Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1923, p. 5

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IARS. kaxluvarl an. vuunsxzu . 10c Styptic Pencils 2 for .1 I G 39 Sa%t1;rEg:zEr 2Ior90c. % oPIk'6' {:"`i'I-`FEE 2 Pounds for .76 U UUQ LUUAIJIA "Kidney Pills... . SALE-- 06L 4, 5, 6 *~ me Rexall Store, Allandale A.E. PATTERSON Jug-xv _ THAVING CREAM I-1I_I_;_g_n_gg_g_nIIu SHAVING ' Pm-:_PAr_gA_T_|o_Ns_ luv Inu blunt- """3a .`.`L`.$&:.""' I 3f;!-35 '$1.19 75! ' `?*!1'_ is a lasteless Cod Lifer OH with Iron A Good Tonic 2f~$l.01 #1 '2" }or .51 E5 2:.-.26 ;3;,2~;or.61 1 2Ior.26 Jets 2ror.51 A 5 , , 2 Ior.51 *9. 2xor.51 $1.00 bottle Peptonized Iron Tonic with_Cod Liver rm.-'. nAaVa1.VxAmN'1.-:3 51.25 bottle ` Rexall Beef, Iron and Wine A The Old Reliable A__I- -._.I "iaxmT V `Gospel who never forgot to inculcate the! enduring principles of honor, justice, char- ity and truth. n An nkhxnxrn nf 1179,: not hV f.hP. My 3110 Ul'llI~l1. An objective of 813000 was set by the congregation as an anniversary offering and. this was almost reached. _ 1 l So much interest was arbused hy the per; formance last May of Coleridge TayIor s! Andrew s church will repeat it on the twen-i uty-thi1'd of this month. i 1 I Flag Founr nf H13: nnmnnanr man 1: nnvn beautiful cantata that the choir of St. I_ 15c Tiny Tot Air % 'FiUed Ball Top 4 Ribbed Soother I 15c En lish Black ` Ban Nipple. . ` 600 Tiny Tot Baby Pants med. and large . . . . . . . . .. 4 $1.00 V{cma.`II'ard 1'\,_`l.`L -.. `I'\.._...,.. 3 Rubber Dress-2 ing Combs . . $1.00 Ivory ` Dressing Combs` 500 box Alma Zada. Face Powder. . . $1.00 box Bouquet Ramee Face zfor Powder . . . . $1.091 _bo Pa- ra 1s .a.ce Powder 2f 01 $1.00 box Jonteel Compact er zfor "")'i5'I'-:i('i'>"""ri=."1i\TT', 2 Packages for .71 ` $1.00 Household I Aprons . . . . . . ` vi` 359 box Vicziet Dulce Rouge ` the _.I_'._ 10 ca,d's;;;g,"_'2' Pins. .- . . . . . . 15c Wash Cloths assorted borders 12 inches square 70c. H'alf-Pound Paclge _-:-- ji- _y'uuuu U1 uua uluulu. The father of tI}is composer was anativai` HIAWATHA S WEDD_lNG' FEAST |;Ac_I_: Ppwnsns 2 ;"$I1?_7i3% RUBBER ' GOODS "This $2.25 Rob Roy Hot Water Bottle 2 quatt sin ind guaranteed for 2 years L4; LL SUNDRLES 1 I`! P I COMBS ;-iie ~`2`?w$1.o1 bs2f"$l.0l All Eolors just the thing for every Housewife 2f0T$1.5l 1 __`2for$l.01 .51? 2for.5l xquet 2for$1.0l 2for$l.0l eel .2for$l.01 Fancy; L Rubber .5! !"?"`. '2` for .36 '.'2"} .11 3;: zm.16 $1.50 2for.l6 Z1ov.l6 2Ior.6l $1.00 box ' Asort<: nada - `6iTJ512?;es. . 41 `P L ` 50 Chocolate Bars 2 for . 50c Meltaway Mellos '._I`9g.sted 2 lbs` AA `II fl`! l i 4oi7I`3rTa si7 Delight. . . . on- `Ik nunvsaun 303 1.55}'aLg Jellies. . . . . BRUSHES AND SUNDRIES 50c Hair Brush 2for.5l .00 Lather bfitfl??? 2 fr$l.0l 1 $1.00 Hair A I 1`34 ;`St;i1.`f`.`T`. 2f0j$1-9! ' JJIKIDIJ \LIIlClJ_ ber-set) . . . . Brush Setin ` Metal . . . . . . ` 65c bot. Florida Water . . . . . . . .. ` 60c bottle French Cologne . . . . `60c bot. Lavenlf Water...`... $1.50 bot. Par-"?' _ ,1:_ 1' ._1.:...... Zfor . ` .6 Coogne Oc . ot. Lavend 1' Water...`....?. 2-for-61 $`8sb%tiT? Zfor $1.51 $ . . 2 - ' aa`s?J?1`'vICr`$r 2 for $1 .51 $1.00 bot. Viviana Toilet Water, A (::m1%?2;o.s1.o1 502 bqttle Jggffel for ` . 25c_:v\-ri_1.Ts:i erfumes { Assorted Odors. . 131.50 oz. Bulk z Perfumes. . . 75c oz. Bulk pop- ~ ular odors. . . .._' 25c tin Antiseptic Tooth Powder 2 for ' 35tu{)e`I{lenzo 2 for 1 UDOH UUU Ilbl-IJU LLIUJLIAU Dental Creme 25c tube Pearl Toot h Paste . . TOILET WATERS AND PERFU MES $1.00 bottle ' |JUlIU1U Uvu v\z\. U`Ierfmne Ext. `of Sierra Leone, and the son s music, prob-] ably on account ofrhis African descent, isl full of originality and exoticisrn, and con- t-inually hints at something barbaric and lsplendid. It has beenquestioned whether it is possible for a white man to educate a negro to compose music that is truly ex- pressive of his innate self, but Coleridge iTaylor is the answer. "to such questions, and ;his training"-at the Royal College of Music; lenabled him to express himself in richness` of orchestral coloring without sacrificing form and design. The melodies throughout the Wedding Feast" are of warm and ro-| TOOTH A PREPARATIONS CANDY r A refreshing and soothing lotion for after shave % or bath. i2for$1.01, gsted z-lbsli f _"Z lbs. .41 2% lbs .31 7 ranch Zir $11.01 $.71. Zfor.5l mes 2Ior.26 )I`S. Zfor $1.51 f F j Zfor .76 V 2.ror.66 E Zror .36 Zfor.Z5 ~.oe -.26 Z '36c.@ Zior .41 250 tin Puretest 2$Zilr)1(c): St:.Irate.. te 2 8g>.LiPSd.2f -25 5 t. A. . .& 3. Tablets (100) 21-25 \JD LCULIIKJUS $1.001 .A `- -% '" inTab?m(iB3)Zf"$1~01 an. In. A,........... 14- .LUvIJLvvu \ &\lU, - _ 500 box Aspmn Fl"..LI..4... 4, 1923 V KIVA 1101135181 "Tablets ..... .. 25c box Aspirin Tablets . . . . . . . (`S I I ("I `I C -II 25`1""i"o}iai Miim Eng PepsinTa.bs. 2 fOr'26 50c bottle Bland i ::$.3%:*,=;~9ese zxor .51 1(1)`? Gogd Iiorli/In Iiair ` ets ing e es all shades] . . for 150 Doub e es Hair Nets all shadesz for * 50c Lorie Brglian- tine (Soli ied and Liquid).. . .. 27 $1.00 bot. Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic . . . . . . zfor 75c bottle Petro- 2 leum Hair Rub f0 '4` !\l\ `I I lKI\l\II Ts1fB`6"`b3?779,3" " Hair Tonic . .2-f"$ 35c bot. Lorie Lemon i Emulsied Sham- 9 fl Eon Youg _HAlR nlnn J EMULSIFIED COCOANUT wpoo L\-I LVJ. wusaumsoc 7fab1ets(1oo) .. Q1 3-..- KLENZO DENTAL CREME x IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII vuy Wllll Handle Improved Cushion Bottom Heavy Enamel and you will get another tube for one cent .at Another Example Buy a 35 Tube lmantic beauty, while the novel rhythms an |alm ost of savage origin. Vacum Bottles Aluminlnn Cup with unnpnn ' should be in every homo for Cats, Scratches. Sore Throat; or wherever an antiseptic in nudod. 250 hot. 2 for. Peroxide 40c bot. 2}-.41 Peroxide 65c bot. 2 fm,.65 Peroxide l \JlJ\J I.l\J U. ` 74c_ n of both `my. Zfor $1.26 Zfor .36 ' An Ideal Shampoo 21% Peroxide of Hydrogen Cocoanut Oil 1T5 .".' 2for.36 35. botth ' Riker s Emulsified T(j'If1i15" "2m$1.o1 310 Zf0r.76 'f,2z:mo1 .c:-c-u Buy Advertised Things 39c 2 for .51 2ror.26 Eior .11 S2for.l6 2for.5l Page Fiv 14c 77c _19c 9` .`=--- "I nu I J Ill/nu'n" ' Orillia Pres-b'y'to;i':;n icel-et-)r`a`to(zi 72nd anniversary October 1, and unveiled` a memorial tablet to the late Rev. Dr. John Gray, founder and first minister of the con- gregation. T j . AI!` , I l`1_._,I!_._ nn h_:_-:__1 -1 ORILLIA CHURCH HONORS FOUNDER nu nu-u... B B Rev. Alfred Gandier, D_.D., Principal of Knox College and Moderator of the General Assembly, preached morning and evening, andlarge congregations were present, among them being a number of the earlier genera- tion who were intimately acquainted with Rev. Dr. Gray. T A :1-um! kin!-nu-lAnl alznfnlm mac: PDQ!` lw THURSDAY, ocroaza 4. 1923, Lev. ur. uruy. A short historical sketch was read by AT THE jzeamcz DRUG STORE TH UR$ A; I DAY-SATU R DAY The Plan Buy a` $1.00 Bottle of 100 Puretest 500 box Inlrld Baltimore Papct- eries 7 ite Kid ' 7 ax:)d~Lien Filnish L219 -51 5c ox ymp _ony V Liilgwn 11C?DQtc1'ieS vzfor '76 35c. ox emories Papeteric-.s. . . 2 for '36 500 lb. Cascade Linen Paper (100 _ 21-07.51 sheets)..;. . . . . . 15c pad Sunset 21-oi , Linen note size 25c pati Sunset fo,..26 Linen Salisbury l..Jlu.Uu. LICII nnnnnn u J 35c pad -Sunset . Linen Letter Size Zfor ' 15c "pk. Montclair 2 ` Linen Envelopes -{ma 10c pk. Blue, Lined Envelopes . .; .. Zfor - 159" ]_3!ue `Black for Physicians and Surgeons Pure. Soap, Oval for 11' c cake Lorie ()7-old Cream Soap 2 jar '16 50c cake Bouquet . ` Rumee . . . . . . .. zfm 10c. cake? Hlizrmony Bath Soap, er ena. ' and Violet 2 for '11 25c cake Harmony, Savon au . .1.i S1`Z:1`(`,`...".iT ?`3.`. 2f'-25 . 25c cake Klenzo 2;. .26 1 '`-A Tar Shampoo Soap A 25c cake RexallT zfor. .26 Skin Soap . . . . . 15&o2%::s:;?. 2m .16 25c tin Rexall Baby . Talcum...T..... 500 tin Bouquet Ramee Ta1cum.. - 75c jar Paradist Talcum . . . . . .. 4 led 25 P` 'd-1>_u'& :35" ' `A E 1:. Vgrlvitgiand Pinkz-' -26 4 25n(`a`i>`3`:ea;`?`? 2 f* -35 \l mu: Lou :1 UL! Salisbury E - .... J G-........J- UV .LJLuv JJ Writing Inl: ul L\\J J. Uuxtt u"i`o`ilet Soap. `IV I. U VV UB1 J. Eli and Pu Bag. . STATIONERY TOILET SOAPS 9 '\" =5;.Q_`.-S POy_VIIE|! EUFFS V of ven and tion B Tablets -TALCUMS : 25. - ' ` Harmony Rose _ Talcum_ and you will get another for one cent or V '2 for 4.51 50. box Pussy IIFOII Willow. Linen ; 4 Fabric Tinted V Deckled Edge) `nevi "' \ Powder 1 V`:`V`hite or Flash I (I3 27$? 36 150:. c_ake .Zhn36 ;2nl5 Zhnll Zul '2;or.26 ` 2107.51 ` 2ror.76 C. J. Miller, representative elder, out-I lining the steps taken in connection-with the -founding of the congregation. A meet- ing, at which nine men were present, was held in Orillia in 1849, and a canvas for| fundsin the townships of Orillia, Medontet and Oro resulted in the promise of 96 toward the support of a minister. The fol- lowing year Mr. Gray, a graduate ofVKnox College, was called, and he was ordained at Orillia by the Presbytery of Toronto on May 21, 1851.. ' After 30 years ministry in Orillia Dr; Gray was succeeded by thellate Rev. Dr._. $1.00 bottle Rexall Nux and Iron Tablefcsj... Zf` 25c box Rexall Orderlies . . o . u on AI.-1nt\1 :1`; *1-,E:;a~:;.:i:g 2ror$1.01 $1.00 bottzle Petrofol E%`i`1`f ?.`.. T 2r$1.01 35c bottle Rexall ' Rubbing Oil. . .. 2 -36 = \JIl uotno 252 box Rex`all KIVVJJLI \Jll605J\J Liver l;i1ls.. . .. ` $3 .00 bottle Rexall _ (`TY ,_, 35c bot. Antiseptic - T Toilet Cream ;. 4 50c bottle Almond ,` Bloom Cream. . I 1 60c jar Rexall Cold 1 * Cream4oz....I 25c tube Camphor-. ated Ice . . . . . . . .4 LUCA! y .1 Ph0sphites. 4 is 34 '. $1.65 35c bottle Rose ` Witch Hazel Cream` E 5oc"%j} Lfoiu-,ee1 Nail" Bleach. .. 35c jar Jonteel Nail Creme.-. 25c box Jonteel - 2 Nail Po'li_sh... UV KIWI` J UDACIIII Stom hand` lgifls. . zfan FACE .cm-:AMs Combination Cram 1 Zxor .51 : Dd Jonfeel Cold 2 for .51 ` Cream . . . . . . . . 2ac`:2%:::,?f??% zror .51 ` 5&~`i`i;i?.'i.`;`."`.i. Zfor-36 Dc bottle Zf "-51 2;1:;,e;<*:3; ?`? zxor .61 . 5c Camphor-2 for H . MANIOIIREA Anncu-:s Wii HOUSEHOLD nzmznu-:s Every One Guaranteed - `number; zror .51 Zia-.36_ Zror .26 A Z1 ,z~n36 Riker s Syrup of Tat with Cod Liver Oil Jlixtract % ' 5'0: Cousin and Cold: _ ifolii `R. N. Grant, Knoxonian, who preached for! 27 years. He was followed by Rev. Dr. D. C. Macgregor, now of St. Andrew s, London, and Rev. F. W. _Anderson of Port. |Hope, and the congfggatxon 1s now pros- under the mlmstry of Rev. N. H. i ...` ."?y.'. I` I ' , I , , ,,I,: _l navy-u... v .u., u The tablet, which is a large plate of! bronze set up on the front of the pulpit, was unveiled by Rev. Dr. Gandier, assisted by Mr.~Wil1iam Thomson. The prayer of ded- ication was offered `by the minister, Rev. N.` H. McGillivray,` $1.14 D`r." Gfay was}; faithful n.1inister' of tei - -' T 450s)Jxfe].3.l`(.)T`.(3l.l=?'l 2 f" UUU Jail .111 UIIUIIILNL Salve . . . . . . . . 25g jar Carbolic soZi?ti '11r3 Bark Cough Syrup ` 25c tin Rexall I t~a_.'|,1 rn,L1A;_ I QUU IIILI LUUASULL Cold Tablets 52c box Rexall ' , l'l'1_1_1 UUU IIUA -L IIUAQIQ Dyspepsia Tablets ` 50c jar Healing 4 Q- ` urn ` VJUU J OIIL &l.\4I.IIL;a-I5 Salv.e.,..L.......` 50c box Rexal -'r7- 1,, _ -n-11.. 35c bot. Klenzo Li- ' quid Antiseptic 4 25c bot.Rjker s Lax- ative Bromide of 2 .Quinine Tablets 75c bottle Muco- 2 Tone for Catarrh 35 tube '1ie}7{11" 's'h'JiI.Ig'cream 2 % for .36 35c shaymg sgaick Zfor .36 15c Lone Shavmg Zfm. 16 Soap in cakes. . gas. It

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