Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1923, p. 5

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md liar I Lulc. uua. 'Lul1l hill. .Ernwt Banting and family of Torontt are spemhxg a few holidays with his fa.her. J. J. D. Banting. I -(nu-anon Ronny... nrul I.-.-.41...- T\......l.l .. G- ,, ___..c._.... ....v wvnvnlluavanla , . , ! A very pretty wedding `took place in the Presbyterian church here on Wednesday, lafternoon last, when Alma,,eldest daughter! `of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Neilly, was united in lmarriage to- Mr. Ainsley George Elliott. of Uhthoff. " After the ceremony ii dainty buffet luncheon was served and the brlde and groom left on the evening train for Detroit and other American cities. uvuc. . I ` Ross Banting is spending a few days }with friends in town before movingto Tor- !onto. I .11.. ,,I\: n.. .-n..' - ,uuuu. . Mr. and Mrs. Batstone of Ottawa have returned home after visiting friends in town., . ,0 1'1 r[v.mD....I-:.. .....I .l...___L.__ 11,, .1 |\uvvu. , Mrs. H. T."`Rankin and daughtr Myrtle iare holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. McAfee at Lake Simcoe. E,,`, | .,.,__ V . .. .. ,. . . . I, ....--, .-. _.. _.-....auuvu5--a J. D. Banting and son Ernest motored _to Orangeville on Saturday, _where the Or- |ange Black Knights were `cehebrating. . A . . . _ . . _ ....AA.- __-.I.I1_._ `A. ,L ,I ' -` S i Harry Sneath and brother William of uu.n.uu:u up uuxuugwuuu uu ouuuuy. J [Toronto spent'Sunday with Hilton LPson.' Mr and Mrs D T Il'nAC:... .....l l`.'.-..'l-. IAIICHU-V Au LUIUIILU. I Ed. Duff of Toronto is visiting _w. E. Stoddart this week I Ill..- lW....l_.:_ ,tfl'\,,,, . . . A` I uucx maun, ulna opcuce. } Miss Robertson of Toronto is visiting wi h 9Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clute. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean spent. Sun- 'day with friends in Barrie. ' ll ...-... 61...... 3.-.... ....4.....l...1 .L_ _-I-L__..-_, qnus unc valnpuls at uni: DIUICUC. Mrs. Ed. Arnold is visiting with Mr. andl iMrs. Thompson Fisher-_in.Bradford. l we Illa.--u Dbn l\` 'I`..-u._.. ...\.._L 1\"ever--'-never-o--never before has Norma Talmadge created `a role so magnetic, so radiant as the Duchesse de Langeais, gorgeous to .behold, `yet ne_ver`to be,held`-. lnscenes of; splendor and `suspense she unfolds this confession of love from the heart of a wilful beauty in France's gayest courts. Star suppooting cast includes Conway"l`earle, Wedgewood Nowell; Adolphe Jean Menjou, Rosema .ry.Theby, Irving Cummings. uuo. :.uuxup.~.uu 1'I.:mCr_xu.Dru(u0l'(l. M1-s._ Harry Ross of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. John Agnew this week. M;n; Marmara? nMnMlInn in L....l..... L-.. uaga wnuu "qua. auuu vngucw tuxs \V8K. Muss Margaret 'Mo'Millan 1s havmg her- holidays with her grandparents in Erin. * My-e I I. .MnM.. at 11-..... n......:.. :.. ..:- . uuuuuya wuu nut gruuupurems In -Ihl'lXl. ' Mrs. J. L. Mutts of Mount Dennis is vis-' giting her mother. Mrs. Jos. Martin. 1 Mn nu.-I `II... `7..2.... D_..AL__ .__I t ,,,:I, `nuns um unuuucr, aura. J05. maruu. Mr. and Mrs. Vxvlan Beatty and family motoxed tp Collingwood on Sunday. I Han-v Snpnfh um! hmnu... w'.n:..... ',.c v ununuu apcuu ouuuuy wuu nuton L"E:`SOIl. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McAfee and faxnly 'have moved to their cottage at Lake Sim- l`t\D :0. uvuu, lll LUWII. Mrs. Wes Banting is visiting her mother. Mrs. Jas.'Donnell. 11:..- .I.`_.-l___. 1,-:n__,.,,,, 9, I, I`! -- -.1 lllln Ull. Lllllllltlln Miss Evelyn Kilkenny is holidaying with friends in Toronto. 111.... ILL- D..__-____ :, I,,I`l, - u -.1 I KJI/\J_Llll'-Ill llll WUCK Miss Goodwin of Toroto spent the week- end with Geo. Parks. LL... 'I`.._.L.._ -1 rn _ _ _ _ ., :, ,,: -u -,1 cuu nun ucu. 1.uu\. I Mrs. Taylor of Toronto Is vxsxtzng wnho her sister, Miss Spence. ! Mk: unknu-nnn n` Tnrnntn :n ..i 'u.13 wuu Iucuua Ill Durne. Many from here attended the \ in Orangeville on Saturday. Mica jnnlnu nf W;-un` (CI-u in _coMmc: LAW` o1=ma LAWLF.SS ' vmnulls Vvlbu `H1153 llutlll t1l'llUl(l. Miss Olive Cooper and Miss Rhoda Bunt- ling are camping at Lake Simcoe. I Mm WA A-mm :n ..:.:o:..... ...:L M. .....! uxuuu uculy In Vlblulg ineuus ill. UH-i t'- off. ' . I Miss Lila` Speers is visiting her aunt. Miss `J. Jebb, in town. In. ur__ n_..,.:,,,, - , - -.~ 5 iv Alncuua xu 'l.UlUlhU. I I Miss` Mae Ramsey is holidaying with` [friends in Toronto. I 13.1 n__:: ,: rn . V - In H %$&a&&&&ma&w&mmm m&%&&%&&&&$ww&gW a.al1J\l\.I&J :31 V7 1LVlbJ \/IAIJIJ anuuuo HARDY, Mus. 3.ch., Director. HARRY BARRON,` sonom. . ERNIE RYAN, Song Leader and General V Pep Master . EVERYBODY come and help sing the old songs; such as Kentucky Home, All the Nice Girls~Love a Sailor, Rosie O Grady, ? The? Long. Long "1':-ail, The Vugabon d,f "`Tomon-.o1v,V Carolina _in the Mo`rnin , Pal o Mine, Mother Hachree, Silver Threads Among the Gold. Words ofthese and many others willbe thrown on the screen. All YOU have to do is to `conie, sing and make it` at sueeeae. . ' ' CONE EVERYBODY. 7 No collection or charge of my kind.. COMMUNlT3{:S_*i1~\l_:G - soNc A5- axin- Eldon Neilly is visi.ing friends at Uh- . nff .When possible avoid the habit of ' buying on credit. A good rule is Pay ,1 e j__`: as you go. Think twice and challenge 2} *' the necessity of every expenditure. ` 917 . DoubIyour$autnas: nc.uvfpponc.- qN1pN `BANK OF CANADA Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes Thornton Branch - ` -. - - Cookstov. .1 Branch V - - - - ;;:;'vv;.;;';2 use Buy Advertised _T-}_x-ingvs. COOKSTOWN FRIDAY, A`m:usT'i9"3sT 3 9.12.1. ..Immw.n Armprnw `ms- Fl], A.w.1Iuml J! .5?! O UNDER AUSPICE OF '.3.AR'3"`E KIWANIS 9.`-U3 . BARRIERS FIRST QUEEN S P_Aj21 TI;e% Art of Spending `Getting the most. for your " money- and conquering the tendency to `spend for tties is possible only through practice and self discipline. celebration Mayil V Sat! Illllllug GIBU BUIVIVC. The remains were brought. up from Tor- onto on 'I`u9sday night and the funeral took place on Wednesday morning to Phelnston Cemetery. Rev. Father Gearin ce!e`brat4~d Requiem Mm-vs Vin the Rbman Oatholks V church there. ' .Henry O Noill, for many years store- keeper and postmaster at A-pto.` in F108 ITown.hip. died at his home in Parlulule. |'I'orom.o, on Monday morning, at the ad- vanced age of 76 years. I The lafe Mr. 0`=Neill was bum on Con- cession 2, Flos, a son of`the late Henry O`Neill and resided in that township all his - life until retiring to Toronto two years ago. Before becoming postniaefer at Apto he was a farmer. About forty years ago he was united in marriage to Jane Cough- lin of.Floa, who survives. to mourn his |l0S8. 7 ` IIVII, J, ,,',,I [UPC- Tlie decetised was prominent in political affairs in the township `and sened as a .~=chool trustee. In mlfgion he was a Roman Catholic. For {the past four years his health had failed him and he had been an invalid for two or three years. A `oihlilv A` n IIv|:ls nnunn .Inn..k6.._. ......I Uunvauu nu UWU UK MUS`-I7 ycal.-.. A family of awife, seven daughters and four sons survives. One son. Wiiliam, wa's V drowned at. Grand Valley, Alberta, four years ago. The daughters are -Mrs. Bir- mingham. -Mrs. Bustine. Mrs. (Dr.) Boyle. and Misses Jane, Stella. Doris and Patricia. all residing in Toronto. The surviving sons are John. Bernard and Francis. Toronto. One brother, Terrence O'N H. Phcmton. and one sister, Mrs. Gamman. Calgary. Alta.., also survive. '1'}... -.............. ......... L-....._L4 .-_ r____. In... `vayuI:IuyIrIF$ charge VIVCC U`) IIIUKIIII 11]. We The deoeased was active in church and Sunday School work in connection with the Presbyterian church at Edenvale. He was widely known throughout the district where he was highly esteemed and regard ed as 3 very high type of citizen. Besides his sorrowing widow, three daughters, Mrs. Herb Young, Edenvnle; Mrs. Bert Rich- ardson.'Barrie, and Mrs. Albert Maw` Ed- e-nvale, survive. One -brother, Alex. Gil- christ, resides at Edeuvale. l The funeral was held Thursday after- noon from the late residence to Mlnesing Cemetery. Rev. S. J. Fortner. of Minesing. officiating. He is survived by` five sons and one daughter by the first .marriage and two .sons by the second. Mr. Martin and family moved from Sharon, to Oro Tp., twenty- .=ix' years ago, and he had lived in the neighborhood of Shanty Bay ever since. Mr IM...-9%.. um .. nun:-\ l\` _.4..-I;..... ......) Lilllllll-_` ya u a The remains were laid to rest_ Ql!_ Mon- day, August 13., in St. Thomas Cemeaery. beneath the shade of the mapleh be loved lso well. JOHN GILEIQRIST A w0H~kn0wn and highly respected Iamxer nof Vesyra Township passed away at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Herbert Young. Lot 1. Con. 14. near Edenvale, on` Tues- day evening. in thv person nf John Gil- Lzhrist. The deceased had been ailing for the past year but. had been able to be around until last week. VH1. `.4. II,. INTI l ' 9 ` (\ GIUUIIU `J11-ll llIL`|z W(CI\o The late Mr. Gilchrist was born in Oro Township sixty-nine years ago, a son of the iate Peter Gilchrist. He resided in Oro until a young man of twenty years of age when he removed to Vespra in` the vicinity of Edenvale. In 1879 he was mar- ried no Jane Campbell of Vspra who sur- vives to mourn his loss. "I'\L- J_,_____ ` ` ` |NoWl A. HENRY MARTIN " I I On `Friday, August '10, at Shanty Bay. death called Henry `Martin inhis 83rd year. Mr. Martin had been an invalid for some years. and since -March last, was a patient bed-ridden sufferer. "He was born` zit. Spik- by, Lincoln C0,, England. on` June 10. 1841. and made his _first_trip 10 Canada in the summer of 1856. `He married a daughter of Gen. Y. Moore. .2: York Donn y pioneer at >Qll(`(-X).`\'ill9. in 1863. Death bereaved him of her in 1892. S11-hsequenb ly he niarried Melissa Sedore of Baldwin. who was a devoted wife and a great comfort in his lung, trying illness prece-liiig his death. T I I PI I nlclsllvulullll Ul uuxuuy nay CVUI mnuc. Mr. 'Ma.r:.in was a man of sterling quai- i'..les and genial disposition and made many friends. He was posseswsd of a. melodious = nice, and for a number of years: was con- nected with St. 'I'homas.Chunch choir at Shanty Bay. `. Thu -..n.n.u nu`-.. l..2.l 5.. ...... ._ ll-.. `C V - EIIIEIEKII I IIIIHHHII - A. Luise, Manage: H. J. Thompson, Manager - T. McMillan, Manager OBITUARY HENRY O'NEILL . .fr"K.` _ _ /4-'55-4--'.` A HERBERT BRENQN 1>,,Ro1?uc5:r1oN~ I Tm: ma WEDNESDAY-THIIRSDAY A METRO ALL-STAR CAST IN: ETERNAL ` FLAME" \ 'by William Dudley Pey A WONDERFUL" PICTURE! air. MONM-TUESDAY NORMA TALMADGE uu.uua,~ uuu, uu, uqugu ensue. Beautiful Betty in four marvelous .charaoterizations. Dix as the district `attorney. , 4 She Was the most beautiful, most skilled, most daring crook theAp'o_lice~ ever had to cope with, and when she stole the district attorney s heart-- uA_-,.9.. ...._1...1.....:... .: cl... ..,.1:..\.n.l auuu: EJIU uaavsnul. ODUUIIJUJ an aI\;u5U" Herels melodrama of; the polished kind. Plenty of thrills and }_1eart- throbs, but, no, rough edges. Dr|n\II`<::II` `Dal-6:`: :`\ `Ania nnnuvIva`A|1I: "TI-IE v:1s' nlztr `A Triumph Now Sat. _ Ivy, Barrie and`Alliston are still in thei running for the Championship, but it is' indefihite when the title will be decided.` Alliston has three more .,games to play. and Ivy one with Alliston and it is likely! that some will be played next week. Thef League "Exechtive is letting the teanikrcon-T perned make their own arrangements. ` I l Allistoh will probably play at Thornton; zid Cookstown next week and Ivy will} li ely play atvA1list.on the week after or| perhaps before. The games should berush-i led at any rate so that the finals may be reached very shortly`. 1lMUCBlub_- a`-UU1UJ.uA ,uu Line-up:- ' - . ' Biue Bells~~-Buchanun rf; Etherington c; Lansing lat; Dun-bur p; Tooke 3rd; Berth- elotte lf; Curtis 2ud;`Armstrong If; John- so`n 99; . * . Y)-L-I-..L- .IJ........JT.. \Y....L T ........ .... I ~ " """ " '_-"". " f Allistou trimmed Beeton at Beeton last! Friday in a South_Simcoe League fixture! by 11-0 and stayed in the running for firs`. place in the. race. It was a game postponed from July 24. V ` I" Th Barrie ball team plays Mac Boyd's: Knock nine at thegarden party at Knock next Wednesday, August 22, in an exhi- bition match.` - ` _ IIIIKUUII u 'l'honiton Beeton . . Yf..-_I- Ind ted uis `Ban-ie= ` 13200004); 10 Line-up:-.-A ` - ~ g ! Hawkestone-~H. Pugsley c; T. Pugsley! 15:; G. Fletcher 2nd; G. Westwood 3rd; A.` McConghy as D. Pugsley of; J. Pugsley lf; iA. Pugsiey rf' R. Reid p. . `luv-II;A:'\rJ'unn 190- nurcnn n- h `.vun\ua l 15`: _hdl Pm\V`l;elluessm. Iluffman and Murray thel PUEFIGY P118519) if El drillers, struck the second gnsher last nreekl` `A- Pulisley `f {they stem-d at once to repair one of the .. Barr1e-Dobaon lst; Carson c; D. Enuns: three original weu_._ R took them 8 day 2nd:1nchss:P1aut3rd; L-Emms P: Gil-lto clean out this, and the flow by this l Chm` Cf; Clafk Ff} POW? If ` - ;well was doubled in amount. They r -, . imoved their on fit` to the _Barrie Tanning GIRLS PLAY SOFT BALL 5Co's. plant. to drill for a second well there_.u Rebekahs defeated the Blue Hens , of and they are at present at work there. ` the Bell Telephone Co. in girls baseball all There 35 any RDIOUII1 Of Water IIOW fofl Queeu s Park, `Monday evening, by a score, all m`-9d-"- bf 38-17. I`: was a good -game of bull andi "'- -- a large number of spectators were on hand T 5PEEDER5\FlNED to cheer on their favourites. l Five speeders stepped on the accelerator;" PI'lL_ I)..L..l-..L.. L...l L..- --.....L ..I....._1.....` ...........-...._Al-. .aL-.-. L24 AL. __._.I ;__ 1..-; ! Blue Bells i Rebekahs _ 11.... ..... . U Ul-ICUI UH IIIVII lVUI.IlI|vUGo The-Rebekahs had too much slugging ability for the hello" girls. for they bang~; ed out thirty-eight runs insix innings, fif-1 teen coming in the sixth. I'he.switchb0ard} `cam had snatched eight ixpthe preceding; frame. ; . 1 G4... I... I ..__._._.... I i"-U`i1..:ka1m-Bogard;s. Nash, Lgivrence. Brooks, Young, Thomas, Coles, Coles. Kil- I oult. ! `amass BEAT HAWKESTONE ; on BARRIE cuvnc HOLIDAY! Barrie Civic Holiday on Monday passedi very quietly, a large number of people hav-J Eng gone out of town for the day. The only event of interest was the baseball match; `at Agricultural Park between Barrie and lllawkestone which was" won by Barrie by; l . 1 la score of 10-6. A ; ' Don't fail to hear Melody" Men Orchestra on Friday, August .24,\at dance at Cooks- hvlnl It in uhnir first nnnnnrnnnn in Pnnlm. on rnuuy, l'8|.I5IEI_I!,\_llv uuuuv as unus- town. I in their g-at appearance in Cooks- `;:Scv:;:1;%l3;l1;l% :'%;'o1n. first plucff, Mo-.` an o ici xon ' , was secon . and} Murrg of Aurora, was th':rd. "Thirty- t we riu in all were-entered. _ % Else lcgflul rinks were as follows :`-`- .an e:-~ ix S.GGarside, A.AMm-shall. c._w. Pouchery. .v . . Walkea` sk. V ` " VW. B. Webb, A. Hook, Ed Shear, Vic `Knight sk. Barrie:-- . ! A. F. A. Mnlcomson, W. T. Stewart. TJ. > Lowe. C. H. `Beellby sk. ` Alnv 9.`!-u\Yn:p L` 'l':Ainunn .\U K 'I`nnn, n u I u I A : I _LJUWK'o U. LL. IJCUILUJ l\. Alox. Sinclair. H. '1'idemau,`w. A`. Tum. er. W_. H. Kennedy 31:. ' ' Two Banie and two Allandale quartettes` ,`of kitty~trundlers were eu._ered' in the an-; lnual tournament of the Aurora Bowling! Clubyesterday. but" none of the four rinks ,got into` the moneydwinning class. The Barrie crew won two games and lost two_ while the Allundale rinks were victorious iug r u three. losing one game. ' I gnuununn A` nnknuuyn `nuiun Nu-A9 nlnnn A REDJIIBI LUV LI-IUVIIIE lafllllo The impact evidently swung the unfor- Ltunate boy around against. the train, the `side of his face and skull being crushed, and I both. legs broken. Sedore. escaped with a, slight bump qn the head. The horse was; struck and died only Izibout three feet from} `the track." e h ness was stripped from; the horse. th ri t front wheel of `he bug-1 gy wassmas e , both shafts and thedash I :board. broke . ` \ |JUK`I|lJ~ IJIL'H.clI _ The deceased waslfifteen years of age.` and Scdore. who acconxpaxed hixnl is a man} gof middIeIa<'e. The young mnn s purerrs! Hive in The Hollows. Lloyd at Guelnh. Jdhni int Newt-on Robinson, Wilfred in Bradford. Jame-9. Laura and Treva at home. His fath- 3er was_ merseas. his eldest brother. Lloyd. ,'came b2v:k_ from the war with one leg off.1 Land anotherbrother. Fred. was killed in the, IWBY. , I I I One Sunday night about ten o'clock .George Mooney of West Gwillimbury met lhis death on the railway crossing at the {Holland River-, below Bradford. He was coming. up from Holland Landing with a horse and b_uggy, accompanied by Ja's. Se- dore. They were on the old road, no doubt to avoid the Sunday-night motor raffic on the new road. The regular Mus- lkoka train, No. 48, was going south and `it. would seem" as if they drove broadside against the moving train. l TEA lvnnnnt n`u:Am.+l u y n n - . nu. L. ....t`.._ !Georg'e Mo0:e7Mets Death ! " at the Holland River l . I : Crossing. HITS RIG; YOUTH IS KILLED SOUTH SIMCOE LEAGUE STANDING ` " Won Lost To Play P.C. vy . . . . . . . . . . ..9 2 1 .818 3arrEe_ . . . . . . . . .9 3 0 V .750 Lllinton . ...6 3 -3 .667 Ehorriton . . . . . 6 l .455 nu; . Score by innings :- L `I Score by innings :- `I 0 '2 LING on BA_RRlE TO PLAY AT KNbCK AT AURORA TOURNAMENT S. _S|M'COE LEAGUE RACE ALLISTON ll BEETON_ o. ' V llill HI-HI-I3 Yl\II`I\I [ I The Loyal True Blues held` a very suc- cessful outing at S. .Vincent s Park on! -.-Xugust. 8.at which nearly one hundx-ed~were present. Sports and races were indulged in and `then a picnic supper was partaken -of. Te gathering -broke -up at dark. It was one of the mtxktsuccessful annual pic- nics_ye.t'held by the 'l`rue Blues. ` M... `uvixno ung 'nr.....,\.:..c..I \l2..o-...._ ..c Ul('aS'.) _.]'l.IUl|l Dy IILIC .lI'I".`. `Blues. -, Mrs. James Case, Worshipful Mistress of the Lodge, was in charge of the proceedings. I f\IUU\Ii-II III I" TIURQE ' i Lewis Harrie qf `Minesing suffered nasty accident yeserday when he was kicked by a horse, receiving a deep cut un- der the right eye. A bone in his cheek was also fractured. Harris was working in "a" field_at the time. fI`VL_ :_..__-_.-.I _..._ __-.. ____ __._J L- AI. - I ""' I consequently they hit the road too fas1:-l ;which is above trwen y~five miles per hour. Officers of the law saw tbem do it. Mag'is~ ;trate Jeffs helped them along the way yes-| Qterday morning with a $14.25 dip into` their pockets. The- speeding took place_ {on the Provincial-High-way in Innisfil.- 2 Thn uwinvuu Iunvn- T D Tllnlln 'l`.u-....4.L- `on accelerator; ' T Stu-.et.s' are very nice to ride on when you ; are in a motor ear-at least some streets in, ;Barrie are. But Albert Rogers of New] iLowell thought. it would be nicer riding in i a tractor. He iook his tractor down Brad- ! ford Sn, Saturdaygnitetnoon, but he didn"' `know there was a t_own bylaw prohibiting, ,sizch joyriding. I I nuun huuv !$-.1; Pam] nu-nplnno l\I\ :0-n Ill 5 IICIIJ (Ill W1-IV uuuv. The injured man was removed to the Royal Victoria Hospital where an X-ray vhoto was taken. Dr. Lewis attended the injury. ' MATTER CROWDED OUT Owing to delay `in having` the repairs made to our newspaper press it has been neomsary to reduce The Examiner to twelve pages this week. Fbr this reason` consid- erable news has. been cmwded out, which we trust reader: and correspondents. will uvetlook_ under the I DUUIJ Jllllilllllsu ! Chief Cave saw the Ford product on its 3 way. stopped its owner, and hied him before }'F.'own Clerk Smith, who was acting in the Iabeence of P.-M. Jeffs. Rogers is wiser !now, for it cast him 31 and costs, in all. 1 $2 .50. ` .,_--,-__. --------v -- -- Computed mathemat.icaLly, the water sup-E "ply of the town of Barrie is 1,296,000 gal- tlons per day.at the present time, or more! = than Atreble what i1- was before the two new! iwells were drilled. At that ;time it was: ?around 350,000 gallons per day.` It is es- E timated that the present flow is 900 gallons 5 per minuur. - , { `vknn ocean uII`;n'u-in and M uuuuu Ir GL1. iull lull: llU\'l.|.lCllII'lI1sL|'Wl1y III llllllblllu V I 3 . The victims were: '1'. B. Wells. Toronto;. (N. L. Nathanson, Toronto ;{A. McGibbon,' 'Penetang; Geo. Broughall, Lake of Bays.` !W. H, Graham did thefsame thing on` 1B1-adfdrd 3:. with the same dip as an] iaccompanimeut. M. C. Perry, T0ronto, {will appear August. 22 on the same charge.i , _______ . a uuu Ia Icxguucu IUI pain ucucluulm. Roads this year `will take $10,000 for ;maintenance `and $6000 for construction. iln 1922 $12,000 and $8000 respectively` ;were spent. 1 I Tkb nnun:-3| Hun: nnnnnutlnrl Cu k|II;;nn `OIn\vI\' Innlsfil ratepayers will have smaller tax! bills rim year. Last. Friday night the Conn: I cil fixed the rates as follows: Courity rate,` 7.1 mills; township \(a~.te, 3 mills; general school rate, 4.2. Lwt year the county levy Iwas 8.6 mills`and -1 mills was taken rm: `schools. ' ' I fl\L_ D. .1. 4,,,,,, I_,,, ` n -I `II I '1 . I l i i . PRICES NEVV DREAM].-AND showing at 15c . 25 ORCHESTRA . 7;3o; 9.10 l UllUUlBu i The Cookstown levyjs 6.7 mills, whilel 1I`hornt.on takes 10.7 mills. Six-ten-t'hs of la mill is required for park debentures. nnntlc Okla: unur luv?" tuba Q1000 `ni- 3 WCIC DIDCIIII. ` 3 The council has succeeded in buying from] I the Highways, Dept. for $200 the iron `bridge Haken out. at Escrigs mill. ' v IE1 IIUUI DHU I118 pznllur-U. \ Speaking to The Exanliner. Mr. Wilson placed the loss` at whmrt $10,000. with iyn-` isurance ofhalf that amount. . "I"L.. .L.,.a._.._....I 1.-...- _ _f AL `J lculallb Ul_LIIILl Illll IIIIIUUIILI _ The destlroyecl house was one of the old- lest in the Cminty, the original log struc- iture having been built. by Col. E. G. O - "Brien in 1832. It was" rebuilt and enlargedl [by Col. W. E. 0"Bri(n in 1881, and in; l1915 about {$5.000 -W-ark spent. on i: by Mr. ; and Mrs. E. V. Wilson. who have occupied {it for several years, `Mrs. Wilson being a gdaughter of the late 00]. W. E. and Mrs. O'Brien. The house was 35 by 60 feet and had a fine living-room 25 by 28. lined -with} ehutternut and walnut. Wat-er service. eIec~2 Itric light and all modern conveniences had lheen insta_lled in the house. ` [and had reached the ea.es before outside A boy's attemptto smoke out a Svasp s net was responsible for the destruction of "The Woods. the old O'Brien homestead at Shanty Bay, Sasurday morning. At- tacked by wasps, the boy's attention was. di- .~erted from his smudge for a moment and zhe verandah post, where the nest was lo- cated, was soon ablaze. Wi h everythingdry as tinder, the flames made rapid headway help arrived. A bucket brigade-"was-formed but it could do little to 'cl(.such a fire. Willing hands woyked nergttlcally at re- moving the furni r and succeeded in re- moving most of,t contents except some in the east rooms nearest the fire. Among the lnrticles destroyed were sexeral very fine ipieces of walnut furniture that had been .in the family for over a centurye i In a nnnnln nf In-uu-n ull lane mnvv\n:v\nIl |lIl hill.` IGIHIJJ IUI U\CI U U:IIlufy. _ V 1 In a. couple of hours, ..all that remained |was the great stone chimney and a concrete `wall at the rear. Barrie fire truck with: several firemen went out to fight the fire `but the truck became disabled at the gate and so wzm unable to draw a` supply of wat- ;` erh from the buy` as` phnlned. I Qnnulzhnn in "l"i>.n n`\.;uv\\;nnr `Kan 7CInnn iINNlSFlL S TAX RATE` _ _1_ LOWERWTHIS YEAR` Fnu5'DE.sTRoYsj ,1 on) O BRlI-`.N HOME I I IA Landmarl; of; Shanty Ba\y;' I Original `House Built : in 1832. . RAN TRACTOR on -P-l:\-IEMENVT PM D 1 d0 1. t :5-"e`1`3-fl! Usu,._L New ream an rc es ra `I 3,295,000. GALLONS A DAY TRUE ewes Hmc ......`I 'l'L_... 1)I...... L.J.). - ._ mcxzo av A T-Ens: 'Ll`...._._ .1` -Il'.`_..____ _.. 7 -._-_- --- -v--up on-oa4vAA\.rUII-I Vllrlvu I I -Appeal for baking--The Women's Insti-I -tute will be (by request of the men's com . mittee) in charge of arrangements for the] supper to be served ~in connection with Cookstown's big entertainment on Wed nesday, August 22. On behalf of the com- zmittee in charge, the ladies wish to appeal to their always generous supporters for donations of cake, pie, and"salads, to be `left at the Agricultural Park, on the after- noon of August 22. .'.'... ...l A `monster garden party. will be held in 'the agricultural grounds, Cookst-own, on Wednesday, August 22. Programme will be furnished by the James Fax Comedy Company of Toronto. The garden party` will be followed by a dance with good five piece orchestra in attendance, conducted by L. A. Arnold. Base ball, Alliston vs. Cookstown. Come and bring your friends. 33p . Ila ll. IJIIIIIJI . Clarence Banting and bro`her Donald are spending a few holidays with their grand- ]parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Donnell. , . _ II" nu I In 1` u . I H,_.._...,, .. ....... um... av... u I ' Miss Gl-:1.(iyg-&cCu1lough of Tor<;nto has returned home after spending her holidays |_with her father, A. L. McCullough. I | , , A . I I I n n_-..:__ _.__u H, rt ul. lJlll\U DAIIIUUKL The many fiends of Mrs. Geo. Jebb will Ebe pleased to know that her condition is i much improved. .Lm M....o:.. 1.. ......J .:.....:1.. _: m__-_., uxwuu uupluvcu. I ' vJos. Martin, Jr.. and family, of Toronto. ,spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and `Mrs. Jos. Martin. 11.--,` n,,_,.- I I- Eight Reels. Agzlow with ' I .2 IX!`

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