Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1923, p. 3

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Ate; received ngton not it is mun. wuu muxcu ll) DHFIAB K21.-it VVUCK. _ Qum'fer1)_' communion SPI'\'iC8 was held? in the Presb_vte1-ian churrrh on Sunday, when 21 largt-"number zutended. h \A'..;L..._.. _..L- 2- :_ .L_ n~n~n Ill" \l.\ `l\llllK'u Mr. and Mrs; Artley and family and Mr. and Mrs. McConnell of R.ockI_vn were the guests of Mr.` _and Mrs. W. Ross over Sun; day. * M... `D Qa..,..... :.. .........1:-... .. c__.. .1___.. uay. Mrs. R. Strong is spending a few days in Collingwood. O0` her 8.-'--Miss Bell McCu11ig has re~ tnrrwd to the coast after an extended visit with 1103' sister, Wm. Mc.~\.rthur. Tam hu \1n..hmm-all .;r !:!......:.. ...........L...: uunmo UL .luf\`. L1 . uulupucu. .7\'h->2. Wm. McArth'.xr spent a few days in Tnrmno at` the first of the week. R.`|3..,. `).\..L..:... I`! _-..L_lI 71' Al, `I ul xluuulu m um urm. U1 lane WBEK. Miss Beatrice Campbell of the Markham High Selma! stuff spent the week-end under the parental roof. `Ir onnl Mun Shut: I`'......:.. 7.. .....J --- At VVLIG quuv Kl UUUI'\\Do . Dr` and Mrs. Murphy .~,`pPn? one day at- tending tlie fair at Alliston last week. Mm. Mnknl n..,n.... ,.c w~,...A_.- -.: vulcu u ltugc Ilulllutil` u.lu`.ll(N.`(l. D. Mnthers, who is in the C.N.R. office at Alliston. mturned on. Monday aftexv :=nenr.ling :1 fnrt.night's holiday at his parent- al Home. 11., ,,,I \n ' A .1 : 9 -v I -I uU|Cl UUKIIE Ill |1lU V\ lDlu Quite a number of Angus people went to Utopia on Sunday to hear Rev. Mr. Sand- erson, 'a former minister "of the Angus Methodist. Church 31.. . ___',I II_., IN,,,, 11 I , I t Jll7|l!lllll-`0|- \.`.`lluL`1l. Mr. and Mrs. George Coulsnn and Gregg nf Allund:-.Ic= spent Sunday with Mrs. M/m. Gregg. V 3 1420 8104 8103 8100 uts 8101 ua_yo. may wccn. Mrs. David McMackon had an auction sale of household furniture last Monday. Mrs. Me-Mackon and family intend making their hnme in Toronto. ` ' 111.. .....l 745-- 1I7L:..,,L,,. ,1` rm. u,,,,.,, cvucu uuun: Iu LU.lUlII`U. "L Mr. and Mrs. \Vhi:t:sk(=r of Flesherton and .135 Arnold and Mrs; Jno. Can: of Tor- onto attended the funeral of Dr. and Mrs. E. West's baby on Fridixy. Oct. 5. Mir -nu} lira Van I`.-..-\..,... I\: Q` ..... .... .n. V\ can a uaU_V uu xuuuy. UUI. 0. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Groves of Stayner \*i.=it Misc Esther Groves on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Sanderson of Cunnington called on Dr. and Mrs. E. VVc-st on Monday. "71- int` Fr W I-Ianurnnn our` D.\InnA nnlll lU Luluulu Rial WEEK. Mrs. D. Plaxron and Lorne visited Bax- ter friends on Sunday. All...._4 \l:_1,lI-L..- 1-- L- _._,,_, ,I I KI`-I l|ll'-llll.` [ll] L.`lll.lt`_\ u Albert. Middlebroulrghas returned home after being in the West. l\||;fn u nlnuknr 1.` Annnn ix:-\l\v\`ps -uvnnt `rs lyllcll llllullt uauglucr UH KICK; J. I . Leonard Lee was xn Toronto 9. couple of days. last week. _ . I M... n....;.: u...u....1..... 1...; -.. -..-.:_.. l.'.u:l.`u uu nu. zxuu ;vu\\'. ('4. vvttal UH .uunuu)'. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hammond and Roland went to Toronto last week. \.I..., l\ 1)I..__-___ ,_,.I `I UCIXIIIJUCIIQ III : ' Dr. and Mrs. Everard West have the sympathy of` the community in the loss of atheir infant. daughter-`on Oct. 2. l.nl\\ll'I` Inn nvnc Cu Trunnntn a nnnnln AF -u-uluu uuuucu uu muuuay. ' Mr. and `Mrs. >Rutherfo'rd of" Proton are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Andrew Mis- campbell. Jr. l \.. um A II... II` ...... _.l \I7....L LA-.- .1. - ` October 8.--Wm. Grgg of I Belle Ewart- ipent a few days here last week. I out` we "nu-up (\ I`,nnnn- nut` ('14.... BER 11, 1923. R! gipclll. RI JCW Ullj UCTC 1&1: 'eeK- Mr. and Mrs. Harry O Connor and George of 'l`or_onto spent the weekend at Geo. Lat- . , . . net 3. V in M-.. I....I. 1..-..- -: m---..A- :- -.:-=-:_- SIXTH LINE, VESPRA Buy Advertised Things, Have a packet in your pocket for ever-ready refreshment. ~ Aids digestion. Allaysthirsln Z soothes tfle throat. CENTRAL` oao STAYNER {ANGUS Reading the advts. is protable employment. A. MOFFATT Fne`1so Wby t Javes Cog!- Patented F USED JOINTS make this system proof against Jeaks of gas `or dust. ` "nk of Nova Swim `..'l'H E 3 HESE savings are considerable. Owners of Hecla Pipelaas furnaces claim they save from 25 to,50 per cent. An every- year economy good for the rest of your lifetime. . Most great business successes had their foundation in a savings account. Capital enabled the saver `to grasp his opportunity . Are you preparing for the day of opportunity ?You can do so by opening a gavings account to ay 1n Paid-up Capital 3 10.000,000 Reserve - - 152500.000 Total Assets - 210.000.000 ESTABLISHED 1 8 3 2 __L_e_ 13 Give You 52 Estimate Time to do the many things ordinarily put off on wash-day. `For Rinso does not keep you standing over the wash-tub, rubbing until your back aches and your hands are red and sore. ca`: FSC? Rinso, an entirely dierent kind of soap, soaks clothes clean. Rubbing and boiling are unnecessary. The big soapy Rinse suds gently loosen the most ground-in dirt without weakening a single thread. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITE TORONTO - . (3) The Register of the Hecla Pipcless is scientically planned. It is the right Size for the heating capacity. The cold air balances the gvarm air. No heat is lost in friction. (2) It has the big VCIRCUI.-AR Waterpan that keeps the air mellow. You feel warmer at 65 degrees when the air is moist than at 70 degrees when the air is dry. Hecla warmth is healthful and economical. The Hecla Pipeless Furnace has all the big features of the famcvus Heel? Furnace, (1) It has the STEEL-RII5BEI) Fircpot. This invention gives the Hte-01:; tlmzc times the radiating surface of thzeordimry l`u.r:r3cc. That means more heat--Iess fuel. At least one ton savedout of seven. $uy a package today. On sale at all good grocers and Jepaftmenl alorcs. A. G; MacLELLAN `We can install in any home- `IN ONE DAY. No muss or ll..-` KI- _.-LL:.... -_.. -1! _.--I`- 1|` Uni; Jinn. IVO IIILIUB 0| fuss. No cutting up of walls. Only a small cellar needed. Oxce, 10-12 Owen St. Phone 531 ' Manager, Barrie. Page Three ACTOR gue. TORONTO 413 HR, 8098 {ON nilnr to that the boating Any sug- r~l_v free and us as often V0 cmIrt0m1.' 3090 . Face .420 mob munsmv, OCTOBER 11. 1923. Phone: Store an'dOffice, 65, You've noidea the time saved with a Toronto Engine and a Toronto Grain Grinder on your farm. Think of how much quicker an engine will do the work when attached to your pulper, gri nder, saw. cutting box. cream separator. fanning mill or pump. It's a steady worker. requires little attention. operates economically on kerosene. o ' ' With a Toronto Grain` Grinder. too, you'll save hours on every trip to the mill. I know it will fill your needs. either for coarse or ne chop. eiciently and economically. All built with extra" capacity. Safe, Souxid Companies See Me Befdre Your Fire GORDON` STEVENSON Ross Block, Barrie SECURITIES % Phone 1 010,wBox 267 Dollars in Your Pocket ThroughTime Saved ALsnu_;, RED Aupswanr cgovnk RYE, OATS AN15 BUCKWHEAT WANTED \JfV|I"\I\`1\.( VVHVLJ |_lV\1lIVL LX'rL,IVlF LKJ. L`?-` V5 L) deal more `poles: Fur- INSURANCE- J. H. McCAW, Barrie, om. WE ARE IN THE MARKET J. `I. BRETT Get our prices before you sell | I VIC!` I `I3 I\I IINIIIIVDI If I V? II! I 2!IUG._G!:3 r" T T T hoe Polisin oi evgry kindf T here s Longer Lifei Ill SUV PIC` If insul- e Pipeless." -in th shine and longer life in the shoe, ,if you use Nugget. ' FOR BLACK-'l`AN-TONEY RED DARK BROWN AND WHITE I'll be glad .to .11. . . . . . L _ -- nouns BARRIE VlU? l` JJJUSII UH LJK-|IJLIG_`}'a < I A chicken supper and concert will be held in the Union Church, Tuesday, Oct. 23.` Good programme. ' 41c Next `Sunday communion service will be held in the` Union Church, -Rev. G. H. Knighton in charge. Wll(1's`:M;z"thur Ben`, J1-., and little daugh- ter, Valdee. of Dalston, spent the week- end at A. A. iBell's. ' II..- VI 1') I)--- -...I J_.__,LA_ 1' I -r I15-IIIC vlaucu 71.13. I\uUUI7TI; \)x`uW.|Uru. _ - Quite a number attended the anniver nary services at the Little Brick Church ; Sunday. All enjoyed hearing Rev., W. S, Irwin of Downavie-w.'a. former pastor. ` pan in nnlnn `kg 1-`And-nu :-.` lib Ill) Wlllls lUl\LlU&V pxcucucu. The funeral on Sunday afternoon from New Lowell was largely attended. Rev. R. G. Halbert, B.A., conducted the services. Mr. Porter's wife. and three children mourn the passing of a devoted and loving father. The pal]-bearers were brothers-in-liuv: Don ald Taylor of Stayner, Hugh Porter of Mil- ton, William Sellers and _Harry Spong of .'l`omuto, Dan McGillivray and William vMc- Gillivrn;.' of New Lowell. ` Ttltt1ll0 10118` French October. 9.-~Rev. Gore Barrow} of Tor- onto preached in St..James Church, Sun- day morning. ` , x :55 Qmlh. {nnlanv-t-nnn A; IIom:l+nn Iuyoc ._ LJIC V! \l.'1iCll D uxeuvuuz W111 IIICCU HM IIXU home of Mrs. McKay on Tuesday, Oct. 16. The report of_ the Directors 'Meetir_1g in Orillia will be. given. Everyone invited. , n..:... n Inn.` ..u...-..:..A 41... m...:u........... M..- Illlllla `VIII slVU1lo IUVICLJUIIC ILIVILY-11 Quite a few attended the anmversary ser- 'v1ces at Edgar on Sundav. A k:bA aunnnr our` nnnnnu-It 111:!` ha John Ellson spent the wek-end. with his. "son. Wm. Ellson, Thornton. - ll... DA `l(2..1..\..6..3..1. 3.. ......l.... LL- .1..- cuu 110 fly '1. LIJFII 5- Hrs. J. P. Rose and daughter Ida of Barrie visited Mrs. `Robert Crawford. quion . an-uh..- ..Lo......l...! LL- ..__:_..._' UJJ Llllllllllsn ' Miss Sadie Robertson of Hamilton `was the guest of her sister, Mrs, S. J. Duns~ more. recently. The `Wn.'nen s Institute will meet at the L'.,., _: \n__ 11-14 --. -_ m_.-__I___ fl,L an GU81. :VVL|lo vL`Jll-EULI, 4llJUl LI|IUU- Mrs. Roy Kirkpatrick is under the doc-. tor's care. `ll..- A..4.L...`. D..lI` `I- -.._I Inn- _I,.___L October 8.-There'pasecd away at New Lowell on Friday afternoon, October 5, a former respected resident of New Lowell in the person of John Porter. The news of his death came as a great shock to his many friends in this section of the country as no warning sickness preceded. Tho cllflfi I\'I QIIIIADIY :I'f\I1\ 'UlI:C Ullb IlL|U- `JIIUC LHIMICI DIJIEECID UB0 1 I am pleased to inform the many Inends land readers of these columns that, after ' patiently waiting for several years, with sex- eral attacks and many meetings, -we have at last received a visit from the Hydro En- gineers. They`, after looking over the field, have informed us that they Wlll be ready to turn on the juice in about seven or eight weeks time and that we had better get busy and have our part of the proper wir- ing completed at once. Certainly good" news and when our streets will also be lit up, the average outsider will hardly know the burg. Many of the ladies are well pleased with the news, as the many electric- al appliances can be "used to lessen the house- hold work. |lIl'Ilq , ` At time of writing the cont.mct.m's on the -nxarsh dr-:'(Ig`.ng have finished the work as `far north as the agreement cus for, but I` iunderstzmd they haw to move back where `the work commenced and work a short dis- 'tance south; There has been no news in -`circulation rogardmg the allcrgml mistake of the engineer; wh`ch was to the effect of ' a further death of 3[fee't. but there is no `doubt that `this has been the cause of the [water following the dratdge on its north- lward course. lately. . Yaw-|`f :6 n"\nn t:|nn fkn `\n`r.- nuuvn An} Ilted numbers. Wlllll |JUlll-`.5; Iuuuy. Isn't. it about time the bills were out calling for contracts on the `painting of ithe attrncti\'e railing on the culvert just lwest of- the village? urn. un1l1I-nA:I'n Ann` at EIIIIL on Am.-n.-. Wfl UL` KHC VUIKISCI _ W'.t.h ax1th1'ucite coal at such an outrag- ,eous price, our citizens are considering the use of wood, or a good substitute for an- thracite, but the funny partof it is they ihesitate in consenting to give an order for `any substitute. The large dealers declare the price will not be any lower this year. 50 if any good substitute is to be secured, one would consider it about [time the cit- tizens were looking after their own interests. .'l`he local dealer can easily secure anthra- Ecile, but the price rather staggers us. I own nlnaanr` On ;I'I`f\I`I\'I fhn nnonu incur`.- lI'1UlXl25_'uUIC WLIHC U11 3 HIJLIC UllluC$ lllpl ! Takiiig into consideration the length of! Mime Flos Council sat on Saturday last, and the number of visitors, one would surmise that a big bunch of important business must have been transacted. T . VDL- _..'I- -1` .L.. l..........L..\.l ..D....a.. -l L- IU 15 ICBIKIIII5 VVIIIJ HUI sUII III] UIII" llll `INC: Mr. M{`C:'I~?:"- of `Stayner was` :\ visitor in ;this xillage. Sunday ` .Tsa2vie_s Rvther nnd Mrs. Hector of Cleve- _=1`and. .9h(1 Mir.- Margaret Rvwr of Tomnto _are visiting at the home of James Rytvhexx , Sr. l.l_ ._.._I ll...` ll..A.L-_. `l'.'___._.J_. -t 1Y.___ ! Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kenm.-dy of Ham- `Elrnn \ve1'o \'i:~`ito1`s hare ever the weekend. 3 Harry .McCm-nen has returned from Tor- Imvn. nm caring -for city lifo. 9 rm..- ..|-..n...._ .1....:.._ .L. ....... .....-l. L... q`JIl-'1' Ill" VIIIIIIS 'l\ l U11) IIl". iv The elox-ator_during the pn. has `receive. a new coat, of pressed tin painted mrd. the job being donebybSta_vner worl-:~ in1onL AA .` I ,!A,',, A` , A ., .1 I 'lUl HUI ICUVHL lllIIr-?U- I {V Mrs. J. E. Long and fmnily have tukne up ;their resitleuce in Toronto. while: Mrs. Mul- iroy is residing with her son on the 2nd line. `.9\ \l-."..:.n nl QM-uvnlu. um.-.` n .-ininu. 1n U511! SHIP BCWFICII UKIIVIUKHL` ll'Ulll HEIG- Mrs. Clarence Lzngis around again af- ter her recent illness. 3 M...` I I3` `I Anna 4...! '......il.. 1"... 4-..1..... ..... UCIUTU Ullflo The heavy frosts of last week put the _kibosh on the potato crops and other garden truck that was not harvested. A rush' will now be started to dig the po- tatoes. Some areunder the impression that the price is go?ng to be high. but after all` 51.9 'said and done the potato crop is far. `ahead of expectations in this district, and with the crop heavy in other districts there is no reason to expect a large price. I :understand W. McNaughton` intends to again ship sen-erzal curionds from here. MFQ nlurnnnn I\1;I\lr':c uv-nuvu` onuin Ix`- `IIIVC UCCII Cl nuaayuau. I The stile of` the household effects of the late `Miss N. `Buckley last week was not ery largely attended owing. no doubt. to . . I speclal aftrachons other places. A -Neverthe-I `nap an-no-1-l~k;nn u-nu cn`r` unrl D A (`nun-H- fectly Ri}l\'.`CuIl. Elllluuuuua Uluc-I [IlupC.` ncvcxbuc` lean everythmg was sold, and P. A. Cough~ llin succeeded in getting rid of_ all the goods `before dark. 'l`\L.. L........ l'..,..s.. At 1..-; .......1. an; ska nu: uuulu U1 ucl ouatcl, aua. gnu. _uJ.t.'uu.Iu1a. Chas. Loftus. who has been working In Toronto lately. was here spending a few ;days recently. I nI\'\l\IVCV\ Ii` {Q 3"` I October s.--was `Pat Hayes is taking! enging lessons from" Edmund Hardy of Bari ruub UH LV.lIUUI'l|G_yo " 4 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thom: O'Neill on the arrival of a son, born at" `the home of her sister, Mrs. Jas. ,McGinni_s. (`I..... I.-Jokm -mlnn Lam Irma.` um.-1.1.... .u ! Uy T130311! n Pat Donovan of Humberside is caning on? :friend*__here while on a little business trip. I "`nlr:;\t! {ruin nnnninl-nf:nn fhn Inna: A` TIC. , 7 His friends are _plea.sec_i to see Jerome` Shanahan agaixrback it his garage after` his recent accident that necessitated I abiing at Barrie hospital a few deys. ' Min flung} can!` he unn:na A` Fivnqvnini HUIUIUS HI IJHIVIVIC lllyylll ll ICW Uy5o i Mus Guest and Mxss Mannmg of Elmvale; were the guests of Mrs. Fraser and Miss, Pl tr N . a ' on Saturday. I (`Anon-nOuInv:nna On Mr and Mrs TBA: .7 JWILI U]. uuvvuuvxcw. G Iuuuer DISIOI. Rev. Neil Campbell in under the doctor s E , NEws1=Ro M NEIGHBORING TOWNS!-IIPS 0:20 STATION en4AsI _ 8102 8098 (Bite! T8099 Rhuln 19, 8077_ E51? NEW LOWELL `CROWN !-IILL Pl-`IELPSTON nu.-: nmuun EXAMINER` vvuu ;u.u\`: Lu. xuuxpuy uua WCCK. W. D. Dobson left on Saturday night for Buffalo, where he has a position. Mrs. Dob- son left a week previously. 1\`v;-n .QuyHr1ov- annn H". Iuvnnlr Anal .1. L2- gun H710 ll WCUA plCVlUl.lSly. Alvin Switzer spent the week-end at his home here. v vvucn uu urn auuuul uh macuer. Mrs. J. `E. Switzer is visiting relatives in Lefroy. T ' `Mk. 1\.............s 11 ........`.. _: .n.._.:_ -_.'.:L__I aunu. 1'4u5u.1', Uu uuuuay. Mrs. Byrne is much improved in health. Her sister, Mrs. Gibbons `of Gil-ford, who stayed with her for some time, returned home last Thursday. Mice UQWAI T.nuH-any-rlola AG M'.~..\`l.. ..:..:L..,I uuuu; luau .I. uuxauuy . Miss Hazel Leatherdale of Maple visited with Mrs. Switzer last week. . She goes this week to her school at MacTier. `II... T I.` Q...:4_..._ :_ _-:__'.:_.__ __I-u _ Margaret Kenna} of Barrie visited with Miss M. Murphy this week. W `]nkcnn 11):} an Quin-Jo.-. _f...LJ. L`..- [1-ZCORDS LII!` iltllililvul IVUU`- Mr._:md Mrs. Alex. Currie, Jr., and son Ross. also Mrs. Archie Currie, S1-.,' motored tu 1'I:\dAvVou Sunday to visit the latter s d:nx_1hter, Mrs. Charles Moon. \)l:-av..- Pl... 1...}. \7:l.).. .._.) A4- 11r..n_ |4lI|'|I ll\I|'lUB HCIC. A number from this vicinity `attended Orjllia fair last Tuesday and Wednesday. R. Cooper and Miss- Jones of Elmvale were Sunday visitors at C.` M. Hick1ing7s. Mr, and Mrs, P J M'm-nku and `M . .....l vvcu: \)uuui1.3 vwuura at V. In. nxcxung-6 Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Murphy and Mr. sind Mrs. F. Carson visited with Mrs. M. Shan- ahan. Edgar, on Sunday. Mrs `luv-no ;n I-nnnk :vnn nnnnn J 2;. L-..1a.L u.'u'.:-;|ll.L`.l, nzla. L-ut'.r1{'b` ':l1UUI.l. !\ lir~`.~'c-.=. Clara Luck, Vilda and Ada Walk- er of Barrie Collegiate spent. the weekend at their homes here. A _, I. ,, E U:.vnuu5 llllT II!!! in xulzatuu mm \\'t'(*.`K. Miss Mabel Hadley of Toronto visited at- Thos. Armst1'ong s for a few d'_v.s re- cently. There has been quite an improve- ment mzzde 10 the residence of Mr. Buch- anan at the C.\ .R. station by t.he_coat of paint and additional veranda which has just been completed. A-lav Mm-wn `nmn-n.l -inn. .1... l.,....... .... wuu um .sx:.wc1, .1115. Win. =.v1c:xru1ul'. Rev. Dr`. Mn:-Unu:_*,'\!l or Barrie preached in (`eutx'al Church Sunday last, owing to the illness of Rev. N-. Campbell. `'11-: `A7111 MnAr\9)w nnnnt n CA... .I...... October 9.-Rev. Mr. Sullixan of Cree- mnrc preached in the Methodist Church on Sunday night. n..;+.. .. .......L.... t..-... L--- ..u_...-:-.1 `L- L`Llll\U.ly lily,-ll-M - Quite a number from here attended the ..~7chool fair at Sunnidale Corners last week. lvlt was quite a success. T D. nvul MI`... \ln....L.. ..`.....A ...... J--. -g Jll.`I. IJr:L`u ,UUulpl!:l.l.7lI. _ M912. Moore `moved into 111? house on `Main St, just? vacated by Mrs. Qervice and 15011. who moved to Barrie mst week. n......a..._1-. -4._..-..._.-- 1 -'-' Scfor graph ed`hw t 75C. than ggfor Vother Apex Re-

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