Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1923, p. 15

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`will jven We lily UNI WCIll\ LIICIU III |UU"IUl'y. On "the road that runs beyond the skies Anuther House of Dreams wxll r1se~-- . The cnunter.part of this house on earth-- Tn hold new joy and to harbor mirth V Whmje the love we dreamed A,of'yet never l.'I|AllI xu lU\l`(` uuu, uuuuuuu uuugu um dreams .- Aml though in th days that are to be We may only walk there in memory. (`kn -vkn v-null that runs: knvnnrl tho alyhan \I l|l`l_|" IIIE` IIIYU WU LIIURIIIV-7`-{"111 ClI IIUVUIV knew . - - wm hlnmn 111 our House of Dreams come true. ` L`l!_..L-4.L C`__1I__._I A liulp back from the street it stands Where the sunlight flashes in shining. bands M over its gables and through its trees, z~`m-ml by a wandering wraith of breeze; V l.:1llghY8I` echoes along its hall, 5 ~ l.n\'e has walked by its garden wall ` W here the hydrangea blossoms blow In summer white as the winter's snow. .Vn HHu`t,'. ul un it Ms cvcl` lull`. Fnr 5:11 in life we have counted dear Its hour! has sheltered many a year; Beneath its roof hide the glints and gleam: Hf those frail, intangibie things` called rlnnuvua Many the folk who go by its door. Many the folk that have passed of yore .. Who saw just a plain house standing there- _\'n nmre. To us it is ever fair. | L`..- .'.H Cu ca nu: Ruin: nnunimarl rlnnn -ruuasmw. SEPTEMBER 27. i9'23\ Clean to handle. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores 923, ssue ar- ands pm at ishJ ther_ GREEN TEA , you have not tasted the be'st.% Freslyfragrant and puf`e.TTr:`f it; UntilYou Try mum A-,2 THE HOUSE OF DREAMS #-Elizabeth Sco1lard.N Inrili I IIIUVIV A Laugh is just like sunshine- It freshens all the day; _ It tips the peak of life with light. And drives the clouds away. The soul-grows glad that hears it 6 And feels its courage strong; A laugh is just like sunshine For cheeng folks along. A laugh is just like music-- It lingers in the heart. And where its melody is heard The ills of life `depart. And happy thoughts come crowding Its joyful note to greet; A laugh is just like music For making living sweet! Bell Fl0we1'- Rhoda Jsland ttwwuy. 9 Ben arshall. 9 On- owles.` 9 Wolf nowles; 2. N. No Further~~1, Ines Golden----1, Seedings---1. H. u1~plbel`l. _5 for ~-1. H. Ottaway. Cook`ing~~-1. H. etiegs zfor Ex-port Haluf Peck Crwb 1----], Inwiu `Mc- Cmb Aspples. W. Smith; 2. Six Bartlett sh; 2, Major` ss D'Augo~uleu1e 1; 2, J. Yeares. ~~-1, Mrs. Geo. ash. _6 Flemish L. Brock. 001- d Winter Pears f`.;II.-.ALX..._ A ' vuuulg, .'.ocr\'IUL' III we umutute. Canned fruit for the Sick Children's Hos- pital may he left at the home of the Secre- tary the first week in October. The Octo- her meeting will he held at the home of |-Mrs. Chas. Ness. l'l`urpenrine and soap .will reumve link stains from linen. V _ A few drops .addc=`rl to water in wh1ch "clothes are boiled will whiten thm. TL .1 ..-.L............L._ ....`.':..L-._ it la. 2.. _.___!..1_l HI ILIIIVUIHIIIK`-o Ivory knife handles that have become yellow can` be restored to their former white- nosa by rubbing with turpentine.` \ nnrnnfa nun kn nlnnnnrl untl nnlnuoa angina "tan shoes nicely. _ ` Lunuca (LDC IIUIICII VVIII V\'lIll:l'll INK`-Ill. It will e-xtorniinate roiiches if it is sprinkl- ed in their haunts. T Moths will leave if it is sp1'iuk1e{l\aliout. Turpentine will remove wheel grease; pitch and tar stains. . A A few (irons on a woolen cloth will clean lm... "Hr F.-....-.n_. mleln 2. o.u..\..... .....:n4.......l UV-`` U`V l'uUUUl: VVUIII lllllfltflllrllll-`n \ Carpets can be cleaned and colors restor- ed by going over occasionally with a broom dipped in_ warm water in which a little turpentine is added. ' .An nnnul vnivfnv-A n: 4'IIvIr\nI\f;nn nnpl um llllpl`-Il| IL` CIIHIVKIU _ An equal mixture of turpentme and Im- seed oil will remove whxte marks from fur- niture caused by water. Mn:afnn -nfnxvn k`nn`z:I\n nv:}1\ I-nv\nnnf:nn ll U| BZlUC UlUClys ' Clean gilt f!`2ilI l0'.'1 wlth il sponge mmstened in turpentine. . Turn... bnlfn 1\nuxrAn Ll...` L... k........... IIIIUIC VC|UBK_7|l U WHLUII Moisten stove blacking _with At-urpentine. and it. will ml burn off so quickly. --The; increased cost of fine teas has tempted some to try `cheap, inferior teas to their sorrow.. It is real economy to use SALADA" since it yields to the pound more cups of a satisfying infusion and be- sides has such a fresh, delicious flavor.-~ (Advt.) ' __39c Your cut glass will be clear and sparkling if you add a little bluinglto the suds in whichlyou wash it. ` new ll be any Read The Examiner and get all the local and. district news. $2.00 a year and worth more. WHAT TURPENTINE WILL DO HEART MUSIC ads? Fine Arts _ C Figure Paintin-g-~1, Mrs. F. C. Calvert; 2, Florence M. Bailey. 3 Landscape Palnting--1, W. G. lRolb- I . inson; 2, Ali . E. Taylor. `Marine , Painting'---1. `Miss M. Cook; .2, W. 1 G. RoIbins`on. Ani1na1s---1, Florence . M. Bailey; 2, .Mrs. F. C. Calvert. 1 Inanimate Objects, owers, etc.- ` ; 1, Miss -C. Gordon; 2. Miss M. Cook. l . Landscalpe, water colorsv---1. Miss. Mae Shaw; 2, Alf. Taylor. Marine, water colors--1, Miss Mae Shaw; 2, Miss M. Cook. Inanimate Ob- jects. owers. etc., "water colors~'- 1,'IMrs. F. C.`-Calvert; 2, Miss Flor- ence .M. Baliley. Figure Paintinvg, water colors-`-1, Jno. Gofton; 2, Miss M. 'Co'ok. Animals, rwater `colors--1, Miss M. Cook; 2, Miss Florence .M. Bailey. Pen and Ink Sketch, dralwin-gs--1, Miss M. Cook; 2, .Miss Florence 9M. Bailey. Pencil Dralwing-- -1,',Alf. E. Taylor; 2, Mi-ss A. 0. Patterson. Charcoal Drawing --1, Alf. E. Taylor; '2, Mrs. .F. C. ' Cal-vert. Insk Dra;wIin~g on Wood- 1, Miss Florence M. -Bailey; 2. Miss `Mae SIh'a- '. Painting on `China--1.] Miss C. `_ ordon. Crayon Drawing-\-` ` 1, Mrs. F. `C. -Calvert; 2. Miss Flor- ence M. Bailey. Pencil Drawing or 'Sketch by children ,. under 15-1, .Wn1. A. Prat-t;. 2. Wm. A. Pratt. Collection of Photos by Amateur--- 1, J. Yeates; 2, M-iss Florence M. Bai1ey._ Collection of Paintings by itself-1, Miss IMae Shaw; :2, Miss Florence M. Bailey. Figure Painting in 0il-1, Miss C. Gordon. Lands- cape `Painting in Oil---1,. !Miss -A. Adams; 2, W. G. Robinson. Marine Painting in Oil-1, -W. G. Robin- . son;' 2, Miss A. Adam. Eigure Painting in Water Colors-_--1, Mi-ss Mae Shaw. - Landscape Painting in Water Co1ors--~1, Miss Mae Shaw. Marine Painting in Water Colors-- 1,_ Miss Mae` Shaw. Collection of Pastels-1,. Miss C. Gordon. Dairy Products 6 _lbs. butter in rolls,.Chantler 6: Son, Mrs- A. D. Campbell, Mrs. Norman Camp- bell;- 20-lb. crock butter,` Mrs. N. Camp- bell. Mrs. A. D.VCampbell, Mrs. Hy. Otta- way; 10-lb. crock butter, Mrs. A. D. Camp- bell, Mrs. Jno. Campbell, Mrs. M. Horne. 10 lbs. butter in 2-lb. rolls. Mrs Jno.Camp- ` bel. -Mrs. Norman Campbell. Mrs. A. D. Campbell. Farmer's cheese , Mrs. A. D. Campbell, Mrs. N. Campbell. Farmer- s cured bacon, Mrs. N. Campbell. Home- , n1agle'br`ead, Mrs A: D Campbell, Mrs. N. Campbell. `Maple sugar, Mns. Jno. Camp- bell,` Mrs. N. Campbell. Maple molasses, `Mrs. A. D. Campbell. Miss A. 0. Patterson. Honey. 5 sections all "won by Simcee Bee- keepers Association. Home-made pickles, Miss A. Adam. Collection canned fruits, `Smith. Collection of Asters, 20 Vases-1, Philip Love; 2, Miss A. L. Brock. Collection of Gla.~dioli-1, Phillip Love; 2, Chas. Kendall. Col- lection or Pansies with .foliage--1, Philip Love; 2, H. D. Atherton; 3, S. G. _Underhill.- Colection of Sweet Pe.s-:-1, H. M. ay; 2, A. B. Coutts. G1adi~ol'i 15 spikes, 5 var- ieties-1,.Phi'lip ove. Gladiol:l,V10 spikes, [1 va.riety---1, Phil-ip Love. Gladioli, 10 spikes. 10 va.rieties--1, Philip Love; 2; J. A. M~acLareu. Gladioll, 6 spi-kes, 3 vat-iet~ies---1, Phillip Love; 2, S. G. Underhill. 9 Asters,,pin:k---1, J. Harold Sllllllh; 2, J. Yeates. .9 Asters, white--1, Miss A. L. Brook; 2, Wm. C. Hogan. 9' Asters, purple-1, J. Harold Smith; 2. Miss M. E. Caimpbell. 9 Asters, crin1son-1,. M-iss A. L. Brock; 2, H. D. Atherton. 9 Asters, Mauve---1, J. Harold Smith; 2, Wm. C. Hogan. 9 Asters, two shaded-- ;1, Philip Love; 2. J. `Harold Sinith. 9 Asters, 3.varieties, 3 of each---1, `J. A. Ma'soLaren; 2, Miss A. L. Brock. `9 Asters, Rose--1, Phlili-p Love; 2, J_. Harold Smith. Collection of Petunias, single--1, Philip Love; 2, `H. D. At-herton.. Collection of Petunias, dou.ble--`1, Philip Love; 2', Miss A. L. Brock. Phlox Drum-` mondi--1, Philiip Love; 2, J. Yeates.` N8.SlllI`tlllll1lS with foliage--1, Miss Ellen Doibson. Candytuift--1, Philip Love; 2, J. Yeates; Nicotiana-1, Philip .Love. Zinnias--1, Philip Love; 2. H. M. Lay. Marigolds--1, M. E. Campbell; 2, Philip Love. Dahliias 1, Miss M. E. Canipbell; 2, Reg`. ' Gray. Aut'irrhinums--1, Philip Love"; 2, Chas. R. Kendall. Dianth'u.s--~1,e C. liendall; 2, Henry G. Drake. Gaillardia---1, J. Yeates. Salpiglossis-1, Philip Love; 2, J. Yeates. Scwbiosa---1, Phil'i`p Love; 2. J. Harold Simitli. Collection 01' .- \nnuals,- 12 \'a.rieties-l_`, Philip Love; 2, ,J. Yeates. Verbena-1, Philip Love; 2, J. Yeates. ceiosial or Ostrich Plu`n1e-'-~1, Philip Love. Cosmos-1, Philip Love; 2, Henry G. `Drake. C00kSCOlll~b----1, Philip Love. Moignonette--1, C. Kendall; 2, Philip Love. Salvia, 10 sp*i'kes-- 1, Philip Love; 2, iWn1. C. Hog_an.i 6 Single Geraniums-~l, Miss M. E. Cainpibell. 6 Do-utble Geraniums-- 1. E. A. Harris; 2, Miss M. E. Camp- bell. Basket. of Cut F1o`wers--1, Philip Love; 2, Geo. Vlickers; `3, Miss M. E. Calmpsbell. pTalb`le Decor- a.tion--I, Philip Love; 2, Miss'M. E. Campbell; 3, Miss M. E. Camplbell. Table Boquet---.1, `Phillip Love; 2, Geo. Viokers; 3, Miss M. E. Camp- bell. Hand Bou.xquet--1, Philip Love; 2, Miss M. E. Ca.-mpbel-1; 3,. J._A. Mac.-Laren. ' THOSE CAPTURING BARRIE FAIR PRIZES 7 .`(Cor xtinued from page 14) ; V Plants and Flowers . 2_ Hanging `Baskets-'-1, Philip Love. ` 6` Double Geraniuu1s--1, E. A. Harris. 6 Coleus--1, E. A. Harris. 6 Begonias~--1, Philip Love; 2,- E. A. Hanrris. 6 Ferns--- 1 E. A. Harris. Collection of Plants in-Pots--1, E. A. Harris; 2,| Cecil Pool. Collection of Begonias, an1ateur_-1,_Phiili`p Love; (2, Geo. Shannon. Rwbnber Plant---1, Miss M. E. Campbell; 2, Cecil Po_ol. Kochia --1, M-iss M. E. Canlptbenll. Impatiens -+1. E. `A. Harris; 2,` Missl.\I. E. `Campbell. _WindoW Box--1, Philip , Love. E uda 23 Collectibn of Asters, 1. Miss A. L. Brock u ` I V.--Id.L I`1..Il..a.4-.-.q -I\., `Cut I-`towers 20 blooms-I 2, J. Harold Astrs, 2 0 Ilia A 1 Miss A. Adam. Dozen eggs, Mrs. E. V. Babcock, -Miss M. E. Campbell. Nut bread, Mrs. A. D. Campbell. Miss M. E. Campbell. Fruit bread, Mrs. A. D. Campbell,` Mrs. N. Campbell. Brown bread, Miss A. 0. Pat- .terson, Mrs. N. Campbell. Baking from I |,one batch. of dough, Mrs. A._ D. Campbell. Pair dressed fowl, Miss M. E. Campbell. . Ladies Work ~ Baby s' bonnet, Mrs. M. McCorkell, Mrs. George N. Campbell; buttonholes, 4 on cotton, Mrs. A. T. Moore, Mi$ J. Quantz; buttonholes, 4 tailored, Miss J. Quantzi. Mrs.`W. Justice; boudoir lamp shade, Ellen Dobson; childis dress or coat, made fronrold garment, Miss J. Quantz. Mrs . A. T. Moore; child s dress, Mrs. A. T. Moore," Miss M. E. Campbell; dressed doll, Miss Ellen Dobson; dressing table scarf, Mrs. A. `T. Moore, Miss M. Turner; embroidery, sun burst. G. J. McArthur; embroidery, conventional, Mrs. G. N. Campbellv(2); embroidery. single piece colored sillz, Miss Jean Marshall. Mrs. H. Maxwell; fancy spread. Mrs. M. L. Chantler, Mis M. E. Mrs. H. S. Stevens, Miss M. E. Campbell; fancy work not mentioned in prize list. Mrs. T.. Jennett. Mrs. A. Anderson;- handker- chiefs, hand trimmed. Mrs. G. B. T: Law- -rence. Miss J. Quantz; lace, filet crochet, lMrs, G. "B. T. Lawrence, Mrs. W. A.- Har- lris; lace, Irish crochet, Mrs. C. A. Moore. lMrs. M. L. Chantlcr; lace. point, Mrs. G. '8 T. Lawrence; lace, hand made. three I lC'ampbell; fancy needlework, single piece, styles. Mrs. Geo. M. Campbell, Miss M. Sinclair; apron, fancy. Miss Ellen Dobson. Mvvu {` l \nArfl-n1r- any-nn nlnin DlllUl{`ll'j LIIHUII, 111110)`. 1.11155 AJJIICH Mrs. C. J. McArthur; apron. Miss Ellen Ddbson. Mis apron, porch or bungalow. rs. A. F. Dobson-. Miss Jean Marshall; house" dress. machine made, Miss A. Adam. Mrs. Geo. N. Campbell; camisole. Mrs. T. Jen- nett. Mrs..G. B. T. Lawrence; convalescent jacket. Miss` Ellen Dobson. Miss M. Turner; embroidered night robe, Miss M. E. Camp- bell. A. T. Moore; beaded blouse or gown. Miss Ellen Dobson, Mrs. T. Jennett; three-piece lingerie set, Miss M. E. Camp- bell; library table runner. colored embroid- ery. Mrs. M. L. Chantler. `Mrs. -P./Love; libraryytable runner. other style, Mrs. H..D. Atherton. Miss.J. Quantz; luncheon set, 7 pieces. Mrs. A. Anderson. Miss M. E. Camp- bell; laundry `bag, worked, Mrs. Geo. N. Campbell; modern cross stitch. Mrs. Philip IJULIBUIL plain, Love; pillow cases, pair, crochet trimmed. M. Turner. Mrs. G. N. Campbell; pillow slips. day. M. Turner. Mrs. A. T. Moore; pair pillow cases. embroidered. Miss Jean Marshall. M. Turner; pin cushion. washable, an M I (`Raul-law M TIIFHAI` - nufnll- Litster ; lMrs. M. L. Chantler. M. Turner; patch- work, Mrs. Robt. Marshall. Miss E. M. Patterson; quilt, down, Mrs. M. Horne. Mrs. A. Anderson; quilt, patched. Miss Lit- ster; quilt. any other kind. Mrs. Roberts. Midhurst Ladies Aid; rag carpet. Mrs. A. D. Campbell. Miss Litster; rag mat hooked. Miss E. M. Patterson. Miss A. 0. Patterson; rag mat braided. Mrs. Robert Marsh- all. Miss Jean Marshall; sideboard scarf. Mrs.-M. L. Chantler, Mrs. Edith` LVll`llull. Lu. lulllcl , pun UUBIIIUH. vvaauuunc, l Rowe; slippers. Miss Ellen Dobson, M. 'l`urner; shoulder shawl. knitted. Miss A. Adam. Miss A. 0. Patterson; sweater coat, Ifilet crochet,-Miss Ellen Dobson; sweater,s 'pullover. knitted, Mrs. M. L. Chantler, Missl M. E. Campbell; sweater coat; knitted, any other kind. Miss Ellen Dobson. Miss J. Quantz; sofa pillow. silk embroidery, Mrs. A. F. Dobson, Miss Jean Marshall; sofa pillow. other style.` Mrs. T. Jennett; ser- vice tray, Miss Jean Marshall. M. Turner; tatting. one piece white. one piece colored, Mrs. C. A. Moore, A. Anderson; tea cosey. embroidered, Mrs. A. McCulloch. Mrs. Geo. N. Campbell; tea cosey, wool. Mrs. A. F. Dobson, second prize; pair tray cloths. M. Turner, Miss Jean Marshall; table cloth and six serviettes, M. Turner, Mrs. A. T. Moore; table centre, French and Madeira, Mia Jean Marshall. Mrs. Philip Love; table centreyembroider-y and filet crochet, Mrs. H. D. Atherton, Mrs. W. A. Harris; table doyley. set of six, M. Turner, Miss Ellen Dobson; table mats, set of six. Miss Ellen Dobson, Mrs. A. Andersonftea cloth, filet crochet and embroidery. Mrs. A. -F. Dobson; tea cloth. oth r style. Mrs. Edith Rowe, Mrs. H. D. At erton; toilet and stand cov- ers. Mrs. G. B. T. Lawrence. Miss Ellen Dobson; pair bedroom towels, crochet inser- tion, M. Turner, Mrs. Geo. N. Campbell; pair bedroom towels. hemstitched and ini- tialed. Mrs. Philip Love; pair guest towels, Swedish darning, Mrs. A. Anderson; veran- da jacket. knitted or\crocheted. Miss Lit- ster. M. Turner; woolen gloves, Miss E. M. Patterson, Miss A. 0. Patterson; woolen handknit socks, Mrs. Jno. Campbell,;Mrs. Norman Campbell woolen handknit `socks, fine. Mrs.` A. McCulloch. Mrs. G. J. Mc- Arthur ;. woolen handknit mitts, double. Mrs. Norman-Campbell, Mrs. A. D. Mc- Arthur; woolen handknitmitts, fine, Mrs. A - 'M'nl"_nll.-ml; ll.`-a Danna -nu.-.1-.. um... l'8lllI.l\ll', WUUICII lldlltlhlllla-lllllrl, IIIIU, 11'5- A. McCulloch_. Mrs. Rage; woolen yarn, homespun. 2 lbs., Mrs. A. D. Ciimpbell; best fine articles; suitable for Christmas Palm _and olive oils. -uotln'ng else -give nature : green color to Palmolive Soap. page 15) - ' I gifts, Miss Jean Marshall, Miss Ellen Dob-l `French schoolgirls hereafter are to have son. Mrs. G. B. T. Lawrence; collection of special instruction in durning stockings, un- children s work under 14, Mary Dale, first (let a decree just issued by the French min- and second. ` ister of education. I wash all my dainty things wit/1 LUX f It only takes me a few minutes at night in my own room to wash out my silken under- _ things, silk stockings or my daintiest blouses and smocks in a basin of the gentle, bub- bling Lux suds. . I just dip them up and down in the basin, pressing the rich Lux lather through and through them, and when they are dry, they look just as fresh and beautiful as when new. Lux will not .harm anything that water alone will not harm. No fabric so ne nor hue so delicate that it cannot be Washed with Lux. I LLIX :C1opatra Washed Her V Face This Way _-- -. ...---.r.. u s. The girl of today, if she would be beau- tiful, follows Cleopatra s practice. Every day she cleanses the skin thoroughly with mild Palmolive Soap. Never does she per- mit cold cream. rouge and powder to ac- cumulate and clog the pores of the skin. -She knows that this starts irritation and _ result. blackheads, pimples and other blemishes She used Palm and Olive oils, the same rare oils which are blended in Palmolive. She knew that to have a fresh ne skin, thorough cleansing was necessary. The crude combination of Palm and Olive oils which was the best that even royalty could then obtain is now brought to perfection in Palmolive. _......-......J ..\,..~.n nu l\lJJo `Thus a great luxury may be enjoyed at the price of ordinary soap. You can pay more. but you can't get a ner, Amilder cleanser. - You can buy.Pa1molive Soap at all rst-H class `dealers. _ Palmolixfe with its mild creamy lather gs lotion-l1ke in its action. It freshens, rev_ives and stimulates and leaves the skin I delxghtfully fresh and rosy. ~'T`L..._ .. ....__-..L 14A:>44 __ L - I ' ` LEVER Annomnns LIMITED 7 TORONTO Sold only in ` sealgd acbets-dust-pro of! was 27. 1923 Volume and Ecieucy Produce 25-cent cieucy 1 5-cent ,.., Oc `Page Fifteen VV lOI|L7| 3 CW1/ID Collection of" I`! \.l'

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