Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1923, p. 6

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_.....-.... `....v 5-...-`u an vv-u. wJuu\: A). ' Mr. and Miss -Cronin of Toronto are: visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. Kelly. 3 M-.. Q........l.. m.._.._..- : r But that was years 'ago-long . before he discovered Beecham's Pills and learned that two at bed- time can bring sunshine into .a man : life. Today. he's an opti- mist. a hero to his wife, and a staunch` believer in ,Beecham's Pills. Ilfllu vvua J1-use sI5U VVIICII I: packed a terrible grouch, a mightyirritable stomech and a liver that refused to do the things that all good livers should. No wonder his friends called him an old pill and stayed away. 6 HAT was years -ago wherf he , _ Qagkgd _a _t_errible ggouch, THEY CALLED HIM AN .c ~ `OLD PILL I/ HE.l;PSTON EEMVALF 180 UCIIC C1114!"-I nu |`Ill8C'|IUC U1 lllul LCUII _VC.`1lVn- Miss Ruth Lehman of Kitchener is spend"- ing a few weeks wxth her parents,` Rev. and` Mrs. F. Lehman. ~ 11... D G BL,,_.L_ ,,,x ,, I 8.8-8miihL&00. ._- __D__ . The i4{xIe}1}{{ He -lz:t; I1}; 5{{i{:};;}a. the `aged mother of -Mrs. Charles Bellwood. of Stayner. and, Geo. Culham of Sunnidale. was held from her daughter s residence to- day. Service was held in the Presbyterian church `by Rev. Mr. Leggott. Interment was..made in the Stayner cemtery. ' Mn and -Mr: Dlinmn `nnbrvunxn r;n\A -1...` Alex. Pridham and Levi Troyer ieft to-: day for a trip to the West,..travelling by boat from Owen Sound. ' ll..- Y! .`I'3.'__IA_,_ , , I I`l\ ,, . ' `. 1 .I Rev. S. S. Shantz, returned missionary from Africa, gave an illustrated address of his work in.'Africa in _theyMennonite church on Friday night of lzist week. ' Revi: Fred Storey. a former missionary. 4LVllF. 1': laclllllll. lIIUCIIIl5u V The sunnner is rapidly gliding away and the marsh dredging contractors. who have. spent several wi-eks getting their machines placed. etc.. have not as yet. done anything `that would" be notice-able_,tn a*casual`\ob~ server; Probably they are waiting for cool wether. ~- boat trom Uwen Hound. Mrs. H. Barlntop of H\anm'er \'isi`ed the} Misses Raymer a few days last week andl `is also renewing` acquaintance in Sunni- dale after an absefrce of fourteen years. Ill-.. D..sL I ..L.......` -4` `h'14.-L-..__ L. ,,..____l. UII LVIIVUGJ lllslllx UI I 5U WUIJA. ` Storey, missionary to South America, visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean a few days last week. His friends eare`glad to know that he is recovering, though slowly. from his recent illness. nu II 2 1- .1 I . In n. n ' . . I' August l3.---Mrs. Blrkett and clllldyenl returned home on Satlmlay after spending,- ia few weeks with relatives in Toronto. \' Il.. .. .. .1 II ... I L` I Z ._ __ Bl IUW CUR-` `VIII! |{'ll`ll4l\CB Ill LKIIVUIILU. \ Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Linn are taking a week's vacatxon on the Bruce Peninsula. I "U0 vlrull. Chas. McGinnis has.a.gain got t!ire; started operations for the farmers. most of which will not be qp to the standard-. Talk of Hydro power is again being in- dulged in and if reports are true our cmin-r oil has succeeded in bargaining for street lights. The question of other lights will be discussed- in the near future. at a special `meeting. TBA GI-III\I\\1)l' :1: .m.\:.ll.. ---V--I .-lI.J:.... ......... *ing machine in._i'unning shape. and lmsl C, _c .. .. ......v ..u-. \A\ uu_y nunu. I Up to the present writing we have not received any rain all summer with the cx-i lception of one shower in July, which was :only 8. dust settler. The .far1ne-rs in this` :district are certafnly up against it again; {with the cold late spring rains which caused llnte seeding. followed with the lon_g. dry. {hot spell that has h/een the means of znostj 50f the spring crops turning out a complete! failure. The root crop will also prove ul failure. and many fields of corn have at! I `ready turned yellow; with pastures com- -pletely dried" up, this has ctpnpelletl many lfarmers to turn their stock into the fie`rl:< lof standing grain. that on the whole was too gshort to cut. The prospects staring our ifarmers in the face at present are even iworse than. two years ago. and with the ,low price of wheat.the_\' will have (1 haul `time to retain what. stock they intended ihandling. It is really too >ba d after such promising looking crops during the "eu'*:lyl .summer. Of course the" garden truck is `receiving the same treatment from the lack of rain---while cisterns are dry and many wells refusing to supply the neee~_I.=2ryl wet stuff. " A; tVL_, \l_f\3,_,` I - . -- I BARR ya, '6 Nvi" IVUD t`l'u|lo I in._r 1 uclvcu uuw auuum.-r, Dul. an we near 1:`? They aregoing to be put in good shapt-l soon." It is not necessary to mention or` leven suggest a word regarding the road` ,into the -Beach, but when one considersl the huge traffic over this road it should; not -be necessary. to mention the_fact thaii here is where the money should be ex-; pended,` The more the traffic. the better: the roads should be kept. Some will argue? .; that work cannot be done all places at.` ionce; we know this, but we fail to see any! pplace it is being done as yet this summer. Here we are paying heavy taxes, a heavier- . tax on our auto license, and ge.ting norh l ing for it; and then only having theiprivil-= ege of running our cars about half tiinel during the year while this good money; isl taken and placed for the `building anal up-l keep of good highways leadingtinto the` `cities where they pay no more for a licenst-.l lhut. can enjoy the running of their cars flit): ientire twelve months of the. year. Your: lscribe does not intend to be a kicker. but he, like most of the others, would like to see the men voted into power do a. little some thing that would even look as if they were giving ll a mere trial at any rate . 11'... .- AL- _.._,_~- '-` ` saau _ycar. uuul us use. _ Now, regarding the roads and their conl dition, and the amount of work being done! thereon. The Barrie road from AMidhurst;, 10 the piece of macadam close to Barrie I is certainly a disgrace to the County anrll, `with a town like'Barrie, a centre of trade 1 and the County Seat, steps should talr/$1 en to have this piece of road put in.sha!pel `for decent travel. Yoiir scribe has heardh " many remarks that it would only be an miatter of death that would cause them toig |tra\el over this piece" of road `again in its ; j present condition. The road from Fergus ionvale to Elmvale is another one that E {causing much discussion and hard knocksia from those driving cars. Not a day`s workl has any of these stretches'of_roacls re}; ceived this summer, but all hear is?` 'l`l'mv nrn`anina tn lm. .-ms .'... .......1 ..i.-._ I Hard coal is again going to be a High "price this season and hard to secure, the The ,3, large dealers `advising the consumer to stock bmngd upon high grade soft coal or coke. Nolfecg on doubt most of our people here will stock The mi] up in wood, as good results were obtained emblv ( last year from its use. . ` I I pa5._m_.e5 nu: u-nun-u-Ls... oL.. .._-_I, 771 A` ,r...-_, ,....~ ..... my av mu uucuuauuu puuu. ' nus} nu tuc vicar. no 2155156 In me narves-.'. Miss Nora Buckley, a life-long resident of this village. passed away in rnnto, while visiting her sister a few wee ago. Her body was brought here for burial on Tuesday. July 24. She leavgs one brother and two sisters to mourn her loss: Daniel Buckley. of this viliage; Mrs. A. *McTague.i of Toronto, and Miss Johanna Buckley. now of Coliingwopd, all of whom have the s,vm~l I pathy of many friends here. \ I 1 Thu ennh-m ......A :- ..I........ -|-.... -e .,,, NH lpauuy ux umuy Inc-nus new. I The station yard is almost clear of woodf once more. lT'would no doubt have been entirely clear had it no: began that Mr. 0'-3 Hoeran` ;-eceived orders to disoontinue' shipping, owing to the fact that the Com-` pany was full up at the destination) point. I-In:-rl nnu] :5 ......-.. ......._ L- L. I I nu: vwuxug EIuelpS(0_ l'el8(l\'$. I James Hayes and Victor Fisher are leav- ing for the West to assist in the harves* Mk: Nana nIIln'r`:-nut A\ III. I-._._ ._-4 ucuuu. ' -Mrs. Tomney-`and son Willie of Toronto are vi.siting:Phelpston_ relatives. I Janna: dun: unrl `Nata... I'E`aL.-... ..-.. l...._. ASTAYNER . au ucuva. ' I 1 Green beans \'arie`d from 5 cents her 5 to two for 25~cents. y Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38-40c lb.` !Eggs ................ .. 25.28.: doz.! 2 Chickens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45c 1b.; ! Hens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-30c lb; Young pigs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 810,3 pair !New Potatoes $3 per bag. 75-80c` peck; Lettuce . . . . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . 5c head _Green Peas (in pot!) 15c qt. or 2 for 25c IR adish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c bunch fGreen Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c bunch [ Cabbages . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 headi Cucumbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c .eachE [Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lbs. 25c 3 5 Young beets er bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c ! I Young Currots . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c bunch I Mint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c hunch! 3 Sage . Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c bunchi fRhubarb . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c Bunch Black currants .' . . . . . . . . . 35cVper qt. >Gre-en Beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; 5c qt.{ Butter Beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 2 qt-s. 150? English Broad Beans .. 15c or 2 q`s.. 25c} MVegetable Marrow . . . . .. _l5 and 304: each ,GerkEns . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20c small basket! ;App1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50c basketi `Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 and 15c bunch; ,Mushrooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; 50c qt.` mas, CAKES ~.ANb' PASTRY Bakery and Saleahop _ Cor. Elizabeth -and Small Sta; an-A uuc 1 3 ` _to take Lvia E. ~ ' Pinkham s e 'eta- ~ ble Compound. I am stron er an feel ; ne since then and am ab e to do my housework. I am willing for you to .o use these facts as a testimonial. -Mrs. `J. C. GREAKES, Port Mann, B. C.` nothmg did real. good. gas hvlin ' gton : ~ mendedbya Pinkh 92` run. Aua-sun, D. \.;.-- `'1 E001! 1._.ya1a IE2. Pinkham'sVegetableCompoundbecause I was tired and run- down. I had head- . aches and no a7e- | tite andwastrou edl for two years with sleeplessness. I tried many medicines, but xne_an While was living in Wash- ington I was re :11- mendedbyastran er 1-n +.l.-- 1.3:. n l__.._..---..--.. ..--y .-.\, \vv-Il\- Innnvvu i Grcen_ peas are about over. They sold` 53` 15. cnts per quart unshelled or two `for; `.25 cehts. " ,,__4__L_Z _ . - I Lydia E.Pinkham s Vegetahle Com- V pound Brought Relief When Other Medicine: Faed ' . _ Q. _. V V- '-.vv cv v-.u-.v `run nu.-5. ` f Apples also are starting to appear. They, ,are mostly the yellow transparent variety` land sold at 50 cents per ll-quart basket.` ln half gallon_ bags they were 25 cents and; AstrachaI_1s were the same price. S ['9______ ____., -__, ,L,,,. 'I\` ` `I - u5u|C pun mung ulout. ] 2 New potatoes are coming in in greater gquantities than before. and they were down, {to $3 per bag on Saturday although a ` Isingle peck East 75 to 80 cents, which is at` `the rate of $4.50 to $4.80 per bag. |IaC*|-\J'.C:o - Butter on the gnarket Saturday was ,higher in price than it has been all. along{ Ias a result of the dry spell. The general; price was forty cents- per pound, but iti {ranged from thirty-eight. Fggs sold at zfrom 25: to 28 cents per dozen, the higher! '=figure prevailing most. l Nam nnfurnnc llllll an-I-.. Z... I... .........b...-v wm. mm nuwu ._A_Nj|LlNG ---uuu--rr1u uur\IIl\I-I I ' . _ I i The continual dry weather and consequent` burned up pastures, are having their ef-? fect the price of produce on the markehi The milk supply has beeh reduced consid-E erably on account of the condition of the U pastures. - ' Duuftnu an AL- .......l--n Q..A---J--- ---~- HOT WATERHEATING ` PLLKMBING ` TRY - Wi_llispoil y:our summer and make .`your' companyldistressfng to your friends unless you `get. relief. Get a box of R.-\Z-MAH today. Most people feel `better from the rst dose. Your druggist will refund your money if a $1 box .does `not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous sample for 4c'in stamps. Templetons, To- ronto. R12 RAZ -MAH Port Mann, B. c.- I tbok Lydia E. iI1kh3.l'n'R V&9Qf.h`D nnrhnnlinlhnno I! an F Rimples broke out on the back ~ of my head and neck. At first the ,_,__\ pimples were sma1_l and then 4:4/$33} ran into each other and ':,--,:,- formed sore eruptions about ' ` `O the size of a ten cent piece. The skin was sore and red and itched a great deal. causing me to scratch. I had the trouble about six months before I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointrrsient. an: 1 after usin three cakes of cap an ` three boges of Ointment I was heated." (Signed) J. A. Macdonald. Giarq. Quebec. ' - 15.1,. 4. 11.--), , II 4- V 'o;-<'2:1;;;:uta Soap, Ointment and Talcum to care for your skin n.,___.,-,,;- ._-- .. Staph Pruhglhil. Address: "I.ymuu.Lin- had. 344 8 .PIlIl .W.. Montxul." Sold every- 1hege_.- Soap 25. Ointment 25 and 60:. Talcmn 25, unmpu P700 Inn. Address: I.ymuu.Lin- 3 t..W.. where. - 25and60c. Talcum 25. Cuticurn Soap uhnvds without lII_lll. psmzs 0N ma Am New Small` and Formed Sore | Erustions. Skin Sore and Red; Cgticura Heals. . . Sold by Wm. Grassland. T , In Allapdale. by A. E. Patterson. . . 3 doz. -40c lb. lb. A .. .75-800 peck 3 `. . 5c .. 25: Call and see our display of monuments before purchasing. Our stock -of 3 imported and domestic granite is well assorted,- and prices` A right. , . . . . . ` . .` qt. I ) v MAUD`E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. . Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations leadinz uo to V and including the A.T.C.M. degree. u_dio'--King Block. Phone 424.- o ' EDMiiND HARDY, Mus.Bac., r.'r.c.u. Teachr of Piano, Organ. Vocal, and Musical | Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbvterian Church. Gold medalist of Toronto Conservatory of` Music `and of the University of Toronto. |l3 Worsley St. _ Phone 883 I j ( I PERCY HoAou=_`v I Organist and Choir Leader | Collier St. -Methodist 'Church - Teacher of Piano, Organ. Voice and Theory Terms reasonable. 461/_> Clapperton St. : vuIarj.eI'eu Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St.. Toronto}. H. J. Welch. C.A. ,G. D. Campbell, C. A. ' T. E. Lawless, C. A} I W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer. |M.anazer Cost and Imp-;...... n-...-....--. I vv. 0. numlg, r lManager Cost and Miss M. McAn-thur `FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED Qver I-Iurlburt s Shoe Store. Barrie. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSE Barrie Branch i ' Miss Nellie M. Laycock, R.'N., C.P.H.N. 86 Worsley St. Telephone 751W. , Office hours 2 to 3 p.m. daily. Phone 1026.) Application for the nure s services may be made direct or throughyour doctor. l3tfo --*-j ` UHIC E Phone 710. _ L. .1. simpsou, M.B. . -4"HYSICIAN AND sunmzox C I I I I I Clapperton St.. Barrie. Phone 275. Office and Rsidence-CoHier St.. corner of G. W. J. EASTMAN, PRO Phone 277 1` : _ Ian. 5- D. IUHNDULL Graduate of McGill University. Montreal. |O'ice and Residence--Corner Elizabeth and 1 `Bradford Rte Rorr;n DL..---. 16: l\JuAuU auu 1u:3IuCllUC-`UOI'nBI' I'JHzHh9[h End Bradford Sts.. Barrie. Phone 105. OFfice.hours-9-10 a.m.. 1-3 p.m., 7-8 pm. MISS E, GOSNEV ' TAILORESS Suits. Topcoats. Dreeses,'Etc., Etc. 2 Adelaide St., Allandale. Telephone |053W J 5 x i n I DRS. LITTLE &. LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie Ont. Otfice and Residence-47 Maple Ava. Oice hours:- 1 to 3 p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., at by. appointment. Phone 213. A. T. Little. M.D. W. C. Little LLB. ' un. mvnllmnn LYUN l22 Bloor West. Toronto. will he` at 1! D91 Owenf St.. Barrie. every Saturrday. . iseases o Eye Ear Nose and hront. Consultation hours-- ll a.m. to 5 D.m. i -Barrie, phone 2, `Toronto. North 3326. - l v un. rru'.u H. l'(UD (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross. Barrie.) Late Surgeonispeciast with the Imperial Army.. 4:} years. .- General Surgery and Obstetrics especially. 3 | 0'ice-l5 Owen St., Barrie.- 5Phnnn 710 D n 1)... arm: un. no I'.. IVILO Graduate of Toronto University - Phone 61 0ice--5S Collier 8:. Hours: &9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m.. 6.30-8 p.tn_ . 3 Associate Coroner County of Simcoo ;O ice' and Res-ideuce-Corner.Toronto and ! Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church. . Telephone 167 C. W, Plaxton. ] , Bannfn. SOLIFCITOR. `E7150. ` ;MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block. Barrio. w. J. RICHARDS Biarristers, Solicitors, Nota;y Public Conveyancers, Etc. ,Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. :0ffice-l3 Owen SL, in Masonic Temple 'BuiIding. Barrie. Branch Ozce-`Efmvalo. W. A. Boys, K.C., 31.1 . D. C. Murchisnp. - sovs a Munoz-nson u I . '`*i"'```-j ' """ Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of `wills. guardianship and administration, and j Ga-neral Solicitor. Notary. Cnnveyancor. em. = Off1ce--\iuaa Block, 8 Dunlap SL, Barrio. i M(\\Yh V Tn IHAM pas. Bmms & aurms . 60 Elizabeth St. . Opposite Palmer's New Garage lmavous AND CHRONIC msonosns nnnnuuo gng -._.---awn. ...v.' v...` .v.\. ..-uv-y.'..-u-a PHONE 406 0} call at o`i'Iice for information M . on any disease. runnu HNU VIULIN IUIIION Special attention to younger phildren. RHVD QVI \ll_-c-I-L-n --..-.v.. Irv Juuugcl fl} 1 waovo SYLVESTER Bzindmnster Barrie Citizens` > 120 Bayeld St. ______...__._________ LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL I Chartered Accountants nno Main I-:Q".'A ::n v-._._- a. in . on. w. A. Livas Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County of Simcoo _o-.rl__,,, RADENHURST &. HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrio MONEY Tl) LOAN ' maxron cg BLAXTON B.-XRRISTERS; SOLIC!TORS. ETC. Oices: 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. W plovfnn fl nnIllAn`InwO YOUR READAING NEEDS DONALD ROSS. LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Mncnn;n Tnnnnln R..il.l:m. n.....:- _ PIANO AND VIOLIN TUITION um-isxl nhnntinn 4.. ......._..-_ -LrII uspu u,:u a uu., uvuxuz I. ULL, L: I. U. Masonic Temple Building. Barrio unmrv vrn vmnu J on. FRED A. ROSS .n..-._l.. E5` l\_.. Y\-- DUNCAN F. McCUA|G, B.A. .gIIIOl\nQ5IIF On (`I-naupinlro 4.; no" YUIWVTV` I I UVIVULIPIIC, 3030 `Successor to Creswicke & Bell on. Efc. TU.RNBULL n A` LIATEIII TT..2..____:4__ II 'DR. MORTIMER LYON_ an an 117..-; Il"___,, ALEX.ANDER COWAN on. H. T. AIiNALL .L_ l'V-__...-__ `V 7 `PW?- Cdnsult us with you: building Lllli LCIIIPIC IJUIIIIIII MONEY TO LOA 5 N HUB JJIUIJI, O IJMIIIUP E MONEY T0 LOAN -mm- DR. R. E. IVES .n.. _t W` _ _ _ _ ._ I1- WMETJEAT MUSIC g I uuuuuuu nugmeer . Efficiency Department. . Unit. G. Gordon"Plaxton w., uax I n:.. P. 0. Box`1075. Band. Morgue and Chael IN CONNECTION ' Th! VVe\N telep your "lam resul: costs. Put "sout other The It IS ness comp in Ever) non-s CW4 wear DO NOT DELAY In of b _I~`ezu'1] -fu Barr Monk Bu Sa I \'lIl xhi: t9 2: wou buv suti `f\ ('I\ll Th atre Agent for MgClary s Furn`ace`s` 52 Elizabeth St. Phone 952! ` oven oav AND mum 250 ' FOR THE BEST IN BAKER'S BREAD HOMEMADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWlCH BREAD -...I . lull I3..- "-1 UUBUIL UEI Wllall yUlU' uuuuu "mos. Rodaks SCOTT S BOOKSTORE urunvcr vv ICDI EDIE and 1 full line "of Established I369 Phone 72i MANUEL. T'*.!?.a!.!;9!?!iL'!.in__1!1i||l M'acIT.m-en, Editor. WW, C,_Walls, Manager, MGR. `Phone a2 VVK`-Ul\'l'llU HI IIGB. IJIHIIIU 6. Miss E. Frie) of Apto and Miss A.` Cam- eron` of Barrie spent Tuesday with Miss K. McLaughlin. ` nuI:nm n I-kn unluu 4-Inn nnuann kn 1-nurtinn LIIIU LVIIGI C`: l\lllll1I\`s V Miss Sears of Toronto IS the guest of lMrs. A. Ward. M ` - II. ......J '11.... D--. ll..l......l....-. at (V... 1... llllllllu VV HIIVVIII. _ I Mrs. Elizab!-t.h Weeks has returned to Toronto afteripending a week the Iguesu of Mrs. Forrest Wallwin. ' 11-..-.. .u.n..._..._ _t nr..-4(...... `cm.-. UUPII KI EUUKI HIIUVVUT UI fall! MCI"; SINK`-C $715 . The farmers are busy ,harvestmg then- wheat. , ' ' I\..!:... .. .....__L-._ 1..-..- L--- ..LL.._.I.J LL- Quit.-e a number from hexieaattendzd the! U.F.O. picnic at the Bench. August 3.. I Thu nurllnn nnvlfv loafvurnnlt -uvua `I11 L'cl'q\J. llluui HI: I'll`? I-'UKlUlIg Gllslll Us - I The. garden party heldlastuweek `was In every way a fine success. J11-31 F3. VVl1I'l|o . Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCracke1; of Craig- hurst `spent Sunday at J. McCrackeu's. IR/ea T`.nnnn (`.1-\Aamn in `nriuitina frinnrk U . . Corner Sophia and M ry Streets Ianuiauturers of Sash, oors, Frames, Flooring. Ceiling,_ Moulding, Water Troughs, Tanks. etc. - We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty.y`Dres.sing done promptly. - ' ` A - U nnnunlll na null`. unuu `\||:'tl:nVn- ul , .I_uauuu-uu. Archie Gavin has returned. in Crown Hill afttmspendixlg Harold `wauwin. u_- nn:_...L_.L u'r--I-_ L..- U1 "IFS. -l`U!'I'UH|: YVUIIWIII. Henry -McGowan of Wey-burn. 'Sask_, .spent`last week visiting Midhurst friends. Atlnnk Anr`Ivt\u`.1- nalfn Aron nil!` ner- .5[ll'Jl|~ 131.5! WUUR Vlllrllla IVIILIIILIIBCJ IIIULIUS. I `Hugh Andross; Dalton Down and Bust- er" Murphy left on Monday on the Harvest excursion for the West. ` \t_- n I'_r.......-..._ ......I r......!l.. ........L .. $...`.. w:ll`i:leui\ld'isses Edith and Eleanor Hermon of Midimt are spending a few days with_their aunt. Mrs. `Archie McLean. Gookstown. .....I II... III... I'\_..-_..IL -2 I)_....!- RUIN. LIB. `IIIUUIU lVlUl.N`llI. \JllUl\aBlUWll- -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dep`aultf of Barrie `and Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson of Toronto spent Sunday with "Mr. ind Mrs`, R. Her- on. ' ` ,I C11 IIUIHICIJIIIE VVIIII ILICII lllK'll\.lB 111713: I I ' Mr. and Mrs, Jos. `Dickinson mid family `of Hamilton. accompanied by a number ofl friends. xntitored from Hamilton and campedi at Lake View" for over the holiday. Mr. Djckinsoxi's inany friends were pleased to}. [see him again,,a%ft.er an absence of twenty-! i five years, Mr! Mnnunn:l1v 1.4` 'rnmnn6n annnf fhn lI\U Jclllvr ` Mr. McGarr1t.y. of Toronto, weekend at Jas. Binnie`s. `I2... II` 17.1.! -1` A_L- ..___I III... McLaughlin. v_ I V _ Owing to thevery dry season, the garden crops are almost -a failure. There has not be a good shower of rain heresinc May. '[`lu:r Curuunra urn Hnuu Inn:-Iinnna flank- %. Au`g1zst 13-Miss Carrie Hovering of Lov- lering is the guest of Mrs. J; A. Mills. Mr: Ruru-Aft has rntni-nor} tn lnnr Hnnsn In Clllls ll` LIIU `HUD! U1 lVLIBn I1: (1: 'IllIs Mrs. Barrett. has returned to her home In Toronto after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Robins. Il!,,., C` ,_,., -1` Tl"-..-"A. 2 AL. __.._,,_ _l" IIBIZI CODING. .600" [ICU ,UIF III l|:IVIIII)Uu Both eldend new addresses should be `van when change of address is requested. N-' 2ELLATl0NS--We find that most of our ruhserihers` prefer not to have their subscrip- vicns interrupted in case they` fail to remit Iefore expiration. While subscriptions will let be carried in arrears over an extended yeriod, yet, unless we are notified to cancel, we amume the subscriber wishes the service. continued. Remittances should be made by registered letter, `money order, or cheque payable at par i'n Barrie. I A Ii..-Y -..-_ I."_I!A__ I nurst spent aunaay at .1. `mcuracxeus. Miss Emma Chegwin is wsnting mend. m ,Ham1lton. A._,L1_ l\_...Z.. L..- .__4._.._-J'L- L2- 1.-...- UJSCHTHIUII [OF DH!` VV USU. " I > Mrs. R.~-Hermon and family spent a tew days at Wasaga Beach. . . .Mv-- our` Mr: Aumkh: MnY.nnn A` nnnlru- uuya cw vv dang. uuuuu. Mr.` and Mrs. Archie McLean ofA Cooks- town spent Sundhy with and Mrs. R I-Ierruon. . TL- Ill.-- DJILL` .....l Y.`I......_.. I]'..-....._.. -5 {?b},o"1:.'{ for 1.11,; mu-1;)'_ August 8.-~'Miss Luella Wilson is` holiy dayingpt. Wasaga Bach. l) l\` yvuhlrlu nf M;rl|un4 `Q \7:Q;`:I\n' CH Ht`llll - If CIBLIECI ucnvax. - 1). Igynolds of Mxdlund IS vnsxtmg at W. F. `\Richards0n s. V . \ nu-.. n n1_:._L..- -1` u7L:.l._. 1J_.)..!..l .....l VV . I". I|\lUIU1l'UlUll 5. > Miss B. Wright of.~Whitby_Hos\1ital and` - Roy Wright of Des Moines.- Iowa, are spend- Iing a couple of weeksat their bome hbre. .II,, {N I ..`___Z, -1` 7'I`__._..4._ ...!...L_.I ._4. .1 .' IMrs. G. Lewis of 'l'n1`011to visitedlat `A. Wilson`s recently. . V -`I \Jno.- Scott and daughter Relba are at- tending the Old Boys` Reunion at Mitchell. .11.. nusrl Man Qnmn nuul mum Muninnuy nf LUIIUHIE LUU \Jl|l uuya l\UulllUll C|l- UIIIJUILUN-I `Mr. and Mrs. Swan and Miss Marjory of Toronto are visiting at E. Les.sor's. . I Mu unit] -Mrs: unnmuv nnin n` Tnrnntd I L\lllIl\l CIIU Vllldlls Ill ('4': lJl7\3Ul 6. Mr, mid `Mrs. Henry Cole of Toronto_ are holidaying with their friends here. I` Mr unrl I/Tr: Jnu `n;nl(I1unI\ unrl fulnilv [l'UUlIllu ' . ! A few visitors for the pasth week: Rose} Cullitnn of Toronto. Kwie McAuliffe. J. D. McAu_Iiffe of Durham and Bro. Tobias oil Montreal, at -Mrs`. Jas. McLaughlin's; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Scythes and children of Toronto and Dr. .Carruthers of Stayner at; S. Wright's. _ l My-n Inulwu nun` Junakfnr nf ITQ'A inm. Simcoe Marble Works _ 20 Owen St., Barrie D`M'r's1."5Iu4c;aix.y and daughter of _U.S;A. are lguests or Mrs. J; Shanahan. _ Mr. and Mrs. W. FL Richardson and chil- nrlren` spent Sunday in Midland. Mfr; D Alnvnnrlnn A`. Qorndu cnnnf u `an! UTCII Hp Ulll ouuuay Ill ll_lIllllU- . Mrs. R. Alexander of Sarnia spent a few days with her nieces. Mrs._ W. and -Mrs.,F. Richardson. ~. years "ago. to meet her again. ~ Arn Mrs, Alexande-ur Iivd here 40 Hot` many/`friends were pleased I. 1,. I-U I ll'l'y uuuuu. ' Mr. and Mrs. Art Garvin of Midhurst called on friends here last Sunday. I`\'. llll B I, ,,.`. vvwunv-v Vv-1 -.--H... --.-v .-~-. ----~`.--., 1 a Qtiite a number of folks from here spent.` Sunday at Wasaga Beach. . ~ \-'n9 annu-nv uynnlr an:-I nn I-nln .'I`hnr cluuuuy HI VV Gsll LJCG-Ulh Yet anothey week and no rain. -Thus! farmers cazmot plough owing to .dry, hard! ground. ' E A four u:uHnI-a `Ar fkn nnu}7uynnl(- pnuni uuu an nu... awvv-I` -.-.- an ...`...-.v.`. The hum of the threshing machine visi heard once more. , , .Il__L -1.` LL- `heard Most of . the farmers" have` their wheat} hauied in~no complaints of wet weather or rusty grain. ` M {`.l\lIlIkl':n `G dnrnv An :1 Hlusnnaa +1411! rusty gram. , _ I . M. Coughlm Is away on aybusxness trxpi to Parny Sound. * ` Mun urn] Mr: AM (1ur\:|'n nf Mirlhllmtv I August l3--The ivild rapberriea are rigie and a fairly `good crop is reported. 2 nu, -c .1__ .L___L:__ __._L:... x.` NEWS- FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS `Phones:-- Office :63,` Res'idence'353 ANTE_NM1u.s ' MIDHURSI` `m7}he Baoi: of Toronto is-a good, `sound Bank. , BAN lgxqnouro` Andrew.Carnegie said: The best -w'ay to accumulate `money iseto resolutely bank & xed portion of your .incorne,`no matter how small, in agood, sound Bank. A i Don't tuake the satne mistke in the future. Just put a little more by in afBank of Toronto Savings Account for the rainy day`; , - ' `I-Iowi 'much. of iilt. money. have you spent during the past year on things that added little or nothing to` your comfort or pleasure? > ` ' does not mean privation and- doing without the pleasures of life. In its `true sense, thrift is simply common~sense applied to spending. r % - 4. . `BARBIE V To his home a week with spent the PHONE C. BROWN nmnguasv ALLANDALE i lauu gnuaust uuuuurl uunug we enure year. ' Dr. Ketirns has also had a little change made in his residence. the summer kitchen having been raised andlnew shingles placed thereon. . - ; 1-..`; IL ..L_..L Lf._,_ `SI , 1` `I I UIIUICUII` : Isn't it about time Firm cdimcil made.a move "to have that new railing placed at th_e bridge just west of the village? The om} now there is a fine- ( ?i specimen and has -brought out some "nice criticism from , I wL'15uL.\ Daniel Buckley has been improving his! prexnises during the past few weeks by] nu`ting`in "a first-class cellar. `installing a! ,furnace. placing a nicely painted woven lw`ire fence in front of the residence. building l a new garage, and re-shingling his stable. all lof which adds to the beauty of the place. {and greater comfort during the entire year. l hr Wnrnn luau nlcn I-uni 0 NHL. ..I\n...... =.nu:: uauulg 1cmu\t-`.5 In our l1l_l(L"-{. -Miss Mae Marley and Miss Margaret Ryth- er of Toronto have `returned after a short stay at th0i r h0mes here. U Y.\...._.L l'\n____:__..,. _ I I 1- - I :- may at uwu Illlllltffi Here. > | Frank Corrigan. an old friend from; Guelph, Stuuluyod with his wife here.` who` is staying with her mother, Mrs. D. Buck ley. fora short time. Frank looks fine. l. `and-must be enjoying life; for he has the; appearance olf _no bother whatever `about; him. and has apparently gziinetl much in; weighm ` h....:..I ,n....I,1.... -L..- L...... :....._...z.._ LL. vv aaaga uqauu. Mrs. Clarence Lamg, who enjoyed several days at Wasaga Beach, has returned. ' monk Damn...-.| uckn \.n.\l-.... LL. -._.......l nuuya an n aauga. ucuuu, nus rut-urueu. I Frank Bernard. who `makes his annual` Hrip from -Toronto to enjoy his stay withi his.__many friends here, has `again _arrived: with paper and pencil which he has to use; to make his intentions and 1ll0\ 8lllell_tSI known. a M..- Y..L.... -__1 ]-.._,L.,,, 9 , n-.. u ! Iu oycuu um vuuauun wlul rcruuves. "Miss Patricia Murphy has returned to, New York after enjoying several weeks with: `Mrs. N. Fraser `and Mia: Platt. II... I....:.. D--. _.___u ,_,, ~u',- : U NDi:"1'A'i' u n. ruwcx auu Luisa lulu. I -ulrs. Louie La Bey and son Lduie of New York left for Toronto last week, after} ivisiting Miss Plutt a few days. | l Mr Ell "RUDE. and rlnnnlnbmm Lu`... .... . swung uuma xnul u IUW uuys. Mrs. Ed. Hayes and daughters have re- 'turned from their two weeks -outing at. Wasaga Beach. Mr: Dim-um... I u:l-\n- `iv A ....1.......l ______ ..I ,4 Mrs. Lahey `and dlaughterlfrom Pittsburg] lure visiting relatives in our` midst. ` 1 .M:L'B M... M....I.... ....A \u:..,. u............. n_;n_ l l\I_l\IVV ll: !".I-as.IIVI`(:-"l';2':g\Vx',;_of Toroifto is the guest M [Font Moran, ! I ._.._._____, ti, 1- yr u a u 1' UlI'Ia IVIUI all: f Lawrence Dono\'au of Humberside is.en-` jjoying his vacation here. . Willi; I..u.... .4` `MA... 'I\......._:.. I.-- -,._._ ,;u_vun5 ma vuwnuuu ucru. I . Wllhe Loftus of New Toronto has come - to spend his vacation with relatives. `Mien Du}:-iniu .'Rln-.-Jun L..- ....o..........l 4.. .7 ` -` ' [ August 13.-~Mr. and Miss Crouse of ? `Toronto rare guests at Wm. Ryihefs. I II- _...I Ill", fi I` VI` - I Mrs. Sproule, Toronto, is enjoying a few `(lays with friends here. "Eon Mar`! "-1" `inn -u.tn.......-I l.'.....-. .. ..L-._A. -. .v.... -... _.. V .. v 5 . -a ..a . u. .. 1:3. ' uaya wu'u Iuuuus ucrc. ' ` Miss Mary Hall has returned from a short {visit with_, relatives in St, Catharines. U run` is .- I -.-.. ...-.-V.......v.vvu A0! wt. \/IIIIIIIIIIIIUOHQ 1 This. Devlin of Penefaug has returnetfj: after a visit with relatives here. . :1 he Well Supplied al-

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