- - I. -- - - W ularity with T ists of na- lilting mei- 'e you want our vicinity pex Records ords sold at same camp unis week. ! Misses Evah Leigh of Atherley, Zelma Murray of I-Iillsdale and Bert Clark of * Cookstown were home for the holiday. ` I'-- \T..LI.. -1` Tsunntn annn ""\nn1rgn:Iy_ UOUKSLUWII were uuule aux but uunuay. Geo. Noble` of Toronto spent Thanksgiv- ing at his son s home; `Mr am-l Mr: A Q Anm-snn went hnmn. E0 .I.0l'0IlB0 I01` Lue,uuuuu_y. Roy Rouse of 0111113 was home over the week-end. ` nu. *r:..L:.:.... -: 'l'|..'...-...+,. ..nll,..l A4. M.- weex-enu. V` . Mr. Lightfoot of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs.` Geo. Leigh. Mina `ravine T.nink annnf Mnnnv ufh hm- mg at ms son 5 uuunc. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Anderson wgnt home to Toronto` for the holiday. 1).... `Dan-.. -9 fl-vHHn urn: Knnna nvnr fkn 81! lVlIS.'UU. Lelgu. Miss Verna Leigh spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. J. Revie, Shanty Bay. `M ... nut` M -p E`.-AA unxnv-nn anti nllrnn Nov. l2.- -Last Sunday Geo. F ranklin` ofl McMaster University and Geo. Medley of Bible Training School, Toronto, took charge of the service in the Union Church. A very instructive sermon was given by Mr. Frank- lin. Mr. Medley, sang two solos which were enjod by all. i '1'}... Vnuunn `DnnnIn a Qnninhr hnvn m-rang- Blstet, Lures. J. nevlc, ouuuuy uay. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and children ofOrillia spent Sunday with Mr. Hall. were eluoyuu uy am. The Young People's Society have arrang- ed to have a boxsocial and a playlet. Avuntuunlb OLA kn:-`nu u;a;fnIIa umrn- ea 130 nave 8. Dox social auu u pruyzcu. Among the holiday visitors were: ~Mrs. R. W. Dickey and daughter Jean of Toronto at Mrs. Jas. Muir s; Miss `Belle Binnie and niece of Toronto at Jae. Binnie's, Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Patten and friends of Toronto at |Ed. Wilson's, Lakeview." Ill..- 1 .`I'....-Inna an-.n'n4 Hun -u1nnlr_an(` in Tnr- be aurpaued. Miss Harrison spent the week-end in Tor- `onto. 111-- -rr_.L1--_ -7 ......L1:.. :. .........A':.... nu. `ma. vvusun s, uunuvww. nouuay wuu Luruutu 'u'Acuua. . Mrs. Jas. Mulr, Sr., has gone to Toronto for six weeks. T `I ....__..s L- ..-...-._L` Tm-. Muir Tu `and onto. . Miss Kathleen McLaughlin is spending the holiday with Toronto` `friends. Mm Toe M'nIv- Qr hm: n-nnn tn Tm-nntn zor sxx weexs. I regret to report Jas. Muir, Jr., has not been so well recently and he has gone to Toronto for medical aid. His many friends hope soon to see him return in` good hegnlth. _ _ T. ythes .sI`1ippedA a carload of stock last week. M. Cqughlin and L. Scott have each shipped a car of stock this week. `Inn 1XT:Il:-+.u. :e :v\r\r\vnIr:1Itl Bar nrnnnrfv eacn smppeu it our U1 swan uua wccn. Mrs. Williston is improving her property by putting in a cement cellar, the work be- ing done by Kenney Bros. of -Phelpston. 7 Nov. 12.-A large crowd gathered in the hall on Friday evening from Townline, Bax- ter and Ivy to bidfarewell to Mr. and Mrs.-Somerville. The chair was ably filled by J. A. Corbett of Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Somerville were called on to take seats on the platform. Mr. Corbett read a well worded illuminated addrex and presented a well filled purse. Mrs. J. J. Cochrane of Baxter, Mrs. D. J. Corbett of Thornton and `Mrs. J. Hatton of Ivy made the presentation 1 e 1 of the purse. Mr. Somerville, in" a few well ` chosen words, thanked "his people for Mrs. Somerville and himself. Short addresses were made by :Rev.-T. J. Dew, Rev. W. H. Adams and some of the members of Baxter, Townline and Ivy congregations. Mi.-is Spencer sang a solo which was appreciated by all. Jean Lyons also gave a solo very suitable for the occasion entitled Good- Bye." Mathew Lowery favored the audi- ence with a solo and Mrs. McLennan of Thornton gave a reading. After t'heAsing- ing of God Save the King refreshments were served by the- ladies of the three churches. _. n_ n1-_r..-...J.... 4.1.. ..L..:.. -0 cl... 1)......L..v+m. t CIIUFCIIBS. On Wednesday the choiriof the Presbyter- ian churQ1_ held their, annual chicken supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean. . Thelevening was spent in music, singing CONVINCED BY HELP 11' GAVE FRIENDS Testimonial`: from People He Knewl Convinced Sergeant Elvin, of the Salvation Army, that Dreco Was Well Worth Trying--Reaults Have Delightd- Him. . Hits Mr. J. R". Elvin, of 177 Mulock St., ', Toronto, who for twenty years has been a Sergeant in the Salvation Ar- my, iseoutspoken in his praise of Dreco} the new herbal remedy. Suf- fering himself. he read of Dre`co s wonderful work, heard it `spoken of in tones of the deepest gratitude by" people he knew -well. What more natural than that he should decide to try it himself? AH-lnnnnrln T hnvn nnlv fnknn Q to try 11; 1111115311: tAlthough I hayev only taken a bottle and a half of Dreco, it has done me a world of good already, states Mr. Elvin. Last winter I had an attack of lumbago, which left my system in a very bad run-down con- dition. Pains shot across my back, over my kidneys. . My stomach would not digest my `foodproperly, causing gas to rise after each meal, and.I often had bilious attacks. CCAILA Inrul5ll:!IlD A` -nnnv\`n orten nau Dluuus awucnp. After reading of thhelp people I knew were receiving from Dreco, -I thought it might also benet me, and I have not been disappointed in any way. The pains in my back have greatly improved-, my stomachg is much better, and I have had no as- tric or bilious spells since I started taking this medicine. Mu I-mourn]: mm 1-an-ular-. T get un taxmg Isms meuuuuc. T y bowels are regular` I get up feeling ne and refreshe in" the mornings and my day s~work is done much easier. I have recommended Dreco to many already and never hesitate to praise it. 'l\...-ma : nhrnu nan HA rnadilv sub- hesitate to praise IE." -Dreco's claims can be, readily sub- stantiated. Reliable peoplewho have tried _it are loud in their praises` of this ne herbal remedy. They have found that it actually does tone and regulate the system and improye the eneral health. Dreco is made from V erbs. roots, bark and leaves and contains no mercury, potash or habit- forming drugs. (Advt.-) Draco is being specially introduced in Barrie by H. A. Smith, and is sold , I... - ..--.I .I_.u-pan:-I Awn-vuvlmnrn- in HIITIO Dy I1. u Dnutu, nut: in by 3 good druggiot everywhcre. \ HAw1 N; ANTEN MIlJ.S "THE nuzau-: .:xAM1N1-:1: F`:-ot, No. 8109 - selves. Mr. Graham and Miss Christie, teachers, spentthe holiday at their respectfve home; in Orillia and Craighurst. _ v i ll. n}! RH-an vnvynrnnl` MI` and MTE. and gam_esV.' All seemed to enjoy them- ....1una Gilt` BL selves. II __ [In Urllua ana uralguursu. -Mr. and Mrs. Overend, M19. ahdv Mrs. Bell and their daughter, of Toronto, motor- ed to Ivy and spent the week-end with friends here. . 11.. ...._.l `IE... `IT A Nnlnr nF"Rs:I-rin menus nere. I Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller of "Barrie called on` friends here, Monday. 1m:-- M....:.... A.-...-dd on!` Mica Tpn Dav}: called on menus nere, Luouuay. Miss Marion Arnold and Miss Leila Davis of Toronto Normal spent the holiday at their home here. m1_-....--.... I ........u. .. mun" F.-land: mm-n tnexr nome nere. Thompson Jennett s manyfriends were sorry to hear that he had been accidentally shot in the arm while hunting deer in the North and had to be -brought to Barrie hos- pital. It is hopedihe will soon `be restored to his usual good `health. ll ... nurl Map It `RI-nurn chant Qundav Wltn menus at '1Mmgrove. On Sunday morning the Rev. R. H. Som- u `erville preached his farewell sermon to a fullchurch. He chosevfor his text Hebrews 13: 8 and 25. Mr. Somerville said he would leave all the thirteenth of Hebrews with them, but especially those three verses: that they would continue in love; that Jesus Christ would be near them and that His] grace be with them at all times. Mr. Som- erville has been here over nine years and in that time has endeared himself very much to his people. He was a friend to be trusted at all times and was ever willing when called on to help his people; not only his own but i everyone to whom he could minister. On account of his health it was necessary for , him to make a change. Both Mr. and Mrs. l Somerville leave many. warm friends here in Ivy and we hope where they are going they will be appreciated for their kindness and their sterling qualities. Many friends ; `here wish them both every happiness in their _ new home. u:,_ 13.1: ..r m....,....... _......... A ...ln :.. Hm I30 ms usual goou neaun. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown spent Sunday with friends at `Elmgrove. ('\.. Q.....Jnu vu\r\rn:nn 0411: now D `H Qnnl. nome. l\li&= Bell "of Toronto sang_ a _solo in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. entitled Building `for Eternity. Miss Bell has a very sweet voice and delighted` her audience with her singing. I!1L..,. Q.\.......-. .-J-' Dunn Tnlnf anal` Vnwnnn ve Tales ner_ aumence w1u1 um` sungulg. Thos. Speers of Byng Inlet and` Vernon Speers of Lpndon spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. `and Mrs. Is`aac Speers T us! uvnnlr nrhnn Fran`! Afhnll` WAR l+l`iV- U181!` purems, lV.ll`. `uuu Lula. Laauu uycmc Last week when Frank Arnold was driv- ing the horses at .his son s thresh\h1g, they became frightened at the engine and ran away, dragging Mr. Arnold along the ground. He was badly bruised and shaken, up before the horses were stopped._ Though no bones were broken, he will be confined to ne house {or some time. \ we wear. Miss Walker, teacher of No. 15 school, spent the holiday at her -homejn Orillia. J'..lm Addiann and Per:-.v Cm-madden of Nov.'12--Percy Healey has returned from the West. `In-.. nr..n..... ......l..-u. A` `Mn `I5 er-1-unnl spent EBB nouuay 8.5 `net -n0me,1u uruuu. John Addison and Percy Carscadden of Orillia visited with friends here during the holiday. ' Tnvnna Du-nmn kn: 1-ntnrnnr] frnm the nouaay. James Brown has returned from the West. `n-L-_.L `D-..A.L ...L.. kn`:-. .5:-\n'l-\` +1-an nun} 1` -Robert Beath, who has -spent tho_ past 18 years in the United States, is visiting with his brother, Morley Beath. `M ... `I1.-dd-an nl-' (Rn:-n znnwnr Rnnth West. .` ' ms Drotner, Money uneuuu. _Mrs. Bolton of `Ban-ie, Howard ` Beath and Mrs. Cassidy of Toronto were holiday visit-ors here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kissock of Orillia, Mrs. Adam, Mr. and Mrs. McMahon and little daughter of Hawkestone spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Kissock. `ll ... `I'_'L.. 1" l'nA-I-Inns AC [11:04-n-:3 3: Wllin Ml . anu Mrs. Emu. Luauuuno Mrs. John J; McArthur of Guthrie is spending a few days with her mother who is laid up with a cold. m... M:....:. 'MnArf}|nr nf I'Rnn-in anmt 18 mm up Wlin as com. Miss Minnie MoArthur of Barrie spent the week-end with her sister, Miss K. Mc- ,A1-thur. 112-- `Y..I.I.... D. A` 11in`:-0-:5 annnl Iihn Kn`- LTEXIUT Miss Valdee Bell of Barrie spent the ho1- I 0179 ~:T_? f .. V all rooms, you desire. demands even heat evenly distributed -- which means `clean, ftemperate air properly humidified and circulating in any and This is whatthe Findlay guarantee means to home owners. When you buy a Findlay` Furnace, you get not only a Furnace of -proven heating capacity and efficiency, but also an entire heating system designed by heating engineers and installed to suit the requirements of your individual home. are built to give yo1i.rea1- heating with the mimmum fuel consumption. Take the 600 Series A11-Cast Findlay for instance. From top to bottom, this furnace is made of solid cast iron - heavy --s substantial -- and proof against leakage of any, kind. The firepot is made to last a- life- time. The grates are of the most improved roller-bearing duplex type. ci.owEs Home Comfdrt RECORDS jj Z bm'1':-I:az`-2 or so/t.coaI, or woo` Then, there is the AIR BLAST ATTACHMENT for burning soft coal - a special feature of the All-Cast Findlay.` Through the Service Department of Findlay Bros. Co. Limited, of Carleton Place, Ont., you can, without charge, get an absolutely dependable recommendation for" the heating of your home. Call and see us orawrite. for free booklets and Service Sheets. idays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bell. n--. `Kl nnrmnkni` v-:1-on:-kn:-I 11;: fqv-cum A. A. Den. - Rev. N. Campbell preached his farewell sermon here Sunday evening. ~ Irf, `ll tV..___.l'-._..l ...L' "IE.-_nnl-A m-usnb I-kn Miss M. Crawford of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Geo. Crawford. I sermon new Duuuuy cvcu1u5. ` P. J. MORAN arre RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Entario Scholarship Matriculation, Solo Singing, Music, Art, Conversational French emphasized. Outdoor games and sports. Yhnifnd nrrmhnrl. -:`.._ Health recox-(Vi excellexli INSURANCE : *;:: *2; "";',:p::,'::' '1 STOCKS '` BONDS : " ..:;i?.,E`a,91 %*:.i. S G0RD_0N_.STEY.?N$0.!`3 \J\ll.\l.I\rn` up - -- . _- -._ Box 267 : Ross Block, Barrie .: '1'>n{o..e mm Y-(3-G Put tl:e Vuicaite Hexagon Slab Through These Severe Tests VULCAN |T i THE BALL PLANING MILL co.', LIMITED EVERYTHING IN LU_1_VlBER Phone 109 %VI!j___.i1..1_9# Dealers in the Best Building Supplies of All Kinds Get a sample of Vulcanite Hexagon Slab Shingles from us. Put it through the tests listed here; They are more se- vere than your roof will ever be called upon to undergo. . 1. Lay the sample on a _hot radiator for 12 hours 3-see if it will melt- or dry out. 2. Lay the sample on ice for 12'hours-then pour boiling water on it. See if the sudden extremes "of temperature affect it in any way. `For Prospectus apply to Principal jl -I;svidence Phones, 642 and 390 [eater _a n. 1 Phgne 384. -_- { {RAW FURS WANIED . \ Fire, Life, Farm, Auto, Liability, etc. First-Class Companies Represented NEW ISSUES-BOUGH'l' and SOLD Dominion 5% -- Ontario 5% 3. Soak the sample in water for 12 hours.-+see if its weight shows any absorption. 4. Immerse the sample in. nitric, sulphuric, muri- atic or other ordinary acid-see if it is affected. 5. Lay a glowing hot coals of re on the sarr.';p1e-- see if it sets re to the sample. Get this sample from us be- fore building or re-roong. Prices and estimates on re- quest. `HIGHEST PRICES PAID PHONE OR WRITE 1-1. LEVIT, BARRIE - R .- 90.4 A, Limited numbon. \ Page Save: : Trot. No. 411 Box : Trot, No. 420 t Do You Sunday " `aw? 1 Gee! . Gosh! . Golly! 1-uuRs1'>AY, NOVEMBER 15, 1923. gr mm STOCK? I Xe The undersigned has fro: to sell by Punuc Aucuon an S. Hf. Lot 25, Con. 6, Innisl MONDAY. NOV. 19. fl`.- lgllnnuiuuu - ` say-Harris HORSbB-Uream norse, :3 yrs. mu, u.u. , bay mare. 6 yrs. old, H.'D.; bay mare, 4 yrs. old, H.D.; bav horse, 4 yrs. old, H'.D.; ' black horse. 10 yrs. old. '1-IJD. \ ` PIGS---l4 store pigs. _` CATTIJE--Durham cow, 4 yrs., foot; Durham cow, 4 yrs., due April 1; Durham cow. 7 yrs., due `June 15; red cow. 3 yrs., due May 15; Holstein `heifer, 2 yr.=., due July 16; red cow, 3 yrs. old, milking; V 2 fat heifers, tered. I.\lPLEMEN'I`S--A-Frost 6.`. Wood binder, buggy, Massey-`Harris cultivator, new; seed- box for-vlassey-Harris cultivator, new; Mas- mower, cutter, sulky `rake, Adams wagon. farm truck, 2 sets sleighs, wagon box. top buggy, nearly new; culti- vator. land roller,` 2 sets disc harrows, scuffler. 'Fleury 13-wheelplow, churn, Wil- kinmn gang plow. sulky, cutting-box, stone- boat. set scales. Melotte separator. - HARNESS AND FEED-Set breaching harness, new; set breechingharness, nearly new; set long-tug harness, set single har- ness. quantity hay, quantity corn. chains, doubletrees, forks. many other articles too numerous to. mention. : an 1 ,,,1.! .-.1L nnnnnn um calf at , Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, milking; c 2 calves, Durham bull, regis-' ` lll&I\ua-we--,_.v .._V ' the following: . HORSES---Mare, 4 yrs., driver; mare 10; yrs.. driver; horse, aged; spring colt, brown` `horse, aged, gen. purpose. ' PIGS-2 store pigs. credit will be given to puruees xunuauzug P. 'pr(*ved joint notes. 6 per cent. off for cash on credit sums. V 7 Sale at 1 pm. "W. A. McConkey. Auo: - llulucnuuu Iv. .......... -. All will be sold withdut reserve. Terms of Sale--All sums of 810.00 and under. cash; over that amount 12 months` credit will be given to_ parties furnishing ap- ...... ...1 :..:..+ mmm 6 mir cent- nff for cash WWI 5 Durban.` OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLE ENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNI RE Apex copatgtg The ndersigned In frnr PIGs-z store p1gs. CATTLE--Black cow; 6 yrs. old, Vduef June 3; black cow, 5 yrs. old, due in March; black heifer, '2 yrs., due in March; Durham cow. 7 yrs.. -due in April; Ayr- shire cow, 6 yrs}. due in March; Holstein cow. 5 yrs.,Tdue in March; Durhamjcow, 7 yrs., clue in April; yearling heifer, 3 cnr:nn uni`-.-an , I ylin, uuc All 4`vLAa, `,....-...-= .. .... ,, spring calves. . I IMPLEMENTS--Deering mower, scuffler, Massey-Harris binder. spring-tooth cultiva- tor, Verity single plow, singlewagon, set iron barrows, double wagon, disc harrow, set single harness, set double harness, quan- tity of good hay, quantity of com. quantity of household furniture, consisting of cook` stove. sideboard, 2 heating stoves, tables,l 'cllE1\ll`S, bedroom suitesend many other ar- tic es. ` All will be sold without reserve. .' Terms of Sale--All sums of $10.00 and under. cash; over that amount 12 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. per an- num off for cash on credit sums. us A |t-n..._l..... Aamt IVITI V3` ' 7 '.' t The ftgllownngz ld H D Es__c , . o , M . . - A ur::n:;ld?r:-:.D.T>av mare..4 EXTENSIVE: CREDIT SALE an I-Anll B'l'f\l|II AM ID| #12: The undersigned has 1-eceivad instructions from -- - - .---jXX1' VII-llnlain-nu-----, -.V The following: - HORSES-Bay mare, 10 yrs. old, in foa.1_ `Io Baron Dufferinygrey hoise, 6 yrs. old,` Percheron; brown horse, 10 yrs., Pearl` Finder; bay horse, 10 yrs. old; filly; sorrel` house; bay mare, aged; bay colt, 2 yrs. old, Percheron. ` -PIGS. SHEEP AND POULTRY---Good ,1..- :.. tr..l......`m~u. Q .-,;m; glqfnit 1Q0_ 511191131 ALVU 1'UU1J11Vl.'--'uuuu sow, due in February; 8 pigs, about _190 lbs. each; '6 pigs, about 70 lbs. each; 20 good sheep, 70 good hens, 1 gander and 4 n-nn;-n LUI. G, \v\llIo 51, .u...-...... (Town Line, Known as the Kell" Farm) nun II vI\.al\ A `I \lf\\I Of) geese . f`.A'I 1y made and his is where ave complet- tions of this e given com- n. We _use aterials and manship. All and furnace ly inspected it over to g in sheet geese. ` CATTLE-Red cow. due to calve April 3; brindle cow, due to ca-Ive Jan. 20; Hol- stein cow, due to calve March 20; grey cow, due to calve April 30; red and white cow, in calf; brindle cow, due to ozilve Jan. 25; red heifer, in calf; grey cow, due` to calve May 30; grey cow. supposed to be in calf; `.2 heifers, rising 3 yrs. old, in calf; 2 "steers, rising 3 yrs. old; 2 steers, rising 2 yrs. old; 4 calves. 1 yr. old. 4 spring calves. -nnn m\m\1\1mQ__Mn==nv-I-Tm-ri.u binder. 4 calves. 1 old. 4} sprmg czuvca. `IM-PLEMEN`TS--Massey-Harris binder, nearly new; Massey-Harris mower, nearly f new; Masey-Harris ma.n ure spreader, 2 = seed drills, disc hm-row, stiff-tooth culti- vator. steel land roller. A scuffler, Fleury gang plow. cutting-box, Verity ridingplow, root-pulper, set iron barrows, 1'8-bull; gas-I oline engme, 0lds"; grain grinder, 10- inch plate; sulky rake, pea harvester, set scales. set trucks, Barrie wagon and box, 2 cutters,_democr-at, set sloop sleigbs, top buggy, gravel box, extension ladder, wheel- barrow, incubator, [galvanized tank, set long-tug harness, set short-tug harness, set single hamess,'a number of cedar posts, 1500 ft. of hardwood lumber. `|l_I-A.L- clan .--Anon rlnuhla. annnrnfnll ILA I. Elia: V 1. : A\u\n.u.aa OE FARM. STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS also Household , Furniture \ol\I-III: I an unz- mm STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS 1500 ft. 0! ll8l'(1W0O(1 rumour. Melotte cream separator, also double- trees, forks, chains, neckyokes and many other articles too numerous to mention. V tJ'l\I'TQ`l'.i\1 .1'(\1J\ t.`l'TD1\TT'l`!T`RF`._...Onlr nxtnn. uum Du l_Ur vmsu uu muuu .n....... Sale at `1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, Auct. < other 81110188 I00 numerous to xuuuuuu. HOUSEHOLD FURNI'I`URE-0ak exten- sion table, 2 sideboards. writing desk, hang- ing lamps, set dining chairs, coal oil heater, number of kitchen chairs, 3 bedsteads, mat- tresses and springs; dressers and washstands, new range, "Home Comfort, Quebec heater, sewing machine, parlor suite, rugs, carpets, churn and many other -articles. nmmn Ann ('1-`D n\1_nmm+.:+.u nf mired clover hay. ' Terms of Sale-All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12`-months credit will be given to parties furnishing ap- proved joint Ilotes. 6 per cent. perannum off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve as pro- prietor is giving-up farming. . 5-1- L- -___.-_-_ -1. in on J-.'n-n W A churn and omer -articles. FEED AND GRAIN-Quantity of mixed grain. quantity oats, quantity. turnips, `quantity of timothy hay, quantity of sweet clover hay. 'lunnr\n AC IIIYHR Hf md PIICLUI I5 stvsua My I>0lIllV-Illaau Sale to commence at 12.30 sharp. W. A. Mcconkey, Auot. VEMBER 15, 1923. sac: 22% L .. l..IIauuIn . [0 Sell uy 1 uuuv nuuuuu lav Lot 2, Con. 14, Innisl I--.-._ I L... Ilnanun at hn I(a|l"Farn' VVIIIC -In-v-u---- to sell by Public Auctio-n` at Lot 9, Con. 4, Irinisl WEDNl_`Sl):AY, NOV. 21 llll u S. B. MANDLEY. and Ilr|s\n\. - .u--_____ to sell by Public Auction at P I -1 `IE n___ A `..` HARmi'i=iscHE.R .n I.-. l)..l..l:.. Annbhuu at \lo I-In ans`-run nu.-- - to sell by Public Auction :1 - IV 11 I ,,!- gcnznrr SALE -- --ugauu Ann lllnl CREDIT SALE 1- AIIIAAII AlIl'\ IIIDI El I I U I II W- 9-. H1959 I, TORONTO. received instruction- from has received instruction}: from -\-II-llIII\rI.I.a \rnvv- - --._. } Nov. 13.---Misses Rae and Martha Camp i . Nov. 13.-rhe' weather :5, the Thanks! bell .of Toronto `spent the weekend and ` giving holiday was ideal and brought many holiday at their home here. - {visitors from the city, amongst whom were: `Hie King s Daughters held a very auic-`,Dr. and Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Oliver and daugh- cessful social evening last Friday when; tel`, 351% and Ml'8- Fletcher nd son, Allen about forty young people gathered. at the Priddle, `Lyn Fellows, `Misses Chelsea and - 'home`of' Miss Greta Harrington and spent ` Shirley Fellows. D0r91Y Wright 311d Be!!- the evening with music, contests. and sing- trfice Earnhardt. A A ing. . ] Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stone of Toronto ' Mr. and Mrs, `W. J. Walker and Miss were the guests of their cousins, Mr.` and Isobel of Barrie were holiday visitors at the Mrs. Thos. Stone. for a few days last week. h0}f_ 07 W- W_81kP- ' I Robt. Reid visited friends in Peterboro --1--------_ .......I.... In antral I.-nu. OLA knliuu ; name or J. w. waixer. ; The Thanksgiving service in Central ' Church last Sunday was taken by Rev. Neil Campbell and was very largely attend- ed.v Mr. Carnpbell s'sermon was listened to with great interest and Mrs. D. C. Patmore of Orillia favored the congregation with a beautiful solo, Alone." It is always a rare treat. to hear Mrs. Patmore s` sweet, rich voice and it is hoped that she may soon dome again. V ~ `Iva Trn Waning A` l".nnl:nn `Q Vllflh come ugzuu. Mrs. Wm. Waples of Coulson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Walker. On Monday evening, -Nov. 12, Central -____;-_-L1__ ...'.LL........l 3... `L- qIIv\AnI' Qnhnn" (Hit (111 uusl , Lulu. u. H. n ausca. onday : congregation gathered in the Sunday School` room for 9. farewell social with Rev. Neil ` and Mrs. Campbell and family. A short programme of impromptu speeches and in terspersed with musical numbers was given over which William McArthur ably presided : as chairman. " Upon its conclusion Mr. Mc~ Arthur read an address to Mr. and Mrs. ` Campbell, who were also presented with two leather arm chairs. Mr. Campbell in his -usual kindly manner spoke words of ap- preciation and encouragement, expressing his sinoere wishes for the future welfare of the flock `he has tended so long and faith- fully. Refreshments served by the ladies brought to a close a long to be remembered evening. V` Nov. 13.-Geo. Johnston spent a day in Toronto last week. ~ . II. .._.l it... `D `Dlnnmh-Bf on!` Ranch. Toronto 138$ WEEK. Mr. and Mrs. R. Plowright and daogh-A ter Elsie and Miss Olive Graham motored to Aurora and Toronto last week. A.......... al........ ...1..-\ ammo Ha- `lnnrlnv at Aurora ana `loromo last weeks. [Among those who spent theholiday at. their homes here were: Nelson" Chappell,` Miss Elvia Chappel, Miss Lena Orchard, Miss Bernice Young, Harold Lindsay, Miss Norma McKinley. A-sndnln 6kna_ 1Iv`\I\ u:c;I'nt` AVA nvnr lrcantile Fires Norma Mcmmey. Among -those who visited here over the holiday were: Miss K. Fletcher of Toronto at J. W. 0rchard's; Gordon Wood of Allan- dale, at Wm. Fralick's'; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ;Stokes and two little girls of Thornhill at 'Thos. Stokes; Miss M. Sheridan of Toronto at Joseph Chappel's. . M. our` Mn MnRnhm-ta hf Tnmntn called at Josepn Unappexs. Mr. and Mrs. MoRoberts of Toronto called . at S. C. Beilby s; Mr. and Mrs. Beilby and Mrs. A. Armstrong. Sr., accompanied them to Glencairn on Sunday. ' II... T t`|l......\....ll .mhu-AnnA knmn nn gun- to uiencairn on ounuay, Mrs. J. Chappell returned home on Sun- day after spending `a few weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Giffen of Edenvale is visiting her daughter, Mtg. W. Downey. ` \ll\JIl:1 I ` Nov. 13.-'Mrs. Roht. Ross , Hamilton, spent over Sunday with her parents,` Mr. Land Mrs. Hem-y'E1li.s. . 1.... tr Rn um! mil-`n Rf Miitnn qnnnr Lana Mrs. nenry nuns. _ 1 Jas. E. Bell and wife of Milton spent 7 `Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell. I n..:+.. n nnmhnr frnm hem attended the .'1`hanKsg1v1ng Wltn Mr. unu LV.ll'. n. ucu. Quite a number from here attended the fowl supper in the Angus Union church on lMonday night and report 9. goqd "time. 'l`kn mnnv CI-innda nf Wm. are SOI`1'V Monuay mgnb unu repuu u guqu uuus. The many friends of Wm. Bell are sorry to hear of his serious illness in Hanna hos-` _2L,.I | Du nun pital. 'l.`he_undersigned has received ipstructiosl - ` from A Iihlnro--, --w v - --~ The following: . g HORSES--Bay horse, 8 yrs., heavy dragght; brown; horse, 7 yrs.,` gen. pur.; bay mare, 4 yrs., gen. pur.; brown horse, `3 yrs.. gen. ~pur.; bay mare, 12 yrs. nA'r'I`Lw__Rnnn now. 7 vrs. old. due in karrie, Ont. 3 bay 12 ,OATTLE--Roan cow, 7 yrs. old, due in April; roan cow, 5 yrs. old, due in March; Holstein cow, 5 yrs.. due in May; red cow, -'4 _yrs.,-old, due, in May; 3-year-old heifer, fat; xv eal calf, 3 yearling calves, 2 spring Tcalvesu . PIGS AND POUL I`RY--.Sow, 11 store pigs, about 175 lbs.; 7 young pigs, 60 hens. IMPLEMvEvNTS--'_7-ft. Deering binder. scuffler, Massey-Harris mower, wagon, 10- 4. Y\..au...... 3-ulrn How ran]! Mr-nrmink 13- Iscumer, Massey-narris iuuwci, vvasuu, Lu- ft. Deering rake, hay rack, McCormick 13- disc drill, new; disc harrow, No. 21 Fleiiry plow. spring-tooth cultivator; two-furrow Cockshutt plow, -set smoothing harrows, buggy, 2 sets long-tug harness, cutter, set` driving harness, force pump, set sleighs, set light sleighs. fanning-mill, mimber of grain `bags, set Renfrew scales, "2000 lbs.; gaso- line engine, 4-H.P., Toronto; Ford car, with starter, one-maln top, in good running ,....!1,...; .mH:my hm: mnmtitv feed corn. CREDIT SALEL `or FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS VVIU1 smarter, 0118-llllall Lup, U1 uuu Luuuxus orilet; cutting box, quantity feed corn, quantity of good Timothy hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFEUI`S--Mission oak dining-room suite. 8 pieces; dining-room table, davenport lounge, coal heater, bak- ingcabinet, kitchen cupboard, set household scales, iwrin-ger, cook stove, washing ma-' chine, steel range, nearly new; churn, coal oil stove, 3-burner and oven; Primrose cream separator, nearly new; single- 'barrel shotgun, Edison Amberola. gramo- phone and 67 records. . Tm-ma nf`nnle--All sums Of and phone and 6`! recoms. Terms of`sale--All sums $10.00 under, cash; over that amount 11 months credit will be given to parties furnishing ap- proved joint notes. 5 per cent. off for cabh on credit sums. Positively no reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Moonkey, Auct. """1I".?"1io7uJa` ` ' T 6 Good Cows, due to calve in Decem- Iruun Tnnnavuu nut` Mown 0 uuuu. LJUWB, uuu bu valve Ill 1.1cucun- ber, January and March. 6 Steers and Heifers, Durham, 2 yrs. 5 Steers and Heifers, Durham, 1 yr. 5 Spring Calves. 1 Bay Mare, 4 yrs. old, driver. 1 Disc Drill, nearly new. -1 Set Iron Harrows, nearly new. 1 Cream Separator, nearly` new. The above` will be sold without re- serve. . Sale at 1 pm. Terms--S_ix months credit will be given to par`ties= furnishing approved joint notes. 6% off for cash. 45-46c. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. There will be sold by auction at .n in 9 I` 0 NEWS FROM "nmcunonmc TOWNSHIPS ogo 1," CL}IC","iI{}1 TUES_lL)_A:X3 Nov. 20 Il\IInn1 --------7-. to sell by Public Auctioxi at Al OBI ucxu III we av;-A v_y Iavnv ---- u - Martin : Yards, Barrie Saturday, Nov. 17 4:51` 'cl\l\II9:'IlI0 AUC'[l0N_ sAus J9rIN..`i5!'fE'.-9N TVIINESING ` UT__A_ i over the holiday. mes. narnnaruc. ~ guests T 1....:.. M..u.kn.. OVBF {HE uouuay. Irwin McMahon, Thoa-. Joslin and Wm. McMillan left for their hunting trip last week. , . n__-_ G u..;..:._ ......I `D-.. `D..:.-l Inn t... H... week. V | Rev. S. Martin and Roy Reid [left for the same camp this week. `IA':..=.m li`uuIn Lnialn nf Athnrlnv Ztmn CES Owen St.