Secret Service men attached to the United States Government service are din- !ing at a cafe in Paris. One of them, -Wils-f nach, .tells his friend; Kestner, that the` woman they are seeking in connection with` -a vast counterfeiting plot is seated at a; nearby table. Presently Kestner turns and observes a handsome girl without escort. Wilsnach explains that-she is apparently? a tool in the hands of Lambert, the master! mind of the gang, and gives Kestner what. he knows of Lambert's history. A IICH. IJHU Ul'1S.lulla WUIQ URIIIIULI. away. ' K `7 * 7 And thxs next move. prompted I\est- 67 y_ears of growth `BAN1?IQRONTO Simcoe Marble Works A Toronto has been one of I constant expan- ,S1NE 1855 the history of lI`heBank of sion of banking service to meet the growing requirements of the public. These comparative gures of loans and investments are an indication of the service rendered to Canadian business through the sound and helpful methods of this Bank." SYNOPSIS BARRIE You will get a friendly reception at Vanylbraneh of T 'azAN7m2s` ALI.-ANDALE 1857 1862 1872 1882 1892 1902 1912 1917 `I922 Year glacee from the Cafe de la Paix; an art- 5 fully" worded telegram had lured Antonio . Morello to the Gare de Lyon to meet an. ,'Italian confederate arriving unexpectedly 33 from Milan, and a handsome pourboire had, 1 `engaged the sympathetic attention of the concierge presiding over the entrance to 1` that remarkably ramshlackle old studio . building in that ramshackle old court just V: off a side-street leading from the Boulevard I-.MontparnaVsse in which the Lamberts were ti temporarily housed. Vnnn nf fl-an Anny-a An 4-L- `Ann ap... AC LL:..- lustre. _ | xuauy uuuga 01 Interest. ` I The first thing that caught his attention] was a projecting lantern and a_white cot- ton screen. Across.the room from this stood aLcamera hooded byTa square of black 'I'_ ;L- _,_;,, P n - - U: In the centre of_ the room stood a large oak table littered with etchings and at prints, while between two doors leading int " two closets stood a cabinet filled with min- iatures painted an ivory. On a second table, against the remoter wall of the studio, stood rows of acid bottles, inks and 9. collection of engraving tools. | All -1` LL--- 'rr_,.,,,- THE BAR`lE`EXAAMlNER_ uuu stgucu wwu R3118! wnen 11111181` 8 drapery t of imitation Gobelin tapwtry his exploring ` knuckles` came in contact with the metallic surface of a safe front. Opening the Safe : E t \ When he knelt beforethesafe again, how- ever, it was his ear and not his mouth which -he pressed closely against the open apex of the draughting paper trumpet. His ` F ear, even without the aid of this roughly ini-` l provised microphone, was one- of the most 1 sensitive of organs. But now. through even 2 that thick wall of steel, he could hear the;e soft click of the tumblers and the noise of `t the dial as he worked the combination. He 2 knew the possible permutations, and he,; tried them, one after .the other, listening t always for the deeper sound when a lock-I ...-.......... V. vnoenuvdtla uuulqo I vikll of these, Kestner knew, might be used by an etcher on steel or copper. and -none of them implied` an industry that was` illicit. So he continued his search minutely` and sighed with relief when under drapery inlittin tnnnitrv his nvninv-inn u_uua_, uauctuug, lUl' several IIIOXIIBIIIS. WIUI` a catlike quietness of Rread hemoved first: to one door and then to another. Then,l having satisfied himself that? he was alonel lin the apartmen`t, he began an expeditious! land systematic search of the place. This search soon narrowed itself down, to the` large studio,ilighted only by a skylight of` ground glass, -which proved itselfto be thel workroom of his friend, the graveur sur acier. For in this studio Kestner found- many things of interest. l Thu Fir:-In `Linn. 6-Lnt. .........L1. L2, `,1: uuc ucuuu u: we room. ' There he took a huge sheet of draught- ling paper, twisting it about into the shape of a cone. He secured it in this shape with liquid glue from the smaller table, fashion-' ing it with a flap lip at the `larger end. This lip he in turn glued to the safe-front, over the tumbler, to the left of the combin- atiozn dial, holding it there until the glue hardened. The pointed apex of the (bone; he carefully cut away with a pair of scissors, ' leaving it standing out. from the safe-front like a huge speaking-`trumpet. No One in Sight Still again he stood just inside the closed; door, listening, for several moments. With` A nnflilrn nnintnn;-.. AC Ann...-I L-'......_...I r:_,l- vKestner was an expert in safe opening; his life had made him such. He knew that wvith a. little gla.zier's putty, an git pump and a few ounces of. nitroglycerine he could in a quarter of an hour have that metal doorblown away. Or with a strong enough current he could corrode away its lock bars by electrolysis, or with a forced acet-| ylene flame cut away its lock-dial. But; such procedure was not in -keeping with either his ends or his aims. He knew that his attack could not be one of force. 11* do u . _ He suddenly turned, crossed the` studio, and stepped quietly out to the entrance door, making sure that it was locked. Then he returned to the studio, took off his! lcoat, and went to the large, work table in} Ithe centre of the room. ' Ann L. 5..-]. .. L..__ _L-_L ,r I I. | ...... wvvuvl\ vvunu uuu uc uuc U1 xuxuc. I I I I vtzuxpuncuuy uuuacu. [One of the doors on the top floor of this building, in fact , `bore the modest inscrip-i tion :_ Paul Lambert, Graveur Sur Acier, and it was before this door that Kestnerl lpaused, listened, knocked, and then listened; `again. Taking out one of his newly cuti keys, he inserted it .in the lock, opened! the door, and stepped inside. Quick Work It took him but a moment to throwl back that factory-made affront ,to thei Gobelins and discover himself -face to facel with an oblong of japanned steel held shut] by a combination lock. -Within that wall he felt, lay the object of his search. He tapped the metal surface, inquiringly, as a physician's fingers tap a patient s chest. He tested the combination`, but without success. He examined the armored hinge-J sockets. Then he stood off and studied! the oblong of japanned metal. Yf-_;._-,, ,,__ n u i o ! 1,103,078 1,395.4-72 5,524,075 7,156,661 11,008,794 19,181,925 ` 48,1 26,011 R1 'lQ'I Qd Tu, a ltU,V& a 61,737,340 ' 71 .830.546 9 Loans ah?!-. I nve_s_t_gent_s_ _ I T Keeps EYES . Elwer. .B'.i3h.`. _""d. 1eeu`tih_l Wm ELMVALP 143 Iawuug um ucuvy sale (IOUX1 open. He was confronted} as he had half ex- pected. by an array of innocent-loo "ng `engravings and art prints. Behind ese again was a litter of artist s proofs and. etchings. such as might have _been gathered? 1-together by any collector wandering about: the quays and shops of Paris. . Rapid .Work '_ i ll He stopped and looked at his watch. and. s then turned and worked his wa_v deeper into. the vault. He worked rapidly now, im-i pressed by the discovery that time was more: precious. I tn on `nan: I`:-nvnnn on-L:-L L- -.-.-- -- l nut: vunppcx IIUHI L-uc ursb U1 H1858. `He knew. the next moment, that his !search had been at least partially rewarded. `He held in his hand a package of American yellow-barks. In denomination they were all tens." The next package. the same in ;size. was made up of ones in the denomina- 'tion of. one hundred." Still the next was a twenty-dollatj note, and then camemore `packages of the tena," `the ;one hundreds." ' IVII- `I'D- I1__.L!.___,j\ and still more of . uvr: Lu vuc nu uuuu 119: 1121.3 uuub. i _-It was possible for almost anyone to de- - termine the place that he was going to hold .in this world, was the contention, but this objective*was attained only through the 3 adoption of right principles a the applica- ; tion of these principles in daily life, coupled lwith an indomitable will and` hard work. Nature provided much of the material for _the house that one was to build, and just `so in the building of character, many of - -the materials required were supplied. Fam- ily and national mheritances played a con- spicuous part, but it was for the man to ,'I`.here were certain trai of character in the ancestors of each one which should be be thrown into the discard. The speaker did not believe that one was to be a slave of his environment. Were this the case there would be no such examples in history 585 Joseph, Abraham, Carey. Lincoln, Liv- I . . aimgstone and a host of others. ....4..-._-I -Qnnnl.:..... 62...... .. choose the best and throw away the chaff.= emulated; there were others that should. wasiplentiful Quotations were:- Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chickens .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Potatom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ripe-`tomatoes . . . . . . . Cabbage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beans, white . . . . . . . . . .. Summer Savory . . . . . . . Parsley . . . . . . . . .. Sage . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . Red and Green Peppers Lamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apples, Northern Spies . Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apples . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . Parsnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Onions. dry, small . . . . .. Hore radish . L . . . . . . . ; . Buttermilk . . . . . . . . . . . . |-Youn_g Pigs . . . . . . . . . . PIVUUIUIJS. | In an inner drawer. which he was re- lluctantlyforced to pry onen. he found a trayful of photographic plates. `and under. them a small, old-fashioned mother-of-pearl! writinz' desk. The lock of this desk he! was able to pick. Inside. under a scattering of letters and tradesmen s bills. he unearth- ed a number of neatly baled packages. Still again he showed no hesitation as he tore. the wrapper from the first of these.` -11. `rnznrv 41... .......c .............a LL..L L:_l : uuulucl uuu Cllgtlgdll. 6 l I I It was expert work, and it called into play both the patience and the delicacy of touch of an expert. Yet it was a full half- hour before Keatner had mastered the com- bination. and throwing back_the lock bars, swung the heavy safe door open. "9 `VH6 nnnfrnnfnrl an LA `nor! `\n no IJCCLUXI o i A humber from here attended the fowl. .; supper at Churchill. All report algood time. i Miss Collard spent the week-end at her home at Gormley.` - W glut-noun :5 sun`-\n_:..... L- L..2I_l _ V IAUIIIC (lb \1Ul uucy. W. Sturgess is preparmg to bmld a '~ 1 new barn. ' ' Phones:-. Office 163, Tiaiidrfmce 353 ` (`Too Late for Last Week) Nov. 13.-Mi_ss Muriel Sharpe spent the iholiday under the parental roof. Miss Sadie Wonch, of Toronto spent the week-end at her home here. MI". 1- ll.-..'...,. .....,J `L.-- _..__4 LL , L-`-I, ' ween-enu at net nome nere. , Mrs. L. Mayes and Inez spent the holiday with `her daughter, Mrs. G. A. Spencer of Beeton. A ,-,_, . ._,I,,, 1' I .. 1 1 .1 . . 4:: ll tumbler had engaged. T9`. urn: nvnnv-I nun-1 'Rev. Dr. C. L. Mclrvine of Grace Church, Winnipeg, delighted "large congregations in Barrie on Sunday last, when he preached in the morning at, Collier Street Methodist Church and in "the evening at Central. Dr. Mclrvine is an theeast in the interests of a financial campaign on behalf of the mother church of Methodism in Western. Canada, Grace church, which has become financially involved, and will be lost to Methodism unless help is forthcoming. Something like $400,000 is required to meet the deficits on the church and of this amount, Dr. Mclrvine announced Sunday, all but upwards of $40,000 has been secur-` ed. He is making a tour of Canada, the General Conference and local conferences having previously pledged support to the Icampaign. hr MotrIy:nn r.IInnn`\n(` 6 u u v A n A n v nufnl enu- uuuuuy nu \1ut.uI'u. I Howard R. Kelsey spent the week-end: with his brother here. ' . `AIL- II..'lT:_l._._ rn-_-_,;. ,,, ,1 11 1? I vvwu nun u1u|ut:l.' ucrc. ' Miss McKinlay, Toronto, and Mix Nelson, istroud. visited with the former s cousin,` `Mrs. S. J. Reynolds, on Thanksgiving. 5 T. A. Reynolds. accompanied by Ben. ` Reynolds. motored to Toronto and spent the week-end at the latter s home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kelly-and son and` lMrs. Thos. Hurst, Barrie, spent the holiday! at W. Hurst s. | vvwu ucx Lu'utut71'. auuu rautersuxl. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Reynolds, Mrs. Robt. lReynolds and Mrs. Allan Watt spent last lSunday at Gilford. nnuxrur D Yo` n n u v n n non` LL- .......L .._.l: =REv. DR. MclRVINE ON CHARACTER BUILDING Iinurpu5u. Dr. Mclrvine preached two powerful ser- mons during his stay in Barrie, the plea on behalf of Grace church being made entirely separate from the discourses. On Monday he made a can\`ass of a number of prom- inent Methodists in support of the cause he is representing. An old Ontario boy, the Doctor spent most of his life in the east, being for a time President of the Hamilton Conference. .A few years ago he went to Winnipeg to -become. pastor of Grace church. one of the outstanding churches in the west. P`l'\L u___!l,I:,_ _t ,1 ,,, ,. A` .I uu uuzu uu LU uvc. evcrvuieu, Ideals are splendid. but more than ideals are necessary if great` results are to be ob- tained. Resolution and application` are es; ,sential. l PHONE c. BROWN