Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1923, p. 8

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[Winn IIIALVII A4\.\ou l V Jus. McF_adden is spending the week-end lwith friends in Elmvale. V gnu . An-uh wnau l|A\.Il\|e nu `.4.-`.1--.\u z M`ss Nina Rose of Toronto spent Thurs- |duy last with friends in town. V !l',,_ nu..- D .... -_..4 ..t D....o.... mmnu ...._, ...... ...-...... -.. Miss Olive Baycroft of Beeton spent? Sunday'with Miss Wilma Leesou." 3 u up I "1' Il_I' -_,. _` I).._.It.....l b.Juuuu.y .11 Au-any v .... _--..V ! Mr. and Mrs. J. 1:1-."~M'cLean Bradfordl called on friends in town last Saturday. | vqutu uu Annlylluw can vvu-. ..._... ._...-..-.-.._,. J. J. Monkman of Toronto spent the! `weekend with his sister, Mrs. J. R. up I :1 I vvsyu val\| n.... ...... ......-..., __._. __. ---_, , Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fra;1i< Cole/ma1;; on Saturday. September 15, 1923, a daugh- .ter. ' I u_ n._1_. .: m.._-..4.. :- ..:..:o1.... l.:.. WC!"- ` Mr. Hulse of Toronto is visiting his uncle and aunt, Dr. and`Mxs. Banting, this_ week. 2 n__.'|.r.._.......,J -1` D......:.. ........a &....A...-A WCUK. ` Bert'Marwood of Barrie spent Sunday; with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Mar-' wood. _ A I I-.. \1._..:.:_. 1- .....J ....... \lT:ll:.. -6` 'I"m.. Jos. Martin, Jr._. and son, Willis,of Tor- ontogspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. ,Beatt-y. I [men Qou-12 nf pniulnv hnc rnmnnnri hnr ; Deauy. : Miss Stark of Paisley has reauxned her! duties as millinex_' at. Fisher s for the coming`; |season. ! ll- .....~l Klan LI nnn`;nn GUI!` furnvnu AH end. Mr. and Mrs. Lennoxlack and daughter May. Miss Margaret McConkey and Mrs. R. M. McConkey spent Sunday wxth friends in Ivy. ' name... Mr-.(`.nnkeV of Orillia called on his SCRSOH. - Mr. and Mrs. H. Banting and family of Bradford spent Saturday with Dr. J. J. D.} i Banting. - II. and My-n Iran:-u nnnaa and ann Al- Dannng. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Couse and son Al-I pine spent a day last week with friends in Woodbridge. I no LI.-my Mnnrn A; `Woman.-nnfn hli PP- Ire \JUleIHl1ll_. Mr . and Mrs. Wauchope anddaughter of Schoxnberg spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs.; J. J. D. Banting. T Illnn Flknl Dulrnu Lug I-nhnvnnt` fn fnnyni ` VVUO_(|DI'l(lgC. I Mrs. [Harry Moore of Deseronto has re- tu_rned.to town to cure for her father. A1- fred Coleman. u_- ___.1 u.'_. 1l1-....L...\.\ .....1..I.......l.e..... at 110] TU) 8.1111 1, Ul'Ull l/U . AMI`. and Mrs. Wm. McClennVan and fam-% ily of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean. I1. `I I Y`| ..__.1 11-.. -D._..;:..... ..u......l-.l. WIFE. IXFUHIC LV.lL'hC21llo Dr J. J. D. and Mrs. `Banting attended; the wedding of Miss Terry, Mrs. Banting s1 icouein. in. Orillia. this week. I Mrs. M. Knapp is visiting lier old home} for a few days [and intends going back to ! Toronto this week for the winter. 11:-.. "n._L-- D..u......I..._ .....I ::w\ `D.-ma-..:...-.| II}. J. 11. Dllblllgu I Miss Ethel Baker has returned to town after spending her holidays with friends at` Lefroy and Toronto. , . ' Ill. and Mr: Tm Mnninnnnn and fnm-i 1Ul'Ull|U uua wccn LU! uuc rnuuvn. 3 _ Miss "Ruby Puttenden and Miss Beatrice; Knapp, both of Barrie, visited their homes- for the week-end. mL_ -_L--I t..:_ ...L:..L --..... L..l.l :r\ mnn -fatterson 188! ween. Mra.~C. Weegar of Toronto visited her aunt. Mrs. E." T. Mecoukey, -for the week- [Ur LHC WCUl\'UUU ' The school fair which was held in Mine-. ~'ing this year was a great success. Our school carried away a number of prizes and got lst prize for marching. `ll: unrl Mr: 131'" nf Rnrrn viifd thpir \(lH.UgIHt3I', HATS. 1. xxuupp, uu Uuuuay. ' 0. J. Tracy and family of Collingwood called on friends here on Sunday. ' TD-.. `II-...nn nwul Turn Dal!-nnrlnn urn lcuueu Du Irlcuua ucn: uu ouuuay. 1 Ben Knapp and Tom Pattenden are spending their holidays pt. M`acTier.V Mr and Mr: J G Kppnnn and rhuwhfpr goi 15'. }H'|'C lUl' IIIIIIUIIXLIS. Mr. and Mrs. Hill of Barrie visited their_l daughter, Mrs. A. Knapp, on Sunday. J n I Trunv unr` furnnv nf Pnllincwnnd spenuuxg 1-ue:u' uuuunye pt m.au:.u:1. I Mr.Aand Mrs. J. G. Keenan and daughter of Barrie visited at A. M ouvSunday.| ll- .._..l 11.... M n....L......l om: \.`l.- mu! I01 D8.l'l'1e vusueu ul. :1. xucxxcc 5 uuvouuuzq. Mr. and Mrs. M. Orchard and Mr, and Mrs. Albert. Orchard and wife motored down around Port Hope am! back` around by Washago----a fine trip for a holiday. Q.-ma AC fkn Cnrmnrc an; at 'n sztnnsrtrn W usuugu--u. uuc utp uu u uuuuay. Some of the farmers are at "a standstill with their grain in the field. so much rain holding them back from drawing in. Crystal is in tremendous vogue for jew- elry. There are necklaces of big crystal beads that fit close to the throat. There are crystal bangle braceleta--one shudders even when looking at them to think of their fragility. There are crystal buttons to give finish to many a black frock. And there are crystal ear-rings. The fact is that ery- stal ornaments for the drawing room are also chosen by the clever woman who ap preeiatea the importance of this vogue in nunlnfln` `'5 :II on ICUIII3 N10 I Igryial asap. `Norman Broley spent Sunday with friends] . VI`!-........4.... . in Ivy. Chester McConkey of Orillia parents here. Tuesday. - Mrs. Wm. Young has returned home af- ter spending several months with friends in Toronto and Detroit. T , Miss Ina Black `of Midland is enjoying a week's holidays at her home here. u-.. 1 c m............ a. vinitino Manda in MINESING STATION RESULTS ! ` Are YOU Using this Easy Method of Selling Your Goods ? The fact is that a newspaper goes into a thousand or two thousand or ve thousand homes without a particle of eort on the part of the` _man who advertises in it. The merchant must P337 `:0 the space he uses, and write the advertisement that lls the space but having done this, all the rest of the matter of getting this message` of the. town dealers distributed is the business of the newspaper publisher. The local newspaper renders local merchants a wonder- ful service, and this at an absurdly small cost. ,AN EXAMINATION OF THE BARRIE EXAMINER'S SUBSCRIPIION LIST WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT YOU CAN REACH THE` GREAT BULK OF THE PEOPLE IN BARRIE AND VICINITY BY USING ITS COLUMNS. T With Little Effort arrfe RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL {OR GIRLS Ehtaro Scholarship Matrioulation, Solo Singing, Music, Art, Conversational French emphasized. Outdoor games and sports. -v nu 1- 4. I I Health record excellent. Town Fires -- Farm Fires -- Village Fires --- Mercantile Fires remind us of the advisability of being adequately insured. We have the companies that will cover your risk. in U` Iin, i 15 _ g u THE BALL PLANING MILL CO., LIMITED EVERYTHING IN LUMBER 1 Phone . 109 Residence Phones, 642 and 390 week's holidays at ner Home new. Rev. J. S. Stevenson is visiting friends in! Renfrew. Last Sunday the Methodist aer- - vices here, were conduted by a represen- tative of the Lord's Day Ailiance. ` u... nun... ant` nnn nf Rallzirk. Mimi. Town Dwellings and Contents 3. Specialty UPTOWN TICKET OFFICE AND INFORMATION BUREAU A handsome roof that defies the weather An added touch of beauty to any house is a roof of Brantford Asphalt Slates, which are in soft, harmonious shades of reddish_ brown and dark green. A xvnt-tr t\t~l\v1r\v'In|t\n` nan` A n n u u tntx D-n`J.:_-.I A.._L-`IL unnuuuu ul. Avuunuan |JA\lVVll Gnu uann sllilln A very economical roof, `because Brantford Asphalt Slates do ' not split, get loose, curl up, absorb water or rot. lfr\rlnrn+n :r\ I\t\B+ n+o-t\ounv`u- A.-A ....\n...&-4...`. ....._:I_. .._,.I x`/It-sI.\..u uu nu uyuu, syn. I\.l\lQ\. bull up, GUDUIU WGLCI U1 IUL. Moderate In cost, trongly re-resistant, Aeasnly and quickly lald. Brantfo rd Asphalf Slates are beini: used more extensively every year. If you are going to do any building this vear or have an old roof that needs replacing, it will be to your advantage to drop In and see our lines of roong. .v.n99n%.9.9.!_!9% A. F. A. MALCOMSON {cA1~i}ii5iA}i i~iAi'i61?JAi;}'\XI}LY' IIIIIIN r|IIt\IuI Gill! 3111`! I545 A In r1_2I:9Ur:1_~{i1' mans tauve 0! the Low 6 uuy nsuuuuc. Mrs. Butler and son of "Selkirk, Mani- toba. are the guests of her sister, Mrs. Thou. Todd. n....`. c,......e oh.` Rn-mu! fair, Wednendav. `For Prospectus apply to Principals -j-[Q--g--|.--gQ-:u.--|g--g---|gu--up.--u--u "HIE i-i:61'>"63;vN"" RBXE Limited numbers. Phone 447W CiRCULA1:. THIS wuss now-l three A TYP SEE IT_ HERE `road. _Don`t forget the Stroud fair. Wednesday, September 26. - Hap rnunv friends were nleased $0 889 66 .SEVEN_ Usual 65: BUSTE .. EDIAN; EVER 1 IN TH. SH( )'\'. Fn m1 (C thun- .\ l l.lx l L`\'Cl` iepnemoer zu. Her many friends were pleased Miss Olive Bowman of Pittsburg in town last week. . u:,... 11...... Qn..m.l.. n6 Run-in uiuitnrl frinndn FOR F11 M Ti last weex. - Mary Sproule of Barrie visited friends here last. week. In- ..__. ...l.........l 4.. lrnnnv that mm... Tuna`: here last. week. We are nleased to know that Elmer Black is improving nicely after an operation for appendicitis in R.V. Hospital, Barrie. I1--. B. \Y..-......... cu`... in Iuuna nn fur. u}7|lUlIlII`\3Il4|D IN Vila` u CC\OJ'lIU|CC ovu--an--w Rev. Dr. Norman, who is home on fur-. lough from Japan, will conduct the Method- ist Church services next Sunday -evening. September and Mrs. R.` Hilts of. Detroit visited the farmer's aunt, Mrs. E. Evans, a few days last week. I ll , I ll` '\ . _ . _ _ __ I____:___ aqvuuu, so uvvv -a-J-- so..- u---.. Mr. and Mrs. J. '1`. Doner are leaving this week for Detroit where they expect to spend the winter with their` daughter. "L-.- ..-.............L..L........ ..f 5].... `l'\,..,..,.:..:,... AL I}-Iuuu vuu vvauvvn vvovla vows. uu--3-..--. . Two representatives of the Dominion Al-V liance -were in town on Sunday, Mr. Bell speaking in the Methodist church, while Mr. . Sheen, of Toronto, preached in the Men- nonite church. - I)-.. D I I..L....... I QM..- ....A D 1..., RUIN? CIIUTGII. Rev. F. J. Lehman, J. Sider and R. La- geer left for Markham on Monday to at- tend the conference being held there. ,1 AL. vuuoouavvuuw ow. ....- ..--... , Mrs. Cook of Newmarket, who has been visiting friends in `town, returned home on Monday. WA Hurt` `Innis! n` C`!!! hunt fan: rohfn ~n\-- u-4...-w.--.. Quite a number from here att Collingwood fair last week. II, I`, -I_ -1 \Y_._.__. ..._I--1 en'ded. the UH Wllllllltlyc The hard frosts of the last few nights have done some damage to the gardens, but as yet the owers have suffered `very little. My ` and Mm W` .1-{nun nf "nu: nntnrn X Ult IIUU IIUWUIVB IIKIVV BUIIDIUU VOA HUMOU- y Mr; and Mrs. '1`. Briggs of New Ontario are visiving with the latter's sister, Mrs. M. Woodard. ` 11-- n....._.....- ..r u'....4......I .. ......:A..'..4 ..t vvuuuuru. Mrs. Boomer` of Montreal,_a resident of Stayner many years ago, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Taylor. who accom- panied the remaina t4oAStayner on Friday of last week. The funeral service was held in the Bantiszt church and interment was_ made in the Scayner cemetery. Thu ufuhin imlnnainn fn Jnhn nlurb Main '1" IJIU cwuyuux` uuuwvuly. V The stable belonging to John Clark. Main Bt.. was burned tu theground last Thurs~ day night between two and three o'clock in the morning. The firemen were called out `But the building burned in spite of all they could do". The cause of the fire is unknown. There was some insurance." A 1.-.: ,.........l. ......... .....l .... Q....A.... ..:..lu- ;;;.;a;;.;':' M L Don't forget the school hi: to be held i n......,: Illmlnm-uInv_ -Sentamber 26. - v 1 REIT` W85 BUUIC lllHUI'l1lICUn A bad smash-up occurred on Sunday nlght between seven and eight o'clock when two ` cars collided about a mile north of Stayner on the second line. The one car was driven by Ted Gartlan. whose car was badly smash- ed. The other car, from Collingwood was turning at the aide-road when the collision occurred. Fortunately there was no one badly hurt. Dick `Bell and Ted Gartlan were cut on the face and head but not seriously, the other occupants getting off with a bad scare. Ted'a car was almost a total wreck while the other auto was a little damaged. The wonder is that no one was killed. THE uNrr_i;p_r=A_1zM_E.R_ c C0.,`L'l'D. NEWS mom NEIGHBORINGT TOWNS!-IIPS 573"? BAKING POWDERS Magic, 1 s . . . . . . .. 35 Eggo, 1's . . . . . . . .. 35 U. F. 0., 1's . . . . .. 80 Bak. Am. and Oil c Lemon . . . . . . . . .. 1E sunaowJ{,"i7'.'T. . . Tiger, 1 s . . . . . ._ . . . Red Crown. 1's Drysdale, `; s. . . Q Cock 0' North, `;<,; s . STAYNETRH -`T Qjj We have a few rolls of Roong, Building Paper and Tar Paper which we are going to clear at cost prices. The supply is limited and will not last long. $010112, & Our speciaT;hoe sale has-Been such a suc-_ cess *hat we have decided to continue it for a while longer. Buy here and save money. Pints $1.09 doz. Quarts `r-Gals.` $1.59 doz. September 18.---'Mr8. ' Robert Ferriei is tenowing old acquainzapce on the 111:}: con- - nnxl An 1 NOTE--We will pay 33c dozen for eggs provided we receive`: half trade or_ better. msu GROCERIES1 g.1.w5__Ys SALMON -13% Dunlo[_)>-S-t:,wBaI"rive, Ont. _ QQOTS S!-IOFS _i=Rurr JARS { NOTICE 57`! __ 18c 23c 40c `15c 18c Don't target me scnuun um w w uu... ... troud, Wednesday. -September . . His friends here are pleased to hear that our public school inepecton-,'Mr. Longmen. in progressing favorably after his recent operation in the R.V.H. A Vn... vmm! noonle of this community par- Sept. 17.---The frost. of the past week did great damage to gardens and owers. , Q Q-L-_I .... A-\1|I|A\ll Inab Inna`: nv;f`\ III. mowers. ~ School re-opened last week with Miss Har- rison of Midland in charge. ` `Hun "ulna .u:Il nnnnnh `|n"nronIb`` RAP-` H8011 OI muuunu In cuurgu. Mr. Helps will preach his`farew_ell ser- mon next Sunday, Miss Pengilly, soloist, of Toronto, will sing, accompanied by Miss Luella Wil.son.. All are cordially ivited to attend. IIVL-.. Ila--- la 0|--an mambo nan `AF want. auwnu. T T Thos. Moore left three weeks ago for west- ern pointsy When at Strasburg, Seek" he was; seized with hemorrhage of the brain lwhieh lasted fourdays. Reports are that he is in a weak condition but is improving. .\l- .....l on: I D mnlm lmun lnnnn DO 38 In I wean cuuuuauu DUI: Ia ILIIIJIUVIIJB. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dicky have been visiting friends in Saskatchewan during the past two months. They are now .in Banff for two weeks [before returning home. D-..` I A and "Du Maul`: IPA now I. 10! two ween umure IUIUFIIIII5 uuuuu. Rev; L. A. and Mrs. Meadesaro now in Brinkley, Arkansas, in ,Evange!ist.ic work. having wonderful success in the sunny south. \Y!..!L....... 1.... AL- unnn` un.nlr.nn`ntInrl MI! UH}. Visitors for the past week-included Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Gaudett and son Jack of Toronto at Mrs, J. McLaughlin's; Mrs. Jae. McLaughlin and Miss B. Boland at E. McLaughlin's. . Mp `um! Mu W, F, Rinhardsnn and Mrs. MODE Mr. ' III! B. and Mrs. W. F. Richardson and Mrs. Lafrenvnie visited friends in Midland last aunaay. V - Mrs. M. Coughlin and son Emmet have returned after spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. 11. .....I `I... u VDul\i\1\ A` AlI..nAnl.. ant` 'l'0l'0 I0 . Mr. and Mrs. H. Knapp of Allandale and Mrs. J. M. Knapp of Toronto were visitors at Irvin Knapp a recently. mun `Anna 1'-lnunn uhrharl `nr I: won`: in operauon In we n.v.u. The young people of community par- cipateg! in a corn roast on Friday even- C III. at u'\'1n luluppa teccmny. M135 Leona Hayes visited for a week in Toronto." n.._......a..l,.c:...... o..'\l-. ..-.4 M.-5 I`!nm_| roronru. _ 7 _ - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Flem- ing upon the arrival of a 12-`lb. baby boy (Alvin Johnston) . NW... "Au-an nnnnln Rona nu-anniqnzl n vnnno |U'SlVlI! JUUUBLUIIM The young people have organized a young `people's meeting to be held every Friday night at 7.30 in the Union Church. September .,V18.~-Mrs. Jae. Courtey` at- tended the funeral of her cousin in Allis- -ton last week.` ' 1 ...... .......... 5.. ..........o cl... lllnmm nf Hm I -ouu may wucu.` I am sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Chapman. She is in the R.V. Hospital pwacxu-. Mr. Catlin of Allandale was the guest ` Harry Pattenden on Sunday. M. and Mn: nrru Hm-if}: and than fnrr turn. 0. L. auuunuuu uvcx quuuay. Mr. and Mrs. s. c. Beilby and family, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Sr., and L. W. Arm- strong motored to Glencairn or`: Sunday. (Mrs. Armstrong's sister, Mrs. Philips. ac- companied them on their return home. . mun Diuku-Dnffnnnn urnc hnrnn fl-nrn hr. natty` IVUDEI-IUUII UH \3UUl|'Jo Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and the form- er's mother, of Queensville, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Johnston over Sunday. . nlln nnrl :1: Q I`. nnuivuv on!` fornnv FIG UVUT ouuuuy. Geo. H. Ayres has started in the whole- sale butcher business. II}... D,.... D-n_lIrI.. ......h...Il.. nnlnlab AC UUIIIPHIIIUU DUUII} UH UIIUII IUIIHIU Lllllllc Miss Ruby" Pattenden was home from Bar- rie over Sunday. . (Inn Y-I Aura: hon aha:-toll `n flu: whnln. 338- ' Mr. Chantler is much improved in health and his many friends hope soon to see him about as usual. . A number from here attended anniver- sary services in the Churchill Presbyterian Church on Sunday. A ' ` Wilfred Sutherland of North Bay spent the week-end under the parental roof. a_...uI -unu 1:11) Innrlfd t UUIU UUOUHUY uyualucaa. Miss Rose Pengilly. contralto soloist of Ossington Ave. Church,` Toronto. will sing at the Minesing Baptist Church next Sun- day, September 23. at the morning service. Tkn an}-nnnl folio HAIR Barn loaf ftonnnrlnvy Hy, DUEJIUIUUUF fl)` GU UUU IHUIIHIIE SUI Vllcc The school fair held here last Wednesday .was a decided success. A good crowd was n attendance and keen interest was taken ._ LL- -..-L:L.'L.. .....I .........c.. I"..|A... ......I IN UIWUIIUHIIUU uuu ILUU-ll lLI|.UI1|.v wuu UHAUII ` in the exhibits and sports. Colts and calves were not numerous, but there was keen competition in mutton lambs and Barred Rock chickens. It has been remark- ed that it is a pity that the rulesof these fairs prohibit the exhibiting of `chickens which were not hatched from eggs supplied by the.Departrnent of Agriculture. There are many` birds to be found in good farm flocks in each neighborhood, not of this strain but showing strong utility points. Why not give them achance to show their merits before the judge? A keener interest - might be taken by children in poultry if the policy were broadened out so as to in- clude three or four of the best known utility breeds and allow the children to exhibit a limited number . from their home flock. There is of course the difficulty of coop- ing. which might be overcomeby each ex- hibitor furnishing his own coop. A prize could also be given for the best made coop. This is not a protest, merely a suggestion. The list of prize winners appears on page 15. Tuesday, September 25.--Lorne L. David- son. lot 10, con. 4, Innisfil. farm stock, implements `Ind household furniture. Sale at 1 pan. W. A. MoConkey, auctioneer. Thursday. September 27.'--`T1308. Ellsmere, lot 1, con. 3. Oro. farm stock and imple- ments. ' Sale at 1 pm. W. A. 'wMcConkey,T auctioneer. A Tuesday. October 2.--Mra. WiI'liam .Mac- Millan. lot? 23. con. 7, Vespra. near Fern- dale, farm stock, implements and house- hold furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. _W. A. McConkey,' auctioneer. Q Wednesday. October 3-Enoch E. Rogers, lot_39, con. 2, Vespra. near Craighurst, farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 11.111. W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer. ' Wwisunuc Pownnns J Gold Dust, 2 pkgs. for 15 Ivory Soap Flakes . . . . . O nbnu `run 10: BJVVIJ-U L LIEU vv souunnnb Powder 3 pk s. 19c Handy Ammonia, 2 / 19c Lux .` . . 2 pkgs. for 25 Rinso . . 3 pkgs. for 25 ` Princess Soap Flakes . . . n -1.-- -4. '00:- `V95 K103? O IXOIVD . . . . . . 2 pkgs. for Swi.ft s Pride Washing n-_-_.:_.. o ..1-..... -In- 5 LIIII-has ulvuy c ouvu u . . . . . . 2 pkg; for'3: Silver Gloss Starch 2/ 23 . -1-VIINESING the weekend unaer we puwuuu rum. Stroud was well represented at Barrie Fair on Tuesday and Wednesday. ' u- .....a M... 1' Hum. dmnrhfer and CREDIT SALES ii `of Vusnura 'lll ruym nu_vm. Black squirrels have been unusually num- erous in the country this summer. One of our townsmen counted thirteen all togeth- er. scampering from a wheat field into the bush. At another time eleven were seen feeding on the tops of shocks of wheat. They have been tame enough to come quite close to the houses. even sitting up on the porches". At the slightest disturbance they would f`Jump_up aloft and look waggish and gueer` gs`: if they would say. `Oh. follow mel ere. !'l!L...-..._L 1.1.- .;.....1. :4. ....... I ..... ...l Ll...`.c BTU. Through the week it was learned tlmt Cookstown Methodist Church had selected the same date for its `anniversary services as Thornton. The Thornton friends. iv.` the goodness of their hearts. have decided to change to Oct. 21. Happily Revs. Greyl and Simpson, the speakers secured. werel free for the earlier date. It has also been arranged to hold a chicken pie supper on the Monday evening, securing as many form- er pastore as possible to help celebrate this silver anniversary of the present church. Please let no-other neighboring church lay _violent. hands on this date. uvlv nunhv IIIIII Invuuut run-u I 4 - After a long and tiresome suffering which was borne with amazing courage, and a. fight for life which was truly heroic. Mrs. Thomas Allen, of the 7th concession of In- nisfil, passed away on Friday last. Her disease had baffled the best medical skill. and when at last its real nature was dis- closed in the ordeal of an operation, there wim not enough strength left to rally `from theshock. The funeral was held from the family residence on Monday afternoon, and. a very large concourse of people gathered , from near and far. `In deference to her at- tachment to the Presbyterian Church, the officiating clergyman, Rev. W. H. Adams, read the Scripture selections and the pray- ers from the Euchologion" of the Pres- byterian church, both in the home and at I the cemetery. giving an address from What is Your Life?"---which it seems was, by a strange coincidence_.,the text of the ser- mon preached at the funeral of the mother- in-law of Mrs. Allen, some twenty years ago. i In an (`H I AA 7 I,,, I.___ " iii; "AiiL}'I;';"ei;}i}:{' 39;};-_.' I{{Jgi.T; of Mrs. and the late David J. McCullough. of Lefroy, and was born on April 10, 1876. Since she came as a young bride. to Thorn- ton, she has been noted for the tireles- energy which she gave to everything to which she put her hand. "Not onlyrin do- mestic matters was she interested, but she gave, time and talent in furthering the schemes of the Ladies` Aid. In several plays which this organization projected. she. _ took a leading part, and on the last occa- sion. as"`Aunt Susan ofthe play, gained added fame. Since that time indeed her friends `have ifacetiously addressed her as Aunt Susan," which she seemingly enjoy- ed. She will be missed not only in the -family circle. but throughout the neigh- borhood, where her frankness and ready wit were so well known. Her flower-covered casket was borne by six nephews; and she leaves besides her husband and her mother, three sisters and three brothers, viz: Mrs. C. L. Keyes, of Concord; Mrs, Milton Gibbs, of Toronto. and Mrs. C. J..Barr, of Roch- ester; R. J. "and J. D. of `Toronto. and S. C. on the homestead at Lefroy. ', Septexber 19.~-Wm. Storey and daugh- ter Arinie. Mrs. Storey, Sr._. and Mrs. T. Wallace of Elmvale. motored to Claremont. and spent a week with friends there. A M. am-I Mm Wnllana Rrnwn mmnrpri tn |8Il(1 spent a ween wuu ulcuua oucxc. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brown motored to Toronto on Monday to aupend the wedding of a relative. 7 l":4-.- `D..;.45 tnnnknuu of Iinnunn Qhrinn 0! a relative. - _ _ '. Miss Brett, teacher at Mmesmg Statxon, I o 0 `K was a recent vlsztor wxth Mr. and Mrs. er. Pratt. YI__....`.LL nu\Ahn\vu Inna nfnlnt` nnnn `IL: Fair Tuesday and weunesuuy. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hunt, daughter and grandchild, of Toronto, called on friends here. Tiiosday. _ Miss Martha Bell of Barrie visit-ed Mrs. ` Patterson last week. \I--- I` Ingmar n` Tn:-nntn her Kenneth Cameron has entered upon his professional training in the law_of'fice of Don2!d Ross. Barrie. 'II!_. II...) YnIr:v\n :1-nn `sou Hnnn iyidna UODEEG 11.066. Durrxc. Miss Maud Irvme. who has been vxsxting her sivter in London for two months, re turned hom-on Monday. T 611.... ..-L..ln-.. AG Punrna at-Rnnl uth turneo name-aon muuuuy. The scholars of Cundles school. with their teacher, Miss Elliott. and others, mo- (mod to Minming to attend the school fair. They secured their full share of prizes, also 2nd mine, for marching. A. H. Pearson took first prime in the running contest --4;:-.n6 All Onnnbnnn , HIDE HID! yulc In | against all` trmtees. The Late iJ:.f`Zl"I;omas Ailen EGQBLES AV Ul luau A1: in Thornton Ill-.. CHI .... m Inornton , . Miss Eliza Baker of Newmarket is home: for 2: few holidays. ' -- A ,1 9 m,_-,,._ ,._._..u Q....A..... (U1 (3 Il'W uuuuulu. Harry Sneath of Toronto spent Sunday `with Hilton Leeson. Ulllr end.

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