Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1923, p. 3

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JER ST. an-: TBar`rie 1.8, 1923. THURSDAY, ocirosak 13, 1923. The Ball Planing Mill Co. Ltd. Puohfl-:s: Office 109: Res. 642 and 390; These Tests Prove Vuleanite Quality 1. Laythesampleonahot radiator for 12 hours-see if it will melt or dry out. 2. Lay the sample on ice for 12 hours---then pour boiling wateron it. See if the sudden extremes of _ temperature affect `it in any way. 3. Soak the sample in water for 12 hours-see if its weight shows any ab- sorption. 4. Immerse the sample nitric, sulphuric, muriatic ' or other ordinary acid- see if it is aected. 5. Lay a glowing hot coal of re on the sample--see if it sets re to the dclix Presbyterian Church Allandalo W; J. GRAV Bradford St. J. JENNETT Utopia W. J. PADDISON Peneung St. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR BARRIE { Vulcanife Hexagon W j Slabs~Most% LS5: fisfh vtozy ire-Roofing ~ YOU will get the greatest possible.satis- faction from your re-roong `job if you use Vulcanite Hexagon Slab Shingles or Vulcanite Roll..Roong. Vulcanite Roong lays readily right over the old` shingles. Vulcanite Hexagon Slabs are easy and economical to apply because of their extra width and because they space automatically, saving time and money. Their patented design makes the roof double thick everywhere--giving absolute . protection and a pleasing, tile-like appearance. ` Vulcanite Hexagon Slabs or Vulcanite Roll Roof- ing make a solid, re-resisting roof for years and years. Beautifully surfaced ' in red or green R crushed slate. : Vulcanite Roong of the same high quality also comes in individual shingles, four-in-one slab shingles and in rolls, both slate surface and smooth nish--for home, farm and industrial buildings. You can identify the genuine by the Vulcanite name and the Beaver trademark. s Get a Sample of the `Vulcanite Hexagon Slab Before undertaking any roong jobs, get a sample of our Vulcanite Hexagon Slab. Put it through the ve tests listed here and any others you think of. Learn for yourself the great advantages of this superior roong. Thorold. Ont. Administration Oilces`: Id. _ Bualo, N.Y. London . Sales Oices: Tho:-old, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man. `Also Manufacturers of Beaver Wall Board Beaver Compaxiy, Limited I 1 ;s:s1MEBEWms $3000 WAREHOUSE IN BACON Hoes omans EH DANCE, 3., Oct. 22-23 All Seats, 25-2: ; 0 Last Thursday was education day. `at the Toronto Union Stock Yards, the opportunity for absorbing know- ledge appearing in the display of hogs selected from animals fed in the Pro- vincial Boys and Girls Pig Club con_1- petition and sent to the market xn carload lots. In connection with the show and sale, a s'wine-judging'com- petition was held in which teams of three boys each, representing thirteen counties competed. The contestants in the judging event together with many other pig club members were the guests of the packing firms at luncheon and later made a tour of the plants. . O ' , Among the nmny interested spec- tators at the auction sale of compet- ing l'_u_)gs_, was the H_on.`__John S_. Mal`- County Simcoe Potato Growers Co-1 Operative have just completed the: construction of a new potatoware-i house at Craighurst, at an approxim-' ate cost of $3,000. is the first of its kind to be construct-. ed in the County, and the second in5 Ontario. It was opened last Friday? evening with a big dance, attended by . people from far and near. l Allan Hutchinson, Agricultural Re-4 presentative for North .Simcoe, has just returned from a trip through the Craighurst district, and inspected the 1 new building. It is a fine frost proof; structure, of basement - and storey, with steel exterior. It is 50 The warehouse 7 onei" I__.___ by 30 feet in size, and is of special wHA1- M construction to meet the requirements of the trade. ......I...... ____.)S_ __ lN Entrics from Boys and Girls_CF3i.'11llfSt ' \-\ in.in Competitym at `Second Stock Yards. - ; '1` }_,la"`5_ ..-v- Ivan uvuvl unvwnnun. ;.p .5 UV l many feet in'size. V auction e011St1`U0tl0n `ing hogs, the Hon._John S. the . 1 tin, Minister of Agriculture, who ex- A modern, grading machine is in-` pressed approval of the Boys . and Stalled; making` It possible t0 grade ,Girl;-1' Pig" Club plan and the conclud- the Potatoes eeeerdlhg t0 8'0\'e1`nment jing contest at the Stockyards as a Stehdel`d- The P0tet0eS 80 in at One `means of exciting interest in stock end Ullgreded. and Come out at the breeding and of providing aidemone Other end assorted and graded to `strattion of correct bacon type in Standard- 'market hogs. Hon. Mr. Martin re- It 15 net the P1l1`P0Se Of the Ware- markcd enthusiastically on the splen- h0115e t0 St0_l`e Ptet0eS f0! 3 10118 did showing made by Ontario dairy term 8`-?C0I_`d1h8 to Mr. Hutchinson-. herds at the National Dairy Show, It IS more in the nature of a tempor- .S,vracuse, in the past few days. With ary storage, so that potatoes brought ` regard to the matter in hand, he took '60 market ca_n be taken_ care of while M note of the prices secured by the var- awaiting sfmpment. without danger t ious prize-winning lots of hogs as from frost or exgospre to inclement they were knocked down at auction weatl_1er.`_The building was used for by R. W. Wade, Provincial Live Stock the f1l`St time early this Week. Secretary, and recentlyreappointed George Ellsmere of Craighurst is secretary of the Guelph Winter Fair. manager of the warehouse and Field In the carload comnetition of hacon Ca,s;`t`?n is treasurer. .. .. -. I 1 11- u o 1\- , A (V- f\_,,____;:___ A.,__'_:_4_-,_. :- seL'1't*1m'y U1 LIEU uucxpu vv uucx fall. ` hogs from the Boys and Girls Pig ;Clubs,' there were 13 entries, i'epre- `sentative of as many counties. The lots were judged by Prof. Wade Toole, O.A.C.; Russell Kennear. Live London. E38- rm: BARRIE EXAMINER UL DIIC uauc. modern grading stalled, it possible `other standard. :- ._..L LL- _._._ ,, ,0 .1, LIGBBUKI 13 U1 K`-H5 ulVC1'u The Co-Operative Association of-M ficials,are looking for great things . from this new venture in potato mark- h eting throughout the Craighurst dis trict. They expect to have a mem- bership of at least one hundred byethe end of the season. 'I'\`u-,. L--1 J_'__ .. L _ . Stock Exchange; Fred Williams, buy- 1: er`for the Swift Canadian Co., Ltd., tf and Jos. Brethour, Burford. First place,` on general excellence of the!` carload, was awarded the lots from 1 South Simcoe. with 23 selects and the | rest of the 60 all thick, smooth. Sec-g I 0nd place went to York County with, 17 selects." and third to Halton Coun-g \ ty with 23 selects hogs. Bruce Coun-j i ty, in sixth place with 25 per cent.*, selects, had the largest proportion of select hogs in its entry. At the auc-V ` tion following. the judging, the first , prize load of hogs sold to the Swift; {Canadian Co. at 11 cents per pound,` ion a graded basis; the York County, _l1ogs brought 9% cents, and those! from Halton 9 9-10 cents per pound. 1 Leeds County, which was unplaced _in the bacon hog competition, woni lfirst in the judging contest, the team,; `consisting of Gordon Smith, Lans~i ~ zdowne; Chas. Hutchinson, Mallor_v-- town, and B. Slack, Brockville, scor-Q` iing a total of 480 points out of a pos-! , Isible of 600. The winning team had`: %been schooled by Agricultural Re- :1 `lpresentative E. F. Neff, Athens. The? lstanding in the contest was: 1, Leeds}, `County, 480 points; 2, Bruce, -156; ; 33, York, 356; 4, Victoria, 372; 5_.! `Huron. 345; 6, Peel, 341; 7, Lennoxf land Addingtton, 337; 8, Grenville,` I329; 9, Wentworth, 324; 10, Halton,,` `.315; 11, Hastings, 290; 12, South; Simcoe, 272; 13, Lincoln, 264. l `Vll\l1nI`a in fhu new `not. nnvnnnf-: l cuu U1 LIIC BCKIBUII. The building` has a capacity at one time of about three carloads of po-3 tatoes. u-cunnpunied by Pittslmrpr. he'll zed him to get: m of $l'.2() and 4-dim: m:u'h1'ne 'c.)1lllL'U\`:, (.15; 1-), LJIHCUIII, 04. Winners in the car load competi- tion. in order, were: 1, South Simcoe; 2, York; 3, Halton; 4, Iavincoln; 5, Victoria; 6, Bruce; 7, Wentworth; 8, Hastings; 9, Lennox and Addington; [10, Peel; 11, Grenville; 12, Leeds; 13,. i Huron. J. D. Wisdom of Allandale signed an agreement to purchase a lot in Tuxedo Park, Winnipeg, from Uni- ,versity Estates Limited, and paid! `$548.10 on account. He refusedto pay the balance, alleging that there had been misrepresentation. Mc- iComb, the agent,_had represented to `him, he said, that the University of Manitoba was to build in Tuxedo ;Park, and that but for this represent- iation he would not have bought. The `company sued to `recover a balance claimed due of $530.23. At the trial in the County Court of Simcoe, the action was dismissed and Mr. Wisdom was allowed to put in a counter-claim for the money he had paid. This he was allowed. 'I1L,. ............ ... .-..........'l...l VI... GA ' man ISIIU VV cu. The company appealed. The Se- lcond Divisional Court-at Osgoode Hall on Monday morning dismissed {the appeal on the claim, but allowed [the appeal as to counter-claim, be- icause Mr. Wisdom had not brought suit to recover the money within the A time required by law. In the result the company retains the land and the money paid on account. No costs .were allowedon the appeal. . I `U A Dana VP nnnnoa-n( Mr IJEHII1 `Jr I)-\.ao I'I\II`I'dl\ Vancouver Province--In the death `of Frank Albert Johnson of Bella Coola, which occurred early this _month, British Columbia has lost a pioneer, and the Seventh Day Ad- ,entist Church one of her oldest mem- 2 ers. Mr. Johnson was born near Lake fsimcoe, Ontario, nearly sixty years ;a2o. He came to British Columbia about forty years ago and worked on Canadian Pacific Railway construc- ition through the mountains. He settl- fed in the Chilcotin Valley. Since 1904 ihis `home has been in the Bella Coola [Valleya Iii leaves a wife, one daugh- lter an_ t ree sons. l `COMPANY FAILS TO % j ENFORCE CONTRACT; Six: persons are seriously ill at .IMichigan City. Ind., the result of eat- ;ing biscuits in which a poison was lused by mistake for baking powder. ' John Mayberry, 5-1, well-known as :a trainer of race horses, died at Ja- maica, N.Y., from a puncture of a lung `received when he fell from 5 piano stool in his home. iWCl'C HIIUWULI UH l.allC appeal. W. A.- Boys, K.C., appeared `for Mr. Wisdom and D. L. McCarthy, K.C., for the company. 'DEATH (`)5 a_.c. PIONEER 1.. an... A. st Building` d in Ontario on This Plan. 1 J. B. Johnston, the Labor-Farmer candidate in East Simcoe on June 25, spent $1759.66 trying to get re-elect- ed. His expenditures, according to; the official statement issued last, week, were as follows:--- ' $ Telephone Accounts, Orillia and 1 M;A`DA Qnv-\.'1'nn> 529` 97' we 15.? .00 UP LCICPIIUXIC IICUUUIIDG, kllllllil uuu Mldland Service .............. ...$33.27 Telephone Accounts, Long Dis- ; tance, Orillia and Midland 33.81} Committee Rooms, Midland and : 3 . Orillia .................................. ..100.00} Caretaker of Committee Rooms, ~ Orillia and Midland .......... ..145.00? Secretary Committee Rooms, Or- 1 {H69 and Midland 9925 nni BJVJULCLGLJ KJUIILIIIIHI/CC 1|-Ulllll-`J, \JL `illia and Midland .............. ..235.0oE Postage and Writing Material 20.003 Hall Rent, Orillia and Midland 135.00; Rent of Rural Halls .............. ..125.00; Speakers and Expenses ..... .;.....200.00i Transportation: ...................... ..476.00 g Printing .................................. ..205.23 Lighting Service ................. 6.60 _ Painting Signs .................. .. 17.753 Rent of Furniture and Cartage. 6.00` Telegraph Service .................. .. 21.00 I Corn stalks 20 feet high are heingi exhibited in Washington, having been; b_rought from the west by a reclama-, txon service commissioner. AT BEN JOHNSTON SPENT 1 EAST SIMCOE ELECTlON BARRIE Il\; uuvx. vnnx. \avAllkJsaI.nI.u.: v.-- V-.~ ..--- -- Town Dwellings and Contents a Specialty UPTOWN TICKET OFFICE AND INFORMATION BUREAU -__-__-_- ..-.:_n-g- uvnnuniivniili `T wn Fires -- Farm Fires -- Village Fires -- Mercantile Fires remind us of the advisability of being adequately insured; We have the companies that will cover your risk. n-- as II. I 15 _ _ (N 0 I. _ litions I '3 I118 C8l"X\.ll systetnuuu auvulg us uiuuu auiua can..- month that enables men and women to become buyers of good Bonds and so establish themselves on the road to nancial independence. Our Partial Payment Plan for Buying Bonds has been devised particularly for those who wish to draw up a conservative. workable plan of saving and investing a portion of their income. The Plan is quite simple and will appeal to those who wish to secure the maximum income return, consistent with safety. Bu Bands on the Partial Payment Plan is fully d ` in especial booklet. Use the coupon below to obtain a copy and full iculars as to how you can become the owner of a e $500 or $1,000 bond during the _ __4. .-. ._...__4I.- DCCUIXIC W113 UWIICI.` next few months. `Q-.1----g._ 293 Bayvstreet Toronto Kindly send me a copy of Buying Bonds on the Partial Paymmt P " ' ' Ous: rmuu, Hai:ral,_ Ottawa, London, New Ya-it, London, Eng. ITS the careful systetnatic saving of small sums each .........u. 91...: ovlnklon run!` and wnrnen tn become Aimilius Jarvis E? Co. LIMITED A. r. A. MACOMSON "EA'1~}XiS1'AN '1~iXTi61?1AiI {iA1"i.\a(/}s;Y { ---u-n -u-up`-nu I-un t\IIlnv I'Il\AI\ FBEQUENT FIRE? IJALLAI A1Annn\rAu.u-- --__j THE PEOPLE'S OWN ROAD -GE Hi (')``.i` $1759.66? After Me all as good thing to remembgr Sealed in ``@'q its Purity Package ;*\/THEc,x; ngvon LASTS A universal custom that benets every- body. ~Aids digestion. _ cleanses the tooth, soothes the throat. Phone 447W Page. Three LPPLES Th ings or (mil

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