Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1923, p. 6

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....v r v I: Terms of Sale--AlI sumsof $l0.00.3ndl under._ cash; over that amount 13 months l credit will be given to parties furnishingi approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold :9-ithout reserve as proprietor has sold `his arm. V `Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. WQA. Mcoukey, Auctioneer. - IIIUIIVIIEI Mrs. Hayes xs spendmg a few weeks W-th relatives in Windso ` ` 3 `II... I` D 1.._..:____ '9 3, In, ' . .1 o lcnal.-nca Ill vvuxu-rut. G.,B. Jameson "is in_ Toronto this` week. ' Beth and Ivan Slesser are attending the! D I` Y Ia Haunts ucx u'Icuu.s uere. ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orser wxll soon move, to their new home in Midhunt. 'I"L.. X11"--- I ........ .._..I I____ 11.7 __,, 1 _, 1 mu uxcu ucvv uuuu: In uuuuurbl. The Misses Laura and Jean McLean have returned from Muskoka. l ..L... D..u......_ 2- L.` , I La auulcwuzu uruer 111 me IV. V. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris ; spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. of Egbert. 4 w w Q... 4..-... .1...` .......u. . ' IIl\C IU CCo Isa.?ah McMast=r has returned home afterg spending a few days in Turonto. j -. * ` . ! Sept. 10.--'Mrs. Wm. Jamieson of Guelph '; is visiting Her friends here. I My um-I Mm E`......l. n........ ...:n . . _ _ . * . . ._ i U] L`l6UCI l o _ W. W. Scott spent the' week-end in Tor- lonto. ` `I _.___,,_; . , . .1 . v I` u 0 nu. | I regret to report that James Cook's] health is not improving as his friends wouldi `like to see. '1 'l_..f..L \l_Il-,A_,, l,, . I I A. UUUFIH ITIUIHJH LING WEEK. Aaron Jennett, with his wife and family, motored from Mt. Clemens. -Mich and are` holidaying with his mother, -Mrs. Jos. Jen-I inert. ` ] fl|L-_- 1..-... L, in .. u o .| - . 1 Pure Bred Holstein Cow, 5 yrs. old, due by date of sale. - 1 Pure Bred Holstein Cow, 4 yrs. old, due Sept. 21. 1 Holstein Cow, 6 yrs. old, with cal! at foot. A 1 Holstein Cow, 4 yrs. old, withcalf at foot. ` ,1 Holstein Cow, 7 yrs. old, due by - 3-4.. -0 ..-I- AVLIEC` IICGBIT IJIQIIU D. I Mr. and Mrs.lAlbert Ford and familyi spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Luck of Crown Hill. - .II___ II`! II"__._I._, , I II `II -V-- -.-~----c -v--u -I-f\- l`CI\'Q II IIIl\-`I QVIVAIIKICIO I l Robert E. Bell of Little Current, Mm! toulin Island, spent over Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bell. -.-.- -q-u. . u u -. uaunsna rs. Jas. McQuay cf Sunnidale called on! Utopia friends this week. ' Au-an l....n..n ...:4.|. L:.. ...:A'.. ...__n t..___:L_ I ' uuuu Those from here who attended the Exhi- bition last week included: Mr. and_!Mrs. John Jennett, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Arnold, Ervin Mil- ler, Thos. McCann, `Mr. and Mrs. Elphiclm Miss Naomi Perry, Mrs; Wilfred McMaster.] Wm. Higginson and T. Truax. ' howl. I.`nn..... 1......` :. :. .1... n U I vv nu. xuggluaun anu 1. uuux. Little Esther Jennett is in the R. V. Hospital. Barrie. where she had an opera- tion for appendicitis on Monday. Sept. l0.--Anniversary services are to be held here on Sunday, Sept) 16, and will be conclucted by the Rev. S. Martin. Mme. Um-u 1(.mnn ........a 41.. .......I. .....1 ...:n_ UUlI||UL7|l.7u uy tut: nev. D. Martin. Mfss Vera Knapp spent the week-end with Miss Jessie Bishop. .M.- and re All... L`.-....l .....1 l`.....:l..' 1 I UL \JI U VVJI lllllo Mrs. W. Turley and Mrs. Horrisington are I! visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert" Cooke of Gor- ' rie. `I ____ ,,I,,I 4, A .1 . ll I-1 i\ av Luunuuulh ; Chm. E. Wright. M.vP.P., for Centre Sim-i coe, Mr. Dutton, the Colonization Road. Supervisor. Mr. Shanacy of Penetang, Geo. S. Johnston of our village, together with; the Vespri Township Council and Clerk. in-I epected the.Willow Creek- drainage coursel which is being opened up under the direc-l tion of Jas. Torpey and report the work isi having a wonderful effect in drying up the: `land. They also inspected the grading on! ithe 10th concession where the G.P.-R. station| `of Mac is being connected with the village; `of Grenfel and which will be our direct road; to Camp Borden when completed. 3 I ---------~--- I Sept. ll.-Miss Islin Perry and girl frieiid! are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McMaster. i .r.I7nn Auction. Sale of 19 High-Class Milch Cows # and Springers ..---- .u nu.-.1 an. 4!` Mrs. Alex. F amum is spendin with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miller. .-A - A.-val. g a few days IICO ' I am glad to report, that Mrs. Ben Parrf is somewhat better in the R. V. Hospital. and family; Chas. Haw 3 Al` IJ`...L.....4 -Among-our young people who are teach- ing school elsewhere are:-W. F. 0rchard,! near Hamilton; Miss May Grant, at Parry Sound; Miss Norma Chappell. near Engle~l hart; Miss Bernice Young and Miss Edith` Tracey, in Toronto; Miss Wixiifred Young lat Marlbank. V (VI... in u1__:_|_. Ilnn .- n . an nnucuucll uu ouuuuy. | A number from here visited the thin1ble- I berry patch near Penetang last week and: brought home a fine "lot of this luscious} fruit. ? II`_:_'I\ID.l\'-Ir: .. ....I -.... -....v- -uy yunvuuan nvul. Q " Mr. and Mrs. Bert Breens and children of 2 Collingwood visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. pntOAnAn an Q"-`A nu- --_- ._ ..., _...... nun - uuvvolallvy acct vvccnu [ J.- Pattenden is spending a few days in` Aurora. Mrs. J. M. Knapp has returned to her! old home after spending some time in Tor-I onto. _ _ I A__-_.. -.... -.A.~~- - uuuus `tue past WCEIS. A I _ ' School re-opened last Tuesday with Miss Blythe of Durham in charge of the seniori room and Miss Campbell of Elmvale in: `charge of the junior room. 1 l\-.2 L- _ _.`__.,,l,, 1- 1 u o I ` - -.._.- V- r-Iv Juuavn nvvbu . ' l Quite a number of our boys and girls are? attending collegiate in Barrie this term, in-: cluding Miss Mary Coles, Ruth Orchard,` Helen Roe, Stella Luck, Ruth and Reta; Livingston; Wellesley Former and Doug- las Ronald. No doubt if we had a contin- ruation school here quite a number morel would avail themselves of the opportunityl to add to their public school education. Il3__-_ I _..-_ I can 0 A \.-uauuswuuu vluteu III Pattenden on Sunday. A nnmhnr from lung. Sept. and. i!rs.;ack Summers and little daughter of Chapleau have been. visiting the former s,uncle. J. T. Johnston,; during the past week. ` `gnnnl I-n-nnnvuul lnn 'l\-nu-Ann nuhl. III..- ....-. .. up-.~uuv_y un vu|Aupa_. 1 uUl% Ul GUT": HOUSEHOL FURNI'I'UR:E--Oak dining U lble and chairs. wicker rnnlmr I-mmyimu. .- __.- we vndwun .1`-uuua wvuvvn VI.Iuvu|.*.IvIIo Misses. Lucy and Elsie Ayres have turned to Barrie after spending the past week under the parental roof. 1:. __.||'n_, n .n . .... .. D. M..R'ichardson of Aurora visited! her sister, Mrs. R. Plowright. last week. I II l.')..u.-...I__. 3. __,,,n- A ANGUS HITS GRENFEL M'"1'?5_-'."`7! UTOPIA his annual visit to,` absent about twoi 2 of Mrs. How- 1 ` of `last weekl Considerable U 1 an invitation] them at their! 7'I"`L- ___; .____.. I the I SARJEANT S u-am: nu; om DRY-CLEANING PLANT WITHIN YOUR REACH, OUTSIDE THE.ClTY_ [AM A PRACTICAL TAILOR AND READY TO ATTEND TO REPAIRS on ALL CLOTHES Goods caize.-1 for and delivered. PRICES REASONABLE femind us of the advisability of being adequately insured. We have the companies that will cover your risk. Town Dwellings and Contents 1: Specialty UPTOWN TICKET OFFICE AND. INFORMATION BUREAU LII Iiinuwpu ` Safe, Sound Companies See Me Before Your Fire 33 Elizabeth Street Get our price before you sell, on the cleaned and un- " ` cleaned seed_. - GORDON STEVENSON Ross Block, Barrie SECURITIES` N N Phone 1010, Box 267 FOR YOUR FUEL AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES S we ARE IN nu: MARKET FOR ALSIKE AND SWEET CLOVER SEEDS The Best Heating-at Lowest Cost BRl:`.TT S FEED STORE A. %Moffatt Real Dry Cleaning TlIeHadaPs'pde::hcat: any room I/wroughly because the register is Illa right size for the heating capacity and is yrogerly proportioned. 4 to 10ft. length: 32" wide. 3-8" thick rlgzguzljfr Hans INSURANCE- Phones: Store 65, Eve. 885. % The re roof Wallboard r if? % reeroof 0? .;;...;y and big features of the famous I-Iecla Furnace. STEEL RIBBED FIREPOT that triples THE Hecla Pipless has all the of `pun: snsn HOLSTEIN CATTLE LIIISLI BI AEQ l\AI\l BAIAAQ . A\An.IA.rA4ga - -_-_._ _ ._ , -the radiating surface;--gives more heat with less coal. Patented JOJN_TS which make it V gets-pioof and dust-proof. Big'circu'- la: waterpan gives ample moisture, It has other advantages--We can install it in one day in any home. No pipes to put up--less cost. No tearing up of walls. Itewill heat your` home with as little fuel -coal or wood--ns. you now use for your stoves and heaters. This new, ne, modem heating system is just win: you have been wanting. Let's tell you about it-and give you an estimatr. IWA-(=`;'yproc booklet and sample sent free upon re- quest. The SARJEANT Co. Office, 10-12 Owen St. Phone 531 Phoi:e447W BARRIE It pays to rmul let Column. I :u_r< Reading the :u employment. IUTIE UIIEII ITUBUIEIN VRUIHE HIGH CLASS DAIRY DDWS FARM STOCK AND IMPLEUENTST AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE THURSDAY, SEF Sn] H. is the !E>:Lrx11 Palm ur --nol[m L9R!st=I;$`i$AvI9soN ' namrk '5 3 to 1 a_Imo1 1Lt"'i'oI' CXIQL" i',1".{';iiaI TUESDAY, saw. 25 I"hn fnllnuplnn . Buy Advertised Things. nuuomnuuu r u1uV1'1'umh;-Uak dining! table chairs. wicker rocker. hanging lamp. Wilton rugs. blinds, couch, oak buf- fet. china cabinet, oak extension table, couch. leather-seated dining chairs, book- case and writing desk. dishes. cutlery, pic~ tutes, old ivory bedroom suite with chiffon- 'icr and dreging table, 2 other bedroom suites, rugs, toilet sets. kitchen cabinet. newvrange, tables. chairs,` kitchen utensils. coal oil stove; and many other articles. 'l`1m ..L...... :. ..u |_:_L _I n - --7-u-1-tjv inn -Z&I to sell by Public Avuction at I -15 IGV Sale at 1.00 p.1 CREDFIKAIE The-undersigned has received iunstructionsfrom W. H. MARTIN L00 p-m-J W. A. MCCONKEY, AUCT. to sell by Public Auction the following: 5uuu uucnuuuuc. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. J. Maw. Dr. Hart gave a lecture on first aid which was appreciated very much by the ladies. This was followed by reading and music, after which refreshments were`served by the hostess. --... .... vvulu, ux_|u uuuly uouur HFUICIES. The above .is all high-class furniture and just as good as new as it has only been in use a short time. 1.|uU_V as uvcr auuuay. ' `Mrs. Joyce and family `have come` from Northern Ontario to stay with her father, T. Teasdale. for a time. I G. Tracy, wife and two sons, Mrs. B. Tracy, "Mus. Knapp and son motored to Collingwood. Sunday afternoon. Miss Vera McLean is home again after spending the summer up on the lakes. _ Those attending Toronto Exhibition re- port it good this year. Qnhnnl vn_nnnnn:l Inna ......l1. ...:L 11:..- Lu ICCIBUCIIU. ` _........l2_._ LL _ . puny H. guuu uuas year. _ School .re-opened last week with Miss |Brett of Alliston as teacher. -The health iinspector was around last week inspecting the school and reports it OK. There` is a good attendance. - mkn \Xf.u...'.. Tnnlltnt-.. ...-L ...I. LL- L,.,,, ulcca uuucgc m Durrw, I Mr. Lewisof Bzcie, Station agent, is relieving Mu`. Orchard of his work for a couple of` days. .. Mrs. Lewis visited at B. 'l`racy`s over Sunday. Mre Jnlmn and Can-nllu Ln..- .......-. Lu.- vv uuuuou uuun-8 01` 11 Iew aays I88! WEEK. Mws Irene Czwanaugh is attending bus- iness college in Barrie, Mr Inun nf Dmln ;.4..L!.... ....-._L 3- rues, c uulvwuy vv llvuu i "iLu3L m`iv; E'l`C.-McC'ormiok binder, 7-ft.; McCormick hay tedder, new; Massey- Harris cultivator, Massey-Harris" mower, 5- l't.,.new; Massey~Harris rake, 12-ft.; Mas- sey-Harris disc barrows, M.-H. manure spreader. new; Superior drill; roller, 3- sec.; Coclcshutt Kid plow, 2-furrow; ,2 Fleury plows, No. 21; set iron harrows, wagon, turnip sower. turnip pulper, demo- crat wagon. cutter; single buggy, Chatham fanning mill, set 2000-lb scales, Melotte cream separator, set heavy log sleigbs, set brass-mounted harness . shortvtug; set single harness. set short-tug harness, set double driving harness, quantity potatoes, grain` bags. 500 bus. oats, 150 bus. barley, 20 tons bay, 2 acres corn, 1 acre turnips, Chevrolet car, 490; hey forks. ropes and slings, Empress cook stove, churn, heatin stove; also household furniture. ~ n\__,___, 1- n u A . __- -_ :1. aua vu-uwu an u. vvngncs last _weeK. John Halloran of Elmvale vzslted at Mrs. J. Torpey's over Sunday. } Mr, and Mrs: vnnnn AC Au-lulu`... ..:..:4....l -4. u. Lurpey as over ounuay. i [M1-. and Mrs. Young of Arthur visited at I Wilmott Cook's for a few days last. week. Mi `I-Ann r`.n\rnnnn'nL In n4nu\A1..... L..- .....v.., mu nnvuuuslulu nsuuululco ` Terms of Sale--~Allsums of $10.00 an under, cash; over that amount 12 months` credit will be given to parties furnishing ap- ` proved joint notes. 5% per annum off for cash on'credt sums. Grain and hay cash. Sale at 1 p.m. P. A. Coughlin; Auctioneer. yunxuug awura, V apnng CRIVGS. ' PIGS AND HENS--Berkahire sow, due .Oct. 10; 6 store pigs, 4 11208.; 50 hens. um): I7fIliI.`\Y'I'\ man n1,n-__,s,u, - .....; ...u-u, as _yua. uuu, J!-`all rluuul. l'MPLEMEN'I`S---McC0rmicl< mower, seed drill, cultivator, 2-furrow plow, Fleury plow, `No. 2!; scuffler, Verity wheel plow, No._ 10; set. iron barrows, wheelbarrow. 3 cut- ters. open buggy, top buggy, nearly new; democrat, 2 wagons, hay rack, stock rack; gravel box. root pulper, M.-H. cream sep- arator. nearly new; 2 sets sleighs, fanning- uill, set scales. new; set small scales, 2 galvanized tanks. chum. -butter worker, a quantity maple lumber. a number of cedar poets, set sling ropes. barn rope, 2 sets: double harness. set single harness, set double driving harness. , FEED AND _GRAIN--30 tons of good] hay, a quantity of `barley. a quantity of eats. a quantity of turnips, 4 acrm of corn. IIGITOIRUAI h Drrnilvwnvvnn l'\ . .. - cw--. 1-no-A 1 `a at I fl I l\IlV R. Lawson and C. Tanaie of Niagara I Falls visited at C. WKright s last week. 1 Jnhn I-`nun:-an nf li`,l&m....I.. $1.13-.-I -4. ll-.. ----`tins-, 31- II 19 The following: HORSES-_- I`eam grey Percheron -horses, 7 and 8 years, weight 3100 lbs.; matched team, 5 and 6 yrs.,. 3,000 lbs.; bay horse, 10 yra.; bay mare, aged; Hackney colt, 3 V yrs. old. . COWS--Black cow, 7 yrs., due Apr. 2; fresh cow. 5 yrs. old; red cow, 4 yrs., due Mar. 7; Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old; red cow, 8 yrs., due Mar. 8; spotted cow, 5 yrs., due Apr. 12; red cow, 8 yrs., due Jan. .10; white-faced cow, 6 yns., due Feb. 21; 3 yearling steers,`9 spring calves. I-IlBN.&_:1l.u.l..k:... nan. An- I The undersigned has received -instructions from T :g-:_-__. ._-.. The above are all extra good cows, in good condition and choicemilkers. All will be sold without; reserve. Terms of-.Sale-Si) months credit will be given. to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per an- num off for cash. ` 1 Durham Cow, 5 yrs., doe Oct. 4. 1' Ayrshire Cow, 7 yrs., calf at foot. 1 Ayrshire Cow, 4 yrs., calf at foot. 1 Ayrshire Cow, 6 yrs., due Sept. 16. 1 Ayrshire Cow, 7 yrs., `due Sept. 28. 1 Ayrshire Cow, 4 yrs., due Sept. 19. 1 Jersey Cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh. 2 Ayrshire Heifers, due by sale date... or FARM STOCK Au?) IMPLEMENTS it` I C nnv Q - av-Vtvvnlhv Quarter "Mile North of C.P;R. Station To sell by Public ,Auction on 010! II II\nI'\ A I! nu-In-u-In an- TriiJii"s.i3 A3?'2o YIVL- E..ll-...:.... . RoBER'i"X.cRA1c `Lot 44, Con. l,.Medonte 6.... `XIII- \T.._LL ..L` l"'l).1J aL.'.Al._... MINESING srulpg _ ,__,I I`! In AT MARRlN S YARDS,BARRlE ~ Saturday, September 15 ;C!`:`P.`T% A!-F- auu [HES D. l.ul'll!' I0 DUODUYY. Miss Samson is visiting with MISS Mary Gaston for a few days. Everyone reported a good time. at the com roast {here last-"wee . ' _..-_... . \4 Juunus Auuulo I ' Mr. Va.nvd .!;I.rs.-Geo. Rebstock of Crystal. Beach were visitors at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. R. J. [Turner last week. i Lo 7 D` YJ L...L L-.. ._-L.._-- I A V" mm. u.. u. 4. urm.-.1` was WEPK. I Mm J. E. Hort has returned to Toronto: and Miss E. Turner to Sudbury. Ilia: Qnn...-_.. :. ..!..2a.Z.._ _.:.L 11:, In | , ,_ ,-.._ -v..-- v...-ayu 53 u tvuvulila `Quite. a number from here attended the Toronto Exhibition this year.` ` Our teacher, Miss Reid, of Campbellville has returned to resume her duties and Miss Fowler of Orillia has been engaged as teacher for the junior room. 11,, , I II uayu no qua LIUIIIU UCIB. Mrs. Charles Hart has returned home af- ter: spending a week in Toronto with he'r daughten Mrs. Proudfoot. mac Tu-nun (`tn-:nL:.. L-.. _A-- L- 7-~-- ` unuguwq Aurel. rruuuloob. Miss Irene Chnstle has gone to Ivy where` she has_ been engaged as a teacher. t\..!4- .. ._-._.L,-A !-- September 1l.--Mis.s Jean Gaston has`re- turned to Toronto after spending a vacation at her home here. . Mrs. Orr of Orillia is visitingvwith her sis- ter. Mrs. G. Ostrander. ` `ll? Y 'I`\..__-_ ,: 11-,-U - ' - I/Cl. nun. U. UBl.l'ull(18I'. W. J. Turner of_Merritton spent a few days at his home here. Mun (`Ln-I... 11..-; L..- __A.._____J I, I L IIUIU pauu. Donald Buie is spending a few days with` `his son. Gordon Buie, in Welland. I I (`.lif'm-A 'N.......-..,.... ':.. 4|..- .......-. -: Lt- - 1 iii I C I , Zj B U T3 The following: REGISTERED HOLSTEINS -- Victory Bond Ormsby, 62130, 3 years, this is an ex- tra good type of cow, is milking well and is due to calve on March 27; Acme Wnlke Uarch, 95142, 2 years old and in calf; Beets Hartog Prince, 54812, calved May 96, 1922; Holstein heifer, eligible for regis- tration, milking, due Dec. 3. amps 00WS--Holstein cow, 8 yre. old, fresh; Holstein cow, 7 yrs., due Nov. 28; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., due Dec. 20; Hol- stein cow, 4 yrs., due Dec. 24. 2 GRADE 0A'l"I`LE--Red cow, 7 yra., duo Jan. 4; white cow, 8 years, due March 4 ; roan cow, 7 year.s., due December 12; red cow. 8 yrs.. due in March; grey heifer, due March 9; Hereford cow, 5 yrs., fresh; `Man cow, 7 yrs., fresh; spring calf. ' .DIllQ A\Y'\ QIIDIND In __E__ sun In -um auu. uuruuu Dune, ul vveuanu. Clifford Thompson is the guest of his brother, Carl Thompson. Toronto. uuucl u1c'.pzu`cul.ul FUDI. Mr. and Mrs. John Coutts and family of West Toronto spent a few days with her `brother. John Forgie. Thna Murf:n .-J I`--n:...l.-.24]. .....-._4 AL- unul.-HUI. uuuu l`Ul`glU'. Thos. Martin of Craigleith spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Clifford Thompson. ' D.-..ml.l D..:.. :. ......._..I:.._. .. 1-_.__ _I_-, ,-.1 vv uuu uuaulcea uuucge. ` Miss Lillian Petch spent Sunday with her` friend, Miss Jean Mills. (hm ll.'.:.. I- ..u.._.J-.1 m__-_.-_ ni- uncuu, xulass` dean M1118. A Geo. Moir, Jr., attended Toronto Exhi- bition last week. - 'I.._.:_ l`|1lt_.. -,2 I! - I`- Ul UIUII [H60 WC? - AJ-amie Giffen `of Creembre spent Sunday under thenparental roof. Mr and Mr: Ink.-. l"n..u.. .....l t.._..:I_. -1- -..--..~. --- ..v-... --.-.-w vv Vnultvu An evidence that the summer has abouti gone, is_seen in the railway summer flyers' being taken off, and the old schedule resum- ed, which is much more appreciated here, making it quite handy travelling north or_ south." The noon train is due at 11.45, and the afternoon down at 4; regular morning and evening trains, usual time. `September i0.-`-Mrs. John Crosier and son Harold spent last week visiting friends in Toronto. 7'... I'I2_-L.___.-,I, - -' lllto James Arnold ofAIvy is the gixest of his sister, Mrs. R. McQuay. . Minna: Mon and (Undue Q....L.... .......I \1-.. ,,,,.. -_.., . '..`..., uuvulun n 53:13 vain. . PIGS AND SHEEP---l0r pigs, 150 lbs. each; 10 pigs, 100 lbs. each; 10 pig8,'8 weeks old; 2 Yorkshire sows, in pig; Berk- shire saw, 4 good ewes. Oxford ram, pure bred. IIUIII C IIUFU a Mrs. Norman Brown and son Jimmie spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ross Elliott, Toronto. `Alk....o `D..:.. ..c Q. .... ...'. c~.___v__._.n .-.:.L cumxcx, Luis. nu xucquay. Misses May and Gladys Spicher and Nor- man Schell left last week to attend Coiling- wood business college.` Mina: I.i'"inn pnfnk nnnnf Qua:-Inn unit]. LA- -yuan`-vlviuinnv uuu up.-nun uh. I Owing to the fact that there has notbeen` any road-work done the whole summer. 1' am informed that" much gravel is to be e placed the coming winter on account.of the scarcity of labor and teamsup to the pre- sent. This may be so but` we must wait and see. In the meantimethe roads are not Im- proving. Tknrd annnnrn Jn kn Inn-no -nu.-.1-......1 -4` ...:l..l There appears to be large numbers of wild duck on the marsh this fall, -but our sports have not been lucky enough to bag any so far. The partridge area also quite numerous, reports say they are very wild and fly very rapidly. AI`\l\`An (Illa n nnuunn nhlun 3-. GL3.` .I:,.4_2-A rupuuy. Apples are a scarce crop in this district and will, no doubt, be dear later on. This will only be fair considering the high prices asked for other fruits to date. ..-.-- ---. ..-.-.-., ----u- -4. van, an vnannaun. Miss Cora Buie of the nursing staff. 01'- illia Hospital, is spending two weeks at her lhome here. V ' ' ll-.- \1' - __., , W 1'! I " uulut L, 1 uruu w . Albert `Buie of Stayner Sundayed with `his uncle, John Watson, before returning to his duties at Ridley College, St. Cathar- inns. m I:hu<;su.`mI iisebrough spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Ed. Orr, at Clarkson. `Il'2__ I\.,., I1 .... -vw vvvv v vi o-----xo an-u uvvvuvnvum The light rainsof Friday and Saturday may have done a little good. but the root crop has not shown much improvement; it has been at a standstill for some time now. The weather turned quite cool on Sunday. being the first real tinge of Fall, both" in temperature and appearance. i l\...:__ 5.. AL. `.;.A LL-` A`._-_.. L, ,, . I .. --_-. -.v.-v. vuv -w.-.v--4.. `In--J! Jerome Shanahan last Friday met with a painful accident which might have resulted fatally. While sing the emery wheel. it flew to pieces while revolving rapidly and a . piece struck him in the foreheadwhich ne- --eitated" his- -be`ing~ tuhetf as-` the Barrie Hospital to have it removed. Dr. Kearns being away attending to a little girl at Minesing. Dr. Corcoran of Elmvale was sent for, who, on his arrival observed the ser- iousness of the wound, and immediately took him to Barrie, where an operation. was performed, removing a piece of emery the size of a walnut. .Latest reports received are that Jerome is doing nicely and is out` of danger. ,Hia assistant, Frank Marley. who was also at work, was struck on the leg by a flying piece of the emery, but luckily it did not penetrate through his overalls. He, of course administered first aid to Jerome after telephoning for the doctor, and is entitled to much credit for his presence of mind and attention` "IL, I,',,l,. l V` II IV: . CIVIC- HORSES--Bay mare, 6 yrs. old, 1400 "lbs; bay horse, 9 yrs. old. 1400 lbs; sorrel Hackney home. 10 yrs. old; bay mare. 10 yrs. old. driver; buy mare, 9 yrs. old, driv- er; bay mare, 4 yrs. old, Pearl "Finder. mnur Dllnluno I1./1 [IIUV III` III IIUCIUIIQ `, ` Mrs. F. Corrigan has returned to Guelph after spending a few weeks with her par- eml 0I?L_ ___. I_-._L_.. Il_. f\_II_-l__,. I,, W333? MoGinnis and Thos. O'Neill enjoyed a few days at Toronto Exhibition last week.- - Glad to know that John McGinnis is im- proving in health. `, M... 1: (`nraan `sun I-nOnvnarl An (`dual-`L VII ID: The new barber, Mr. Gallagher, has cut his work down to Saturdays only. I__'__._- QI__.__I____ I--. l'.\_.__l,,, , _. -.I V Septenibex: il(:)V.T-;Is.-Ca1:1x;>li)ell has re"-i turned to Toronto after a short visit with II... I YJ-Il KILIIIQI NU LU` Ina. J. mu. - 1:-A u'_____.| who has been staying at the hotel the past couple of months, left for his home in Toronto last week. __L__ n... l\`\Y-:lI -1 In _ , , _ . , - 1 , 1101110 1!] LOTUIIIU HIS! WEEK- Master Bert O'Neill of Toronto is here on his` regular annual visit; A M J `lnnblnn-n A` (`J-nanlonn mu (I-u6n_:n I .--.-u. -- V-._, .-..-av .--ya Burdette`Long, whd is employed in Tor-3 onto, was visiting his wife and family re-; cently. . } Ina unainnin and nu n`M-:ll nD|:I\IvA`x I5 regular llllul YEW. I B Ed. Wicklum of Charlton, New Ontario, was a visitor in this village lately. !)...._l-;;_.I-_.... _.I._ __ -__-._I____.I ' III _su1~;N1pAu: CORNERS The undersigned hasvreceived `instructions om _' 4--gggng u :'-oi - CRA!<`-HURET NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS Pl- [El`..`l S'lA'ON Ills EUIIUUI llCl'Ca ' A number from here attended the picnic in Angus on Saturday. ! MP9 (mam).-.-l..:.. lune .-ao........1 ;. L....i UUIADIIIQ UIIUICS 1Ju\'lu.'UI.l. ' Ruth McCracken has got quite strong: _ again after having an operation for her ton- `ails. u:.._ 1)`-.- n_._:,x,-_ u, . - - pun. ! Miss Reta Davidson has returned home! after spending a few days in Toronto. 1 man ghavnnann C-run k'I.........l:.._ 2.. L_--L ' auucu apcuumg a new uays In 10!'0nI0. Mxss Stevenson from Kincardine is. teah- ing school here. A -.nu-nkn... ....... 1.....- ...;-_.L.1 .1 , ' * '1 Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and daughter `Vera from the United States visited their. icousin. James Davidson. I)..oL II..I".....-I-_.. I.-- , _A '1 - The` W.I. met at the home ard Brandon on Wednesday week with an attendance of 21. business was dealt with, and invitation from Guthrie Branch to visit their next meeting was accepted. `The next regu- lar meeting will be held Wednmday after- noon. October l0_. at the home of Mrs. Charles Hodges. IUIUIHCU uuul xuu.$l\UKtI. John Patterson is on the West and will be months. ll..- !'l-_._, S, I VI IIIIIUIIWICI \lVW. I JDIII viva, I-we VJ date of sale. . 1 Holstein Heifer. due Sept. 28. 1 Holstein Cow. 5 yrs., due Sept. 18. 1 Durham Cow, 5 \yrs., `calf at foot. 1 Durham Cow, 4 yra., call at foot. 1 Durham Heifer, with calf at foot.

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