Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1923, p. 12

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`PORTABLE HEN HOUSE for sale, at 310., .265-300 nap nnnnnuo Mn 1'..,+..'l....I unl- IAPPLES FOR SALE-Snow apples, 40 cents per basket, also by the bag or barrel. Bring `containers. Perry Gill, Midhurst. 44p :FOR SALE--Pair. shaft hangers, 2 wooden pulleys, 16 and 22 inch shafting, leather `belting. Call 997J. before 10 am. 44'p '7FovE FOR SALE-Happy 'rn'oughc .' range in good condit.on. Phone 657W. A"- ply at 56 Mulcaster St. 44p `smcx FOR SALE--Good wheat straw, also some oat straw. Harry Pearson, Min- esing. Phone 1201. 44-46p POSSUM MUFF for sale, nearly new. Sllitbl for nnllnr and an": 111- nhnbnvn 55 UPUSSUM MUFF for sale, Suitable forcollar and cuffs or chokens. 554 Elizabeth St, _ V 44pl FORD-'SE.DAN for sale, cheap, 192': model. (Amy to H. Eaton, 29 Eulabethi St. 44 run w:suu--Lwu cull. BWVS. 0110 I 8811' lfeeder, both in good condition. Apply to I134 Collier St. 41p-42tfc HEATER FOR SALE--An Empire Treasure Hainmr with mum an huh .I......- 9:. FOR SALE~Bred-to-lay cockerels, early hatched, price $2.00. Apply C. Tooth, Boys and Henry Sts. . 42-44c -------------------__________ _ . T1` FOR SALE--'l`wo coal stoves. one 1 self- fbflf ;l| nnnzl Annnliunn Anal 61; llfdssns FOR SALE-Deer, moose ..;.. trnnnmp Iinnnann R H Wank L: l`,..m-. uuauuuzuu xv uuuI:t-'Ul:er, moose um trappmg licenses. R. H. Webb, 15 Collie: St. 44;) auqrsnuxy run wnun--an l!ol1Ilpll'D ITBSBUYOI Heater with oven on back, cheap.` 35 Louis: St. A 44p Tn- . IFOR. SALE-An H'.P. engine on trucks. D. '0. Howard, 24 Mulcauer 83;, Bame. 42tfc FOR SALE-No. V5 Radiant Home heater. Apply 73 High St. 43440 _l;l-iscellaneous Farms F 021': gale SALE OR RENT--170 acres, Innisfil, good clay 109m, good! mnlv John Tvfnvng on no mug rcuuy D0 mm on wall. Crawford, Oro Station. 44p ____.......__..___.____._._ .T_ RAMS FOR SALE--~Three registered choice Oxford `Down rams. H. E. house, Midhurst. For . u may xurm, gooa Hayes. 253 Bay- _39-44p I my D|u,| 42-4 p ::7'ut?; j oaseu on we Epistle to the Romans.` ` -Rev. Dr. Hague, who is vicar of the Church of the Epiphany, Toronto, delighted -large congregations on Sunday. A. In the morning he took as his text, Here am I. send me, drawing valuable lessons from Isaiah's vision, In the afternoon, be ad- dreaed the Sunday -School. nvnnina lnnnllvc um. L.......l -._ ALA 4Zp At Trinity Church 9. mission was con- } ducted last week by the Rev. Dyson Hague, "D.D.,. of Toronto, concluding with special services on Sunday. The mission opened Wednesday evenin , and services followed each afternoon "at lam o'clock, with eveni ing meetings, Thursday and Friday at eight o clock. The sermons during the week were based the Epistle to the Rnu, Dr "Anna `I1L'lI -- ------ -3 " .v---vuu-- VI` IIII- UVHUEDIHU The light opera `fMeesage of the Blue- bird" was put on byvlocal talent to a well- satisfied audience which nearly filled` the opera house last night. To-night the pro- duction will be repeated and on Friday night it will be staged in Alliston. nwlna fn lull`: A: anon-n` A - A --3 --9 `L- TRINITY MISSION HELPFUL TO MANY 1' Lin. DA harness. dale. nu Will U: awgeu ll] AIIISIOII. Owing to lack of space `a report of the [presentation of this musical play is unavoid- gbly held over till next week. u_y uuuauzlz-1.5 ._su,`. .'geSEl0IlS. --Gus Hill's Big Double Minstrels, with 50 people, band and orchestra, is the attraction` at the Grand, Mon- day, Nov. 12. Thankseiving Day, ma- tinee and night. Watch for street parade. Big pictures coming soon: Richard, the Lion-Hearted. (suc- cessor to Rohin Hood): The Fall of Babylon, D. W. Gri iths big` nic- ture; Dates of these pictures will be advertised in next week's issue of this paper. ' 44c A meeting of Barrie Women s In- stitute will be held at home of Mrs. `T. R. Huxtable, 28 Louisa St., Tues- day, Nov. 6, at 3 p.m. Mrs. T. Smith will read a paper. Social Service Work." and Mrs. Huxtable will also give a paner on A Woman s Inu- ence in the Community. Mrs. E. Smith and Mrs. Russell will play a nianoforte duet. Roll call answered by Christmas sugestions. .__ -nu I-Hive 11:... n....m.. 1m:..-;..-1- 1 lhuwu, uuvulg Dl.1I'CaSe(1 the property in Bavfield St., formerly owned by Fred W. Otton. ' The Children's Story Hour, under 'auspices of _Public Library Board, will-be resumed- Saturday morning (next at 11 o'clock. Each week the first 50 children between the ages of 8 and 11 who apnly to Librarian will ` receive tickets of admission. A ___ _ -L:,_ , p.m., at home of Mrs. E. Mc-.Pherson,} 8 Burton Ave., Allandale. The pres-] ident will give `her report of Brant-I _ ford convention. Barrie ladies will go by jitney. ; W. J. Cowan has sold his farm in Tnnisfil to Chas. Lord of Svracuse, iN.Y'.. a brother of Mrs. Ray Simmons, Barrie. Mr. Cowan has moved into town, having purchased the property .in Bavfield St.- fm-mm-Iv nmnnrl 1... ! uc'lI`.he r eguVlarn'.1eeting of the W. C. ! T.U. will be held next Monday, 3.30] p.m., at home of Mrs. E. McPherson I I ,8 Burton Ava... Annndnla vmm ........ A yxc ux ulcues OI SHOW. I Barrie Branch, I..O.D E.. wish to thank. all who so kindly helped to make their tea and sale of homemade baking a success. Net proceeds of. $70 were sent through Provincial [1(_3htpter, I.0.D.E., for Japanese Re-l 1e. / T . ; L111 hef. H11. `, ..., ....... .... - . vv Auculau UL .Son. 44 Murray E. Reynolds,`who has been employed in thegrocery trade in Barrie for a number of years, has purchased` A. C. Murdy s business, Mulcaster St. 4 " T Barrie was treated to its first real _snowfall early Wednesday evening. | hen old October passed along, he. left the ground covered with a cou- ple of inches of snow. `Rm-uzn `D........L 7 n h `rs "MEssAc:?:THE BLUEBIRD TL- I_'_L; ` (LI: . FOR sAI.n;-'ream_ or hnrnnnn An...l... L- 1-1., vvllllacl. qua1`I..e1`S `CHIS \VeeK. V --Buy Staunt_on s semi-trimmed wa]Ipaper--22 inches wide instead of the old 18-inch. For sale by W. A. Lowe & Son, Elizabeth St. 43tfc --F. Wiseman & Son have taken over the business of Wiseman & Mc- Bride. All accounts owing to the old rm are payable to F. Wiseman & Son. ` ` ;1`I grown `in vtizag Island Garden of the Gods--Ceylon :__I/II. * AI - -- to "serve their friends on reception afternoons with on ``The(l'vlI:b - Tea and {Coffee House IT'S sunn. TRY rr. 100 LADIES 'l'-. g._ HQBLEY I I noon DRIVING MARE. 13 yrs. old, for sale. V Apply 0. R. Spencer, Shanty Bay. 44c I VIICUIV -` " ` I` "Golden I-2r2i;2'Ei2n"" RI` I`. ' THE BARRIE EXAMINER 0111' uuwc uvau wun gouus 111130 me 8l'K, such value never was before. Butter, 43 lb. Eggs, cheap, 43 doz. I say, Nancy, where are you going; my honey? ` ' - To the Tea Woman to bu)? my. goods, "and then I will save_money.? 3 g-_ -____ "'}5ies Very Cheap Shortening and Lard . . 19c and 21 Bananas and Oranges . . .. 45 dozen Lemons, 35 doz.- Currants, 19 lb. Prunes . . . . 2 lbs for 25 Seedless Raisins . 15c and 18 lb. Tomatoes, Peas and Corn . . 15 tin `Picnic Hams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20: lb. Pork and Beans . . ._ . . . . . . . I8: tin Campbell s' Soups . . . . . . -15 tin Tea, from . . . .- . . . . . . .. soc to 80 Palmolive and Plantol Soap 3 for 25 Carnation Milk, large 13:, baby 7e `Anothef toothpick for the competit- ors at the Tea Woman's Little Store. Since Noah took goods into the ark, such valuh nnvnr mac hofnrn Blankets, all wool . . . . . . .. $10.00l Penman s Underwear, all wool, $3.50 Men's Wool Gloves . . . . .. 40c pair Men's, Boys Sweaters, $1.95 to $3.50 -Women s and Misses Dresses, $8.95 - Women's Combinations . $2.50 All Wool Skirts . . . . . . $4.50 2 Women's French Silk'v:v.eeters $8.95 Crepe de Chene and Georgette Blous- es, handsome, made in France, at. low prices. A Q -Q :n me We Shop for Big Vail? Grit` l`l'\ A 3315-`: -._- V---Good anthracite coal, $13.50 per ton.-Lakeview Fuel Co. Phone-962. v` nu D1-u\uA.l1V l'KlL'l:.b'l 2 Dominion organs, 5-octave; 1? Blatchford organ, 6-octave; 1 Berlin] organ, 6-octave; 1 Thomas organ, 6-] octave; 2 Bell pianos, 1 Karn piano,; 1 Nordheimer piano, [1 small square: piano. Terms to suit purchaser.--! J. G. Keenan, opp. P. 0. Square. 44c; uzxxun nun xor sale, reasonable Apply to D; Barclay, Stroud, R.R.2. l3r3. , ` ' {USED ORGANS AND piANos AT BARGAIN pmcr-:s 9 hnmiuim-. Avrhnvsa K ....L....... I I I 4 122 BRAl3FORD sr. CASH AND CAR R? Phone 1063 . Heavy ... . . .. $1.8; Light . . . . . . . $1.50 see You should try them Fifteen Million Sets of Phillips Military Soles __j `II, ,I ;.3"iLe1Z'"&'.Ji'? Great Britain last year. The ideal combination for soles and heels--leather next to the foot -- rubber-' next to the ground. ---Phillips Military Soles and Heels turn the trick-give you an ideal sole-make your shoes last twice as long-give double the satisfaction. . . PHILLIPS SOLES Can be Attached to Any Shoe LI'I'I`LE PIGS for sale, reasonable prlce. Apply D. Barclav. Strand R R 9 m.,..... All sizes and weights -carried by your shoe dealer or repair man. He will attach them in a few minutes. . . $1.85 set u uuws, muxmg weu, supposed to be In calf. 1 Red Cow, 5 yrs. old, due Dec. 1. 1` Holstein Cow, fresh. -3 Fat Cows. 1 Holstein Cow, 7 yrs., due in `Jan. _ The above are all good, breedy cattle, and anyone wanting good cat- tle to feed this winter will do well to attend this sale. All will be sold without reserve. - Terms of Sale--12 months credit will be given parties furnishing a- proved joint notes. 6% off for cas . Sale atvl p.m. ` 44-45] m A 1ur..n...1..._ - ..--_ --..'u-A, A1\Jvo LU the following: 12 Good Durham Steers, average weight about 1200 lbs. ' [.14 Good Durham Steers, average weight about 1000 lbs. 14 Good Durham Steers, average 3 weight about 900 lbs. 8 Durham Steers, yearlings o . - 1 Roan Cow, 4 yrs. old, calf at `foot. 1.Roan Cow, 3 yrs. old, springing. 3 Durham Heifers, springers. 6 Cows, milking well, supposed in calf. N.M.MYERS {MA 2 x: -r s`QtJAR The undersigned has received instructlons from t\Inl\-\4--- - :_._ ..__ sATuRDAi NOV. 10 41.. :..n..---.'....- V:-i\Il\`\uII-d laluulluallia to sell by public auction at a - -1., raw-unnw GIJDDIUII CL Mm 'n s Yards, Barrie -j-ji- ()()Ll.IE PUPS for sale. Phone 6llr4I ~ HIDE DEALER AUCTION SKETT or as CATTLE -....uu. `av 1/Avila Ll. VIII GEORGE Ll-;S_l_.lE \ cu-.11 I.-- ..--Ll!- ```5)C L}. {:5-:"McConkey, Auctioneer. D_a11derine GOLD 51-11. CONGOLEUM RUGS--- 3x0 it. $4.50. 6x9 ft. $10.50. 9 '/-/2x12 ft. $13.50. OILCLOTH RUGS, special values, 6% by 7% ft. and 7 }/_> by 9 ft., prices . . . . . . . . $5,00 and $5.50 LARGE ROLLS `TOILET Tlsue PAPER` 19 3 {OHS . . . . . T. ff 7{1i."o2;'Esb2,"%s[c'$xi& $1156 `y;.;a BRASS FLAT DRAPERlES` CURTAIN RODS, single style , 15c . . . . . . . . . . . . . Double style, 30c HOUSE FOR SALE--On Dunlop St.. lac.` mg the lake. 7 rooms, all comzeniences,` marble plumbing fixtures and fireplaces, dining room panelled. This house is ex- noption-ally well built. Price is right. Terms uasy. Immediate possession. See Binning of the Binning Photo Studio. 42tfci _____,_____________________.._____ ......_ FLOOR OILCLOTHS, zimd 2 patterns, special value . . . . . . . . . i CHINTZ. AND` C1%2 i=;"r'61'\11"S1%1:;,"'y1`}E1J {iEJe','" Ji .rzmg'e of patterns, easy priced at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:- AE- an. on. -n-- ,,,,I as sin ,,,,,,I But, after all, it is a pennan- ent feature of a window from outside or from inside, and why not make it as attractive as your net curtains or your lace curtains? , , . SPECIAL VALUE -- Plain Green, White and `Cream Alberta Window Shades, seconds. but you will nd the imperfection very small. easy priced at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 OIL WINDOW SHADES, 37 inches wide, green and cream, easy priced . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . $1.00 DUPLEX OIL SHADES, 37 inches wide, green on one side and white on the other side, also crea, and green; these blinds are extra `value at .. $1. 5- TAPESTRY CURTAINS; colors plain rose, brown and blue, 50 inches wide, 90 inches long, with heavy fringe top and bottom, specialetvalue at . . . . .A . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 pair NOTTINGHAM PANEL NETS, 90 inches wide, 2}/'_% yardslong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.75 yard Or one panel, 8,1/gin. _wide, 2}/2 yds. long, 69 panel MADRAS CURTAINS, special values at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c and $1.00 yard ClJR'I`AIN NETS, nice patterns, easy priced at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.39 yard MARQUISETTES, special, 40c, 50c and 65c yard \- \ HITE SCRIM, with nice border, easy priced. 19c /"'IRI l"l A aux /`\1'\i-Vrr . .AWINDOW' SHADE IS A NECESSITY Sale at` 1 ;:.m. -.., ucuca, 4 yrs. old; heifer, 1 year; roe.- . bull, 1 year; 5 spring calves. Massey-Harris disc harrow, cutter, disc drill. - set of sleighs, Cockshutt two-furrow plow, 7 single plow, Fleury, No. 21; scuffler, 2 - buggies, stiff-tooth cultivator, nearly new; wagon with stock and hay rack, wagu ) l with gravel box, pleasure sleigh with tongue and shafts, root pulper, nearly new; Glad~ ; stone with tongue and shafts, set slings, car, 150 feet rope, cream separator, nearly new; . set scales, 2,0_00 lbs ., new; Daisy churn, : washing machine, lawn mower, set single harness, set long-tug harness, set short-tug harness, set double driving harness, quan- tity corn, quantity turnips; also forh, chais, doubletrees, neckyokes, many other l articles. Quantity of household furniture, including -good range, 2 heating stoves, etc. Terms of Sale--Fowl and all sums of 810.00 and under, cosh; over that amount 12 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per ed. per annum off for cushion credit sums. All will be_sold'withou_t reserve as pro- prietor is giving up far-min . ` a..r.. -A-1 - -~ "" ` " 5cvcc. OA'I'I'LE-Holst/ein cow, milking, due March 17; blue roan cow, milking, due March 28; red cow, milking, `due April 30; red cow, milking, due May 27; Holstein cow, milking, due March 22; roan heifa, 2 yrs., due Dec. 29; roan heifer, 2 yru., due April 8; roan heifer, 2 yra., due April 10; heifer, 2 yrs. old; heifer, roan -uunon.b--bay mare, 12 yrs. bay horse, 4 yrs., Hackney; dr aged; bay colt, 2 yrs., driver. PIGS IAN D POULTRY--Sow : 4 weeks old; 10 store pigs, 6 1 number of Barred Rock hens, geese. [1Arl-7|-1113 If . . - .. ...__....-~.. ' " I FOR SALFr--20 acres, close` to town of Barrie, on Mill Road, good artesian well, all kinds of fruit, stock and implements. Ap-; ply to Fred Haverson, Cundles P.O. 43-44p, : -m _A/ i E uy ruuuc Aucuon at 1. 1/2321)": 9, Con.- 14, Innisl MONDAY, NOV. 5 H... c..n.....:__i THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, I923. ..; . . . . . . . 25 151111 ' u.v . Ircfnded to assist in clean- fsing the sca1pof dandruff, and thus aid in stopping fall- ing` hair and assisting the . '_:1'u`.'. LL1 m' r.hn hm'v T0 BEAUTIFY THE HAIR For men, women and the `children. 'I ..A......I_-1 L , I I\II. tosle-ll-l:y Public . / I - -. - ug. u`uu. ax".1 lblng the ;ru;v'...1 of ;he haxr. . I )-i 352, 60c, $1.00 Bottle CREDIT ALE: M 1'nl\I( A un .;..-.u;- u.\.Iuo1.u EUR DAMN, rooms, all modern conveniences. ,: den. Apply at 50 Donald St.. west of Armouries. -Phone 61114. 1111-1 1 , U the following: 12.... ._---- -Fowl d 038]; on arm-Ht -nu..- yards wide, nice . FA , I 5, uue may 21; Holstein e 1 rim: cahma i-f6LBRoo D..LI:.. `..-L' . yrs}, Hackney; driving horse. Yrlvrnvr - 2 Auction -Sow and 13 pigs, gs, months old; number of instructions SEVEN-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for salefoocgf` or rcn1..fwith large garden lot. Apply at 8 73 Pcnetung ' BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE, new, sixiBa-"*- - 9 rooms, all mndm-n nnnmm.m....... ...-...I -~ T(`nllvr.~ w arigncd up :- farm be-Inngn Harbor, [win ce.s.~ion (3, 1-` under culm- for lmfn; 40 other nuthui iender not ' n at `g7ert*i WC Sr] Without of the In adn to W They. ar and-styh ticular ( A wide s and blnc fmcst q Black 0 3 to (3. Sizes: 1 I THURSI sizes `.`My, thtj you gs-L} the min ask wlw` njngz big 0xfm`d::-.. A vspevia week , bl %:*% SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE for: 0!` rent. `with Im-on omuh-m 1...; vA.._L- All thq ERN. BOYS FRI MRS. w it h coo FRE E rn u Saturd Pivtllh wam Regu Shows Matin Bells, Ohns, atom, BROWN SUITCASE LOST on Essa Roadi near George Losli's, on October__20, con-' tained wearing apparel, Thermos bottle , .-and other articlm. Reward. Phone 606 r` 13. T " Sm i`.'z'f' STR-AYEl)~-Frmn lot 32, con. 2. one yearling hrirniess rod steer. uic ring in ear. Any information wr preciatad. Perry Gill, Midhurst. ------------------------------- i STR.AYI<)D--0n lot 29, con. 8, Essa, red 2-year-old` heifer. Owner may have same; by proving property and paying expensesug V 44-45p ` Z um-I x'uuLVLI_-~A'_D0llD SIX weeks ago, on Essa Road, near Holly; enclosed in cover. Enquire at this office. 44-460,` _______________________________________ ` C% ` . I LOST-~'l`an Pomeranian pup. Reward. 27 Boat: St. 44p: A-`_:Q - I FARM TO- REN'I`--Half lot 4 and half . lot 5, Con. 7, Innisfil, 100 acres, clay loam. Q number acres fall wheat and rye in; some= fall plowing done; good well. Apply to Mrs. - B. Maiel, Box 12, Thornton, or Samuel; Maiel. Thornton. 38tfc ' FOR SALE--Four good farm work horses, one `good farm wagon, one registered Suf~ folk ram, Aberdeen-Angus breeding stock, all ages. Apply_'l`. F. Swindle,eLefroy, Ont. Manager for 81: Edmund Walker. 40-45p ::-_-..'::"':"'f"""-'--'--'- NI`3v~ > TO LET--F.our rooms and bath, suitable for light housekeeping. Apply Examiner office. A43-44c -I : TO? LE l`--First-class brick house on `Brock St. Enquire 194 Bradford St. Phone 259. i _ _ 44:5.-. -1j ` FURNISHED HOUSE for rent. Apply 19` Woreley St. 44p ..g-~ uuuuu. Lu uuu.---uuuu_urwD1e room mm privilegu of light housekeeping. Enquire 57 McDonald St. . 44p ...__._._.._..._._.._____.._._........_. I ...____._._.._....._.._._...._...___............ ONE OR TWO LARGE ROOMS, furnished O] or ;unfu_rnished, to let, all conveniences.) light, water and heat included m rent. .1 Regsonable. Suitable for hcusekceping 01": ~ roomers, central. Apply 54 Owen St. 44p 1 . , _ .2 -uj-2: T0: LET--4Room, suitable for office committee room. 48_Bayiield St. 40 . . ROOM TO LET--Comfortable room with! nrhrilnnn A` "vhf '\l\IllIl)l-n1\r\:-`nu E`.......!__ El! ruvvu null l'|JK`l\. wuuwu. UJSDOSU P1108` 3 paid. Apply to H. Levit, phone 384 33! jjj WAN'l'ED--Fall and Winter apples. Brown I dz Go. . 44` FOR 8ALE4-0ornish cockerols and pulleta, at a bargain. Have too many for pen. 3 pullets and 1 cockerel for 810.00. Matt Hoaford strain. Apply at 31 John St.. Bar- rie. . T 40-459 - FOWL AND JUNK wanted. Highest pric` naid. Annlv tn Fl Inuit aha... sum. in AGEH'I'8---Il,you can baggie; gxvgat clays nuu;ary,oehoy., 'write,us any. a oqunp yoii `(loo 0! dntge and pay liberal commis- sion` . Big opportunity for ` right man. Welland Nuxaory Co., Welland, Ont. 4::_4.4.. I -aatnuunulrnu nu-uu tor genera: nouns- wofk in small family. Apply Box 367, Or- illia. Phone 12!. 43.44;: T FURNACE MAN wanted for private house. . Apply 35 Dunlap St. Mp _. EXPEIENOED MAID for general house- work in nmnll fnnilm Annlu Rnv 287 Dr. AADLET cowmn g |II|l0X0I0X0l0I0I< 'I0I0I0I0I0I0I0!l E I I'\I I5'I' lll Illlll an Live Stock F:or SJ: ia%&a%&&&w&&a$& Help Wanted Page Twelve lyxxuun .LDI.4ANU RED O0k91'0ll `OI I819, Brown Leghorn cockerelsl and pullets, all prize birds. Apply at 14! Eccles St., north. 44p 1 rant: lIAI'Is' nu -- ` TYRE FOUND'-~A-bout. six `weeks? n Mean Rnmi nah-n 1!".-`II... ......I.._-.1 :_ 3 Property For SE1: l`______..___..___......_._... LE~-Team horses; wagon -and Apply to John McFadden, Allan. AA- Rooms Board Property To Let J awn wcu. Apply to Mrs. ""`"' "' ` 12,AThb1-nton, Samuel: - _` `- . 33m %{'.9;I3_S".`.I-?I`?_TE Wanted extra 5 9 U 1?` IF.` _I J Ll, ucw, SUL: """" 5`-glp ` ea. good gar-l gt" 2 b10ckS'l<`ARM FOR SALEf--East half lot 23, con. .4_ 4449!), 10, Vespra, one mxle from Colwell Station ..__._......... `and two miles from Essa Station, fifty town acres, rural mail, telephone; well watered; esinn frame house and ham and small orchard. ements. Ap- ` Apply on property. Elizabeth Cook. 41-46;). 43.44;)` --------.---------- . 2. Vespru,.l most likely! will be zap. AJn' u !.`4\ll'5 ' . Field- 44-45c ' pl Luv. ' Phone AALl'_ - `FOR SALE-4Kitchen range, wood or coal, lveniences_ New Eninrnaa I-ncm-vriin and ls.-.4 ....- 9.... t....-.. I. HUHU 44tfc LIUIIU 44`. Rial!` 44p ?Gl|l UUI ` :3-. . U condition D-_J-_ I M, vuv. 1 43-44c `nu I -14;!) '-='__". I V0 Ul 40tfo ` FACTORY COSTING--Make your salary worth having by learning our system. Practical man offers you this chance at small outlay. Particulars fnee. Andrews System, 278- Sherman Avo., South, Hamil- ton, Ont. . , . 40-45p ' K -;gAIR DRESSING done by Mrs. D. C. )? award. Bwring your. combings and have ' ` a good switch made. 26 Mulcaster St. 40tfcl , - _ I 'UPH0lB'l'ERING, all kinds; carpets out d `and sewed; mattresses repaired; auto and `buggy tops, tire covers, made and repaired. `J. Beleskey, rear of Simcoe Hotel. 39-446' - {PLAIN SEWING, darning or mending done 3 {it your own home, or can keep house while you are out. Trustworthy.` Mrs. E. Bur-. ton, 77 Sanford sSt., phone l002F. 44-49 , MRS. HAROLD EADE-- Bronze and` Sil-' vet Medalist, teacher of piano and musical gheory. Terms moderate. Apply 35 Louisa. t. 44p HOUSE, officev or store `windows cleaned.` Floors cleaned, -polished or oiled. W. `Smith, 195 Dunl'op St., phone_439M..37-48p u unu W 895M. ._______________________________ N0'l`ICE--I will not be responsible for any "debts contracted by Robert Semmens after _this notice. E.` Stephenson, Guardian. 44c uuuocmxnnnn, DAYBJIVIUJN Uh), .open for I daily engagements or sewing at home. Miss `Wilde, 72 Small St. 42-47p DRESSMAKER, EXPERIENCED, rlnilv Ana-utrnnunnlna Ilh .........._ ..L L." ___________________. PLAIN SEWING and children's coats and dressesmade reasonably at 55 Owen St., phone 926 J. , -- 43-44p ; *-* ` ._....._._.__.._._.____.__....___.._...... NIGHT, SCHOOL, Barrie Business College, \Monday and Thursday, 7.30 to 9.30. 42tfc : I PRACTICAL NURSE disengaged. Enquire iat Examiner office. ' ~ 43--{Sc _ ,...u..~.. uu Quuu 1Lvu.unU1A'1'1'JhX-IUU `acres, excellent location, concession 8, In- fnisfil, 11/; miles from Thornton; soil, clay loam; 7-room brick house, 2 wells, cistern, and spring; 2 barns, 40x60 and 50x20 (on foundation); cement pig pen, 20x40; bush and orchard. Apply J. D. Smith, Tl1orn- ` I` ton. A 42-470 __ EMUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY-'-100 acres. excellent. lm-a9:m. .............:.._ a 2. ., ..-.__._.._...__.._...__.,.....___` ..`scALEs FOR SALE---Set Wilson's latest i 5.ton solid steel frame scales, new last 3l'ye21r; big reduction for early sale; stock" .qframe included If desired. Address'Scal- Yes." Box (D). I`.mnn:m..- n......:.. o-ut.-: 6, concession 9, Essa; bank barn, frame. Ehouse, 50 rods from school and church. ;Apply to Mrs. J. R. Hubbert, 159'Mnry St., j Barrie. ` 49-47" ` A100-ACRZB/JWFARM FOR $ALE.o`rArent, lot V TEAM OF HEAVY HORSES FOR SALE, weigh about 3000' pounds.` Suitable for bush work. Apply to E. H. Reid, phone ' " FARM FOR SAIiE--100 acres`, clay loam; good` buildings, near town of Barrie, rural mail and` telephone. Apply at `Examiner office. , 44.6011 I , ..__._._.._._..____..._... SALE--100 n-nnt" knJn.... [FARM FOR RENT-170 jlot 9, con. 5. ghuildings. Apply John `field SL.. Barrie. _3 gnnuuuc uuuuucu .1 uslrea. Box (D), Examiner. Barrie. ; {FORD TOURING GAR, 1921 model, for `sale, equipped with starter and shock ab- Isorbers, newly painted, in `Al condition Hhroughuut. Price `very reasonable. Apply ito Box M, Examiner office. 43-44p F`OR S.-\I_aE--Enough 1-inch V-joint wains-l icoting to cover 9. large room.` In sheets about 8 feet long ready to nail wall. Apply E. L. `FOR SALE_-Four-burner gas stove with oven,.in good condition, $10.00; also elec- tric iron, $3.00. Apply to F. J. Kelcey, 8 `Francis St. Phone 499W. 44 1 L uu;Lru.)u.l`4 ILEAV IIUUDIEJ 101' 8316, at 510., ,265-300 egg capacity; May hatched cock- erels $1.50 each.A John Hutchings, 38 .Tiffin St.. Allandale_ AA- C15 01. .UU' b'l`|CIl.- c Wmin St., Allandale. 1 ._.._.__.._..___..__. 41' UK. .5ALu)--Kitchen (New Empress, reservoir and hot water front. Apply 185 Bradford St. or phone 480; 44p . 'T- PULLETS FOR SALE--l0 dnttm-x. Mm-Hn ..o....:.. mmm

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