Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1923, p. 16

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-vn mug. Arrangements are being made anniversary services of Burton Methodist Church which will be iundny, October 21. _PEAI3.ES by Saturday, Barrie s :1 nd +uI.ll_V . J am: Q52 -rn-vnAuoll55Ll J. --Simmon dy-to-wear t D\' I'Vlll'U|- L` [N Shmvin! Mm Drezmnlzmd, --Tomato; Buchanan's. l'.llUl.\ bumnr. but 1 dent}: of ft-nlin tions. In the an intt-n. a. n_\'. One furgt so m-rfect. Ls tn CL ,,_..`,, ll LAUI II 'C' link` .'t:.1 tho .~p-(- I:-.ught(-r to rho e-_v which Ls the orig II JACKIE CO4 A_All Arul Ctmzxm i.~ 2: achizwz-l by r.v, .-1' .- gm-.,; Uuturi the {'11 sociuti then , 2 1:11;`;-1" it 1 Am THE ALLANDALE uvm STABLE . . . . .` A is fl'(Il Lh.'_a Lfi \' (-1 dm mun `u(~}i quu cmz US ux-aim. durin ginnin` pru\'id bell in this _v\- to pay the l:`ll< V1-mi not I me-n fr lions 5; often I J. ' left" one 0." the p; which- prisl-d him. t=hu`~. \v. ` tcry 1} beH`.~ .' iii};-.1 still orig! 1:1: 1 i}3_ Saddle Horses Carting ant! General Mu durj knm `$1:-. 1hv:;: .An 1h('V 'MI'. whi at reasbnablg rates LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING M`"mHF` Qiuw jg--2 ma: COMEDY HIT or THE smson ALSO . ALLAN` DKLE Plione 404 and truck will at youroervice. Inch fumbem -r,'5x4- 3&1: HARD AND SOFT WOOD uuy . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. t hinps `hove gone to spend their holidays in Toronto and Ot- tawa. Mrs. Albert Henderson has returned home after visiting in Toronto. during the Ex- hibition. . A ~ . Mrs. J. Anderson and Mrs. D. Ferguson 1 returned Monday after spending a week in 3 Toronto. - Communion service will be held in Bur- 1 ton Ave. Methodist Church this Sunday 1 morning. - _ _ I Lu-wanna.-.......a.. -..- L-' ` (goon BAND MUSIC u uruuu avenue held `on for the Avenue l...I..l ._ uuulu ux uranr neels recently. `Miss Jean Bugg, formerly a nurse at Sim- coe Hall and now Superintendent of. the . Clara Barton Hospital, Los Angeles, Cal., l has returned to her duties ater "spending a two months vacation at Big Bay Point. -On her way home she will spend two weeks at Mayo Hospital, Rochester, Minn. Train Hit Auto; No One Injured The old Grand Trunk bridgejust north of ~ Severn Bridge, was the scene of a bad 1 smash-up last week which resulted in the ( wrecking of an automobile but fortunately z i no injuries to the passengers. t I Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Roney, of George- E town, accompanied by their child and an- other couple, while on their return from t a trip to. the north were crossing the track t at an angle when one of the wheels became S 1:1. auubull. Mrs. Jos. Heels and Master Eric of Vic- toria Harbour and Mr. and Mrs. Charles `Huber of Cleveland, Ohio, visited at the home of Grant Heels recently. Jean Bmz.-r, {nu-mm-in .. ......-- .L 6! us. ll.Ull% - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McMillin left last week for a fortnight'e vacation in Peterborough 2 and North Bay. Mr. and Mrs..L. Spearn and Miss Bessie Spearn attended the Canadian National Ex- 3 hibition last wee . . ` ' Mrs. R. W. Lambert of Oshawa is spend- ing a week or two with her daughter, Mrs. 4 ` F. Goring, Sanford (St. ' Mrs. H. Sanders returned home last night '. after spending a fortnight with her daugh- : ter, Mrs. McKnight. in Torontc. Miss L. O'Connor, matron of Simcoe Hall for the past eight years, has severed her connection with that institution. ' I \ c t e Wall paper, latest designs, all prices. Ex- 8 elusive agency for Staunton s semi-trimmed. 3 W. A. Lowe& Son, Elizabeth St. 37c C Clark Scbtt, Frank Spearn, and 0. Walk- 8; er have returned from Bigwin Inn where they have been employed during the tour- ,, ist season. ' I. ll ... 1.. iv 1 - -- ' ` mm A_ E, Dumegd of Muweuv was ,"tanrnt in'Alla'nda"le, thought the word of in vision, with R3 3, M_ and M;-5_ Beach an officer of the law didn't mean anything,` this week. so he kept neglecting the matter of his R_ gmnmn offan-en , Ohio, left today cense. Chief of Police Case warned him `aftepgpendjng 3 week with his sister, Mm, that any person starting a restaurant here: M. Holmes. T ' W3-9` for _ ced by town by-law to. take outga Incense The Celestial didn bother _ _ going t0 "8 f01`11l811t.V/- He Was. thI`ef0l`.1 nulct-; Bay_. ed of $2 and costs, atotal fine of 87 Police Court Saturday morning. ` Broke Into Railway Station. The railway station at Severn Bridge and; several others along the line were broken into by motor bandits last Wednesday night. The till was forced but the safe was left untouched. A door leading to a closet in; which a supply `of coke was_ stored was; Miss simcoe 1-1.]: 1 opened. resuitlnl m an 9...: c..n..... -..l .._-_ ,m; I I o_u nuuvuulu McDonald has gone to spend her vacation with her parents, in Gravenhurat. 4 Mr. and Mrs. J93.-Dinning motored to ghornbury for a short holiday on Wednes- M EV. ' ` IN THE rsa.t.zN BUIl..*D.lNGj uuw, an or roronto. . . The remains were taken to Toronto on the afternoon train, Tuesday, and interment took place from the residence of his son .to St. James Cemetery this afternoon. 9 | 3 , - Died in Allandale 9 John Henry Abbott, twin brother of Mrs. H._A. Gibson, passed away at her home. 90 ' William St., Tuesday morning. after an ill- ness of several months duration. Mr. Ah- bott, whose home was in Toronto, had been staying with his sister since June 12 last. He had been ill since February with a com- . plication of diseases. The deceased was born in Toronto 71 years ago and had spent practically all his life there.. ,,He had been a frequent visitor 4 ` with his sister in Allandale. His wife pre- , deceased him in December, 1921. One son, 1 George 0. Abbott, survives with one sister 1 and three brothers. Mrs. H. A. Gibson. Al- q landale; Charles, Samuel and` George Ab- E bott, all of _Toronto. am. .;.....-._- _--_- - -- C . carria,"i%Bd{?'ana Thoroughbred Horses to be on the grounds by noon of this day. 1 p.m.--Judg'ing in Carriage, Roadster and Thor- oughbred Horses. UIGDUCT ' likely. `Free-For-All Trot o; F Race, Farmers Open Trot, before the Grand Stand. l .,,....w, xcouluug in we met tailing out upon . the voor. As this must have caused consid- erable noise, it probably scared the thieves, away, as nothing was taken. There is no| clue to their identity, but they were un-9 doubtedly the same parties who; broke into` Ginsberg s at Washago and McKae Bros.' store at Longford. , _ ` The police are said to be looking into the matter so that further developments bare1 All live Cu):CC[;tiOI1 of Carriage, Road- ster-and Thoroughbred Horses, to be on the grounds by noon of this day. -Judging in the hall and poultry houses from 8 am. -to '12 noon, at which hours hall will be closed to public. e1` _p.m.--.-Judging in .all Live Stock -Departments. IIIIIIQII-an-_ . __ ...-- --- ,.....m 1: supply or coke was was` opened, resulting in the fuel falling 'oo'r._ nmgg czgused IKIUT day. M.- County of Sim `Baby Shpw,` Farniefrsz Lady Drivers, Saddle Horse and-Go Race, glostume Rac 7 1111' (green Race, 2.25 Class, s, Hurdle Jumping, Av UU hibits`(`)nIy. ....5 .-. vvunuley,` n. anear, S. Garside. and A. G. Walker, skip; A. Ferguson. J. Le!` ` Gear, B. Thompson, and C. Poucher. skip., went to Alliston on r I . I i ` 1 . s E i - ....... unui vuyuuv IUIIIIOHG U Two rinks of Allandale bowlers g F. Whitney; E. Shear, S. Gars !A_ G Wnnm. .=l.:-.- A t`--~ ....... w uuw uus License--rlned Ing Lee, who recently started up 9. aurant in AIlanda'le_ tholurht M... ..,.....i Allandale capture w . _2..I-_ -1 All a . THREE DAYS R. C. DICKEY Gowan St. .. : Phone 202 ".rUIzsDg.Y, SEPTEMBER 18 - Take out License-Fined vhn -A......l-. -A 7 ~- M_QNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 1? r-TA1lATrot or Pace, Named Race, Running rs, T11Q(Y'?1;:I`AI1`- n`l--nAL:A--A landale compris-E. Garside. and` p; Le-! ,_ gn pnn..L.._ -1--'- (frudhope Cup min L-J--r _ .---, .[.......,u L\(u.v, zunuuuxg t, and fnagnicent attractioxis, Nl'.5|"|ll" 5 Notice is hereby given that the partner- - ship heretofore subsisting between us, the ' undersigned as McKee and McDonald. in the` v Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe has this day been dissolved by mutual con-I i sent. All debts owing to the said partner-`I ship must be paid on or before the first day of October, 1923, at the former place of business of the said partnership, number`7 Clapperton St. Dafed at Barrie this fifth day of Septem- `her, A.D.. 1923. . 36-38c,` / , ualvunno run WUUD LOTS signed up to 6 p.m. on September 15," for_ ;the timber on Lots 15 and 16, Concession: [5, Matche(la;~h, 400 acres. About half mil-I llion feet of green pine. black ash. tamarac and elm, over one thousand of bolts be- sides the cordwood. One mile south-west of ,Buckskin Stat-ion, `C.P.R. For further par- ticulars -apply to Thomas Blaney, Cold- water. - Tenders will be` received by the under- 36-37c ` - ____._.__..___..___._._______....___4-'---``'`'-'---*`` NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART-' NERSHIPI Nvnnn :1: I-mum}... ...:...__ . . .1 - TENDERS ran wooo L675 `ndersz will ha` m...:.....: 1... u__ _, Eight Classes for Boys and Girls up to 418 months. 0 $80.00 in Prizes. Saturday. the 15th of September, marks the beginning of. Fall -at this Store. Our initialjdisplays of all that s' new and established styles for Fall and Winter wear will interest` the great numbers that are sure `to visit this popular Store. V I Seven.days`devoted exclusivel_y to an~exposition of the new authevntic in Fashions for Fall and Winter. GEO. VICKERS LIMITED BABY SHOW We have `ashion Week at Vickersi prepared grandly for 3/our Solicits the patronage of the people of Allandale and vicinity ENTRIES must be No other Fair in the County has anythingolike ` ' display of Flowers. Exhibits solicited and prize list ` application. 2.25 Class : Farmers Green Contes_t : 2.40 Class Open Trot or Pace : Named Race : Farmers 2.30 Class ` NO ENTRANCE FEE \` Six Big Speeding Events _ muocum or natural History, N Sreturned with vhousands of birds, them _new t,o.scieuce and many otl [er before in a museum. --Grapes 6 chanank. :- oc per ! Rollo H. Beck. marine naturalist, sc `the South Sea Islands three years a; _th_e Museum of Natural History, New ` ;r9tUrned' hnllnnrie I1` LI.-.l.. AL!- Great F loral Display ,v._. e-r--CQQ ' in wonderful acrobatic feats performed 50 feet in the air N. M.MYERS MARKET SQUARE very large entry list of speedsters is expected. 1 marine naturalist, sen: roi ,_ Nelson B. sl-ands three vpnrn am. luv: 4... rn:.u- n thirty 0&5 V others nev-; basket, at Bu- 37c in Secretary s hands September 15. 19 uralist, to_i ,_NeL Simon, asistaht secretary of ago byjthe Title Guarantee and Trust Company. r_y, NevivAYox-k. ; New York. bequeathed to Mi... 11.11. I... See `fliqqdles & Dottie comfort and `convenience. sent to any address on ,.-uc uur uuaramee and Trust Company. York, bequeathed to Mix Belle Jam: slielville the incomevof a trust fund of $75,- IOOO for life for faithful service as his secre- `tary. I AJOIMIIC ' iLEFRoY W : IVIOIIC `.oI\A"III` - JIEIDIJ " Real Estate Money to Loan - nu QDJJIIBI IT I eneral `Merchant GRAIN SEED COAL R-ml Vol-5- |.A~ - , ;-- --&-f Last of season, best in quality. quantity and price, for Wednesday, 19th. ` ---cg _-_ - .--- - A-.!S!!!"<!`2T".i"iIcK

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