Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1923, p. 14

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\In Mr `u_v All path. ':xtinn$ ... Fm De1i{ ll. AN ASSE ':IiHii L ..6' Illlll Ch!` nu , u pll}'Vli( Hindus and Moslems are in `India. ` it/\VCIIly'I.ULlI ICU-I5 (I50. 3 'Rex'. Matthew Kelly. London. Ont., an- gnounces the engagement of his eldestAdaugh- jter. Lily Erland. to Dr. Robert M. James ;of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James; }of Watford. Ont., the marriage to takei fplace early in Septeznber.-Globe. Rev.3 iMr. Kelly was pastor of the Congregationaf Echurch, Edgar, 20 years ago`. | MI` n!` MFG Wu`-fan '.unr-Inn A` 'l`nn~nn4-. cuu Wlll LIIUH palcuua. ' `Mrs. E. Gibson of Toronto oalled on ac- quaintances here last week. mnm m:....I....n.. m :..n.,.1...... ,........` q....;:.... (IL JIUI IIUIIIC IICICI Mr. and -Mrs, E. Nelson and Ma`. ani! 'Mrs.--A. Stewaxjt motored from Toronto to` ;spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. i H._ Mason. \:.uu untc run unau "cum! I Rev. Mr.vLeggett and family, of Chicago'.| [who are holidaying at Belle Ewart, called; ton, friends here recently. Mr. Leggett was ;pastor of the Congregational church here itwenty-four years ago. I IPAV Mnfthnunv Vnllxr Tnnnlnn ne nn [U.Ilul\Jll, nugut`, av years H30 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lauaer late holidaying with friends here; (Too Late for Last"Week) - i Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson and Mr. and `Mtg. Whitcook spent Sunday at J. Patter-D sons. A Y\I,L.._._` A___.,L__,__,, _,,I 5;, IV! I Rihard Armstrong and sister Gladys re-: turned to Barrie after spending the "week-f end with their parems. ` ' 1 ' Mrc rluannn A` Tnwnnxfn :\nnI` an an ` quwaenualluca uclc Iago wccn. . , [ Mxss Elizabeth Nicholspn spent Sunday: at her home here. ` IA - .._ J II..- I.` \T -1, _ ,_ - ,_ J 11,. , ,I LUIUIII/U ZIIC VIDILIIIS IIICIIU5 llUlC- Mr. and `Mrs. Raymer and Miss Ella and Jas. Ritchie of Stayner visited at H. L. TarBush's. .I,l.._ IQ__.__4 'Il_Z_..\ 7'l`..l.'A. L-.. __A..-..._-_l II/Cl] AVllu IJLQQ LVCUUI IUBI. WCUl\a Mr. and Mr_s.,Alf Rayner of Barrie v'isit~ ed friends in the `village on Tuesday.. (Too Late format Wek) August 28T.--JMrs. (Rev.) A. Rintoul and Vance have returned home after their _ holidays. `Mr on!` Mme nun nnuulanvl Inf Tinanxi flllb ll ICW Uy an JJICLI UUUIDUII be Miss Grace MoMackon and, Richard of Toronto are visiting friends here. MY DIN!` MFE pu`7'I\DI` 071]` IWQE OH!` (S'ergt.-Major) Tuft has. returned after visiting friends in .Toronto. Mrs. Jno. Mitchell andTRoy of Everett spent Sunday with friends here. MDHIIDI unrl rknnn MI` 'rr:n\kln Dillila LJLIIILIUJ WILH IIICIILLB lIClCo Manuel Gollinger and Oscar. Mr. Trimble of Lisle and Robert F usel of Toronto visited at Gordon Bush s on Sunday. `non Tnwnllnk unanf in .Tnrnu\fn nn H8 LUUILIUII JJUBLI D URI ouuuny. Miss Jean TarBush went to Toronto on Saturday for ,a few days. IJQf'\VVII\'lA IIVI\+ "I\ KJCILUIUJJ IUI `H IUW Uyo Roland Hammond went to the Toronto Exhibition on Monday. 7 Nln nnr. -MFR` linttnr ova \y;c;f=nn "-hnnrh: IIIAIIIUIIIUII VII. HIUIIUUJI Mr. and Mrs.` Mutter are vxsltmg frxenda m_Ottawa. . ` T I11-.. Il-._.;l- IV-_.__.L_Il _t 1').._._L__-___I _,!, "l`1$`i,iu.=;a'I;4a,\;rile Campbell of Brentwood vis- ited Mrs. Jos. cor last week. \ II. .._._I ll..- Alt I1_._._____ _ TI____.!_ __':_:; ` uuuuuya. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coulson Aof Lindsay. spent a few days at Fred Cou1son s. Mina rlrnhn Mnhnnbnn and nnHurA A` in: via, \IlIIJo Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- pound is a medicine for ailments com- mon to women. It has been used for such troubles fornearly fty years, and thousands of women have found relief as did Mrs. Yott, by taking this splendid medicine. If gnu are suffering from irregularity, i in 1 times, nervousness, headache, ; ckache or melancholia. ou snould at a once be '11 to take L din . Pinkham s 1 Vegetab e Compoun . It is excellent to 1 ctrengthen the system and help to per- i form It! functions with ease and regu- % , _ a V ' Inrity. (Too Late For Last Week) II. T_....._4.L _...I t_,..:l__ ANGUS TORONTO of Toronto cqnflict in ; wccn. ; 3 Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs of Toronto spent` Tlast week with the_la'tter s parents. Mr.` `and Mrs- T. Addison. Ml..- A ....... .-....l H.441- .l......LL-_ `D..L4-. Mrs. Armour [and little daughter, Betty. _wh o have been spending the summer at Torrance are visiting with friends here. MGHEQE AnlI\ CHI!` nFIIFIY l\: .'l'lII'V`I `Gilli lVll5- I-0 l'1\|lllu`UIu LUIIKIIIUC GIC vaazuus WIULI IIKUIIUB [JUIC- Misses Beth and Mabel Drury of Crown! =1-Iill spent `last week with Mrs. T. Part- `ridge. ' I Jul !'Ic\'-Cu Deep sympathv is ex`r=nd.d to Mrs. E.` Montgomery and `Mrs. G. McKnght and` families in the loss` of the heads of the: families laat week. both of whom pasvedl ,~away within one hour of each other at Elm`-1 `vale. ' _. i (Too Late f7or La7~t Week ; , August 27.--The prayer meeting will be} heid at the home of Mrs. T. Part-ridge this gweek. . I \l__ __._I `la, Y,--L, ,1` 'lI.,,_,,`, , 1` uuu ucauug-uuwu pull]! it me age OI {leven ears, and I would get so nervous coul hardly stay in bed, and I had such pains thatl would scream,'and my mother would call the doctor to give me Iomethin to take. At ei hteen I mar- lied, and have four hea thy children, but I still have pains in my right side." I am a farmer's wife with more work I than I am able to do. I have taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege- i table Compound and I feel that it is ' helping me every day. My sister-in-law, who has been taking your medicine for Iome time and uses your Sanative Wash, told me about it and I recommend it now, as I have received great relief from it."-Mrs. NELSON Yo'r'r, R. R. 1, I Eberts, Ont. ` I `I .-.-`I1- [IV 11!_.i._L__.9_, Iv - I I 4- VVLIC` IJULI '-IIC llIll`IUlll4'V VVVIII. ll] llla T In this snecial district the garden truck is again suffering from lack of rain at the itime of writing.. m..,. u..a:....:. "4... ...\......o... .. u....,.n1.:....x LIIIIC UI VVIILEIIS-. ' V I Chas. McGinnis. who operates a threshingl lmachine in this district. while goine from `om-I place to another along the highwa_v wi'h his outfit, ran out of wood. for his en- igine and noticing a pile near at hand went ,oer the fence and helnerl himself to a few sticks---enough to "keep steam up. In the lcourse of a few days he received a lawyer s gletter. it? is said. demanding $10 from the owner of the wood. which would make a person think that wood has reached an aw- ful price. ' ' i no...` oI1n1nnfP`\1v :n Autnnpl.-..l on \I.-.. T? . ICIURIIIIS ID slll CIIIKHJJCI `Vtllln ` I Dr. Kenrns and wife motored to the Ex- ihibition last week; also .Claren La`.ng'and l wife, but the nlajority went by rail. '1' mg nv\An:n` Ah-wine 41-... ...n...l..... 4......l. U11 . LVIULIHIIIIS UIUISU-11. V. I Frank `Corrigan, of Guelph. who came up; a week or so ago to spend a week with his? wife at the Beach. was very mild in_ his` praises of the beautiful .weather that pre- "ailed, durine his stay there. Between -"ain. wind and cold gales from off the bay. it was absolutelycompulsory to remain in- ioors. and hundreds left for their homes disgusted. . Frank. however. being a good natured sort. was not abparently very much ' annoyed. but says he is not sure about tackling it again another year. n.. n'..,..... mi ...:c.. `..\..........i +,. .1..- nu. I I USU!!!` llU\\'Bu On Tuesday` of last week Mr. Vincent Kenny was united in marriage1toAMiss Mona Mcliugh of Warminster at the Roman Catholic church at Warminster. After the ceremony -a sumptuous breakfast was par- taken of, after which the happy couple mo- tored to Toronto, where they visited. rela- tives prior to taking the train fora trip to Buffalo and other Americanicities. The bridesmaid was a sister of the-bride, and the best man was a younger brother of the groom; The church was beautif.ully decor- ated with numerous varie:ies of flowers and the intimate friends and relatives present were'high in their praises of the happy couple. Mr. Kenny. who has been one of ourgood citizens for years. will take up his residence on the farm close to this vilIage,= and it is your correspondent's sincere wish` that he and his bride will enjoy life. and be blessed with all the pleasures and pros- perity connected with a pleasant` future. A young man. probably 16 years of age. dressed in gray arrived in this village one evening last week in time to catch the train north. He stated he left a horse and buggy down the road a ways and did not care a continental what became-of them. He said they belonged to` some man down the other side of Minesing for whom he had been working. The next day the owner of the horse and buggy appeared here making enquiries. andyour scribe learned that the boy rode away with the horse and buggy t The hUul'1l(l!'le Women's Institute enter-* Itains t e gar Institute on Wednesday. iseptember 12, at the home of Mrs. John ;D. Gilchrist. A prize very much worth] Ewhile competing for is offered by the Edgar iladies for the best picklesshown. Bring a ggeneroussarnple and your recipe. I ` LEFROY (Too Late For Last Week.) Anniversary services were held in Lefroyl Methodist Qhurch, Sunday. August 26. Rev.| C. .P. Shapter. who was previously in charge of this circuit for four years, at the end of which he was removed to Lon-i don conference and is now located at` .Wheatly, preached at morning and evening} gservices. Upon both occasions the churchl was filled _to capacity. I .' The subject for-the morning was Sit! ;Down.With Yourself, and for the even- ting, Sit Down With The Other Fellow." ;Those who had the opportunity of hearing `these sermons could not fail to receive at ; spiritual uplift. I l l | _ To enable Mr. Shapter to meet his multi- itude of friends, a basket picnic was ar-| lranged for the following Monday-eveningt `at Killarney Beach (Lake Simcoe) where; ta most eiijoya-hle evening was spent. I Mr. Shapter left Lefroy Thursday for his; .new charge where we wish him and his` l . . . `family every blessing. tWe also congratu-' late the peoiple of Wheatly upon securing when the owner 803 Out *0 80 bck for the the services of such a splendid type of man.` dog which heiusually takes when going inl The boy rode at a search of thercows. _ break-neclespeed to within a mile from Phelpston. stopped. unhitched the horse and turned it into a farmers field, and left the buggy in the ditch, walking the balance of the way with a suitcase. He got into conversationhere with a young fel- low. whom he told what he haddone. It is understood he purchased a ticket for Mid- land. The owner secured his outfit next day. but appears quite anxious to prosecute the boy and was telephoning the police at different p__oints. I Ran Tnnnv uvlnn tlnlivnvn flan I-nv-nl nun MINESING STATION _ J. Maw_ had a narrow escape the other ;day while at his work in the field. A bul- let pas;~ed his head and lifted the earth just l near his feet, the bullet coming-from the west. People cannot be too careful when iout with a gun. '_ Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Martindale, also Miss: iA. Barrett and Mr. Kell. motored from Tor-i {onto and spent Sunday with Mrs. E. Cavan-` | augh. _ Mrs. Arthur Prewett and daughters. Mrs 1...-.. I):....L:.. .___,) .111, n V I: ll next. _ D Several \'l8l!`0l'S were here during the past week, but the names were not learned by your scribe, and our citizens whom they were visiting `did not appear anxious to have their names known. When' they know the news items go in each Mon-; dayand where from. it should not be ex-l pected such names would appear in the; regular news. I n 'I`nm,lnu~ 4.! lane .......I. ll. \Y.....-..4 UIIIUICHL ].lUllllG. 1 -Ben Toifer. who delivers the rural mail `east. has purchased a -Ford sedan. This w'al]3 =hnrte.'1 the time of delivery some. and give` Ben a "few more hours to enjoy life daily.` i 1...... M..r1:....:. 1...- .,.....:.. ..,:,1..,x .,.A 4... IJCII G lK7V\' IIIUIF: llUl||D Ll) CIIIIUJ llL`C ll I) 5` I James MoGinnis has again added to` the beauty of his residence by having a cementf "walk laid from the street across his lawn to the front and side doors of the house.: Mat Kennedy doing the work, assistedby} Mr. MoGinnis himself. . | D......1-.n_....:_;__ -r n..-I L _;.1__ __.._, .to go to work again and improve each shin- IHCII UWIJ IBII lllo School re-opened its doors and welcomed its pupils and teachers Tuesday. It is to be hoped each and every one enjoyed the holi- days`, and that they were fully prepared ing hour. ` ' `Mm Tnvnnniv hon nnfurnn On Tnunnon Ills LIUUI o I `Mus. Tomney has returned to Toronto after enjoying a few weeks with relatives here. ' Q .... __ I _.:_:.-___ _.__- I_-__ .L__,:,,_ .|,,l ' Eberts, Ont. - ` ` I started with crafnps I Ind bearing-down pains at the age of oleven vears. and I would ant n not-unnn A large percentage of our citizens were visitors at the Toronto Exhibition last week, and those who will attend this week will just about make up the balance. Of course` there are always a few who refrain from taking in any of those little aideshows, saving their extra dimes and nickels for their own {all fair. Q-I_--I __ ___.__._I 3;. .I___.. ___.I ,I u. I iCLOWES Great Heart, an Illinois horse. made a| high-jump record. when. with a rider-up.;` he cleared the bars at more than eight feet.` (Too Late for Last Week) i Miss Annie McArthur, accompanied by her: 'nephew. Russell Graham, left last Wed-f nesday to visit her sister, Mrs. John Gra-{ .ham of Plenty. Sask. } i Mr: porn`: no nnd nan l"........... -1` f\- A .uuxu U1. A1cuL_y. ouch. Mrs. Percy Bell and son George of} Or- lillia are visiting at -A. A. Be1l s. I i E '|.|G_VB HI LUIUUIU. A. Knapp and wife visited in Toronto `last week. - , Mrs. W. A. Lowe of Barrie visited Mrs. E. C:wrmaugh last week. A Mntzm. ....,J .n.__ t..:_..-v A..- ...2A.L "Lu. u;n'7 Ids! WCEK. A. McKee and sons with other friends. nlotore.-l to Toronto this week. sum. 11.. uuuucu unu lmltb` nrma OI ACSWICK. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin of Cleveland called on relatives in this community last week. before starting on their ,return motor itrip from Muekoka. They were accompan- lied by their niece, Miss Luluryers, who.`- ispent her vacation here. l IA (Inf)-n-:n fauna-`,3 Y-u.A:tn6.. A-.5.-n. `. ;aycut; ucl vuuuwuu ucnt. | | The Guthrie Women s Institute the Edgar ;September QD. `ladies pickles shown. I on i wua uucu _lU UZ`l}JlIUll.')'o p I . The f`Sit.l and `these an ispiritual I Tn gnu`-Ha \Il'.- Q`-\nr\OnvI tn v\\nr\`- LL-. umnltl . Entirely Remedied by Lydial E_. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound ll.llC uu:ur Ul, nub. W uuluu L-UUK. . ! Mm. `E. Richardson 1s spending a few; idayslin Toronto. i A V...\....\ .....I ...:t_ ..: ' :_ rn-,,,,x 1 'lllUU IIHU lU|UIIlU- , A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of James Johnston on Friday of last week when the young people of the com- munity entertained 'in hnnor of Mr. and Mrs. R. Connell and Miss Erma of Keswick. 1!. M...) II... 117... :t.....:.. _r I\I__`-l..__.l iuapuruuu upuu. I enable Shapter mtrlti-I ar-{ where; | I Mr Q`-Iunfnr `oft Infra" 'l`l.......-L... In-u L35! gn lllU.\l t.'1IJUy'H`H : cvcnung was Sptfllla. I `new famil_v securing` l the lifted I his coming from Mr .m.l MM. 1) (` \L...:....1..v.. ..1,._ u:-_: U_l.ll: \VI\ll U SUI]. C. Miss spent Gavan- u M... A..4l..... D.........u ......! ..I......_L....__ \;r__ .ru.~. v-zuzuuu uutm. Miss E. Carlow, of Horning sVMills. Has: eturned home after spending a week at` he home of.Mrs. WiImo_tt Cook._ L It... .17 n:-L,.._.1..-_ _- , I I I 1' 1. IL '0 I 1II"u. firs, Prewett daughters. Mrs.! `James Pinchin and .`Miss Gladys Prewett of{ I 5 I 3To ro,ntn. visited with the forms-r s sister. `Mrs. Wilznott Cook. I `III...' 1'.` 11-..! , ,0 TI ' 3 -I-`II I I Sept. 3.--'Mrs. Robert Robertson of Tor- onto has returned home` after a vacation spent with friends -here. Her many friends are pleased` to know that she is much im- proved in health. u.. 2 (3-...L..u ..'....I'-u-.. r....1. c4.......... PIUVCU ILI ucnu-u. Mrs. S. Corbett a.nd :`Mrs. Jack Stewart leave for Toronto this week to attend the marriage of Miss Beatrice Corbett. manna Alan bands .._J '.....J.. "A _..J..II Excnuclnnm: mus, cams uuuungc In 511% lJQ'HlI'lCC UOTIEIL. Misses Helen Ross and Jessie 'An.sdell leave this week to teach at Painswick and lwashago. up ...A M... 13.1.. 11.21 ..'...1 n. .....x VV aauagu. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hall and Mr. and `Mrs. John Ansdell spent last week in Ham- iilton and 'l`or_onto. A -.-__. -..._-__l_I, , _ '. _oR;o STATION AME S H01DjN7TWE, H. R. Palmer Barrie Motbr Car Co. McKee McDonald MarshaH s Garage, Allandale ` The New McLaughlin-Buick 45 There are 14 McLaug'hIin-Buick Models to Choose From Here, too, is power. And with this greater power is also greater safety, for the proved McLaughlin-Buick brakes are now applied to all four wheels. The new McLaughlin-Buick 70 h.p. valve- in-head motor, with its complete auto- matic system of lubrication, contributes to that greater measure of utility and satisfaction which it is McLaughlin- Buick s policy, year after year, to build into its cars. C. H. BEEL.?.Y BARREE SEALER 39 ELIZABETH ST. PHONE 730 The Ontario Forestry Branch wan_ts large quantities of Red or Norway Pine cones. Only full grown, closed cones as pictured above are of use and should be gathered between the middle of August and the end of September. Bags willibe supplied and . railway freight paid on shipments of 10 bushels or more. The price is two dollars ($2.00) per bushel dry measure. For particu- ' lars-write: VNEW McLaughlin-Buick six- cylinder touring car. Mc- Laughlin 4- Buick . in character - McLaughlin-Buick in quality - yet a new McLaughlin-Buick - a ner McLaughlin-Buick. ' Hc Compred the Wear" and now has Ames Holden Tires on all four wh<:c}s. Put an Ames Holden on YOUR south-cast wheel and any other tire on your other rear- ' omp&=ze eflwar" SOLD BY B2416 `[41-lURSDAY,| Ill r v 1': \ em ire|_v' It is I . Just :1 Hum! toh sul'fmwi :9 g_ of'one of (hu- the prnxilm-. lowing d:l_\' an the cit)` ]H|]H`l'.s Ontario Forestry Branch PARpIAMET BUILDINGS T TORO -IVIIIII lllxl `nf his uwn I.` |llY1 charzu-rm` ul such _a Lril V\ hut we I. ture of. Hi.- twor-n tho` idv:l.- and nu nan an-A 'xn:nnri::l gm Thur (Ila) 7111111! In" :1 ister of thc minis!-or whu But when ~m of religion. H say: ' Clean to .">ith_ H1: At night n and itching v Next morning of Cuticura Rinse with te scalp clean ` hair will be 1: SOIDZSC. Oinhnex throughout the` nu, Limited, I Cuticura Th`i':l{l' Kept S( (`|. .11 Bell. tloctril .-u('h :` I I "Thv I I110 (`_\ n|(` or nf_pu} Inmiu-.~ .- Keep our ealth! Use the old reliable.

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