Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1923, p. 3

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sister. mrs.__1.-vv. maw. A Miss Isa-bel Brown of Toronto is visiting Mrs. (Di-J Horton. ' I\._ Ti? 1) Q:-u-Iulin MFR Shflll i Mrs. (Dr.) Horton. - - Dr. W. B. Sproule, Mrs. Sproule and children of Thessalon are visiting Mrs. Jas. isproule. T M.-. and Mrs. S`ewart Watson and Mrs. `Sproule. I -Mr-. and Mrs. S`ewart .Taylor of Toronto _\}'isited Mrs._Crossle_\' on | Monday. D....:...'.I.-I Rlnnlraztnt-_k of Ban-jg was a Monday. week-end visitor at the? home of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Scott. ~ u:_._ n-....... ..t 'l`nu-nnrn is gnnnlling a 2 Reginld Blackstock of Barrie al Mrs. P. W. D_c0tI. _ Miss Easton of Toronto is spending :1` week with her parents. _ " 1 Miss Bessie -McClean and Miss -May Pa'rk- hl of Toronto and" Freda West of Barrie `spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wwt.| I Mrs. Hodgins visited friends in Barrie! ;last week. - A 1 in... e.........I.. AC mnn .nnnr` \'iS'iI f'_>d heri ;last week. ` . 1 - Miss Senrple of Owen saimd visited her! ;friend{ Mrs. J. A. Corbett. las: week, 1 I -Mrs. Millard of Toronto is visiting heri friends. Mrs. R. D. Henry and Mrs. Gilpin. `Mrs. Emma `McFadden. Mrs. -Dan Edgar! ahd E]mer.Denney ..visited recently with: 'Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jenuett. ' 1 ` J. R. Grey, has returned home after spend-E ling a few days inrAlliston with his daugh-': `ter; Mrs. Geo. Wilson. 2 i I `II. ......I an aura nf Thrnrraln snen.` 'ter; Mrs. ueo. wuson. . . ` Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Thqmd`a1e spent` the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.iA. Mc-I 'Kenzie. Wes. Scott of Winnipeg is spend- . ing :1 week with his cousin. Hubert Mc- `Kenzie. , . II. .....I Mu.` Flonnurhnn nf Nimrarn Falls I i I l I ;Lean on bunuay. ` Mr. and Mrs. a ! and Mrs. Cunning `ing old acquainta ilv-in n\ Fred Wallwixi of Torontb AIviri- Cunninzham and I ham of Orillia are renew- nce in the vicinity. ' Jos. E ing old acquamtance 111 me vuzumy. Wm. Gilrie, Alvin7 Cunningham Milligan left on Monday for the West. " `Mrs. R. J.`D. Simpson of Toronto is paying a.'visit to her mother. Mrs. Boake. Rev. W. B. Adams. who has been spend- I [if-:gM THE. nnannu-: exanngan Actual reproguqtion of Weston s ' Lemon Cream biscuit. _ "mg his vacation _at'Chautauqua, I-wnhn-n;ntr thin Hllgk and take !H1g ms \n\znuuu _u V--an `returning this wek and 1 `vices as usual on Sunday. g. 1` _______ ` MEN S COMBINATIONSZEE 1 FINAL CLEA %gCE PRICES I Cognbinaons 1, A LL` _L:- L`Vll|$Il\rwIn wrsrn-p-v-.---v_w__v Fine White Naincheck Athletic Combinations, Tooke s Rocking- Chair Brand, a splendid gar- ment, exceptionally well made, sizes 34 to 42, regular $1.50. Sale price $1.29 Work Shirts Men s Khaki and Blue; Cham- bray Work Shirts, sizes 14% to 17; these will give splendid wear. Sale price. only X- I Silyy ,.pL` BOYS COM BINATIONS Weston : Sampler Tin" contains acomplete assort- ment of the finest biscuits made. As}: your neighbor- hood grocer. Men s and Fine Underwear : , ' - I `Chautauqua, N.Y., is';M.S. will be held at Egbert Church only will his ser-;Wedne'sday, 22nd inst. ._..l._-. i Cream C one" ' Custard Creams English A rrowroot Short Cake Panto . Wedding Bells Digestive M eltise Cream .. M elt-in- Yoar-Mduth 75: Try eston s Hgclro D1=.:vL1N's~ Fine Balbriggan and Mesh-Knit Combinations, sizes 36 12042, short sleeves and knee length, long sleeves and ankle length, `anti short sleeves 'and ankle length, not all sizes in each style ,but all sizes in the lot, regular values $1.75 to $2.00. Only . Watson s Balbriggan Under- wear, shirts`and drawers, ne quality and good heavy weight`, `sizes 34 to 42, regular $1.00 pejc garment. Clearing at Fine.Shirts ~ _ Men s Fine Shirts, sizes 14% to 161/, , spme with` soft collars attached, a splendid range of patterns. Clearance price {In \ W Biscuifs as" they re made in England . Fine Balbriggan eB`al\briggan Combinatidns for Boys, sizes 28 to 34, short sleevqs and knee length, splendid weight and first quality, reg. $1.25. Clearing at only is one of the most popular Eng- lish Quality biscuits yet made by Weston s. The crisp freshness and delight- ful flavor ofthe cake has been A achieved by our English master bakers by the use of an original English recipe. Thei.deilectabl`e cream filling is imade of pure lemon juice and pure cane sugar-itt contains no artificial adulterant of any kind. in Get a pound of Weston si T% In`: rv Lemon Cfeams. [The taste will e tell their quality. A delicious cream sandwich with a filling of pure lemon,- ias Geo. Weston, Limited, Toronto Merino Underwear Men s Fine- Merino Underwear, in a splendid weight for fall wear, shirts and drawers, sizes 36 to 42, worth in the regular way $1.25 per garment. Spec- ` ially priced at $1300 Knitted Ties Men's Knitted Silk Neckties in `a wide range of colors with dainty cros stripe. August clearance price, `each ll TYPEWRITERS 1;_EN'11sn A- -` 89. vv--.-:--- --i. $3.00 per month at i A I )rder Les ~ `THURSDAY. AUGUST . istes ~ome auty. two eing $1.200---Brick house, good garden, HAS. FOR"SALE AT Ii 3,~11150--House, lights, water, etc.; ' 1 This isa snap. ` terms easy. `: $1400--Centra1 cottage, with good grounds. - d ..~`,~Z1500-.-Several good properties to choose from. _ $2500---Six rooms, lights, water,= large grounds. This is one of the best values in Barrie. Many other houses from $900 up.` Several good houses for rent. ` IF] Sold only at our. fountains Ed, Bryson s CONFECTIONERY T Barrie YOU LL ENJOY "IT." "am. HENRY :REAL Es1',A'rE MAN ..~ I'\r\1'\ rant ` dirt shing -and WRMEV5 Miein After PTOMETRY and the ben- 7 ts accrued from its prac- tice is the greatest small-cost blessingin the world. When any other part of our nature- apparatus fails to perform its especial functions, it costs con- ' siderable `money to get any re- lief. When you no longer en- .joy clear-sightedness, our op- tometrist can locate your eye weakness and furnish you with the glasses that will bring back your sight. Satisfactory mod- erately -priced service. All persons `owing accounts estate are expects to pay further dqlay. Standard _-Ba: a_uthorizefi_ to accept these 1 uuuuuum.u_ vv give receipts. {AMER W. 9%: 7 - 43 Elizabeth Singer - H i % th: 1s A THlRST- QUENCHING um -\I` Ill ESTATE OF SAMUEL MANEER `\ Next Dbor to Sewing Machine Co. Jected. same Wluuuuu `Bank, Stroud, is` payments and 33-34 A `universal custom that benetits every- body. _ Aids digestion, cleanses the teeth, " soothes the throat. Ananaale -I6, 1923. ------ accoilntsio the abve _to same without ` - -J- Q4.-nut` {Q v-av- Admi`nista!9:4 % lag, Barri: . August l'."""M1'. ,ana MP8. 11. UIUQIIIIUJ of Midland callednn friends here last week. Rev. ,'I`.TJ. Dew and Rev. Mr; Barclay of Hanrfon` are attending the summer school at Guelph. _ D. I {'.m.Im- and lime daughter- Ivy. `are visiting" friends in Montreal before he` Liuekpn. R. J. Coulter and little daughter...\lvy.|, I returns to Major,` Sask. , .u-.. w A |.l:llm- nf Run-id snent a fewv to M3101 ; BBSK. _ , , Mrs. W. A. Miller oi Bame` spent a few days with her brother, W. J. McLean. ..u.... 12.... Wilma and children have re-! days vmn ner oromer. vv. a. nl\uJcuu. 'Mrs. R0 Wilson ind children re-. turned to oronto after holidayhng a week with Mr. aqd `Mrs. G. Wilson. .u__ 1...... .... ..s.:IA.'.... at Nm-H1 Rav wxtn Mr. and `Mrs. u. VV_u5un. _.--._ IMrs. Irwin and children of North Bay `M1 are spending a couple of-tweeks at the form- M` ' 1 er s parntal home here. . Mrs. Reynolds and little son are huliday- shill ing with friends here. 59911 um w n Hanan has returned from: M Ulg Wlul LIIUMUD Ilwnv. Mrs. W..H;. Hatton has retur Toronto after spending some t het daughter, Mrs. (D12) Davis. I :1 n..u:e in nwnv ingneminz her daughter, hill`!-1. \Ul'.l .uuvx:-. _ 3 W. H. Davxshls {way inspecnng the guru , crops. __ V T _ M. ma M."-a\W_ Carruthers` and then`, T 1 Mr. and Mrs.`W. Carruthers` their niece. Jean McDonald. of Barrie, spent `the week-end with friends here. _ - ' The Rev. E. VThon_1pson of Yorkton, `Sasku will occupy the pulpit of the Pres-` byterian `church next Sunday. 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell of Angus. Mr. and Mrs, Ferguson and daughter of London called on friends here. Sunday. ' ll--- D A A....nlA hug 1-Ahlrnn after! I onto friends. London called on menus nere. ouuuuy. Mrs. F. A. Arnold has returned after! spendiugsoxne time with Alliston and Tor- `\ vm.- _-... .. rr......A.m.-mne nmdpd vervl CO. mited menus. ` The rain on Tueedaywas needed very! much in this part of the" country. ` Mr. and M1;.VIsaac Broley returned homeg before they visited all `their friends. here as: Mr. Broley was not well. . ! m..... an... (`.9 R Aannt_ Bvmz Inlet.` Mr. lroley not wen. Tom Spoers. C.P.R. Agent. Byng Inlet.` has constructed a wireless radio undhas itl installed in his father aThome at Ivy; for 1.1.- L..1:.1.... ......m... It in vnrv'nle1n` an .. _ A ,.- l. , . . August 1`4.~-Mr. nd Mrs. `R. McKinley .: u:.n..mI nulls}! nn frinnds here o'nto friends. Kenzze. ` The Tuesday "was veryi -Mr. and Mrs. Clapsaddle of Niagara Falls`! the `recently paid a visit to Mrs. Tom Lawrence.- ` M1:.VIsaac Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gregory and son ofl as:To1-onto are spending` a few days with Mr,` Broley . `and Mrs. Jas. A. Lennox. Tom Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hatton spent Sun--l it 'lday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Thom.pson.l VM;-, and Mrs. Robt. McLean. of Owen; fhe holiday season. It is very` clear an Sound visited with Mr...-and Mrs. Matt Mc-`l the fanxily can enjoy concerts and plays.Lean Sunday, ` from the principal cities of the States as: Mrs. Toronto .....n 11:` cm... 'rnvnnfn.1lnI'l London. Mr. Cunningham are `from the prmcmal clues 01 me Dunc: am; well as from Toronto -and London. ;Spc-era alscfthinks it beneficial for farmers am. Mum mu tho dnilv market renorts. E/peers also tmmus l Ucuclsvlua l.\ll Au: as they get the daily market .._re,ports. :-j August'14--4Mr'. and -Mrs. W. F. Ronaldl. of Toronto visited relatives here last week. Miss Vera Gilmore of`-Toronto is visiting `Mra. W. J. Armstrong. / Douglas. Ronald accompanied Mex Or- chard -toBuffulo last`week for `a visit. 1:-.. I A.mnhl and Iitn thlllllhtel` and chard -toiuuualo iasvween nut in um. Mrs. L. Arnold and little daughter and `Miss Nellie Smy of '-Barrie are visiting~.Mr. and Mrs. Smy. Wallace Pattenden has . commenced .I:___-L:.... LL- nnnnAII` nrn D0) . ` TCDEWCG zwquuxuuunuc ugu. u-.....B `the week-end. V . '\A V . Rev. S . J. '1`. Former and family have returned gfter holidaying _in Southwestern Ontario. ` T . Mr. and -Mrs. Chas. Pattenden of Crow's Sorgers visited the former's parents on \JUI'IlCI;V Sunday. i `D.-.ul ' P/\\ P JODII luuug GJC Beach this week. Congratulations ` Knupp on the uni` day. ---_-- |`Qp0l`l8(l lam. `wccn. . Glen Slesser of Barrie `here last Sunday. v~~.:-_-.. u- J H [H |UBUu'-uuv; u nu The marriage was solernnized on Wed- nesday afternoon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John B. McPhail, Guelph, of `their daughter," Marion Mae, to Mr. Harold Wil- liams Jarnieson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Jamieson, Guelph. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. A. McKenzie. Miss Ruby McP_hail attended her sister, while the groom was assisted by his brother, Mr. C. A. Jamieson. After the reception Kr. and Mrs. Jarnieson left for Muskoka. On their return they will reside at Niagara Falls, ` Ont.--Toronto Globe. ` Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jamieson were resi- dents here till two years ago and the groom has many friends who extend congratula- 51...... Aluu .. tions. "H" I August i4.-~Mis1es Reta and Jean Mc- Keven` spent over Sunday with friends at Beeton.. + 12` 13.... mm! Annahfnr Verna. and Fl0Yd. beeton.. F. Pratt and daughteg, Verna,_ and Floyd, who have been visiting for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. -Pratt, returned home to Teeswater today. Mrs. `Chhrles Pratt of Hamilton, after spending a. week at Cundles, has returned `l\YY|lI. 4 Byvuuu home. `I'_Y.._l home; Herb Plowman of Toronto is'visiting his parents for a few days. 7 . Miss Maud Irvine has gone for an ind~f- -inite time to-visit her sister at London; C. Moffatt and W. McKeiex' attended the celebration of the` Black Knights. at Orapgeville on Saturday last. ". on... .-..;e. which came vesterday_will do Orangeville on Saturday last. The rain which came yesterday ,will d ` immense good but it is too late for many thirigs which ripened too quickly. \ -2------:----n '\ol.a\I vyv luau August 13.--`-Prayer meeting -will be held at the home of John Bertram this week. Much regret is being expressed that Mr. West has resigned as teacher from_No. 15 school. Mr. West s interest in the pupils as well as the school property. has` been 4:1`!-n very gratifying to the people in this sec- tion. '3. . tion. . Percy Henley of Orillia was a viaitofere last Sunday. . Miss Martin of Nevis and her aunf, Mrs. H. Pearsall, .visited*with Mrs. Oatway last week. . T Miss" Pearl Beaijdsall of Barrie visited it her home "here recently. > . `--A-A Oknan I1"'|n lllf. her home here recently. Among those who went West this week were Ken. McLean, J. Bidwell and Percy ll-Iealey.` . u,......-A Rant}: nf Tnrnnto snent last week Henley; Howard Beath of Toronto spent lasg/week v-is_i&ix_ng V fxfiends _he_re._ . - nenus nere. V` .H;. returned _.._......I:...... M...-.n rh-no ufh M7NEs!N9-. uuuay . J amieson-~McPh ail IOIIS DU. LIA: arrival of 4 rout ENQLES ,CLOWES ._".Praver meetimz JV la: Visited his home `and Mrs. Geo. x baby girl yester-' , Verna,_ `nil urn ll!AD`!G urneu uuunu ume withi 39` Arthur `McLean of `manta- is Avisitinbg his sister. Mrs. T.-W. Maw. |n:__ 1`....I.;'L.l ll.-nmn nF.'I`nu-nnfn is visitinz 180

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