Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1923, p. 12

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DUUJ. ALVU _\3n.Ul`.: Urunuwxj 11 an uuu- ; Large firm, doing wholesale and retail `bus- iness. and operating a chain of stores, wish- es to locate in Barrie. But will not buy a shoe business. Will buy a store or lease one. location between Post Office and Five Points; store must be good size, around 25xl00 feet. Wanted between now and` March '1. next. If this firm locates in Bar- rie. it will be a boom. to the buying public of Barrie and surrounding `country. as they carry a large stock and buy at Manufactur- ers lowest price, and sell very close._ Ad-- dresz all correspondence to 149 Dunn Ave.. Toronto. Ontario. . " 39p I ' |HOU`SE_. office or store windows cleaned.` Floors. cleaned, . polished or oiled. ' . ; Smith, 195 Dunlnp St., phone 439M`. 37-48p; `HAIR. DRESSING done by Mrs. D. C. `Howard. Bring your combings -and have U a good swit_c`1 made. 26 Mulcaster St. 27tfc| 1 L4: lL\lI4L?LlllUlLV\l. uu nunuu, vunyynu vuu. !and se-we>d;' nxattresaes repaired; auto andi -buggy tops, tire covers. made and repaired. ` J. Beleskey. rear of Simcoe Hotel. 39-44` iIURNI'I`URE REPAIRING and upholster- !mg. .1. T. Dougnll. 117 Worsley St. 39.40c, U1 HOL-STERING. all _ ._Ll__-._-_.. Business Opportunity Live Stock For Sale. `Lost and Found pay LU Barrie. Miscellaneous For $51: I kinds; carpets cut! andl I-nnr`n onr` l'II'\I):Flll" W IICCIB 183 Bay 00 on- I -Wafch 'for VMe`rry-Go-Round` at the Capitol. . . 39x] Recent rains have made the lawns` `as verdant as in spring. . `l1-...-........ Tl7..:.. L-.. ....'.-.....J .E....... as vczuuuua uu nu; alas-nub. --Professor Weir has moved from 17 Sophia St., to 21 Collier St. 39c| l chestra at New Dreamland every night. - ' T 39x T As usual, Elmvale Fair attracted `quite a number of people from Bar- `rie this week. _ v i ,- `II ---Hear Wintyr Myers Toronto or- | 11 I/Alla nuunuc St. AndreW s choir will repeat Hiawatha s Wedding Feast at pop- 'ular prices on Tuesday, Oct. .23. l~`\ % WANTIDI)----Fall ploughing to do; Fordson Oliver outfit used; Leruns reasonable. Ap- ply W. 0. Montgomery, Lefroy. Phone 12r2. 7 37-42;)` of the big attra'ctions.coming to the! Capitol Thegtre -next week. ' 739x --Harry Twiss, tailor, Ross Block, has a ne showing of ready-to-wear overcoats. Attractive prices. ,39p New .members- welcome at meeting of I.O.D.E. to be held in Agricultur- al Rooms, Monday, Oct. 1, 7.30 p.m. -`Mer-ry-Go-Round; will be one! l V --Ne.v music New i)rea1n1;and. Starting Friday, Winter Myers Tor~ onto orchestra will play every night. - 1 -Neil. Yel1ow1e_e.s, `expert; piano` tuner, coming next week. Leave or- Iders at J. G. Keenan s, opp. P.O. 39c uu. -3. slvv] Ovenden College opened for the autumn term last week with the num- ber of boarding pupils almost up to` %capacity. | u....:,... 1:`-.. ...1......L:..... .....J 1; I l -For Christmas bloom, start your hyacinth and other_bu1bs now. Full line of bulbs and`pots at Brown & Co. s. _ - 39c: 1 I`! 11 ,, ,1 1|, Lul IlCILCBo UU The public school teachers in the` inspectorates of North an*d South Simcoe will meet in Barrie on Oct. 11 and 12. ` ` `I,,, 1\,,,,`rx1__1_ ' -L1. auu 180 . -Harry Twiss, tailor, Ross Block,` has a rie howing of ready-to-wear ,overcoats. Attractive prices. I 39p Warm weather and moisture have} sti_mu1ated the growth greatly andl pastures now furnish abundant food }for -the cattle. V 1- `L. _____,_-A.:__- _.D LL- lJlu, uu J\IUD\A0iJ uu \- y.nu. The annual meeting of the ladies section of the Barrie Country Club will be held in the clubhouse, Satur- day afternoon, Oct. 6, at 4 o'clock. TA. _ ....LLnu :v\`-n\Il\n`-:V\fI 4-A `Inn-I1 l l ' LUI. LIIC \.ClUUl\?t I v A meeting` of the executive of the Barrie Choral Society will be` held at Mr. Hoadley s studio, 46 Clapperton St., on Tuesday at 8V p.m. V l rn1._ _ _ _ . -..1 .........|.:...... -4` 4.1.... 1...l:....!l |ua_y a.|.uCLuuuu, uvu. u, my 1 u vluvnnu l , It is rather interesting to knowl ithat `the dozen eggs which took first!` prize at Barrie Fair were laid by a hen seven years old--Mrs.` E. V. Bab- cock s Rhode Island_Red, Muriel. I"M{M T0 REN I`----Half [lot 4 and half! In: 5, Can. 7. lnnisfil, 100 acres. clay loam, [ numlmr :wr(=.- fall wheat and rye in; some} full plowing done; gum! well. Apply to Mrs.] B. Mair-.1. Bux 12. Thnrntun, or Samuel` ll 3,! 'nl...__.:..... Qggfnl UIJUKIUUI !ll(llI\`lll6n`iIJL\IVV II \II \J\JO T Because the wind was in the southl at the equinox, a local weather pro-I phet predicts an open fall. Others go further and say the winter will be mild, as there are very few nutsx on the trees. . . a During Saturday` night the Orol Creamery at Hawkestone was'brokeneK into, the refrigerator opened and 630 I mounds of creamer_v butter stolen byl `thieves, who carried the butterto the! road to a waiting car or truck. The `loss to H. Newman is over $250. vvn ru I n____' I 4.a,,.....,,. V . ! -Notice-For plumbing and heat-| ing, ring 214, .J. J." Neelands, 485 Blake St. Repairs for all stoves and` furnaces. 33tfc'. 11- 1, ,1 ;,_-1_____ :_- L'I--' 1 ---Nothing more beautiful or fra-1 grant than hyacinths in bloom duringi the winter months. Come in and seel our stock of bulbs for indoor andi outdoor p1anting.-Brown & Co; 39c `DA n n . . an I-Ln unis-`J `Ivan :v\ 4-Inn` cniufk `luau la\I u. ...,......... ...-. .,_.W. 3 High School Inspector J. A. Rog-l lers is spending this week atABarriei [Collegiate Institute on his annual, tour of inspection of that large in-' stitution. A _detailed report will be! ipresented to the Department of Ed- ucation, which will be in turn for- iwarded to the local Board ofEduca~ ition at a later date. A 1 v I!` I \o|UII uv It luv; uuvvo I E Last Sunday St. Andrew s Church [was beautifully decorated with ow-, Iers, grain, fruits, etc., the work be- ling done by a hard-working commit- tee headed by Mr. Lay. Sermons appropriate to the Harvest Home were preached by Rev. G. A. Brown` and there was special music. Large, congregations were in attendance, morning` and evening. mL- A...L: r*:.........u... T nnnn .. .4` H..,. IIIUL 11115 Gtuu C V \.AAAu5 The Anti-Cigarette League of the EPrince of Wales School held its rst !meeting for the term on Friday last.| when 24 new signatures were added! to the roll. The former officers. be- ing now in attendance at B.C.I., an election for successors was`necessa1'_v. This resulted in the choice of J. D. \Cle1and for president and Will . Mc- Keown for secretary. n-11-- t\-L-'|.__. _-_-..4.:`...... -4` LL. 1!`! ('1 The universities and normal schools are claiming a large number of ex-students of B.C.I. this year. University of Toronto is, of course, the great favorite. Among those entering the Faculty of Arts are the Grace Beattie. Margaret Malcomson. Gwen Hurlburt and Marie McKnight. In the Fac- ' ulty of Medicine will be found Arthur Walk- er. Queen s University will have on its register the names of Miss Norah DeHart and Andrew Walker. The normal schools will also have their share. those going to Hamilton Normal being Misses Estella Mc- Bride. Ila Newton. Janet and Frankie Campbell. Anna McBride, Kathleen Mur- phy. Leila Davis. Kathleen Harvey and Irene McQuay. Richard Callighen is at R. foowng Misses Jean Cowan, Helen Ross. .M.C., Kingston. JLUV H II nun. 0\r\rl.\rV5QL .1 o The October meeting of the W.C. T.U. will be held at the home of Mr. Ball, Maple A_ve., Monday evening` next, at 7.30, insteadof in the after- noon. After a very brief business meeting, there will be an interesting address by jMiss.Du of Toronto,` which all interested in Social Service iare invited to hear. Miss Duff is a young lady- with `pleasing delivery; and we bespeak for her a good aud- ience. ' ` ` LOCAL NEWS OFF TO COLLEGE ll. ;uau7a. turn Muiul. Thornton. rm: BARBIE EXAMINER ` latl l-llal U\ClIIll5a I l -The regular classes will- commence Fri-I ,(_iay evening. October 5, at 7.30, and meet iygegularly every Tuesday and Friday evening. | I"Instruction will be ziven in the followingi I The Industrial Evening Classes will open in the Prince of Wales School on Tuesday evening. 0ctober_2. at 7.30. All students. who wish.to at-tend, are requested to regis- l ter that evening. I rnn-nluv nluaann uyill. Vri,l nnnn l\`\nnnn IQCSUIGII3 CYCIJ 1llC\`\Ia'V DIIKI 1'|n|a_y CVCIIIII5n I `Instruction will iven the followmrr {'3 subjects: . 1:....n..1 ;..:n.......;,.- n"?5PEN1Nc 01-` INDUSTRIAL [ EVENING CLASSES W" l i In the published list of winners at the re- cent Fair baby show. a typographical error! lguve second prize in the boys` class. 6 to 12 months. to Mrs. Albert Wice. It sho1il_(_l_ have -read Mrs. Albert Welch (64 Pene-v ltang St.) There :re said to be some other errors. but the. list as publishedis as it ap-l pears in the judge's book. The Examiner! will be glad to make corrections when `an| official statement is supplied by` those in' |charge of the competition. l ATTERSO1 loving memory of Max'- garet Henry, wife of Jas. A. Patterson, who died Sept`. 23. 1920. ` ` The years may wipe out many things; But this the-y ll wipe But never. The memory of those happy days 1171....` nu. nvnv-A RAH-n fnanmnr Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peters. Caroline St., wish to thank their friends `and neighbors fort; their sympathy and kindness shown in their recent bereavement. 39c "S. J. Reynolds_."Stroud, wishes to thank friends and neighbors for their sympathy and kindness shown in his recent sad be- reavement. 39p English and Arithmetic" 7l`elegraph_v Moior Mechanics _ Home Nursing and First Aid { Reed Weaving (Basket and Tray Work) ` Dress-Making I _ All pupils. under sixteen years of age (employed or une1nploye(l), and who are qnot attending any school. :~'h0uld,register in the class of English and" Arithmetic. I Registration Fee. $2.00. . ' Foi` further information apply to V r\ 1xvrnI\1\1t 7 I1 urnnnvnntr a lLVklLlJCUlL`- ` 5 i v .r.'15j' x>{5ii36w1."""3f TM61is6N,. l"L..2.......... D..1..,.2. T EXI ER;[~ENvCED FARM HAND WANTED; I 1. , -_._:...J ._,.,., ,...,-.n nnrl nu-Ann nu-n\'ir`pr". CLEARY-In loving memory of my deari A father. Jas. Cleury, who passed away Oct. ' 5. 1921. I You are gone but not forgotten, As it dawns another year. In our lonely hours of thinking '!`L........L5- ..C` "An nhn nlunynivr nnnvt dust wucu luc unys acclllcu uusuu.-an, V Just when our hopes were best, I God called him home to heaven ' To sweet eternal rest, I 39c -~SadlyA missed by Wife and Children. 1118 nlexnury U1 Luuac nappy uaja When we were both together. 39c ` - ' 39c HOUNSOME-In loving memory of my! dear husband, Thomas Smith Hounsome, died Sept. 26. 1921. through war services, . late of the 19th Batt., C.E.F. ' I nu: lU>llEl_\ uuulc Ul luulnune Thoughts of you are always near. .-4.. \lQ .-.., _.,-._ __..... -._._. Just when the days Stet-med brightest, Tnnb Juan nuns Rana: nun-A knnf FLOOR OILCLOTH, 2 and 2%: yds. w'ide, nice patterns, special value at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c sq. yd. LARGE BLACK LEATHER SHOP- --.--`u4-. v\ A LARGE BLACK LEATHER SHOP- -xwuv.-. v\ . !`.}`.I luliJL'l`AV'L;I`4lJ r-ruuu .n.~u_V 1: vv nu 1.1111, ` married. good `oust: and garden provxded; _v(-arly_ contract. Apply Roy Hlckllug, Bar-T rie P.(). Phune 606r2. A . 39p .SPECIAL VALUE IN OILCLOTH Vr\Yv A v\1-tr`: LA FRANCE CASTILE SOAP, spec- :.\I -1 ,,I,, t,,a-n- SATURDAY, SEPT. 29, ONLY -- Tay1oi"s Borax and Mo1`ton s Vic tor S0ap-- CARD OF THANKS 4LAh\JL.J AJJ.44L\./AL 4;. .. --v- PING BAGS with two handles and dome fastener, cretonne lined. Size 14x15, easy priced .. $1.75 Size 11x12_, easy priced .. [$1.25 4:. \1 LJL&\}1I. ;.44;.a.LLn..4Lv n.;AL\J 13iNE AGs wiz two handles aci stfap buckle, size 10x16, easy priced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.98 L JJ\JAl.LL..l .7 4n.A.J\.JJ4 1.1 \IAAJ\II.l\lLLz SQUARES, second; easy priced. 01".. A 1/ "H11 .....,... O0 -IE Size Size Size Size - --15 ha;-s for $1.00, 7 bars for 50 .._.____.._.__._.._....._...-__._. GUN WANTED, dmxble-barreled,`hammer-' lax: or pump gun preferred. Box 932 or phone. 365W. . , 39p` . I BAv SHOW.AWARDS IN MEMORIAM L'|J\luL. 1 Chairman. ---u.....u-.1, \J\.\-\.I|I\A\r, 4 1/. x7 1/ , price 6x71/2, `price . . . 71/2 X9, price . . . -7`/_- x10, price --Dauughter Jessie. -...... ...v--- , yr`-x 7 cakes for 25 El` -.--Husband. woun ,. Principal. $2.73 $5.00 $5.50 $6.25 ALL KINDS FOWL AND JUNK WANT- ED. write [ .0. Box 542 or phone 384. II I ,._IA D..__l,. - Harvest Home services will be held in New Lowell United Church, Sun day, Oct. 7, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.i Men s Stylish Shoes i_f9[ 'l`o'bestylishly tted in boots means, tirst of all. that one`s feet must be comfortable and at. ease. These shoes are designed to be thoroughly comfortable and at the same time to fit with a snugness that gives one the condence of being dressed in the right boots. Carefully selected leathers and substantial soles have been employed and constructed with the neness which good dressers demand in boots for business and dress wear. Specials at Lowe Bros. HOMEMADE HEAD-CHEESE . . . . . . . . . . . . HOMEMADE SAUSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROLLED ROASTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOILING BEEF, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c to ROUND STEAK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIRLOIN STEAK . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . f . . . . . . . . . PORTERHOUSE ROASTS . . .- . . . . . . . . . . RUMP ROASTS, from 20 to 30 lbs. . . . . . . . . THESE PRICES ARE CASH PRICES Elizabeth Street A design that is ever pop- ular. We ve a new shoe we know you ll like. . In brown or black, oxford or strap, stitched sole with rubber heel. Four designs at . . . . .. $4.00 New Fall Footwear Fashions We have provided a Shoe that is Correct in Style, Price and Quality for your everyl: all and Winter Need . DELIGHTF UL STYLES IN FALL FOOTWEAR ARE TEMPTINGLY PRICED ' The Hugnggot sl ? (,`.4)ING (}R()(`,ERY STORE for sale. Splen- did opportunity fur right man. Owner re- tiring from })ll.w'il1l}&~'. Apply Box G. Ex- aminer. p 38-390 i I I LOWE BROS. FRENCH TOE SEl:\:[CE Men s Astor Black Dongola Bals. with rubber heels; this shoe is good value at $10.00, special . . . $6.75 Men s Vici Kid Blucher Cut Boots, wide toe, good_$10.00 value, $6.75 Men s Dr. Carter s Cushion Sole Boots with rubber heels, dongola blucher cut, `special value, $10.00 Men s Box Calf Boots, bals. with pointed toes, special value, $6.00 Men s Black Box Kip Boots with rub- her heels, madewby the Greb Shoe Co., easy priced . . . . . $6.00 Men s Smoked Elk Boots with wing tip, 10-inch leg, made by the Greb Shoe Co., good value at $10.00, special price . . . . . . . . . . .. $8.00 Men s Black Mennonite Oil Grain Plain Toe Working Boots; this boot` is extra value at . . . . $5.00 Men s Black and Brown Leather Working Boots, sizes and half siz- es 6 to 11, with toe cap, special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- $4.50 V, Boys Fine Brown Bals., sizes 1 to 595;; this boot is big value at $6, special price . . . , . . . . . . $5.00 Boys Fine Black Velour Bals., sizes ,1 to 5. special . . . . . . . . .. $5.00 Boys Brown Bluchers, 8-inch top with two buckles at top, sizes 1 to '51/_; this is a good working boot, and is big value at . . . . . . $5.00 vYouths Brown Grain Blucher Cut Greb Shoes, sizes 11 to 131/2; this is a great boot to wear, easy priced . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 HEESE . ..15cTb RE ..j20c1T) ..20clB .. 7cto12clB . ..20cTb . 25cTb STS..- . . ..25clB .. 15c Tb THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1923 ~ The Board of Works has men at work cleaning out the ditches and l culverts before the fall rains set in._ Opposite Wellington Hotel ~ MEN S BROGTJE OXFORDS ' Two very new lrrsis have just arrived. Both have Goodyear welted soles,- are made of brown calf- skin, and priced at $6.50 Other styles from $4.85 ~ l l IGl<)0NS WANTEI)--v-I". 1). Haight, 53; IJuul0pSl A ' > .39-40;)` 7cto12ciT; .....20cTb %....25cIB 15cTb THURSDAY, XE . _....`. ` of Mrs. work. I1! NJ. i: W .\i{-'. v xurm-(I 11 , Z1. M (1 fill. vvlllc A .\J. H. I.evit, Barrie. 0'U'O~oooo~oooooo n II .\II'. .\h`. and I .\'i:xg;u':< kvnm-I} u-4-k-rml ` Urn Rt-in :\'I .i.\"~`P.~` Iu Au :.r;:h. uuu .\Ir. 5 , . _n.<. V `.\I`rI.I pnt n nntht-I`. .._..__...._..____..____.._.______ WAN'l`F}D immediately. furnished house or! furnished aparnnmnt to rent ,for winter.` AdulI..s. Miss V. Burtnn, Box 621, Barrie. 39-401) | Henry I I11L`lIiL` p--t.hen cor :~;fr54'I:`s"r; Ir I .1 M r.~' The Dumll `if. `;1.:;' Thursday, - ' FUR SALE--~New bungalow. 6 rooms. all! .. ..l...... ......... 3,......\,. "run! nvululnn An. -WEST! THE u| qwnl I Sun-I `ru ('11! ;\l. .- and Hum; If of` S1 l`UlS aVl\ll[`r""1Vt?W uuugumw. u 1-mum. up nmdc-rn cun\'.~nio1a(-.0.~'_. good garden. Ax)-Q ply 50 l)0nuld St. Phone 61lr4. 39-41p P E R: `rh. t-l`i`EIfr, I an lllll Hr` ,1 n; -- HOUSE (`:I`l=EAl FOR CAS-H-Eight- _.,..__.-.x L..:..I. L... .. ".191. .......m.. um!-olnmm I1UU\`Il`j U1l:l`1nI" run. unwu--uiguw momed brick house with garage andthroei acres good laud. largo lawn. Just outsidei town limits. Apply 130 Tiffin St., `Allan-l .L.|n :2.=:.4nn. I/llwll dale. 72 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, east half lot 11 .__,- n f.\...... ...;II ....II ...24l. .... ...!a-kn..+ `IL .`\Ul\:l': vtuuu 1'U1\ Unuu, caau uuu luv 11. con. 9, Flesa. will sell with or without .~'l()L'k and implements. Apply to Mrs. Har- vey Carr, R.R. No. 3. Thornton. ' 37-42p II()lTb'~,l`I FOP. S.\l.E at 68 Inni.s'fi'l St, Al-I lzmdale. partly (i0Strn.\'e(l by fire; also gar- age for sale. Will accept any reasonable nffor, Mr.~ ..Au_nie I{el.s'e_v. Apply to M1`s.| Mcl"ar1m1d. 139` Tiffiu St-..'Allandale. 39p WWWWWWW wuswwww '5 ADLET COLUMN T >1: >x< . >x< H4 , FUR SAl.lC~~-50-acre farm. in Township ofl 0m. 30 :u'.rt'.\' l1tH'(lW()()(l bush. chiefly nlaple. suital)le for mill logs, Apply Box (3. Examintw office. 39p (Il.lM()l(`,l'} FARM FOR SALE--95 acres of! _ IJ .. -1 I |..__.I ._.:.L -l.,.:.... 1...: .. o........l. \I|.l`\ll\Il'l l`l\I\lVl l'\Il\ kVl`\l.4'l'1"*`lU K\lJIl`\` Ull good land, with choice buildings situated: ,|w. Craigvule Station and the village of 3, Srmml. '. -miI(- from I rm'inciul Highway. 6 nnilos_s0ulh of Barrie. For particulars ap- ply In Uhnrlv.< l .ulwrtson. Craigvale. 38-41;), 7 . I l*':\RM FOR SAl4lC~-We.~'r half lot 18. C0n.l 12. Vespra. 87 acres; all cleared but 10f H(`I'v.~` hardwuml hush; 20 acres pasture; 2!` :u'.1'l`.~` nu`?-.l1arl;`.~xoil clay loam; good well;I "lair lsuildings. Will sell with or without .~'lnL'li and llllpl!`Ill`ntS. `James Brumhy, R.R. 2. Barrie. Phone 609r2. 35-40p% \'..\Lu.'.131.1: 1-`ARM 1:011 SALE~-West half! ..s` L. . nu :.. .1... mt. ..,\....m._.:,.., no` elm. 'l`m.m,l D rlllnuu - luun .L uxr zwuunvn LU uauu l.'*uUU square feet floor_space, suitable far small family housekeepmg, light manufacturing. or office` purposes. A_pply Hampton E. Jory, King Block, Bax-rue. 38-40c FAIRM FOR SALE OR RENT--l7O acres. lot 9, con. 5. Innisfil. good clay loam, good buildings. Apply John Mayes, 253 Bay- field St., Bame. ,39-44p . _ I 1Al{M FUR SAl.F-Southe_ast quarter lot 19. con. 11. lnni. 50 acres. frame house, with st.um~ (`.oll:H', frame burn and lean-to] with stone l>u.s'en1enI. "Apply Lot Smith.` (7x':}ig\'ztln._ RR. 1. 39-401) 4 I \ .'\lAl-':"lI.",lll'A I'{\l\.AVl l'\Il\ l3l'\lJl_`A""'VV Fm`? IIKIII of 1m 18. in the 9th coucessron of the Town-` ship of Vespra. The land is clay -and clay` lnam; and under cultivation except about? Q ....nn.~ :n `In: IV1lI|n\I\1` `\|I:`\ rlnnr` knhllz ' UNFUR.N[S-HED ROOMS to rent or fur- nished rooms with home privileges. 15 Bradford St. Phone 595W. . 37-42p g&&&aw$&%&&&&&a ROOMS TOARENT AT 233 BAYFIELD ST. I -[Three large front rooms, all convenienc- es. some furniture. Adults only,Aroon1 for car. - 39c S'I`EAaM-HEATED ROOM TO R.ENT-500 ..... .. (`Ant CIA.-up nnnnn ...!o..Ll.. (3.... .........1I Page Twelve UIHIII , nlI\l ll||lJl'vl CUIIIVCIIIIKIII VAUKTIII LII 8 ucr(=.< in hardvmod hush. Good brick! lmuso. bank barn and franle` barn situatedi tlwromu. Also orchard and good well. The! farm iswell sit.uated_. close to rural school and has in cmmectinn therewith rural mail. u|ul't(*|0phm19. For terms apply to Mrs. Jnsnph (`.npo]and. R. R. 2, Barrie. ` D". M.` Srmvart, Solicitor, Barrie. Ont. 37-390' TU; Ll')"l`-.\ mmn. suitable for. office on! gmuml flow`. -18 Buyfivld St. W38-390' '1`() I:ET-4R.oom. suitable for office or: cunnnittee room. 48 Bayfield St. 40tfc f TO Rl. nice rooms vac- ant October 17. Apply Sterling Bank` of (Xuxadu. Bnrrie. . A 39c FURNISHED ROOMS TO LEI`, central, suitable for light housekeeping; also ex- tension dining room table for sale. Phone 855W. _ 39p Eimnmns WAN'I"ED-AT ,,._l'_.......| 2.. .. .........L_ 1.-...- L)\ln'l.\II.ruu\.\J Iv 'l\lV L 1211: preferred, in a private home, legiate. Apply -Box 655 or St., Barrie. :: One cent a word, cash, each insertion (minimum charge, 25); six insertions for the price of four. 10 cents extra when charged; also 10 cents extra whenteplies are directed to Examiner Office. I-`UR4NIb`1{1*)l) ROOM to let. with all con-! \'0nim\(`.(*.`~`. central. phpne 113. 35-40pi Property For Sale For Sale or To Let Rooms and Board Property To `Let Farms F ori Help Wanted 'WantEd# Sale T few at-udeng _. near the Co!- 183 E1_izabeth| 0! An. GENERAL SERVANT WANTED. `II Y.`I _,__ y flllll` 35-40p - ...._..._ t a an, B38-39,", Ht` ilk)`: , 34.39;} A Apply 39-40c ---:-1: Vl *ANTED-.-Thoroughly capable, responsible man as sales dealer. in Barrie, with our na- tionally .known line; will give exclusive sell- ` ing rights on permanent contract to right D party. Good for three hundred'dollars month m, upwards. Small capital necessary. Rare op- S3 pox-tunity, Write Burnall Corporation of Canada, Hamilton, Ont. _ . 39c llllLI`7lII-I wl !(llllllC| 38tfc I -:- GREY WICKER GO-CART for sale. Apply _. go u....1. 9. 36.400. UIVD 1 H xuxxu at 52 Park St-. MAID WANTED, experienced general, `Ap- ply to Madame` Shopoff, 48 Louisa SL, 12.....:.. V 38-39.", FENCE FOR SA.LE-About 200 feet, oil fancy iron fence for .sale._ ' J. T. Dougall,l 117 Worsley St_.- T . 39-40c _______________.: | FOR`SALE--l good buggy and cutter, and 1 set single driving harnws. VE. McLaugh- - lin, Barrie, West End. 38-39p! __._.___.___.__...__.._...__. WOOD, hard and soft, cut to order, de- livered. Write Roy Curr, Shanty Bay post office. who will call and give price. _ 39p ..........._._...____.._..-.__.:._ FORD CO_UPE, 1918 model, for sale, first-. ---..._ ......I.._ nu-inn C95 Annlu fn l`U1iaU UUUITIL, 1:110 muum, tux aaxc, Auuu-. class running order, price 3250. Apply to `W. L. Mitchell, RR. 1. Allandale. 39p --------------------! FOR SALE--An 8 H.P. engine on trucks,` also second-hand potato digger, large size. D. C. Howard, 24 Mulcaster St., Barrie. 39c | |FOR SALE-~Silver-plated b flat solo corn- et,_ Besson model, in first-class condition. for 840. Also a violin for $15. Apply to |Frank Dutcher. Hunter s Clothing Store. LVLJK` ULVO I` \Jl\4 I3l'1l4l`l'-`A3Cla VV IIBUII B IGIIUBU ` 5 ton solid steel frame scales, new last] year; big_ reduction for early sale; stock` frame included if desired. Address `Sca'l- ies." Box (D), Exuini1_u:r,V Barrie. 37tfx I iL0STA-4Bro_wn mink choker fur with browni ibutton. on September 18. Finder please [leave at The Examiner and receive reward; |Mr.~'. I1`red Pratt, Cundies. 390' I . FOR SAL.E~Radiant Home double heater! and hot air pipes, self feeder, not. used" `much. in good condition. 133 Collier St. 391p '1` w w&&&&w%w*w$a&&&&| FOR SALE-C!in1ax A. Wilkinson cutting lower-box, also driving belt, 100 ft. long. 6 inches wide. Apply at this office. 93-40;) !PORTABLE ENGINE for sale---Waterloo, |14 H.P., steel wheels; all in good shape. [A bargain for 8250. Jno.` Woolsey, Box l77, Angus. . 39cl `FOR SALE--$Sr. Regis raspberry canes,| `ever-hearing" variety, for fall or spring de- glivery. $6 per hundred. James A. Cald- lwell. Box 1008. Barrie. 38-39;. HSCALES FOR SALE--Set Wilson's latest!` F A, ,li,l _L-_I l`_..._.._ .._..I..- _ .-. 1....4.4 lL()T-Sept. 22. a robe. between Tent City land Fisher's gate. 6th line. Finder please leave at Tent City. `Loyd Martin, Stroud. RR. 2. ' 39;) !LOS'I'---On Fair grounds on Wednesday.` September'19, diamond-shaped pendant. set` with pearls and amethyst. Finder please lea\'e at Examiner office. - 39p LOST--Past pr& jewel. somewhere in Agricultural Park on Wednesday, Sept. 19. `Finder please leave at Examiner office or W. B. Webb's jewelry store, Allandale. Re- ward. b 39p `REWARD FOR RETURN OF KODAK lost ?from' Presbyterian Church. Stroud Shoo} |Fuir Day. Valued as keepsake. Please! `leave at Chant.ler's Store. -39! [S I`-RAYED on STOLEN, on or about Sep.` 17. brown and black striped cat. very npe-I culiarly mar-ked. Finder kindly notify PJ lCurtis. West End. Reward. 39pi LOST-On.I"riday. Sept. 21. in Barrie or between Barrie and Bradford, black leather club bag. Tag "D.d.,A. Scott." $5 reward ion returning to J. G. Scott. Barrie. `39p'l U121` llllt-[I 14 0111 11 Florence St. ':COLLIF AIND AIREDALE-pups for sale. V A ll...-..l.. Ifnunialo AQ Dnufinlrl Qt `IQ, -`(On EHOUND FOR SALE-Male. black and tan,1l 6-Inns. old. Price $15. A. J. McArthur.` i-blucksniith. Edgar. 39'-41;)` ' \1LII1lJI I'A CW3` IJ f1L'l\`l'4I1ill.lI'l |ll}h3 IUI GGIUI I Barrie Kennels. 48 Bayfield St. '38-39` ECOTSWOLD SHEEP FOR SALE~-Aged' l.......;. |.....1. '1' n.......,n 4......` 1 I 'H()RJ9E FOR SALF.-Se1f\'iceahle and a; 'goml driver; cheap. May he'sceu at Nor-| `mun Pratt's, Cundles. Apply by telephone| :10 (i()6-l.").' ` 39p| ULILKVVV-\!lJlJ |3IlL'll`Jl -I` \Il\r |JI1L4lJ" -l'\5C\-I ' rams and ram lambs, T. Counell, phone 1,` Thornton. 37-39;) I I I QFOR SALE-Registered Holstein bull. Sir` (>rxu_sb.y Lyons DeKol; also 3 registeredi H()lSt(`ln milk cows and 2 spring heifer! `c:1l\`e.<. Apply J. Grinton, Allandale; Phone. i634r12. 39.41;) I 'WHITE WYANDO'ITE?S-Martin strain, `show and gg con1'binatim1--5 good cocker-1 qels, 6 hens, 1 cock (wiune1');'also 2 hen i houses. Bargain for someone. A..C. Brick- I ~,s~vr. Barrie. _ - 39p` KNITTING DONE TO ORDER. 52 Mac- donald St.; good value in strong yarns for boys. also fancy. golf and~sport.s stockings. Pullovers made for young or grown. Nice stock on hand. Anything from slumber socks to stockings to match your "suits. First `quality yarns to choose from. 36-41p Boorr 5ND snore: o;f9iNG WANTED-i , `.I_!_... _..L-I.._..I- .......I ,....L..1l (L..- I TWO`GO0D MALDS WANTED. Apply at| R.V. Hospital, Barrie. v 39c ---::

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