Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1923, p. 16

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N ewmarket ..14 Mccaffrey . Aurora ' .14 McDonald .. l'\.`.Il:.. .11 V U101` (IUD Orillia I Carruthers Barrie I McNiven 1! Creemore Mills . . . Tottenham Coffey Creemore . Carr . . . . .. Orillia Sinclair ., . IIIIOUUGIC A. G. -Wvalker Allandale A. R. Walker Claremont `McDonald Il'_\1'._LL znuuuuvy . . Barrie Stewart Allandale ' ' ` Poucher . . . Oshawa Swanson Barrie Bricker 'rottenhan'{ ' IUAGJ... UIIBII Oarruthers . . . A`llandale D Y-II___ Qllll-I51 u If A. .Walker Nqwmarket ,`Il2lV.._... \Illll1 Mc-Nabb l\..!Il: _ IJIII IIU Sunpson T. Orillia McFadden n Iv... nun; ucr Bernhardt Creemore llfll I- IIIFII llvllllr . Score by inning:- I VVLU-[DIXIE 0 n u . . Orillia [ Weatherwax .. Amazon. 3 McLean .. Alliston Knight . . . . . .. Allandale l A. R. Walker `Barrie D McNiven Claromont Henderson .. . `Barrie Bricker . . . . . . . V Stayner -Damn In A _A 4 .16 .11 .10 .26 .11 .10 .12 .11 .10 avuunuule . . . . . . . . . . ..UU2UZ 4 .~ Line-up:- bitt Broley illoiodvith, Smyth, Black. . Ttanth Hunter, Albert Woods, Johnston,nGoo. Hunts:-A,~ Constable, B. Hun- ter, Batbbey, Webb. T ' - - um - .. .12 .10- .14 .16 .10 .15 .15 .17 .14 .r3lJ ll z:lli;<')n-Doyl rf; Hand cf; Len- nox ss and p; Moore p and 1st; Had- ~ dell 2nd; Large lst; Hoarn c, Caesar` lf; Calverf 3rd; Coyle 1st. 'n'......:....... 11---..- ..-.a 'A._..-I.1 '.: --u-"nu.-uvuuu u , cause: In Hawkestone defeated Barrie. for the Toad time this year, by thewsoore at 5-8 in -nine innings. This was the feature attrac- `an-nf tho nnrnnnn A D`---3~ ---:` Knock 401302402-1615 AllistOn2V30020000--7 6 Line-up:-_- A Knock-Connell 3rd; Boyd 1st, Adams c and 1st; Martin .ss, Lock- hart p; Sutherland 2nd; Hunter rf and c; C. Allen cf; Bowman rf_, T. Allen lf. . . `gun . v\ u n O- 1 - - - vulva Knock snatched two in the sixth, four in the seventh and two invthe ninth. `Martin and Lockhart tallied in the sixth with none out; In the seventh, Connell, Allen (batting for Boyd), Lockhart and Sutherland all made the rounds. The rst of the ninth saw Knock bring its total up to 16, when Martin and Lockhart tallied before -there was anyone down. i ~ jkllcigcon completed tneir scoring in the fth, Calver, Doyle and Hand crossing the pan before anyone wasl out. a a v u u uu L.I.u.AA\L VVCIIII vuv DU uuu. Knock added one in the third af-l ter two were out, when Hunter was safe on error by 2nd and scored on .Allen s double. Three more were marked up in the fourth. Connell went out to 3rd. Boyd singled, Ad- ams fanned, Martin singled, Lock- hart walked and Sutherland cleaned off the plates with a two-bagger. Hunter was safe on error and Allen fanned. - - u . g u annsnsvvvlm `Luis U llll Inn "The winnersistarted out strong in l the first frame by snatching four counters with none out; Connell singled, Boyd doubled, Adams sin- gled and Martin singled. These four nally tallied.. Lockhart was safe on elder s choice and Sutherland and Hunter were the same, but Lockhart was forced at 31:41 for the first out. Allen and Bowman struck out.` Al- liston got two runs in the first when Doyle singled, Hind was safe on er- "tor and both tallied; Lennox, Moore and Large were outs. A1I..LA... t..`II:...I .. 4...}- -2 -_-__L___._ Adinliu IV\/'L\? \I\-IUD! Alliston tallied a trio of counters in the second. Haddell and Hoarn singled and Caesar knocked them in with a three-bagger, scoring himself on 'Calver s out at 1st. Doyle fan- ned and Hand went out to 2nd. i 'If.--,I, -jJ,j ' (Continued from page 1) liston, but he was ineffective. After Knock had snatched four counters on three singles, a double and two field- er s.choices, with only one out, Mer- vin Lennox took up the hurling bur- den in an effort to stop the rush of Knock to the front. He struck out the next two batters to close the in- ning. Lennox accounted for eleven all told in 8 2/3 innings and allowed eleven safe hi . ___ , ,:,In _ III: `I vIt;`<;ci]:;1:1(imevig.'ht men left on bases and Allistonx had three. iw _,._,_j, __j_- T- - .-_%__ _. ______j_,_ V" :1: Score by. innings :- 1 0 9 A E Q I u-uc musugu. 11118 was we IOEISIIPO 8.33380- 'tion ' of the afternoon. The Barrie outfit wyre -playing only three regulars, Emma Guper and Lynch. "nwbaafnnn Hon :5 uh... n......._..L:-_ AL- `-`IT'S PRINTING Mahomet Could have sold your merchandise THE ~ BARRIE EXAMINER High:Class Printers and Publishers BARRIE, ONT. I uvaall . Mrs. Bulloch and Mrs. Gibson and family of Toronto left Tuesday after spending the week-end at -the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Crosby. Misses Drucilla Poucher, Marjorie John- ston and Edna Fraser. returned home Tues- day afterrspendin g a. three weeks vacation ` at Port Carling. . vuuz. -nun. ucu. .l'0UCIl8!', D1 . Miss Margaret and Allan Nayloxf of Owen Sound have returned home after a three weeks visit in Allandale and Sunnidale. Misses Orhea Logan and Norma Robinson of Toronto are spendingmtheir vacation with 1'. the fonn er's parents, and Mrs. Wm. Logan. | Man D..lI....L _..J In . u- .. . ;. uxwuy, uuroune at. ` I ~Mr. and Mm. Nicol McNicol, S1-., and. son Nicol of Toronto spent. the week-end with Mrs. Geo. Poucher, Sr. man IlI'n....n....4. .....I An... , I - A vvuzu u.LCuuD' UUIC Miss G. Gignae of Depot Harbor has re-` turned home after spending three weeks at `Mrs. H. Bowden s. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flavell of Kearney spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Crosby, Caroline St. | .,'|[-p and II`... \T:-..l |1-xY:_.| n : uuu yyuull. - T Hawkestone has a nice aggregation, the twin-ler Mcoonaghy having plenty of atuff" on the ball- He was given splendid support ii the ld. L. Emma hnnvml `am nuan- u n. zuucuer I '-R. R. Mcmazer of St-. Paul, Minn., has rturned home after spending a fortnight with friends here. :3: ('1 f,`:......._ -1` I\__ ,. 11* I I LJFIUGI ll . Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McNiven spent the week-end holidaying in Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Farnfield, Brock St., weretup the Lakes to `Parry Sound for the week-end. Mrs. Miller and children of Toronto are` holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Farnfield, Brock St. ' Miss Hazel Hill, of Allandale, is visiting .her cousin, Miss Margaret Naylor, Owen Sound. - Miss Hazel Patterson of Toronto is vis- iting her brother, A. E. Patterson, and Mrs. Patterson. run. :1 .u - n - - - .1 DIIUUIBUIJ a Miss Catherine Poucher of Toronto spent! the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I C. W. Poucher. M D D Il -`Il.._4_,. 1- n. V` q -.. - I III-Illliu i Mr. and Mrs. Scanlon of Toronto are vis-5 iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Speam. ' Mp nnntl II... I`! A 11 19- V -- ' -.n:uu. ` I `Miss Helen Gilchrist of Toronto spent the, week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. Gig christ. g[_ I In A - - -- an: umuug 1.1.113. VV. pong, 113111113011. `Mr- and Mrs. George Cowie are visiting. with their son in Sault Ste. Marie,-Ontario.l Mrs. Margaret Holmes is spending the week with Mrs. (Rev.) Beach at Port Carl-|' mg. ` , --Mrs. L. Lawrence returned home Sat.ur-f day after spending a few days in Chelten-j ham. uu apcuu um uuuuuys. - ` Misses Lillian and Doris Kearns are visit- ing friends in Nor-th'Bay. MI`; and :MI', W `(now-no nv-J '4--- ----` luuc vvwn-cuu 1u nonsn nay. Mr. and Mrs. J. Calvert left Saturday for [Mm-rkoka tospend a holiday. " Misses Marin 'lH-gal: om: V-.- n.....n-L:I-H muamnu wppeuu a nonuay. ' i Misses Marie Trask and Vera Goodchildi are visiting Mrs. W. Long, Hamilton. ; Mr_ and Mm (lam-on rYn...:.. ..-.. .....:.:__ 11:5 uusuub In uurul D8) . Mr. and Mrs. W. Kearns and Jean span: the weekend in North Bay Mr. and Mrs, J, nalvnv-I Inn Qo4.._.I..-. c..- uu uuc uzu1.- me was given OPIOIIGIG support field._ L. Emma heaved `em over for Barrie with -Mugs" Cooper in the re- ceiving role. A number of Hawkeatonians were safe on errors. ~ H.-....l............ ._...1.L__| -1: AL A- Miss N. Collins of Toronto is the guest of `Mrs. J. Gilchrist. u:.. 1.-.... a:-..u..:_ L__ _ . -- I Vu; mm. a. uuunnsb. I Miss Irene Sinclair has gone to Toronto' to spend her holidays. .Mi:nnu I.;";nn nnzlv I\,...:,. If ----- -- FOR SALE V on-vmsm Am: woo That is precisely the situation today - The mountain--BUSINESS--will e not come to you-you will have to go after it and go after it hard. . YOU haye one great advantagebover the prophet-he had to take the going as he found it--you can pave the way with adver- tising. You know the old story of Mahomet and the mountain - When the mountain wouldn't come to him he, like a sensible man, grabbed his Panamaio thehall rack and went to the mounta.in--he wanted it badly enough to go Inch. Lumbem r,_ii_ -2:-in`:-c'h` i"l:;:l:` ~ HARD ANDSOFT WOOD it.. Z- _ - tw--- ninth! $lVIII`\I Great interest has been aroused by the announcement of the visit of the professional golfers to Barrie on Aug. '22 and there is sure to be a big crowd out to see the match. -. \rnIn' u avvayn `giegcl; J. Voz;d:n, of- the Port Stanley [Public School, dropped dead while aoting as ha"-hon:-ar of n F-;nn.l .a C......_..I s uuuu ouuuul, uruppeu (1880. wnue as palljbearer at a. friend s funeral. u. an. uuy, an. nunus 0 Mr. McGee, Dr. Lt-nno.x, `A. c. Bricker, sk. Minus IQ. Oscar Beiall. aged '22, compieted his 16! voyage to the US. as a stowaway. `l2\....A....:..I. T 1T.....I-_ _ Ll I! - ~- - ' .._..v... ....au u. unyuna, AUBDGN9. Mrs. A. H. Ferguson, accompanied by _ Miss Palling and friend, motored to Hills- "udale recently to visit Miss Palling's sister, Mrs. Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patterson and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson and film- l,ily of Perth are the guests at the home of Marvin Brown. Tifn St. ` Mr. and Mrs. H. Bowden attended the giwedding in Toronto on Monday, July 30, iof the lu;ter's son. Wilfred Dapine, to Him Myrtle Lamb of Penetang. .' C.N.R. cricket Team Visits Torontn l Monday last being civic holiday in `for- -;onto the C.N.'R. cricket team of Allandale -[played the C.N.R., team of Toronto in IRive1-dale Park. Ploy started at 11 o'clock Ham. and stumps were drawn at 7 o'clock ', p.m. The Toronto team won on the first nnnings by 13 runs, as the second inning; 'was unable to be finished in time. The scorer very kindly furnished The Ex- _Iaminer with details of score, 8 colxltesy in thatis very much Unfortun- ately these details have to be held over till next week. ' P I ,Q 1 I .0 IWJ. Sinclair, H. Tideman, `H. M. Lay, 31:. Minus 6. .M.- ~M..(!.... rs. 1------ Peter Clark's quartette iinishhediin first place at 8.1003! tournament of the Barrie Bowling Club held on Friday evening. W. A R."King s rink and W. A. Tumors rink tied for second place but the former tool: the mpney. when a coin was ipped. The local tournaments are becoming quite successful affairs and Eriday nights was no_ exception. Mr. McGee, a visitor in .town. was kind enough to pass around 2: Ibox of cigars. ' The rinks and scores 2-- Dr. Burns, A. Anderson, R. A. Stephens, Peter Clark, sk. Plus 14. W. Hickey, A. F. A. Malcomson, J. Sea- igranx, W. R..King, sk. Plus 1. I E Inna-man Ia` llm-ul..ll..... A n'_1_L:',n, 151111.11, Ir. .:\..-Lung, SK. flu I. E. Longman, F. Goodfellow, A. Habbibk, W. A. Turner, 81:. Plus 1. C. Thonxpson, F. Hart. A. Hay, sk. Pius 0. ' ' I -Miss Laura Middleton of Rosedale, Tor- lonto is visiting Miss L. Bayliss, Allandale. Palling friend. morn:-ed an Inn, PETER cLARK's RIIK were cgugrtette in_ .l...... _..4. .. I---` cRA1'_(-'.oL1-'1-:Rs comm`. v c v av`:-n occult `Iv Stroud Junior baseball team took the censure at the 10th Line eggmgation by `&leocoaeo9-inegeupfleyodinthe euly part of the afternoon. Jnlioxgame of ball, and. was a. ne cur- teinupiar for the Barrieiawkestone Senior gune whi ,' ' . The Strou started things moving in `Q flint fr nvlmn Nonlnnnla OLA limo. twasegood`. n, T. '1'. Yoimg, we atrou ya` 8158! !-ed umnga movmg m .e first evhen Neelanda, the first run up, smashlbut `a homer. Reynolds, Fagan and Jobbitt went out in order. Stroud went out in order in the second and third but in the fourth Jobbitt started the log rolling and before the air had cleared Bro- IQD unnhnntdn Dana-`All- ....J 13...... in each of the third and mm crucsseu we pan 101' nve-V-rum. black, Nculandn and Reynolds -brought their total up to nine in the fifth. Tenth Line matched agair of counte;-aw` h. There woke tum nuf. in tho tlnrl mlum `lnl.m.s..".. ....A Steamer Maconia sailed from Southamp- ton carrying 1,700 emigrants for Canada. Glasgow bookmaker declared to House of Commons Committee that he takes 81,500 a day in bets from tenement dwellers, nu no uluuu an I xuslulr in HIV ICVWDIIUOII. Stroud Community Park was opened a `year ago for. thebenefit of the people of in village and neighborhood. The Sports Day` is not a money-making. venture but is staged each year to supply funds enough to carry on for the year. ` In I414: nunnhua a nu Vnnnnn-I nvnn .-hung sun; uu wr use year. V In the evening a fine concert was given by outside talent. That `famous enter- tainer, Owen A. Smiley, was there with all his versatility and in addition Arnold's harmonious orchestra dispensed excellent music. The concert was well attended and n.del1'ghtiul programme was put on. Stroud Jrs. 9; 10th Line 4. E4........I I.-..__. L--.A_-II A__., 4 unuug, nuu umvtv um nu` uuu cxeureu DIVO- loy, Smyth, Neelands, and Fagan had crmsed the pan for uve-V-rune. Black, Hldl Ant` `mmnlda Jsnnn-`I6 `KAI: `n`n' Hawkestowne Men, Stroud Boys and "Knock Girls Won Baseball Matches. The secongl annual Sports Day was held at the Stroud Community Park on Mon- day afternoon. Beautiful weather favour- od the success of the day and the baseball matches. races and horseshoe pitching con- test, were all thoroughly enjoyed by those taking part andalso by the spectators. `ne committee has a nice little sum of money to its credit as a result of the lcelebration. Btmud Communitv `Park was nnmuul n -us-an u uunu In NH: Ill} Score by[inni_ngs:--- I 0 '2 . wt, , uw vuvniu Hawkestone 5; Barrie 3.- ...s..__ .l-_-4_.I I5 I vvvllvb L60 Kn`ock--Connell If; Dyer .rf and `cf; G. Sutherland 2nd and cf; Martin cf, 2nd and 3rd; Wright ss; Boyd 131:; Adams e; W. Sutherland _8rd and c; C. Lockhart pand 2nd; Ferrier p. TTmnivnu__T TI and T` u4......-..:. -1 11 1 ; B u M: U U I O U Barri 4 0 0 0 3 02 0 3 `Knock 00100-00:40 Line-up:-- " ; . Barrie---Dobson 1st, Armstrong c; D. Emms 2nd; Lynch ss; Plant 3rd; L. Emma p; Clark cf;' Gilchrist rf; Cooper If. 0 !I..`....1- 11-....- up -. - - 1:: '12 88 `Race Winners ` The winners of the races were as fol- lows:-- Girls, six and undex---lst, Ileen Rey-' nolds; 2nd, M. Foster; 3rd, I. _Sheri-ing. . Boys, six and under---let, C. Sherring; 2nd. E. Oolbourne; 3rd, T. .Wright. 1 Girls, ten and under--let, H. Johnson; 2nd, E. Neelands; 3rd, B. Hunter. Boys, ten and under,--let, J. Constable; 2nd. R. Neclsnds; 3rd, L. Gibbons. Girls, open---lat, R. Johnson; 2, D. Hew- i stun; 3rd, `H. Johnson. 1 Boys, open-lst, C. Fsgan; 2nd, J. Mal.`- quis; 3rd, G. Hunter, Men's 100-yard dash---lst,_ Ross Oowan; nd, A. Walker; 3rd, G. Fletcher. A * __ A-Horse [Shoe Pitching ` The horse shoe pitching contest drew Ibout twenty contestants and great interest was shown. Wilfred Booth and Fred Pen- eock won, with Chester Mcconkey and Selvin Meredith in second place`; e- 2 ' - a nun, u cnuns. Knock--C. Lockhart%.out.~to pitcher; Con`- noll fanned; Dyer singled; G. Sutherland out to right. ` 0 runs, 1 hit, 0-errors.` Score by innings:-- 123.456789 RH Barl'i'4 0 0 0 0 0:4 `I'.'.... .-_. 0. ' saw. u runs, 1 wt, U 8l'l'0l'8. Knock~-Connell walked; Dyer singled; i G: Sutherland safe on fielder-`s choice, scoring Connell; Wright -singled, scoring V Dyer and Sutherland; Martin fanned; Boyd sacrificed to left, scoring Wright ; Ferrier (batting. for Adams) singled; W. Suther- land rolled to let; 4 runs, 3 hits, 0 errors. . Ninth Inning ` Barrie--01-ark wallded; stole 2nd and 3rd; Gilchrist walked; Cooper walked, fill- { ing bases; Dobeon singled, scoring Clark; < Gilchrist out at home, . 2nd to catcher; Armstrong singled, scoring Cooper and I Dobeon; D. Emma walked; Lynch safe on ' fieIder's choice, D. Emma out at plate, 3rd to catcher; Plant out right to let. 3 runs, 2 hits, 0 errors. 'I(nnnI.r__l` Innlrkn-6 ....L k- ..lu.`I..._. n--. 1 . wguuu uuuug Ban-ie-sD. Emma singled; Lynch walk- ed; Plant. out on infield_fly-; L. Emma struck out; Emma out at home,`pitche`r 'to let. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. VIIl\nlI___".nI\I\nI` lI!Il'l.rl|t'I .'I'\--n- -3--'-J- mI`{ ;1Bt;ck-Boyd out to 2nd; Adams out pitcher to 1st; W. Sutherland error by `2pd_; C. Lockhart out to 2nd. 0 runs, 0 nuu; u. uuur huts, 1 error. suua, V Iuvn, 1 E111) : Knock'--G. ,Sutho.:rlsnd out pitcher to 1st; Wright out. on strikes; Martin out short to 1st. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors." . Seventh Inning ` 'Barrie---L. Emms singled; Clark safe on error -by 3rd; Gilchrist out pitcher to 1st; Cooper struck out; Dobson to let on error by` 8rd, scoring Emma and Clark; Arm- strong out short to 1st. 2 runs, 1 hit, 2 errors. `I'I.._-I- ED..-.J _._4 1, v now, v cuvus. Sixth Inning Barrie--Dobson fanned; Armstrong safe on error by 2nd; D. Emma to let on field- er s choice ; Lynch forced Emma at 2nd, short to 2nd; Plant` out short to let. 0 runs, 0 hits, 1 error. Sutherland ` _gitel_1er tor I..4.. l'lr..1_L; _..L __ `,9, nuua U Luna, 0 UITUFH. I Knock---Boyd out to short; Adams out 3rd to let; W. Sutherland out pitcher to let. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. _ `Fifth Inning Bnrrie--D. Emms safe on error by -2nd; caught out between 1st -and 2nd, short to let; Lynch out pitcher to -1st; Plant safe on error by 2nd; L. Emma safe on error , by centre; Clark singled, scoring Plant and Emma; Gilchrist tripled, scoring Clark; Cooper out pitcher to let. 3 runs, 2 `hits, 3 errors. ' ' YI_-~-I- B `I _-I_l_ _,.. , II I . - . nu U Lockhart rolled to lat; Con-l nell and Dyer out pitcher to"1st. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. [ Qiutl. 1 __:_ _ xuua, I. luv, U errors. Knock--Connelvl fanned; Dyer out on Clark's good [running catch; G. Sutherland singled; Wright doubled, scoring Suther- land; to 3rd on error by pitcher; Martin fouled out to Plant. 1 run, 2 hits, 1 error. Fourth Inning Barrie--Oooper rolled to-lat; Dobson out 2nd to let; Armstrong out to short. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. unnnbinnuv Ant 6. -1...-6. A.) . M . . ..L uluucj El Girls '2nd, ET % 1 < nfnn u Quul mu. u mun, v mun, 1 error, . . Knock-Wright -singled; Martin singled; Boyd walked, lling bases; Adams fanned; W. Sutherland forced Wright at plate, pitcher "to catcher; C. Lockhart out to right. 0 runs, 2 hits. 0 errors. ' 5 V . .~ Third Inning Barrie--Plant out short to let; L. Emma doubled; advanced to 3rd on Clark's sacri- fice fly to centre; Gilchrist out 2nd to let. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors. `(lint-lr_.I` ..l\fII'Ill4` `nun.-ul v 'I\-..... ....L .... ock-conne11 fanned; Dyer and G; Sutherland out pitcher to let. ~0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. ' . .Q..-..J I ....:_.. Barrie--Coo pitcher `to let; nnfn nn an-nr uaucunu tuning per-struck but; Dobson out Armstrpng walked; D. Emma hi? 9nr'-vtaynnk Ant 0...] On ywuuvl; W Lav; nruu-Jurpug Wllll safe on error by 2nd; Lync let. 0 runs, 0 hits, 1 error, 1(nnnlr___Wvvhn1n-4 .unuI.ul. -II vuucn U110 V Barrishad nine men left on bases, w, le Knock had seven. ' ay by innings:--. L ' A First Inning Barrie--~Dobson hunted to left; Armstrong singled; AD. Emma out to lat; Lynch singl- ed"; Plant safe on error by short; L. Emms tripled; Clark out on strikes; Gilchrist rolled to 1st; Ddbson, Armstrong. Lynch and Plant crossed the pan. 4 runs, 4 hits, 1 fff Ol`l'0l'. IIUVI VIII?! Eeig'hton Emms` starred bait baf fof Barrie, with a triple, a double, a sin- gle and a long y to centre in ve times up. Dnnudn Inn.` -n:c-.. _.-.. `.31. ._ L-___' ECLB, SUI $935 V$V 59$` KICK WDFVVI VIIVI Ferrier went 1: the hill-top for Knockiin the eighth. He got through V . the eighth'all.17ight, but in theninth he walked the first three men tip, al- lowed two hits in a -row, and then walked another batsman, three runs scoring. Ferrier allowed three hits in two innings, passed` ve and fan- ned one. T in . u .u `. - Haunt? VVIIIIJ JIUIIV Vlllyo Cliff Lockhart was in good form for Knock but lacked that essential thing to a good ball team, support in the eld. Three runners scored `in the fth `after two were out, two of them getting safe on errors, ` one a missed y in `the eld. Lockhart, in the seven innings he pitched, allowed eight hits, two of them three-bag- gets, struck out four and passed one. `Dan-uh. nvnmlv nu `kn tudii `noun `Au GIJI VV3 3 IIIUU 1,57%? UL WIILZO Only three men faced Emma, the Barrie twirler, in each of the first, fourth, fifth and sixth` innings, while four came up in the seventh and ninth. V The quick outs were made via 1st. He fanned six Boydites, allow- ed eight hits, three of them going to Wright and two to Dyer, and passed twb. Emma was effective in the pinches, Knock being `retired in the second without a run after loading ` the bases with none out. Iill `f--I_1___L _-_ 2__ -_-,.I 1--...- - nxuusuuug. Hawkeetone--H. Pugsley c; '1'. Pugsley lath; Fletchr gt; Vfestlvfnrootbif 3111; IMd0COX- gey p; . ugsey ; ooreo2n; . Pugsley vf; Reid as, Um*pires---Lock-hart and Sutherland, Knock. Knock Girls 10; Leonard : 7. Knock gitls were victorious over Leon- ard's by 10-7 in a game of bweball which g followed the Haw-kestone-Barrie match. The o match attracted a great deal of attention and players and lockers-on alike enjoyed at ' I (Continued from page 1) t in the next frame. Wright's one- hand pick-up and throw to 1st in the sixth` was a nice piece of work. Eighth Inning Emma ninahnl . ' Second Inning nnnr .n1~.nm1}. innit - sunupug wuuuzug U. PJIIIUIS 2nd;vLynch out 2nd -to if: I AIIIIAII vaunowlf, II. 171. Amy. SKID. . F. Goodfellow, C. '1`. Thompson, J. D. Milne, Dr. Simpson, skip; ` A, I.` A 1vm............ n 'n.:-....'.... -:1 a.uu.u:u, vv . 11. ncuuuuy, amp. Fred Marr, T. T. Young, A. Hay,` IR. A . `Stephens. skip. ` A. G. Habbick. c . H. Beelby, H. J. Thompson, P.,T. Clark, skip. D. J. Rnlmm A J Q...-:.....4 v 1 a.uvJu'p:zuu, 1., 1. U HIS, SKIP. D. J. Reburn, J. Sarjeant, V. L. Vanattexf, H. M. Lay. skip. F, nnnfnllnw I`. T 'l-|nvv-nnn- ' I` uuuun lj.lIl~I(8 Allandale - R. Dawson, A. Massey, V. Knight. A. R Walker. skip. ` L. Lawrence, E. Shear," S. Gareide, A.g G. Walker, skip. . A. Ferguson, J._ Legear, B. Thompson. C.` W. Poucher, skip. Barrie . 3 ' A Court` Thompson, G. D. Hubbard, W. A. Turner, W. H. Kennedy, skip. A I. Marv T T Vnuuno Ila `D A I-LUI IIC o o Bame Stewart . A 112-; -_ 4123456789 Total Barrie 010001.010 3 Eawkestone 1 10010 20 x 5 Line-up:-- . Ban-ie---Oooper c; MczPhail 2nd; Lynch a; L. Emma p; Twins 1st; Powell of; F0!- -Iqr 3rd; Cole: 1!; Jack Armstrong rf; Jim -Annstrong. ,'Iin1Irnnl>nvuL__` .`D..-..I...- -. 0!! I'!~r ' uuuwan . . . . . . . D Dlllclll . , . . . Alhston Knight ...... ..11 Caimibell Simpson ;by default from Henderson. " Local Bin-ks AIln'...l..l.. LIUIIIIUUJ Allistonw ' " Hancey . . . . . . Newmarket McCaffrey Stayner Bernhardt Alliston }McLean . Aurora Williams . . . Alliston Scott . . . . . . .. Ill IUBCI - Bame Kennedy A A ":cfnn A-llandale Boucher . Oshawa . Swanson . . I).._..2- I. W CIIIBUII Barne Bricker `l)___:, 3D IIKIC l Stephens Qfnunnu alal. uunnul Barrie McNiven . Orillia McNa'bb . Alliston Scott . . . . I)..- ll- niounvnnnb uuunpuvn . . . . . .. O DIIDPSOD Claremont - Henderson ' . . . . . . - 9 McFadde Mills (Creemore) a bye. Fourth Game Barrie . . . . . .14 Clark Barrie . . . ..l2 Lay . .. Barrie Auandle , A RI-inlrnr Cl "3 n - |JlI7;:Ir[i'e 1 a Kennedy . . Greemore Carr .. . . .. Barrie Lav . . . . . .. AIl:_;-._ -avvouuu w mince we game sate. ' Barrie matched a -run in each of the second, sixth and eighth. Twiss singled, advanced when Powell walked and tallied on a missed third strike. In the sixth Coop- cr walked. advanced on finlllnv- n ..Im:.... ....a \{""` Horns _ Sinclair . . . . . Barrie Stephens Oshawa Swanson . . . . Tottenham Coffey . . . . . . Oriillia .Il_lY..LL Luuuuuu . . 5 . . .60 011118 Orillia Collingwood McFadden .....l2 Gibb Allandale Alhston Poucher ` . . . . . . .14 Scott Bradford Bame Campbell . . . . ..1l Stewart .. Dr..Simpson. Barrie, a bye. 'I`VL2_J l\.._, , Illllllil Carruthers . Barrie Kennedy . . . n..:n:.. n. u. vvuuwr ..l.0 A. II. UB1`! ..... O Claremont Orillia M. Henderson . . .11 D. A. McNa.bb '. . . . 9 Alliaton _ Barrie R. Scott . . . . . ..17 Dr. Simpson 8 Barrie V - ' Orillia A. C. Bricker .14 W. McFadden 6 Allandale Barrie . C`. W. Poucher .17 W. '1`. Stewart .. 6 Tottenham Collingwood J. Coffey . . . . . . ..l3 J. Gibb . . . . 9 Stayner . . Bradford '0. Bognhardt .. . .18 Dr. L. H. Campbell9 , Oshawa Creemore S D. A. Swanson .12 J. A. Mills 8 D. A. McNiven, Barrie, 9. bye. ' .D __-...I l'\_,,, uuuluz UKIIHI R. A. Stephens .18 J. A. Sinclair .. Orillia Barrie F. H.'Horne 8 `P, '1`. Clark Bu:-ie Alliston _ H. I. ,Lay " . . . . . .10 W. J`. Hancey . . Allandaleg T Creemore A. G. wanker ..15 A. H. Car l'!l...--......4 n.:n:- . Crooqnorg Aurora W. Brydson .. ..l0 .1. G. McDonald .. .22 .A|||-nrn (hill: . vu u uunauu mum HIEHKG. .1n U18 SIX! U00!)- walked. advanced on fielder s choice and scored on Lynch's fie1der s choice. Barrie Idded a third in the first of the eighth. Stnrn I-nu -inn.I-um ., vv. auyuuuu . . . .LV .1. U. IIDIJOIIBIO Aurora. 0|-illia A Dr. Williams .. 5 A. Weather-wax Kewmarket Alliaton J. J. lfcsffrey 12 J. F. McLean Ottjllia `Allagdale ' I _...... L... -1 111.11.. IDV noto- Alliaton f..:'.l.A. lo U. "HIKE Creemore E38,. . liandt - Ilia (Continud from page 9) ' First Gmo ..-_, -v--. u, u 5: Second (-3a.me _.-.u, In Iv vu "T-gird Game Barrie ...1o Clark.....` Aurora . . .12 Williams . Aurora - . 9 McDonald Creemore ...l5 Brydson Alliston ' ..l2 McLean . . l\..lI:.. .16 .13 A. is were nun: UH .'l`l'0l'H. Hawkestone grabbed off the first counter is the first frame after two were out when Fletcher singled and scored when Westwood wen safe on error. They added another in the second when D. Pugsley `took let on pitcher's error and tallied on A. Pugsley s double. Hawkestone added a third in the fifth. Reid was safe on error by pitcher, advanced on H. Pugeley`e sacrice and scored on T. _PL1gsley's single. The winners Idded two more runs in the last of the seventh to make `the game safe. Bnrrin aunt;-hm! a nun h. ;.....L ..t LL- 4 I ..l1 .11 .15 .15 .11 .14 .14 a 1'8 UJUIJUII III` Orillia .13 `Home . Aurora 1 A Ilillll ._ _ .10 an vclvu vs um ouuu u-uu mun. Llwlj W888 twoeout in the third when Johnstoh and Geo. Hunter marked the scoreboard first. Abort Woods and Geo. Hunter brought the Tenth Line's total up to four in the `fth stanay 3...... I... ....!___.

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