Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1923, p. 20

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, Spoke .un Putlin f..'i r\' of the N:11 Y.f\I.(`.A._. .-puk-~ way on "'I`hin;_r.- After thv .~`(-r\' ..aturda_v mornin` or," giving the dc 2`(+Sti0Ils. asln thv se-nting tho ('7.n'.I` group of b_\'.s` um carrying` it on. MA di'icultie.~: to Mr A . . |R ('. C. P`. Pk-wm.:m. .~ tzxrio B0_vs' _,\\' wk dro.s'.-. UH What I! It .- VC. J. \\'nl}~.er, VV. C. Walls. On F1'id:1_\' I} 'th(-ir billets; H1:-: lezulws and min] rion1s, which \\ meting 01' (hr tn (`hurt-h. w'm-ro_- : by I). L. \\'i`.Et.4. vctvd the-ii` u'l'iw 1 two Urillia ._L'ui~ I`\ ru G. Sc-_\'muur. J R. RIa'.'k.\'tm'k, I A. Luck and I.. the bays \\'|'T!?_ )(illd'1(`.~` of thv V. (,`ullin.~`. A. I II- A chicken supp. u 311.1,! :.. 41.. IL, .wh.-\.\ A111. Jill! I I C. .Wnlk-1'. R. .C. Dunm-tt. F. 5 Hunter. R. Fur Partridge. S. '1 Guest, 5. Hx`_\':~' "allacv, A. Wu: On 001. -3. .3 the scene of .1 The'buj,'.~: cann- and COHim.{wuu landers, th'-n- \ re},:ister=(l. Barri I` ll , 11 -uuu mxpm-u.5rs I0!` 2111 candidates 51898.91 Allktzxlements of expenses are in the hands of the R.O. Any electorwho wishes to examine statements will apply to 1.Tf\TX!ADh I')VT|`I\rI'VI\ AI- BOYS CO 23 meal % in Big c1RcuLAf ` I_*_`_`_5_WEE COMING Into 7` I\l" K .1 (Contmued wn. uuuuuate. unarles E. Wright 638.72' U.F.O. Candidate, G. H. Murdoch 675.20 uau. uuuunume, Ur. ueonard J. Simpson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $584.99 U Con. Candidate. Charles E. Wright 638.72` Culldidte, G H Mu-vnnk R7` "0 A1ll,expensPs, including personal expenses, are as follows :-- Lib. Candidate, Di-. Leonafd J. - n glnwnnnn '"` "A EXPENSES OF CENTRE` SIMCOE CAN- DIDATES IN PROVINCIAL ELECTION June 25, I923. ' uauut uzuiu mi; The inventor, F. N. Johnson, 246 Craig St. W., Montreal. is offering to send a lamp on 10 days` FREE trial, or even to give one FREE to the first user in each lo- cality who will help him tointroduce it. Write him today for full particulars. Also ask him to explain how you can get the agency, and without experience or money . make $250 to $500 per month. (Advt.) 39-47c ,-,. --_.. .. NOTICE TO cRDiToRs~ Mlviwnln 3, A new oil lamp that given an amazingiy brilliant, soft, white light, even better than as or electricity, has been tesed byithe U. . Government and 35 leading universities and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke. 0! noi.se~--no pumping up, in simple. clean, cafe. Burns 94% air and 6% common ker- osene (`coal oil). 'I"l... :........A.._ 13 xx I 1, Ann A NEW LAMP Buki 94% AIR Centre Simcoe Elections Plumbing - Heating Tinsmithing _ Excluuo Agent for IIISABIQ lslluunlgnu-an . FI7:XE'EL}iz'iXc', Phone 180 2 133 Dunlap St.` PROMPT ATTENTION ON ALL YOUR T ORDERS T Stove % Pipes Harry Barron Beats Electric or Gas Big Stocks and can give you WE HAVE ....`...mus, u xuu statement. of their claims, duly vereed, and the na- ture of the security-, if any, held by them, after whic_h date the said executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among'the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims, of which they shall then have had notice. STEWART dz STEWART, . Barrie, Ont. D \ . . . T 0 Solicitors for Executors. Dafed al Barrie, his 3rd day of October, T A.D., 1923. . ' V v-u\J 11 I30 _ David Beardsall of Elmvale is vhiting friends in this vicinity. \ Miss Goldie Henley is attending bmineai college in Barrie." 1 . Mrs. John Lennox `of Moonstonespont a `few days here recently calling on fzientk. 1 ~..,.-.. Wm. an we u:.1 xrmnas who have been associated with the church in the past will accept this as an invitation to be pre- sent at both services. .........m... w_1u.1v. vv. a. mason of Tor- onto. Rev. Mr. Gib;-'on.is a forceful-Lspeak- er and will have a helpful message for very one. There will also he suitable music for -:he occasion. The evening service ,will be opened with a service of song. A thanks- Lfving offer-ing_is asked fr-:>m"all. It is hoped that all the o!;l friends who have assoc';at`ed past ...lIl ..----~A a.1aJ\_Jr1I\ ' . The anniversary services will be held in the Union Church this coming Sunday. October _7. 3 Morning service at eleven and evening service at seven. The speaker for the occasion is Rev. W. J. Gibson of Tor- Gibs_on.is forceful~speak- ._. oucy succeeaea 18 mt to pa.ssersby to` judge. ' ' We, as a section, extend our sympathy to Miss Marlin and her two bfothers in the death of their father. The late James Mar lin was azresteemed trusteeof t-hjs section for a number of years. ucuuy mu I01` LVIOIIETCBL The men of this section areimaking a big improV'en1eiyt repairing the seventh line of Vespra. 4 ' ' Mtg. Walton is r_n_9ving(to the farm `latelyi R. L. Richardsoh is rapidly completing his new house on the fox ranch. - Mrs. Wm. MacMillan and family have re- cently left for Montreal. Th!) tnnn I5` SL3.-. .---L5--- - uc uuu 111 me M day, October 14. vvsv ua -panic uuu ,. _-. .. _, Mr. and Mrs. W. Beelby of Huntsville called at C. CampbeIl s. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peacock and children of Stroud visited at A. Dyer`s_. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. -Hunter, Miss Bessie and Elmer motored to Toronto on Sunday.` - Mr. and Mrs. J. .Hawt.horn were with friends at Weston fog` Sunday. 4 Don't forget the anni_versary services to I be held in the Methodist church here Sun-I dav. October 14 vsll _.v--was-I l\I Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of James Worsnop, late of the Township of Essa, in the County of Simcoe, gentleman, deceased. are required on or before the Third day of November, A.D.. .1923, to send by post or deliver to the undersigned at Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors of the estate of the said James Worsnop, their. full names and addresses, a full statement and the na-_ `ure Of l'In s`nnIn-:6-- 3` - uuc \JA Love ___'.-.`F5 % _l-`EARNDALE EDGAR` lVIf\\a I October 1.--1\iiss Gladys Armstrong, who has been holidaying at her home here for a short time. has returned to Barrie. . `Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mason have returned ~ home after spending two weeks vacation with their son at Humbolt, Smk. 4 Several from here attended ' Elmvale ` ` fair last week and report a good time". Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright visited with Mr. end Charles Wright last week. I` umu Lu uubenu normal school. Miss Mantha Campbell has returned to Toronto. ~ Misc Belle Mc-Larty has retained to Saul! l Ste. Marie after spending two weeks visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. _.__._.. ..-........\. wuu autumn zeaves and noxvers. A number from Oro attended the Anni- versary service in Orillia .Presbyt.eriar Church on Sunday evening last. Miss Margaret McC-uaig has gone to Peter-` boro to Vaptend Normal School. Min Mam-kn n.....-I....n L..- - `ran: 1 I l\t`lld I\\J `October _l.--Rally Day service was ob- served in Central Church last Sunday after noon. Sept. 30. The church was very niceiy decorated with Autumn leaves and floxvers. A nllmhnr frnm n..- n4-4.....l...I AL. A ucl amber. ans. mrxpamck. McCua.ig is spending a few days with her daugh`ter_.Mrs. Graham of Hawkestyone. luay wu-u melt aunt, Mrs. Elmer Uncles. Miss L. Priddle of Hawkestone isvisitingj her sister. Mrs. Kirkpatrick. `Mrs. Mn-(`.m.:a :. ........J:.... .. 4'.-- J- '1' .. V V-`nu: I \ll\uJ NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of George Crawford, late of the Township of Oro, in the County of Simcoe, carpenter, who died on or about the 23rd day of May. A`.D.. requested to send particulars of undersigned on or A October, 1923. after which date the Executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those en- titled thereto, having regard on claims of which they shall then ha e notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assets whose claims shall not then have been re- ceived. ` DUNCAN F. McCUAIG, Executors' Solicitor, 38-40 Barrie, Ontario. DATED September 19, 1923; 1923} to the of said estate ! i I J t uui UIUHICI. Elllllr Uncles. `Mr. and Mrs. Reed of Victolria Harbour spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. MacLe)- `land. ' `f III ..- -- I an H uouugu. The Misses Corbett of Barrie shenf Sun- day with their aunt, Mrs. Elmer Uncles. I. pP;r'r"n nf "nnvlrnn6n-- 1--~~-' 3`3~ I IGLII-lo Nurse Maclzelland lefi Monday V1.0 nurse at Washago. ` V Thu IJCQ;-an l`.\..L_L; -1` l'I- ` ~ " I In auuus uuuzm-. nu uruua nospltal. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uncles and MISS Geor- gina Uncles of Bradford spent Sunday with his brother. Elmer Uncles. `M . .....: In... 13...! Ar "- - V -- I 91:`? BIKIIIVJJV October 1.--Miss Mary Ma cLe today (Monday) to take up be training course in Orillia Hospital. 1 and MT'S_ (`vn Ithlllnu unrl K upcuu vuc ween-elm WHZ1] 1138!! -Walter Muir had hxs car smashed in a motor acciden ' Saturday night. CENTBAL onp 9R9 5'.T.AT!.5N__ ' pretty `badly, accident in Barrie. us on Lu GULIUHIIIIIO 181 I "take her nurse`:-. "in I-`nay-\:6nl I Reading the advts. is protable `employment. I113 auuurers. To earn a $25 reward. Sam Haynes of Knoxville, Tenn., captured his brother; Bert, who escaped from State's prison where he was serving a 21-year term. for manslaughter and returned him to the prison. Angelo Raggini, of New York, the East Side Caruso, will sail for Rome, October 3, to complete his mus- ical studies, this being made,possible by the raising of a fund of $7,000 [by his admirers. -'l".. ......... .. asnr -., I - -- .uA uul ul BC1 V IUC. \ _Mr. Alfred Beardsiey, the County Mes-I} .:enger. is still a young man, of course. `be efficient and faithful senxce that he .0 there is no need'for him to retire. and I am sure we all hoye it will be pobile for him to continue to render in the future 185 rendered in the past."_ __. _._..-.., ..uu. nun. I\I uuuc. "I understand from your report that `the Mises Beardsley are about to retire, and I sincerely hope that they will receive ap- propriate recognition of their long and faithful service. ` u"_ A1l'._..I 11 I 1 - -- 9* , Irv G ........ .. ynnu uccuu.su:_y ruumy. Your reference to the long and faithful service of theVBeardsleys in this county is exceedingly interesting, and it is indeed unique that the same family, first Mr. John Bearsley, then his wife, and latterly their daughters and son--who. I understand, were bar in t-he portion of the building that we are now sitting in---have held an appointment and performed their duties satisfactorily for nearly four score years. In that time they have known Sir John Beverley Robinson. Chief Justice Draper, Chief Justice Haggart-y, and other great predecessors of th who visit Barrie from (I? ' time to time. e present day judges- .._ -...u-uwvn-|.l l'l'\lIlI|_Y In reply to the presentment of the Grand Jury, Mr. Justice Mowat made the follow- ing `reference to the Beardsley Family." V I 0;I I Vnnr l`n`nrnv\nn 5.. .1... I-.. I P vvugc Jllllllls \.'Uo Miss Laura McLean visited friends ini St. Cuthurines last. week. Mrs. Joseph Cockburn is visiting her ter in Eimvale. A number from here attended the anni- versary services at Crown Hill last Sunday. THE BEARDSLEY FAMILY ._ . .- -rn`ldlnVlI\II\LJ NOTICE hereby given pursuant to the . Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Emily Patterson, late of the Village of Hilladale, in the County of Simcoe, widow, who died on or about the 5th day of September, A.D._. 1923, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on ore before the 15th day of October. 1923, after which date the Executor will distribute . . ceived. 3 DUNCAN F. McCUAIG, _l Executor's Solicitor, 38-40c -Barrie, Ontario. 0 DA-TED September 19, 1923. V 2-------:-? Crocks . . . . 2 Zenoleum . Shoe Brushes` - ...4s.4 u All Who] Under`we-ar, `per gafment. Work Socks,` 4 pairs 98 All Wool Socks, pair; 65c Work Shirts`. . . $1.35 up Boys A Sweaters, $3.49 ea. Boys Overalls, $1.29 pr. A Few of Our Leaclers a Ve 'VVilliam.` Haines and Eleanor Boardman in `.'THREE W4ISE FOOLS" I A Goldwyn Picture Di.-:tri3uteJ 53/ Goldwyn-Cosmogolftan N EW D R EAMLAN D--B| RTH DAY WEE K-N EXT FRI.-SF Charm . . . . . . . . . . . . Pride Wash. Powder, Soap Chips, 2 pkgs. Ivory Soap Flakes. . A Bird Gravel . . . . . . . . Toilet Soap, 3 bars .' Liquid Ammonia-- 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . ` HARDWARE HARDWARE TRY_US_FOR DRY GOODS 25 and 30c Sepa_rator Oil- b 25 n `)5-gal. tin . . . . . . . 65 Black Beauty Axle Grease . 18 25-lb. tin . . . . . . $1.95 VTI --.- ---s.v 17 Ill B'l}'|J DU HOWARD BERTRAM. 39c Returning Officer for Centre Simcoe. 29 10 5c 15c Al0c .25c 3 at Very Low Prices: Peabody s Overalls $2.29 Peabody s Smocks, $2.29 Tufco Overalls $1.89 pr. Tufco Smocks, $1.89 ea. Men S Trousers, $2.95 pr._ --.,...,....,.. _y up, .2 3-- 2 tins Potato Flour. 2 pkgs. \ Extracts, assorted. . . Challenge Milk . . . . Spices, asst., 2 tins Challenge Soap .. THURSDAY, ocrosan 1:, 1923 moolitan ` (-N FR I .-SAT. t.. $1.19 29:: 38c 10c 1 5: 17c 15c Special Visit of Don't fail to h('lI' P Cowan s lecture on "1 Work in India, Thu in Salva.tion(Arm_v ll India. They will an songs. Come and brin David Lloyd The great Welshma Barrie, but a wonder from Wales will. No treat will be afforded Barrie this season th Male Choir which sin House, Saturday night NOTICE TO CREDITORS N(Yl`I{VD :- L Anniversary sq-rx-i Methodist Church, S RGV. Aik(:!Ih(`En the morning at 1] Aike-nhead in th(- (',\'! On Monday evening in store for ever_\'om- Aikenhead deliver in ture, People We M('( also be a good musu Admission to lecturz 35c. \. n uvn. Guthrie ('hur<`h vices, will be hold on Rev; Mr. l3v(`L'1'ul't. will conduct s(t|'\`I(-o- 7 p.m. On ;M;ml.'Ly a fowl supper wil} lu- ed from 6 to 8, zxftt programme will lie :3: Mrs. Beecroft of` (; Barron 0. Barriv. :4.- mission, 200 and HI: --uv\4nJl\I\lll LUCA VVIII ` Meet your friond:~ -Silver" Jubilee, Oct. Supper will be .~:(-rm Mrs. Heath and My Barrie and Mr. Mc-(3 to, besides instrmnu entertain you. Adn and 25 cents. rs . 1 . -- iauwpices of Young_ Afternoon tea will '11, A - - n *\rlIl .uuuuu_y, \l\.b. .3 Don't miss the 5: baking: and deliciou St. Methodist S. S. urday afternoon, (N p... .. ..-~ .1 V J LIIUII . Burton Ave. Met 'ti(*th anniversary, . 11 a.m. and 7 p.m -W. E. Wilson of Ki Church, Toronto. cert, Monday, Oct. `.2 Any; ....',. .1, ` v V; uni: Lidl Ill 1' Don t f()1`p:0t th. the town hall, ,..'h:u evening, Oct. 15. me-It. will be p,'iv-n I and his choir. ru . - ~- D. ........ us 7 Remember thi- concert to he hvld . iri Grand Opera 110 as of the Burriv I" 'I`\ an \:JA\.|\CLl .`|l}Il"' be held in the Unh Hill, 'I`uusdny, (ML gramme. thQ:s`(` Mr. I lcwnm_ out of his widv 1-. .____._-___--. Total expenses for` all candidates $l98.9l Allfefntmnnnfe n6` nv.mnm.. ...... -- AL-

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