Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1923, p. 7

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4 auais 0th St. T in New. Gurugo , _ . . .. r\l( inn: [1 Movements in Religion: Much Wealth `in Franc e BARRIE EXAMINER :uu uuxcx [lllllul uuunw. The easern portion of Grey County C wround Meaforcl and Thornbury was in great zurmoil on Saturday and Sunday last which finally culminated in the capture on Sun- lay night of William Scott and Frank O ; Keary by Provincial officer Jones of Owen Sound in the bush three miles south of `lavenna. They are in the County Gaol at Owen Sound while the police look up their -ecord. They were identied by Chief Clark `-f Me-afiord as the menwho had held him up and Letolen his car on Friday night at `Keaford. and are believed [by the police to He deperate criminals after having com- nitted some crime in Southern Ontario. we: Luv nun-. cannon I luau m we BOND. A Sbelburne firm. has secured the contract `or subpiying stone for ..t`he retnihing wall . in; built at Niagara F315 Park, `I50 feat in LB.-9}: Live young.-bear 1.3!`-ely shipped to Guelph, -vas cnpturgd by two mqtotists who run we: the little out on a road in the north. I Kalli..--A Cl-.. L... ..........I LL". -__A_..A. `Pull VIWIIC El-Isl-'51-Io A heat wi;h three cubs was trapped at Bike Bay. camping ground for tourists wn Bruce Peninsula. The bear was killed. Its hide, a very fine one, was tanned. One f the cubs was sent t.'o9Wiarton. l)-...... n.......-. L_.:|.I:`___ _. nr_n-.A._ `l mu: uuu wan El`-UL [-03 VI mnuu. - Bruce County buildings at Walkeron are =0 be- improved `by the erction of a wing `or the County Engineer, and fhe installing -f a heating system, the whole to cost $23,- 300. It is estimated `that $1009 a year will the saved by the new system. pan N H Ilonfllluw-on mf I"-Hlin .....H rgan. Vocal. and Musical *2 and Choirmastcr of Pr`osb\'u-riaxn Church. Tm-onto (`nnsorvatory ol University of Toronto. nu--- ADI Ur Davlfu uy uuvr um-rw ayaucul. Rev.~N. H. MacGillivray 01' Orillia, well known in Barrie, met with a painful ac- ;-ident while on the tennis courts at Judd- naven recently. In {an attempt to get a wizh -ball. he fell `over a sven-foot stone wall sustaining a fracture cf his-shoulder, .snd other painful injuries. A nouunon r\nDO:nn ll` (1-n-u I`......A.. Axcl ARIIIJ Wu! manru uxuc IUI UUIHII. Miss Fern Wbod. B.A., of Orillia, has accepted appoinpnxent at a salary` of 31700 n the staff otf the Mount Forest. High `School asteacher of History, French and span of-the English. ` l A knot ny;"\ Qinunn nu`-us nuns Ann-sun. n`-' lmuzanulg vu_vU 5 Juan bu -DWUUV. | Erie Johnson, who was shot down in cold blond by her lover in.Hamilton lasti week. lived in Collingwobd until last year. `Her body was taken there for Burial. u:.... t:-..... w;....a n A .: n..:n:.. L..- xu Auun VVCIC uuuua\zau'u_1acu WCCA. A Toronto club has bought 75 _acres in South ,0riiIia Tp._. on Lake Simcoe. and will build fifty cottages for its members. `-nan. D hm. loo- 5:-.. ..I..:..: :. n..n:....' {nu iuuuu IAIN yuvunsro IUI ua uusxuucla. ,l 'Robt. P. Dey, late fire chief in Coiling-' wood. hasbeen appointed `head of the Pem- fbbroke fire brigade. His salary is $2000, in- }creasing $100 a year to $2300. I F-in LJ.n..nn J... ....... 4...; .l....... :.. iStates an outline of the plan of battle by `the World's . Fundamental Convention. iagainst the n1bd'e'rnist. churches. This pro- Igram proposes to-withdraw all church4sup- `port from church schools that teach any theory or evolution. whatsoever, and would lforce all teachers tovsign a statement of be- llief in the Genesis version of creation. the Ihistorical fact of Bible miracles, the Virgin nBir h. the'bodily resurrection, the imminent coming of Christ and the existence of a per- _sonal devil and a literal hell. The renewed linterest in church affairs may be indicating ithe turn of the pendulum. Ul a\JIlUUlB ill l'llllRl.IlIIBu ` The Protestant Spayate School Board." Penetaxxg, have made a three-Jyear contract wit.h their principal, W. E. Bradley. 'l`\:vn }un-I-nlu A` hniiln kzuun akin-.n,I tn` nu-u |_ucu puuulpal, 1!. Lu. unauuty. Q I Two_barrels of bottled beer shipped to| .HuntsviIle as electric light bulbs _and malt-' {ed milk were confiscated last. week. ` ! A 'n.__.....- _1_.|_ L_~_ L__.,,1_. -p , uuuu\;u I Major. .1. W. Day, -formerly a teacher in g 'Collingwood, has been appointed supervisor] 101' schools at T-immins. rm.- u............_. a.?_.._..._ o_L__u n__,,n- `u.s. Treaiy with Turkey The United S`:-ates has concluded a pact ,with Turkey when-by she is to be grated ,'the most favored nation trade clauses. The `new treaty replaces one whicli was signed in 11830 and which has hampered U.S. affairs `in the Ottoman Empire because of its an- Itinnifu oss. J LL.B. )l.lCITOR. ETC. n..:I.l:.... Ru...;. I 0 I i'{.,;iii}.` Iuuuluuu. wuc 1c1:u\cn:u In LUIUIILU. T C. G. Millard of Coldwatr has been elect- ,ed a member of the Ontario Pharmacy iCouncil. .Il..:__ 1' I17 I\-__ I___, ,,I, ., I ! 'Orangville`s tax rate is 43 mills. L I ' 1 Bush fires have been doing considerable damage near Brechin. .- 'r`..`.n;...........,a 5...: ..|.........a e::n L... :;.. illlllds lllil IJICVIIIII. - ' Cbllingwood band cleared $550 bf its `civic holiday celdbratign. I-`IInOcu:n :1: :I\nI1.5n1v:r\n\n :6.` .-A1-.4...` n.....--.. 'Ill\I_\lCIlalUII U] IUUK I"\)LI1o A Chevrolet car stolen from James Bugg. iMidland. was recovered in Toronto. n n Ia:n-__n he n-u.x__-.,-_ L__ L, _, 1| . bl Y ID IIUIIIIIIJ UUICUI ll\_)l4I o ' Huntsville is increasing its school accom- modation by four rooms. " I A 01....-....1... ....- .,...n.... c..-..... r......... n...... Soap that soaks clothes clean different fxoxln ar,1ythingyou have ever used befo}e cANAmAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION . TORONTO "Alb! IIJIL. unu- Bumug Bank F0 LOAN & HAMMOND JLHTORS.ETC. n..:I.l..u. Ru...` rvuuwp-vna C-n-van-nial III I-l%l.`..\JlJlJ Crowning triumph In the production of supefr-page.-ants . 1500 Performers Jo:-ml c. ytwr. Mnnaginy Di'oc!oI' noun MILLER. President \ g Programme" without precedent in its variety and extent Scores of new features and all of the old that have re- tained public favor Estiznated attendance, 1923, 45th Consecutive year, 1,500,000 v Rinso is at) entirely new kind of soap. every .nnule made of pure materials perfectly combined. 5 Just by soaking, in its big lasting suds, the moat gtound-in dirt is gently loosened and dissolved. Only the very dirtiest places need to be Jubbed Qlll, `I call. The Show Window of Nations (_:EORGEpUS_ _CL_EOPATRA SPECTACLE `LEVER BROTHERS ummao % % roaowro . AUG. 25th+-SEPT. 8th .mcg1e bsubelareest `WP the world. Rfgoz. A. LEWIS senses of Women County of Simcoo Page Seven [E cowAN ICALW Bo III-v mama Unwersity - ()'ice--5S Collufr SI. 30-? p.m.. 5.30-S.p.t!I. E G. L|TTL 1...; D A. ROSS Rr).~.~: 6: Pu.-'.~. Barrie.) `pr~ciaVli~! with the my. 4-`; years T (5 `Obstetrics especially. we-n St., Barrie.- n A 0,... In`!!! |us1c L abwnnos ` 1.. Toronto. ' R. Eclwnrds. B.A.8o. ._._a HA I UN, be I uvulvu Piano and Vocal r Tnromo Cnnscrvatory anions Ioadinz no to he A.T.C.M. decree. !3L-_-- AOL - EH4-I-EAMPBELE?-V `M! Accountants '59 Ynngo SL. Tnmntq`. G. D. Canmhcll. (`.._.\_ Lil\\'l(`.-. (`. A. . _T'rnduclinn Engineer. ad }~.`.f'fic~ir-nr._v. Dogxartmfnt. L I LII It-r. , rgeons, Barrie Ont. 1ce-4T Maple AVG. p.m.. T In 9 p.m., 0! ut.- Phone "213. ' P I nth: \` R I LUVIIVIJIJI-L l Univ:-r.~sit,v. Montreal. H v (`-orm-r Elizabeth and Barrie. Phonv 105. 10--.- 90.... VIULIII ' I U`l I IV!` n 10 youncor children. .'\ IVI l\ VII I'lt`t` _ ts. Dr:-eases. `Frc.. Etc. llandala. Telephone IOSSW h_\'|`|`l`vR. T\'u \ ., \ .l 4I1.&V v St; Tnlnphnne T 751W._ x 3 pm. daily. 1`hrfne* $3 the nuN~`s sorvina mw bI7_ through ynur dhotm. 13190 UIWBH 5' VI` . Toronto. will be It rie. every .*;:-.L:"`.1_v. -- n--- .-J Y1-...q0 rm. I-w::_\ w:.u.n.-.~..u_u. ar, Nose mi Throat. -l1 am. :a 3 cm. M 4 . . . .. \- -.'. Q-1-n` , 63:3 "" G. Gordon Planon `rs, Nnlnry l uhlIc yr.-a. |".lc. u.-4| rxm'.~' of interauz. in .\ia\.~-mic` Temple 3 . IV. 1 . Murchimp. nrh HiTIm- ~Ilnwalo.' P. McArthur `.1;H?)I\ AND RRPAIRFID |`1's Shoo SI.orr~. Rania. AcTJ_ ngnson Ev. Mus.aa.;Vr.f.c.u.w I I`9"Vh-I- I ' nd Choir Loader .-Methodist '(`hur<-h. Organ. \'nic(- and Theory 46%; (`lapportnn St. . Hlinhh County of Simcoe --.Cnrner Toronto and p, Central Church. W. 111`. f~~55Vtt Aiken, L.T.C.M. Dium nnd \Im-nl onoan` or NURSES rrie Branch ` 1.aynnv.k. R..~N.. (`.'P.H.N. VI\_\__L ___ DI! F |Vl'VV' ' \ nu Hal) ONIC DISORDERS aico fnr information lIsI'I|1-am W UE.TE5Sii"E- A11 10 RS8 ~ I\. Licenses 9 7 L VI-U I ET` Karrie (`.i:im'\s` Band} ':-n_\'t~1d S1. LHIIIII. | uuur luu. \.m.. 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.m. - '%svjL9 gA+`:'n KRNAL .x` ' "l 3.3;. J J van. Town-'.3. .\'--rfh 32326: _______g:_ vnoun rumou ,, _L ZI.I__ 35332 'I{s:am . r--u:Z' iwwiau BM` to J. Arnol : msuamu ` . n vvvvvuu ulnuuung prpbate oi 'almini.~straLIon. and ry, (`.nnve_vnncoI'. om. 5 Dunlap SL, Barrio- '1)` LOAN .l\ _ll\.Il\u Luau: Russ Block. Barric. - :'.CTSJ .TU_RNQULL ' HOADLEY ._!fVL_:_I_..I `I, Dill I H7.` '1 . 0. Box 1075. Unite 31.3, \-Il'`IUC~ Phone`424a I TU [H U. Phone 883 The Su_per:-Salesman hLAxToN )I.l[Z{'l'()RS, ETC. Kent Building hut AME s Homm 'ri REs THURSDAY, A`uc'us'r 1e; 923. / V SOLD BY A % H. R. Palmer ,. A Barrie Motor Car Co. McKee 8: McDonald Marshall : Garage; Allandale Put an Ames-Holden Tire on your south-east wheel and the -best other tire on the other rear- ' -because the properly-balanced curvature of the' tread makes it iavear evenly, which ensures long life and maintains the exceptional non-skid properties until the built- in mileage is exhausted. Monkmnn s Drug Store, Bdrrie A. E. Pdttarson, Allgndale Do you cgrry lgsom Salts hon'1e.in a small paper bag or a pasteboard carton? Do they spill out every time they are used? Do they lose their, strength? . If you could see the neat, round -cans with tin tops in which we are selling Pure- test Epsom Salts. ou would not be satis to L..." 51...... Sun Jul... (`'1' un WUHIU HUI: UV BBGIBHVU UV buy them in the old, `un- satisfactory way. . Puretest Epsom Salts dre active and non-irritating. They cannot Pose their strength. "Compare ie`?M.var"% 4* Fearless methods of attacking the prob- lem of sales are bxnging prop-.u'tionate results v in other Tbuslrgesses. at fninimum costs. ` ' ' - .7|4ll:1&uu.\J. b`-A\n Building. Barm 1'0 LOAN We Vg.ladly compile a repert on how the telephone /is being successfully used "in your business` to. increase sales. ' The telephone has made success democratic. It is the creative force that enables busi- ness to rise superior to circumstances and competition, by creating opportunities- In one afternoon w sold $750,000 worth of bonds by Long Distance telephone- says 9 banker. ` ~n ' Every Boil nfclbalpong is a Station P-;'ico, 15 and 25 W lmmN|mhM!|lll|IIIIIlllllllllllilllilHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllltlllllllml . --L_on%g Distqnce ccukuc, B.A. vnwnckv 6: Bell ' )l.I("_l'l`()R. ETC. DI....li Rn W. E. Bnwltor 'Whe;t Pool. Organized -' A last minute effort to form a wheat; gpnol is being niade by the Saskatchewan ; GI.'ain Growers,who believe they can handle the pool at a cost of lesg than one per! lcent. to the farmers. the charge now made Lby commission merchants. A circular `is~l luued to the fartmr.-1 assures them that that banks are ready to finance the venture. The? !Saskatchewan Co-operative will retain con-' ltrol until the pool is handed over: `to a . responsible organization form-` ied by the e.`ect.ion of a board of control by delegat-.s from the various localities. Al- bP!`tt` has also` cirganizod a similar pool. Aaron Sapirn. `he co-operative marketing {expert of California. ,be7ng now in that pl'()\'in(.`l` at woxk upon the details of the venture. T `iou.'~' gmcrnnuut cr'L~=.'.s is developing in Bri-1 It is now uncertain that `Lloyd Cvcorgci will reach (`.uuada' this autumn. fur a ser-' rain. .~\.bont three-quarters of the Cabinet! are supporting Baldwin in his` negotiatiousl with France over Gnrumn reuarutiions. but a{ group. including L. S. Amery. Sir Latningi Worthington-`l*I\'ai:s. and Sir Philip Lloyd-i Greunte arc insistittg upon a policy of co-i uperatinn with France and are embarrassing: Frentivr Baldwin wiihhis own party. Reg! .i_nald McKenna has declined to accept the` Chnncellor.~:liip.. bu` "it is denied that llisl refusal was nctuuted by his disaipprovahofi BaidwIn's attitude , to France. - Italy is`; growing excectlinely cnnc-;-rned over `the' situation between Britain and France. , v . New Pmidrnt in U.S. The firm week of off`ce of the new Pres-E Won` qf -tho United States. Calvin `Cool-` idge. has been devoted to making arrange 3 meats fcmthe funeral of h'.s predecmsor.` Pm '.'v=n_- Hm-"`v.'v w`:.'v'n dovth nmum.-d ` % WUl{l.l)l:';.Vl:.N'l.l: & THEIIZSIGNIFICANCE. ", % n, I A _,~,, Gov't Cu"-is N:_ar in England I Several important strdws that` -indicate how he wind is blowing in rel'gi_ous mat- ters have appeared -in the press of the past ,week or two. The. Anglo=Catholic confer- lence in London is one, and some of the leaders of that section of the Anglican church\which opposes amalgamation with the Roman church are incensed because 0" the fact that the Pope has ignored the message sent from the Anglo-Catholic con- ,.ference. and read in it a slight to the Aug- |lican church as a whole. The new move ment has stirredmplconsiderable strife be- tween_ high" and lovg"\Anglicans and 2 controversy upon the authority for certain lchureh ceremonials is being waged insome Canadian journals, The Canadian` church union strife is not yet set.`l"d. for the anti ' unionists in Canada. are still at work ppon `the defences of the old Presbyterian church. i There is also a curious increase in the num- hero! street-corner preachers, and not_,onl_v the large Canadian cities but also the atrial` country towns are being invaded by itin- erant preachers, some of them travelling in motor caravans decanted with scrip`urt texts. These preechkn are advocating a many different shades of religious belief. l Ihumiu eh... I... 1.... :_...4I :. sh. l ! ..:e.J I II. \.I.'u\|o (me _l67 cuuunsm. Hanna 9! lvllgloils oeaex. li'i; :1y:heuubeuiuuedinzhe United _...,..- . ., ! Timber growers and timber users from [all parts of the Empire were addressed by i.Lord Lovat-oat Ottawa on Monday last, at ;the opening session of the British Empire I.Foges`ry Association. lcatuir an inventory of forestry r!-sources |throughout the Empire, as a preliminary gto forcing attention from the various Bri- itis_h governmentspand encourag'ng conserva- ition of timber throughout the Empire. I Lord Lovat is advo- E f i *`l o Interdependence of Nations . i | 5 The interdepentleuce of one nation upon; ; Ianother has never been more strongly evi-I Ii danced than`)in the current newsconcerningl `the reparatims tangle and the Ruhr occu-i I ; pation. So very serious_is the situation at. [the pre:~`ent moment. that if Bri`ain and! !'l7rance fail to find some common ground. lupon which to carry on ther negotiations :`with Germany. another war \vill loom fwitliin the region of possibilities. Since! ;l919 Great` Britain has spent six billiomj ldollars upon armaments and a proportion` l -.ite amount has been spent _by France. The iGr:*at War. which was to he the last war. { ;.pp:irently has only whetted the appetites of {sortie of the nations-. and when`the expendi-l ltures of` the other great and little nations; iol Europe is added to Those of Britain andft ttlaily spent upon the armies. navies and air iforces of .Europe can be arrived at. Only` lGerniany:_which is denied `the right to in icrease its armed forcw. is free of the. neces-l lsity to compete in the death race. Premier iB'aldwin deplores the race, and warns the l~`rance. some idea of the staggering sums! ;world of the thin crust of civilization` upon.` iwhich the we d is walking. but admitei it-hat as a resp nsible pstatesman. he must `go on arming his country until France has. lsettled with Germany. It appears now that: iwhat France is really seeking is the seces-1 ,5-ion of the Rhine and Ruhr districts from, ithe old German Empire as a separate state," 5 under the influence of France. This would` iachieve the establishment of a powerful] Jlmffer statel and would deprive the old, 3Ger1nany of` its richest iron and coal sup-' tplics. The independent state would natur-I 'ally be encouraged to market its productsl gin I"r'a'nce. who would -thus profit by secur-l .ing its raw materials from aneasily acces-i isible source. This policy made more! ;apparent by an appeal. addressed by thel tCa`holic clergy of the Ruhr to the Pope.i ;' to prevent such an eventuality, which. theyl ;declare. would be a national and church] 1 disaster." `I l . a uuucaa \Jl`-IICVICVC u uncuus, WHO FBCEHI:-I ly married the Cmte de Chapbnay, whose, ].anc'est'ors were supporters of the old French [mon_archs. Her xalh makes her partic- |ularly acceptable. ' ..._.....-...-.. ---.. _-....... , On top of all this the King of France gis dying in London, -and the monarchist: }party. which is increasing in power in; France. is looking about fora successor; [to the Due D Orleans. His brother. hisj ynatunal successor, renounced his claims: ;when he married a Spanish beauty. who' `is unacceptable to the Royalists as a prob-. i able Queen of France. The Bourbon princes} late barred becduse they offered their set} , vices to the Republic in the Great War, and} Iso the choice has fallen-upon a womy1.| Princess Genevieve d'Orleans, who recent-I ilu nu.--2-.-I LL- I`:-..A-- J- (`L-~~'~----U --l--~ lwitlfsuch tragic suddennes in San Francis- _ fco. The ;progress of the funeral train across ithe United States has been marked by a tre- imendous `public tribute `to the only U.S. lPresident who ever set foot in Canada dur~ ling his term` of office.) Hardiugevisit to W lVaucou r established" a precedent, and ;won for the man himself a sincere esteem Efrom the Canadians with whom he came in `contact. His funeral in Washington on) .Wednesday followed closely the "route of `the funeral` of President McKinley. His body rested Tuesday nght in the White `House and was removed on Wednesday` to the.State Capitol for the lying-in-state.V, It..wns again removed :0 the funeral train] for Marion, Ohio, where interment took! place; the whole of the city of Marion.5 `President Harding s native town. payingi ltribute to one who had been its,`premier' ,citizen for many` years before becoming` iichief of fhe national government. i Dnnaitdinn nnnlirdnn `sags u-nanrunr` all rental`. UIIICJ U1 -llc lIal'KUlI"l EU\CI'lIIlICIllv- ' President Coolidge has reserved all refer` ,ence to his state polcies until after the fun. leral of the late President. He is a man ofl simple tastes, who was spending his hol_i-1 days on his father's farm near Plymouth,` ;Vermont. when fhe wosd of his succession {came to him. The farm house, which has neither telephone nor electric light. was 3 thescene of the most extraordinary inaugur- iation in the history of the United S"ates. |The new President's father. collarless. ad-I lniinister'ed the oath of officefin t.he small: pitting-room of the house. by the yellow High of an oil larn[i._ a few hours after the ldeathaof President Harding. President Cool- idge s wife is largely devoted 'to her homei {and her two "een-age boys. She was form-' ierly a school teacher. - V... - ---uv 5 France, Kill` the IlII'ec`ci1'of the h`olidayi own citizens revealed in income tax returns. 3 She has 197 citizens who pay an average iof three million francs in income tax year-I |ly. and recently a Lyons manufacturer died ;leaving l.200,000.0(l) francs to his heirs. ment problem which faces Britain. combine maker. is astonished at the wealth of her. `Such prosperity and lack of the unemploy-1` l [to encourage France, in her old dreanigofl 4' Empire. T _ in French Monarchists Seek Leader Empire Forestry Proialems PSON, .M.B. ANT) h'l'H(H'l(").\' o --Cnllir 341.. corner of Barrio. | _lmne `Z75.

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