Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1923, p. 14

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MAKING IT LITERALT l_ _escription for lllll u uauucal -for 15 years the standard skin remedy`-O liquid used ext:ernnl1y-iuuant reliettrom itdu A Q Inllclnnb A nlnnnnnr--.Dnn-m i`a0t.>t2`~. Baby's_ moist, e;a<.i1-y zghafed skin with _" _ s ;z::"{:./n ..` X '- s `\ .' 7% ' I r. .: F ` 1. Powder IDS lnllet OI CllllRI'I"' , thelkinalwnyscleanandhel . Come in and ask In shunt |:I`llU `N30 \ Wrx UlIUllI'|0, IO! M - ~Pu1kham's prime textbook and tea: j- more about it. c ZIEIIIEIIIZOHCOIUIOO IUIIREIIIIIJIK Ii the mildest of cleanser:-keen | thenkin nlwnvsclean and hanltln. "_/ -Cgre Drug Store First ~...r Lruggist is more than a xrzcrchant. zema .5 vv\In street var Imd escup. THURSE I. looked Then, M 30 dazzl '50 nu-h(`I 5119 wow Of fragr: The 110}: ~"`how`rin. Mrs. James'Myers, residing at 427 Olendenan Ave., Toronto, is another who has found Dreco a safe and sure road to health, strength and the joy of living. Yi`rn- +1-an nnaf fkvvnn unnru unvu Nature I For 10, 1 B__.__ xv: nu, A From he she reigx 4' If 3/or` rmd but I falling A ,......l. .5 .1 lowzng M dandru ` Gimme I r Soap 25:. l].I'lll' "1! m;~1 Mrs. Holmberg Tells How` `Lydia E.Pinkham sVegetable Compound Helped Her Viking. Alta.-From the time I was 15 years old I would get such sick feel-. in in the lower part ofmy abdomen, 1' numd hv nrnmm: and vnmitina 'l`hin -I B In HIE IUVVUI` PIKE Ulllly BUUUHICU. foowed by cramps and vomiting. This kept me from my work (I be! my par- ents on the farm) as I us ly had to on tn had for film rant nf an dnu (ha of _0DELlA HoLMms:na.Box 98.Viking, Alta. } T 1&5 UH HJU 155'!!!) HE J Ullllly uuu DU go to bed for the rest of the day. Or at times I would _have to walk the floor. I : suffered in tlnaeway until a friend in- 1 {need me to try Lydia E.` Pinkham s 1 Vegetable Compound. I have-had very 1 eatxafactory results safer and am rec- 1 ommending the Vegetable Com und to : guy friends. I sure! am gla I tried 1t for I feel like a di erent person now * that I don t have these troubles.' -- ! ..A.L...... 1:I.- J.L:- --4.-I.I:-L LL- .......:.n... -- --- i cw --cw-u-- If you d:\-xbt tbs; i..;i;I`i'<`il`;m'E'- v an Co will an wgui to Ea Lu; mum. Pinkhagnplz: cine 00., Cobourg, Ontario, for Mrs, xpinkhamh m-{vat-A hart-.lnnnlr nntl Inn .4.--an -a\IndcIolo-OlI\l OCVII vi: 1 IIIIII aaouu. 3 I I "letters like this establish the merits of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- pound. The tell of the relief from such pains and a ments aftert.aking it. I ...I2_ U1" D!_I-L__.l_ 1T-..-A._LI_ (1-... THREE YEARS or MISERY Pogular Young Toronto Lady ,, _- 2..- LI-_I;L -_..I I_l_._..2I-. I I $KII 0 CI tun`? W ` vl'i;;1ins He:lth and Happily Relates He? Experience that It May Help Others, _ HELP FUR YOUNG WOMEN '3'. '..:":. oIou"u'oJ'a"c'noo.'roI'5'o '3:'u'i7'- not correct constipation. r nrnlnntlv. nlnuntly. ; Too'I'n'o`I-row-Aulrlght Buy Advertised Thinzs. nptlya is Illllo { can. 5 i\`(['any from here attended Bradford! 1 Fair onWednesday last. I I VF}-an manna`-F1aonr`c: A1 f'3nn1`o'nA/rniv WEEK. On Friday last about 10.30 Walter Sturgess of the 6th line 0 In- nisfil, lost his barns by fire and all the contents, consisting of his imple- ments, grain, fowl and about 40 pigs. The fire was of unknown origin and suddenly broke out of_`t_he hay loft in the smaller ba_rn.`~The"faithful and untiring help of the neighbors saved the house although the roof caught fire four times. | I` `II `DA.-n 1\ A-P 'l`nunv\I-A annnf . aunuay wuu LVLISB5. W In. 1.4c_ca\..u1. ; The P.v.=v. Archdeacon.Dav1dson of E Toronto has returned .h9me aftgr cop- gductingra week's missxon servlces In |St. John's Church here. I !.YZILAu. T1.-.-nus nv.nvuJ- QunAnIv Iuv:`-`Q D: D. Hun L, \.JI-Iuuacc, Vvurnu gall.) Minesing. . ~ ` _ S. S. No. 5, Jarratt, Oro Fair, Oro. S. S. No. 6. Corn Hill, Sunnidale Fair, Sunnidale Corners. Vv S. --S. No. -11, Vasey, Tay Fair, Vasey; . . S. S. No. 8, Victoria, Flos Fair, Elgwale. :4 n. 1n mr......:..m Duh: Qmr_ ern DPIQEE. , Allan Hutchinson, Agricultural Re- presentative for North Simcoe, stat- ed that the attendance at the fairs was larger than ever before. The weather was ne, and this no doubt had a great deal to do with the s len- did attendance. The entries, ow- ever. were fewer than usual. due to the dry season and the poorer crops. IEUIIICHU. I ' I finished a treatment of Dreco several weeks ago and have gained five pounds and what is more, have plenty of energy and vitality. I can now eat and enjoy anything I wish, with no ill effects, and have no more . dizzy spells or pains through my back -and shoulders. Neither do I have to `take any laxatives. In fact, I feel like a. new person. Y nnnl nnHno mucnlf Hnnf I\\1Y I-`aha i H - .(To`o"Ea`t'e-E-)'rL:a's1`:i { oek) b Oct. 24-Theo. Mn-Millan spent the `weekend in Toronto. E\....-.1 Rmnnuv n-F. 'T`nnnvd-n :5 :1-\nnI1_l week-enu ll! LUFUIILU. Frank Agmew p. Toponto is spend-I Hug a few holidays wxth his parents} ' `sown . 1115 a hre. I .\ I. ' Hall` 0" VV euuesuuy NISD. A ` I The many friends of George Mo1r will be pleased` to know that h1s_con- dition is much improved. l KYn1va}3 QI`I+"II119`1'|t" (VF 'I"n`rnnf.n {Q hf)`- ' almon 1s mucn lmpruveu. Nurse Sutherland of To`ronto is hol- idayling with friends in town `this wee . l'\_ t`..:Ao.-o `nn& ntunuvli 1" On v\ vn ' [Btu JOHN'S LJIIUPCII IIEIIC. Hilton Leeson spent Sunday with friends in Newmarket. I:1.'......I T.\..L.._ A3 'A\nnv|`l\ annul- .pI&(1G, DIHS WUCIM Mr. and Mrs. "V. Beatty spent Mon-Vi da.v with friends in Barrie. . 3 `DA-.. 3.. I`|....I...L......o. Ann n`III-:`nIv V % fsoM: raA'r _ . ' He stared hard at her over his bushy eyebrows when she appeargad." ` I ucru. _ } John McLennon of Toronto spent` .Rund:i_v with his sister. Mrs. Archie` ':McTean. . 11....-- 1-.-... 1.....- ...u.......l-.l D.....H-`.u! I 11135 LULIU lrlllltlo G. M. Bosnell of Toronto Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Leeson. . 'Nnn Paw Avnhnnnnn naviau WCIIILUU LU Ufyo I , I had no vitality and was able to do only part of my housework. I felt my system growing weaker every day from eating so little food. I had to diet and was receiving little nour- ishment. (`I #:VI:z1kl` n `nnn`I\1n\'|" A4 TI...-m.`. IFIUHUS Ill J.V C W Ill1L'lSUl/o Clifford Fisher of Toronto spent Sundav here with his parents, Mr. and `Mrs. Chas. Fisher. `Ali..- Tfnd... YJJII 2.. ..v...-H13-.- a `nun 1V1l'So LINKS. l`l5Ul.`l`o Muss Kate H111 1s snendmg a fewl iholidays at Beeton with Mr; and Mrs. l'I`hos. Best. ` IR..- 1).....I.....l Ln J.L..-n nnitn nut` 111115: DUEL: Mrs- Banford, her three sons and gdauzhter-in-law, all of Windsor. are visiting her father, Mr. Wilson of this place, this week. Mr and Man: "V Rant!-.\7 anmaf. 'M'nn..| uu.V W15" LICIUIIUS III Dl'l'lC- Born, in Cookstown, on Saturday,` `October 20, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs.l `Chas. Blackmore a son. | held in South Simcoe this year have been very successful, if the interest taken by the pupils, teachers and parents can be taken `as a-fair indic- ation. In some instances the weather was rather unfavorable and the at- tendance smaller than might have- been desired. . In looking over our records of the past year's school fairs I nd that. despite the fact that crops were rather light. particularly in grain and roots, in some sections, . the number of entries at school fairs which were favored with ne weather was much above that of any previous year. -Klan-I-6|: Q:-nu-an mnnnrn ' Vi; ;si5;r"ha? school ` fairs I 5H.ll.`U AVLI. ` Uhghogf. . $30 Fair, 13111131818. S. S. No. 10, Morrison Fair, Sev- ern Bridge. A... `Hui-n'h{nunn Auminvn-urn] RA. year. I ` North Simcoe Winners Winners of shields for North Sim-I i coe were as follows: ~ - aL:..1.J ......_ I... Q G `M. A -`I .!'..w.n_ lmuueu uy. _ Fairs a Success _ In referring to the exhibitions put on by the school children this year, -J. J. E. Mccague, District Represent- ative for South Simcoe, says:-- ,_L__I 1-2.... llbyl 31 UUVV IJUFBUIM I could notice myself that my fave vwas filling out and my friends all wanted to know what in the world I was doing to improve so rapidly. Gladly. I have related my experience `many times. I am simply delighted with `Draco; it certainly is a wonder- ful medicine`. 7 h . . , . A . . . _..4..: _ . _ . _ . _ . . . . . . ....L..-I. C08 were 83 IUHUWSZ l "V Shield won by S. S. No. 6,:I~Iamp- }shire Mills, at Orillia Fair, held "at TYKIJI A4` ran", new III: nruuxuru. I S. S. No. 11. Tossorontio, Tossor- 1 ontio `Fair, Everett. . ' . _ S. S. No. 3, Nottawasaga, North Nottawasaga Fair. Duntroon. , S. S. No. 23,_Nottawasaga, South Nottawasaga Fair, Creemore. N I S. S. No. 10, Innisl, Innisl Fair, Stroud. V S. S. No. 8, Essa, Essa Fan-, Ivy. S. S..No. 19, Tecumseth, Tecum- seth Fair, Beeton. S. S." No . 5, Adjala, Adjala Fair, Logetto. ' G \Y'. O `YA!-Gnocunonaun and Q 110161350. S. S. No. 3, Nottawasaga, and S. S. No. 19, Tecumseth, have won the. shield this year for the third time which enables them to hold it per-- Imanently. ` . Univ: 1: Rnnt-can DIIFUC LUNGS. _ Winners of. shields in South Sim- -coe this year are asfollows:-- . .hnhI urnn R11 Q R, No, Q, Went -608 mus year are as Iuuuwa;-- Shield won by S. S. No. 8, West Gwillimbury. at . West Gwillimbury Faiqr, held at Bradford. I Q `Mn 11 "I`nuan1-nnn. 'l`ns:nr.. ueparcmenc. 11113 auwxu .U|:UuIlEa the property of the school wmning It three times. n1:.._...... ..c ..I..:..I.l. 3.. Qmwlu chm- um. . S. No. 8, Moonstone, Medonte , Moonstone. S. No. 1, Cundles, Vespra Fair, _<=br spent HI! UCUII `I VUllo His Honor Judge Vance found that the plaintiffs had done all that was necessary in connection with the shipment and had made the best poeible sale of the wood. It was sold for firewood. ` Due credit was given `for proceeds of sale. The Judge found that the whole trouble in connection with the transaction w caus-;' ed by the defendant sending wood t at was; defective, and I cannot agree with any pro-; position of law that would relieve him of his` liability to the plaintiffs." | Iuulnnunnf urn: O-inn:-ninv-A n-ivnn fur niuin. Jul lNl`1Ull'lHUo Dreco contains no mercury, potash or habit forming drugs. It is made :l'1-om Nature's own herbs, roots, bark and 1euvo~' and goes straight to the root M :11} d`~<~`=tiw.~=, orders and re-` stores t'ro v.'h(:-le system. ` llll.45UU VVIIJIUUD UUBIG. Defendants. on January 31, 1923, made an assignment under the Bankruptcy Act, and the plaintiffs proved their claim agaiust5 Forhert and Lavigne in the Bankruptcyi nrocecdimrs. receiving a dividend amount-` ing to $59.15 on July 9, I923. On May` 'q',_1923. plaintiffs got defendants /tosign a note for the debt owing to them, and: for which they had proved in Bankruptcy.- Plaintiffs new claim the amount of the. new note as a new debt. Judge Vance came. to the conclusion that the plaintiffs mustl fail, and dismissed the action without costs.` i - (Too Late for Last Week) & Oct. 24.--Mr. and Mrs. Eldon -Wice and daughter Verna motored to Tor-l onto last week. Henry Williams and son of Dal- ston spent Sunday at Eldon Wice s, Mr.'and Mrs. H. W. Madill. Humber Bay. spent last` Sunday at Geo. Al- pin s. - Miae~ T\Tniv AF flnfnr Mia: T.n+_ '"'iwi'ssT Neilly of Gilford. Miss Lat-I imer of Collingwood and Mr. Latimer ~ of Stroud were Sunday. visitors at S. ' J. Reynolds . ' Iva A Tmnun T-T3vnn hn+\\n{+ c Chester Carson . . . . . .2 -60U| .233! .222: 4.179: - .143 . .134, .125 .034 .000 .000 I33; 133'b'7:n'IIIIIIi2r lKeppa.l Lally `Joseph Gilchrist ....8 Walter Cooper . . . . . .8 George Powell . . . . ..2 Frederick Plant ....7 Ernest Hartt . . . . ..2 V Frank Foster . . . . ..2 Thomas Hohner .. . .1 .000 Ambrose Hamlin . . . .1 .000 Barrie Batting Averages for Whole Year Including Play-off Games 0 Player _ 0 Ga A.B. Hits Average Frank Armstrong ..10 _50 24 ' .480 Charles Lynch 59 22 .372. Leighton Emma .. 02 21 .339 Thomas Copeland . .11 52 '1? .327_ James Armstrong ..ll. .45 4 14 .311 Delbert Emma .. . .16 76 22 .290 Alexander, Clark ..13 52 14 .269. Morley Livingston ..l0 40 10 .250` John Dobson 17 81 19 .235: Keppal Lally . . . . ..2 9 2 .222] Joseph Gilchrist . . . .9 29 5 .172 Walter Cooper ....13 46 _ 7 .152` Chester `Carson 7 1 .143] Ross Twiss . . . . . . . .2 7 1 .143`: George Powell . . . . . .4 17 2 .118! Frederioli Plant . 39 2 .. F redericli . Frank Foster .. Ernest Hartt .. Ambrose Hamlin Thomas Hohner KJKC GXIBIII5 uuu Ul IILIU culpuncuv Ul (I e 00 gnment of wood by William Middle- brook from Southwood, to Overend & Cout- ermarche, at Thorold. was disposed of last week by'l-Iis Honor Judge, Vance, who gave judgment in favor of the Canadian Na.- tional Railways, the company having dis- posed of the wood after it "had been refused by consignees. T . `lirdlnkrnnlr nn'nnI-Inna On (Jun `aide l Uy UUlllsHCCo Middlebrook, according to the facts` brought out in the case, shipped a carload of hemlock pulpwood from Southwood to Overend &.Coute1-marche about April 25, 1921. There is no agent at Southwood, and the business of plaintiffs, the C.N.R., was done with the agent at Torrance. "Wu; nvnrui awnings` nf 'I\!\l|n`f` haul` Ann- UUIIU WIUU IUU KIECLIU &l.|I lUllGlI\.7Vu The wood arrived at Thorold, but con- signees considered it defective in quality, and would not accept it. It was sold by plaintiffs after it had been kept in their yards for some time and after due notice had been given. In Wnnnr luring `Yunnan fnunr` Hui! fhn uuuuuvy LU ENC pllllllblllo - I Judgment was therefore given for plain- tiffs, for the tglnini sued. and costs. and `a `counsel fee of $25.00. _' ; u ' . The action of the Union Bank of_Canada. aplaintiffs. and L. A. Forbert and E/L.-' .ignc, (`lz'A1lia, dcfcnd.;xxt.;. hL2.2'd in th; GL1) Divi.sional- Court of the County of Simcoe, Ibefore His Honor. Judge Vance,` w':1.s dis- missed without costs. '\._f-_J....L.. .... Y........_.. 91 100`) -..`.-..In n\'er~ `- i...:..~ a-`petily introduced in Barrie by H. A. Smith, and is sold by a road druggist everywhere. -- (Aahu \ - ' l 1530 WGUIM I i Mrs. Watt. Allandale, has returned` home after visiting her daughter. Mrs. gs. J. Reynolds. `DA!-nfn n3nlrnu in flux nu-(`nan I\`:\+`In` A . . Copeland .. nnIl\nnO Emma PJUIIXIB 5 ul . . .. Carson I1- __ PI`L_'_1-_ I do 1\uCyllUlU.3 Mrs. A. Lowell Hixon. Detroit. is visiting `with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Alain. V nnrnkav fvnrn Barn +:;nI.- {vs 141:: tupux. . A number_from here took in thel baseball game at*Alliston last week. J. T. Alpin .att_:en_ded Bradford Fair l last week. - I `II ... 1IY_|.L A1I-...I..I- 1...... ..-L--.......I ' A IerseyVCity youth was fined $500 for turning in a false fire alarm. I D. I. ncyuuxua. \ I d Potato picking is the order of the ay. Player A G. Frank Armstrong . . .9 Charles Lynch . . . .9 ' James Armstrong ..8 Thomas Copeland ..8 Leighibn Emms .. . .11 Alexander Clark . . . .8 Morley Livingston . .5 gelbex-'3` I_3mma . ..1l ' sou: wooo TO PAY EIIIGGES; . C.N.R. wms mom SOUTI-lWO0D_ MAN . . . - J case ansmg out of the shnpment of a l n:nnvnnI{ ll: nvnn Kn William M:M`A_ v1 uvulg. For the past three years. says Mrs. Myers, I have suffered from gastritis. Before I could even finish 0. meal, I would full up with gas and it seemed as though I would smother; Often I'd be standing talking to some friend and everything would seem to whirl aroundand turn black beforel me. I felt as if I would fall unless I caught hold` of something. Every day lhad to take a laxative and pains would shoot across my back and through my shoulders so bad that I wanted to cry. I hurl run 11-unfu on!` {xrnu nlxln tn BANK LOSES CASE \{1N1=. E5 El! I-Iits Average! 21 .469 .335} .3761 - .34 .333; .324; ll! 3324 I Ulllll [.316 .315 3 turn ~.coxnpany leases and the others, when they yuu u an " Alliston Herald--There has been somel West Icominotion among residents of Teuuiseth in the af ithc Thoinpsonville section over the activity Globe. {of L. W. Henderson of this town and some { iassociates, who are. desirous of making as test of what resources lie under the surface indications of oil and naturaligzss in that district. A company has beenvformcd and a charter obtained. .It is known as the entlerson Exploration Co. lr. is the in-' itention of this company to sink sliafts lop lgroat depths if iiecessary in a search for oili 'and natural gm. indications of both of which! -are quite alluring. The coinpuiiy .'S re:idy3 Ra to proceed with operations. l)ll1 is held up time s`; by the refitseil of some of the property own- iug a d ers to give the company rights nn".i-.r a lease ' Ch} ltdtnrry on drilling operations. A very lair to spa; lease is` taken. whica involves the property owner in no expense whatever -anil awards; jlilln compensation for the right of _dr`illingj :and in case oil is struck he . gets on nicej lshare of the output. The same is grantedf in case gas is struck. The great rnajorityl of the farmers in the area have granted the He 3 mosq on his -_ Shea lling" thoroughly understand the nature a of the! ;venture will likely concede the point. When, they do, drilling operations will commence. He, `SEEKING FOR OILAND GAS ] A .m TOWNSHIP or TECUMSETHi ,. v-.< '~-'. *-.~ \._R~:<"5 I ~ 'IX IL' . x k f` .\\.' __ .. M 'XXILIXIILIIIIIIJIllllllllllllllllllllflx . , The National Smoke ii A W1LsoN's < Z 9341 11111111`!-ll|LlllxlI '14` ' I I -1 xx .. __ lj---uj-7 Lydia E.` Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound,rnade fromnativerootsandjzerbs, 1 contains no narcotic or hsrmfulru s, | and today holds the record of being . e I most successful remed for female ills } in this country, and ousands of vol-.9 notary testimonials prove this fact. 1` Ivan: Anuk fknb ' -J3- E D.'_I.I.-.-U_` 1\.Iorth-'---Are you in favor of women taking part in public affai-rs?. _ 7.` n . i "West-It's all righ`t if you teally want} affairs public.--New York Sun and nlnkn I MOSQUITOES AND MOTORS (85 they sit in the dusk)-There's" mosquito buzzing around. Now he s s}-.u! engme. , Q$1L)_,_`.l.`IIl`l`.`I ' ull`D II`;I1fY V\\" -I.` `J UL! lllb L'}I$lllU- -_SheL-_;.Ouch! He s usmg my ankle :).~.` a lling station. ' " -....-._.__.---..v I Ran across Betty Brown today;_ first `time since seven years ago, She was carry-if adoll then , now she carries a dog. { f`1\u\nApl F:-nvn .9 nunnnf fn 4': nof nun en [us \'l.\?\l`ll VIICII, lI\}" lJ\4 URIIALO (A \A|Jn . "Changgd from a puppet o 3 pet pup, so speak. --Boston Transcript. ' I u Herbert G. Robertson, Druggist, Barrie. WA __._. .__......__. .____== [THOSE DREADFUL WAGS uy ix ru (Advt.)-

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