Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1923, p. 7

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at: of pearly d Ware. three . white lining: bite inside and \l1lUL'l| Ell. wuuuuu. | Mr. Connor,-_ Toronto. _ representing the Dominion'Al1iance, occupied the pulpit of ihe Preabyterian church last Sunday. I .....-no r.-. rnvfnrl Hm illnpsn nf the RAW.- the `Presbyterian cnurcn Ydb ouuuuy. l regret. to rexiort the illness of the R. H. Somervjlle. His many friends hupe that he may he soon restored to` his usual goodllealth. Than nnn|v\a1.Dr Wlf and familv attended goodhealth. Thos. Dempster. wife and family the Collingwood Fair last week. Thain mill kn nn nnrvmn in the `thn Uolnngwoou raxr last ween. . There will be no service in the Presby- zerian church next Sunday on account. of the anniversary at. the Town Line. 1.... n....A ...-..+ on `Vin.-nl-`av Vnn Sundnv the anmversary at. the Iowa ume. Ivy Band went. to Waverley on Sunday` 10 a nxemorial service at the soldlers mon- D....-:.. .....l L... nlakmnl hall nn Fridav ument; - , - Barrie and Ivy played ball on Friday afternoon. the locals Iqaing 8 to 12. Dr. R. and -Mrs. Davis and family spent a few days with friends here. _ M`i1-is Helen Hat-ton has returned to Tor- onto after apt-nding her holidays at `her home here. - 1--1... nn..:.. .......4 on 'l`m~nnm nn Mnnrlnv home here. - John Davis went to Toronto on Monday to bring his brofher, Dr. F. Davis, who is recuperating after an operation. mum. Hnlnn_T-Tntfnn of the Toronto West-I recuperating awe!` an opuruuuu. . Miss Helt-.n~Hatt.on of the Toronto West- ern Hospital. visited Miss Gertrude Lennox for a few days last week. u. .....x M..- I P 1.:-nnnX_ Miss Gertrude for few days last week. Mr. and Mrs". I. F. Lcnnox. Miss Gertrude and Miss Keown, also Mr. and Mrs. W. Smneham and childrcm called on Mr. and .\Im. Wilfrid Broley on Sunday. THURSDAY, SE?'I'EMBER 20, 1923 ameled Ware e mark. Only 1 It guarantees Enameled oods; absolute food and long In-Ivv than: a \ra w-. teptember 17.--Rev. Mr. Cooke of Ham-| ilton is the gumt of Mr. and Mrs. Butler. U Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galbraith of Torontwi spent the week-and at the cottage. um l".ru hsnn smd daunhters SDSII1 the spent me WEEK-Uvllu ru uu: UIII-ta! Mrs. Grahattl and A daughters weekend in Orillia with Mrxand Smith. 111,- I)--. (`I....1v AF (`um-\L'utn\\In Smith. Miss Bert Clark of Gookst.o\vnowus home over Sunday. , . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forth of Toronto are x'isit.ing Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lyigh Mrs Stone of Toronto is visting her son, Thus A. Stone v ' u:..,. m..:..1.... I\.1I,..m. at '1`.-n-.-mm is home week. Urlllxa. 16 home on Vacuuuu. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mason of Hagers- vllle 'called on Mr. and Mr:. Stone this _.....I. The undemigned has received instructions from -__'_-._ 2:-HD3153" 3 |_lU auuuvv u REGISTERED HOLSTEINS '- Victory Bone! Ormsby, 62130, 3 years. this is an ex-~ ms good type of cow, is milking well and is due to calve on March 27; Acme Walke March, 95142, 2 years old and in calf; Beeta Hurtog Prince. 54812. calved May 26, 1922; Holstein heifer. eligible for regis~ nation, milking, clue `Dec. 3. r.n.nn nnnyn tJ ..l.....:.. Ann! R up; u an-nun, ........ Qua GR.-A:DE CO\;V:-:1-fovlxwaoaituz cow, 8 yrs. old. fresh; Holstein cow, 7 .yrs.. due Nov. 28; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., due Dec. 20; Hol- stein cow. 4 yrs., due Dec. 24. ruunw. nA'l'N.liL...Rml nnw. 7 vrs.. due stein 4 uue mm. 49. GRADE 0A'l'I`LE--Red cow, 7 yrs., Jan. 4; white cow, 8 years. due `March 4; man cow, 7 years., due December 12; red cow, 8 yrs.. due in `March ; grey heifer, due March 9; Hereford cow,; 5 yrs.. fresh; rdan cow, 7 yrs.. fresh; spring calf. _. PIGS AND SHEEP--10 pigs, 150 lbs. each; 10 pigs, 100 lbs. each; 10 pigs, 8 weeks old; 2 Yorkshire sows. in pig; Berk- shire sow. 4 good ewes,` Oxford ram, pure l_.....l In-ea. , _ HORSlE-~Bay mare. 6 yrs. old. 1400 lbs; bay horse, 9 yrs. old. 1400 lbs; sorrel Hackney house, 10 yrs. old; bay mare. \l0 yrs. old, driver; bay mare, 9 yrs. old, driv- er; bay mare, 4 yrs. old, Pearl Finder. vut1\I'.`rnll'l'.\\YfI\Q |l..n..........:..l. nxnulni cam-1 El`; *lH`|_V` uuuu, '2 yin. unu, J-van: auu... IIMPIJEMENTSr--lllcCormick mower, seed drill. cultivator, 2-furrow plow, Fleury plow, No. 2l; souffler. Verity wheel plow. No. 10; set iron barrows, wheelbarrow. 3 cut- ters. open buggy, top buggy. nearly new; democrat, 2 wagons. hay rack. stock rack; gravel box, root pulper. M.-I-I. cream sep- arator, nearly new; 2 sets aleighs, fanning- mill, set scales. new..; set amall scales, 2 galvanized tnnks,- churn, butter worker, a quantity maple lumber. a number of cedar posts. set sling ropes. barn rope`, 2 sets double harness, set single harness, set double driving harness. rmmn AND r:R.AIN--30 tons of mood driving harness. FEED A-ND GR.AIN--30 tons of good boy, a quantity of barley. a. quantity of oats. 1: quantity of turnips. 4 acres of corn. HOUSEHOLD FURNITUR.{E--0ak `dining table and chairs, wicker rocker, hanging lamp, Wilton rugs. blinds. couch, oak buf~ fet, china cabinet. oak extension ` table, couch, leather-seated dining chairs, book- case and writing desk, dishes. cutlery, pic- tures. old ivory bedroom suite with chiffon- ier and dressing table. 2 other bedroom suites. rugs. toilet sets. kitchen cabinet, new range, tables. chairs, kitchen utensils, coal oil stove; and many other argicles. II II I, AI-,_ l_-_._:.L.._- ___I lial Ull Bvu\uy sun; nun:-J VI-down ...-.~..--. The -above is all high-class furnitixre and just as good as new as `it has only been in use a short time. a n n AII ,__,,__ _ AIAAA -_.! USU II BL-ll\ vuumo , Terms of Sa1&--Al! sums of $10.00 an under, cash; over that amount 3 months` credit will be given to parties furnishing approved -joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. All will beaold without reserve as proprietor has 'aold his I . . . agile z;tJl,p.m. sharp. W. A. McGonkey, Auction it. b , - , _ A Shop, where Vyou"re invited to shop, - PURE BRED HOLSTEIN CATTLE u|r~LI Fl AQQ DAIDV f`.n\NS~ PUHL HHILU l'lUI.9Il'.llV UI'\lII-L. HIGH CLASS DAIRY COWS FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE LoR;II`a1:_I:Av1psoN L0 SE11 uy tuuuu tluusgu .... Lot 10, Con. 4, ln;1isl' TUESDAY, SEPT. 25 WVLA `1\"nuviI`|a ' TEMBER 20, 1923 -l\II\OIl-I 5-I -7-- v -.7.. to sell by Public Auction Tit- an` I\ ` ___2_ ."A.VV`$E5I,"E - EXTENSIVE CREDIT SALE uny - Bags u... I . finals. The ro11ow'in-g": .-..\ 'Ivt\I r\rI'II'.\l`\' 151:. 1 spent Mrs. Wm. is home September 17.--Mr. and Mrs. S. Todd ';have gone to Ciintout. Saskatchewan, to. 5 visit with Mr. and Mm} John Allan. ; Mus. Geozge Wallace left last week for ' New York State where she will spend some ttime with her daughter, Mrs. Weeks-.` ; The death of Mrs. '1`. Allan (Lottie \Mc-l Cullough) of 'l`hormon,T who hadtbeen in poor health for some time. occurred in the R.V. Hospital on Friday afternoon. The relatives here have the sympathy of their many friends. ` Min 14` M'nf`.nllnu0l1 in nizhhnurse [Of `MVP. lumen 01 neue nwun, wuu IQ vc1_y in. "Mrs. Long is spending this `week in Tor onto. L f\..-.. L.......L.. a\IIr\:`n nuns In utfnndnnnn Rf ._. _ , _:'.=~-"$ ~ menus. V Mia E. McCullough is nightnurse `Mrs. Eden of Belle Ewart, who is very-ill. .11-- I ...... 1.. ........A:.... 6`|;:~ NIVAALV ha Tnr. onto. T Over twenty pupils are in attendance at! Lefrny Continuation school. _ - -- . . __,| l.l'.'l: u_v uululuuuu-.yn cyuuuo. W. C. Montgomery, has a tractor and plow and is assisting farmers in this vicin- ity with their_ fall ploughing; ,_ Mrs, J. W. Hardy and son have return- ed. to Toronto after visiting at Lefroy and I`|2IE._-.I ` ` ~ . |33i.t3?d UIUOYG . - ' Mr. ahd_Mrs. E. M. Atkinsonand daugh-` tor, Maude. attended thevAshley-Palser wed- ding in Toronto` on Saturday, Sept. 15. II,` I`! PH l`9L_._....| I- -u.y.n;.o';-.11 karma An IIIII5 Ill &uauuvuVuu -u-vwow--`V, --r-. -_. Mrs. H. T. Chappel is expected home on` Sept. 22, after spending a month with friends in Zelma. Seek. ' ' II..- I llnll-.. Ln-. Junnn [us a nib in "'lCI'l(lB In Lllllly DEER. V Mrs. J._Mullen hasgone on a visrt to Orillia . . . Mrs. Frank Chappel has returned to Tor- omo after spending a month_ with her moth- er at Killarney Beach.` `M. anal Mr: D 14`! (`J1-xhnnsa `and nhildmn at muarney neucu, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gibbons `and children have returned home after being with her motxer for a few weeks. ' 11..-`-.. rIL.._I.... D..'..u :5 unnnI7n;I;I\n' `mm momer tor 8 law VV8CI(_. , _ Master Charles Ruffett 1s recovering from a serious illness. I ll... 1}` `pl Alvbinnnn 1-nnn;unI1 utnl-A frnm I serious Iuneaa. . Mrs. E. M. Atkinson received word from Dillingham, Alaska. of the death of her uncle. George Hardy, from acute indiges- tion on May 12. V ' i I (Tgolaite -fitn` Last Week) . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer-`Uncles and children and John Ellson spent Sunday with Wm. `Ellson of Thornton. II._ ..._.I II-.. `X7nn Y7-nninn Ac qt-nut` IFJIISOD 01 .lI'l0I`I|Ir0ll. . Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Uncles of Stroud` | v 1 lcalled on Oro fnends, Junaay. . Ill-.. llnnrkn E`Hcnr' ,.l Tknwntnn `E u;n;Hna I I16!` aunt, Mrs. tutu: _l!mauu. _ . Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy` Kirkpatrick on the arrival of a baby girl, Saturday. 7 uuueu ()1! uru u`u:uu.3, .Juuuu_v. \ Miss Martha Ellsor. of Thornton 1s vxsltmg her aunt. Mrs. M9; Ellson. n,k___...u._.:__ .; u- ....,'1 Kim. 1).... IHORSES FEATURE 1% AT ORO FALL FAIR v enhoffer. D. B. Barnhardt. (Continued from page 3) son; J. G. Hume. Mangolds, Norman Campbell, Wm. Campbell. Sugar beets, T. H. McMahon, G. Love & Co. White car- rots, Alfred Dunn, Wm. Jarratt. Pump kins. John Rutherford, A.vD. Campbell.` Mammoth squash, G. Love & Co. Red onions, H. E. Dudenhoffer. J. `W. Hous- ton. Yellow onions. J. W. Houston. Frank Steele.` `Potato onions, A. D. Campbell, G Love & Co. Red table carrots, A. S. Mil- lard. J. W. Houston. Shorthorn table car- rots. J. W. Houston, W. Scott. Parsnips. DeVere Wilson. W. Scott. White onions. H. _E. Dudenhoffer. Frank Steele. Turnip beets: A. D. Campbell, Alex. C. Currie. Early cabbagos,` H .E. Dudenhoffer. A. D. Campbell. Late cabbages, H. E. Duden-, hoffer. J. A. Patterson. Cauliflower-, W. S Scott, P. A. `Patterson. Table corn, l .'\ A. Patterson, H. E. Dudenhoffer. Hub-A bard squash. G. Love & Co.. Norman Campbell. `Vegetable marrow. G. Love & Co.. Frank Steele. Tomatoes. Dud- Salsify, `W. .. Scott, G. Love '&ACo. Citrons, DeVere Wil- son. Wm. Jarratt. Waterrm-.`lons. DeVere Wilson, Wm. Jarratt. Muskmelons, DeVere Wilson, Mrs. George Campbell. Dairy Produce _Butter`.. crock. John Rutherford, C. Campbell; in prints, John Rutherford, A. n nnrnnlwnll A. D. 0n]n'b8ll_ i Read The Examinerwiarnd get Vall `the local and district news. $2.00 | a year and worth more. Campbell; in prints, John Ruthertord, A. D. Campbell. Cheese, A. D. Campbell. Norman Campbell. Honey. in comb, A. S. Millard, M. Elaon. Extracted honey, M. tlglscgx, Bert Graham. Maple syrup, `Miss Illm. Wliunkafh puffnrnnn wrllit wson. Den urumuu. muyrc syrup, mam C. Turner, Miss Elizabeth Patterson. Fruitl cake, Mrs. Norman Campbell, Mrs. DeVere Wilson. Buns, Miss Annie Patterson, Mrs. A. D, Campbell. Pickles, Miss Annie Ad- am. Bottled fruit, Mrs. I. Jermey; Miss Annie Adam. Layer cake, -Mrs." A. D. Campbell. Mrs. DeVere Wilson. Bread (special), Miss Annie Patterson, Mrs. A. D. \ I I Campbell. Display of honey. A. S. Millard, Mrs. D. -B. Bernhardt. Maple sugar, Al- bert Graham, Norman Jermey. Loaf. of bread. Miss Annie Patterson. Mile. A. D. Campbell. Collection of baking, Mrs. Thos. Jermey, Mrs. Robert Storey. A Fruit and Flojvers Basket cut flowers: A.-' S. Millard; De- ` Vere Wilson. Table bouquet: W. Scott; De- Vere Wilson. iHand bouquet: DeVere Wil- `_ son; W. Scott`. Asters: DeVere_Wilson; A. S. Millard. Annuals: DeVere Wilson; Thos. Jermey. Perennials: DeVere Wilson. Crab apples: Leve & Son; T. H. Mc- Mahon. Peewaukees: J. G. Hume; Wm. Jarratt, Northern Spyszz Wm. Campbell; J. A. Peterson. Wealthys; H. E. Duden- hoffer; J . G. Hume. Golden Russets: Wm. Campbell; H. E. Dudenhoffer; Mrs. M. Elson. Snow (Fameusel: H`. E. Duden-` hoffer; Wm. Campbell. Rhode Island Green- ings: T. W. Jermey. Any other variety: H. E. Dudenhoffer; T. W. Jermey. Plums`. any variety: Wm. Campbell; Wm. Jarratt. Pears, any variety: Wm. Jarratt. Pears. 3 late: M. Elson. Grapes: J. W. Houston. 5 l(J3ollllection `of fruit, one of each: Wm. Camp- " e . I\.._..6i. Iinnnfnnhu-an neu. ~ Domestic Manufactures _ Fancy apron. Mrs. G. Moffutt, Mrs. Gra- ham Black.. Baby's jacket. Mrs. W. J. Thomson. Miss M. B. Madden. den. Miss C. Turner. Crocheting in cot- ton, Mrs. DeVere Wilson. Miss Madden. Child s dress. embroidered. Mrs. George Campbell. Mrs. W; J. Thomson. Corset son. Centrepiece, embroidered, white. Miss Helen Benton, Miss C. Turner. Centrepiece, embroidered. color, Mrs. George Campbell. Miss C. Turner. .Comforter, Mrs. C. Camp- bell,"Mrs. DeVere Wilson. Darned stock- ing, Mrs. G._Blao|'<. Mrs. George Campbell. Dresser and stand scarves. Miss G. Turner, Miss M. Madden. Dad pillowslips. Miss C. Turner, Mrs_.- W. J. '1` omson. `Embroider- cover. Miss Helen Beaten, Mrs. A. Ander-` Bedroom 3 slippers, crocheted. Miss C. Turner." Mrs. W. i Thornson. But-tonholes in linen, Miss Med J septa-nxber k17.-~'}1ie*Angli`can, choir went`, to `Rosemom. on Sunday and-8PDd thei vmuaic for the Harvest Home service. . The: n--. m I n.... ...mAm.1-pd thn. servicen 0120 STATIQN `. ed pillow cases, Miss C. Turner, Mrs. George Campbell. Embroidery on linen, Mrs. W. J. Thomson, Miss Annie Patterson. Hooked A _ mat. Mrs. George Kissock, Miss Helen Beaton. Handkerchiefs,` Miss G. Gordon. Handbag, Miss C. Turner. Laundry bag, Mrs. George Campbell, Mrs. G. Black. Lun- cheon set, Miss Kate Harvie, Miss Helen Beaton. Nightdress filet, Mrs. G. Black, Mrs. G. Rugman. Nightdress. embroidered. Mrs. D. Wilson, Mrs. G. Black. Pillow- cases, any kind, Miss C. Turner, Mrs. Geo. . Campbell. Pincushion. embroidered. white. -Pincushion. any other kind, Miss Kate Har- T . vie, Mrs. G. Rugman. - Miss Annie Patterson Miss Elizabeth Pat- - terson. . terson. "Mrs. A. Anderson. a Mrs. Walker, Mrs. A. Anderson. - Horne. Mrs. M. Horne. Mrs. A. Anderson. Patched quilt? Miss Elizabeth Pat~ Pieced quilt, _ Knitted Crocheted quilt, _ Wool socks. Miss Elizabeth Patterson, Mrs. J. W. Houston. Embroidered, Miss A. G. Mile lard. Mrs. George Campbell. .Sofa~ pil- low, any kind, Miss Kate Harvie, Mrs. Rag mat, Miss Annie Patterson, quilt. Mrs. J. A. Reid. . Miss-Irene Jones. Sweater. crocheted wool, Mrs. 3W. "Scott; knitted, Mrs. G. Rugman, Mrs. J. W. Houston. Bath towels; Mrs. G. Black, Mrs. George Campbell. Guest tow Patch on garment, ` HOW the children do like K % f Weston s English Quality Biscuits Buy Weston s English Quality Biscuits in the Sampler Tin and get a complete assortment. Try W eston s -ma" BARARIE EXAMINER T Custard Creams Cream Cone English A rrowrool Panto Wedding Bells Short Cake M eltise Creams M elt-irt-your-mouth ' Hydro Strawberry Shortcake Digestive ' Lemon Cream els, Miss Madden, Miss C. Turner. Tray cloths, Miss C. Turner, Mrs. G. Black. Table runner, Miss C. Turner, Mrs. A. An- derson.` Table linen, (initialed), Miss C. Turner, Miss Helen Beaten. Table cover, embroidered, Mrs. G. Rugman, Mrs. Nor- man Campbell. Table cover, any other kind, Miss C. Turner, Mrs. G. Black. Tat- ting, Mrs. A. Anderson, Mrs. G. Black. Worsted mat, Miss Elizabeth Patterson. Woolen mitts (double), Mrs. Norman Campbell, Mrs. J. W. Houston. Woolen mitts, (single) Miss Annie Patterson, Miss Elizabeth Patterson. Sideboard scarf. Mrs. D. Wilson, Mrs. G. 'Rugmsn. Crocheting on wool, Mrs. W. J. Thomson, Miss C. ~ Turner. Tea cosy, Mrs D. Wilson. Button-. holes in silk, Miss Madden, Mrs. A. Ander- son. House dress, Mrs. M. Horne, Miss, Annie Adam. Serving tray, Miss 0. Turn-'. er, Mrs. DeVere Wilson. .Wo1-kstand, Mrs. . A. G. Millard. Curtains, Mrs. A. "Ander- s son, Mrs. George Kissock. Knitted scarf, - Miss Annie Patterson, Miss Kate Harvie. Oil painting, landscape, Miss Annie Adam. Miss C..Turner. Oil painting, Miss Annie Adam, Miss G. Gordon. Dresser or buffet `set, Mrs. W. Scott.` Cotton sheets and hemming, Mrs. George Campbell, Mrs. G. Black. ` A "TIHISIC X0! [-118 X13l'\'&l IIUIHU acnvnuc. .uu Rev. T. J. Dew conducted the service. the. Rev. Gray taking his work here. _ ml... nine hold Hmir regular meeting and they re `good for them -- better than Candy -- be- cause they re made with the purest of ingredients from inimitable Old Country re- cipes. 1" - f h V Biscuits (is they aremade in England A REALLY EXCELLENT I ' RIDENG PLOW -I-racy?- ' _ :.`.:.;5L.1-1"-'" Equipped with same bottom, this sulky does same work as `THE FAMOUS FLEURY NO. 21. The Plow You Know: The Most Popular Canadian Walking Plow. Besides being superior in character of work, this Sulky Plow is light in draft and easily operated, requiring little attention from driver. It guides itself and stays in position set for width and depth. Let us "supply you with one of these time and labor-saving Plowo . for your Fall work. It will work when others fail. Single and Two-Farrow WALKING PLOWS always in stock. A - - o HI 1 I`! _I_._._ Phone 77 , Our famous English master bakers are now making right hereat home, biscuits that rival the finest Old Country lines-long recognized as the world s standard. Yet Wes- ton s cost but little more than ordinary fancy biscuits. Just try them once! Single` FLEURY'S "QUEBEC" SULKY Geo. Weston, Limited, Toronto v..neA KAPV. uray uuuug ma wuln uunv. The W.M.S. held their regular meeting! an Wednesday afternoon., A very interest-: in; letter from Miss Standen in China was` read by Mrs. W. H. Hutton.` The topic wzwgiven by Mrs. McLean, who alsd had . m.;...a. umming invit.ation'with the ex- zle am: I wo-r urrow vvnunu-.. . ..... .. .. -, - _._ Come` to Vus_for Genuine leury -Pigwshares f::`."ri;;cAw ' * BARRIE : 34 Bayeld St. Page Sevin` ' WB8'g1VG by MPS. MCLEIII, wuu uwu uau 3 Chinese wedding invitationwith planation in English. which all enjoyed very much. T After the meeting the bale for File Hills was phcked._ It amounted to $36. The Mission Band also packed their bale. mined at 823.35. ` ' (`A-.-`nu 11- 'l`.-umnrn rnnrpnnnting the

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