Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1923, p. 5

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Scrchadera `Orchestra His Or. lty Orch. Orchestra NIGHT GOWNS--Ladies good heavy weight white flannelette night gowns, assorted styles,anniversary sale price. ................... .. $1.69` PAILETTE SILK-B1ack only, 34 -inn`-nan nrla Iunrfk Q1 7?; BV'I`l'I`:I1A1l_ ACORSETS-AV. big special purchase of corsets, [sizes 21 to 30, pink and - white, made to fit the average fig- ure. Regular $2.75 and $3.00, an- niversary sale, pair ...... .. - $1.98 IJUUIIEJIDDJH IDl`LL1J.V"".l. 61' WIUC, UUL` ors black, dark green, mauve, maize, sand and grey, worth $2.50, anniversary sale, yard $1.95 WOO_L SK.IRTINGS--Plaids _and ..L-.-....... a.....1-...,l:.J ............ ..-L` ....`l.. ........... vvux on up bu qJu.uu, auu1vc1.aq:.y cats, yard ................................ $1.98 SATIN DRESS GOODS-A fine wool ......-..!... --.:J.L .. .....J..`... :....'..L ....`I...... QILLILV LJLVJHDD LI'\J\l1JbDt1 1.1115 WUUI. goods withea satin finish, colors, brown, taupe, nigger and copen., 44 inches Wide, worth $2.50, anni- versary sale, yard ..... $1.69 DRESS GO0DS--With self check, colors black, brown and green, worth 50c, anniversary sale, yard . 90.. DON T MISS` THESE BARGAINS IN STAPLE DRY GOODS ROLLER TOWELING-4-41"?` inches wide, linen shade with red borders, anniversary sale, yard ...... .. 15: PURE LINEN ROLLER TOWELINGI --White with blue or red border, reg- ular 25c, anniversary sale, yard.... IO.- TEA TOWELLING-Pure linen, plain white, 23 inches wide, reg,- ular 30c, anniversary sale, _yard 9h Is Band TABLE DA'MASK'--Bleache`d table. damask, 56 inches wide, anniver- sary sale, per yard ......... 691;` UNBLEACHED TABLE LINEN-A1l ....u... 13-... an 1_..L.... -.S.I- _-_..1_.. U 5` B81311 \ll-IIHLI J. 111.1]-JI.`J LILLY ILV-* l1II ure linen,` 60 inches wide regular. 1.75, anniversary sale, yd. $1.39 FACTORY COTTON - Full. ard wide, heavy weight and free 0111 specks,- regular 28c,- anniversary sale, yard .......................... .. T 23: HUCK TOWELS-Plain' hemmed huck towels, .-_a splendid bedroom towel, anniversa;-y sale, each 25 V \J\J1J Ql.).'l.J.\vL.l.LV\IL7"l. llu Gllll stripes,`sp1endid range of colorings, worth up to $3.50, anniversary sale, $1.98 T Big Anniversary Sale Specials CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, HOSE We are Agents fdr McCall s Patterns and Publications. Use the McCall Printed` Pattern; you wm will like. it. Pure Wool Flannel, grey only, also Military Flannel in pepperand salt color, best 65c quality. An- ` niversary Sale, `yard . . . 55c UNDERWEAR-V`ests and drawers, ' fine rib knit, medium weight, reg- ular 75c, anniversary sale, per gar- ment ......... ....................... .. 59c LADIES VESTS--Fine quality cream vests, rib, spring needle knit, regu- lar $2.25, anniversary sale, e;ch.... ...... `L75 `FLANNELETTE BLOOMERS--Lad- I ies white flannelette bloomers, reg- ular $1.50, anniversary sale price ............................................ .. 89 UNDERSKIRTS--Co1ored sateen `un- . derskirts, colors black,.purple, blue, grey and green, regular $2.19, an- nnrnresnvv cnln -nr-inn CI `in TRICOTINES-50 and 54 inches wide, colors sand, brown and taupe; regular $3.00 to $3.50, anniversary sale, yard ...................... .. $2.68 uuzvunu vnuvuxo -- at 11101165 wide, colors grey, green and rnse, anmversary sale, yard 49 WOOL SERGE-40 inches wide, navy only, regular $1.25, anniversary sale, yard .......................... .. __ 75c 5uLcu. qiu-UV UU q.wu.uU, GIHIIVCLBIIIJ Ezzle, BROADCLOTHS--Chiffon finished 1-\1I:\nAn1nl-In-. nn'IA..n 'L_n..._ ._..---- CORDED VELVETS 27 inches vn::1n rIIu`r\-Isa 1-nus n-s..\o. -....J _......_ HEAVY` WEIGHT COATING? in n`v\nn`- av`:-I ..'l.-.:.l .....u.......... ..-__u_ J.J.l.'Jl1. V .l. W uu.u1.11. UU1J.1.LVLI Ill check and plaid patterns, worth $2.50 per yard, anniversary sale price, yard ................ $1.50 CHEVIOT SERGE---Navy blue chev- `inf not-no 1'n a nanny Lnntrtv run-In-nIn4 BATH TOWELS--Plain white Terry bath towels, size 19 by 42 inches, regular 50c, anniversary sale, each ` .......................................... 39: .F1;-ANNE!-5% WHITE .FALANNELETTE--27 inches` wide, good weight, anniversary sale, per yard .............................. .. 21 WHITE FLANELETTE--35 inches . wide, heavy weight, a big 35c qual- ity, anniversary sale, yard .. 29 SHIRTING--A very special offerin in heavy shitting, medium an light colors, anniversary sale, yaid '__...__..............-.-----A-A-- -- 9 ` ART SATEENS--30 inches wide, fine Eliilh nnntv 1-conic-n an 6.. Hz- wmm COTTON--'-35 inchs wide, snow white bleached, anniversary sale. yard ....................... ., In- CURTAIN scams AND MADRASS inches urirln I{A and g-.._. \. lJ\J.l.J\JJ.f1c3""'\J111.11 U1] 1111151180 broadcloths, colors, brown, navy, black, beaver and plum, regular $3.75, anniversary sale. yd. $2.98 51:; auu 516611, rcgul mversary sale pnce 'J..l.J:lV.l\lL L).I.'JJ.\\Il.'J"LVdVy UIUU UIIUV` iot serge in .a very heavy weight. 54 inches wide, suitable for men .s and boys wear, regular $3.25, an- niversary sale price, yard . $2.39 lrchestra J51 DA'1'l'JlJlVb'--3U mcnes wide, fine English quality regular up to 75. Anniversary sa e, yard vuswatx.-I41 Dun}!-IID ILLVU MAUKASS -36 mches wide, white and cream, anniversary sale, yard ...... .. 17 LU, all- $1.79 l Kreisle} site Post ce Square rchestra nas Trio `ability, GIG. epresented EMBER 1, - f Chiago and SOLD . Lin 5% ` Cllimgo ...... I".. one 1010 PIANOS -ruuasmw. NOVEMBER 1. 1923. MEN S SWEATERS, 'sH'1R'rs, OVERALLS, ETC., AT A GREAT SAVING % M WORK SOCKS---Men s ' plain grey wool work socks, anniversary sale, pair ...................................... .. 25 w8"r`s'Fi5'"'6E5iZi*i};"';i1 w'o'oi worsted socks, black only, regular 60c, anniversary sale, pair .. _ 49 rcnni-v1|l'r.1'n'I annvra 1m'.....!.. 14-..}. \/ADIILVLEIIVEJ D\JkJI\Df'-"'1V.l.l':u Luann cashmere socks, not all wool but a good 50c value, anniversary sale .......................... .. 3 pair for $1.00 NEC'KTIES-i-Men s `knitted silk neck- ties, anniversary sale, each 39;: SILK'TIES-'-Fine quality silk neck- ties in a good range of colors and patterns, regular $1.00, anniver- sary sale, each ......... .. ......... .. 79 0VERALLS-Men s' heavy weight black overalls, with or without bib, anniversary sale rice $1.90 vnn-mum 1'ndn'la`D `IEAD _'__ T-Tnnlni macx 0_veruua, wwu U1; vuuuuuu uuu, YOUTHS UNDER EAR -4- Heavy ..2L`l..`...l ..Lu4-n and Aunnvnv-u nhVIf' Egm. About 40 boys suits in tweeds, wor- steds and cheviot serges, in sizes 25 to 35, divided in three lots at $4.98, $5.95 and $8.75. nnnavuauung u-nay, rvv-Q wu --- C15:I?1\EiERE socKs.--Men's black ....~L....\-4n nna\rA`utI uni. 1| titan` kII+ 20 THAN NIVERSARY CELEBRATION Celebrating 20 Years of Successful Business iii This Store With a Big 14 - Day Anniversary Sale Starting Friday,s1ovember 2nd ATTRACTIVE COLORINGS Size 2%, by 3 yards . '. . . $14.25 Size 2% by 3% yards $21.50 Size 3 by 3 yards $25.00 Size 3 by 3% yards . . . . $25.00- For long, hard wear, in splendid` gatterns. _ Size 4% ft. y 7}/2 ft. .. $15.00 Size 2% yds. by 3 yds. . . $25.00 Size 3 yds. by 3 yds. . . . . $30.00 Size 3 yds. by 3% yds._ . . $35.00 with we11'a`rrZx}g-eH71esigns and richly blended color combinations. Size 254 yds. by 3 yds. . . $32.50 Size%2% yds. by 3% yds., $38.50 S126 3 yds, by 3% yds. .~. .3 $46.50 BoYs"`u11's $4.98, $5.95 and $8.75 UU'.l'l.'1' U.I.Vu.I:u:\.vvnnn. -- rib'bed shirts and drawers, I; UV size 32 and 34, drawers size 32, $1.25 and $1.50 values, sale p rice 98: h'rt Clearing` our stock of Eurtains. Lace, Scrim, Marquisette and Brussels Net, $2.00 .to $7.50 per. M . pair. Your` choice-%;%.%.V1,{,'OFF 5 Chicago LOW PRICES on TAPESTRY SQUARES ,,_ . __.-.. -.-. .-.-.- /\`l'\InI/\(\ Men and Boys"Underwear ___ _.. __ j"- jazz: tnuujj Qdiij A h C 3 11 WE sAvz: YOU MONEY ON noon covnmnas BRUSSELS Rl_JGS` cvnirAn.< Twenty years_ago this month we opened up business in thisstore under the rm name of Devlin and Murchison. The businesswas continuedunder the same name until 1914 when Mr. Murchison withdrew and Mr. C. T. Devlin took overthebusiness. . During the wholetwenty years we have handled only high-class, reliable merchandise andwe are proud to saythat wehavetoday people doing business with us who started buying merchandise here i when wefirst opened. We wish to thank the people of Barrie and surrounding country for their liberal patronage during all this time and in appreciation of same we are putting on a big 14-day sale, starting Friday, Nov. 2. The same high-class merchandise is being offered in thissale as isfound in our store at all times. --Yours truly, C. T. DEVLIN. IVJNDERWEAR--Men s ` pure. wool ` underwear, heavy ribbed shirt and drawers, sizes 36 to 44, very spe- cial value, garment .... ..- .... .. $1.65 MEN'S SWEATERS--Blues. and `I.........._ `L....-... .....:...LA. -..4.L ...\1I ....'I u. -w `rjwvvv `Navy blue serges and grey worsted. in the popular 2 and 3-button models, well tazlored and with best trimming, sizes 36 to 42 in this lot---a big an- niversary pecial. Two only heavy overcoats, one each,. sizes 38 and 40, color dark grey, lined to the bottom; they [were never made for near the price .1 .... .. $4.90 About 20 overcoats, all high-class` coats, some with half belt, others with belt all around, dark grey and brown. Regular value $25.00 for.... _ ................. ................... .. $18.00 u_ w----u--.v essec Ten I` Chicago Sizes 35 and 36 o'nly in this lot; they are not the latest styles, but pants and. vest alone are worth what we ask I for the whole suit. --- .T-:v- 7 About 20 high grade suits in this lot, mostly tweeds, but a few serges; sizes 36 to 39, two and three-button conservative models, worth up to $28.50. JYLEJLV )3 I3 VV l`JI'I.|. l}lJ.\:D""'JJlUE5- CIHU browns, heavy weight, with r 11 co!- lar, regular $2.95, anniversar sale ' price .............................. .. $1.95 MEN'S SWEATERS--P1ire wool with .....I1 ..-11.... -..1....... ....--.. L .... .....J >LVl..I`JJ._V D D VV 11411 J. J'JI\at3"'J.' UIU WUU1 Wlloll roll collar, co1ors,.navy, brown and purple, regular $3.75, anniversary sale, price .......................... .. $2.95 SWEATER COATS---Men's heavy uvnn` II1nn+A`l| nnnf-u nnln~m:- novtr MEN S surrs '0 VV IIJILJ. l`JI\o LJLIIL J. t)"""'Lll.C1l-D UCGVJ wool sweater coats, colors navy, brown and grey, regular $4.50 and $5.00, anniversary sale price ...... .. ; ................ ..' ....................... .. $3.48 SMOCKS-'-Heavy weight blue and white stripe smocks, sizes 36 to 44, anniversary-sale price $1.49 AWORK SHIRTS-Made from strong wearing yarns, khaki color, size 15% to 16%, regular $1.25, anni- versary sale ......... ....... .. '98: MEN S OVERCOAT _ BARGAINS - Three Big Sbecials $5-.93._ , FLOOR OlLCLO'I'HS in 1, 1%, 1% and 2-yard widths, a splendid range of patterns, sq. yd. 50 s '1' 4 ljn OILCLOTI-IS. _ ,_j 31 Q R, btchestra ` QQTDQ I &n-Ti?-u runningyard, 35 &%3.': -sL5% DEVL I N =5 Thick, soft, velvety nish, color- ings and patterns are very pleasing. Size 2%, yds. by 3 yds. . . $35.00 Size 2%. yds._ by 3 yds. . . $38.50 -Size 3 yd_s.` by 3% yds. .. $65.00 Wiilton Rugs, 36 by 63 in., $12.50 Suitable for most any size 6 ft. by 9 ft. .... . . -Size'6 ft. by 7 ft. 6 in.`. . Size 9 ft'.by 9 ft. . . . . . . Size 9 ft. by 10 ft. 6 in. . `Size 9 ft. by12 ft. ... Perfect goods, not seconds, in two ' and four-yard widths, a good as- sortment of patterns, per square yard...; . . . . . . . . . . . Fancycrepe overblouses,trimmed,with paisley or radium lace, also a few white silk tailored blouses", regular values $6.50 and $6.75. CHlLDREN _ Glenn hn Steel ry Burr cs Hart s James Smalle Stanley White habutai silk plain tailored blouses and shantung and georgette. `overblouses, regular values $4.50 to $5.00. : White bed-spreads, size 70 by 90 inch- ,4l$emmec_l ready for use, regulalf A ....:..-..-..-.. -l- I'-..I. Factory: yarns, first quality, in grey, black, white and mottled, first qual- ity yarn in`2 and 3 ply. Anniversary Sale Price. per lb. Children's fleece-lined sleepers, best 'qua`lity,esizes up to 5 years, regular price up to $1.50. . `A big special in white and i Scranton nets, regular .45c yard. T Anniversary Sale, Yard CONGOLEUM RUGS WILTON SQUARES FACTORY YARN Clearing Price--Your Choice Crepe Overblouses Pty Orch. THE BARRIE EXAMINER CURTAIN NETS SILK BLOFUSES BED SPREADS Anniversary Sale, Each Anniversary `Sale Price LINOLEUMS Clearing Price $3.29 $4.48 Chicago jrginians $2.78 95 35 LEEPERs I'O0T! 1. . $9.00 $1 1.25 $13.50 . $15.75 % $18.00 ivory HOSE--Ladies fine cashmere and T heather mixed hose, sizes 81,42 to 10, these are a special purchase of firsts and substandards. Values up to $1.00, anniversary sale, pair ' R0.- ESPECIALLY BIG VALUES in SILKS and DRESS GOODS F l'I..l..I..ll`J J. 1. 1 qxuxx---uxaun Ullly , 0`! inches wide, worth $1.75, anniver- s_ary sale,`per yard ............ .. $1.39 CANTON CREPE-36 inches wide, black only, a big $3.50 value, an- niversary sale, yard .......... .. $2.98 ' DUCHESSE SATIN--Yard wide, col- nwnc I-\`nn]r (In-n1k lrunnn vvsdrllxvn lunkett

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