uuuxc Uuy . - I The Carts included: W. P. Carr, son| Ernest and daughters, Misses Mabel and, [Joyce of Painswick and Mrs. Perry and little: lgranddaughter of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.` {Selby Carr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- `ward Carr and Master Burton, both of iPainswick, Selby and Edward being !sons of Mr. and -Mrs. R. A. Carr. of Barrie; also daughters of Mr. and `Mrs. R. A. Carr;' |Miss Rebecca Carr of South Bend. Ind.`,-; .and Miss Eleanor and brother, W. Carr,| {both of Barrie. ' I TIYLZI- I) ,,. I!,,, `IV In your exceptional gifts, we are,(on behalf of ' this community, V.....-1. `n:.l'|:|IIr tlll VULIIIJIIILIIIJ , . Yours faithfully. I A `J. W. Henry, J. A. Corbett, V. H. Fletcher. l After the reply of Miss Sharpe refresh! ments` were served, and an enjoyable social time passed. The proceedings closed with the National Anthem. On Sunday afternoon the boys of her Sunday School class present- l ied Miss Sharpewith a dainty gold pencil.` .She left on Monday morning by train for; Hamilton, friends being at the station to` wish her God-speed. i Monday being Labour Day. various folks! of various occupations laid aside their tools to join a social picnic of Carrs and cars, each family of Carts travelling in their car .to the Carr grounds at Big Bay Point. A] lbeautiful spot it is where all may enjoy the} Imodern games and sports, beside the oldl ihome bay. IQ (`nil-tn In-.nIn;In.J . `I7 D I`--- _.... I BARRIE AND PAlNSW|(;KWCARRS ` . MEET AT BIG BAY POINT; ___Z___V__ .__._-- we-- IV 9.5. \l\lB6L&&Ir&f .fAnd how thgglciildren dc; like themi And they're good for them--better than calgdyl.-_ T T11 . Q -. ..-_ V josdtvtry Weston s once. Buy a Samp- _ler Tin fron\1 your neighborhood grocer. c` .' ' Y" " The skiil of our English master-bakers, A employing baking equipment unique on this continent, has produced delicious biscuit confectionslthat rival the finest Ennglishjlines-Tlongtlie world s standard. gu. ngcu uu ycula, until a lull; ulucaa. 11 was -:1 lvmther of Mrs. Dnvld Wllhams. Col- lingxvmxi. - `II II D..lAn nl` f\..2Iln .......I..I.. .l....l.... Wetston s-;-made as they are made in England-from inimitable Old Country recipes that demand the purest of in- gredients. ' T` Biscuits that all children love nuuun an aux: Luuulcu Lu ulccb ulul. l Elihu'Root has accepted first place on the 7Jury of Award that will select the winning '$100.000 plan in the American peace award, I `offered by Edward Bok, of Philadelphia. [ A 2-year-old glrl was killed at Blufftoml O., when her father ran over her with his gtruck as she toddled to meet him. 1 I IDl1L.."l)._-L L . . . . . . _ . . L _J l`:_._- ,.I_ ' '"ic{u'}Le , j{&1}`y', E?cTf{&."` A, ALSO THE PROPERTY will be offered, including ' `I06, 108 and '1-18 Dunlop St. ' Thie sale will be continued until the `amount required - is realized. THE GENERAL STOCK, cons'istiVng of Household Furniture, Hardware, T inware, Dishes, Stoves, Store ::\r 'AvIrt\`c1v The urldersigned has received instructions from B. W. Smith to sell by public auction, commencing on TERMS CASH Auction Sale Saturday, Seplember 8th T Newnmrket had. 9. Chautauqua a short! time ago and now the guarantors have to put up $540 deficiency. In -Wulkert-on the. deficit was 3.400. \n.'.._.. 1.1 13.1: -: n._-.n:. L..- 1___.-- _,, OF THE GOODS AND CHATTELS OF Ceo. Wcolon Limile. Toronto A. J. TUCK L AT 2 PM. % AT 118 DUNLOP ST., BARRIE DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer. 6 An electric eel, six feet long, arrived at the Bronx Zoo, New York, from Britigh Guinea. ` 'I\._ I7` I .fV,-.l , , , _ _,I ,9`! `I ? ` '1 I \JUIIICau Dr. E. J. Goodspeed, of the University of Chicago. has translated the New Testament `from the original Greek into a vigorous jAmerican style" in three and a half years. , . THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1928. \lCll|Jl!v wua 'a','l\I\l. I Albert `E. Ball. of Orilliu. has been ap- pointed Game and VFisher ;es Warden with head`qu:u'ters at Bracebridge. His duties` commenced on .Septe'u\ber 1. Mnfnr:nfu` uvhn nun w41nunn nnunk `nu - St(-vno;_>'1';xp Banking: Higher Men`:ba-r oi IT PM 'THURSD ~.i:A Emrmri W. A. ugh an. ugcu cm ytuwo. On the first instalment of Mjdland'.1l taxes $110,000 was paid. out of a total of $185,000 on the roll. V f1..II1.._.-.--.l .....l I'\._1ll!.. L-.__l__ L!_J E, iarric The J. Cor. ART l'_\III Rexa Etabl "second place in a competition at Toronto _Exhibition last Friday. Collingwood and Orilliu bands tied for wunu,u\Iu uu Luc IUH. A nnllillnlunntl 1'\nI1 fuvgdun Ivnunu A: non UIIC \l|l|IlIIKVVUl |l_ IIHRB. Some_ residents in Alliston are complain- ing because a woodpecker hammers.so loud- ly as to break their early morning slumbers. xv I A I I l\I . I ""' "J """I"_- ""V'- VV """"' l HllLuVll`e us to have a new and enlarged. C.N.R. station next year, says the Feorestezai 1 I ['1 IIY'l 1' .I I I _ . 7.7, .,V_.., v..._,.. VVC7 ~ ..-...-..--. one of the oldest resi- dents of Orillia, died in that town on Aug- ust 28. aged 88 years. nn flu: ref `nufuhnonf A` MM`|)nA` _J'44\ll'l)l|rlUIl _Il|L'H l'l`UlU.Yu A Collingwood boy. twelve years of age. was foumfguilty. of stealing golf balls in the Collinszwoml. links. ' V I Qnnuxn non:-:1ln-xfn 2.. AlIl(.L....- ....,. .........1..:... Drilling fdr oil will be-A` tried near Ux- bridge. A unru mmnm-g-C..l I-nIIm:u" onuann It: can at u wut ruu uuurgeu yll navmg apparatus in his possession for the manufacturing of 11 quor and for keeping for sale. IJI JHSIV . A very successaful tourist season is re- [ported by the Midland Argus. .A\nrfu nnnl knu or-minor] in `fhlllh. nv\r` !IUl|Ull 'lJ_y IJIIU 'IIIIllIlIu|l (`lsUBo ' -Alberta coal has arrived in Orillia and many sample orders are being placed. t[____; __:||_ :_, ;_ L_,___ , 4--.. __,I __.l,_.,-,I 9- !?;.R..! ." 099:9: PTOMETRY and the bene- ts accrued from its prac- tice is the greatest small-cost blessing in the world. When any other part of our nature- apparatus fails to perform its especial functions, it costs con- siderable money to get any are- lief. When you no longer en- joy clear-sightedness, our op- tometrist can locate your eye weakness and furnish you with the glasses that will bring back your sight. Satisfactory mod- erately priced service. 43 Elizabeth St. ZN(eZxtwl)1)or1':o "W Singer Sewing Machine -Co. Page Two ,>lIUl. LJIEIIII llllll FUVVUXV her interests along theri opposing its alienation. zvmu 1' uual an n pu as claims that he wz "the property if h 1 Nickerson`s right. a the only Qiecg of a wow AND LIQUOR sauzto. `Prov. Constable L. G.Gardner. of Co]-' lingwood, made an important seizure in Sunnidale township, on Tuesday evening 0! last week. He visited the farniof John Mclilachern and found a worm and a quan- -tity of, liquor which were seized. MoEach~ em will be charged yvith having apparatus in Doein ff)!` the Innnllfnnhn-inn at H G W 10 ll-IIIIQ puu '8 H100 Hflllw making an effort to ` all passed by the D ing aside seven and a Falls as 21 public park I2 fknf kn ulna nuu\uu:n 41`uCll\.I7' Wuut: M lave been increz ., the operation . twice as long i _1O n1ix_mtea at ....... .-._- -__. L- pf portag-. as before, the swim E! t..-4. L-` Barrio :0` have E Drury E half I ;_u- __ at illualilllu` : l The young men were in a car which was t proceeding along the road at a moderate rate of speed. At this particular point. inhere is some loose gravel at the edge of !road surface. The right wheels passed over tibia and the car skidded and turned com- )'pletely over in the ditch at the side of the _ I road. sma.-thing the Ford pretty badly. From the injuries received the occupants will be ) laid up for six weeks or more. Elmer Fel- ltla nnnlrl nnr nifnls Paw Tlxnuntnn 'n1In:r\n`| 5 V LII: '\{UltK7 BUUUC-Dllallt sf The September meeting of St. Jude's V W. A. was held on Tuesday at the home of `Mrs. Harry. Lynn. A splendid report of the rl W. A. Annual of the Algoma Diocese held r , at the Soo was prepared by Mrs. Wm. Wil- ~ xgsonvof Parry Sound and read at the meet t'ing. The request for a jam shower, to be, e forwarded for use in Northwest missions`, '- `was well responded to. august. ea. urea. V - Moved by Addison McKenzie, second- ed by James R. Jamieson, and resolved :- Thatvwe accept the resignation of our organist, Miss Winnifred Sharpe, which is necessitated by her leaving the town, and assure her of our good wishes in her new sphere of life and endeavour. We take this opportunity of placing on record our appre- ciation of her faithful services, which were not confined to _her engagement with the choir. but were freely given also in the Sunday School and in the Circles. We speak ' |lUBI.Uu 9} Quite a number from here attended the f;Canadian National Exhibitionithislast week. `Eight of our pr_omin`ent yoiing nien belong- ?` ':'I.,e`i ;'$?,r3""*pf1E`t 8l1"ia $33; 'i"`l{i e.Kenzie. N. juxinieson, H. Cochrane, E. Web- tister and V. (lloutfls, left Ion Tuesdaqy tit: compete in he unior armers' doc l'J1'ulging competition. We. hope they will go be -quite successful. R l Qonfnvnkznv v\1nA:nnI .4` Q4 `n;In`a u.}I. uuun umu n.1.~,iL ycqura` UUlllil'l1Ul-. - I , The new 50 foot cars are now in operation on the marine railways at the Swift Rapids; and the Big Chute. They are big str_uc- tures, weighing eighteen tons each, whereas? the cars they replaced weighed less than five? mus; As a consequence. while the `motors operating them have increased from 20 hp. to 30 h.p., of portag-. hm! u hnnf lul-An fxIv:nn new In... Ill` Lat--- . .The twenty-fifth anniversary of the third! Methodist church to be erected in Thornton {will `be held on Sunday, October 28. The '3 Revs. G.AN. Grey-and C. A. Simpson are `expected to be present. It was during Mr. _|Si1upson's incumbenoy the present church man nnnnnrl fnr uynvaln 1 Cl UPCIICU IUI wulaulp. - V , The August Women's Institute meeting `was held at the home of Mrs. D. A. Adams. 3 A good report of the District Annual was i given by Mrs. James A. Jamieson. A dona- ` tiou of five dollars was granted to the Rest Room in Barrie. After the usual bus- iiness. a dainty lunch was served by the 3 hostess. 4 - Pl f\..!L_ .. ...._..L-__ l'..-.__ L__._ ..;L_,,_I_,I AL. IIYUD Ullallg Klllll [DIUUIIIUU A solo by -Mrs. Stamp, 1 vyn Corbett. and. reading were much enjoyed; and livered by _represeritati speaking for the Method Miss Sharpe had for seve organist. J. W. Henr lowing resolution of the E upon receiving her resign Resolution of the Mus Thornton Methodist Ch August 22. 1923. ` ' Mn`uynJ kn: A HAL -An H L IIUI |l VUII MIC August 11 Moved James-f `""Ln5 Inns ` on i~}}i 4 assembled to lfred Sharpe, V '3 teacher of t her gifts in In lest. The Rev che chair, an I A ...1. 1-.. u_. uuu up nu aux wcvna U1 uuuc. uuuuu` l`Ul'| tis could not pitch for Thornton `against- Alliston on Tuesday as a result of the ac- cident but he was well enough'to be pre- gsent to encourage the team along by his l"n-nnflnu Mllfnvm n`n..n kunrllm-I Hun gaunt lu cuuuuruge we ll:'aIIl along Dy H15 i:rooting". Milton 0'DeIl handled the scoring as usual. 1 iw Two Hurt When Car is Ditched ll Milton 0 Dell and Elmer Feltia are suf- `fering from injuries they received a week ago Sunday night when they had a mirac- lulous escape from death in motor car ac- `cident on the road between Barrie and Shan- ty Bay. ' Both were badly shaken up and bruised. Milton O'Dell in addition had his jleft knee severely injuredand Elmer Feltis `sustained a fracture of one"-of the small bones ofvhis right leg. Heis using a crutch _at present. T ' l Thu Iynnnn Innn uvnnn in n nnm IIvL:A1\ Ivvnn lllllla ' St. Jude's choir gave .a farewell and pre- sentation for- Miss -Doris Webster. who is leaving this month to .attex1d North Bay Normal School,_ at her home last Thursday ,evening. A hymn book and prayer book was presented along with an address. The evening passed pleasantly with music and games; and later lunch was served. rI'\I,, A , ,.,, Nth! 1- .1 .I- I LV1l5u L"UUlI Be The anniversary services will be preached at Egbert on Sunday, September 16; by the Rev. A. W. Hone. of Bond Head. The choir will be assisted by outside talent upon the occasion. ' . `I7- .__..I_-..._ L__I_ ,.-__ ___.Ll!_ ,_L__I ;_,_L W. H. Price of Orillia, mar-ble dealer. dropped dead on stepping out of` his car. August 24, at Head Lake Cemetery! where he had gone to do some work. When R. J. S:1nder.~'.-on, County Registrar. was. in busine~;- in Oril-lia. deceased wo_rked for? him as murhle cutter 15 years. T 1 A bronze tablet. is to be erected in the Orillia -Presbyterian church to the memory; of the Rev. John Gray. D.D.. the founder; of the congregation. It will be placed on the pulpit, which has been T8-Ill0(l0ll6(l. to receive it, end, it is expected, will be unveil-. ed at the anniversary services this month.. i I ' .. 'l`l... .\..,...,.....,I ..,I.I:.:.._... ._.-..n_.:-_._ L IIIC U`U\Jl1lUlIv We welcome back our public school teach- ers, Misses Burrows and McClellan, and would also expressevery good wish for the- .success of Miss McLaren, the newly arrived `Continuation feacher. ' T l I1... I" Y _., .I ll. IV,._,,, B (V ,V` , `II ' UUlllllluC||'lU|l ICIIUUCI o are visiting the latter s brother. J. W. Hen- ary. Mr. Cruw is a former pastor of the Presbyterian church here and it is certainly ,2 great pleasure to renew acquaintance with | im. a. 1...|_`_ -|_-:._ .____, _ 1-___-.___n _,, ,1` ,,._ Rev. G_. I. and Mrs . Craw of Springville V | wuuglnuu D uluuunuvruuy U was opened for worship. I Tho Auaner WnI11nn`a \JUlIl.llllllll'lUll BUIIUUIJIIU UUl'lUl`lUy hllyllvllv In the absence of the rector, next Sun- day, Sept..9_. the service in St. Jude's Church will be taken by Wallace Downer. who has been appointed a lay reader by the Bishop. ' Tho unnlrlu` nnnnn nf G`-nn WMQ uv:"' lJlD|lUlIc The annual quilting of the-W.M.S. win! he "held in the basement ofthe Methodistf churchlou Wednesday. September 12. Do nations may be left with Miss Doane or at l'Mrs. Scottis. 7IVL_ ,_..__..__,._,._._. _._._`_I.._ __.!II L- .-..-.._I_-_I uuupw. The Young People's Circle will be re- opened on Monday, September _10, -with a social evening`, to which the pupils of the Continuation schoolare cordially invited. In the nkunnnn hf fkn vnninr unt Quin, "'\iv"e'"IveIc'.3I{;"'1;};11 }{'th}.?'n};i.'i.6}i}$oa Mrs. Frank Fell (nee Nellie McLean) and nextend hearty congratulations to this young couple. - TED v!\III\D pl.It\l'\1D' lI!:ll kn Tn- D |l|l5lILl7l \I2IlIIu JJUUIID VJIUWIIIO Mr. and -Mrs. Brown of Schomberg; ac- companied by -their daughters, visited at Herman Thompson's over the week-end. `I7 ,, .I_,,,,, l,,,I, L, A` ,,,',I,l,.,,L,_,I LVIIB lUL|lUo Mr. 1.111;!` A; W. Fletcher of Bafrie and -Miss Mary Fletcher of Toronto visited friends here on Sunday. turn at (`Ju->nnnHnn Alta nn Luann!-. mi7?$:':1.W;1:"Cuo`1')i`)`rlI'1;|t`i`<';1.1. Alta.. on August 12, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. .C. Easton. 3 daughter, (-E1-ma*Luella Greeh) C `I, , 1 :1, 1: Ann: 1,, ru cu Mn! rIxuu\`L'lnul_v at'1'Vlct'ai Luna u`ulllIllc~l The prnposerl additional `installations at the Big Chute and South Falls not having lweu married out this _summer. the only ad-3 ilitinnnl power" the I-Iydx'o's Sevefn system: will lmvc for this coming winter will be. about `1-.000 k.w.. which can be drawn from it counect.ion made with the Niagara sys-l tern. The Orilliu Commission has also con-' l1`IiCl9(l to supply 1.200 h,p., which is 400 h.p. more than last year's contract. . 'I`l\n nnur Fun Fun} nuuu urn nnur in nun-nllnn Mary `Paton of Hamiltoii is visiting Mrs. J. Crossley. ` ullia. Dani- `Annnv `kn: infb `A: has nnnv lulu. a. uuna_u=y. ` . _ Miss Bessie Lennox has left for her new school at Terra Cotta. I12..- Il!:_..:l_-.l CL..- .....J Ill..- 'lV:IIZ_ u--- .-. _--..-..v u-.-.-.-- ...--...... ..... -. - Miss` Irene Irving of Barrie spent the hol- iday-with her aunt, Mrs. R. D. Henry. V II__ ,-L_A.__ ___ ______L LL- ,_ _, ;_I_ .-..-J ....-v -v- .---7, ----. -- -. ---..-'.. Mrs. Webster. who spent tiie summer with her son, Fred Webster, has returned to her home in Toronto. M .11.. ..._..I II... In 111:1`.-- .._.I r.....:I-. -1 HUIIIU III lUI`UlIlUu ' V Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson and family of Parry Sound are visiting the latter : moth- er. Mrs. J. Sproule. - . Mr ant` Inn A W wlnfnknu A` `noun-:n SCIIUUI III l.Cl'l'l \II)I.lG- Mks Winnifred Sharpe and Miss Tillie Boake left town on Monday. . M:na.ool;n gnnnnnr A` Tnvnnfn `nnnnlv I-Kn IJUHBU Icllv IUWII 'UlI LIIUlIuG o ' Miss`-Sadie Spencer of Toronto `spent the holiday with her brother, A.ASpencer. ,_ I I1, - I` .... ....-J u.--- ..-.. -.v--.-., .-.`-.rv....-.. | Mr. and Mrs". John Ingham are spending ` a week in Toronto during Exhibition. IIEA, '#,__ '_, E;__ _f '\_._,,2 ,,,__,A Al, I ,I Farewell to l|Cl':llL`\ - ' I Capt. I`Ie-1-lwrt. (`.lel:u~rl. who was owner and captnin`of the Son City" and other, running out of Collingwood for_ several years. died in Tomnto on August` 26. aged 60 years, after a long illness. He Ilvuc n l\rr\ilLuvI nl` Mru [lurid llfllllnnm (`Al . Ill lllll Rev. 1 ', and . II-.. ` l|U\I \JCU In \JIaW presided wit piam t. reading by adgi v _repre.seritative or Methodist ti several ' `I7 11'... __- all Miss Winnif y evening last a to say good-bye 1 2, who for some uf music here, am many "ways in t] )::u Con T (`man `THORNTON AVLUUllU\|lE'V UUUlUU' WIIUIU or years been the Henry read '_the fol- af Musical_ Committee" ' reeignation:-- ue Musical Committee of at Church, Wednesday, ` Winnifred Sharpe | 111 but? f-HLUNU IIIDUI` Craw was called to ad with much skill. piano solo by Mer- ng Miss Jamieson .d addressgs _were de- .+:.... .: ......... `I... b large 1 ye to Mia: me years and has A .n the pub `V..- __ --_ _ citizehs. church, 1 -.-.._- L--. nae WQUI pubci 111 I311 null; \4I}II|llI(7ll\3`7\I `Ill -|jU!llJC`IIL"`I lg ' Mot.orista` -who use Wasaga Beach for a speedway .-should profit by the experience of Janu-.~z Richardqon of Toronto who paid $10 and costs for speeding there. ' rs,-n: I, 1-,, 3 .- - gathering `GB guuuuuus Lss Winni- has been exercised LIE- 1-1.-.. .. -`L _I_!II uuyuamuu: um` us 60 neuray. I Wishing you and the family of which youi are a member congenial surroundings in` . your` new home. andtrusting that you will- lcontinue to find pleasure in the exercise of E ucuc uu: puum; guuu. ` i We desire to expresslour general grati-i `hide to you for the very valuable help you! have given (is on so many occasions andi for so many purposes. and we ask your kind acceptance of this gift as aniark of` our real regaid. We do not hint that it is in= [any wav an equivalent for value receiv-I ed." biit. hope that it may suggest to youi at'any rate our sense of a debt which it is impossible for us to defray. , Wiahina vnn nnr` {Jan Candi Al` u.L:..L ......l ....... .---u J\I\9 nun -uw nuuauuuo | . Your friendliness and good feeling have! never failed in all your relationships with! those about you, and your fine public spirit; hasalways been in evidence in the talented: aid you. have ever been `ready to render ini connection wit-hall our activities here. Iti is probable there is no person among us whose removal would occ.asio_n the same" sense of loss, for you leave no one who is able to supply the same skill which you! have so constantly and generously made to serve the public good. I WA rlnairn fn nvnv-nan nu .-A-...-.-.1 .....-L: '---~' 9 _Dear Miss Sharpe:-As you` are about to leave Thornton for another place of resi- dence. to which your family have decidedi to remove, this gathering, representing all; churches and. organizations here and here-- abouts, desires to let you know how much! you have always been esteemed, how muchi your departure will be regretted, and how much also you will be missed. I `y_____ .,_u_. u u 1 A u. . luv onvoal cu vvauuluuuy WE uxuuc;-- `for our church and congregation when wei thank her for her effective work amongst us; and voice regret at her enforced depart- ure. We hope to hear that others have discovered her `talents, and have been ben- A efitted by their employment, in the days` that are to come." W. H. Adams, Chairman of Committee. T Addresses which expressed `appreciation. of Miss Sharpe's work here were then given: by .- Addison McKenzie and R. 1).] Henry and~by the Rev. Rural Dean Dew.` Mrs..J. A. Lennox. on behalf of the W0- man's .Institute_. also paid a tribute to Miss Sharpe's worth, and presented her with a `handsome manicure roll as a testimony of} their regard. - I A II I AA 1.: sun ._ . ! "" ".` _ :1 Orillm has formen an organization to } "plant. olms on the Highwziy hetweeu _the A.;v.lum and the town hospital, this part of,( themoud to be called Memorial Ave-nue."i} J. A. Corbett, as one of the Town Fat-h-g ers, followed with a speech of appreciation} of Miss Sharpe s work in the entire com- munity. Three young people then appear ed, one carrying a pearl" necklace, another an umbrella, and another a sheaf of lovely` roses; Mr. Corbett then read the following address during which the presentation of! this gift from the community was made :-| HI'\...._ |l:-_ c|___.__ _ A , Melting Cream: Melt-in-your-Mouth Hydro Strawberry Shortcake Digu I , Lemon dam THE BARRIE EXAMINER \JII~`n I 'After supper a lively ball game was en- -joyed by nearly all present; which conclud- led a real. Vold-time delightful picnic. uuucn guulca. Towards sundown the bounteous lunch [baskets tempted ever_vone s outdoor appe- itite. and supperwas spread on snowy linen on the gram. The car seats provided ample; ,comfortable seats for the whole family of` l iCarrs. ` - Ae.,, .. .. u .. 1' _The "little folks played ball while the ;_voung folks were cooled and refreshed in Ilhe water of old -Kempenfeldt. Bay. and even the older folks enjoyed the races and other games. - 'l`p.mn...-In nnn.J.\...... LL- L...._L-_.._ 1.," fl ' lluu tauu_ uuu Ill Luc ware . I ' LUIUIIIU L71 to IJIIIVIIC. 1 Mrs. R. A." Carr's girlhood friend in the-` ' person of Mrs; E. Hurlburt of Thornbury lwas present. hu-inn 6`-an nfbn-...\o... }. ~._....L_ II? -1114.. WGB |JlUOUlIlo . During the after-noon s sports W. `War- rnica of Painswick figured prominently both {on land, and in the water. I 'l`L.. 'li4sI.. CAI]... ...l_.___I L. 1-: .1 wwhillta Carr lives on Upper Toronto }St. he did not forget his eldest brother: -J._P. Carr, and wife, who live on Lower. `Toronto St. Barrie. I II ... D A ' t`-_.__` ,' II I r 0 I - ' needs. I 1 . Douglas Gray of Toronto. taking frannpsiv while swimming at Picnic Island. near` Midlund. was drowned on August 28. He was 21 `years of age and the sole su'pport' of his mnt.her.- - I .'-\Ili5tux1's \v:\tfer sh_m`hIgt~. is at an end. A' diver fnuml Ta leak in the main crossing under the river from which water was! leaking sufficient. to supply [the town's daily , A ".1 .,,l, ,,,. II,I , ,l , I, , , , ,,,