Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1923, p. 2

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A. MOFFATT I-`LOUR A_ND FEED STORE Phones: Store 65, Res. 885, Barrie EXPECTED AT AN EARLY`l5A-TE- ` R. and `be assured of be;t l;:;t`ions HAMPTON E. JORY ' Agent : T : _ Ba! )w and ge? the best price delix-erzd from the car. DREAMLAND, Mon.-Tu BRETT I Two young womemaccompanied by ftwo men in an auto at Pittsburg, he'll ,'. up M. J. Lawson, forced him to get into the car, robbed him of $120 and ii threw him from the speeding machine. ! .__._____..__ THURSDAY, ocrosax 1'3, 1923. 1.-Tues., Oct. 22-23 All Seats, 25 Pnovmca 0F ONTARIO The 5. Lay a glo of re < n the if it sets sample. n 3. Soak the` water for 12 11 its weight sh sdrption. i 4. Immerse ,t' nitric, sulphu or other ordii see if it is am 2. Lay` the .sJ for 12 hours boiling watct if the sudden temperature 4 any way. '1. Lay the sa; radiator for 1 if it will mel These Tc; Vulcanitq GORDON STEVENSON - [ j ' _ Ron Block, Barri ` ` _ Phone 1010.301: 26; THURSDAY [TheJ.M. `ARTHUR Prcsbyte The .s :- homes with V that G50] A SAFE AND SURE INVESTMENT Safe, Sound compainies See Me Before Your Fire Page Two year 4 5%: Gold Bonds Twenty-Five Your I Let Us Give *Hougg, w_oon_ & co. E savings are considerable. Owners of Hecla Pipelees naces claim they save from 25 to 50 per cent. An every- economy good for the rest of your lifetime. my be telephonedvorj ed at our expense. Main 4301 IIIIUTC "f14% 1Nst_1R ANCE- all the big features of the famous Hecla Furnace. (1) It has the STEEL-RIBBED Fin-pot. This invention gives the Hecla three times the radiating surface of the ordinary furnace. That means more heat--less fuel. At least ` one ton saved out of seven. (2) It has the big CIRCULAR Waterpan that keeps the air mellow. You feel warmer at 65 degrees when the air. is muist than at 70 degrees when the -air is dry. Hccla warmth is healthful and ecanmn1'cal. . (3) The`Register of the Pfecla Pipelcss is scientically planned.. It is the right size for the heating. capacity. The cold air balances the warm air. No heat is -lost in friction. 4 ` [of ver; Q3 .__l_t_l_ Estimate .OlCC, 10+! 2 Owen .St. Phone 531 3 `We can install in Any home-- IN ONE DAY. No muss or full. NO (!llff:lIa III` A` --t--"A In U111: UAX. NO llll OI fun. No cutting up of walls. Only a small cellar needed. ,_...--, --vvur 2 WI Investment Bankers ? I0-12 King St., East, Toronto. ,-._--vva-cl l l\\JlVI Al'AK I . E. R. Waite, Secretary of the ,`B0a1`d of- Commerce, Shawnee, Ok-i Elahoma, must have run across a copy , : of The Examiner in that far distant 5 State for he writes:-- May we congratulate you on the make-up and general merit of your". paper? 3 v I A 6 f. TL n n .-\..-.J:L A .......e.. - siaerin the advis-3 , -.-uunnn man RAKE I 13 Lu" g _ ability of_ appointing an industriall A suggestion has been made that commission. .the groundsvof St. James -Cathedral. . Miss Gazy Kidd of Cookstown has. and those of Metropolitan Church _ _ _ . joined the Orillia Collegiate staff at] Toronto, be provided with more seats a salary of $1700. . ; for the accommodation of those who The assessor makes the population] We the 8'1'"d9 35 P31'k3- _ of Bracebridge 2,367, a falling off of; Touching on they conduct and habits 96 `compared with last year. 5 of those. Who use the Seats. Canon l . Chas. Jebb of Clover Hill had a Plumirtresaid that if 81130118 Wanized cow and some grain stolen one. night; an object lesson as to the goon which recently during his absence. } prohibition has brought he could set 9 Alliston Fair, held on Oct. 5, is said; .it by comparing the ciass of eople to have been the best in 25_ years.. }Wh0 frequented the 81'0l1nd_S.~ ef0I'e ;There were over 2000 entries. I 1 prohibition and now. It is a j 1'8; Public School teachers of North, ! thing to-day to see a drunken man, East and. West York ` d _ inspectorates 9, ! he remarked. but when liquor was took a trip to Buffalo last week. is` . sold at bars everywhere the_ number The er diem cost for maintenance;` f of intoxicated men who came in and ` ' ' ' ' ilay down was large. F`rom my study less than 18 cents H... ......z .... -e 1' window in HM: m...:.1. 1.-..-- v --- ' ' 1`; It is a credit to your organization 1 and to the city you represent ? T 1 i wun(1eI'Iul change, due ta _.in these fourteen years. .- .,.u-aw ul auu ; lay From `my ` window in the parish house I can look I ,over the grounds and I have seen al Swonderful change, due to prohibition fourteen vearsx, ' = A BOUQUET FROM AFAR P Won 0-A-AL DRUNKENTK MEN RARE muovannn-. 1--- 1- - A Buy Arlvnrtised Things .__-u-. Orders may" be telegraphed SW30 ps Turkeys w_i_ll `be extint birds with- in 20. years, It was stated at the con- \ vention -of National Poultry Associa- tion in[Chicag'o. V Statistics show that one automobile driver out of every 14 in Ohio has been arrested for violating traffic laws. - \I\Il\DlJ D! A HULL } Albert Arnott, a well known resi- dent of Osprey, near Flesherton. met with a tragic and sudden death on l Oct. 9 when, assisted by his hired man, he was delivering a bull on foot l to Proton Station, the animal being led by a rope, nose ring and handle. ) About two miles from home stop- I ping onithe road for a few minutes , Mr. Arnott was looking at his watch ` `when suddenly the bull attacked him ;furiously with his dehorned head and `feet, causing instantldeath. luuuuy gowned duck ls 'ing'dom. the form of a four moiiths old duck without a vestige of a.'feather. The duck is absolutely devoid of wearing 3 ap arel audit could qualify for can- di ature in any of the bald-headed rows of our theatres. The duck pos- sesses not modesty whatsoever, `and struts and quacks around the barn- ` yard as though it were the most beau- tifully gowned [duck in the entire H `duck kingdom. . -_ so-rn\4vvOOUCL IUSL one of Ins black team In a manner recently. He had turned [the horses oat in the pasture field and rleft the rope halters wound around 'their necks. In some manner one of them got the shoe of" her hind foot ` caught in the rope and `was choked to ` death. A 7 _ Peter McGoey of Tottenham had a ` very _narrow escape while driving` through Bolton, his `car turning over t at the topof the cemetery hill and be-I ,ing badly smashed. The driver and' occupants of the car crawled from 1 k, and their injuries, } of a minor nature, received medical Iattentlon. a ` _ m.......---.v- v- __ ,-_,, -..,......u,ycu_ yy ure. Ml . Unre- ',t1en,_ who Is quite an elderly man, was badly burnt_m trymg to save .some of hls effects. I K` M `)n`\u'v..-..... ,1! I: n u , , .,......5 _a manner storm on Oct. 5 the home .of Joseph Chretten, who re- ! sxdes on the 17th concession of, Tiny, I I was struck by lightning and com-! Hpletely destroyed by fire. Mr. Chre-V ,tien, is quite_ an man, - .!wnu' k...lI.. L muule 01 ms qrtjects. C. M. _Robmson of C_: of Ins 1 re_gen_t1y. [the out m Hm mm+ u uh.---Uflllla _'!'1mes. During a thunder storm if Jgfgph Chretier An- an I- savingg ax`-o considerable. aces they sa_\_re fror_n 1_. 5 5_QAp IIRIIP AA-anou`_..-_ _- I _ _.,,.... ._.uacu a-in-gs. 0-3. There were ove :two weeks series of S6l`Vl ces at Long-:`dred entries in this even `ford-on Sunday evening`, Oct. 7. A wi full house greeted himat his last ser- vice and $150 of a thank offering was- placed on the i plates. The services] urnvn n ....L.'..1`, give him the championship. _._..___.f...._..._..------ DAAJ II`! `` nner had to win seven ' I -. .....,-_.e HCIIIIID cuall1p]OTlSh`lp of the 'uu.ereSE.lS attracted by the case ofeUniversity of Toronto by defeating` Muss Gertie Callahan. w o is suing W. S. Greey in the final round. Scott! the Seymour Agricultural Society` for playedin great form throughout the $2,000 for impaired eyesi ht. She tournament. In the semi-finals on. was struck by a ball while watching Saturday Greev defeated Endic-.ott.;' a ball game at the fall fair at Camp-land Scott won from Ham after three: bellford. The directors will fightlhard sets. In the finals the present? the case. ` champion won three straight sets, 6-4,; Evangelist E. R. Br own closed a- 642. 6-3. There over one hun-E ;two services L ong-:`dred event, and the? winner matches to} ,g'ive him ('.han1ninnckin vice and 51:1 an .4! .- LI-A-`V M` ` I `wuncu but! cape. -V Arrested at Sarnia, Stew: : stead is facing a charge of :Suspicion points to the robh lhis aunt s home at Allandale ;pa1'ents home in Meaford bu work-of the same party. _ I Father Athol Mmm... `o~--- 'has been appointed Chancellor of thei vvuux-UL me party. V Vv 7"`l"1 Athol Murray,`formerly of; Orillia and Penetanguishene, and:-MCK more recently assistant p . 5 , h, Toronto { Jack Archdzocese of Regina, and left lastiand Mr week for the West. ' _ Ilfhe smg Interest is attracted ofeUnivers ' who suing` S._G Sevmmw Aaw-mun.-.....I n .- - - out cl LIZUHS. While pole vaulting w er boys at schc_>ol sports, row-, son of Mr. and Scarrow, of Creemore `wrist, when he fell wh "ck-.ar the tape. I Arrngfn o+ C`----`- `" 1; cars. < I Orillia veterans held week to c0nside1r_whether or not to, ,cm1tinue the Soldiers Club. It was.` {decided to carry on and officers werel (elect-ed. . - n-. n -- uu.7\.L-L`ll. *- `I D3-. G. M.` A_vIes\\`ortl -leavmg` Collingwood, was with a gold-`headed cane ;Masonic frate1'nit,v and` a p` ithe citizens. TX;'Ll.\ ....1A -r "' vv nnIIl\il I 3 , j 5 Five `nurses received their diplomas` ` `at Orillia Hospital last week. This} institftlition treated 1020 patients dur-`T ing t .e past year. ` ' `A .1 The Durabilt Spark Plug `C{\*is.5` utrying to get` Midlanders to invest}, `$10,000 with the promise that a.j plant will be established there. : Engine No. 3416, of the big mogul : type, is now running` between Lindsayil land Midland hauling `rain. The first? train it pulled out f Midland had H `|41nC&3`);. _ _ I`. ll --...u. 4116 i position had been vacantvfor a month.: i Collingwood Baptist Church cele-; Ibrated its golden jubilee on Oct. 7,; with -fine services and contributions of $777.` . V 2 Men are already -going north to, the lumber camps and considerable. activity in lumbering` is expected this icoming winter. ` i nurses received dinlomas ` ,,,4. n..:n:- v -,..... "mu L0 LZUHLS, me past ye `V Mrs. Haygarth has been_[ app community nurse in Orxllia. position had vacant for 1 : (`.n]]I'hru-uv.\n..l l1'._,;- 1 `Due Denomination: Oct. 16, 1948 $500 and 31000 Price: 98 and interest, yielding ' K1 A 0/. I commissioh. I V; has.` M Collegiate I I T A llncnnnnu I---`--~ ,,,____._-._-._--- GORED BY A BULL ,4-. A .......u. - - v.\ll6U\J | 3 been Chancellor the Scot t of B_arrie, son of'-1\Ir.`: chdiocese Mrs. J. G. Scott , on Oct. 9 won} ek West. Hhe single tennis championship of the; interest attracted of! University defeating; :s- who 000 on; ; Saturday Greev dp+'n..+...: IP...J:,.._;.; 9" manna at H... 1.1! ; Miss`/Gva-Ey thepopulation ofgl. had" a" `cow Erain smm... Ail!` -:-n- I Beeton Fair is repo _cessful. :_ Bracelbridge hopes _town band. . etang Hospital made $100 by` a tag, I I 1 Muskekz &8peN are advocating an! `Old Home eek for all Muskoka. ! f Bond Head planseto have a com-2 `munity open-air rink the coming.win-{- t r. - . 1 eThe Woman`s,Auxiliary of the Pen-;. day. p IISJI--. J ' ` ' V V . W --4 buulg llUl'LH EU V-lnnlu he and considerable Capt Mert Pllmkett Presented hi-Vt Lctivity thisfth annual revue at `Sh om_in'g e opera houseg `Monday ni gh.t. ` The house was" F1ve'nu1-ses dp10maS`crowded and it deserved to be for `it: ~.t last This5 a5 3 1".-`al 8'00d Sh nstitution` dur- ?""d "31'i-d P1" `I"am' ng the ow--a generous ne of vaudeville: [that was high-class in every respect.` `Cf\iS;Al. Plunkett was there with his en-Q vying in\rest;f. ?1.`~"i"g Smile and h_ _ 10,000 a.mc_ludmg' a charming little number lant "L11 Old G1`aT1.V 0 Mme-" R0553 Engine 34106,` 91- the mogu1`PIa1nilto_1i_ as the fair Ma1`_i01`i'(! waal III .7I\!.\ I Inn- is delightful songs` with some 100] gnnrfe uuu system pro `of gas or dust. __um5 mm some oth_:s,\',utII|1I.\" evoked g'1'e,at merriment. 901 Gordon Sca1._;Gordon Calder. .m a femmme p Mrs. W_ G_had.a fine make~up and played the; Creemore, broke his 1e `fell while trying` to __ _ ggweat funnakerpzis xias also Pai Rafe , Ste"wh,t OIn]_lIfeJ't'. Je1`t_ un'ett s orc estra g. robbe1,y`{a2'an1 \`Y011 hxgh favor. If :c he old_ :3 robberies. in adage` Laug}_1 `fund grow fat holds .9 and his good Cheerm mqst have adde`d being. the`man.v tpns to the wexght of Canada si une pm.ty_ A [;)op11lat1on. I] '-&`.......--`..1-- " nart. of` a fair female in znod style.` John Hagan m sevmfal roles was a- -._-..-..., uuuvvlb Ull-I robbery,l its |e_ his, In the; nartv_ V00d_ mu n...\.......4--J- :Ayles\\`orth_. biefore reported ve_ry ......mccu umusav ` _- _.-., nu... um w-.u|(lCI`1I.U gowns, 13 I - " . . ` ,t_v qcmge and <=\'ceedmgl_v clever E-`"1{}I'id]_Ph f}l] ,;Sdts1)e1'so11ations of feminine ways. . an ` }A]len. ton. wifh +h,\_~,; ,:..-n J- --.., -.r\..LuLC wgls presented: ane from the; `a purse from_ Human a .,........,..n U1 wuunme Ben meeting. ]ast;fL1n21,v1s)ns_that have made him such too, with those droll da1'k,\'~ er tofa fa_VO1`lt`. With h1s slde-nartner, Jack 1ub_ It waS.G1'ape. .Morley and Mort P1unkef:t' _ I 1 ' L,` '. .. .1: , .- '- r` Il7I\\u.\ 393] H l.l3ll`}\9`nr] 4` THE IBARRIE agcgmzziz -- e};-Jpointed i T`L..I revive its 5' Patented FUSED JOINTS make this system proof against leak: of gas or dust. g mogul!.........w.. aa_ we Ian` iV1a1'Jm`ie was . Lind.Sav : E{1:.;`;L*m if 2." ce`i%`ii`L`1Y5;ME; Plug f1rst' ' T. 2` - ' D- ,_`oth- _n.... Read The Exminer and the" local and district news. `a year and worth more. SUC- v\Jl(.l\.K:c -muriuy and l_VlCI`t Plunkett 1 x. | 'f3.2`ain'(l`li[1,`htCd the audience with their numbers and `the Plunkett `bro- Nthers sang snlendidlv Down by the :Old Apple Tree which scored such a ghig hit last year. Stan Bennett as a vfnpny Enelishinan was exceedin,<.rl,\" gmvmi and his song` Yes I Have No :`P,\'j:unas evoked ;(`.ordnn part. `had.a the fair fen-min" in ...,.,..a ...-.u._ - am CAR rumu-:0, TURTLE. ONK : LEVEL RoAo NEAR LANGMAN Collingwood Bulletin--Wh ile mot- ioring to Colling-wood on Friday af-1 Q lternoon to be present at the funeral of their cousin, Charles Howard.` 01}! "3-lsaturday morning, John and Michae 1 _ {O'Hara and Itheir sisters, the Misses ltSO Hare, of Midland, hada narrow 3 fescae from serious, injury, if not; Bndeat , when their auto turned over.; 3The accident`happened about a -quar-l m-gter `of a mile west of Langman s cor-: 11- Iner on the Elmvale road from Wasaga .Beach. Without warning, on a level? T1-[dry road, the car, which is large andl issheavy, turned completely; over and: _: irested on thecover which fortunate- 5- ly proved of sufficient strength tot` allsupport the body of the car, thereby! saving the four occupants. All were I IS able to free themselves from the auto 1 itlthe engine of whichwasirunning and; lone rear wheel spinning in the air. "11. Upon investigation it was found` ,that the rear spring had broken. this,l gin turn, permitting a brake to go.on *2 thereby locking a wheel, causing the. ' `above result. At the time,_ Mr. 0 -`\. dlHare states he was not travelling at , fmzore than twenty miles an hour la " which was not too fast for the road.? Assistance was quickly on the scene? `when it "was found that only one- ofi S:the party had suffered any injury.? I One of the Misses O Hare received af eisevere cut on one heel. The car was: Sgreturned to. the road by a number; Tof men who arrivedon the scene and a; ifhalf hour later was on its way back 3;to a garage at Elmvale. The ladies` -inf the party returned to their home, --;in Midland and the men were brought; ,jon to Collingwood by a. passing auto. 3 ; . _..__-- scorr (7:1APTURES ; wuzsmr mums nu:-: "CHEERIO" _4_ I\1 ` .....u um ucugutlul songs` little number; `army Mine. Marjorie was; W0n( .m-fnl Unuyne Ixunl ` The bods {If your Province represent . . . ...-u, uuu L~l1C. , ; Bootlegging rings in Lorain 0;, _vo fin mgare hiring widows.with large fan;iIies}' two 2 p` to manufacture liquor in the belief; V the courts will be. lenient, Police the c M and get 811*Friedman said, following convictiongtln-ew him $2.00 of two women on charges of violat-l 3_ . , ling prohibition laws. ; I ...uu\. uuu auuu tie-oartner, Mort P1unkett' audience 0 `l`\m..... 1.-. u. RETuRN ENGAGEMENT, NEW IV One Show eah night at 8.15. Bpqtlegging : hxrmg wirlnxxvc mm. CAR LOADAOF NORTHERN srv APPLES v____ j J.` Leave your order now 21: Travel .I>.R. New lsiue

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