Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1923, p. 10

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{Ill -`I\l"'l3`E.'." km` Ih last fire al:mn.~.- Tx"..:".'!2`.s"".'.E".'1`.`&'.4 Wliite`. VVhatever yo: g7`0.'m'// in HE." Oil am], Tu A T/l(`$ prur/In kiwi a nd 4 1; of {/1 is _g.mm1 these i THURSDAY, A| .4 V -for white buckskin Farmers iways fin ready co_-operation ' at the branches of % , j Three nish inside and o white outnid white inside WILL N011` Tho turc your! IILAI Ill to b Elect IICCC.` our f ate .1 day f burni From the beginning" The Bank of Nova Scotia has recognized agriculture as the basic industry of Canada.The Banks policy has always been to assist and encourage farming. ESTABLISHED 1832 Paid-up Capital 8 10,000,000 Reserve - - 19,500,000 Total Assets - 210,000,000 ..THI I` . `l. .... _..,..v.., ..u nu-u-.5 uun. uuut-ucl WWII. 4 There are people who think it pious al-' 'ways to decry the present and to declare! that we" haveosudly degenerated from the} rChris'tiau spirit of our ancestors But. in, Isome things we so far excel them that the! two ages can hardly be compared. Amongl [these are Christian forbearance and Chris-; I tian courtesy. 1 _ I \ .j....._:__jr--r - zuuuzu Luu, I~u;gt`._ g by buying a 'drink. A Cantoh, 0.. undertaker is dying from] blood poisoning, which resulted when he} ipricked. his fingvr with an em-balmiVng_ ineedle. 9 Al`... _-LL! , , turn I - u.Z;t:.:r- robbing a Wilkesbarre. Pa.. man! `of 3543. two hold-up men returned him 8` I I ?dollar bill, suggesng he console himself lbv buvinv mdrinlz . . ,1 V More remarkable still isithe Christianff self-denial in which men are continuing to -l lwork together in congregatioiis. though,` l_the`_v realize that they may be compelled ere` {long to separate and walk dlffexgent paths. ! And if it should `be that the time will come ; 3 ` that some will part with others with whom 8 they have long been in fellow.ship. they 55 believe that they will part. without bitter- ness. respecting one another's conscientious` i. principles, and wishing one another well. {(1 ,,.,_n__ __ __~__. . . .. . . ' uu1y Ul uwy yt'lIl`N H50. ...., Awu5Auua muv_-.-mum m uuuure(_1s_ 01 12.. apence ox mmnurst. W. K/aid, Mr. %a_'s._ And yet. With hardiy_ an egcceptlon. I and Mrs. F. Ness of Stroud and Miss: Bots- ` gnmlggianthceougtlejtyf and.fcons:de)atl1(iqn hztag'el;'ellkof,{qr were Sunday visitors at! _ hgnsho men 0 mg . e; ran` ans, A T [most 3`I1verse opmxons. Mqn have com_-5 Depqty-Reeve G. C.` {Ulan was in Tor-I lanegnted oh the courtesy w_h1c marked the`qnto_ thxs week on nH.lllI_c-pal business. V ates In the Presbyterian General As-I MESS Thompson of To rom.o is visiting her !sem_bly, yvhere men had.to zhake dpcisionsgsister. Mrs. George James; ' ghxchlgxxgh. break.reII__1t;()nsh1ps which had Mr. and Mrs. Chapin and Mrs. Bemrose tggnwilt-131:8. nd -theyh_1;lavc}e1 contlpif-.l'0g,t()`f Be0tonQ'caIed Ion Mr. `and Mrs. Noa`h _. ._ acr}mo1_1y.w Ic _c grac enze g arose; on .un(ay_ ast; the d1scups1on of sxnular (vie-stxons even: A_t time of writirig (August 13) all the lf```.V 0771? 393"` 380- -uvayluble men `in :he .vl1.a_-:9 a_re helping_ mm mnuu-lzulnln mm :..nl'... nL..:,..:.... `c:..1.. L- 1."--. ._ . Dr. Johnson ivas talking about a certain pl'()'f~`S0!` and denouncing him_ use profane and filt.-hy in his language. The Rev. Dr. Percy, soon to be chosen bishop. somewhat mildly interposed in defence of the profes- sor. Johnson turned on him with savage sarcasm, uttered in a thunderingvaice. for daring to contradict anything he said. so humilihting I)r. Percy that he rose and left the table. Before the evening was over. Johnson. overwhelmed others of the guests` in a Klmlllll` manner. So far from having uau (.150. tme week-end win` her sister. Mrs. G. Cf This is being clearly demonstrated in`Al!an. V V ` Canada at the pr ent time. The move- '1`-. Guilliatt of Aurora spent Sunday with] ment. to bring abo t the union of the Con- friends here. . } gregational. Presbyterian and Methodist R. Groae of Belleville was renewing old} Churchac has brought to light wide differ- acquaintance in the village recently. I e.nces_of opinion among members of thesel Our genial station agent. F. Tebo. isx bodies. It is probable that feelings as deepihaviug holidays at. present. Mr. Laver oil and keen have been stirred as have marked 5 Toronto is relieving. I any religious movement in hundreds of, E. Spence of Midhurst. W. Reid. Mr.|' vears. And val . with hm-rllv an mu-nnoinn unrl `\J.-. I.` Mam. -0 Qo.......l .....r u:_.. n-.- uv xuaurwu w nluiugagutc. ~ and M This was not the peculiar prerogative off ' Dr. Johnson. It was a characteristic of the! age. Anyone who reads the story of tho; i religious rnovements of that time of re-! Miw ligious rivalries and controversjiesi, strucli visit wit by the bitterness of spiritand the coarse Miss] brutality of language which marked them. Mrs. Ge The most unrest-rained utterance of political, Miss I platforms -to-day are mild as compared with '_ of Ham the. epithets and denunciations employed in Cullougl religious controversies of a century and a] Mrs. Z i half ago. ' ;the wee Thin in k-:.... ..1......l.. ..I.._.-.Q..l_...-.1 :_-An ass: lusu |.I'V' truc .\'UUpualll 1)uw\'cu; When I called upon Dr. Johnson next morning, I found him highly satisfied with his colloquial prowws the preceding even- ing. `Well.` said he, `we bud a good talk." Boswell: `Yes. sir; you tossed and gored several persons. i ; It was the manners of the age. That was in the year 1768. Dr. Johnson was not only the outstanding literary master of ; the time,~ but a most pious and" devout churchmen. Yet his manners were those of _ an ignorant and vulgar boor. He was ex- tremely fond of argument, but wheneverl he was getting the worst in a discussion, he resorted to Billingsgate. This was nnl than nnnnlinv nus-Apathy- A` any regfets for his outiageous (liscourtsy, he was highly pleased with himself, __a__ we are told by the sycophant Boswell: `lwhnlx Y innllm-l nnnn hm Ink:-mun nn\v A. G. MaicLELLAN r -I `no ovuuu-nan-annual-1;` Manager, Barrie. WHAT \`.: ALL. THAT- MR .Cl.EF"? vuuuvvl Irv!` VVUII I luv I On one occasion, Dr. Samuel Johhson, `the literary despot of his age, was dining -with seven fr':c-ruls at the Crown and Anchor (familiar words -to re urnedlsoldiers) in the Strand. All were men of note in the literary world. Two were soon to be chosen bishops. One was author of a standard history. Surely in such company the cour- tesies of life would be observed. ` Far from Co 28A ' z ALE `+a;T- .C LEF? 23 .:" . < opt`-ut s:Iuuun_y U1 nc)vlll:1H\('L. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richmoml of Northg `Bay visited at Wallace Hursr`.-. last week Mrs. H. Young of Stroud is spending .2: ifew days with her brother. John PM en-ton Master Wesley-Hindle spending h" holidays with his cousin. Parker Ke's(-y. -I Mrand Mrs. W. Hurst and family spel V `Sunday atLWm. N2xon`s. A1landa'e. . M. 4..."! M-.. u ur u...1:u m.._-_._.l uuuuu_v at: "us. uzluvu .3. .-uuinuzre. I Mr.`and Mrs. H. W. Madill. Tnronto ispeut last weekend at` Geo. Alpin's. , L at-QVIGUII. I Mr. -and Mr. Eldon Wice and famil; ;spent Sunday in Ne;vm:uket._ . Mr um! My-.~ tnnb D:..l.........l .: u.._.L IllClIll3 `lt`c' l `i genial Eh ving g I 8 Tnrnn fn in I-oi-inuinn , L"Illl}lB!Ill4 I - \ ' Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Reynolds. uccompan, `ied -by Mr. and Mrs. Auan Watt of Allan- Edule. motored to Gilford and spent Sunday. MiR' Mnrlnlpnn I.!\l\`(hQI`9 nf A'.l...m!..l.. G grusuuug um uulu. Mrs. Wm. l.4()(.!K8l'I-. 1 Mrs. Hun er of Toronto spenrthe week- end with vherxparems`; Mr. and Mrs. John 1! Patterson. g 7 II. ._._.I \l.__ I3I,l_ 117- I A -I ! Augtmt 13-~~-Mf. 'ar.:d Mrs. Ruhr. Gibbons {and son Eddie motored to Toronto last week .;'and attended the funeral of Mrs. George `Simpson. I I MI!-1111!` M... Q I` D........I.1.. ..---.-,._A_ Iualc. HILHUICU I-U umuru lulu spent aunaay. Miss Madelene Lockhart of Aflandale i. I\-" iting `her aunt. Mrs. Wm. Lockhart-." u "re uh an Al 'I"n..n..o.. .........AL. __._.|_ _ , Page Ten |\.Iu.mC vu Lruuuuy _u.1el.' ' i Art-ime writirig ll-uvailuble in the villa_-2e are helping `fight the fires in the vicinity of` De Grass. I ` . , ` L |lI IICI I g` The funeral of Mrs. J. Swan of Barrie Iwus held here on Wednesday afternoon. the i8th. Intermen\t was madein the t'amil_\' i_piot. in the Anglican -burying ground. ` Sort vice vvim held in the church of which she. lhad been a member and, an active Sutiduy tSchool and social worker for a number of Iyears. BPsi(l( S a large circle of relatives. ta great many old friends and acquaintances- `|came to pay their last"1Tt of respect ml `(the deceased who WHS generally loved anal; Irespected. and to offer their sympa hy to; he bereaved. - V Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mar_shall and sun; George are spending a week with relatives ini 5Surnia. . V ,` Mr. and Mrs. `xeo. Snider. Arthur mull Mi.xe Gretta motored ti) Guefph to visit` relatixfes. . \l__, I i ,1 |- - .~n - ` ' v- l uuuuu u. , I 1 Mrs.EE. B. Hesson of Port Art.hur,spem! weekend wi.h` her sister. Mrs. G. `Allan. - "V l`\..ZII2,.. ,t A . (N 1 - I !lIIlll\IK"l U] 'Vll\}a|IU"- . ' : Geo. Howe. proprie or of the Wayside; `Inn. IS mak.n marked im ovement in` I i 1 ithe appearance of his premises. ,: ' Mr and Hire \Um RH:-lina nf Aainnmn-v Jlla \JC\IlsC Uutal. , I T I Lee of California and Mrs. Johnson! `of Hamilton are visiting Mrs. W. C. Me-' Cullough. ' ' 1 Mrn L` D unnnn-\ ..t` D.\..A A_AL.... . .,_._.n I " -""" [ ! M. Canning has returned after 3! visit with friends at Sebright. I Miss Marjorie Quinn of Toronto is \'isipiug George Guest. \/lieu Inn .-.4` (`..l:c......:.. .'.....I u... I..L_,..'_l tuc H cat. I ; `Mrs. Darby and Miss Flo Darbv and Mm Jean Gaston are guests of Mrs. G_. C. Cam-! nn Ull- Maurice Reazlman has returned after hol- id_aying in Gravenhurst-. mun MALI; no r:....1L :.. ..:-:.:.._ ...:.\: u.u_u_vu|5 m ug'n.\ ruuulul-. _ ` Miss Noble of Guelph is visiting with `Mr; and-Mrs. G. Snider. - I u... u u..._L:____ .,__u _L`I,I .- n .! I'll. HIIIIWAVII5. `J. t.jlll(ll`lV- Mrs. H. Hutchings and children of Purti Sandfield. Muskoka, we-re. gues s of . `_and Mrs. E. E. Rogers. - ,. n BARRIE MOTOR CAR 4 ` COMPANY tutu uuuun_VuIg HI. nuu-.-y I`1;II'UUUl`. . Lorne Minty." Douglas Fraser. v\V:1Hm.'9 Snider. Jesse Bidwe-Tl. G. Healey and a number of u.hers from the vi:-.'nit,\' Ief:_pn 'the hurxremers` excur.~:ioz'tra.in today for the West. T I 11.... n_'..L__ ,__._u u: nu v\ I ' . ..- I lK'lall\.C-`u ' Mrs. I .-\d(lis'0n is still '21! attention "and a slight her condition is 1m:e Miss Esther Turner visit I "L.___.,, TI AV A 0 I in after holidaying at Honey Harbour. - -I. L_uuu-:1. lJZl.UU.. U1 Aurl`I`ll()ll.. last 1 week. , . 5 Miss Alma Richardson has returned hum: I I I I Inn-no Minm - h......l..u I.`.....\,... ur..n...,. uu: appcaluuuc UL NIB pu.-uuecs. _, \_ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stirling of Agincouruj `,T visited their relatixes. Mr. and M Rob! ' `Turner. ' 'I'\L, I. __A,I D II I (V 9 ru 1 gvzsmng wzxn Ml`. ant: Mrs. Amer: .jur.:guxs.; i Morrison is happy en.e.rtuuuxag Her; four sisters, Mrs, Dunlop Of'M!'):)l)SIOl1( .i -Moffat [of Eady, Mrs.-Leath:rda`:e of` `Goldwater and Mrs. Leathexgglu.`-e of Winni-E `peg They are all over eexeuty yeu'Fs of} 1151:. . . I Miss J._ E. art .of Lhenteaching staff of! Dovercourt Sch 1, who` has been canxpmg; at Npwboro on the Rideuu Lakes since? `school closed. has come home for the re-: mlairkder of -`vacation. ; l`__ Y'.....- ,_., _'_ _A ,9 `I VI.` `I I` August 13. It still continues very warm]? ,and dry. We have had no rain of any gaccount for ten weeks. Allvegetation ls. lsuifering greatly. . ' g II ant` Mr: .1-lnvulnu-gnu AC "`t\\Ir\vu$;. .........: ;"lI`:`_'$'Il5- I11`: g Mr. and Mrs. J:-{fries and Jeffries5 Iof Peterboro paid a visit to their dzuxg:}`n.n.. iMr. A.'Be{tram, and other friends in t.liei lvxcxmty. - ' , I re 1 :O9"n :.n.l man I 169`. I5` "I".._....... .._.. ' [ VIUIIIILVV o ; Mrs. Little and Mix Little of Toromo are lvisiting wzth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hur.Ygins.f F -urn Mnrr;:nn ;c Huvxnu on nu-vn..'vnn KL:-' auucuu 51:-an-A3. Mr. and Mrs.-Henderson of Torpnto were 3` guests of Mrs. Jas._ Readman for a few':] i.days. . ` ` Nice I nun AC Ia`...-9 w':n:..... .....J'\l- I ....... ` F ORDSON TRACTOR uaga. iv Miss Lang of Fort Winiam andT.\i:. Lang '_of Goldwater spent a[ few days zvhhi Mr. !anr!~_=Mrs. Jas. Lang. ' ' ll- _._J Il__L I_t__f_ ,,, I ll` 1 no - I\ll|l"II .5 l|'\|((7\I. ; visited her bmthmn! Turner. Ba.$c.. of Merriton..la.~*t} LEFROY VIM?- `. i recrwzng rnedio-i lmprovemon: an` THE BARRIE EXAMINER 3 aua. uauurb rugu.- ! The funeral of dfknry Martin took place? 5`!on Monday last gt St. Thomas Church.? " Re\_'. C. `R. Spencer bfficiating. Mr; Mar in I was` much respected by all`who knew "him ; which was shown by the large attendance at ' -,the funeral. Five sons: Jczhn. Herb and} ,HiIdred of Toronto. Harry of Cambden and . `Hereward of Shanty Bay. together with iE. A. R. Petersen, acted as pal!-bearers. `I Thomas Sutton of Vespra visited with; , Mr. and Mrs. James Su ton on Sunday. ` There are twenty-seven h`ouses.--mostlyT' 1 z ysummer homes~~being served by Hydro 5 here. ' 7171 n. n n ,.._J ..... \r|I um: vvn_y vital l The residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Wil-ii son. "The Woods," was destroyed by fire on" Saturday last. Every effort was puti I forth `bfv the neighbors to save the home bu` ,` without effect as everything was so dry.L :Most of the contents were saved. thanks; fto the many willing workers. Mr. and; iMrs. Wilson and family are residing in the _ _ .` .. O `_ W b_ e _ _, gcottage lat.==l_v occupied by Mr. Cudden. g . ` " . T "'. i - _ ' ~ " _ I N) -Miss` Sadie oMcGill. (laughter of Mr. and5 Herman Karn. of Tha1nesfo:'d_ has in his: A team of` hnorseishat It{}llxfI`il)!::l{m[(:~J*-ful ii Mrs. James McGill. left this week for a trip possession what he considers a rare anumxl. , from hr-e s .n(,n u. an . - i its the West to see her sister. Mrs. Hill; ll! is a white ground hog, with pink 93'9-`'- "9 "`-`"1" l1".w"'g' I 1 V l 3 The "pump`et_v-pump'of Fred Day`s. gas` eng7ne no more resounds through the vil-* ilage. he having installed electric power in' ibis shop, I I Dnlm F ..... ...l.. -t m A '- 1 11143 EUUIJ. I R0bt.`CasseLs_. of Toronto, one of the glocal summer residents. met with -an_ ac- jcident on Saturday. He was cutting a tree ;Whel_l the axe slipped and gashed one of ;his,Ieg;~'.. outing in "small `artery. He is -not laid up as a result. _however. Y Victor Hart. son of James Hart. left on Sunday evening for. the West. ` -Mr. and Mrs. Adams motored to Mid land to see so`me.friends last week. |]___ ll, 7` `I ' " ` f uluu .u er!` BUlIlC II'lenaS last Week. Mrs. Abner Ball was called to Toront on Monday" on account of the death her syn-in-law, who died in Winnipeg 1 . . . . .. . . `the re.=ult- of nn1unes_rece:vcd In a wreck |Sudbury when on his way West. 1'1... ....-:.l____, _1- II n .- -- -- --- 'Mrs. James Pugh.- 'Au.gust 14.-`Mrs. J. Williams of} Aurora is spend'ng a w(ek- with her sister. ; Tho funny-al AG 11...... NORTH BAY GOING DATES Plus half a centamile beyond to Edmonton. C-~l-vary. McL_ev d and E225 V '5o;00,0% HARVESTERS WANTED "` ""` " T ' . Through Trams with Lunch counter Oars--Food and Refreshments at Reasonable Prices. 8p:.:ial Oars for Woman and Oolomst Oars of Latest Des.gn Travel the National Way to any point in Western Canada __ I CH-RlSTfAN courmzsv $15. 00 TO WI NNI PEG Aug. 22nd--A-11.30 Via Caprepl Aug. 22nd-4lO.lO a.m. Via Co " I Torontn .. .l.`-.L ,1 Still the most for/the money Special Trains Leave.--(Standard Txme) August 13th and 22l'Id~Toronto, Caledun East, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Parry Sound, Slzdbury, Capreol and east thereof in Ontario, also west cf Lachute and St. Andrews-East in Quebec. " M August 15th and 24th---Toropto, Inglewood Jet. and. all stations south and west thereof in Ontario. ,' e mile all points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan. .-"-Alberta`; East. SPECIAL LOVV FARES Ix`!-.T" RNING 4 ank of Nova _Scotia' |l|\l The National Smoke I know that many farmers need silos, but` can t buy them right away. `But they need them now. To make it easy for every farmer it} my community to own a silo and make more money, I am offering special terms for the month of August only. I can do this because a Toronto Silo pays for itself. Before you have tp pay me, the silo will have paid you. See me to-day for par- ticulars.` Don t put it off. This offer is for August only. . . TURN YOUR CORN INTO MORE BEEF AND MELK _ SPECIALAUGUST TERMS on s1L_os_ Starait; `5If-er-M-rke`s it Easy for Any Farmer to Own a Silo ` THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1923. n. Cochran: 'I)iscover_\' of :1 iww {`oun!_\` is now `pr:*l(`lo- A 13 _w`ar-olti cr3'pplau `ant-fe.`}~1(`d that .~h(- `\ f1.~ un at-nu-unn .\. ..n |.., n :3 Answer is the

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