Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Nov 1923, p. 6

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xztrs (IS big {my dress- `iump up of` other of Cube- Irom ms two SISEEYS. James Pemberton was taken to the Hos-W pital on Monday, threatened with pneu- monia. The latest report is that he is im- proving -nicely. . Mr, VrmNnrman motored from Stroud and spam we uuuuuy nu my mun. James Pugh had the pleasure of a vxslt from his two sisters.` . T........... Dnnnnnu-inn uyon fnlrnn fn Hun T-Ina. provmg vnrceny. Mr. VanNornran motored and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Packard. V V D... M. nmw-in ; am-mnn was annreciated very mucn on ounuay. - Miss Deborah Whiteside of Toronto and Miss Byno Ball of Bradford spent Thanks- giving with the Iatter s parents, Mr. -and Mrs; F. `H. Ball. Joseph racKaru._ 1 . Rev. Mr. Curne s sermon was apprecxated much on Sunday. 11: nnknrnh Whitmidn nf Toronto and Proposed budgetof New York City for 1924 is slightly less than $377,- 000,000, an increase of $24,000,000 over 1923 budget. ' 1a:...'.m +mu1;sm-u'+.n fix: wage: on wza Duugeu. , A . Rising tendency to fix wages on the basis of what a man needs rather than on the economic value of his labor, was blamed for many of the economic ills, by Dr.` Gus W. Dyer, grofessor of social science at Vander- ilt University, Nashville, Tenn. tion of Dr. Charles A. Ty:-tell for Internal Bathing. It is now being shown and ex- plained at Crossland s Drug Store. V An. thnin for free booklet all about it. plaiueu at Urosslauu B Urug auuw. Ask them for free it, or write to Ty:-rell'a Hygienic Institute," 163 College Street, Toronto.-(Advt.) ' MINESINGV STAT-lOV1\_1T ~., V...-..-- , Smooth- Sweepers, me a lit- GUTHRIE SHANIY BAY ANGUS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 2 0th '-A9!1iYf?!'?_!X;1__':39$}! THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF HIGH-CLASS MERCHANDISE HAS BEEN SOLD DURING THIS SALE AT IMIVIENSELY REDUCED PRICES, AND OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE RECEIVED THE BEN- EF IT. FOR F RIDAY-AND SATURDAY MANY NEW LINES HAVE BEEN ADDED. ANTICIPATE YOUR NEEDS AND BUY NOW. BELOW WE MENTION ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY GREAT BARGAINS ..-._. cumin rxuwuwu-VI-511:1! {VI-ll-Alina Lnnvnur -cg. an -wc WE ARE OFFERING. In Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges, made in the pre- Ivailing styles; these suits are 21 revelation in value- giving;-ordinary values $7.50 to $15.00. Mostly Tweed in thislot, sizes 36` to 39, two and three-button conservative models, regular values up to $28.50. , Mecczmo -gls of real High-class Overcoats, dark grey, brown and green mix- tures, half and ftllll-lined, some with belt all around and others half belt, sizes 36 to 44. Youths Heavy Ribbed Shirts, sizes 32 and 34, a splendid warm unshrinkable garment, regular worth is $1.50. Khaki Work Shirts, made from strong, hard-wearing yarns, sizes 141/; to 16%., regular worth $1.25. Men s Sweaters, colors navy and brown, heavy weight, with roll collar, regular unuad-1` Q`) OK W 1 lull 1. UL]. L` worth $2.95. Y`--- Sizes 35 and 36 only, navy blue serges and tweeds, not the latest sty1es,nbut_ pants and vest alone are worth thisvprice. ' 8WEATEIlS $1.95 $18.75 $18.00 SIIITS l'."4T"r'; iI66 odern set of A-` 3;; WINTERUNDERWEAR $5.93 MEWS WORK SHIRTS 98 98c I 1'}-12 BARRIE EXAMINER MEWS OVERGOATS BOYS SIIITS $4.93, $5.95, $3.75 MEWS SIIITS I`-:`.:...` $9'_ Navy Blue Serges and Grey Worsteds in the popular two and three-button models, well tailored and best trim- mings, sizes 36 to 42. Men s and Young` Men s Plaid Back Overcoats, in full and half-belted models, and some with-fur collars, sizes 36 39; these are very big 110111!) UU `DU value. Mn s Pure Wobl Under- wear, ' heavy ribbed, shirts and drawers, sizes 36 to`44, very special value per gar- 1'\1 nhf VULJ D ment. THE FINAL DAYS Men s Cotton Tweed Work Shirts, khaki and pepper and salt colors, specially priced Fnu 4-`lva 5-31:1 SUJL UUIULD, D for this sale. Men's Heavy Wool Sweater Coats, colors navy, Brown and grey, `regular values $4.50 and $5.00. Mgen s Heavy Weight B1ac`k Overalls, without bib, most- ly sizes 34 and 36; these are big value at $2.25. Eiilifb 3, for $17.90 ....... .. $15.50 ......... .. $6.50- .O(`), for $7.50 gular $13.50, don t\l\ OVEIIALLS . $1.90 % $23.50 333:5 OOATS $3.43 $1.39 $1.65 /Fine English-made Wide- Ribbed Heather Hose, sizes 8% to 10, brown, grey, green and beaver mixtures, worth $1.00. White Habutai Silk Tailored Blouses and Shantung and Georgette Overblouses, reg- ular values $4.50 to $5.00. Women s Heavy Weight White Flannelette Night- gowhs, assorted styles, reg- ular values up to $2.25. Children's Fleece - Lined Sleepers, best quality, sizes up to 5 years, regular price. -_._ L- U51 P'I\ EMBER 15, 1923. up. to $1T5o. Colbred Sateen Underskirts, colors black, purple, blue and- green; these are big value at $2.19. Roller Toweling, 17 in. wide, linen shade, with red border, Will give splendid` service, 1III\+L onn NIGIITGOWNS $1.69 W111 51v: a worth 20c. & Grey Flannel, pure wool; also Grey Military Flannel in pepper and [salt color, re- gular 65c. UNDERSKIRTS $1.79 SLEEPERS TOWELING t we have toys that FLANNEL LADIES nmuzn HOSE $3.29 69 98 15c 55 SILK Bl.0l|SES Just arrived, a shipment of V Wide-Ribbed Cashmere Hose in colors black, brown and beaver, sizes 8%; to 10, big 17Q]\1O UCGVCI. value. rodern set of ice on terms Fancy Crepe Overblouses, trimmed with`Paisley or ra- dium lace, also a few White Tailored Blouses, regular $6.50 to $6.75. Ma_de for the average gure from heavy weight coutil in pink and white, sizes 21 to 30, regular worth 2.75 and Q? nn $fo`0.` Ladies Fine Winter Weight Vests, ne rib, spring needle knit, regular value $2.25, specially priced for this sale. Women's Vests and Drawers in rib knit, medium weight and` a good-wearing quality, ..nnn11nvm '7Kn 'a.uu G guuu-V regular 75c. White Flannelette, about 35 in. wide, heavy weight, best Canadian make, regular 35c. HANNELETTE A big special purchase of Scranton Curtain Nets, in white and ivory shades, dainty patterns, worth 45c. CURTAIN NET ;;;a';s11;'g;,'s; UNDERWEAR 59 OORSETS $1.93 VESTS $1.75 $4.48 98 29c 35 `\x~ Q Y~`;\ ............ .. _85c #45:; .1-V./, -rvuwv parchment d\1Al'\l\ .v.v, U .... $`1. ....... .. $14.95 ........ .,$6.35 .._- r\1_ - an }1., 12.15 to 1, (3 5.... ..... $856. `or .... .. $5.50 for $1.40` ......... .. $4.95 I-H-'_ "7":',"%a' 655, 40c, for 34. than All pa DONE. % prices. Pproval. A Thornton orT 3, Barrie, Ont. %to echanical :15, Magic eighs and ageries in- IA . . . . A mo iiI1T.`.. $ 1'3. s6 ;13.85, $9.90 Co. Miss. Hilda Ferris, wlmenclitt, om.,l spent last week at her home here. |t:-,.'Il..........-o Dan-nlau novnn un `frnm fhh. Splint may vvccn uh nun uu. ....... .. Miss "Margaret Barclay came up from the` city for the holiday. L T E`:-nnaf Q:-nrlnmnra Rf. th hlidav in cny 10!` we uouuuy. Ernest Scudamore spent the holiday inl Hamilton. V _ 1 11.3 ' (Inn:-an nnnafn}\1n 11793 `H Wllltfl hamuton. , Mrs.` George Constable was in Walters! Falls with her daughter, Mrs. Robt. King, for Thanksgiving. u. ....A Mr: W .1 (`wnn and Miss '. 16, at 8.00 p.m. lic are mkeci tn be on e for the evening is :1 is an interesting one, in the best interests of achelors and old maids The Crown I-Ii'.". team side and the Dalston- :iti`ve. A short pro- n`in connection wim dy come along. Seats tor `xnanksgwmg. , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cowan and Miss Jean Cowan have -moved to Barrie. They will be greatly missedhy the people of. the vicinity who wish them happiness in their IL. I'.`nnu- nu!` Mr Robnr nf NAIHI `Rm: new 1101118. ' Mr. Foster and Mr. Baker of_No1th Bay were visitors at J. Robertson's. 1-.11: I .|,_ -______ VVCAC In:-nuunu law v. --....... ......- .. Mrs. Graham of'Elmvale was the guest of Mrs. Barclay. M V _ u:-- 1:` M..1:(:..I.... Ac v'l`m-amm ui=i+u.~1 Mk: u. .VL.'nuA| nun Linc vvvvcv ....\.. U ;\Ii=.'~' M. Thompson and Mrs. G. Constable visited the latter`: daughter, Mrs..R. King. of Walters Falls, last week. . 1 III -.1, I_':, 0! Mrs. Darcmy. Miss E. McKinlay of Toronto visited Miss J. Nelson for the week-end. --. ID nu I I! I1 I\,_,_,1_LI_ u; vv uALpau nuuu, Ivu.Iv uvv... Dr. MacLean spent the holiday with his `college chum, Dr. J. Watfnica. V 11 1-,,:,_._I _I.._! a.-'1 ..... .. a.L..L THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1923, .wuv - .... u,-u H _"_"T Her many friend< are glad to know that Mrs. S. Todd is improving. She has been moved to her parents home. Mis-s ;\I. Johnston is visiting in lynden. .\Ir.=. M. Wylie had several visitors for ` the holiday. \I{.--_-- \/I MnArf}1v1r A` J}:-nr"'nv-H annnf fhb "(He HD1103]: .\1iss M. McArthur of Bradford spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, R. A`. Suther- land. The pupils of Stroud are deligllted to be moved into their new school. up. .\v .`.`o.. _ I llUv\\| n n a u u u n a V . . - . u u u u u . . V u -. Mrs. Van`No1-man andbchildren Epentlast weekiwith friends in Shanty Bay. rs 1-1 __ ` ___g,_`_ i@w@@@$ for ys! KVUR9 ICHH J.I'VlH- The Women's Institute met at the home of .\Irs. W. J. Goodfellow on Thursday. Dr. Cousins gave a humorous and inspiring addre. on his experiences in China. Miss M. Bayes gave 9. paper on Boos One Should Read." A ...._.4...... ..c ....,...1.. c........ m........c.. .......+` vvxun vvnwu n.-yuuu .u -........-J .. .'y. . Mis E. Hunter enjoyed the weekend with Miss Tana Irving. ` cuuuiu ucuu. _ A number of people from Toronto sncnt Thanksgiving here; Among these were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson and family and Roy Manners spent the holiday at Robt. 'I`hom'pson's;' Mr. and Mrs. Getty and fam- :lIv DVII` Mr uni` My-a Janna: Mnronn Hf Luuunpauu a, nu aly and Mr. a James Clark s. I`. ,. .__--..I . L! _ JSJHQS UIHFK S. . Congratulations to Mr. Clifford Webb and Miss Dora Ferris, who were married on Nov. 7. . rm__ u-_u.-.I:_.. n.._.!.... Q..L....I ...... 1...... VOV. lo The Methodist Sunday School are busy `practising for their Christmas entertain- ment. to be held on Dec. 21. A III` .\I , I `I; oprouxe s. _ Mr. and Mrs. Morley Black of Elmvale. Miss Ina Black of Midland and Wilbert Black of Toronto were 11o1idayTvisitors.a't Robt. Black's. > _ I'\."._ Q1......_.._ 3.` .........l:..... ll nvnlntr auuun` uu up uuou uu avvI - Griffiths of Thogold,"Mr. and Ma. I-I. Orr of Grenfel and Mr. and Mrs. H. Lynn of Ivy were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Sp:-oule`s. `Up am! Mr: Mnrlnv Rim-1: nf W.lm\'n1n_ IYODY. DIHCK So _ liipx-1 `Rita Stevenson is` spending a week with friends in Hamilton. II...` "l`,uLl is 1y:;<:O':nn` Law 1-`cl-an in rlrnvnn- W11-ll IFJCIHI-5 Ill .l.'1hlll|U1|. Mrs. Todd is vlsitmg her sxster m Graven- hurst. ' ` I ._._I_L __.-_I.i:__.. ;...1. ..I...... ..L I... M_'..a.L.' Girls, and simply tell for Christ-- disappoint EIUTSI. . A quiet wedding took place at the Math? odist parsonage. Newmarket, last Wednes- day. Nov. 7, when Rev. J. J. Cochrane united in marriage. Mr. Angus Morrison, son of Mrs. Ben. Webb. Stroud. and Miss . Edna Smith of Newmarket. After spend- `ing their honeymoon- in Toronto and Nia- gara. the happy couple will reside in New- market. mL- rm...._I.,....:..:.... ..:..:+..... :.. H... !Y1!1l'Kl3o The Thanksgiving visitors in the community included Misses Lilian and Mar- ion Reid, M. Barclay, M. Wright, M. Jacks, A. Sutherland. H. Ferris. G. Stevenson. M. g Ritchie, H. Ritchie; Messrs. W. Booth. J. .W. Sutherland, K. Stevenson, `H. -Irving, G. A. Sutherland, A. Irving, A. Stevenson, H. Gray; also Mr. and Mrs. B. Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sutherland. Mrs. S. Broley of I-Iazeldean," entertained a number of girls at a miscel- laneous shower from 3 `to 5 on-Tuesday afternoon. in honor of Miss Dora Ferris, whose marriage took place on Nov. 7. The living room, which was prettily decor-. ated with yellow mums, made a delight- ful setting for the gift table. MissiPhyllis Martin clipped the ribbons and Miss Frankie Robertson read the good wishes of the giv- vars. Miss Ferris thanked the girls in her own happy manner. After a dainty lunch~ eon and social hour the guests departed. each expressing best wishes for Miss Ferris - future happiness. V . - T.nal- Wnrlnnanir NA`! 7 Wm TQf.lYY'IET_ Illl-Ufe HHPDIHCSS. , Last Wednesday, Nov. 7, Wm. Latimer. . a life-long resident of this community nuss- ` ed away. at the age of 73 years. Mr. Lat- imer had been in` failing health since last March. having suffered a paralytic stroke; ~ The `funeral on Friday to the Stroud cem` ` etery was very largely attended. Deceased was a member of Minerva Lodge, A.F. 59: A.M., Stroud. also L.O.L. No. 605 Craig- vale. The `Masonic ceremonies were" per- formed at the grave. a large number of Masons being present to pay 9 last tribute of respect to one, who as a friend -`and brother, they had loved and honored `in life. Many very -beautiful floral tributes were reverently placed on the coffin, hear- ing their silent messages of sympathy. The bereaved family left to mourn are. Mrs. Latimer; Wilson, Cameron and Stanley; of Toronto; Fred and .Wallace at-home and Mrs. Reuben Lucas.` Lefroy and Mrs. A. Webb of Big Bay Point. . You can help Nature by Internal Bath- ing, and without the use of drugs keep the ` lower intestine in the clean condition which Nature demands for good health and vigor. I Thousands of Canadians testify to the ben- I efits derived from its use in cases of ob- stinate constipation, piles, indigestion, ap- pendicitis and hardening of the arteries. Well, sir, regarding my case of gastri- tis and constipation, I must say that I feel 75 per cent. better and my looks will guar- antee the same." . I feel a new man and can say in -truth that I have not" purchased five cents worth of drugs for constipation since using the Cascade, where before for` years I spent many. do1lars.". H1 1.....- mmmmended the Cascade to a dollars. ' '. I have recommended the Cascade lady friend who passed through a critical operation. She purchsed `the Cascade and used it with great success.` _ e um. Maw. l".annnHA_ mad with sterihzed used it with great success." `_ _ The JJBIL. Cascade, used wxth _ste1l1Ie;`l warm water, is easy ant_i P1993 m "55 l; facts. You bathe outslde. vihy not 5 inte1-nally_. too-it is far more important? V rm... 1 n T. .n.....A. in th. nex~fecteinven- Chronic Indigestion Constipation Gone`! Thanks 1 intsrnal Bathing for Spegdy unnusvn --vm Relief. nternauy_. too-1u 19 Int mun-J ;u.,.u.......... The J.B.L. Cascade is- the perfectinven-I NEWS FROM QIEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS ltised Things. U11`. auu 1.111-Va \1C||I_y uu lulu` and Mrs. James Morgan at Ulla auu Illlu All-Il vunuunvuu Misses Kate and Margaret. Morrison of {Toronto were holiday visitorswxth their bro: `ther, Neil Morrison. ' \l:-.L 'l.'.`Ip.....:.. flunknm .-min:-Iminnrl I: nuvn- ! Nov. 13-.--'bMr. and Mrs. D. Parliament I and family of Oakwood and Miss Rolse Cam-_ ieron of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with lMr. and Mrs. Angus Cameron. nus vy . I II` . `ll ,_,__'2--_ -2 `Luer, }.V_Cl1 LVIUITIBUII. Mass Flossxe Graham entertamed a num- ber of her friends to` a birthday party, on Thursday, Nov. 8. ' M:nana Vafn ant` Mn:A IIPRBQH1 A; Thin . OIIIO are nouuaymg wuu 1'c1uuvca.ucu:. ; The U.F.O. and U.F.W.O. Clubs will hold their annual meeting and supper at the; home of N. D. McCuaig on `the evening of; Tuesday, November 20. -All members and| those wishing to join the clubs are re-I quested to bring wives or partners. . , "|`l-m nntnknr vnnafino nf H19 IT.F.O. and KLDUTSGB) , UV. 0. Misses Kate and Maggie Graham of Tor; onto are holidaying with relatives Where. 'm.., n w n our` IT 1: W n nlnha will hnld quested to ormg wives or purum:1'.s. The October meeting of the U.F.O. and! U.F.W.O. clubs was held at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Caldwell with a very: large attendance. . A good programme was-C enjoyed by the ladies as the U.F.O. mem} bers were too busy- discussing things of great ' interest to the farmers. The programme; consisted of music by Mrs. R. Caldwell and? piano duets by the Misses Partridge of Crown Hill and a very interesting. paper by Misssliena -Crawford. A biscuit contest was- held, Mrs. Jas. Duncan winning lst prize,i Mrs. Norman Campbell 2nd. Thejudgesl were: Mrs.`Fred Caldwell and- Mrs. Wesley; Caldwell. There was a large numberiofi competitors and some very` beautiful bis-I cuits shown by the ladies. A weed-"seed: contest was held byythe _U.F.0. Club in' which `the naming of seedsvwas to be done by the young men. Frank Wiltshire named Al the meet seeds correctly. All present spent . a very profitable and enjoyable evening. NoV'._13.-Mios Sarah Groves of Toronto! and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Groves and family; of Stayner were guests at. Miss Esther < Groves Thanksgiving. llzm. n0 nun nf` Tnv-nnfn annnf. Hm uroves , 18llK.SglVlllg. Miss Della Dean of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean. W . U88. Miss Bowman of Grenfel visited Mrs. D, `Plankton over Sunday. `An Mnnnn rm: nofun: :9 I7:a;:nrI Hf H36 'rIuXl.UH UVUT t7Ull(ll1yu Jos. Mason of Detroxt IS vxsmng at hm home here. 1:: _ u'..:._..,. ...1..,. I......'1........ ..:..:4:..... n`- IIUIIIU llUl`I'!o Miss Haines. who- has'been visiting at David Coulson s, returned to her home in Sutton last week. Her ` brother, George Haines, went home with.her to spend a few days. I3`-only "|"nudRnd-u AP Tnrnnfn 3: viaino hi: IBW [U1 '5 ya Frank TarBush of Toronto is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. TarBush. - ,1 It,._ il..__: .._.l _;_. -1.` "I'V-..-...A.- Mr. and Mns. Morris and son of Toronto are visiting at Thos. Be1l s. ` Last Thursday morning about 6.30 fire broke out in Mrs. Cooper` McCracken's new house. In a very short time a large crowd had gatherd and the bucket, brigade uy.-mlynzi uynll 'I`}\n Finn um: nu} nnf hnf nnf rlulvllvu, ovnni uIIo\a an-V. --. . -.---------. I UIUWU unu guulcicu uuu tut: uuuncu, UIISDLIG worked well. The fire was put out but not before considerable damage had been done. It was a great shock-to Mrs. McCracken as she has been confined to her bed for some time with rheumatism. On Satiirday Mrs. -McCracken s brother, Wm. Muir of Toronto. came up and took Mrs. McCraoken back with him to spend the winter in the city. (in mnnbanilyinn nunninn 941:: Tariinn On Thanksgiving evening the Ladies Aid of the Union Church held a hot fowl `supper and concert; Everything was all that co'uld be desired and everyone went home well satisfied. Proceeds amounted to about $150. .1: Noxf. 13.-W. Pratt and son 'Gordbn` {spent `Thanksgiving in Hamilton. ' Mr and Mva F`. gnrxrinn qnrl Ann nf `for $13.90 -,. rv'nFIf\r\ spam 1uuIl'K.sg1v11|g 111 nuuunwu. Mr.` and Mrs. E. Service and son of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey and children of Allandale and Mrs. Wiiliams of Barrie were guests at T. Pattendexfs on Monday. _. 7 Mine M FR:-AH fnnnhnr ennnf. 'I"hnn`(.=m\.'. IOIIUII) . Miss M. -Brett, teacher, spent Thanksg'.v- ing at her home i_n Alliston. wan M Tran`! an!` T Tnurpn vnf Tnr. mg uh uer uuult: 1_u nluavuu. Miss M. Tracy and T. Lindgrenvof Tor- onto passed the week-end with friends in this vicinity. Ll. on ! Mrs W ~QnyNvn:I- cunt`. fnmilv nf [I115 VlCllUyn Mr. and Mrs. W.`Sw_itzer and family of Crown Hill visited at Mrs. E. McLean's last Sunday. _ '1` Tnaunin rnnnhynrl ulnl-I1 nf `n qnnpa last aunaay. . T. Teasdale recexved word of hxs aunt's death in Innisfil on Tuesday. II. ..b..-` Mun Wunnnw nu!` Anna-`vu!nII on!` Qeavn 1" 1Ilu1.*.i1u Ull .I.uUBU1_Yo Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and daughter and Mrs. Sinclair and daughter of Toronto visit-' ed at J. Martin's for the holiday. `llq .nL3.l mm `Y MAT nnln ant` unn WA- 0 an d.,1V1uI'bu1 1511` but`: uuuu: . B I Mr. Taryid Mrs. `J. McLean anii son Ed- `ward, `also Wallace and Miss Vera McLean are visiting in Toronto. 11.. nu! ma Q MnT.Aon anon! 'FH-xnlrc- are vlsxmug lll .l.Ul'UllLU. Mr. and Mrs. S. McLean spent .Thanks- giving at -Crown Hill. Mu unrl Mrs Pnvnnlrie and I-Hiirirnn nf mg BF `\Jl`0\N-I1 fllll. glv - 'Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and children of Barrie spent Monday at T. Teasdale .<. Jack Joyce spent the week-end in Barrie. l Nov. 13.--Thanksgiving being a lovely day quite a few from Toronto came to this village. Mr. -Eby visited his cottage and Mr. and Mrs. Morton and "family visited with Mr.~ and Mrs. .Jno. .`.`.:mderson. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Brook and family Wlth Mrs. Malcolm; Dr. Gordon Malcolm, from Win- nipeg, with his brother. H. H. Malcolm; and Mr. McLelland and Miss Gladys Palk of Greenwood, Toronto, with Harry and Miss Sarah Palk. Many of the villagers spent the afternoon hunting. , . Prof. J. G. Hume came from Toronto and `spent the holiday at his farm. Tannnaypllah 1111!`! +119 `IIYR Hf R U, Y---" Rgular $17.90,- d|1OOI\

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