Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1923, p. 16

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uvluc uu 1.25:1 Dl. lust rnuay. 'Mr. and, Mrs. F. J. D. Nomlan spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto. xM.- an.-l M... n.....:-._ n._.._.-_ L- I I \`lB.ll.l5 Iu Ull`V'Cll1ll(l HUG LVEVV IOTK UHF. Mrs. J. J. Strachen and children are vis- iting friends in Brechin for a week or so. AMr. and Mrs. Ernest Painter motored to land -spent the week-end in Peterborough. i Mr. and Mrs. George Morris and children `are spending their holidays in Niagara Falls. Twn Allisfnn 1-mus mm L. 1...... .. M..- nuuuuy . Clark Scott has gone to spend a few days with relatives in Toronto. ill... In- \ n.__1_-_. -t nin I uu: wccn-cuu wuu rcw.uve5'u1 1Dl'0IlIO. `Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brunton have been visiting in Cleveland and New York City. 1 Mrs. J. J, SfI`l`}1PI\ nnrl philrlrnn own 10:: HI`-'a.ti1er in Toronto I , "We have Silk Flowered Lining for I T ladies and children s coats, to i clear at cost price. -1 :We have also `a big stock of Child- ren's Remnants -to clear "at less than half price, suitable for child- ren s bloomers and girl s coats. Don t forget to `come and get good .value for your money, this being the last day of the sale. Velour, suitable for children s and ladies coats, 60 in. wide, regular. $4.50 yard, to clear at . $2.25 yd.| All Wool Flannel, 54 in. wide, colors` light and dark blue, red, green and I navy, regular $2.95 , for $1.95 yd. ISt riped Flannelette, 36 in. wide, reg- ular 39c yard, for . . . . 25c yd. lFlannelette, 27 in. wide, regular 30 unuul 3.... f--\ ` !_...v.. .1 `J A . ; ; y a nub All vuxlvua LUJULD, I regular 75c, sale price, 39 yard Men's Underwear from . . . . 69c up Men s Work Trousers from $1.60 up Ladies Tuxedo Sweaters,Aall wool. _ regular $3.95, sale price . . $2.25 ... un. vvA\.A\., Acsunal vJU\;' l{&'f3} . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 yd. Light Prints, reg. 30c, for 19c yd. Anderson s Ginghams, 27 in. wide, 11nn-11`:-an (`Kn 11t\14I4-J 3;`... On I- ..... ..-..v..u u...5uu.-nu, an In. vvuuz, regular 35c yard, for . . . . 20c yd.` iMen s Shirting in various colors, ...;.......1....` EC. _-I_ -,... Osl- BARRlE_lV_lRKETSA BARRIE BARGAIN HOUSE THE LAST PEACHESFOR THIS -SEASON SPECIAL F 01; I:lflD.A:Yn AND SATURDAY .--.-_ jcbnd 1 A11 Selected Peaches. Prices at the very lowest to suit everybody. Don t forget that these are the last. If you can t come, call up 130 and we wl grve you the best service. Peaches-Peaches-Peaches We are still running our salve till the 29th for the pur- pose of clearing out some Ladies , Men s and Children s Coatings at absolutely half price. . kn..- 0:11- 131-.--.- Geo.Vickers Limited AT VICKERS '. D- CAN CILLA -OPPOSITE BELL TELEPHONE `co . EPHONE 1030 E `-- 1 urgv--T NEW DREAMLAN D.--MON.-TU ES. For dress adornment and comfort. These Scarfs come in all of the new shades and color combinations, ranging from $1.50 up to $5.00. The showing is magnificent. Stocks are also complete in Blan- kets, Auto and Lounging Rugs, F lannels, Silks, Dress Goods, Dra- peries and everything for Men's and Boys Wear. A visit here is all that is needed to convince you of the service this store gives you. Comfort-giving Underwear for both women and children; Wat- s0n s, Stane1d s and other reliable makes--both in combinations and separate garments; sizes complete. The best procurable makes; an as- sembly of all that s new and want- ed in Hosiery for Fall wear, so at- tractive-`-silk, silk and wool and imported cashmere, `at pleasing UNDERWEAR prices. It would he diicult to imagine a more nearly complete showing of stylish fancies or to assemble gar- ments that would give greater sat- isfaction--no two alike. There is an advantage in early choosing. Beautifully made in wood shades of velvet, gluvetyne and other fa- shion-favorecl materials; exclusive styles and individuality for your choosing. ` NEWEST MODES IN V W9MN. 5-CAT5 f CHARMING HATS FOR `FALL TIME _28 Elizabeth St., Barrie. SILK SCARFS HOSIERY . T Ask fol` an.VthiY1g that you don t see, 2Q urn 1'1017t\r\ C- A u A . -.._ Phone 108 ,__.__ -.,- ....., .......5 yuan. _yuu uon E 590. as we haven't enough room to display everything. Our place doesn't allow us to adver- ' tise our goods more. We always did give you a fair and ' square deal, so come and see what you get for your`money. ` I ,.-___'__p A - n u - no vlnldh |Boys Jerseys, sizes 2 to 15 years. l reg. 65c, sale price . . . . . . . .. 45c `Boys Heavy Cotton Stockings, regy I U\F 45c. gala rn-inc .--w`v-I A-Lunar. \JUUhV 45c sale rice ` 2 Bath Towels, reg. `K71: I-nun 1.4`; on n. ` ,._- r . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LDC $1.95, $1.19 pair We have left 20 Girls Print Dresses, sizes 2 to 15 yrs., regular $1.65. sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 95c Boys Wash Suits, reg. $1.95, for 69 : -._..-- u V-n\.\.nx\.u LIWCGUCIV: l reg. $6.50, sale price I Men s Khaki `Trousers i Boys Jerseys, sizes tA W... 12:- _-1, Ladies Silk and Wool Hosiery, made in England, regular from $1.50 to $2.50, sale price, 98c to $1.50 Ladies Silkand Wool Underwear, short or long sleeves, reg. from $1.50 to $3.00, sale, 98 to $1.25 Ladies Black Cashmere'Hose, Llama wool, reg. $1.75, sale price . . 98c Men s Checked Sweaters, all wool, rntr 526} :n mcln .....:,... -- -- #232 -25, 40 and'60-watt` TUNGSTEN 1`-ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS Every-one guaranteed , Dc e.a 4'for $1.00 Some Saturday Savings vv av4., WA. `H. FELT, Secy.- Hubbard,S Hardwarg Phone 108 311.25 . . . .. 40-55 . s,1.oo-2.50 SATURDAY .V `Splendid value at $2.73 DOUBLE BOILER Heavy Aluminum A The next meeting of the Barrie Women s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. T. Smith: Albert St., on Tuesday, Oct; 2, at 3 p.m., V Miss Hazel Marr, graduate of the "Sick Children s Hospital_._Toronto, will address the meeting Aon Care of Diphtheria Pa- tients." Mrs. Russell will give a talk on the Dukhubors. Mrs. _W. E. Tordiff will` read a paper on work of other Institutes. Roll call answered by favorite quotation. All -friends are welcome. J " Stolen bases---Hutton, B. Jennett. ` `Struck out---by Emma 10; by Banting 8.. Left on bases--Ivy 12; Barrie 9. Double plays-Clark to D. Emnxs; B. Jennett to F. Banting. ~ V Passed balls--Powell 3; Banting 1. First on errors--Ivy 7; Barriei 5. U | Time--2.10; Umpix-es---J. Hindle. Thornton, at plate; Arnold. Cookstown, on bases. Score by innings :- 1234567891011 RH-E Ivy...20000010`0`12689 Barrie0l0000.0lll041l9 Batteries:-- ' Ivy---W. E. Banting and T. Banting; Ban-ie-L. Emma and Powell. ' I Summary . ` ' Earned runs--Ivy 2; Barrie 1. T . Two-base hits---E. Jennett, Lynch. E I Home-run---Cooper. First on balls--off Emms 4; off Banting I2. ' 14. IJJIIIUID '1). .- - [Clark l.f. [Powell c. Livingston r.f. Plant 3rd. .. . . Cooper c.f. Twiss 3rd. . . .. Totals ' Totals . Barrie l'\ TIL.-- Ivy - T. Banting c. .. Hatton c.'f. . . . . . E. Jennett 3rd. . W. E..Banting p. McQuay r.f. . . .. : Coxworth 2nd. . . F. Banting lst. . . B. Jennett .s.s. ,. . L. Jennett. l.f. .. H. Jennett 2nd. rlo I 0 II: _l'_Io lVlo_ Masonic Brethren are requested to meet at 55 Burton Ave. on Saturday, Sept. 29, at 8.15 a.m., to attend the funeral of our late Brother, George S. Lawrence. T lJq IJIIIIIIE ll` Dobson lst. 4ynch s.s. L rd`n\n1r_- _n (Contin\ued from page 1) ' . lin six times. E. Jennett is leading the play-off series in batting with the magnicent average of .563. He had nine safe hits in sixteen times at bat in the three games he played, and if {he should get two hits or more [against Alliston he will certainly-be the leading batter". Lynch isleading the Barrie batsmen with .385, while Small is Alliston s best with .625, I You MAY Niab some Rooms '1-PLY V 2-PLY V 3-PLY V . s2.`a5` $3.00 _ We also have Asphalt Slates at $7.25 per sq. Barretfs Giant Shingles, for` use `over wood in l"l\- , _. r . . w ` - - -- IJISI 0 \Ql0I|Iv nraunnnsnupa, n V: uonrtr \l v V. n vvv. ws`1;ingles . . . . , . . . . . $8.50'per'sq. `Root Coating Paint ...... .. $1.50 pgr gal. wvith four-hole cooking surfdce` 7" Stove Pipes, 25 each Now is the time to get your building in Shape ' for the winter. No. 12 No. 14 - No. 16 e 12" repotwith-~ -14" tjrepot with 16"" repot with d out- feeder ` `feeder feeder _ ` Q44 14 g4 jg , L:1g `Em-`;o6' % s?1s.6' & QUEBEC COOKSTOVES $3230 with cooking The bdx score `is as :follows:e- van :4 W L clllilia By order of the W.M., 39c A. H. I Real Values In Heaters BARRIE WOME.N`S INSTITUTE per A square doc tIl\~ Small size :41 Q4 16'3ii" " 1.91.? $1.98 vvsova l\r\v\.|vl nvvscvn so % $21.50 $27.50 A spa 0URQU__EBE(} HEATERS `gL11waranteed, only . .` . . . . . . . ; .i 69 Steel Screw Drivers, 5 sizes . . . . 5c ea. Hay, per ton . . . .. Butter, per pound Eggs. per dozen . . Chickens, spring . . . Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . Lamb skins . . . . . . . . Horse hides Horse .ha.it . . . . . HARDWARE SOLID," C151 STEEL HAMMERS, fully OAK HEATERS per ' square *3 13 2,-PLY Medium size :44 Ag Heavy Aluminum PRESERVING KETTLES . Eight boarders are being loolged after in Castle Stoddart these days. t 'i 4 8'q3rrt f CAMERON--Suddenly. Sunday, Sept. 23,i 1923. at the residence of.her son-in-law. Daniel Parliament, Oakwood. Mrs. Olivia Cameron, widow of the late Neil Camer- on. formerly of Shanty Bay. iGREENSIDE---In Allandale. September 26.} 1923, Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and! I Mrs. Albert Greenside, Gowan St., aged, ! l- 1 year and 5 days. I No.3 '1F;1'n'v7s?1}a{ '(}{.wT Oats (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . u-cwuuwuv CII3& ` The sale at A. J. 'ruck s. Barrie. will be] continued on Saturday afternoon and night. 3 'Therevwill be a lot of good household fur-i initure sold on Saturday aft-emoon. Sale! at 2.30 p.m. and 8 pm. W. A. McConkey, Auct ` A 39c 1 4", [I31-DWEI.L--On Septenvmberv 22. 1923. 0! Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Bidwell, 163 Brad- ford St.. a- daughter. ' POUCHER-On Tuesday, Spten1ber 25. tel Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Poucher, Allandaled a daughter. ' ` 3 Today, at the Fall Assizes. the civil jury suit of .Hiram W. Childs, of Alliston. against Robert Stephenson, of Alliaton, for 510,000 damages for the alienation of the affections of Childs wife, `was heard before Mr. Justice Mowat. The case was not a completed when the court adjourned at 5.20 today but will be continued-Friday. All vthewitnesses for the plaintiff and de- fendant have been heard. and all that re- mains are the addresses -to the jury which will be given to-morrow morning. !Monday. October 1.---~Mrs. David McMack-I :. on, Angus. Household furniture. and house 1_ and lot. Sale at. 1.30 p.m. W. A`. Mc-= ' Conkey, auctioneer A Tuesday, October 2.--'Mrs. WiI`liam Mac- ` Millan.'1ot 23. con. 7. Vespra. near Fern- diile. farm stock, implements and house-_ hold furniture. Sale at 1 "pm. W. A.s McConkey, auctioneer. I Wednesday. October: 3--Enoch E. Rogers. lot 39, con. 2, Vespra. near Craighurst, farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 mm. W. A. McConkey. auctioneer l Tuesday. October 9.~-Paul Alexeiff. lot plements. Sale 21 1Lp.m.V W. Ex. Me- 5 20, con. 13. Vespra, farm stock and im-Iv i I Conkey. auctioneer. I W. KNOX cw:-:s P0lNTER_S I` - :70 COLLEGIATE ATHLETES -the Ontario Athletic Commission, was in itwalter Knox. "of. Toronto. chairman of Barrie on Friday last and spent the after- noon at the Collegiate Institute where he illustrated some of the latest methods of starting and sprinting to the students` in. preparation for the big Field Day which will! be held this coming Monday at Agriculturall Park. Mr. Knox was well pleased with the` progres the local boys are making along, athletic lines. . I 7" Elbows, 30 each` per square ll $3 CREDIT SALES. Contixian Lo;lge, No} 96, 11------ .A,:%E:.$`?=.A- Me . .. Auc;r7ibNsALs: BORN Large size lifl FA $1.49 $1.93 $2.49 (3! '{-`!`VI .'ZlIll l'I`. w fixnernl: which willbe under\Masonicl auspices. will take place on Saturday after- noon at two o'clock from Ross Craig's Fun- eral Chanel, Queen St`. West, Toronto, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Rev. W. J. Watt of Allandale will officiate. A service will be held at the residence here on Friday cw-n`ng at 7.30 o'clock, and the remain will be taken to Toronto Saturday morning. nnu uu1_v IIUCXI .\rr.'uu.3 lUl' t'lL'I WEEKS. The late Mr. Lawrence wule born In Tor- onto. in October, 1859.-so that he would ' `mve been 64 years of age next month. He was the s'on of the late Mr. and Mrs. . (`mrnrge Lawrence of Toronto. In October. `R87 he \v:=;- m:arr'.ed to Mary Hamilton. of 'l`nront.o. who `survives. Thirty-three years "520 last` May the (l f38FG(l moved to Allan- vlze and here he had recided ever-since. T)... A ..... .-..l ......-. ..-_..L,_, (ILL '5 -nu":-. uuu urn-. ur uuu reueu evervsmce. The dovmased wzas very popuiar Wlth his hrnthrr ravlroadr~r.= and *he nuNw- generally, `war! of Locomotive F7ngineP1-s. of the Ma-` conic Order. and of the Sons of England- In rol z3on he \v."s a Preshytn'i_an_ and a. mmni`-er of F`-"sa St. Church. Bsidev: his zrnrmwinz widow. one brother, Alfred Law- }7Io was a nrominent member of the Brother- ly-cncv. Toronto. and one sister. Mrs. Louise .c:u'let.t. 1\'nlton, sursfive. One child pre- "er-r.-.n:(`d him . `ml p____,,,,,I ,,1 3 I, -11-: u u. . ` ul lllt` ;\_I|I.'-Ill uu (HE ruuruau. Mr. Lawrence ? whole career was intim-l lately connected with .the Road. Whenia llml of sixteen years, he joined the old| 1`.\InrtherneRail\v9_v as a wiper, Gradually he a.=cended in the service. making his way .-wurely to the top of h`s profession. For a few years past he had been engineer on the -\llan(lale-Hamiltbn run and at the time of his rleuthi was still in active service, al- though illnes prevented his driving his 'ocmnnti\'e since July last. He had not heen well for the past year but his illness had only been serious for eight weeks. rm... uni- u- tn..._---- --.4 L:-- re W-- `I . -. .v. --vi: Ill IVIUIIIV 1 Alan F. Massey of Allandale is in Tor-l M onto today attending the funeral of his` father. John Massey, Vice-President and Dir-I rector of the Canada Permanent Mortgage` Corporation, who `passed away on Tuesday. He was born in Cheshire. England. on Nov. 7. 1847, a son of the late Rev. Samuel and Mrs. Massey. Those surviving are: Miss Muriel Massey and J. Melville Massey,` of Toronto, and Alan F. Massey of Allan- dale. Col..Fred Massey is a brother and two` sisters are Mrs. H. E. Suckling and Miss Massey of Montreal. ] I I Miss Helen O'Connor, who for the" past] eight years has occupied the position of: matron at Simcoe Hall, has severed her! connection with that institution and left last week for Toronto. While here Miss .O Connor made many warm friends who regret very much her leaving. Previous to her departure members of the staff at Sim- coe Hall. with a number of friends. met on a Tuesday. Sept. 18, at the home of Mrs. ' W. A. Spearn, Caroline St.. where a very pleasant social evening was spent. Miss 0Connor was presented with an address. accompanied by a beautiful amethyst ring. ` Death of George Lawrence The oldest engineer in point of service. National Railway passed away this morning . at his late residence. 55 Burton Ave., in ` Presentation to Miss O'Connor on the Allandale Division of the Canadian| the person of George Sutton Lawrence. who'- had seen no less than forty-seven years of life snent on the railroad. \.L'.. 1....._.._...*. ...L-I- inn: wccn uu Lue uwseuxent and unrary. 9 ! ~ Nnxt Sunday evening a Rally Day service! `will, be held. Rev. J. Durlgeon of -Bradford will be the speaker. V .-_.L_, .. . .. _ . l HUBBARD S l Miss Mabel Scanlan. formerly of Allan-E Idale. was married in Toronto yesterday to; `Mr. Frank Brown of Toronto. Those from I here who attended the ceremony includedi `H-.. r....--.-...._, uu uuyp un Ana lcuuvcljo {the following: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hender- 5 - F `son. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Spearn, Misses: Vera and Bessie Spearn, Mr. and Mrs. W.% D. Scott. Clark Scott. I Burton Ave. Methodist Church.` I Anni\'ersar_v services will be held on Sun-l day. October 21. Rev. W. E. Wilson of; King St. Methodist Church, Toronto. will, be the speaker. ' : nmiAml' C. .u.......... ..-. 4... _ .._ L - '-- ` `ur nu: apr:zu\rf. ; Declded nnprovements are bemg madei `this week on the basement and library. I Next Snndnv pvpnna 0 Dullv 11.... ....-..:....l IVU\l\l Mrs. Louise Scarlett of Malton. Mrs. Jas.I Watt. Toronto. and Mrs. Alfred" Lawrence Toronto. are visiting at the home of Mrs. George Lawrence. Burton Av_e. ` Lu. `Dull..- .. L'-..._-__. _._n L , , - I I 4 I I I I I |ur'xrA5I: L'uWl'CllUt`. DUFIUI] I`lV_e. _ Jos. Pullan, a former well-known resident of Barrie, has been very ill at Vittoria. Norfolk. 00., last reports saving that there was practically no hope of his recovery. l LIL... \,r..L-1 Q_-_I__ r I I` A" ` utur ucuxg .`pt.'lll. U) uu ]lI`&\`Enl'. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. M<,\'VIillin returned this, lweek after spending a fort.night`s vacation! `in Peterborough. North Bay. and Colling-i wood.` ` N - | 1l'lUlIlU- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jackson of {Col- ylingwood spent Monday with relatives in Al- Hanffale. l `TL: _,, ,I ,. `.. ..u . 1.... . __ . aunt url l`CU!.`ul. HIIIEKS`. St. George s Church A.Y.P.A. held a so-. cial evening on Tuesday. a very enjoyablei time being spent by all praeent. 1 . Mr am! Mr: Fr` M..\n:n:.. ....L.._-...I u.:- I IV C60 Th;:_.Misses Catcher, Essa St, have re- turned home after spending two weeks in xTornnto. ! `II- -___I II,` l'\I V I - ~ - xauuaic. ll Friends of Miss. Minnie Clark, Holgatei St. will be pleased to see her around again- after her recent illness. G4 I`.......... ._ nL.._,L A 171` A I '- lnuanc \;uuucl:uUna' as It 15 rarely accurate. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hunt of Toronto! and daugher_. Mrs. Wagkins of Pittsbul-g.i together wxth the latters daughter. spent a few days of last week with Mrs. Johni `Webb. ` _ ` ! `ll__ -,, ,1 II` A a mu...- 30 vv cuu. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Wilkinsop returned} `last. week from a trip through the Canadian- West. - y mL, 11:, , n . u .-.. .... . I .i i};'x.`ya.1xd Mrs. M. D. Tyndale and daughter! Myrtle of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. t Geo. Wiley. Essa St._. last week. l (inn:-on 7:lnuv Ln- L...._Lg LL- ____- ("A ' gucu_. vv uc_y. uaau oI.., Hist WEEK. U George Wiley has bought the property `at 199 Es=a St.. lately owned by Mrs; Tyn- 'dale. and improvements are being made on same. Blllcv - ' ` It is a good thing the tra-inmen don't de-A pend on the post office clock to catch their` trains. If they did -they would seldom: make connections as it is rarely accurate. i M.- um! M... nr 1) u.._L 4 mm A mc apcuuzug. mur nuuuays In magara raus.| I Two Alliston rinks will be here on Mon-I {day in an endeavour to take the Tudhope j~Trophy. I M .....l M... u n rn...._n_1- -..,v 4.! u A blfev. Roy Melvie was in Tcrohto on Monday. ' an... 9...... 1. .... .. a. ---_.v - L... L- vvuau unuuvca HI xuruulo. Mrs. (-Dr.) Barker of Bradford visited friends in town yesterday. Mice gni-nan-n nC"DnHnnIl.. J- AL. .......A nucuua All wwu yesteruay. Miss Spragge of 'Belleville is the guest of Miss Florence Brunton; I m D l.`...._.._.__ _.c, n-\____,,. . --a ul mung rnurcuce Druuwn. W. R. Ferguson of Torontospent th{| wieek-end with his family here. 1 William RQPVIQIUA vnnun`4-I :v|`n\ LL; ..-'...I wcclvcuu mm 1115 Izuuuy nere. V g Willlam Barnard moved Amto his new} home on F353 St. last Friday. 1 Mr and Mr: :2` I n Mm-.m-. M-- THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES

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