Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1923, p. 10

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..u ucuu: per puunu. I Very fine grapes are grown in tnis dis-l I , trict judging by those offered on the mark- ; et. both red and green grapes being on salel at 50 cents per basket. They taste just as| M well as those imported from the Niagara; _, at 50 cents per basket but they will soon bel Peninsula. Tomatoes are still going strong! '21 thing of the past. Apples were offered` abundantlv. the nrices varving with the var-! ieties. They were around 50 cents per large! basket or 25 to 30 cents persmall basket. 'Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3`;-40c lb. Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. 38-40c dozen Chickens . . . . . .e . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30-33c lb.; Hens . . . . . . . . . . . . ..L . . . . . . . .. 25-30c lb. Ducks . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-35c lb. Buttermilk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c qt, Young Pigs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34.50 each Potatoes . . . . . . 35-40c` pk.. $1.50 per bag Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 each Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c bunch Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c bunch Red Weatherfield Onions . . . . .. 5c bunch Cucumbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 for 5c| Celery .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10`c bunch, 3 for 25c Ripe tomatoes . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 50c basket Green tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50c basket Mushrooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 lb.l Vegetable Marrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c each . Cabbages- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10c head Pickling Onions . . . . . . . . .. 31 small basket Cauliflower . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-25c head_ `Green Peppers . . . . . . . . .. 750 large basket Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25-30c small basket ` Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40-50c large basket Squash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c each ` latermelnns (home-grown) . . .. 50c each ' Home-grown Grapes 50c small basket 1 ,- `..--...., .,. ...u AnII.\-| un-La. The laying proc-li\'i'iies of the biddies are; showingsigns of ahating very fasr. and here; lthe law of supply and demand operates.` Hen-fruit soldon Saturday at 38 to -10 cents; per dozen with most of them going at the; latter figure. Butter remained at its oldj price of -10 conts pr pound. This year's! chickensx were lower at 30 In 33 cents per` pound. and last year's fowl sold at 25_t.ol 28 Eents per pound. ` `lawn. `inn nv-nn.n:~ H..- ............ :_ ._,_-, _I' . _...-..-... ....u---\_- I Potatoes wrnt below $2 per bag for the? first time this year on the maxket Satur-2 day morning. selling at $1.50 per bag or 35? to 40 cents per pvck. The early crop of.` sputls this year was light but there seem to; be plenty of the latex} ones. I I I ! '71! I For sale in Barrie by Geo. Monkman, Robertsnxfs Drug Store. W. Cross- land, and all reliable druggists. `j- Z . - -rviiltl vybbvv CITCHLUT 88113 011 W9! A. 0. Leonard, Inc. [0 Fifth Avenue New Y: jiiii gl- IT DOES RELIEVE DEAFNESS gnd HEAD NOISES. Simply rub It in back of the ears and insert in nostrils. I? 15% \= V \ Use mnun` IN CANADA Descriptive circular sent requeit. A_ `Lnnhns-J T--A s.e.,smitn&co. Backache .' 0h--[that _- -_-- unv- Special instructions by a noted ear specialist In etch package. MADE IN CANADA '861LDtive c1'rcu]n.-r anon! ..,.. ........_'_ For sure relief try that famous old remd_y_L SATU R DAY MAR KET __.vu _i`Iew York Oh) Miss Nellie M. LaycoTeic',"ii:N., C.P.H.N. 86 Worsley St Telephone` 751W. Office hours 2 to 3.p.m. daily. Phone 10251 Application for the nurse's services may ho made direct or through your doctor. l3tf ' vIIIl1I` VHIJLH Ur l Barrie Branch Laycock, R.N., St. Telephon 3 p.m. 1 servj maria :l:u-....o .- A-1--- ` Published every Thursday afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Subscription Price-Canada and Great- Britain 82.00 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50); United States, 82.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given _ when change. of address is requested, GAN- DELLATIONS--We find that most of our Iubscribers prefer not to have their subscrip- ' ions interrupted in case they fail to .remit Iefore expiration. While subscriptions will tot be carried. in arrears over an extended )eriod, yet, unless we are notified to cancel, we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. Remittances should be made by registered letter, money order, or cheque payable at per in Barrie. : TAILORESS Suits, Topcoats, Dresses. 2 Adelaide St., Allandale. Tel Miss M. McArthur FURS REMODELLED AND REP: 0..-- `I I'._,,n - V 11. D. nun Manager Cost Phoh_e Main 5874. H. J. Welch. C.A. This-r ' PERCY HOADLEY Organist and Chair Leader [V Collier St} Methodist Church i Teacher of Piano, Organ. Voice and Theory yTerms reasonable. 461/_ Clapperton St. I .__......uu ur\rIlI'l, IVII Teacher of Piano. Organ. Theory. Organist and St, Andrew s Presbv Gold medalist of Toront Music and ofthe Unive ll? \ll---l- A______________ MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto C0n.\( !`\'8` of Music examinations leading up i and including the A.T.C.M. dezree. Studio---King Block. Phone ` r 1uII.\lU and 01 I1 H3 Worsley St. ----.:_.__..:.__ un. Graduate of Office and Be! ; xmpenal Army. 4!; General Surgery and Obste 0fiice-.l5 Owen St., Phone 710. P Simcoej Marble Works A L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offic_e and`Residence--Collier St., corner 01 Clapperton St.. Barrie. Phone 275. V { DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto. will be It 91 Owen St., Barrie. every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours-l1 3.111. to 5 mm. Barrie, phone 2, Toronto. North 3326. ____._._____________________.- I 0575 urauuale C iPhone 61 lHours: 8-9 a.m., : Ir-uvu HIVU VIULIN TUITION Special attention to younger children. pnvn c\/I \n-o-no-.-. VICTORIAN ORDER OF an-in D......-n_ ( DR. H. T. ARNALL Associate Coroner County of Simcoa Oice and Residence-Corner Toronto 3 Elizabeth SLs., opp. Central Church. Telephone 167 _____________________. o _-._...- vuuuuuu .1 Over Hurlburt s Shoe -- EDMUND HARDY, vA__L, :- Phones:-'- Oi;: `;!e-sidence` 353 ` . .....,. u; /ulc.`\\/IUKC or Dell I B.i{fsTER. SOLICITOR, ETC. 5 MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block, Barrio. 5 ______:..:: . uonveyancers. Etc. ;Money to loan at lowest rates of interest; fO'ice--l3 Owen St., in Masonic Temple 7Building. Barrie. Branch Oice-Elmvale. W. A. Boys, I\'.C.. 31.1 . D. C. Murchisog. ._.___________.__.___________ ,______________ ! ALEXANDER COWAN 2B-arrister. Solicitor for obtaining probate oi fwills, guardianship and administration, and 5 General Snlicimr. Notary, Conveyancer. om. T Office--H1nas Block, 8 Dunlop 8%., Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN _.__.___________._..___? i . DR. FRED A. ROSS (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie.) Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army. years. General Obstetrics especially. M Owen St.. Ran-in ouvu OYLVLSTER Bandmaster Barrie Citizens` Band. 120 Hayeld St. LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Annll n0; no- DRS. BURNS &. BURNS 60 Elizabeth St. I V Opposite Palmer's New Garage , jNERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISORDERS } PHONE 406 or call at oice for information on any disease. ________________..____.__.___ - R. J. EDWARDS &. EDWARDS 1 I8 Toronto St., Toronto. R. J. Edwardg. G. R`. Ed/airds, B.A.So. i ,,, J. C (J AIL) Brac Masonic Arel Well . Supplied at- _T?%___ PIANO AND VIOLIN TUITION 'eCiH.l tfnnn fn unnnn-.. -LXlJ THURSDAY, ocromzx '4, 1923 un. W. A. LI:.W|S Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County of Simcoo ---HTl --- ~ RADENHURST &. HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC .\/Ininnin 'I`n-n..l.. D.-3|J1- ~ PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ET Offices: 707-8 Kent~Building Toronto, Ont. W Plmrtnn` [1 '`-~-- `- ""' vvi al.nl.dla,J Successor to T J. _... v us. uuuuvlllslv Barristers. Solicitors. Notar; Conveyancers. Etc. HIPV tn 'n-zn at l......... ._,.AA DONALD ROSS. LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN _ vs-nrllli JJIIIILIIU` Issuer Arnold 5AKtUS'l`ERS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY Tn lnuu _ `BARBIE EXAMINER ,___..-- \;vL\}|l\.>l uuuuty U --and-- DR. R. E. IVES Graduate of Toronto `Uni `P f\IY2,_ Successor td/[ .I.-Xr;;l-d FIRE lNSUR,_ANC __,, .,.,......a. nuu unorrmaster of Andrew's Presbvterian Church. ~.edalist Toronto Conservatory of of the University of Toronto. urslev St. "*"` ' DUNCAN F. McCUAlG, B.A. Successor to /Creswicke & Bell !.\DI)1Q'1'\v:\n (\(\I .n......\_. --- ...... u.n. u. u. uampbell, C. T. E. Lawless, C. A. Hulbig, Production Engineer. and r`.mp:......., n..---4-- aulv, VVLLDITI & CAMP Chartered Accountants .in .1974 :n v---- in ________________ DR. E. G. TURNBULL )_ nf Mnflill IT..:........fL- \\.I `v uuugcf ( 'V_B'(')-VI;-`SYLVESTER nerpr Ra.-..:.. n:.:_-,, , v MISS E. GOSNEY rnnvv A-\...._ Call and see our display _of monuments before purchasing. Our stock of imported and ~ domestic` ' granite is well assorted, and prices V right. , . . j - cu, I I I lytlnl Vocal. and Musics! Choirmaster of 1drew s Prpekm....:.,.. m...--L CHIROPRACTIC ,____ V ..v.4-u rpcoats, Dresseg. Etc.. Etc. L, Telephone |053W ______________7 BOYS & MURCHISON aw Lemple Bmlding, MONEY TO LOAN A115. AIUUUUUUH nnglneel`. and Efficiency Department. ___________,_,, ARCHITECTS c it _`run 380 Temple Building ,H' I U `MEDICAL YOUR Fmpmc maaos {MUSIC -gf "i`-oront'o"`I:J`1 1i\'ersity Ol`fice--58 Collier 86. x., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. -. r1v\oVuIIl..lll3 59 Yonge St., Toronto. G. D. Campbell, C. A. awless_ C A /, M`us.Bac., F.T.C.M. coin-A (7 mnu cum I! UUII Conservatory it`-inns leadina lln nu REPAIRHJ Store, Barrie. p vnh G. Gordon Plaxton uuuwa vapcclllllyg 't., Barrie. P. O. Box 1075. Not;u;_v;' Public IN . NURSES c. w. J.1:iAsTM2s.N, mop. . Phone 277 1 IMUIILD. Phone "683 ' 424. `Illa! "('1 l.`.' gm nu R1: Morgue and Chapel IN CONNECTION It pays to read The Examiner Ad-I let (Column. Page 12. - _ _ ] Page Ten A Codsult us with your building --------..----.------..---.- OPEN DAY AND NIGHT -------------n 20 Own St., Bare no NOT DELAY `mos. ROGERS scon"'s sooxsroms ' Established lass} ` Phone 72i MANUEL, j. MacLa1-en", Editor. W. C. Walls, Manager, 7Phono 32 MGR. auuuab bUU gukl 130 D9 true. . It was a full quarter of a mile to the field. but Mary ran almost every step of the way, ran until it seemed- .as though she could not take another llstep. Then she reached` the top, of lthe rise which hid the field and down to the farther end of it she beheld the most wonderful object she had lever seen in her life. Beside the l machine stood a man who was critic- I ially examining` it. Afraid to venture . farther, Mary halted, hereyes very , big as she looked at that wonder of wonders. It was but a moment before the aviator caught sig'ht.of_ her and motioned with his hand for her to come down- Tightly hugging her brother, Mary made her way thither. `I found myself running low on e gasoline 'and noting this splendid landing field, decided to come down, explained the aviator. _Don t be afraid of` it, miss, he laughed. I take it that you never sawan airplane before, at- least close to. M 'Nn air `I n.-....... .l:.I n -o - auu tutu ulal. wnirrlng cued away. Hastily picking her brother up in her arms, Mary started away from the house on the run toward the above `mentioned mowing field. How she {had longed to go to the fair and there see one of.those wonderful flying `machines! Now one had evidently landedjon the smooth rowen-cleared! fieldjof their own farm. _It seemed almost too good to be true. _` I `If urge a Full nunnd-,... .1! .` . xuw uulll mcreaseu proalglously With-I in the next few seconds. Never be-" lfore had she heard `anything like it. Suddenly she caught sight of the won-| derful pulsating mechanism-an air- plane. She had never seen one be- fore, but she needed no one to tell -her thatthat great birdlike object was one. It was then off to the south," very evidently nosing down to-_ lward the earth. In less than a minute; I it was ' directly overhead. so close that she could see the aviator. , Then the throbbing of the propeller was al- most deafening. _The wonderful ma- chine was coming down, down, down, like some great bird with outstretched wings. While she watched it seemed to just clear the pine trees which bordered a ten-acre mowing field and then that whirring died I . Hastilv niokimr hm In-nHm.. 11v: :.. i nuqwu uue Lonesome moment. It was about nine o'clock that fall morning that Mary took Johnny in her arms, and walked across the fields to the pasture wall to take a look at; the cows. Finding them grazing peace- fully, she returned to the house, where she sat down on thedoorstep to pare some apples. She had near - ly finished the work of paring when 1 she became cognizant of a low rhyth- mical hum. Her first thought was that some distant bumblebee was : winging his way among the petunias . which lined the "driveway, but that 1 `low hum increased prodigiously with 1 th nxt fP\N Rnhdc Mann kn 54 nurc, av Least. close to." _No, S11`, -I never dxd, rep11ed wavcu uur uanu gayly to her mother. For an hour or more after her fath- er and mother had driven out of the yard on the way to the County Fair, theld in Rochester, fifteen miles dis-l tant, Mary busied herself about the: house-work. Fromatime to time she paused to play for a moment or two with Johnny, her three-year-old bro- ther. Oh, she loved him so much! Though the Hobbs farm was way off on a back road, a mile from the near- lcome intothe world Mary had not, known one lonesome moment. ll` woe nknni-` I'|:r\n A nl--L L`--L `- est neighbor, since little Johnny had , uuxnc BLGICLCU. l I Guess not, . laughed Mary, as she stooped and picked her little brother up in her arms, I ll take good care of little brother,. she cried, and as: she turned to go back to the house she` waved her hand gayly to her mother. Wm! an hnnv m- nnnvvn ..+.... L..- 2-4.1. .r uuuTA'rED BY `W: | SUN.W[ND.DUST CINDBRS gggqggtgtpglozo 0 501.0 av onuoozsrsm. on-mum You d full better take a look at the cows once in awhile, Mary, sug- gested her father, as he gathered up the reins and reached for--the whip. No doubt they will be all right, but still, they might jump the wall and! get into the corn. We ll try to get back along. toward the edge of the evening, daughter. Arid Monty A4-.y.!J. ......-L -` 2: vcuuig, uaugncer ' ' And, Mary, d;>n t forget about] Johnny, said Mrs. Hobbs, just as the horse started. Hf4........ ....n. n u__,,1 I -- And Mary, don't forget to feed and water the little chickens, cau- tioned Mrs. Hobbs, leaning forward in `the old carryall. | NA rnn'l1nu T urn-JL .......L 3! -- `VIII? uxu L'1l.'l'y&l1- '_ No, mother, I won t forget, re- plied Mary, who was standing close to the front wheel. Now have a good tin}',e at the fair, both you and fath- .er. o It's the T oronto" Self-Oiling Windmill-requiring oil only once a year . All gears op'erate in a. bath of special oil affected by V - `neither heat nor cold--every bearing and ' working part thoroughly and automatically lubricated. . If youhave a "Toronto" Windmill now. you can obtain this self-oiling feature by interchanging the head and using yogi: ptliesergwlwhebcl. lfMo::d Toronto Windmills. too.cuI ,maea ute -re atingin operation. `Tin "I'u'o_nto" Tower will stand for a lifetime because it 7 B ' . strongest and best-braced one built for any \Ih&_n'll. Seethis'newMill'now-orgetmy booklet. e # SELF-OILING - SE!.l_-`I_-REGl_JI.__ATlN(i Wfls 14.. Ca----- ~-- J. H. _McCAW. 3arrie_. om. NUGGET-the perfect polish in avperfect tin; Strike the top of _the lid with the brush, as directed, and the lid lifts o easily. 2UG_G1"' Then.95:i9!?!4.'1i?I_:{W"l c $13212 ..139l.i_sT1 ---. ...._. yuclt was a cnoxe In her volce whlch told how really frighten- ed she was- - It was` down hill for a quarter of a mile or so, and she fairly flew over the ground, the cart clatterin'g behind her. She had to slow down a bit LCII ll- You re just trying to tease me. Job Lamson.'she crled, as she started off. But there was a choke in her voice which told hmxr m..n.. 4-..:..1_;-_ I an: U KUL HU cr1Il(]1'en." Will you please hurry, Job? cried Mary. You re slower than cold mo- lasses. I don t believe one word you - are saying, so there! ' .Well, you will when you get back there and find the airplane gone and Johnny gone, too. I don t see how you came to do such a thing. The can filled, Job lifted it into the cart, and a moment later he handed. Mary the change left from the five- i dollar bill. ``I wouldn't he in your|; shoes for a good deal, Mary. he said as Mary picked up the handle to the cart. t no UL H`? s, a xuu uuu (110 not stop until she reach- s ed the house. Securing the cart, a t two-wheeled, homemade affair, she - placed the can in it and hastened on -'toward the Four Corners, where Job .[Lamson' eked out a living by the sale -I of gasoline and lubricating oils. Five gallons 0 gas! ejaculated - Job when Mary handed him the can. I You folks ain t got an automobile? he questioned in astonishment. No,- Job,. `replied Mary laughing; 7 it s-for an airplane. l 2 An airplane! Huh! ` I L- .4 E I Come, Job; hurry up and fill that ~ can, exclaimed Mary. A big air- plane came down in the upper mow- ' -ling field up to our place. The man . wants five gallons of gasoline. He ` . is taking care of Johnny while `I am I gone. I You don t mean that you left your brother with him? cried Job, scent- ing fun at poor 'Mary s expense. Gas? Huh! That's just a bluff. Most likely he s a kidnapper, here on his way to New York or Chicago. Byl this time he s prob-bly ten miles from lfi_e`1'edvvlilth Johgny. bHuhh in Gahvej ylou 1'e o arsan maye e. se 0 n- ny for a hundred, maybe five hun- ldred dollars, tltl) lgome rich man who " tnoici ren. lam go IYAI1 v\ln....... I.....,.-. `V ` 4" B:A;K-TAN-TONEY RED- DARK BROWN AND WHITE p1a._y lug Wlh J onnny. Once over the rise, Mary broke into a run and did not stop until she Ied the 1101189. .Q:mnvinn- I-Inn n--J - - Luunc in UB1` VOICE. ! Of course he will, was the laugh- :' ing reply. I love children, headded. ~ I will take the.very best of care of- w your brother. A . It was only for a moment that Mary hesitated. Kissing her brother, _she placed him tenderly down on the grass, and a second or two_later she ; was off for the cart carrying the five- ggallon can, and tightly clutching a five-dollar bill which had been handed i her by the man. She looked back 3 half a dozen times while crossing the - field," and was much reassured when she saw the aviator down on his knees 1 playing with Johnny. I ONCE nvnr like Inca Mum`. 1-uuJ-- -L- , _ V W--- ____ __ corner Sophia and Marygstreets I Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring. Ceiling, Moulding, Water Troughs, Tanks, etc, ` I We carry` iutsmck a large assortment of` Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood'Turning and Kiln Drying` a Specialty. Dressing done promptly, A nnnnnnif no -`J61. nun..- L..2IJ!__ our .a'cuu Cll . Yes, that will go in the cart all !right, replied Mar_v.l _u13ut---but you are sure my little brother will be safe here? she questioned, a little choke in` her voice. (Kn-'nn11Mn- 1.... .-.:n n -...-- bvvu uLC u; uuu. 1 need ,IlVe igallons of gasoline, altogether too :much for you to carry except in a `cart. I have a five-gallon safety can which I guess will fit nicely into the cart. Then he turned to the machine and a moment later brought to View [the said can. (AVA- LL ..4_ _,.:n a gaauuue station there. ' Mm. Somehow I. hate to leave here lest some boys may have seen me landing, and coming on, meddle with the mechanism. Perhaps in- ltending no real harm, great damage could be done in almost no time. Why, I-41 guess I can go and get it for you, exclaimed Mary. I've got a cart down to thehouse that I can wheel brother in. ` Why not leave your brother with me? queried the aviator. I will 'take good care of him. I need afive {gallons al_together_tool Snnnnln 43..-. -..-- qucxlcu me avxator a moment later. It is only a mile up to` the Four Corners, sir, replied Mary. There's a gasoline station there. N/Fm . qnrvunlnn... T L-l- I ` Aausu. How far will I have to \?N`a1k in order to `purchase some g'asoline? queriec} the aviator moment later. It IS OHIV 2 rhiln run in 4-1.. E`---- Mary, still closely hugging her bro- ther.. I-I guess I m "not afraid of it, she added with a nervous little laugh. 'I'-Tnu} -L`-.. -..:n -r 1, rH` BARRIE EXAMSNEI3 Mr.` Trask was a member of the Sons of Scotland, and highly esteemed by those of the citizens who became acquainted with him during his per-. iodical visits to his family, as well as his associates of earlier days in the A township.-Ne_ws Letter. I ;;vw FOR THE BEST IN BAKER SE BREAD HOMEMADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD and 1 full line of PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop Cor. Elizabeth and Small Sta. nu... no LGIACU bu rauy. Besides his widow, formerly Miss Jennie Mount, of East Flamboro, Mr. Trask is survived by the following sons `and daughters:' George, mayor > of Chisholm, Minnesota; Joseph, of Allandale; Victor, of Orillia, and Ja- cob, of Hamilton; Amelia (Mrs. John Robertson, Hamilton), and Rene (Mrs. John McPherson, Orillia). _' One son, John, a well known public school _ principal, died a few months ago. Mrs. John Wright, of Mara township, is a sister of deceased. . Among the relatives from out of town who attended the funeral were his nephews, Messrs. George, James, with their wives, and Miss Ethel Trask. `IA - l'lV_._.1,, and Frank Trask, of Southampton, `subscribefor The Barrie Examiner` - bA\'C u.L uunuas, where he was born ' on June 25, 1847, his parents being Joseph Trask, of England, and Flora 9 Campbell, of Islay, Scotland. About lvforty-one years ago Mr. Trask came - to Simcoe County, conducting a mill 'Iin North Orillia, in partnership with Wm. Laking. In 1886 he moved to Orillia, where the family have resided ever since, although Mr. Traskihas been most of the time away from the town, owing to the demands of his business. He was employed in the Bell organ factory in Guelph for the past twenty-five years. On January 13 of the present year he returned` from Guelph` owing to sickness, from which he failed to rally. " DAKIJA- L:.. --.-' .1 ---- .`f. 5 , GEORGE TRASK After an illness of several months, George Trask, father _ of Joseph Trask, Allandale, passed away on Sept. 23, at his residence, 150 West street,` Orillia, north. He was a na- tive Of Dundas, where he born June 95 1524: mg ..n..-,;~ L-.-.-,, v\I _,uu. V/nuaun yuu: DLUPIV But the aviator did not stop. `Though the whirring of the propeller `drowned the girl s words, he under! stood, and gayly waved his hand. Then while she ran, the greatmachinel g'racefully arose, and Mary knew that] the chase was hopeless. Standing there, shn read the note which had been pinned to the bank bill. `It- read as follows: . Just a slight token of my deep respect and honor for a girl who loves her baby brother better than life. ( uuuuuy 5 UCKBE." ' Mary did as she wastbidden and brought to light a crisp ten-dollar bill to which was pinned a little note in lead pencil. Suddenly it flashed upon her that she had entirely for- gotten to return the change from the five-dollar bill, and she dropped John- ny and ran after the speeding air- plane. Stop! Stop! she cried. I forgot the change. I meant to give it to you! V,Thank you! Stop! Rut {rho uni v\r\su .].'.l -_ -L uuc muuu L11 I new. %Good-by! he called, waving his hand to Mary. Put your hand in Johnny sAggcket. Monty .. ..L_ ___.r V ' ` ` wux gu auu get It." It was three or four mmutes after ' the man passed through the bars at the head of the field before Mary saw him returning with the cart. Finally. 5 however, he came back and a few 5 minutes later Mary was watching * him as he emptied the gasoline into the tank. Presently he replaced the safety can when he had first taken it. and a moment later he stooped to ' pickup Johnny. I want to kiss the little fellow before I go, he said. Then he turned to Mary and said. When you see that fellow Job tell him that if I ever have the chance I 1l ; kidnap him and drop him on top of the North Pole. Stepping into the . machine, he started the propeller. It ` was but a minute or so before the great airplane began to move over the smooth field. (.1nn:-1 I....on L- --n, J Illllc .Y_ou may sfay right here and rest, miss, commanded the aviator. I will go and get it. If mac flran nu 4-`nu... ....1.....L.- 2!" ,-.-- .- ..r...\.... u. uuc unauauuc. I . That Job ought to have his neck wrung, declared the aviator. As for me, `I'm to blame, too. Seeing .an excellent opportunity for a get-away in the adjoining field, I wheeled my machine over back of that clump of`-' bushes. I was just starting to meet you. That other airplane which you saw belongs to my friend, Kimball, I guess. . We are on our way over toi the County Fair at Rochester. I-I ll go back and get the gaso- line, said Mary, placing` Johnny upon the ground. I left the cart in the road when I reached the top of t e . hill. PHONE c. BROWN} LUGU IIIIIIII I IIII IE H ' I I--I thought my brother wasl gone! sobbed Mary. Oh,- I-I ran: so hard to get here. Job said you might be a kidnapperr I-I ought not to have believed him`, and-and I didn t rea1lyVuntil-until, I looked down here and saw nothing of your airplane.` . Then I-I heard one and looking off to the north. I saw one, just a speck in the distance. (rI'V`L_A. `l'-1 1 _ ___., ...--,...u\,. nuu suuco E Dropping the handle to the cartl poor Mary scrambled over the wall,` and in her haste fell but instantly was on `her feet. Crying as thou`gh her heart would break, she ran on and on. Suddenlycame to her ears the throbbing of an airplane, and through her tears she beheld far off to the north the speeding airplane. Mary- ceased sobbing, Suddenly she turned. There was Johnny stand- ing beside her,and there, too. was the aviator, looking very much dis- concerted. (61171... _`..L -- ` L.uu\.'c1`LCu. Why, why, what has happened!" he questioned. I--I was QOUR 1 hhnd Marv - r\1'~- T T -"' Ten rods yet to go! Five rods! One rod! Ten feet! Five feet! An instant later Mary saw the whole .ten- acre field. The airplarre was gone! TW.........2-... LY. , 1 I1 when she .came to a hill, but she] pressed swiftly -on at a speed some-i what better than a very fast walk} Her breath was coming in short gasps; when she reached the top of the hill and started on the run down the de- cline. Never before had home seemed! so far from the Four Corners as that morning. At last she reached the little lane which led up to the house, and passing it, she tried to quicken her steps, though it was still upgrade. On and on she ran, her eyes fastened upon the brow of the hill which over- looked the ten-acre lot. I'I'\___ , OBITUARY ..-..w nu , 1.. aurannea myself, causing pelvic inammation from which I have suffered untold agony, and I often had to give up and go to bed. I had doctored for several years without getting per- manent relief, when I started to take your medicines. -Mrs. GOLDWIN MIS- ENER, Branchton, Ont. TXT-34-A4-.. LL- 1'--1!` "-` ' ' ` * "aAmm:.' our. uuucauy say 1 nave never been so well before. I had suffered from pains and other troubles since I was fteen years old, and during the `Great War period I worked on munitions for two years, and, in the heavy lifting which my work a called for, I strained myself, yv_hich have ` rlnvun ad-..1.`l _ ~-- -- Branchton, 0nt.-When I wrote to you `for helg my action was mostly promoted by curios- ity. wondered if I, too, would benet by your medicine." It was the most rot- able action have ever taken, I heart- ily assure you, for throu h its results I am re ieved of most of my sufferings. I have takensix boxes _ V, of Lydia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia ` E. Pinkham s Blood Medicine, and I can honestly say I have never been suffered AOL-.. L..__-L1_~ ' Vanished After Using Lydia! E. Pinkham s Vegetable ' Compound - MR8.M|8ENEH 8 ,3 ABHE8 ANIJ mus; One great-,trrandn1other"` and two grandmothers had their `hair bobbed in Sunbury, Pa., this month. Wm. 1,,.m:..... .... - ...-_ -L cm- Au uuuuuxy, 1711., bills IUODID. For holding up a man at Sunbury, Pa.. and stealing $15, Leo Boney was sentenced to eight years in the peni- tentiary. e unccu 1 rpprla . . l . . . 25-3( . 40-5| \MarenneInns . . .. 50 uuucnxxlxux . ; . . . .` . . . 10'c . . ron1ame.~' . . Ca.u_liflower . . . Green A nnlnu Q: g D 'I"1'i'f'A"i"< E R S

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