Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1923, p. 14

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(mun .~'u`uCK our. U runs, 0 hits. 1 error.' B:u'rie-~L_vnch singled to left; L. Emms rolled to Alst; Clark error by 3rd; Lynch out stealing 3rd; Powell out to 3111. 0 runs, ' 1 hit. I error. ` _ `Fifth Inning Ivy---E. Jennett out short to Bunting our 3rd to 1st; McQua I-nu Lu 0...]. l"~-- ; uun (U uuullg Ivy~-B. Jennett error by 2nd; stole 2 L. Jennett .~ztruck out; B. Jennett `to 3rc passed ball; T. Banting` out pitcher to Hutton strhck out. 0 er n....-:.. 1....-L - ' - - - A uul .~Lr;tuug al'(1 error. _.- veil \ nub, I McQua_v safe error by Clark. scoring Hat- Elghfh Illnlllg I ton; C-oxworth fanned; F. Banting forced E.] i Iv_v-l. Banting. out to left; B. Jennert -Jennett at plate; B. Jennett struck out. 2lout 2nd to 1st;_L. Jennett error by short;i 'ru. ierror. lk .1 ) i T. Banting out 2nd to 1st. 0 runs. 0 hits.i . arr1e,--- . Minis wa er ; to 2.n( errorll error. i \ . J [by pitcher; Dobson out pitcher to 1st;l Bari-ie- -Cooper hit: home run to deepl Lynch out to centre; 1'). Emms to 3rd on i right; D. Emnis singled over 2nd; Dobsonl _ passed ball; L. Enuns struck out. '0 runs. : singled to left; Lynch forced Emms at 3:11; 0 `hits. 1 error. . lI.. Emms singled. filling bases; Clark struck .Second_ Inning . ! out. 1 run. 4 hits, 0` errors. ' Ivys-L. Jennett whiffed; T. Bantingi ` A Ninth Imlingi . singled to left; stole-2nd; Hatton out pitcher I\'y-~-Hatton out short to 1st; E. Jennett to 1st advancing Banting to 3rd; E. Jen-gsingled; forced at 2nd by W. 1'). Banting; lnett fanned. 0 runs. 1 hit. 0 errors. fMcQuay out to pitcher. '0 runs,V1 hit, 0 Barrie-Clark walked; out stealing 2nd;terror.<. `Powell struck out; Livingston safe errori Barrie-~i--Powell out to -L. Jennett; Living- by 1st; scored on error by short; Plant outiston laced out nice single to left and made pitcher to let. 1-run. 0 hits. 2 errors. fthc circuit when L. Jennett let ball away - qinjrd Inning Iifrom him ;_ Twiss out to centre; Cooper 1 I\.y_.\V' E_ Banting walked; McQu8y;fanned. I run. I hit, I error. V _ singled to left; Coxworth forced Banting at ' Temh I"'m8 - ' 1 3rd, left to 3rd; F. Banting hit into fasti I\'y-H. Jcnnett. (batting for Co.\'w0rthi double, Clarkto D. Ennns (nice catch byisafe error by short; forced at 2nd by F. I Clark). 0 runs, 1 hit. 0 errors. lBanting; B. Jennett fanned; L. Jennett Barrie--Co`oper `struck out; D. Emmslsingled. scoring F. Banting; T. Banting out safeerror by short; out stealing 2nd; Dobglpitcher to 1st. `1 run. 1 hit 1 nrrnr cnn nut ....o..l...._ ;. lto .uLmIuu uuuug 3 Out` I 4 Jennett to pitcher` Jen- 5 singled; _ . ;McQua_v our to Barrie--~i--Poxve 1-run. whe Third Ifrom him; T McQuay`lfam'e'l' -"ll"; Slngld l'.l) lFfl" {`.l\VlIrnuIflr\ G`.-.-n~J V7 " ` ixuzla. .1 1111.5 . 1 error. . I | Barrie---1). Emms walked; 2nd error! by Isl ; ` I on! _runs,E 4 ) Vi/hen lvv Beat Barrie in Barrie by 614: . i 5 I I on Sentember 26. I E I First Inning l l |. lv_v-~~'I`. :Bunting walked; Hutton Vsingled :10 left; E. Jennett. singled to left; W. E.` Banting walked. forcing in T. Banting; sc0ring- forced E. 1 Jenm-it 2! runs. 2 hits. I A. l I p,.....:,. n m_.,, -- - A - [DETAILS OF PLAY IN % g ! BARRIE-IVY MATCH} .5 uul puuucr to 1S[;l | error. led F|I`l'nI` kn '1-"I - 7 ----`-I - - ..--- tuna-AVOIIIO If you are troubledpwith pimples, blackheads, redness, roughness, itching and burning, which disg- ure your complexion and skin, Cuti- cura Soap and -Ointment will do much to help you. Always include the CuticuravTa1_cum in your toilet preparations. Soap 25. Ointment 25 and 50:. Tnlcnm 25:. Sold throughout theDuminion. CanauinnDepot: I. am. Limited. 344 St. Paul St.. W.. Montreal. uticura S havewwithuut mu . 2nd;l 3. to 3rd on] nut nl+..l..'.... L- 1r~r ll Ull lst ; unnu- E. Williams . . .. T. Villiers . . . . .. R. Wolfemlen . W. Crossland . T. Rogers . . . . .. Dr. Rogers . . . . H. A. Goodwin Bert Marwood .. .4 , .....b.\u. auuuug 1`. Dllllllg; J -{pitcher run. hit. 1 ll Barrie -D. Emms out to c .;-zingled; out going to 2nd. r Lynch singled; scored on L. ; and an error; Clark fanned. .i1 prrnr .......\.u. .. Luna. Barrie-Powell out. our short to 1st; T.wis Cooper singled; D. E1 3rd for last out of g: 1 error. - \..\u. c I Eleventh Inning . Iv_v~-Hzm0n walked; stole 2nd; E. Jen- |nett out to 3rd; W. E. Banting . error lb)-' 3rd; both scored wide throw to 2nd by catcher; McQuay out short to 1st; H. Jen- netr fanned. '2 runs. 0 hits. 2 errors. Rut-rin___D,....'..Il ....- A ` I g,~\ r\.lIlll Luuulg I I\'_v-Hatmn ou't 2nd to 1st; E. Jennott '(louble_d to left_; to 3rd error by left ;_ .-(:0re(l _ {on W. B:-mting s single; McQuay smxck out ; Banting (L. Jc-nnvt-t) to 3rd 011 passed ball: ; .}(7oxwnr_t}_1 fanned. 1 run. 2 hits. 1'erx'0r. i. Barrie---l 0well walked; Livingstml hil. iinto double play. B. Jennetx to F. Bzmt-M_ ling; Twiss (batting for Plant! struck out. I0 runs. 0 hits. 0 errmfs. -r\IIl|I|.- HUI` DLUU Practice shoot, Sept. 26. at 25 \ 'owell out . on `strikes ; Livingston Twiss safe ermxv by short ledf ]V`.h)I1\n rl\I\nr\rl 'I`---17 I Sevcn'th Inning . ,.._. n,,| . , ..n..: azut ermv n_\' SD01 Emms forced TWISS game." 0 runs. 1 h . 1 error. centre; Dobson right In short; 4. Ennn.<' single 1 run. 3 hits. clay birds: Broke .1 n THE BARRIE EXAMINER E 22 21 20 20 15 ,-v \` (ll ' hit. I` ....u MC nu LUSL VV(``Kl .i September 24.~The Anglican Harvest :fHo2ue .~er\'i(-es will be held on October 7 in- st~en(l of September 30. The Rev. Allen , 0f Toronto will preach morning and even- mg. Special music by the choir. .` A number from here` took in the anni- \`er.<:-n'_v _. at Townline and Ut-opla `on Sunday. 1'. n - -v | to tone andvstg-ongthon tho organs of digestion and elimination. improve appetite. atop suck headaches, rolievo bil- lousnosa correct constipation. The ac romptly pleasantly. mil ly. yo thoroughly. |n.u.'. 1lll'lIU-S Here. Dr. F. and Davis and little son spe-n time with friends here. Too had our boys lid not Wzll out in l)-c` ball 21! Alliston last Friduy. -Mrs. Svs.-u't of Conmiaudor is visiting . sister. Mrs. Watt. ` The. Rev. G. G. and I)re_ver of T 01126 called `on friends here. `Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Arnold motored Toronto on Montlay to spend a couple days with friends there. "'2' 4lYIll \/fun D---' " ` ` "' it.!. 1 n. An xzu rionds L. I I cut) 1 here. .I \A- Ull u.`lXll(1)'. Mia: B(=.< Hutton. who training for .21 i.l1r.se in tliegeiicral h0. T0mnt0.i` iis .<;:en(ling zi few days at her home here. 2 ! 1\_Er:`. J. I). Currie has returned to _her Ihonmin Buffalo after spending some w=ek.~' |wit.I. friends hprp. ` (T00 Juuu xart 1'uull_\'. xx`! her \ Tor ' I I Kr ?-.. II` I) 1 ' v I ' me me "Last wmekjr Axlgliciul ] . . . . 7:1] L... L.,lI A - nglican ,m I'\..+..L.... -1 :7 ... nn\.A\. 1 base- _` u1`lu1tfU. I Five armed men } wld up a gzmibiing? house iv I-Ia_\'den\'i Ile, Mass,.. wound-a ing two alleged automobile :-'a1nb}m*::.' and. escaping in an automobile with? more than $6,000 in cash and jewelry. _ # and~stI-ongthon IlA nus.-an AI AI.---4:-_ --A Ez'm3E=t. Chadwick, 30. fell uut of 2,.` boat. \','h*.Ie fishing at ;\'c~v.' .v`Ii!f<.~1'.fi.f Conn. HE: b1'othex'. Emmart, 40, jun1;;-' ed after him and both '(1z'own.-d. I ; Mrs. Alma Frenl-rei, E>5;\\ alh:i11g inf her sleep. fell from :1 fo112`:}: fl- 2rTv`;` window at NU\V"YOl"k and was fatally. ;injured. . Z I `Hun _;--J,, v -~ friends here last week. It is thirry-mw _\'(-:.r.< since Mr.` Speerslefx I{'y. He sznv u wmxderful chzmge. A great mzmy of ih:.<- who. were here then are pa.'~:.~`e-(1 to the (ire-an Beyond and the younger ones are taking their places. There was not a car in 11)} part; nuw :1 horse and L-u_;g_v on the rmui 1:5 ::!1nu.~I` :1 r:1ri:_\'. here \'n. ... ......... 3.7- L` HM -`ED bi rash or itchi <~`.r;r\, 'l'.\L_--__y, I` . _ 903515.; mg: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1923 --.._ .. El Laau or ncmng `'4--`' skin? jc hnson s Baby Pow- der gives quick relief and keeps infants cooi and comfortable. Try tin; Drugstore First itching nhu '71`-"- Tomorrow'_A-lright THURSDA Y, ' yag ..\..` Fourteen . Sixth Inning A h'_\'-~-F.-Bantir.g out short to 1st; B. Jlniett error by Cooper; L. Jennett_.out to Livingston; T. Banting out to Cooper. 0 runs. 0 hits. 1 error. R.nw l.. hnL-~~~ --` " ' ` f ., -_. ..-...uu uul mnul U) 151; W. L`). McQuay_ safe, er.- rur by 2nd; Cn.\'worth out "pitcher to 1st. [0 runs. 0 hits. 1 error. B:\rrie--rI.ivingston out to Jennett. (good catch); Plant out 2nd-t0 lst; Coop? safe error by 1st; D. Emms out` catcher 0 1st. 0 runs. 0 hits. 1 error.

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