Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1923, p. 13

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y0u'0f silk f complete- bers of wo- at they are e been able Fred c. McDonald left->last week to at- tetid Osgoode Hall. V T W A (`nu-`nu I-non Hanan nnlln nunny fn Nan! L UFL 'Ul.I uumuun. Mm. Chas. W. Lowe and baby Marion are visiting in Toronto "Ia A` 'I"'.u-4-.-`.0.-. :e I-;.1;;nn uv ant` VIBH-Ills Ill IUYUHDQ Mxs. Jebb of Toronto is visiting Mr. and ' Mrs. John Mackay. I4` `D.-.10.... `nun-.6 an `nnv 4-hum .201. 6'-11....-l.= Ill IUIUUDU IUBI WCCRa Bert Robertson of Worsley St. motored to Newmarket on Sunday. v 11! n I!` 1.31. an 0 I I I-`LIB. IIULIII llIlIUBJn E. Bolton `spent a few days with frinds in Toronto last week. I)__A f!-L__4_-_ -1 I`lY___I__. DA A.-4_-._-_! .--.--- v- -.--....-_,- I `ii ? Speers of Sault ste Marie has been visiting his mother, who has been ill. It I `I II? I II VI` I vs no The groom s favours were: to the bride, a cheque; to` the attendants, a grey suede handbag, and tie pin; to the organist, a vanity case; and to the ushers, fountain pens. Ahmu Hm mu-nmnnv Han mmnfs mntnrnd pens. After the ceremony the guests motored to the home of the bride, where a dainty wedding breakfast was served, after which t-hehappy couple left for Theodore, Sask., to spend a few weeks beforetaking up their residence in Allandale. Members of the Barrie Kiwanis Club were given a lot of information regarding the marvels of the X-Ray at their weekly luncheon last Friday. The speaker of the day was Dr. How- ard Dickson of the X-Ray Department of the Toronto General Hospital. Dr Dickson is a member of the Down- Town Kiwanis Club, Toronto. ' AnL-,_ ..-`l-A..... `L_._- Y'\.. r`l5......L....... UVVII Ltlvvullna \lA\IIl` avavaavv . After relating how Dr. Roentgen,` a German professor had ac- cidentally made this wonderful dis covery 25 years ago, the speaker went on to tell of developments and to give a description of how the X- Ray is produced and used. Although the information was necessarily largely of a technical nature, he im- parted it in an interesting way. He emphasized the high cost of the equipment, whichshas -to be handled with the greatest care. -n_ n:..1-...... ..1........n.....J `I......~a.L- v s . . 29 3' wide, .20c Wlbu VIII; 5Auuvuuv Dr. Dickson described how`the X- Ray is used in _medical and surgical diagnosis and how the position of foreign bodies can be located with mathematical exactitude. ' Reference was made to the value of the X-Ray in the detection of cancer and the treatment of certain forms. Some types,ofcancer can be cured by X- Ray, but there are others on which it has no effect. _ ` an-nn -I\,,,___,_ ____,_ .1__ 1_ 7 A ` ,. II; VI a \.lo VVEICILJI It was decided to entertain players -and officers of the Barrie Baseball Club at one 9f the `weekly luncheons soon. ll: Mun I A v v n . V v v- Cliff Brown was the booster` for the week. . His attendance prize of a -"leather handkerchief case was won by W. C. Walls. `I L nu... Jnnh-IAA J-A ..-`L.-...J-..... -1 .... _... KIWANIANS TOLD OF X-RAY PERSONAL nu.-: BARRIE EXAMINER and Mrs. Mr. and in our COAT DEPT . we are showing a most complete range of F all and Winter Coats. Coats for every occasion of the day-Sports--Business--and General Wear--tailored with a thoroughness that assureshighly satisfactory service For motoring, travelling, business or street wear, practical and always smart they prove popular with well dressed women. Good choice of styles, buttoned, side-tie or buckle fastenings and new collars and sleeves. All sizes. V That indulge in Plaids; Checks, Overchecks, as well as plain colors, and that sell at unusually at- tractive prices. $19.00 tc) 29.00 A Big Collection of Coats Made of heavy blanket-finish materials with plaid back in light shades of blue, grey and fawn heath- er. Raglan sleeves, all-round belts, leather but- tons, plain or pleated back are the rule. Sizes from 5 f0 2_0_years. Prices ajcco/rdingly. Sarieanl &%King, Limited F or Girls and Misses AT PRICES THAT SIMPLY CAN T BE BEAT Burberry Coats A rack full of very specially priced coats for women and Misses, of good styles and all wool cloths. They are lined throughout and well made, All colors. Excep- tional value. "Come in and look them over today. Beautifully trimmed with fur and side ornament and dis- closing in every detail the Northway superiority in style, quality and workmanship. . $45.QOand $50.00 9 Phone 25 nal, brown, . . . . $1.59 SPORTS CQATS b:RJEANT & KING, LIMITED PLAIN VELOUR COATS $17.50 $ I 0.00 to $19.00 In the New Autumn Fashions Coats of Marvella and Cerona SNAPPY NEW u. BARRlE S BEST COAT HOUSE F UR-TRIIVIIVIED COATS An attractive group of dressy Velour coats that feature the newest ideas of the seasonsuch as straightline silhouette, side-tie, shawl collar and loose fitting sleeves. Colors, Brown, Beaver and Reindeer. kxtra, $2.98 A CLEARING OF See our new Tube-style ftnr-trimmed Velour Coat at $21.50 ' IT S A WONDER $21.50 to $37.50 ECONOMICALLY PRICED SERVICEABLE 440 and 42 Dunlop St. Page Thm.. memory .nry_, wha Daig Blue and white, camel and A- -14 lat 2 for 25 nomory of my dear 1 who died Oct. 5, wanders, shadows fall. ':~: of happiness. L 7 ns, dippers, you should . 15c each LTOBERT 4, 1923 o Yuuuvwua `e range 0 Q1 l\I!" EV - $3.00 1g,VS4 inch- 00`! (IF FQRIAM roves iger, Father, Broth- era and Sister. uulunllm au cents lue at . . . . and $2.00 . 79c s;e;;.: ':r.' to 17, $1.50 "$136 "$195 f- my doc: died Oat. . A quiet wedding took place at the home .13 o'clock noon, when Miss Bertha Moln- V\`lB\lI\lVl'-'lVlvI II I vvu - "4 Mr. and Mrs. Jae. McDermott. Woreley Stu Barrie, on Wednesday, S0Pt- 26: 3` `"911. daughter of Mrs. Molntoeh, Utopia. `Was united in marriage to Mr. John 08- 507110. of Alliaton. The ceremony. Whih "5 Performed by the Rev. Rural D6311 D0". of Ivy, took place in the drawi_n8 mom which was tastefully decorated w_1th `Stars and ferns. After a dainty wedding breakfast the happy couple left for a short, "ddi!18 trip to Toronto and other places. t `On their return they will reside in Alliston. V 141:; BROWN-BUIE A Pretty but quiet wedding took place on " `SPt~ 19, at the home of Mr. and Mrs . J 3' Bul. Sunnidole Corners, when their only i daughter, Sadie Adeline, was united in the hl3 bonds of matrimony to Mr. Gordon ETOWII. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Own. the ceremony being performed by "3 Roy. Kenneth McLean in the presence 0f the immediate relatives of` thebride and g"m- At "twelve o'clock touthe strains "l the wedding march played by the groom s ""1? Wet. Mrs. Gordon Moir,-the groom :"t}'8d the parlor followed by the bride .`n8 on the arm of her father, and wear- . g Q 30Wn of ivory mulberry Duehesae eat- a trimmed with silk georgette, and core88 F qt of pale pink and 3 white roaebude. Wmz the ceremony -and the usual con- THURSDAY, ocminan 4. 1923 It's a typical Herbert Rawlinson role Universal "offers in this photo- ~p1ay---We ask you to come and enjoy it as we enjoyed it when we first saw it! Overalls and satins----ivvers and Rolls-Royces--pet dogs and babies --prize ghts and society hops--smiles and tears, hopes and fears-- knocks and boosts-love and hate---greed` and chivalry--al1 rolled onto the screen in the speediest and most hilarious blending of con- trasts you ever saw. Yeah, Bo!---You'll say so !-You ll say` this is the best entertainment you have ever had. You'll say that Alex- T _ ander Dumas was a million years behind the times with The Three Musketeers when you see-- SUNNY JIM IS THE COMEDY We offer this picture in answer to your demand for BETTER PIC, 'I`URES--pictures of real entertain- ment that ethe.WI-IOLIE FAMILY CAN SEE! T with Brownie, - the Wonder Dog. - PRICES: 15c and 25c H. C. Witwer ; Marvellous Cosmopblitan Magazine Story brought to life on the screen. One Wppderful Night Court, Westminatbr Sunday, Sept. 30, nt daughter of Dr.` Currie. { ' -~-t0 present to our patrons a pictur ` as swiftly and pleasantly `entertain. /mg as this story of a young man who met adventure and romance more than half-way! You will wonder that so much can happen to one young man in one re- volution of a c1ock s hands-and you'll sit on the edge of your seat to see what's going to happen next! All the charming chivalry, sizzling action and sparkling romance of The Three eM'usketeers and When Knighthood was in Flower brought up to date and told on the screen .in.H._ C. Witwer s inimit- ablyvbreezy_ style--~a delightful comedy-drama with a D Artagnan in overalls and a 1923 Mary Tudor in gingham. DON T MISS IT! We Are Proud- Royal" Welsh Choir--Saturday, Oct. 13 The Dumbells in Cheerio-Monday, Oct. 15 Royal Chef, Comic Opera-Tues.-Wed., Oct. 16-17 The Westbound .Limited---Oct. 22, 23 and 24 The Message of the Bluebird--Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 SOON : . . THE FALL OF BABYLON (Griffiths Picture) Mrs. Wallace Reid in Human Wreckage Bringing Up Father on Broadway and Gus Hill s Big Minstrels ' Special Orchestral Musical Score, Friday and Saturday ' . Overture from ` The Bohemian Girl MON., TUI-`.S., wan. . ocr. s, 9 AND 10 JOHNNIE WALKER ._-..l N... The 4th Musketeer? Story by LOUIS TRACY` Directed by STUART PATON l'HURS., FRI., SAT. . OCT; 4, 5 AND 5 HERBERT RAWLINSON . , _...|N.._.. 0SBORNE-Mc| NTOSH price, `$1.75 riced, $1.75 ATTR_ACT!0NS : gratulations the bride led the way to the dining room where the wedding repast was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Brown left amid showers of confetti by motor for Toronto, the bridewearing a navy tail- ored serge suit with silk radium lace blouse and velvet hat to match. ' All the residence of the bride`s parents, 1457 Argyle St., Regina, Wednesday, Sept. ` 12, at 5 o clock, Norman Clyve MaeAuley and Miss Marion Marr Beelby were married by Rev. A. J. Tufts. Owing to recent be- reavement in the family the wedding-was a very quiet one. Wm. Ellwood Beelby and Miss Beryl Lenore Creighton attended the bridal couple and signed the register. The bride wore a travelling suit of navy blue gabordine with embroidered georgette blouse, and hat of peacock blue in a poke vmodel., Among the giftsyreoeived by the bride were a cut glass water set from the T. Eaton Go., and case of silverware from `the staff. After the wedding supper, the bridal couple left on the C.N.R. for Win- nipeg. They will. reside in the Stephens Apartments, Dewdney Avenue, Regina. , The bride, who was formerly of Thom- ton. is a granddaughter of Mrs; Harry Mart, |Barrie, and a niece of C. H. Beelby, Barrie. 0'\b--u- _ Grenfel Union. Church,` ` ed with esters and ferns, _anu Ierns, was vuv u......, .,. a pretty wedding on Saturday, Sept. 29, when Alice` Amelia. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Parr, wasgunit-ed in marriage to Mr. Albert Edward Allen, Ba;-. rie. son of Mr. and Mrs.` P. Allen, Mar-_ state, England. `Rev. S. Martm of Hawkg. `JV. 5.- gate, Ion 0! Lin 0 vuunv J\-IIIL nulJ3Iv; In We do not like making :these explanations thro the press, but feel that a little enlightenment will help. ` 7I'|Y_I'I.` II A \l A fV`l:"ll`l\'YfI'\ ` .,..........,...... If you give us your ; support we will maintain a good musical organiza- tion, which will improve from time to time. Come and hear our music Fri- day and Saturday. If you like it, _tell us-,' if not, tell 3 us how to improve it. In .u.n......._....... I......1 'I\l ...- ....... swans UV \-|\I it, but you must "always remember that it is a big handicap. To offset this, we want your-support. TIT.` A- -1. 1:1... .....1.:...... mu anv vv av Lluytvvc III: . In encouraging local entertainments we believe ' we are acting in the best _ interests of the town and we are still going to do l4- 1...! .-.... ....-..A. ;.I---..--.. ~ A WORD OF EXPLANATION TO OUR PATRONS Perhaps you do not realize the great. difficulty we have in employing and . maintaining an orchestra. Tr. -.......L 4...l-- --_._ -R ---uuuvuuulus an ULUIIUBDIG. We must take care of 1 local organizations, locals entertainments, road at- tractions, etc., and in do- ing this our whole staff becomes disorganized. Musicians and other em- ployees must be cast aside, resulting in disor- ganization. 1'1` MacAULEY--BEELBY u 5-way: THE MANAGEMENT ALLEN-PARR '1 L-_L..J `\LLEII`*`I run--u an. Church, tastefully decorat- was the scene of "-- An QahIrt`nV_ Sent- 29. IIUIIJ III.- Auatm Perkins, genera! merchant of Powassan, was a visitor with his sister, Mrs. K. C. G. Dreyer, 105 Bradford St,. yesterday. Ina I I :nr 'II`\l\ Lou knnn n;n:O;nn auu H1130 \1CUa. VV HDUII. IIIUSUUI5 DI. M1-..and Mrs. s. Gill 6f Barrie `and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hubbert and son Ross of Stroud motored to Orillia and took in the Fair. `I... ,__I II,.,, `I II , ,I-,, E If` , gr-ey, C21!`- 1, $1.35 tb I` an a Mr. and Mrs. W. Mackay of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mrs. John Mac- kay. who is convalescing from her severe illness. ` IV I'\ YI'._L1_ ..__J _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __!_.I I.-. ll..- HIT- `G. D. Hubbard, accompanied by Mrs. Hubbard, and A. W. Smith are in Quebec City this week attending the Kiwanis con- vention. II_ ___I Il_L_ YI_L___ II_I'1_____ __.l' I-.,,2I__ V U |/IUII 0 Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGraw and family of Niagara Falls, N.Y., are visiting Mrs. McGraw s aunt, Mrs. Donald Jacobs, Bay- fiel`d Sf. ycuuuay. ~ Mrs. J. L. Miller, who has been visiting her parents and other relatives in this vi- cinity for several weeks, leaves to-morrow for her home in Vancouver. -Mrs. J. T. Cavanagh, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Walter Lauder of Richford, Vermont. has returned home after spending three months with her daughter, Mrs. Mer- ritt Locklin of Richford, Vermont. \JC\-VIBE: . Miss Kate Eastman of Vancouver visited last week with her cousins, Mr. andMrs. Geo. Eastman. ll... 1.` Y\_L__;,,_ lIY_,,,I,,, 11. I I -- ....... -. The Rev. Frederick Eastman, minister at Orcas Isle, State of_'Washington, under seven-year contract with the American Board of Home Missions, has been visiting relatives in Ontario, coming east especially to see his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Eastman, 35 McDonald St. After three weeks in Barrie he spent a few days with relatives in Cobourg and Hamilton. Sat- urday night he left Barrie for home, going via Vancouver. W35. Mrs. Roger Croghan and children of North IBy are spending 9. week with Mrs. W. A. we. II... ___I Il._, I`|__ f\,,,,, 1 II I AI-I\I'VCo Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Overs spent a few days recently `in Hamilton with their son, George. ' ' Mia`. `[(..o.. t:`...o..... .: \r.....-....-_ ..:..:....: - llllllvlllllo ucgirs. F. Robertson, Worsley St., has re- turned home after spending a week with Ne market friends. W . n|.-._u-_ urn; _l m.,,.,,. 1 . 1 AVCWHI IIIIKCU lfllillubo Charles Wilson of Toronto `has returned home after visiting his sister, Mrs. D. Jacobs, Bayfield St. 1).. run! Inn Mnnlnnuv ..`...I II. ......I ll-.. UGUULFD, JJDJIIUILI IJI/o Rev. and Mrs. Maekay and Mr. A. Johnston of Toronto visited Mrs. John Mackay this week. MFG W w;`ln\n ant` " P Lillo IIULIII LIIGUAC UUIB WEB: Mrs. J; w. wimot and H. C. M. Will- mot of Toronto were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.` Wilson. Eugenia St. Mr and Mn Q (`ll X6` nnuuv:n and M- lstone performed the ceremony, assistedby Rev. A. -Rintoul, Angus. The bride. who was given away by he ' father. wore a navy blue tricotine suit, san velvet hat with ostrich mount,~taupe`fox fur. and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses. Her only attendant was her sister, Mrs. George Norman, while the groom was sup- ported by4Mi'. Norman. Mlan I:`.la:.. (`Inna-lalnv r-nunln nf flu: lwrlllp ._-., -r---- v_- --v--- v..-. -_ ....v -.-_...-.. Miss Dorothy Loth and Dorothy Scott are attending Toronto Normal School. Jack Kell `of Cookstown was in town last. week on his way home from the West. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Beardsall spent the week-end at the latter's home in.Thornbury. ll, , ~I II, VI , ...._-- -.... ..- -..- _--`V- .. .......v .u. --u-noun}- .Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Minnikin ark: spending their holidays at Manitoulin Is- land. 11_ ,.,.1 11;, 11-, n,, u n V: 11 Iauu. Mr. and Mfs. Vern Beardsall and Mrs. E. lford visited` Mrs. W. Beardsall last wee . II... n___, n,,_'_L_ , .,,,I 1111 1- `Y .1` ll: \.EsUUllU Illlll o 3? . A. Carley has been called away td New York -on business. Il_. I11... `I7 `I -__- ..._J L..L_- II-_1-_ __- '-ii}'.'a' $1-r;:Tx}'. 3."L1nI.y'.'1'; .drora St., spent the week-end in Owen Sound. It I I In- purwu uy`Avu'. uurumu. Miss Elsie,Cloughley, cousin of the bride, played Mende1ssohn s wedding march, Messrs. T. L. Young and Harry Parr acting as ushers. "'-- ------- - 1-` ------------ -.. A- LL- I....2..I.. izes <),` 9% $1.25

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