ER 15, 1923. uugu lvu Dang yunvu xiunvul .9. .-_............-. Miss Florence Bunt of the C.N.R. office ` staff, Parry Sound, and Miss Esther Bunt of Toronto", spent the holidays with their parents at the Baptist parsonage. Miss Es~ ther Bunt was accompanied bx Miss Edith ` Hall of Toronto. 112.`.-. a....:n.. `M ?!-.J-in Salmon-A Il1"'\l\ Enn- mm 40! Lorouw. A V . . Miss` Smith, _Mitchell Square, who has been visiting Mrs. Ja_ck Powell, Sophia St., r ua. sun .y town. 0 TI now-Raglans, Chesterfields, Ulstgrs at rock-`bottom prices. . was in Toronto last ,1_1:___ :1: 1... . ......g.:n THE BARRIE EXAMINER Christmas stock ar- rived from England. Cashmere, Worsted, Silk and Heavy _ Woollen. All at sacrice prices A chance to save SS % lVlEN S socxs left on Saturday for London where she will! I be the guest of her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Mc-i Neill, for a. few days on her way-to-spend? the winter with her brother, Dr. W. A." Smith, at Boyd, Wisconsin. T A | My. emrl Mrs W .T Fnwlnr Teaming-. Dmltn, an Doyu, VVLSUULISIU. a ` Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fowler, Leaming-g ton, formerly of Barrie, announce the; marriage__ of their daughter, Margaret Rut`h,l to Dr. Lyle C. Bacon, son of Dr. L. C. Bacon, St . Paul, Minn. The marriage took! I place on Nov. 2 in Los Angeles, Cal., where |. the young couple will reside." "'---' .. MRS. ANNA WISDOM . i J. D. Wisdom was bereaved last week` in the death of his mother, Mrs. Anna- Wisdom, who passed away on Friday, Nov. 9, at Singhampton, in her 85th year." She had been ill but a few weeks and, up toi within a very short time of herdeath, was, exceedingly active for her years. The fun-| eral was held from the residence of heri son, Cumberland St.f to Barrie Union` cemetery, on Thanksgiving Day. Rev. W.i J. Watt and Rev; S. M. Beach officiated. ` `IA ..- T`l Y2_.I.__.. ....... .-.34-a. ...;.`I1 `I... nuvvn Cu J. W ULL uuu 1\.cv. 0. L11. ucquu uxumawu. l Mrs. Wisdom was quite well known in. town, having resided here with her son for about ten years.` At the time of her death she was with a grandson, John Lougheed, at Singhampton. t Q..n+.-.1n rlosnnn Anna 'I'-Tnmann wag: ` at Dmguuulptuu. Of Scotch descent, Anna Hewson wasl born in Scotland and came to Canada be- fore she was married. She spent the greater part of herlife at or near Maxville, Ont. It was there she married John H. Wisdom,` who` predeceased her about seven years. About thirty-five years ago the family mov- ed to Stayner, and resided there until Mr. Wisdom s death. Mrs. Wisdom then lived part of her life at or near Maxville, Ont. more latterly with her grandson at Sing- hampton. Amnna Hanan frnm nut nf fnwn who at- nampton. Among those from out of town who at- tended the funeral were John Lougheed and wife, Singhampton; Roy I-Iewson and J. Seely, Batte_au; John Mathers and wife, Stayner and Mrs. W. Holmes, Toronto. Additional obituary notices on pages 6| and 16. I wish to thank the Dalston Footballl Club -for their kindness in paying expenses and for the cheque received. 49- Tnrnn Handv- nu -ment, in the loss of a loving husband and DCTGEVEIIICDE. . xup Mrs. William Latimer and family, Stroud, wish to thank their-~many friends and neighbors for their kind sympathy and oral tributes, in their recent sad bereave- father. - 4601 CARDS 011' THANKS A\.\.,;.- -.,, stripe, 4 andba 32,` clearing` . . . _$9.95 OBITUARY MEN S SUITS at} Staggering Prices 18 Sl_JlTS_ A:l'_: A _$9.75 " 'Iz2J1a}"$722.od' I 35 SUITS AT - $17.50! Regular $35.00 30 suns AT - $24.75| 3 for 50, 2 for 25 MEN S SHIRTS Big assortment * Wonderful values MEN S COLl_.ARS 89c, $1.29; $1.48 and $1.89 Arrow and Tooke That Means Our Stock of Men s Wear Will Actually. be Sold at Wholesale Prices! Hundreds already have takenadvantage. Come at `once. The Best will go first. Sale will continue until bur entire Men 3 Stock is sold out. deposited in perly stump- will not be We must make space for our growing Ladies? Ready-to- Wear and House Furnishings Depts. and therefore prices will be quoted that will absolutely clear it out quickly. Regular A $45.00 Our _I\/Ien s Stock rust be "sold by December 15. BOYS surrs, cons ,4 AND TOGGERY, 10% Z OFF DURING SALE While we are selling out our Men s Wear, we will offer a reduction of 10% off all Boys Suits, Coats and Toggery. In the future, we intend to feature strongly our Boys De- partment and will maintain with vigor our reputation of having the largest and best stock in Barrie. Buy your boy s winter supply now. AUCTION SALE on Satunfglgr. Nov. 17 N % AT 8 PIVI. at A. J. TUCK S, Barrie A NUMBER OF DINNER SETS Also a quantity of New Furniture, Heating Stoves, -Cook Stoves and other Store Goods ' IRWEAR `Loolcm THESE UN- DERWEAR muons I Stane1d s Red Label; $1-.69. F Only 12`d0zen garments Penman s N0. 95 $1.98 Penman s Preferred ._$1.59 Hatchway Nainsook . $1.00 Hatchway Balbriggan $1.25 I-Iatchway W001 $3.50. I-IewsAon s Red Label, $1.39 A Few of Our Many Special Prices on Work F ,_ Mitts and Gloves gLovEs MITTS _ 01 {IE I II 4 3" GenuinerI{-o;sen{de, $1.25 -Pullover Genuine Horsehide, $1.50 `Pullover . Genuine Horsehide, $17.65 Horsehide". Genuine Horsehide Mitts, extra heavy A Full` Stock of Fine Rubbers and Heavy Rubbers Just Arrived Youths Monitor, $3.00 Boys Monitor Men s Seneca" $3.50 Men s Monitor ' Men s Brome $3.95 Men s White ..... A few pairs of Leather Tops left and the pri reduced below cost. SPEC-4IAL FOR Two WEEKS ONLY Extra Blend Black Tea, 58 lb. There will be sold by auction `Orange Pekp Tea, 9_0c lb. wing to put 3} `Prices, W. A. MCCONKEY, Auctioneer. ` Best quality Reg. 75c 8L $1.00 59 SUSPENDERS % Pe;tbodys a_ 11 d Wa1ker s Best grade Wholesale price :4 45 OVERALLS 1.9s` Page Thirteen 3 prices are -con IUD 111.- 50c pr. $1.00 pr. .DREN S RONS $2.10 $3.00 $4.19 P. 0. Dept. Ioats RURAL )ERS 114 L 1. L}, 0'} us, special 35c yd. day and Luuuuuy. : Mrs. Roy Tomlinson and sister, Miss Bes-` sie Riddell. spent the holiday with their par-' ents in Baldwin. ` I Gavin Muirhead and son Alton of Tor- onto. were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Deisourdie. . `ll!_~.... f\L.u. non-I nun Klnunr-nun A` man. _ M158 Margaret Meeking spent the holiday in Woodstock. ' ` Judge and Mrs Vance were in Toronto, Thanksgiving Day. : Mrs. Begg of Lynwood is visiting Mrs. (Rem! Thom. North St. ' Mrs.'W. S. Boddy of Brantford is visit- ing Mrs. J. McL. Stevenson. , Alex. Elrickgof Collingwood visited friends in town over the holiday. , . ` . Ernest Tomlinson spent Thanksgiving at the home of his parents in Baldwin. Miss Dorothy Otton has returned to Tor- onto after a visit at her home here. i Miss Doris Hayes was the guestof her sister in Toronto for the holiday. H. M. Lay left Saturday night for his ---- --1 V-nnr-an lnnnf. in the Sudburv I M. Lay left aaturaay lllgub uu um annual moose hunt in the Sudbury district. Miss Alice Creswicke of Toronto was vis- iting at her home here over the holidays. H. E. Macpherson and W. A. Anderson. were in Hamilton and. Toronto over the holiday. . - Miss Dorothea McEachren of Toronto spent the week-end with relatives in Barrie and Orillia. - \':-.A.. (1.-.4 at `Hamilton nnnnt the hnli. bramom at. A V Mrs. Greenwood has returned home after spending four months yvith'her so, Roy, in the Son. n2... 1.*........ M`a AF I-Tnmiltnn vigil-ml hm-` and Unlha. . Victor Gates of Hamilton spent the holi~ day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Gates, Rrqrl fart] Q1 uay wuu uu Bradford St. ll..- f,` -uAnv\ lll UK . 500. . V. g ' Miss Emma Mills of Hamilton visited her aunt, Mrs. T. Blair, and friends in town over the holiday. A 1 `L1 hn:lrl:ymnaAn nf Nnwmm-l(nt hhf. th .MCU0l'l8l(1 DD. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Bryson and family of Limlsay were visiting friends here, Sun- day and Monday. i In Dnu Tnmlimann and ninfmt Miss Res-' the nouuuy. - x H. Doddymeade of Newmarket spent the holiday with Mrs. Newman and dhughters,v MDonald St. 3 In. ....,I `Inc 7iIlnm 11:-unnn ant` fnrnnv Mrs. n. uesuurum. Mi.t\=es 01iveTand> Mary Newman of Tor- , onto spent the` week-end with their mother, Mrs. L. F. Newman. _ ~' . `\II_.. ` ::\`n Dr\IIIvv\nI\ A: Tnwnfn anon?` J.V1}'e'. L. 1`. ucyvluau. : Miss Viola Bowman of Toronto spent` over the holiday with her cousin, Mrs. Wal- i ter Smith. Charles St. W II- .....J `Ian M `Kn-w|:n nut` MAIIIYQ` THURISDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1923. I81" Dlllllll. UIIRSYIUS DD. Mr. and Mrs. M. Martin and Norval Broley of Beeton visited at the home of H. Desourdie last week. _ . 1 II. .._..I II'...- '\ A '1'un`-n- run!` Annn`\l-nu UGSOUTGIC RISE WEEK. Mr. and Mrs. D. A.'Tucker and daughter: Jean spent the Thanksgiving holiday with friends in Toronto. | 11.. .....l Rlun An:-`rant 'Dnka-`Lana at Dunk anu HITS: flu UILBLUI`. ~ | Dr. E. T. Atkinson of Port Dalhousie: I spent the holiday with his father and sis_-i `ters `at 50 Blake St. u_. n,..._..... D..1... ..c m,.......a... ...n...~1.;.. Irlenus In 1Ul'UllLU- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robertson of Rugby. visited over the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Litster. .. I2` '1` ;m.:....... ..c 12-..; n.,i1..,....:... `LeI'S\aD DU DIHKC DD. __ Mrs. George Pyke of Toronto, w ho`has been visiting Capt. and Mrs. Syme, Owenl St.. has returned home.` 117... A....l........... -1` LL- 1.\.....L -0 U1.-.1. I" `(He 1Ul1HK5`{lVlHg `llUH|ll1y- Mr. and` Mrs. William Beelby of Dalston spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. John Lavender, Jr.,nOwep St. W. R. King spent Thanksgiving in Ot- tawa, Mrs. King returning with him after a \' in the capital city. U ('1 Dnlnm-I-ann and A f`. `Ry-inlzpr wrn GI.` nus TCDUFIIEU HUIHU. ` ' Wm. Anderson of the Dept. of High-' ways motored to his home in Lindsay for `the Thanksgiving holiday; 1!`: nnA`K[uu~ Illliam unnnxuv A; nn`afnn 'd \'L$ll` HI MIC uupwux Ulloy. | H. G. [Robertson and` A. C. Bricker were, in Owen Sourid, Monday. attending a Lodge of Instruction. I.O.O.F. ! W11 Avnnlr` `n? (Ia!-mum man in fnmn nn ll I L t\.uLu.- rday only es for 25 .lJUUge U1 .I.l.lBLl'UUl`lUH. L.\Jo\l-l_.'o I Ed. Arnold of Oshawa was in town on 8. business trip and spent the week-end with his parents at 90 Owen St. `Ha nut] Mug Wmarl Qnumna and ann nnvlo- > HIS parents Kb UU UWUII Db- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens and son Doug- las of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. `E. W. Otton over the holiday. \I.. `LTn_4-Inn An ! ...:6`.. nnpl W A nuv1n17 .1`. W. ULLUU Uvcr um; uuuuuy. - Mr. Hartley and wife and W. A. Carley of Newmarket spent Thanksgiving with A. B. Carley. 127 Collier St. - M. u:-an- n`l`nn ant` mxvnltvn II;l+F A` .qf.I'Hf.. D. bk`lI'ly. ll UUHIUI Dlu Misses Edna and Evelyn `Quilter of Strat- ford spent the Thanksgiving holiday with the Misses Brennan, Bradford St. ll... 12` {'1 (`canal-`an `I-sun u-Ahuvnn `I-nrn Iue LVIISSBS PICIIHBII, Druuunu Dlu Mrs. F. G. Campbell has retu. ed from Orillia where she visited during th absence _ of her husband on a deer hunt. . n. A. u A uuauuuu us: as may. ..u-.y. Aubrey Urry of the staff of the Sterling` Bank, Orangeville, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Urry._= _ ._,..1 Il__ It_1 r__._.. ..t MAB ysuuuuc, Lung unnu none: v-nu. `ran. - Miss Doris Andrews and Mr. McKehna of Hamilton spent over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooper, Sanford St. .|:#, A 15.51 _,._1 1_L_. 'l'f___`...I-- .. `IKZJ A autuo a&u|vAu vvuyvn, nu uuuu nu -av: Mrs. A. Reid and John Kennedy of Mid- !and spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clarke, 72 Codrington St. See our Feature Overcoat this season. You wou1dn t believe it possible that we could sell so smart "a coat as this at such a moderate price. ` D0n t fail to see it. Special value at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 .__ _.......--\ `in man run aun- 3'ii`iia1imd}'\'tS' ucnp AT $15 TO $35 tterns in" vide, spec- Ad 60 yd. BOYS SUITS A Special Clearing Sale of Boys . Suits. 7 Most of these have two bloomers, - e All reduced. % Prices: Staneld : 855 1-*?*' `. $2 gent`-`J-:r~1'e1-1t OVERCOATS 15 r:u;ABE1'H STREET $30.00 T S DE- i J PALM I\W'I' H. Litster spent Thanksgiving at Burk's -Falls where he visited his daughter, Mrs. S. A. Geach, and a brother, D. S. Litster. Dr. Roger Wells of Toronto spent~Thank.s-- giving with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Wells,- who are staying at Mrs. Morton s'. Mr. and Mrs. A Martin Baker, Innisl St., have returned after visiting her brother a in Alberta. and her sister in Saskatchewan. H. H. Hamilton and Neil McDonald of . the Dept. of Highways "motored to the- .former s home in Bethany for the holiday. People of Barriean Community Do You Realize we are Selling Out our Men s Wear? 4 Men! Buy &our winter. coat COPYRIGHT. I928 -v r. P. 8: co. Best makes- Sold at prices that w_il1 move them out, All weights, "light! `and dark shades. We are NOT going out of busitiess but we are ABSOLUTELY going -out of Men s Wear. Sarjeant & K_:1g_, Limited Burberry k, all wool coat, reg. `riday and MEN'S CAPS -'-New goods You _wouldn Overcoats` A-Wonder_ful ` Range of Boys Coats , at prices all - reduced for ~-for quick selling. All _we ask is your inspectlon. BOYS _ RC()ATS, ..4-..n.\ _.1 Beautifl patterns, Xmas stock here. sprjnE{oves at half price. _` Winter Gloves 65c to $2.25 GLOVES A11 reduced. Harold R. Channen of Iroquois Falls is home for the winter to assist his father in the grocery business. the latter having been ill. 'I'1 ....L....& 117:1-.. AC {\:annrlA T-Tn]]_ Tn1'Qnt;Q_ ill. ~ Herbert Wilson of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, and William ,Wilson of Hamilton visited their parental home in High St. for Thanks- giving. Mm Frankie Warren giving. Miss Frankie `Warren Toronto last` week attending the wedding if her cousin, Miss Mildred Allward, to Cline McLean ofl Montreal. Mrs. Ernest Thornton and two `little daughters, en route from Australia to Eng- land, visited for ten days with Dr. and Mrs. Lewis. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Armstrong. accompan- ied by Miss Gordon, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Henry of Ponty-I `Winn Luna uuu .-....u vv . -. .._-__-., , _ pool. - Miss Rhoda Bird, Miss Isobel Bird and Miss Dorothy Bennett of Toronto spent the zholiday at the home of Captain E. E. G. D3.-A V IIULIUG` Bird_. ll .-- Bird. Misses Dorothy and Madjline Brown and Florence Simpson of Toronto spent Thanks- giving with their aunt, Mrs. Wm. McLean, Bayfield St. . 1:.....1 Mm-mn nf the Ontario College of ETTE, 35 ,..\nn:n1 Bayneld st. Fred Morten of the Ontario College Pharmacy, Toronto, and Harry Morren of |Sau1t St.e`. Marie, 01112., were Thanksgiving _.._:A........ ... Lanna I uuunv uvvn l visitors iri ` IA ... 1'\ VISIEOTS In EOWD. - Mrs. D. s. Wallbridge left on Monday` eniglit for her. home in Vancouver_after spending five -weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. McL.` Stevenson. ` A In. .....1 M..- `D W D1-nnhnrt have us. J. Mch.` Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rhinehart have re- turned from a two weeks visit with their daughter. Mrs. Wm. J. Peach, Rockwood, and friends in Kitchener. - An... ........A. ...- Hm nnmv-nor at Vrnnman. and menus In 1\1Lg11e11e1'. After spendmg the summer at Vrooman- -ton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Bin- brook and Hamilton, Rev. H. Berry has returned to_ Craigvale. .u':..- Anni! 12.1] Mica M -nrinn T-Turner returned to Uralgvmu. Miss Amy Bell, Miss Marion Harper and Donald MacLaren of Toronto and A1- astair-'MacLaren of Hamilton were at Sher- iff MacLaren s ovr the week-end. -., _'l Il-_L-._ `[T.._.... . 111 Luuuucuwu D uvv: vuv vvv -....... T Mr. and Mrs. Aikens and Master Harry Coughey of Barrie and Mrs. Will Brooks and sons, Howard and Alfred, of Shanty Bay spent Thanksgiving in Owen Sound. `II - __.I \I'_- 7|` E` Av-nriunnvnn A` `n'nn'I- `DB 5 cut; Luounn Lvnu AL: V 5 B .Mr. and.Mrs. T. E. Andrews of Hamil- ton, accompanied by their daughter Mar- guerite, spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. Harold Cooper, Sanford St. - , AL..- n..:..1.... -4` "l`........c.. `l UGKQEI-luvs, aann bgunvnu \r\avrv-, -..-_-..-.. Miss Alma Quinlan of Toronto University and Miss May Quinlan of A the Orangeville High School staff were. Thanksgiving visit- ors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Quinlan; `M . and Mr; `Rnhm-t Jnhnnnn announce Quinlan. - . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson announce the engagement of the latter'a sister, Miss Bernice Goddard,- of Moose Jaw,, to Mr. Fred Coates of Caron, Seek.-, the mar- riage to take place quietly in December. 112-, I'M ____ .. Dune -0 #1.. END nffinn Juniors esses, ten les, ages 10 ,ml\-l\