Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1923, p. 6

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Peniagnng T;-`sins . Northb d Lv. Bnrri Lv. Allan. Arr. Penn ; 12.15 pan. 1.55 p.m. . - 7.10 Ap.m. 7.40yp.1n. 9.25 p.m. louchb'd Lv. Penet`g Arr. 'Al1sn,Arr.B|nio WW `gm: ' '8.5oV8.'l.'l1. 9.o5'I.ll|. 12.30 noon -_3.10 p.m. Midland via Birch ~ ' I Lv. Bax-rieLv. Allandnle A:-r.'Mid1an' ` .. 12.15 noon 1.ao.p.m.` 7.10p.m. A 7.40p.m. 9.20'p.m. ` Sunday afternoon to hear the band from Toronto at the Salvation Army. V -1)-.. .....l 11.... n....-I--- 4 wt MAMuFAcTi3hERs LIFE . _ V - ,_..__---- BRANOH OFOFVICE--BANK OF TORONTO BLDG., BARRIE ONTARIO W. J. WIll(0r,ADistrict Representative. Dqtcher, Ag_ez_1t, Elmvale I would like to know more About your various I in .................. ..yuu of age. Mniriod or Single. Atplesent [carry 3 ....... .._. ................ ..insuI-ance. .. ` * .. mwmxuc: G0_P ANY_ ._...._.. _ ... - Mr. and Butlr of Tordnto called on friends here one day last week. - Mrs. .1 Mm-n :. ..:.:o:.... :. rn...._a. 1-- vu nucuuu new one any 1885 week. Mrs. J. Martinis visiting in Toronto for a. shortotime. - - ` W. Pratt spent the week-end in Hamilton. Mrs; Bett-ridge of Footeo's Bay "and Mg. LT U V R`. B`e'ckeron has returned afterspending sometime with Aandale friends. 3 I1; -,, ,1 up an \ ............ nu... nuuuuauc xucuua. 1 Min 2Ix;d Mrs. G. Can-uthers spent Sundxiy with Allistonfriends. ' game here on Tusdy last; Ivy winning 14 to 7. MlNI_-.`._Sl_h_l(`.A T STATION Solicits the patroriage of the people of Allandle and viinity- Addreba. ton. : and Mrs. Prentis` of MacTier called on J. Martin last week. ' 7 W. Gostick, wife and daughter, Ht. 7 Boyd and S. Knapp, wife and daughter, all of Mac'I`ier, called on friends here last week and helped in theeprogramrne at the ice-cream social which was a great success; proceeds mounting to Miss Culhau of Edenvale, Mrs. Armstrong of Toronto; Andrew Orchard and Howard Priest of- Minwing; Marshall and Florence Lafferty of Toronto, Miss McKee of Barrie and othlr homestalnt, helped in the programme. ` Miss Maud Tracy is visiting at Port Stan- '1?! at T H] W (.".`l?'IH HQ The scholarship White, Devonshir Emma Absolon. I Loiccstershire. 1` Miss Stella Wolfe London, England. .I' IVC WCVKAW HF`) Ll- of`Prof. C. II. Manitoba Exhibizfn demonstrations 1}; give them an M0. raised in Western If- __L_l__, I , cambuxn NABEE Coming back short course` at lO-lI_..- _I.__- Al WIIVIU bl tion in animal bu bbtany, entomnlx ture, agriculture- Five weeks ago nf"DpnC (` I! Y.. DIIVJII IIIJIIIKT4 III fll ` The hat two n` the "farmerette.~" ing. They were 1 that embraced :1 interest. That ' revolution to th country and the \ scenery along the THORNTON scrl - I ARE TAK The four your visiting ('an.'uln Sir Henry Thorn! avlian R9iI\v:5_v~'. Guelph to tnkc il Agricultural On their homes in E: 'UK_ I-_A A... What says my L: As the Queen - Is not dzune 'Abi -(She has thosv White as the blur) Fine as the cob Scattered on tho Glistens our Qu Fnr and widv 0' it shine: wht-r It viaves \vhr`re' t It drops by the Wbere\'er the Q1` Tired of court : Her way is mark The briers tom- Bathe with C1 water to free the and follow with of Cuticura Oin `heal. They at as is also Cuti dcring and per! SOIDZSC. Ointmc.-nt2 _thtOughoutthL-Do " .'..-.~':`.':`fff :."f.`. 1.7-III. Limited, 344 n'Culcura :50 Clear You { with LEVER mi Sold on]; The s clusiw crean{ dirt on perish anyth7 Exqui and d adord by la} M4 0UEE4 at L TRAVEL av` 9 L CANADIAN NAHONAL RY. The For fun inforniation re rates and Jdates J phone or see > R_. c Dlcxar WHEAT FIELDS Hamilton _TI_'ain'a ; g , Notthbound Lv. Hmilton Arr. Barrie 0.40 a.m.v 10.80 mm. (Ex. Sun.) 3.55 p.m. . 7.50 pm." Southbound Lv. Barrio An. Hamijtpn_ 8.40 a.m. 12.48 mm. (Ex. Bun.) 5.05 pm. , 0.00'p.m. Wen,tb'd Lv. Barrie Lv. Allan. Arr. Muford (Except Sun.) . ` 0.45 am. 10.30 .a.m. 12.50 pm. 12.30 pgm. 4.20 p.m. 7.10 pm. 1.52 .p.ni.. 10..80,p.`m. 1 Elatlfd Lv. Meaford Arr. Allqn. Arr. Bmie 1 6.30 a.m. 8.88 mm. 9.05_a.m. 11.00 am. 2.35 pan. 1 2.40p.m. 5.10.p.m. . i 7 Effective June 24, 1923 Pan. `V I -In, up-E, mag Table. nan`- ' 9 Wlts 4.01 3,111. 10.25 am. 12.18 pan. 12.48 pan. 2.55 .. 7503:1131) `vuv wuun-Gnu BI 14. mayes`.- Mrs. R. H. _Some1-ville is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Crawford, , ` ' A ~ ' nu IIUGIIJ-In Miss Nina Sample bf Owen Sound spent the week-end at L.` 'Mayes'.- Mrl R. H Qnmnvxlln :9 nnnnt`:-an A :4.-. IIUC IV. V n in health. III}..- \1 :.. August 7.---Miss Mildred McKnight of Barrie has-. been visiting Miss Kathleen, Sharp. . 'WnIbnu n-ul .-I.....`LL__'.- I -.-_._V_,- Jug vuvu ucr uuusm, MISS 1'en_a. Awoncn. Alvin Crawford has returned home from the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, muchjmprov-ad health. ' uuutp. Mrs. [Walker and daughtef LauraTare~,viAs- iting with relatives'in Hilladale. lMnn (`Juno Inkln at (V..-l........_ :- I--I11--- mug mun wzuuves In xuuaaale. . `Miss Clara Jebb of Cookstown is holiday- ing with her cousin, Miss Tenn. `Wonch. Alvin mmfm-A in... ....+.........: 1.....- 2...... acvv vvl ucuu ynlvo no G [INDUCE uuunng Deacn A committee was appointed at 'Monday'e meeting to confer with M1`. -Wilson so that the matter may be denitely settled. Those on the committee afe: Prof. Hume. forthe summer people; E. A. R. Petersen, for St. Thomas Church; Hy. O'Brien, for the O'Brien estate; J. A. Rose," for. the viii . lagers. LIIUIIIGB uuuu, _Wlll D6 800"` 521.. .A meeting of much interest to the vil- lagers was held inthe community hall on Monday evening for the purpose of dia- oussin with E. V. Wilson the position of ` the vi lagers -with regard to bathing privil- * egos at Rosy Point. For many years this ' has been the favorite bathing beach for the neighborhood. Some of the old-timers claim that in 1905 at a public meeting the late Ixt.-Col. W. E. O'Brien declared his in-. tention of making this point over for the use of thepublic. Mr. Wilson, who claims . ownership of. the point, has already sold ` one lot there. but` is said to be willing to . give certain parts as a public bathing beach. ` `WEB nnnninnul of lllnvudnt-'3 uu|u_ ul uuuuvy nay. , Net proceeds of the garden puny `held August -1 under. the auspices of the St. Thomas` Guild,Awill be about 8200. ' A nmatinu ll` Inuunlu :I\`AEI" L- I.- -.l mu cu;uy1ug.u very much. _ . `Miss Georgie World, soloist in,_the Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, sang a highly ap- preoiated solo, The City Four-Square", in St. Thomas` Church last Sunday morn- ing. - ' The social and bazaar held at the rectory on August ! was very largely patronized as the evening was . all that could `be hoped for. The grounds were handsomely lit up by the eleptric_-__light ;,and the tables were, as usual; 1atlen_' down'-,wirh- good things and a lot to spare. An orchestra from Orillia ; was very fine and so was the rest of the programme. Rev. C. R. Spencer very ably. ` acted as chairman. Much praise is due to MI'.- and Mrs. Spencer for their trouble in `. making the evening one of the best ever held; in Shanty Bay. NM: nu-mmnrln AG` u. ......l.... ......n-- -L11-I l ' I 110005: ' Thoe who embraced the opportunity of having the electric light inxt-heir houses are enjoying.it very much. Min (lam-ain WI`l` ...l..:;.4 :.. L.' nL.._-1_ uuuuua!.:. George Street and his son James of Orillia motgred here last Sunday to see old `friends. IL..:_ ...L_ --.,`l.~, ` -' Iuu-rnnvn I lth ! e `Aug. 6--`Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sanderson of Hamilton spent a week in the village with Mrs. H. Hardy. . Mr. and Mrs. John Cape! of Owen Sound are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilghrist. ' L ` Q4___,. I an - wi unuru-yuan t9_n1a-ppronts yms wogI;._ _; \- '"'1:1lf." Little. of Victoria College` occupied the Union pulpit Sunday evening in the ab sence of the pastor. - ____v v vvo wear out the best fabric.` V dur dry-cl-ai}!11..g` takes out the dirt. Then smartness is `restored by good pressing. So bring in \your:*clothe%s to have them CLEANED - PRESSED -- or DYED. uuu aura. u. aunnswn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J.: '1`. Johnson and family, accompanied by the- farmer's sisters, Jean and Angeline of Barrie, and Miss Luella "Wilton of Anton, Mills, are spending this `iweekiat. Wasaga Beach. ` ' " .~ I .nmnh nmlm`..A A` M.-. t:..1....._.I ..-:.I - at Wasaga Beach. " ' Joseph Orchard of New Liskeard paid V shorafyisjt to [his-`parents this wqg_l;._ .1, \ "":'1Mf." Of Victoria Onllnod nnnnvn p we. Julirrjand Mrs. Rennie Teasdale` and two children of Koamey, Mrs. H. Teasdaleand daughter Muriel, sons, Fred and Graham, of Aurora, and Mr. Cole, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Young and Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnston on Sunday. Mr. and Mn. J_~ 'l` Jnlnmm nn r.....n.. ill lUl`Ull(0o Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gerrie and children of Toronto are visiting at A. Foyston s. Mrs.-Gerrie was formerly Miss Nellie Jacobs of this place. All. and M... D......:.. rn-..-.I-I- --J LN vusmug an we nelguuornooo. Mime Bernide and Winnifred Young have `tturned home after spending a month in Toronto. .II.. .....I I1..- nr,, :1 nuuumc ova; punuay. \ . Miss Norma McKinley was home from Midland over the weekend. ` jxnvnnbnn P-nI:;L ..l,Fl|...-_A.- -.._..L Al- uuuusuu over H18 ween:-cncl. [Hampton Fraliok of Toronto spent. the holiday under, the parental-o'oi. . Him: W09.` nnrl Aauunkbnn ll` 'I"-...-..J.`. ....- ,uuuupy uuuer, tne parontarrool. ` Chas. Watt and daughgor of Toronto are visiting in'the neighborhood. ' flrunnn IRA:-nidn mul \lt:....:t'....a v-...._ uuzuwru a new uuya ago. -Wyles and daughter of Toronto are gu_e_st.s o.Mr. and Miss Foyston. ` . Min; `Ii-`uin .tnI....o..a.. ..:.:o..a ...|...:..... z. 5uv_:_aI_:u qumr. unu nuns royswn. Mm-2 Iiivin Johnstoho visited relatives in Villsdsle over Sunday. Mil Hllirhn ' ln'(:`nIAu imnn I---<- l---- e Ladnes. and Men's,Suits soon absorb manyounces of dirt and dust; V Unless it is removed, ',i_t` will quickly . out fabric. Our dry-cleaning process takes dirt. `restored bv good ` uruwxoru, last week. _ V Ilia Jessie Foyaton visited friends at Meaford a few days ago. MI`. n!` AnnnR{`>pn A. `I'M...-.4- Q-A uuu< uu_I!. 41`. ~.nnnaurong,-` BIZ, on uunaay. Mr. and Mrs. Jaokman and son Tof._Pm-y Sound `visited the `farmer's sister, Mrs. George Crawford, last week. Min`: ,I...:- n.....;.... ..:..:4-.I :..-_A- -- . uuulnru. IIGIIDDOITI OX TOIODEO, MI . .anu"lMrs. Philips of Glencairn and Mr. and Mrs. Philips of Homing: Mills. visited Mr. andlro. A-.LArmatrong,-A Sr., on Sunday. Hf. MPH. Jnnlrmnn and Lana -nf Dunn-u day. nun uuul urunuxu Wu name over uun-1 \ Mrs. George Ross (formerly Miss Marion Johnston) and son, _ of. Anaheim, Cal. called on frknds here, Sunday. . ` Arnold Tucker of Toronto has joined his sister-<,laere`,. They are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lindsay. Mr and In |l.D..L..s- `.1 llI...._:.. ` `ll - 9 `Vi WI ` Augiusg `o.j- j&i.""iaa'*na. w.r. 0/re qtgxonh` . .*.:;e:.vipi:in:~.aaeI;;iyea.{ in .t..!;e. . ll/an` ._- - A _ . ._ , , . _ ` Mr. andvnllra. Wds and do ter of Re- ginu are visiting Mr; and Ira. . Youn_g.. . Miss Sara McKinley spent I few days in Midhnd [mt wank." . ` nun warn mcn.In}_uy spell! I now days In Idiand last week.` hum Lens Orchard who `home am Sun- VA _ 4 urn. W. uanusuy. Mr. and Mrs. Mcoborta of Toronto,` and Mn Innn .4 nl......:... .....I u- BAY. _August' 6.--Mrs. F. A. Arnold is visiting friends in Alliaton; . Rev.` R. J."D.xSimpson of Toronto rand sister, Mrs. J. R. Jamieson of Thornton, spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Holt` on Monday. ` ' ` ' 'l`lm D." In In. .... -.. -1: Ir-LA-- 1 UK. KVIUAIXUI `I15: ' Mr. and Mrs. -E. Copeland of Toronto holidayed with M13 `a_n_d Mrs. Jas. McKnight. ! Mrs. Grennia and her`son`Hhrold of Tor- onto were Sunday visitors wit-h'Mrs. 'WIn. Elliott-. punmu.-1 uuni. P `.__ -S. MaoPhee spent Sunday at his home in Toronto. Mrs. Fred Robson and children of Allia- ton spent. Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Jae. McKnight. ' -M. ...'.A 1:... no n....I.--I 4* m ----- -i n. n. oomervxue being absent on "holidays. Earl Cunningham of Toronto and Harvey of Oakville spent the holidgy with their I parents here. . llm.Dl..... ..-.--L C!----J-~- -` ` ' ` " aux. uuu ulllf. J. walxom. . The Presbyterian pulpit was occupied la.st.Sunday by Rev. E. Thompson, Rev. R.` H. Somerville being absent "holidays. Of Tnrnntn and "charge apcuu we uuuuuy wmn menus here. Mr; and Mrs. S. Walkom and family no- tored from Stratford-and are visiting with `Mr. and Mrs. J. Walkom _ _ [ ."I`l-m D-...l....4......:.._ __ I._.S4' . Aiigust 6.-Miss' Elsie Bacon of Oakville spent the holiday with friends here. IMF: and Mr: Q mnnrnvuu n--I I---3'- A - uueruoun at me nome oi the president, Mrs. W. J. Reid, with a goodly number in at- tendance. Business transacted took up the greater part of the afternoon. A dainty luncheon was served at the close of the meeting. This society will meet next month at the home of Miss Jean Wice. ` uu xncnuu mare, Monday. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church held their August meeting last Wednesday afternoon at the honie of the president, Mrs. J. A Dnnrdlu nunanknu In an` vvu-u aux iuenus nere. _ -Miss Hilda Hoover has returned after f spending 9. few-`weeks with friends in Sud- . bury K? R.` M. Mac Ness. _ Toronto. Mrs. E. H. Ness and i of Big Cedar Point called on their friends and North Bay and a trip up the lakes. Miss .H. daughters, Miss Wilda and Mrs. Carl Weegar and son 1 here, Sunday`. - Miss Margaret Reid of Barrie visited hf brother here for the week-end. ' Chester Mcconkey and son Edward of Orillia and'Charles Mcconkey of Kllandale spent Monday with their parents here. eMr. and Mrs. C. Deering of Huntsville are visiting Andrew Wallace. - `Mrs. Helen Booth of on friends here, Monday. Th Isdi A` `LA ll..sl....I:..s ..L..__I. Booth, of . Rosemount called A IV 0 I` Ulllcv Dr. `F. B. Allan of`Toronto called inst Saturday on his cousins, Mrs. E. T. Mc- Conkey, Miss Margaret and Mrsi R. `M. Mc_Conkey. - ` I ` uuvvuunuy . ..Wilfred :Boo,t-h `of Toronto spent last week with his friends here. ' .mnn IIHA- Ll ------ L-- r-` ' umu a orcnesua` wage much `a preciated. Aug. 7.--Mr. `and. Mrs. F. 'l?hompson and family with [some friends . motored from Toronto and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson. ` M1-.' and Mn .1-rm.l...... .: rt-......_:- mus auu Jgyua. IVUDI. xnompson. > Mr. and Mrs. -Hughson of Toronto spent the holiday withvher parents, Mr, and Mrs. W;~`o13`)es. V D All- A n- mwuw spent a row days at J. Ferguson's. Miss Georgie Johnston, Orillia, is with her sister, `Mrs. Hary'ey- Hugha. Many `attended the festivities eat Stroud on August 6. Owen Smiley and Lorne Ar- nold`s orchestra` were much `a preciated. Auz. 7.--JMr. `marl Mn -31` l.........`..... -...I -muuuuy wwn DWOUG IHGIIGB. . Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Skelton and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fall: and Janet Toronto were week-and sitors at" N. VanNonnan`s. " . `Miss Margafet Robinson, Cookstown, and Miss Norma Wilson, Churchill, were week- end visitors at John Robertsoxfs. ' .Min Pate nnlnnknll ......I |'t:__ 1.L_.,,. -- vuu uuwm an aunt) nooerwons. Miss Reta Campbell and Miss Johnston of Toronto spent a few days at `J. Ferguson's. Geomie Jnhnntnn {M-min in -4- August -7.--h:lvr.-and Mrs.` McLean and Mr.` and Mrs. Don. Sutherland of Lynden spent `Monday with Stroud friends. Mr on;-1 Mun lV.._:I Ql...h-_' -.,J I `I1 ovuuua uue-up not we any---rt. rugsley c; F,_ Pugsleyu-lb_;fG. Fletcher 2!); G. West- wood 3b;- Reid-es, p;.McConaghy p, as; D. Pugsleyfcf; A. Pugsley ff} J. Pugeley If. ' Empirea-.-J(Ia.x'nmond. at plate; Couture, on 8808. ` I` V On August _6 Hawkestone Wanderers journeyed to Stroud to their`_annu_al field day and celebration _a'nd beat Barrie to the tune of 5-3. Batteries`--Barrie. Emms and Hlooner: fl-Inwkmtnnn v.m......|... ..'..I u 1 r uuwncuwne ursc money and Urillia second. In the evening Hawkc.-stone played Orillia an exhibition game whichproved. a feature of the day. Orillia was leading 6 to 1 till the last inning when Hawkestone came to life and -poled out seven hits resulting in six runs, enough to_win the game. Hawke- 'sto`ne s line-up for the day---H. Pugsley F,_Pugsley_-l b:G. Fletcher 21., a mu. 015 o . * Hawkestone and ,Orillia clashed in the first game, Hawkestone winning by 8-0 in a five-inning contest. In the second game} Hillsdale met Orillia to qualify for first money but Orillia won, 3 to 2. This gave Hawkestone first and Orillia second. In the avanino nmbaatnn. ..l......: n_:n:-- nune ox o-3. batteries;-Barrie. Emmi andl Coupe;-; fawkestone, Mcconaghy and H. Pugsley. ` ml . uuu"n.Il`a.jU. nI.":"mgerald.` - Rev. and Mrs. Martin are spending a few days at Lake Couchiohing. ' . - Mrs. J. R. Leigh and Miss Evah Leigh were guests ofjtheir aunt, Mrs. Wm. John- ston,- Uptex-grove, over the weekend. Hawkostono gsporting News \ The baseball tournament and garden party held on Saturday, August 4', was a decided success. ~. IJ.....l--..A.-__. - I I` " ....-_- u-nu nI\llA\lIIJ- SIB IAIU tunnel`! 1101110. Mr. and Mrs. Stone and Viola. spent a couple of. days -in Orangeville, guests of Mr. and-Mm,-G. M."Fit:'ger'ald. Rev. and Mrs, Martin nun ...--.a:..- .. :__ ..--.. -.... vvavod nun: Inn U513. U159. Ilgn. Erven Leigh qnd John Young of Orillia spent the holiday at the farmer's home. "I nuol II-.. Q4__, ,, u an n Miae Verna Thompson and Miss Anderson of Torontovgzpent aiew days at Mrs. Hou- ston's. ' 7 [- Mr. and Mrs. Trumble of Toronto are spending their vacation with their aunt, Mrs. George Leigh. . . o Mr.'a.nd `Mrs. Forth of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leigh. 17....-- Y-E_L ,,, 1 v :- vuv: wcvlrcuu IVll;@_l'--I13. ` `Miss B. Barnhudt of Toronto was home for 1119 holiday. ` James,Todd, Alex. Williamson, Clair Bab- cox and Art Thomas of Toronto are camping for two weks on the lake shore. 111-- I7____. , ..-.. -_v..vuu_ nu uuv upuv nuuuay. - ' '11}. ua- Mrs. Fjrank Pattexaon and chil- dren motored from Walkerton and spent ' the;week-end "with, Mr..Ha!l. `Min R. Rnrnhnuu A` 'l`..-n-A- ----- |--~ - ~ QITDVVCW-Vl`n - Aug. 7.--`Messrs. Lynn Follows, Lester bW:-Vi;h_t ._`..,, _!l.'a.cTl`avis,h' `and A. Philips, ui` rley avid Chelsea Fellows`; Dorothy Wright and Grace Philins mnfnnvl f--- nvuupw mm WQIG` H10 [USCG Of I hire. Fellow; for the civic holiday. V up Wino`. "an I`-.._L IJ..AA_____ mauve amney anu unouea nreuows; Dorothy Wright Grape Philips motored from ro_hto and were the guests of lit. and Mn. Fallow: fmv u: .-hyz. |...|:.a.... _'rRoiIF _; uumpuuu . .-Hughson Toronto 1 her nan-ems. Mr and um u wuu my answer, mrs. Ln. voroeu. -m..fgain the whistle and hum of the thresh- ing machine is heard. ~ A nu.-uni`... L--- ....- u..___L:__ JLLM ,_.,Iw rus Iunuuluv I8 l. A number here are threshing clover and rep`%rt a very good turnout. - `II Itasca. :. ..L.....a. n...-....L --__`_- mpyn as very goon turnout. W. H. Hatton is about through sawing at both mills. ` ' _Iv_y and. Thornton played t.h__ei}' League vuou ucr xnenu, nuns uessle apeers. ` Mr. Spears of Cookstown spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. H. Corbett. . Ain Dill. jun-an A: 6`... 4L_...`. ..- vncv -.:--vu--vv cqnul Rev. and Mrs. Barclay of Hamilton are the guestmof Rev. T. J. and Mrs. Dew. Miss Downey of Alliaton is holidaying with her friend, Miss Nessie Speera. Ml`. Sham-A nf (`nnbnfnmn can-:6 in `(mm Nordlbound ~Lv. Torontd `Arr . Barrio No.10 ' ' I 11.40 pm. 2.03 a.'m. (Except Fri. and Sat.) '. 4 No. 249 (Sat. only) 1.40 mm. No. 41 (Ex. Sun.) 7.20 nan. 210. 55 10.00 a.m. No. 57 . V ` .10.80 5.111.` No. 43 Sat. only) 12.80 ~p.-m. p.-m. * No. 45 Ex. Sun.) 4.50 pm.` 7.50 13.11:. I No. 41 (Daily). .\8.45 pan. 11.100_p.m. I -.-LI.I__-._. J I

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