Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1923, p. 13

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No. 2 Fall Whsat (new) Oats (new) . . . . . . . . . . . . Potatoes, per bag . . . . .. Hai, per ton . . . . . . . . .. Butter, per pound . . . .. , Eggs, per dozen . . . . . O4 ' Chickens, spring . . . . . .. ; Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' Lamb skins . . . . . . . . . . . . Horse,hides . . . . . . . . . . . Hors hair . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Beef hides . . . . . . . . . . . THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES BARRIE MARKETS Page Thirteen .. $1.50-2.00 $10.00-11.00 30-351: . . . . xvvvo $1.00-2.60 GI- ' 5.36; 60-65: "si Anl. v'veiters, (1 white, 211 $4.00 45c gallon '03 *9! 2E` ER 13, 1923 to $1.00 to $1.25 5c basket C10_ud and Ose in brown $1.75 [3 her them. J.....65c Zucumbers J NER Hose, 7}/3. 8. GROCER {IT 19 {IDAY '$ioT6 l\Il -n-w 35ctb g. 33. .1-actb "75c THURSDAY, sarrzusak 13;.1923 d lus- ren- ieryis popu- n'wh0 `have good uaHty\ dainty Jt what `Mrs. Andrew Carson `is visiting at 01'- shard Beach for a week. ` Wm. `F. Harper of New York, is visiting. his sister, Mrs. Donald Ross. _ ' r~--A.... Dhlumll nf Hamilton sneht t-he Mrs. Donald Ross. '1 Gordon Bidwellof Hamilton spent 1 weekend at his home here. Mrs. W. C. Neil of Montreal is the guest of Mrs. A. W. Smith, Maple Ave. ; Mrs. H. Norton has returned after. visit- . mg friends in Meaford and Toronto. Misses Grace and Elsie Howcroft have returned from their visit to Toronto. . Miss Laura Lyall has returned to Grace 3-Iospibal, Toronto, after her vacation. ` Mrs. Jos. Hogath of Depot Harbor is vis-a ;t.ing Mrs. W. A. Lowe. 266 Elizabeth St. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Maybee of Madoc are _,:A:-_.. 6Ln;n~ I-no-1\fl1nl'.il1.-`R\ll_ W_ C. V THURS.,1FRl.,%%SA'l'. . saw. 13, 14 AND 15 The Sin Flood and Mrs. M. N. Mayo:-.e 01 Luuuuv 9.. -visiting their brother-in-law, W. C. Sills. Mrs. Jos. -Boovh and Miss Booth of Dr- ilia visited Mrs. W. A. Lowe this week. Miss E. Anderton-.has gone to visit her sister, Mrs. W. J. Burgess, Lansing, Mich. Miss Florence Firman of Pittsburg. Pa., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Firman, Brad- iord St. LL- D-.l..-l,my am! fnmilv and Ralph Rob- _ John Beleskey and family and Ralph Sunday. . . Mrs. Thomas Eade and her daughter. Mrs. . Rhodes, of Lindsay, visited friends in Barrie Bast week. bins and wife visited friends in Elmvale last` Mrs. Robert Wilson has returned home after a two montlis visit wi-thrfriends in; Midland ur A A..A....+.m nf `Tm-m\fo snent thei with Helen Chadwick, Richrd Dix, Jame. Kirkwood and RALPH LEWIS (starof The Third Alarm) Midland. W. A. Anderton of Toronto spent the `week-end `with his mother, Mrs. Anderton, `Victoria. St. 11:... ll.........-luy u-nfurnnl` hnme on Monday! PEG 01-` THE MOVIES iS'the Comedy, featuring the million-dollar chiid star, Baby Peggy. Bring the Kids. - ? No raise in prices, 15c and 25. Miss Mvaconchy returned home on Monday` after spending two mon hs at Brackley Beach, P.E.l. - D..I-nu-6 naIr:I`ann (If Tfonto is Ir Peaches, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY '<----- - --2-; - buai TICK m'n ' , P.E.1. - _ . Beliitglloert Davidson of Toronto 15 5Pdm8 2. week with his niece, M'5- Charles Hum : 34 Bradford St. 1t_ .___.I ll... Tlnllinnw nil!-n. Jr"! 34 Bradtord DI. _ Mr. and Mrs- William Cummings, Jr., Fergtisonvale, visited their aurvt, Mrs. Chas. . `Hurst. this week. Mrs. E. M .'I`homas and _Miss Grace havef returned home after visiting friends in Chi- r.-ago and Detroit. T" i -` Misses Nellie Coady and Maude Flaherty of Toronto spent the week-end at the orme1_"s home here. Mr. and Mrs. Widmer Jacobs of Buffalo are visiting the formei-`s uncle, Donald Jacobs, Bayfieid St. ~ 11:... r.....:n.. `I-Tamer of Aurorahas been The New Ernie MarksStock Co; Monday Night--LET JiMMlE. DO 11*" Tuesday Night--Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm v. Wednesday N_ight---WAY DOWN EAST ~-.- _._ __-L - 3 4 W Jacobs, baynem nu. =Miss.Lavilla Hamer of Aurorahas A visiting Miss Guida Burton, McDonald St., during the past week. Misses Jessie and Olga Moberley are mending vacation with their parents, `Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Moberley. (Police Magistrate and Mrs. Compton Jeffs were in Toronto yesterday attending the Ilaunder-Proctor nuptials. - It In I'!.....m om! rlmmhter. Mary. of Sea{s will be on sale at M:1lc0_mson s In-surzmce Oice each day, startillg Monday. You are advised to book your seats early and avold the rush. A Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Tax extra COMING SOON: Hoot Gibson `in RIDING WILD Thursday, Sept. 27---George R. Guy ; New Minstrels ston. T V .. Miss Margaret Cairns and brother, of P_ort Oolborne, have returned home after visitmg their aunt `and uncle; Mr. `and Mrs. David Cairns. ~ . _ . ` . 'A -1:E'_[i;iiEAT 1>1c"ruR1-: -_ DON'T MISS 11* - I'-1E1_l;.L VAVTTRACTION; FOR THE FAIR wv-vv ':'i;1(i VXUDEVILLE ACTS M:11c0_mson 4,`- ..,J.-:nn.-I 4-A lama`! H Mrs. I ford bt Mr.s..W. A. Twiss and daughters, Main` garet and Marion, have returned after al two months visit with her sister, Mrs. Bell, at Port Arthur. u. .....u M... Au....+ Rmuml-I 1.-`fat nn Wad. TMr. and Mrs. Albert Bidwell left on Wed lnesday for Moose Jaw, Sask., after spending. [ten days as the guests of `Mr. and Mrs. R.` Bidwell,` Collier St. M 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Milan and sons, Jer-' ry an have returned to Buffalo after spending a week with Mrs. Milan s brother,i Jos, Pulford, Bradford St." l at Port Arthur. I rI'\_.-..:._L A .......! JUE4, Iuuulu, Aauuuuxu -av. C. K. Howard, General Tourist Agent of the C.N;-R_._. Montreal, and C. E. Hom- l ing. Distridt Passenger Agent, Toronto, `called on The Examiner yesterday. ` 1 :t,,,, A;I_1.__._.. Ln..- czuiuu Uu aux: 1'JAa.uuAu.A Jvuvvn Misses Martha and Mary Atkinson havel `returned after a trip to Buffalo. Cleveland and Detroit, and report `a delightful trip. travelling most of the way by boat. i Miss Marion Findlay, daughter of the` late Rev. Dr. Findlay of Barrie, has beenly re-elected secretary-treasurer of the Inter- ` national Employment Services Association.` William Graham, McDonald St., is acting`. as judge of horses at the annual exhibition} of the Owen Sound Agricultural Societyl which is being held Thursday and Friday of '5 _:this week. 4 ` l -117 `L1 1711:- nnlnlielanr nf fhn F01-ti 25; Week. `N `W. H. Elliott, publisher of the Fort Frances Times, and Mrs. Elliott were in `town on_Wednesday. They motored from Fort Frances to attend the weeding of their `son in Orillia. - |` Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Parr announce the: ;engagement of their daughter, Alice Amelia,` I... M. All-mrt E`. Allen. the wedding to take `engagement OI U181! uaugmer, nuue tgulcua, to Mr. Albert E. Allen, the wedding take place at Grenfel Union Church the latter part of September. _ um (Ian, R, Patterson. sister of Mrs. I 1 `part of septemner. Mrs.` Geo. S. Patterson, sister `Mrs. (Dr.).Ives of Stayner, and her husband, who 1 is in charge of the Y.M.C.A. work in Tokio, were among those who came safely through the Japanese disaster; ~Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Burton attended -the Johnston-Patchell nuptials in Midland yes- terday. Miss Patchell is a cousin `of Mrs. Burton and is well known in Barrie where _ she attended B.C.I. *1 'n- U m AA.-M11 man nnerafed unoufor. lshe attended 5.0.1. , - _ | Dr. H. `T. `Arnall was operated upon for [appendicitis in the Royal Victoria Hospital Hate last night. It was a very severe case, but the Doctor's. condition was reported as` 1. I satisfactory this morning. g _. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Buie, Stayner. an- nounce the engagement. of their only daugh- ter, Sadie Adeline, to Mr. Gordon Brown, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, the marriage to take place quietly in Sep-` tember. , . Mrpand Mrs. J. W. Roberts have re- ; turnedafter visiting their sons in Toronto ` a_nd Whitby and also takingin the Exhibi- t.-- an... Mlnrrrn-1'f."Rnbel`l'. who had and Whitby and also vcaxxng 111 me xwLun.u- tion. Miss Margaret Roberts, been visiting her grandpgrenta, returned `with them. uz-.. n......a-lm Qmnhenson. of New L18-. 'with them. - Miss Dorothy Stephenson, of Lis-ii keard, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Richardson, Worsley St., Barrie. has been appointed to the permanent staff of the North Bay Normal School, as instructor in Household Science. V Edwin Longman, public school inspector ' for South Simcoe, wasseized with an acute * attack of appendicitis, Saturday morning, necessitating an operation. This was` per- - L'.._...: .; H... `R.-nml Victoria Hospital that necessitating operauon. nus was pc formed at the Royal Victoria Hospital afternoon and Mr. Longman is _now making favorable progress. -- u -n__ 117.... `NI `Hi.-ma mm-A tho re. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Hines were the re- cipients this week of a beautiful silver eas- ieerole from St. Andrew s choir of which Mrs. Hines was a member. Mrs. Hines is v---.:_.. -r......i.v m mm her husband in l favorable progress. member. leaving Tuesday to join Detroit, Mich., where staff of the Ford Moto Plant. Mr. survey party in 1c of Public M18. ruuus ID her he is engaged on the r 00., Highland Park Hines was formerly with the onnection. with the Dept. Highways here. V -Simmons & Co.--\ in ladies cloth_coats. in Barrie. >.--We spe_ciali2e ats. Best values 37c IIEUUI U1 Lulu .... ..._, .....,....,m.. ,]ficiated. Only immediate relatives were`- ipresent.` A The bride, who was given away by her 3 father, entered the drawing room to the -` strains of the Lohengrin wedding march beautifully rendered by Miss Constance Alex- ander. She was becomingly attired in white algeorgette crepegwith tulle veil caught with orange blossoms and carried bridal roses. ferns and lily of the valley. Her sister, I _Miss Marjory, who attended her. wore D 7 l 3 BEARDSALL-PEN,ROSE I I A very pretty wedding was solumnized in `Thornbury. at high noon on Wednesdziy. .`_ `Sept. 12, at the home of the bridtfs father, iMr. George Penrose. when his second daugh- `ter, Gertrude Hurlhurt, was united in mar-- riage to Mr. Vernet D. Beardsall, only son of Mrs. E. S. Fc-rd of.Barrie, and of the late Martin J. Beardsall. Rev. J. H. Moore. `pastor of Thornbury Me'thodist church. of- gficiated. were ....._....-s& ~ WRIGHT PIANO, Style 65 Chautauquzi 1921-1922 I THE BARBIE EXAMINER cameo silk mull and carried sweet peas and ferns. Mr, Vincent Hayes, cousin of the groom. acted as best man. A 'L_._ `L- .......unnnu 0 r1nnf.V `llll(`.hQOn Was Rclll 115 uqan luuu. Afterthe ceremony a dainty luncheon was served following which the happy couple ' left by mostor for Niagara Falls, St. Oath- arines and Buffalo, the bride wearing a . . navy blue suit of tricotine. The numerous presents, which included a number of cheques, showed the high es- : teem in which the bride and groom are . held._ On_ returning they will reside in IIC l\.| o `Barrie. bl'|ILUnl'.I\o nun...-. .-.. . . . _ ,, School chiIdren s free tickets for Barrie, Fair, Sept. 18. may be secured by the teach~ ers applying to the secretary. G. 0. Cameron, Box 1031, Barrie. Is, Grapes, --Lombard plums, 65c `basket, Buchanan s. 3 CH|LDREN S TICKETS` ron ~FAlR ;_ _`l-.;L.. C..- `R app}; We have the best records of all the.music you want, because we keep a large sel- ection of the -famous His Master s Voice `Victor Records. LN MEVERYTHING IN MUSIC ONE STORE ONLY VICTROLAS and Victor Recbrds 2, at 37c COP) : BARRIE GUN CLUB On September 12, shooting at 25 clay birds the following scores were made :- ` ' Rrnke W. Crossland . R. Wolfenden 1'.` 1172111.... LI" vv vncuuuu E. Williams .. B. Marwood . Dr. Rogers .. Thos. Rogers l r\ vvn-u.v-uvu In last week's report of the Town Coun- 3 `cil it was stated that E. W. Babcock was fined for cutting the corner at Five Points. This was incorrect. the charge being that of failing to obey -a police officer. Mr. Bab- cock maintains that he acted strictly in ac- cordance with traffic rules and did nothing to deserve a fine. --Simmons & Co. for furs. 37c| A CORRECTION `BELL PIANO, Style B. Chautauqua 1920 Broke ..22 . .22 ..21 ..20 ,..V18 1. .17 opposma POST omen e Hose, 3)}/1 and . $1.252 tgowns, e gowns e them. , $2.25

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