Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1923, p. 19

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Wednesday's` gate receipts amounted- to $363 while the concert at night brought in $252. ' ' L`! I` n ---.---5 - -I---um" Cookstown `fair wouldn t be complete without a-horse race. There were three goodevents on the card, furnishing a nice afternoon's amusement: Results were as follows:--. . . . . - . . . ~ ; . . . . . . - . . . . . . . ,!College Dainty. Dr. Culliton. Cal ' donEast... . . . . . . . .. IIHU UUUIILJ - U President Coleman and Secretary Dawson were indefatigable in their efforts to boost the fair and in_this they were well assisted by direclors. ' ' V T uu-uu_y . \I| -nus... II o AIIAEIII4-J; \.Juul\v` town .. Wella Mac. R. S.t`;eph'e.n.s.oI1.' E lIIIICg Gun?` 72. `Birdie Brino, Earl Rowe. M.P.P. Farmers Race~- Wattie Pointer. O. Irwin, Rasp- vmont.V.... Argonaut, W; Ferguson. Schomi DWI 1 {`ll5UllaL|lr_. vv . berg . . . . Billy C. Geo. . "V`Bes{}a.&.'e"2.;9i;." " ' ' Judges. Jas. Moore of Alliston. W. T. lStewart-and R. A. Stephens of Barrie. `Starter. Chas. Blackstock. ' er Hill L.0.L. 89 since his young manhood, "being the oldest member..' A large number of members of this lodge, accompanied by Cookstown L.O.L._. attended in 3 body to pay their last respects to a departed brother. Big Crowd at Fair Considerably over 2000 people attended the Cookstown F air, which was fawored with ideal weather. .It was the` sixty-sixth year for this show and it is still going strong. Entries made almost a record and Cooks- town maintained its reputation for being one of the best purely agricultural shows in the county; 0 `l\ -1 I\I un -\ 5: -1:.2.5..A a-I 'mn ) $1.35 a roli \C-Il\ iFit'z'b's1g'e}{i1'f G}a'ria.}{.' "A1i{s'u3 'aoia.} B69". c';'e'oI 1~*1'e`{ch'."Rds}.' " mom H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best time, 2 .27`/- Best time. 2.49 `/9. `Speeding Contests 1! 9. I 'IJeiJb'.' n$1}st'Z.'}f T1333 .411 .2422} .333~ urT stock of trade. 21 131 l_ -.._, -..,....- ...-\. ---..... AvvuLr|UIul u uvuuv. . We are sorry to report that Rev. R. H. Somerville is not improving in health as rapidly as his many friends would like` to, EDD I """' -""."""" """" "-"" ' I V Congratulations to the teachers of No. 6, Essa and No.9, Innisfil, on the excellent showing their schools made at the School Fair. One of the very young prize-winners l was Oswald McKenzie, who not only ex- hibited the best lamb, but was also award- ` ed the prize for ability to handle it. Not} bad for `a young farmer of seven years. - "The colors are flaming in Autumn trees, The honey s extracted` from John Wwt S .`___M , . Lllc llUlIUy B cauautcu IIUIII UUHII 7' Kl! 3 `bees. Th'e silos are filled, the threshers are busy. And horse-power digestions keep the,cooks 4 busy. A The pumpkin says pies fo each pa$er- +|" J.I>l[` _|JullllJl\lII BII.\D ylt lU CUUKI P%CI' I A`by.. . He s smaller than usual-weather was dry. The darkns comes early, there, s frost in who oh~ ` plla` IJaILUIIo , Mrs. Barlow and Miss Florence are spend- ing a few weeks with Mrs? King of Pene- tanguishene.` - Tl... l\..l.. ..c ....:I4.. .\_.........._1 L-. AL- ur uuuau Auauluus, Datum`, .D.U. I Mrs. Walton of Todmorden is v-isil:ing' her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Walton. who has` recently moved" into Mrs. Rossiter s house. 111 - DEC: I Rzv. Mr. Pugsley, of Elmvale, a'former _pastor of Thornton, has promiesd to bel lone of the speakers` at 'the silver jubilee lsupper.` _ My nllt` Mm I4`.-.-"I f` I(:.... at "l'V,......_4... . foams 1 wucu: LIU uua unxcu u pusn-Ion. . Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scythes and family spent Sundaywith Mr. and Mrs. Scythes at Dalston. |1___ I 11' IVI l II6lI3IlCIICo The bale of quilts prepared by the W. M.S. has been shipped to the Coqualeetza Indian Institute, Sardis. B.C. I My--4 Wulhnn AC "l`...l........l.... :,. _.:-:..:___. nuppcl . ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. King of Toronto,| accompanied by the former s mother, spent.` the week~end with Mrs. King s mother, Mrs. A. E. Ayerst. . 'rknmv1Gnn Durst] ..l.......I -5 IPl...-...I- I.`..`2_.l .1. n. nyclal. - ' I Thornton `Band played at Elmvale Fairi last week and. according to all` reports,j they rendered splendid music. They have! been asked to perfornigat Cookstown Fair} on October 3. ' `ll_.., Ull \JUlU|JCl U. u ' Mrs. Bennett, an old and highly respect- ed resident of Fairview, near Penetangui- shene. who is at present visiting in Barrie. spent Sunday at the home of her former pastor. Rev. W. H. Ad'ams. Dm. M- Lr..u..... ..t M...-. I...-._n __.:ni 1 unit. ` ' The Methodist Ladies Aid will meet in] the basement of the church onFriday after- i _noou of this week, Oct. 5. All the ladies `of the church are invited, as arrangements lane to be completed for the silver jubilee! X supper. _ i l "N... n:....I.. D..n.. ........:.... ...:n 1.... 1.;.u.| .._l LIIC ll. .Ill\1{ UUIIICEV EH11) , lll['lUB IIIEL III the my. And people. are running to this or that Fair. . \ un. 1 . Iv. 11. l'1U'21lll5. ` Rev. Mr. albert of_ New Lowell will, `preach in th Methodist, church-next Sun-I ~day.- exchanging with Rev. W. H. Adams.` lThisVis thecday on which special contri- butions are askt for the Japanese Relief Fund. ' HHL, \1,.L,I-. I ,1--` |'I -u .- 'and the study will open next week. "Every ""i`*ii'circ1e Rally service will be held oni Monday. Oct . 8. The books of the Ghana.` tauqua Reading Course have been received member should be*out every time so_ as not` to miss this interesting work. 7I'\L,, l'\_;,L,, ,. 1- .1 1:1 nun "Iii 'I;i1Ve"0etobe-r meeting ofwt-l;e W.`M.S. will` be held at the home of Mrs. Stephen Grose.' on Wednesday, October 10. This is me] annual life-membership party. Members are: asked to come prepared to vote for the new life member. `A good programme is being prepared. . '1-un Dnllu I\.... ........i.... 1... 41... '|ln6l.....-lint :'r'oBR 4, 1923 } ICPl1IC\ln The Rally Day service in the Methodist Sunday School was both interesting and profitable. and judging from the large num- ber present. a good start has been made for the fall and winter work. Next Sunday the missionary programme will be\__ given by Mrs. LeIinox s Bible Class. ` Miss Beryl Metcalfe is visiting at A. Met- calfe s, Bradford. Miss Mabel Hurrell spent Sunday with friends in Barrie. ` `Mrs; Simpson is visiting her son, Rev. Dr. Simpson, in Toronto. Asa Stewart, Toronto, is visiting his mother, Mrs. M. Stewart. M, .. I..mm. !2`_-.....:.... L .. .......:._ 1.-.... .;__u__ I'llU VV CLIUIICI Mrs. Man: and daughter of Barrie visited at Mrs. J. R. Jamieson's last week. DI .... lit` f`.._L`.La. L..- __..4 L- T!` ' `VI an nun. a. 1. uuuucauu 5 mm WEEK. Elwood Corbett has gone to Blairville, Pa.. where he has taken a position, Ml` unrl T C gnlrflinc and `nl'u\:lIv AuuvuL'|_, Lula. Au. JLcWtIl'lo Mrs. James Farrier has again been under the weather. II... II.__._ ,_._I ,l,_,,I,. 9 1*. ~ - -. I THORNTON ,,,, 7,_______._ Town.Fires -- Farm Fires -- Village Fires -- Mercantile Fires remind us of the advisability gf being adequately insured. We have the companies that will cover your risk. III! I\ II. 1 ;- - u PHONE 962 Town Dwellings and Contents a Specialty UPTOWN TICKET OFFICE AND INFORMATION BUREAU $.35 per sq. `p 211 $6.75 sq. HARDWOOD HARDWOOD SLABS SOFT SLABS' " MIXEDSLABS MIXED WOOD ' KINDLING WOOD Lakeview Fuel C0. I . I TO BE SOLD AT COST PRICE THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET CHEAP FUEL DURING THE NEXT 30 DAYS, WHICH IS THE TIME WE HAVE TO DISPOSE OF IT. IT COMPRISES THE FOLLOWING: A Bankrupt Stock Stop! Look! Listen Lakeview Fuel Co. Capitol Theatre, Wednesday and Thurstlay A. r. A. MACOMSON 'CA I`_li_A_l5I_AI'*J_ '1~iIs.'TiE>'1'~1pL:1'_'1'2'.isL'ii\`2{IIs"Y` -we-u-u u-s--;u-.- -nn- 5-. -. -A . - vn - and con- Mennonite, rI_u:gUEN'r FIRES HAS BEEN SHIPPED TO. THE 'THE PEOPLE'S of ROAD Yards: Dunlap Street East Phone 447W Stores $3.35 {EW Barrie` and 0 per squar "5 per square per square eaner respect- coal) _$ZI'OCCTS. CO. Mary St. Yard on d `difficult to 18 has arrived lOI'6 plentiful. for years and is Anthracite, "$14.00 `$14.00 Gruhmn~~Rowley:--At the Rectory. Elm- sale, Wednesday, October 3. 1923; by Rev. W. C. Stubbs, Harriet `Ruth Rowley and` Robert Graham, both of Fljrs Township. Q ' West Simcoe Rural Deanery ' The Anglican Deanery of West Simcoeg held a very successful Sunday School Con-1, (erence in the Parish Hall on Friday of last week. Delegates were present from Pene- mang, Collingwood, `Stayner, Creemore, Al- Aiandale and Barrie. . An.-- .. _-|..1.....;:..`.. -1: u.;I.. n ..... ..:.... -. -.v--.- -V---- ..- - .. I-vvua `i . . V - no Jvvunl . own terms. . Town Properties---Some `exception- * ally good value. Farms--Some of the bst in the country at right prices. Market Gardens---We have some nicg ones. ` T IVIVII um auu. IJC5. l%| WUUB. Born, on September 30. 1923. to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Boyce. a daughter. ` (Inn "1'nlrlv:nn un "n D I nu.-ma... `unis: A great deal of interest has been shgwnl all over the world in the recent discovery of "'lnun"n" Mu nnnfnr Rnnna for {Jun Oi-nnf. dJI UVCI WIIC WUIIU ICI IIJC ICUUIIU ulBUU\ClJ Ul "Insulin" by Doctor Banting for the treat- ment of `diabetes. "Last week this wonderful remedy was made use of in Elmvale by 3 local doctor.' The reports are that the pa- *ient. is wonderfully improved. Elmvale is abreast of the times. Our list affords you wide hoice'of a home and you can buy one on your Au.--u 1......-.. I David Beardsall is spending a week with iriends in On). Y..." I?` __ `-)_7____`__ . 0 .`.- u,` I I ICIIK `II VI`, o 1 Mrs. Jas. E. Beardsall visiting with friends in Toronto. I A lVI___!,Lf_ fr , ' 1| ea coal l . yr clml~'.~ aIvc|_)' . Mr. and mwn spent Lawson's. II__._ II.. .... ..~.-...... .........- ......- "{.}.}i"'1i}I`s. E; c..m,$ieii' and am! Lorne. and Mr. nd Mm. W. E. 'I`hompson| attended the T ompson-Ba'teman nuptials. .-2? Mount Forest on Wednesday of this wselmi fllllulll uuu lJiSl'l'll3u. ' i After a celebration of Holy Communion` at 10.20, the conference began in the Hall, preaaided over by the Rural Dean, the Rev. H. A. Ben0liel' of Collingwood. Very in- I-H1-III!` VlBlLC\l IIICIHIB Ill |IUWlI- Refv. and Mrs.McI)onald, Wyeale. and Mrs. Allan visited Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm lately. ` ll- 4..-I LI. Dn..6 II`.J..... 0-..... fV...._l-.. IJIWSUII `V. - -Mrs. Hnroltl Bell and baby of Gilford vis-' ited last week with her parents, Mr. and um Jun` mu 7 1 I131 IE! WUCIK Mrs. Jas . Hill. 111:... lZ`.|...:.L _ ..'\lIDo GK. lllllo l `Miss Edythe Copeland returned to Tor- onto on Monday after spending a week with `her mother. Mrs. E. Copeland. I A low-an nnnnknw `Fl\lV\ I-`e nnrnrnnnlnv at, KPVI lll.()|4llL`lg LVI-IE: 13 \JU`IUIlI`l- A large [number from this community at- mnded Midland Fair on Saturday and re,-. gmrt a large crowd and good fair. . W ORA M"G r`.I'OYI.Yv.I\I'l" I .I\Fl\(l l`,IV!)IIVcf\I`IJ gnlll PI IKIIEU UIIIVVLI auu SUUU Calla Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Lorne Crawford and Miss Coleman of Toronto were Fair vis- xtnm at the homefof W. A. Malcolm. ' I 11.. ....A ll- Il ..(V..Il,.-L Qt -ll`_IL .... __ 1 IUW uaya VVU/ll L111. llllll U115. lCllUUlllla Rev. E. E. and Mrs. Pugsley attended the Toronto Young People's League "biennial :-onvenrion held in Brampton last week. Immon. l'\ mu! re 'l`,...mn..n.. mm-n....l on :1) i.'1'6 5 iii l"llVlIlII-IIIIII LIITIII III lllalllllbllll IK| VVCWBI Doctor D. and Mrs. Corcoran motored to Tgronto last Thursday. The Doctm:__spent Friday at Dr. Banting :-I clinic learninfthe Jatest. methods of the treatment of diabetes. sea US BEFORE YOU BUY on SELL Phones: Office 881, Residence 864w ?AFTR1PEFi& G"-WY Exclusive heal Estate A_gent_s'l nun nun. uu.._ I uuu. a uni. ` ' _ Jno. Cooper of Belleville spent a few days withhis son. Reg. last week: . I Rn:-n nu gnu-dAn\1\nn Q0 1009 6.. `Km and JAIL!" HCIC lvlll WCCl\u Born. on September 30. 1921K :6 Mr. and Mrs. Ed._ Pilon. a son. ' I ..- I` .... ._ .1 I)-II___1ll, _,___ I Jll. HIE. (Iv lJU |JCg I3 l.IlIUb'IlUCI'o Geo. Hickhng andvM1ss P. Lawson from Barrie visited friends In town. 13...`. .._.J u__ nn_n.-_..u ur_._,',,,u, ,1 ZIIIID GU UIIU IIUIIIC U! 7': (I. KVIUIUIIIIIII Mr. and Mrs. Moulloch of `Melbourne. Australia. who are touring the world, spent :. few days with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm. I RBIY h` w CIIIIJ DIIlH;D`I JloK7lllJl3 III lUl\)"l-\Io L. A. Christie as renewing old acquaint.- mce here this week. I')_,_.__ _ ... G_,,;-.,.L, nn unnn . 11 . 5.12033 Office: 46 B_a_ye|d SIC, Bavrrie - P. 0. 1_3_ox 1011 IIIUU UHCD: If it'is Real Estate, SaleBegins Friday Oct. 12%, at 9.30 a.m `Sharp nus: MERCHANTS CLEARING nous: ' ELMVALE NEWS 'I'he Most SggsaLti`oi1al'Sa1le Ever Attempted\ in Ba\rri- -eu AT BOTHWISLIIS BLOCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ------o--------:-18 DAYS ONLY-----7-o----- $20,000 worth of Boots and Shoes, also all kinds of White Canvas Goods and Rubbers Bought under the Hammer at 25c on the $ $ $ J05. DEITEL;\SALE5 SPECIALIST IN CHARGE OF THIS GREAT `BIG SALE Mrs. Bert Fisher from Cooks- a few day}; last week at M. Married 4.65 square ft. in mil) as; non II we have it. `F1-e_e~for-all`:aL' Robert C. Dan Forbes 9.` Peter S; .. `D... _"'.'o. .'6 1=}I[oE Billy Mons Maud Wilks .. Johnny Puzzler ` 120$! DIIIIU ` `230 Face or Trot-- Lucy Peters .... Monto Lou VBet-ty the Great nnuf Hrnn .V'C| puumuuy. The deceased is survived by. three daugh- ters and one son: Mrs. Barry Jebb, Cooks- town; Mrs. George Wilkinson, -Alliston ; Flor- ence and Ijorman at "home. They have the sincere sympathy of everyone in their Used bereavement of a kind and indulgent father. The deceased was -a member of the Methodist church andswasborn and spent his life in the immediate vicinity of "his home. . sThe iuneral service took place Monday lafternoor? to Alliston cemetery and was `conducted by his pastor, Rev. Mr. Atton. `assisted by Rev. W. H. Bartlet-t. Thu IIAIIAIIQAA I-unpl Luna :1 nun-...L-.. C l`I4.. iteresting papers were read by'Rev. Dr.i Whittaker of Penetang; Rev.yColclough oft Creemore; Rev. Ro_vyMelville of Allandale; Rev. _A. R. Beverley of `Barrie. on subjects relating to Sunday School work. . Fair a Great Succem r Abuixdant success rewarded the officers and directors of the Flos Agricultural So-' ciety for the efforts they put forth to pro- mote the annual exhibition. `Last week's big e7ent was the greatest in the Society s history. the attendance was the `largest !on record and the entry*list exceeded that lof any year since the present secretary has -handled the books. T `day's gate was i$5 less than last year wh h had the record nf.f.nnrl:umn fnr ltlnn am-nnrl dun \l7mln4m_ . ..- ---v vvvwvuh .vuuur~- It was with sincere regret that word was received here of the death of Robert Camp- bell. in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, September 28, following his accident on September 19. Mr. Campbellwhile enjoy- ing his usual good health attended Barrie Fair and owas very severely hurt by a running horse bolting through` the crowd, causing such injuries that, despite all that. medical skill and good `nursing could do, death ensued. His sufferings were borne .very patiently. A Ilnnnocnd in urn-uriuuu-I lru. LL...-H. .I...._L }llU\'C|l l.ll'.2|ll_n`CIVCD VCl._V UICVCF UIlLUl'l:?1lll[`.l'No The `show had quality. as well as quani-| tity. many fine exhibits being seen in hora-` les. cattle, sheep, swine, poultry and in other departments. Creditable displays-were made by several merchants- A list of the gprizewvinners will b found on pages 3'anrlI an U- ! Much credit is due to President Rowley. Secretary McDerniott and others for their energetic endeavors in promoting the fair. Thornton band was generous with its music and its selections won decided favor.` I7lII'lsC_lIl|i cuucavuxa ul pruuxuuug UH.` Rut.` its its favor. I T The Races As_usual the main interest centred` in the speeding events and" these contests were well worth seeing. Thefree-for-all was -par- I ticularly exciting. the first two heats beingl I won, by a nose. Wm. Hul1 of~Erin was starter. 13.. _... ..._..` '1`..- L ubher news W 'i`_rg:orb `i "Jimmy Puzzler . Dan Patch Billy the Great . Jimmy Boyd .. r\Al\I'\ I [Wu IUBB yuan Idol: yK`(ll WUILI IHMI MIC vl'l'.'UUX'U iattendance for the second day. Wednes- day's gate unounterl to $901.45. Thu nunnrln AC nnlnnnl nInllJ....... ...- "l`...... lI_V O gau: KIIIIUIIIIIK`-ll DU WV`-7111! . The parade of school children on Tues- day had 550 on the march. actual count. It was headed by Thornton band and in- cluded three oats. Nearly all the schools were represented. many scholars being be- decked forthe occasion. _LA__-A_,` L, `L, , \lCUl\U|I IKII lIlII'- UUUUBIUII. ` A recordcrowd was attracted to the con-l cert put on by the Glenroy Troupe whoi proved themselves very clever entertainers. I`lnn `ck.-nu luml nivnnfuv .... ml! M. ........ Farmers` T1-ot--- Monto Lou` . . . . . . . Billy Mons . . . . . . . Pat Montalvo, .. Maud Wilks aaxagcu uy ucv. u. u. uurmsu. The deceased [mad been a member of Clov- The Late Robert Caimpbgell COOKSTOWN ICDII -uuc vvuw Best time 2.291/4. .11 , 'Is'esiV im'e' `-2.45%.," . .. "l`....o [0 nusr "13'ei' :{zi1' 2'.&`I ' Trot--- ; ' Pac&~- `In thegmaiii building there was an ex- cellent display of ladies` and children's work, baking being a strong feature. In the flower section. potted plants and asters were very good. Roots were the best seen at aglocal fair this year and the apples: lwere a superior lot. ~ I Horses. cattle. sheep and` swine were ex- ceedingly good. Light? horses-had many entries. Among the sheep breeders showing were: R. F. Carecadden. Bradford; Chas. Henry. Thdmton; M. J. Kehoe, Bolton"; Cra ford & Son, Minesing; Brethet & Son, Tot enham; W. J. McMaater. Cookstown; Clare Shaw_.. Schomberg. The two last` exhibited hogs as-did also W. D. Hawkins of Alliston. Among the cattle exhibitors were Patton 6: Son, Geo. .Keast.and J. A. Len- nnx. Some good birds were seen in the lpoultry section, the biggest exhibitors in a which were... A. Chantler of Barrie andl !Chantler 6: Son of Newton Robinson. I ,1=I-'u:_souL'or'A GIRL LAID BARE!` Nn nnn hut Lni Wnhnr tho fnranumo urn. I No one but Lois Weber. the foremost wo- man director in pictures today, could have ?successfully produced A Chapter in Her Life." It took a woman s understanding and appreciation to interpret and portray all the power and pathos of Clara Louise Burnham's famous novel, Jewel. The innermost thoughts. the very soul of a girl. -_`her bones and desires have been picturized ;in a way that will hold you engrossed and ienchanted to the` very end. No wonder it has created such asensation in/film circles and has been hailed as one of the outstand-` ing films of the current season. It is a big. clean. wholesom picture that the whole family can and should see. Inter- preted by a powerful cast featuring Claude 'Gillingyv'ater. Jacqueline Gadsden; Jane Mercer.--Capit-ol Theatre, Friday and Sat- urday of next week. ` 40x I James McEachern of Con. 5, Sun- lnidale, tried in Collingwood last week on a charge of distilling liquor, was, fingd $200 and costs.. . ` Free-for-.aIl- / Bertha Walsh, Dr. Riddell, Orange- ville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jimmy Fortune. W. Hughes. Cooks- G nu-n A `R650 per ton @000 per ton 3.50 per ton P) $12.50 ton

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