Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1923, p. 9

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ellent suits re going to. artment. l'.-Ul 3}IClI\Ull5 l\ Ill I._UlUl.II`\J. Mr. and Mrs;11".Ww. Powell of Dunnville are holidaying wi.h Barrie relatives. Mr and an I D Vina urn no H-m `I31- _ sill LLUIEC. UIIEIRIBC, IUI Ill-{ICC Wccna. Mrs. E. A. Ryan and daughter have re- turned after spend.ng a week in Toronto. mun. A....:. can .....a um q.......a..... .....a lads` CU JJIS 1)! lllllllvu Mrs. {red Mart and Miss Hazel Marr Ere iturned home this week after a visit to St. lThomas and other places. hr nut) My-u nrnnnfnh ant` Anulnkfnr own llllllllbl UHKI ULIXUI pluuca. Dr. and Mrs. Brereton and daughter are vlsiting Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robmson at I-I eadqu8r'ers_. Algonquin Park. `mun h`l\FF;Cl\Y\ fl: DQFF" Qffllfd Iltllls Ull. I`. \Jl.aIl\, L7IlIlUlll L7!- ' Frank B. Manuel of Edson. Alberta. is spending his holidays with his parents. `Mr. `and Mrs. R. G. Manuel. 73 Owen St. ll'__ .l!V._l I11!!! Q____. ___:n.L L-_ _I..._._L4.._ LlUllUHyll.|5 Ill *I.'I.'%UU|.lu. . (Mr. Porter of Toronto is a visitor at the home of RC. Lloydthis week. ` nlornnnn Av-naatriintu GIL!` "nrmv`nnll uynrh Ill LUKUIIIAJ EMU lllilr Ulwalllf WCCL. Miss Joan Hargreaves returned Tuesday afer spending a week ii1"'I`_oronto. M. ....a um 12 w n.......n ,.c n........;n. ltuauqual CI53 IIIEUUHUIII LIl\- i Miss Margaret Morrison of Parry Sound and Master Jack Bergin of" Fergus are via- iting Mrs. A. Clark, Sanford St. ' wwunb Q Manna` nf wonn Anya:-H: ia Vlllllls Wltll LVIl\`,u 1'1: L1. LL \JlC\VVVl\4l'\Co ` `Mr. Greatrix has returnoid home to Ham- ilton after spending two months with his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Overs. Sanford St. I". D Iznnrio I'AfIII`I\Al" lwnvna `uni IIJADII UCIUSIILCI, LVll- LIEU. \J\ Gl5` UKIIIIUIU DU- C. R. Kendall returned home last week .after ten weeks relieving at the customs of- `ces in Wiarton, Guelph and Orangeville. us nun` Ila H Q Qknnnnn ant` ann xuu. sister. have l Beach. '7 A name or r.-u. moychuus weex. ` Clarence Armstrong and Harry Ball were in Toronto t-he first ofathe week. `Ill... 1...! LI'.................. _..4...-......I "l`.......-I...- I Ml'S."(.Ct_)l..r Will Spryr. with her Lcigughter, `Constance. and son, Daniel, of Calgary, are u visiting with Mrs: A. `E. H. Creswicke. \ Mr I".-.....n-iv kn: unnfurnnr` Lnvnn in `turn. IIU% [II `V ICII IJIII` \JIJUI}lll GIIU \lILlII5UVlllC- Mr. and Mrs. H, S. Shannon and son Hugh motored from Detroit this week and are visiting with Mrpand Mrs. W. J; Shan- non. ` l\.. .1'_`.._. Y-L....L..... -i.1__-_..-aA_ -L...! L..- euuu. _ E. A. Ryan was in the city of Quebec last week attending the summexconvention `of the Metropolitan managers for. Ontario | and Quebec. Mr: I D Arr-nunn nf (`PHHQ and MKS! l anu Queues. . Mrs. J. R. Armson of. Orillia and Miss Theraea Heavener of Toronto spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Birchard, _l6 James St. ::_ -_.1 1:..- u--I.-- ...L... 1.....- kmm _w James at . Mr. and Mrs, Hooker, who have been spending their holidays at Wasaga Beach and in town, have returned to their home: in Newmarket. ' | 112---- uhL..I III.................. .....A D.mg:n `Dal In H ewluurmu . , Misses Mabel Cheesman and Bessie De Hart returned home last night after spend- ing a fortnight s vacation at Cache Lake, Algonquin Park. M. and re .qfun`n\t Hnrlm-hill and son mgonquin ram. AMr. and Mrs. Stanley Underhill and son went to'Rochester, N.Y.. this wgek to at- tend the annual exhibition of the American Gladiolus Society. `II... I F unIIvb:nn A` (`mi-iuuyn Mr: J i UIHQIOIUS DOClCIy. ` `Mrs. J. E. Hawkins of Oshawa, Mrs. J. R. Jewell, Bert Jewell and Russell Manuel f Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Manuel. In I run. In A ..... ...o....o -6 Vlnqnu-ln TICE by notified that I have st-of Harold McNabb in ass of Richards & lic- :s are payable to me. n. N175. I\.. U. LVIIIIILICI. W. J. Little. B.A., accountant of Victoria College. Toronto, spent last week with his mother. Mrs. M. W. Little, Penetang St... returning on Friday. Kai Du}-nu nnun" nf pnrf Hnrnn, Mis lreturnlng OH rnuuy. Miss` Ruby Cavell of Port Huron, Miss Hazel Gavel! of Port `Col-borne and Wm. R. Fraser of Wzwhington, D.C.,. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ness. u:__ nr:__:- 13-14`-.. -4 \`r..........,...L..+ mlm MP. 8110 M13. J. W. 11653 Miss Winnie Belfry of`.NewI,narket. who has been visiting her .aunt_. Mrs. F. Rob~ ertson. for a couple of weeks. left_for_ Or- illia` today for A short visit. I4`n-xnunann Vania Mnnnanr I\` F W W00]- una` many not a $110!`! vmu. Emerson Keele_, Manager of F. W. W091- worth. Co.s store. spent a week in King- ston on account of the serious illness of `his mother. He returned Tuesday. . .u.. .....nu.... I II D...........,..ml fumn ms I1l0Lnl`.l'.' ne reI.urut:u Luz.-aun_v. `Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ramsayjand family of Owen Sound are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Burton and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham, 30 McDonald St. auu tutu. Ivul. \.Inuuuun. uu ;uu.au....n. .. Miss Palma Smith of Meziford spent the` weekend with her sister. Mrs. Milton Mac~ Donald. Bradford St.. `before leaving for an extended visit to. Winnipeg, Man., and Peterson. Sask. ` n_ __.i 11.... a..:.i.... ll- .....1 M... Mnnlm 1'e[l'SOI1. DESK. _ Mr. and Mrs. Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Mucha' of Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Overs and family of Hamilton motored to Barrie and spent the week`-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gefo. Overs, Sanford St. . 1:..- In n rIl:n..... Q`.....t'.....1 Q0 um- U90. UVFYS DKIIIUIU. Db. *Mra. w. D. Clifton, Sanford St.. re- turned home Tuesday evening from De- troit, Mic-h., after'spendJ'ng a week with her` son. Harold. She was accompanied by her granddaughter Eileen. T Tlnurl `Only: in annnrncr Bk hnlidnvs Wif.h> ner granauaugnrer nueen. Lloyd `Oaks is spending his holidays with his aunt.AMrs. Lariney. at Balmy Beach. Mrs. Oaksaand two children, Eddie and Mor- lev. are visiting at Balmy Beach. Toronto, \ Niagarzi Falls aiid Buffalo. .Ms~o Allan I-Tnfnlvlnincnn minn urn: taken snot sg 1923, CARD _lGH Nlagara raus nun puuauu. ' .-Mrs. Allan Hutchinson. who was taken down with typhoid. fevex-' shortly after re- turning from a month's visit to Mount For; ' est`. is :1 patient in the R. V. Hospital, whereisbe is making satisfactory progress. .. u up u`. -u- 1 , n, _,,, cu 'n,,_ WIICIU 51": I3 LIIGRIIIS UCIVIBICULUIJ DIIVEIVIJBI Mr. an rs. .`..McLean, Perry St., Bar- rie. anno _ce the engagement of their se- cond daughter. Ellen (Nellie). to Mr. Flzank Fell. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Fell, Pains- wick. the marriage to take place in August. 1-1: _,_!_`L__ ;_ _.._-_........ uo wuu ........u.y ... .-...v I.._-.... __ _._.,_,, , V Mr. S. Black-more wishes to announce the engagement of his elder daughter, Mar- ion Dorothy, to Mr. Frank Maxzwell Bel- cher.vson of Mrs. Belcher, Collingwoodg and the late J. G. Belcher. the marriage to take `place quietly early in September. - `Dr N TX ?.7i'.`.wn nf Mm-shfield. Wiscon- IBCE quxeuy early In 0!: wuxucz. `Dr. H. H. Milbee o_f}I:Iarshfie1d, Wiscon- `Jain Johnston, chiropractor, ahd her . Miss A. Johnston, 32'Frances St.. been spending a week at Wasagai n `tn-us BARRIE EXAMINER `at sin. also Dr. R. S. Milbee of Milwaukee.` Wis.. motored to Barrie to visit their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Milbee. Oweni St. Last week they left for Buffalo, Newl York City and other cities before proceeding` h'ome. 4 ` l Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ellsrnere and little son, Ross, Mrs. Wm. Shelswell of Craig- hurst. and *Mrs ..E. S. Ford. of -Barrie,: returned last week from a two weeks motorl trip to Walkerville, Windsor, Port Huron} and Sarnia, stopping at Stratford and Lon-I don a few days to visit friends on their re-? turn trip. They also went over to St.l Catharines and Niagara Falls before coming` home. ' `I7 `I7 ` -1 . I`. I I II I II n . I .. O The New Billie Burke Flaimel Dresses are Here!- 3 E Fonto A. w. Wright, editor and publisher or? the Mount; Forest Confederate. and hisl daughter were in town last` week attending; the McConkey reunion. Mr. Wright was; this year honored by being elected a direct-! or of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers; Association. Aliaother newspaperman -at~; tending the reunion was Mr. Clark of the` Pickering News, a brother of Jos. T. Clark,.; the well known editorial writer of the Tor-g onto Star. | II I.` I I11 r\.. I UAILU KJI. (ll 0 Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Otton. accompan-1 ied by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carson, re-1 turned Wednesday evening from an 800- mile motor trip. Going via Orillia, they; visited Lindsay. Belleville, Kingston and"; Gananoque and enjoyed a 45-mile .rno'torl boat trip before going across the St. Law-l rence by ferry to Clayton. N.Y. They re-it turned home by Watertown, Oswego. Roch-l ester and Niagara Falls. The trip was aj most delightful one. i Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sin lair of Collingwoodl and Alex. Sinclair and iss Margaret Sin-l _clair of town returned last week after a mo- tor trip through the New England States. While away they visited Pittsburg, Gettys-I burg, Washington. Atlantic City and New` York and enjoyed very muc'h the sceneryl `through the Alleghenny Mountains and thel Delaware Water Gap. They returned by way of the Thousand Islands and thg north shore of Lake Ontario. 1 MADE FROM TR!-1NELLA_ BROADCLOTH FINISH, ALL WOOL, FLANNEL The new styles for Fall are delightful, including jacquette and pleated skirt in two pieces, one-piece dresses prettily trimmed with braid to match, and nifty dresses in combination of colors with knife-pleated skirt-. The colors are taupe, grey and navy, nigger brown, French blue, navy and sand. Junior, misses and ladies sizes. - - Popular Prices. - All remaining` Voile and Rat- ine Dresses,- inbluding some very. pretty fancy `striped voiles, to be sold at'a substan- tial REDUCTION OF 15% FOR DAD. Color medium blue with white stripe and check, sizes 14%, 15, 151/; and _16. Price only $1.98 MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Buy Advenigd Things. he Hub Boot Shop LADIES SUMMER DRESSES i 15% REDUCT ION 1 including I r l'V. nrettv fancv `strined MOTHER 1 Buy one of these Special Oxfords SHIRTS v{ith_ white MONARCH DOWN YARN New shipment arrived. Price, 2-oz. ball, 35c The best shades in stock, such as or- iental, camel, mist grey, turquoise, lavender, rose, jade, buff, black and white, a 4-ply high grade yarn, par- ticulay suitable for knitting scarfs and sweaters. Offefs Still Further Reductions ' 'b1'J1i' ' WINDOWS All stylesand sizes, only two . prices, while. they last WA'I_`CH Lu: SARJEANT & KING LIMITED SPECIAL WOMEN'S PATENT-SUEDE COMBINATION STRAP SUPPER- A leader for this week that we are Sacricillg for : . . . . woMis'.N*s PLAIN WHITE STRAP SLIPPERS EVERY` PAIR IN THE STORE AT ....% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $235 OXFORDS FOR MEN . $4.s5AND $5.85 I Don t fail to hear Melody Men Orchestrai on Friday. August 24.. at dance at Cooks-9 ;town. It is their first appearance in Cooks-[ gtown. . T ' 33c fr Boy THE unman FARMERS co-6F."c"<')'I,'Vii`i). i i 139 Dunlop St., Barrie, Ont`. Read the 8dVfls.--It pays. FURTHER PRICE CUTS FOR A FINAL CLEAN-UP STOP AND SHOP EXCEPTION AL. PRICES IN GROCERIES T FRUIT JARS -FRUIT JA_RS `Tiger Salmon, 1's .. Drysdale Salmon, s} s Shredded Wheat, 2 / Puffed Rie Puffed Wheat . . . . . . Pts. -$1.09 doz. Qts. $1.19 doz. Half.-Ga1s., $1.59 doz. Rubber Rings, 3 doz. 19c. . Zinc Rings, 19c doz. OUR 5. Cooper '1391`){.{.i.pTsT{.;~13a.r.-ac, Dull calf skin with patent lea- .ther apron, medium heel. T . Special this week, We also ca;-ry Monarch Dove, Silvertwist, Buttery and Kurly. 28c 15c 25c 18c 14c WOMEN S OXFORDS I . iSafurday, August 25--Sale of farm stock _ `and implements at Martin's Yards. Sale ' at.l p.m. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer. CastiI`e Soap, 6 bars 5 N. P. Soap 5 Dutch Cleanser, 2 for i Bon Ami, cake, 2 for 1 Bulk Sodas .. 2 lbs. 2 AUCTION SALE NEW BARGAINS ON DISPLAY week.` Page Nine 25c 25c ' 25c ,' 25c . 35c Orchestca I1- _I_- (1 l. \JUUl\ ' r in Cooks- (IQ- t `for style, ' elsewhere. o. 111;, A11.. 2, Au c; % Lit`... 1, . ' Comp. , -7 Ann MON., TUI-35., wan. :_A_il(_{. '21 AND 22 -o_.Ln-' , tn` THURSDAY, AUGUST _`1'?B. P923. VAMPEl) supported by a splendid cast including Laura La Plante and Robert McKim You ll Cheer ,Out. Loud. Over This One! It's the most thrilling, dare- devil picture in which Hoot has ever appeared. See him` with his bare hands capture a wild horse in the `desert, and give his. enemies the surprise of their-`lives. when he comes dashing 7right down the main street of. the old-home town. And just in time for a battle- royal! I-Ioot Gibson won th ' _ championship as a cot _trick horseman in a P Oregon, round-up seve ago. No one elsehas fully sought the title. Fans like to see zth horsemanship on the For that matter, an man can do somethin the fans want to know He is welcome on ti`. ` if the .public has an: say about it. 'W"Y:(;I;l ll say` that this is the Iivest, most glorious` entertain- ment you've ever seen! No one` but Hoqt could do `it. Come early! Not a Wm. S. Hart Picture, but IIIEW` AC I`3I\f` Horsemen N. M.MYERS Fat $2.00. 5 units at this TheFour THURS, FRI., SAT; -%AUG. 16, 17~AND 13 `CARLLAEMNll.Epise:';({ A% ` % r Read The "Examiner Adlet Ool . Now you can I all see this` picture at lowest possible prices. om; SHOW EACH NIGHT AT s.15~ "METRO PICTURES CORPORATION 15c. & 25c. % WOOL LAND J HIDES I` l\\ll.Vl uu1n\auu.- to Manitoba,_ Saskatche- ' wan and Alberta . ~-.__- --1 Q1 AuHf1 ANp_gg '- Jun 0 town scavenger. did no right to do. He re t sail" from the yardn Barrie. The town col- lice Court. yesterday. annvwonvnvn __ ______, Cars for exclusive use of ladies and their escorts. _ A lunch counter car on every` train Fare going. $15.00 to Winipeg. plus 17$ cent a mile to points beyond. Returning, 17$ cent a mile to Winnipeg,-p1us $20.00 to destination. ' FREE TRA_NSPORTAT.lON BARRIE T0 Mlpl-IURST. Get into the land of the wheat elds `via. the old direct C.P.R_. , route, 0 ~ ru-uvu 1911 an av--- AGENT, King" Blogk, BARRIE of the Apocalypse A REX INGRAM- A PRODUCTION JOS. MARRIN c. P. R- HARVESTERS EXCURSIONS MARKET SQUARE 77 Ill. so nun: u -usu- qusr AS doop. in his latest hair-raising M/e s`terh mman. ce V. W-ilson, Shanty Bay, eir friends who so kind- elp on Saturday at the mmbers of the Barrie DEAD CAME .- presents Successor to H001" GIBSON ` A --ALSO--- V . A Great_Comedy for the Kis and Others A Prices: _15c and 25. AlIIIII|`57JuooIhI|b PhoI_0_PIohodbvJohl'.8Il1: ' August l3--'i`he huni of the clover and threshing -machine is heard thwe days. Ynnb nnuuann nn nf Tn!-nrifn I`P mresmng -macllxllew uuuru tuuac unya. Jack Hewson and family of Toronto are spending `two weeks holidays with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hewson. ` . l `I'\.. A..;L.... I` .... .. at Mon. Vnnb kukn 3: `Mrs. 1. newsuu. Dr. Arthur Greasy of New York, (who is visiting at Mr. Kerr's, conducted the ser- vices.`in the Methodist Church on Sundssyt evening. _ . , . 11:-.. M `l`:nl\V\ n`-un1n;`fnn a a mum! at Ime parsonage nere. v Mrs.` R. A. Sutherland is spending a few` days with her son in Lynden. . n - M. and Mn Mills nf Bradford. England. |L0w eveluug. Miss M; Ellison of Hamilton is a guest at `the parsonage hefe. : ll`:-Q` D A Qnthnrlnnd in smanding A few! laays WILD I181` sun In uyuueu. ` Mr. and Mrs. `Mills of Bradford. Englanti, are the guests of Mr.- and Mrs. Wm. Reid, llth `concession. ' I n-.. 1 Q as ...... Dl'\l'\ ..n.m.lml elm. Q:-lnnnl tor mural ueauersnlp. ncru ur u_umpu. - Mr. and -Mrs. Wright of Midland spent Sunday at S. J. Reynolds . Miss `Lucille Black returned to her `home in Loreburu, Sask.. last week. A .......1...... t'....'.... km-A nH-Anrhul Hun nrunan 3 um concesslon. . Rev. J. S. Stevensqn attended the School for Rural Leadership. held in Guelph. II. ......I ll. \XTu-in-Int AF MirI'Iun:` unnnf `norm in uureuuru, Dunn" luau wccn. A number frqm here attended the Orange Black Knight `c'elebration- held in `Orange-` ville. last Saturday.'August ll. `-1-. use-I` `lull in: vile`! nf A"lI\l"!l`D V1119. last Daturuuy. August. u. I Mr. and` Mr. Wm. Rusk of Allandale were Sunday visitors atAJos. Booth s. ' Mrs. (Rev.) Powers returned to her home in Toronto after a. pleasant visit at Andrew Wallace's. nz..- u.............+ XXI...-nznu nnnnf a (`mu rhnm |_wauace s. 7 i Miss -Margaret Warnica spent a few days with friends in Orillia. \n:_- D...._ D..l1 ....n..~.mA on Q]-xnnhy Rnv axter nounaymg wuu u`1cuuu'uu1u. . The many Stroud fnends of Ben Peacock of Calgary were pleased to see. him'lastV week. ` ~ " 11:-.. A.....:.. Qnunnln AC llinauunnd um: wxrn menus In Uruuu. Miss Byne Ball returned to Shanty Bay after holidaying with friends` here. '"Ln nnnnu Qfrniltl `l|il3I`\dR hf RP PPRPOCIC W.9K- ' . Miss Annie Sproule of Collingwood the guest of Mrs. O.- Black last week. II on!` RR. Snnt ( Hist.., c, Br. Hist.., c, Jcmeph Dyer. Lat. Au., Gribbin. Anc. His.. c, . Geom., c. Chem.. c; . Lit... c. B1. HisL.. I2. Chem.. 3; Inez Hick- 3, Eng. Lit., c. Anc. lg., 1, Gmm.. 1. Phy., Comp.. c, Fr. are! Kerr. `Fr. Au.. c; `0mp.," 2. Eng. Lit.. Fr. Au.. 3. -Fr.'Comp., ry. Eng. ML. 2. Ann. c; Laura Trace; Eng. (3. Br. His.. 4:. Goon. c; 'l.oui;~'e Turner. Anc. tne guest 01 11113. U.- uxuun may wccn. Mr. and -`Mrs. Ben. ebb spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs. R. _A. Kent, Hillsdule. ` ` --ll; a\i\t` no. ].nIu;c our` rluuurhfnr "\5I\.'P .l`l1llS(l1ll8. "-Mr. and Mrs; "Lewis and daughter have returned to Toronto after spending some weeks with Mrs. F. Jobbitt. II..- 'I`lr..lI...... n-`A rlnnnl-ml-are nf Tnrnlxfn weeks Wltn mrs. .1`. auuuul. Mrs. Walker and daughters of Toronto are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Banks. .George Chantler is_ under the doctor.s care with`, p_leurisy. . D M Mnnnlzav snout Mnndnv in Tor- ll`! onto. ll-.. onto, . ' 6. Mrs. J. Ambrose of Toron\o visited her niece, Mrs, S. "Wilson. last week. . Mrs. A. Ness of Allimdale visited friends [ here this `week. ll..- `Ll Xfuunuu Ku rnhu-null `I-nun TAP- nore ems ween. 4 _ Mrs. H. You g has returned from Tor- onto ' and `has: gone _to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hunter. _ n Am-I:-am Pntfnmnn left rm Mnndnv for his I-Ioot the world s cowboy and trick Pendleton, "Oregon, several years elsehas success- title. Fhns like to (seethe Gibson the screen. any time a. something special know about it. on the screen anything to ' ' But there are many kinds of horsemanship. There are the simple tricks of a riderwho has a good mount and a good. sad- dle under him. There he the rope tricks, the saddle-jumping tricks, the dismountirig and the mounting tricks. ` daughter, Mrs. nullwr. Andrew Patterson left on Monday for hisl `home in the West after `spending several lmonths with his brother Walter here, 'II':__ T7 `IPIHAOL L. 11:3-:nn `II;Anl'a':n TAD- ~ zuiliien ` 24. at-. dance 2 st appearance * IIIODEDS` WIN!" um `uruunct vv mu-:1 uclc.` ` V.._`Eii10tt is visiting friendsin TOP` onto` and other places.` _ . in; _p_lurisy. R. M. McConkey _L- ,_ .'BJe:.id'inz "the advta.. is. tin_ie well aponhi as STROUDT Spent Monday in `Tor- ' .L....L :4. I all k7|l\-Illllo ' \ , Mr. and Mrs. B. Ho1ford`Ardagh and Ger- ard B. Strathy of Toronto were with Barrie Zrelatives over Sunday. ! Mrs. Walter Crogan of Bradford has re- ~turned home after visiting her sister. Mrs. `S. Gill. Clapperton St. ' I F II I o;r"uuy' M A` Quv:`.r our. 5 "Miss Annie Webber of` Peneta ng St. is- holidaying in Prescott. 5 -Mr Dru-tar A` Tnrnnfn `E u \r;n;fnr nf fhn ll/UL} Ill |\ ug GLGJIU5 (Ila IIIIILILIIIIC ULIUPUII Bo _Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Goodallreturned Fri- day last after spending the week in Tor- onto. " ` ' lVL___1,_ n,L__;__, _,,,I 1-, `I 9 A UIU Carles Rdbertson and family of Craig vale spent Sunday with his parents in Wot sley St. ' ln.` Dru-imp .-J (`knnlnnn ..:..2s...l ll... - - 5` `$9155 ur-wheled unc H can. . V 1 L. D." Forbert. manager of the Hub Boot; Shop. spent the holiday at his home in! Lindsay. M. an"! II". D II.` DI.:....l...-A ..... -1- uuxumly. Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Rhinehart were in New-market_ on Monday visiting relatives and frienrL `:0 n,u ,, A n,L,,,., n A p In wl)a'lton Robertson,tB.A., of Torontdl is spending his: holidays at his home" in . Worsley St. ' ' C`A._.____ -,, I It", `I! 13., ,, IV UIGICJ CH - Mrs. J. G_. Strong and Mrs. Wm. Strong of Toronto are guxsts of Mrs. Donnell. 91 Wor_s!ey St-. . ,__ .,J_I', , , I I * ml 1 I `i 2 CIIC llUll\IG.VllI5 WLH IJGIIVIU IUHIDIV1. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. King are at the El- ,gin `House. Muskoka, for three weeks. My-u D A "van nnr` Anunkbnu Ln:-A nu, uuucu GAICI apcuu.u5 G WCCA lu .l.UKUlIluU- I Miss Annie Gill and Mrs. Saunders and. son Ross,-are spending a week in Cochraue. `Mrs. N. W. Rowell of Toronto is a vis-; itor in town. staying at Madame Shopoff's.; Mr and MP6 A I-I flnnrhzn I-nhuwnnri F`:-Li QICJ Lu. ' '_ Miss Porter of Chapleau visited Mrs.` Percy` Lloyd last week beore leaving for. the West. ` { I n.n-..L___. _..-_____ ,4 .u,, 1'14, n Parry Sound. Misses Madeline and Jessie Clark have returned home after a five weeks` visa. in vv \ua.c_v uv. | M. .....1 Mrs R 1.t..n-.\..A` A..4.....1. ...`..u 41..., \JllIu \Jla I}ll'.'lLUll Db J. E. H. Laidlaw; M.C.. of Swift Cur- irent. Su.sk.. is visiting his mother, Mrs`. J. }D. Luidlaw. Blake St. _ j -Miss M. Shier and Miss Frances Shier fhavefeturnerl from "their holidays spent.at iPor: Carling. Muskoka. ' ' ' M;aa Ii`;-o r`.v-uh: n` rl`r\r(\I\r\ :c u:a;f:nn n9 1 (II I `Jul IHIS. LII. ll3.l\Ul\KI- - ! Miss Eva Craig of Toronto is visiting` .. the summer cottage of her `brother, J. 1 -Craig. at Big Bay Point. - 1 Mr: .I.`....: M." ....A Mi n......I Mm... .- JGUST Is, 1923.

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