Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1923, p. 13

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st or 3.50. at an` evening session of the U.F.0. con- vention last fal1,.he found that things} had been so manipulated that the, question had been disposed of by a- resolution submitted fate inthe af-. ternnon and of -which he was not ad-3` `vised. e . ocuu, 1 HUI much more - than are the men at the farmer organizations. your three activities, tht U.F.O._ Co-Operative C Farmers Sun, closely directorates. Is it not ti `finding out how this cli `charging the trust you I in them? _ As an instance of the It __-........, u.1.' .u. neaus ' I After referring to the fact that he was back on the farm, Mr. Drtiry said, I am much of a farmer head of your You have in the U.F.O., the ,\ ?U.F.O._ Co. and the!` Sim, planar" :..L-..=---e- I ernment. There is only one basis-- I the interests of the whole people. Our citizenship must transcend our : class consciousness. I I Mr. Drury declared that the action _ on the part of U.F.O. officials did` _ much to weaken the government in towns and cities. It was said that he had yielded to the dictation of Mr. Morrison. This "was not so. \ What they discussed was coalition, and he declared emphatically that he would not consider such a thing- if it meant any sacrice of Progress- ive pprinciples. ' Attacks U.F.O. Heads | . l A+'+m. ....:-.;-..'..r - ...... ,......c5c we nave alway us. But periodically there In a re-birth of the force that for equality, justiceyand the of the `common people._ `In C ' liamentary practice and_ should \ launch upon the experiment of gov`-' F ernment by a parliament of occupa- tional groups and by a cabinet re- :presentat1ve of all these groups. -___-_ .... ....ugc m usvur OI r'rO-f sive principles, no matter w,here~ d. There never was`a time when a party was so greatly needed,` 1 Canada today. ` '11.` -3. II - 2' (Continued from page 1) - A tlMr. Drury. My rst task was to; ' [introduce to the people of the towns: ; and cities the policies and principles I of what I called the people's party! ' and which has since been called the" ' Progressive party. .At a banquet ' called in Halton, which I then repre-z a seated, for the purpose of organizing ` a Progressive People s Party in that ;county, I made a speech which has] `since "become known as the `Broad-I ening Qut Speechf This was in ac-I cordance with my understanding when I took the leadership and withi previous utterances. To my astonr ishment, it aroused vigorous oppos-l `itign from certain officials of the U.l T. iHig1ii bio-st of Living is strange that with all I fhn nn;-4 `-1 1:..-:..-. I " to flu rs for n _of \.nuuI|Il:lUll yuan eVe1' `BO broad interests of this .. ..,,.. vvdvll iically must be ;he stands zsticeyand rights Canada M ripe for the birth of ft cannot be thwarted :1` fn or-nu ...... _L! I to any occupation-I have no class gov- must {G - ` I nt is no new thing forces of reactiqn 2 have always with .911 4-'ln.u.... ----~-A ` I JlI"`IIw Mr. R; Frockins. Brock St., wishes to thank his many friends and neighbors for their `many kindneasw shown in his re- cent bereavement. 32p ` `IA: vans; J. Gill u 8 again next y81_'. ...... ocuzcbuty respecuvelyg I _ At the close all joined in singing God Be With You, and disperse after many expressions of apprecia- tion of the beauty an of the Park and a promise to Come again next vmu-. - 5...... vu vucu. IUWHFG. ' C. Burton, chairman, and S. N. Hurst, retiring president, and who has for the past three years carried on the work of the celebrations, gave addresses. Mrs. C. Beleski and Mrs. J. E. Howcroft were elected treasurer and secretary respectively. At the plane .n'll :..:...:.: :.. ,2 0. avg vv auclib`, rvy. While games of all kinds were en- 3 ijoyed by the young folks, the elders Efshared reminiscences of, other days `and places which were much appre- '|ciated. - ;{ Twice a bountiful repast was- _Jspread. As evening drew near, the ' ' executive for next year were elected. i Following this, R. G. Houghton, pres- ' ; ident-elect, now of Barrie, gave an ' `eloquent and forceful` address, dur- : ing which he advised all present to , follow the example of the head of g the family, S. Houghton, Sr.-, whose word was as good as his bond, and 5 who has now, with his noble partner, 11 gone to their reward. n D....4.-.. -1, - I D. McWaters, Ivy. ..-. ......u., mu. nu me survivors of the original `family were present:- Samuel, the oldest, from Alliston; Al- fred from Newton Robinson; Mrs. `Burton and Mrs. W. Shephard, Bar- rie; Mrs. W. Bain, ']Z_oronto, and Mrs. nrnu-vac... -1.` -1! L! I vvsn ! i Coo ml \ The nal result gave Parry Sound n- the banner, Penetang second money rs ; and Huntsville third. `el Hose Coupling fa; Next came the hose coupling con- l'ltest. The teams and times in this_ ' event were: - ti Orillia 35 4/5 "sec.; Bracebridge. < ' 34 sec.; Barrie did not hit second _ target; Coldwater, 39 sec.; Burks J _'lFalls 37 2/5 sec.; Gravenhurst, 35 ` ;f3'/5 sec.; Penetang, 32 3/5 sec. Pen- jetang thus came. first, Bracebridge 5 ;;second and Gravenhurst third. 1 '9 Barrie Speedy of Foot . In the hundred yaid dash three `"3 _ IBarrie men competed and nished in v ithe following order: Clark, Dobson, :'lLivingston. Clark made the course (I {'in 9 seconds at. ' | `I ... LL- L,,1n -- 53 . (Continued from page 1) I ;HoucH7foN CLAN HOLD ; vzmr HAPPY REUNION ... v acuvuua nab. In the half-mile race, two Barrie I ilmen competed and nished in the fol- lowing' order: Dobson, Clark. iBARRu: BRIGADE J i; FlRS'1N_ PARADE ule 1 All theexcitement and thrills great feature, creating the am tiful love stories you haw It : the Biggest Show on Eu -- -ullllllllls .I\UII Her pranks, wiles, smiles, stun never so winning as they \ ` Presented by B. P. with a sprinkling of tears; a 2.50 9- v-us:-on 610]" Ad;/pted from Wilbur The Efeatest story Adantn -l-`an... n.-_-n `Made for laughing THURS.,_ FRI., SAT. - AUG. 9, 10, ll [res and stnripc mun u 'vj-- I-r um- I\lD< 7.77 A Thrilling Romance of Life ! Rn1';]Q nI1v\Ln ..`-, _ , , - --. nu; ulal ding a laugh here and there, quicken the pulses. Such a picture acny . 320 and -1; EVERYBODY _-v-aailfll, th 1,5u. S FAVQRITE present :- Ln:..4.-._ . A I Steele's Famous Prize Story, CHING, CHING, CHINAMAN P. SCHULBERG. A TOM FORMAN Production. PORTRAYED BY . ----- ll VVII rices: 15 cents atmosphere for one of the most beau- have ever seen on the` screen. \ of musical _ -_ cu.-av I-IIICS , stunts, magnetism, whimsical they are in this picture of life I the Big Tops! ur W90! Sn1'awball. `GUT fol- l7: _ 1 . V H U913 B. Marwood' - `[1. FALL I Shah 'ng atT:sla;'l;;rds. on August 'tho score`: were as follows :- Purposes only. uuo plullw . Minet s Point was the scene of the Coll? r- St. Sunday School picnic the same aftr-r 'noon, at which abo party went by boat from Bayfieid Sr` wharf, returning in the evening. Tennis` was indulged in after a fine picnic supper- o-. way DUCK the picnic. ....-....... uuu ya uusb VV8flD&08y 8mfIO0U, and a most enjoyable time was spent by F young and old alike. Central Methodist Sunday School held its picnic at Lover's_ Creek. the member: aports in the afternoon and after a bount eous repast, the happy t-hmng wended the-`r way back to town. About I-25 attended picnic. a good programme of A; .u.. u uvvvuv rlunlb The Sunday Schools of the two Methodist `Churches of Barrie held their annual picnics across` the Bay last Wednesday afternoon, fgnjqxable spent bv Buy advertised ttunp. uynu oproule. Jr. III-4Irwin Neely. Sarah Helen Constable. Raymond Neel} Mason. Sr. I-I---{Bessie Hunter. Jr. II-- Nm'ma Jacks. Willie Ba ayauxc. nawara lltef. Sr. III--Madeline Spring, V Cyril Sproule. 11- Y" .`l.__'_ 11 1 ~ . I923. J - Pnoud}IoN' axms S. 5. ll, lnnisfil. Jr. IV---Herbert Webb, How: stable. Edward Hunter. Sr I."_M...I..I:_.. 6-4, ' ____ --" The following pupils of Mrs. A. Adams passed the recent music examinations, F. S. Welsman of the Academy of Music, Tor- onto. being the presiding examiner: ' Primary Piano-Jean . Broome, Broome. Wrmnifned Ruffett. Elementary Piano--IR`ay Mcbennan. Doria Baker, Mabel Farrier, Violet Reid. Primary 'I`heory--MabeI Ferrier. Joyce uuc rcuenuy. Dr. Caselnova and Dr. City, Mrs. D. G. Bell Stayner spent Tuesday V: J. E. Hodgson. Grassland . Williams . Wolfenden 11...... ,--_., .......uu5 so apcmung ner loll- days with her szster in Linden. Mt. and Mrs. Hart `Thomas were in Wool- ville recently. nr nnnntnnuvn .._..l I`: 1-\ II - -- f well are nouaayung. wiih Mrs. Miss Kathleen Selman of spending a couple of weeks a here. ` . Miss Belle Canning is spendix sister {Mr un.-I II-~ T1--*""` uu nu \.-ll ULI Rev. -Wallace Juhuston ouuuuy is attending summer school in Guelph. . M53 W Fordwich . W. her brother Miss Maud Telfer and Miss rinters is holidaying at her home in coming. loan and daughter visitod at New Flos on Sunday. Elizabeth Cem- --`$8 Rev. J. Afaoss and Miss Ross of Baltimore visiting friends in th Ross taking the servi church on Sunday. lull} wife of Kilsyth and pent the weekend is neighborhood. Hr. oe in the Pnzibyuerinn REV. -Wnllnnn Tn.L-u-A-- 5- ;es only, Bring the kids! Show 7.15, Second 9 ? pantomime favorites. BARBIE GUN CLUB `@ an` {IE Al- -'1uca:.uc nunter. --'N9rma Banyafd. Mernomsf mcmc ....l..-- G-L__I n .- Marguerite de la Motitex s _ Buddy MesoeIg eI' spending her holi- ?l' sister in Linden and thrills that is Va Bell of New Yorl: . and daughters of with Mr. and In. I Season v I I: lasting impression are normal surroundings-- A u.-_., - -- ~ Irene, Brewster, larnh Bowman, Neely. Gordon under uunalllilrll DUI! I. Jno. Boyce. uf Toronto in at her home Page Thirteen Bro3v-.-- DA :-IJIUI 0 Mrs. M. E. Parkhouse and Miss Ruby Parkhouse left on Monday ev- ening for a visit with friends in Milton. A . V` - e Mr. and Mrs. N. Rodden and Nor- ma were guests of Mrs. J. E. How- csm;aundu1?<: continued, ` serve the .20 JR In IJIIII .24 .22 .21 .2? .20 (IA W`8I'8 -.., -----nu vu.LoUll, "I Uettolt. _ Mr.` and Mrs. Fraser and Miss Jean Cummings" af Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. P. Love. Mrs. P. Love and her sister, Mrs. I". J. Anderson of Newmarket, hove .-returned" from their trip to the West. H. B. Haugh of Toronto, nephew of H. P. Bingharn, paddled from_Bsr- we to Belle `Ewart and `return ` `re-' lztly. `II... `II 7-` V - `K - -1. vullllis UWU WEEKS _with their ganamocher in Collier St. Mrs A. B. Carley, accompanied by Mrs. I. Carley of Schreiber, are via- iting the farmer's son in Newmarket. Mrs. w. D. Clifton, Sanford St._, left yesterday to `mend n uuanb mm- ...... H. u. uunon, Sanford yesterday spend a week with her son, Harold Clifton, in `Detroit. Cummings` af 'rmm.+.. ..___; A-. ....u=a mane: and Jessie W Hamilton are spending two thei grandmother Coll I Mr: A. `D I"--`-- - zvrea snropsnire, 34 Small St. Mrs. Bannister and daughter of Waverley are the guests of the for- mer's mother, Mrs. S. Truernan. Misses Muriel and Jessie Walls 6: `Hamilton are nnaninn d--- -~A ' mu uucuuu, zza nayneld St. Mrs. E. B. Sutcliffe and children, Mary St., have returned home after :2 month's visit in Kingston. , Mr. and Mrs. McGee of Toronto have returned after holidaying with Mrs. L. Newman, McDonald St. ` unto as visiting with her aunt, Mrs. 3" :-ed Shropshire, 34 Mrs. Banning .....: .I--_m - ~--uuuc VI 6115' D13, Miss Margaret Simpson. of Phila-Mi .de1phia is visiting her niece, Mrs. T. 5?. Hounsome, Sanford St. V.- Mrs. A. W. `Cairns and family of Tort Coiborne are visiting Mr. and `Mrs. D. Cairns, Mill Road. A Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Sr., of Toronto '51-; visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Don- nld Jacobs, 228 Bayeld St. Mrs. `P R am-.134-. -...1 A--H `in? "151. "'1". "bro Aloe of Toronto 9lrlGII IIUII I cker .and daughter are visiting with _'er St. run a scw uuya U115 WEEK. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Cannon of Win- uipeg were week-end guests of `Mr. and Mrs. W. J; Shannon. Man U '7` n--*-"---- *~` ' " ...ua. A.u\;m5, VVUIISIBY 55. ` Oram Rodgman of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webb for a few days this week. Mr our` 'K...-.- Al! l'I____, , - --.. -.-., vvvb mu; wccn'Ul|u. P. C. Sidney Case of Torontospent the week-end the guest of Chief of Police and Mrs. Case. [ Mrs. Lorne Readmond and three daughters of Toronto [are visiting Tl/Irs; Hicks, Worsley St. Oram `Rm-Iamm. AG M----1-! -'V "the guest of Mrs. '1`. Burton`, Sanford ;ruLuylIll'U, GU18" 5`: Mrs. R. W. Bain of Toronto was .`-it., over the week-end. [ "D rv o:..I---- nu 0-` -` .-.u. auu Aura. 1'. LAOVE. Thos. Horn of Toronto was a week- _vnd visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hooper, Sanford St. Miss'Marion Howard of Bran`tford;' is: visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Fred] Shropshire, Small St . '__ 4 I 1],. `D II! *n_-,, JIVIIIIIU Daylllu EU. . I i 9 Mr. and Mrs._Harry'A. Love and Master Philip were recent guests of.. Mr. and Mrs. I . Love. _ f 'f`L.u. um-- `-1 n``*`` ' - Uvouul oucuuulg iii and St Thomas_ . -_iortnight s vacation in Montreal. Mrs. Alex. Smith and Harry Smith, M15 mi M W? F-R033 3'35 3 Worsley St., have gone on a `trip to'daughter Hope of Toronto were in. yort Huron, Mich Barrie over the week-end _ and are: Miss Bessie Fieldhouse of Wood- now holidaying at Wasaga Beach 5- bridge snent the week-end with her M13 8hdM!`S- C. Wren. 3- H9138'h"] c.usin M533 Rowe,` ton and Mr._a_nd Mrs. W. Houghtonfl Miss Margaret Enjott of` Hamilton of Alhston visited With Mr. and Mrs. {I was the guest `of .Miss M. Kennedy W- Shephrdr B1'?_k Stu 0" M0"d8.V-3; over the week_end_ George and Billie Hicks returned Mr, and Mrs, M_ G_ Tumbun ofvhome last week after spending a fort-!( Ruddell, Sask., visited with Mrs. L. 'ni8ht With their grandparents Mr-it Newman this week. I and Mrs. Geo. E. Hicks. Collingwood. , F Harold Hill has returned home af- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Love and Mrs. f `tar spending three _ weeks with his; W. H. Hind of Toronto have return- i] uncle in North Bay. ied home after visiting with Mrs. Ness Miss Hazel Morrissey of Brantford . at Bellevue ? for the past two weeks. 5] `:4; visiting her cousin, Miss Mary Mc- Mr, and Mg, A, W, Hislop aha 1i1-,.: ,, Wald. Byeld 5% ' , _tle granddaughter, Jean Hislop, of;p and,` Buffalo. were the guests of Mr. andjaj 0f-Mrs. W; J. Craven the first of the}; P. week, I A Of Tomntd W99 a tuna`! `. .... u v va. uuc wccls-ellu. I Mr. Mrs. G. of,` Ruddell, threewveeks ' I Mica uni Mnnn3n-_-- ..D II; _.nn 1: uvuuus, H5135 INUVVIL. I H `Ill... .....J :1... It -- - - uuu Q0: LIIUIIIHD} to spent cousin, Miss TM'.'p... ll....._-..-L nun .. -- -- vusgnu all I-vUVVl|o . Mr. and Mrs. Miss Isabel are `In ... A 1-_- r- us ; o ucnuau. Mrs. J. M.VNess is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. G. Love, Roncesvalles _Ave., Toronto. , Geo. E. Bruce, manager of the Bell. Telephone Co. in Chatham, is holi- daying in town. `M - .....I 1:... n - Ill` Ullll` Village bject to ions for e same. mittee action rity of any to vvwn |:)llllUUU Douglas Adams of Fort William is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Trueman. . V ' I 1|1___ 1 `II xv ` Oscar Hurst of Toronto visited his! brother, S. N. Hurst, Sanford St., on Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. C. Burton and family are guests of Mrs. W. H. Knapp, Brock St. Mrs. Hambly of Toronto is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Hambly, ` Hotel Simcoe. ' 5 "g-_.t`_ ` ` _ _ _,,', I. wanna. Milne. .uuua_yug5 Ill .l.UI'0IlEO 8110 strat- lord. Philip Love and Harry A. Love of Toronto are on a shing tripvbin the north. o ` I t\|v\ O Donnell bf Beatrice, Neb-' zaska, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A.l Milne. ' Lu1k\'1.issvEi/elyn Watson, Penetahg St., o-4 holidaying in Toronto and Strat- Inrd. * uu.., uuu H113. 1.1103. DlnCl81l'_ on Monday on a two weeks motor trip. - A `ll.`...... `l:V;.-l__._ 1:7, . - .-ya up onto. II, nlluuo her holidays in Hamilton and Tor- nntn. Miss Maisie Kennedy is-spending! Wlurs. R. w. Sloan of Churchillv is the guest of her sister, Mrs'.VS. True- man. ' `nun -- L." :nvalI\v Va. ac; lyabulv 111 [Games George S. Folster"waa~ at his home in. Owen Sound over theiweek-end. Mrs. Irvine Carley of Schreiber is {visiting Mr. and Mrs. -A. B. Carley. Mrs. R. Powell of Dunnville is vis- iting with Mrs. J. Powell, Sr., Sophia St. HI I Vbvllvlh Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sandei'son.havo `gone on a _trip to Winnipeg. Alistair i MacLaren `of Hamilton was home over theoweek-end. Miss Alice Creswicke of Toronto was home over the week-end, Mine Aavnna [mini] 3.. -.:_:L:__ _. - -I wan: uvulc UVCI` D113 WeeK`ena.- Miss Agnes Lynn is visiting at the home of her_par9nts in` Guthrie. Gnnrnm Q, Wnlai-nn'~-u... -4. 1.2- 1- ,_A, , Miss Florene Overs is holidang in Toronto. - . K { ,_._I I. o. - _. l|II\I- Mr.: and'Mrs. Thos. Sinclair left n Mnndav nn 1.: mm .......n...: ...`.L unlna ruguula U1. uulnn, R.N'., and! Vioit.lM1ss J. K. Qmnn. R.N.. are an. Tor-; d onto attending the summer course. -_ for nurses at the University. v ,5 wmgom is Mrs, Geo. A. Love and g rturnd MI . LOVG t0 their 1101118` ;in Toronto after a two weeks holi-i is visiting with he, day w1th Mr. and Mrs. P. Love. _ 3_ A. Crayen of Jaclconv1lle,' , Flonda, 1s spendmgt a week In tow I` , Ben with her husband's parents, Mr. and ,, Mrs. W. J. Craven. Bradford St. ' l Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Goodall andf] s_ J_ Anward a,,d;Miss Nellie Goodall, Mary St., re-'1 visiting in London-turned last week after snending a . . - 1 .iortnight vacatxon xn It , M an,` "___ 1!). In `K - . _ 4 1'}! on!` 'IJnu..-- G---31-L w path making nd only e house rnlissiou . -u-was Gllll Illllllneuo ` 1 mother, Mi's.l"' """`~.M"- L" h"{,' Compton Jes, police, magistrate, Toronto holi-la gauge, spoke of his a,,ce8to,._ Mr3_ ting her ,Hill, who came from Ireland in 1820. J8cknV1ne I She was a widow with eight children Florida. spending town,and the journey then was a heroic with husband s and! feat for a woman and her family. M?!` grave? %ra`g"g gt` (1, Nelson Banting, "brother of Dr. M, "N`"i`l, 5 il gt 3" 3Fred Banting, responded for the A1_1Wfal`d and! `S5 d `i `e k3 % '3. dp "'[Banting family. He explained that ' iii London'"ei hf `V99 3 tl lane" `"11? aMrs. John Banting was a sister to ` '-~"t 3 ts "at`"_ "trea ' ;'the first Mrs. Scythes who came to 5 "3 Mrs` F"Ra]d 3"d=Canada. There were seven Banting 1 B . k nd nd a e'brothers who came here more than 1 _ 3"; `Q59 , 3% `:5 -; ach ' ,seventy years ago. Husky men they`! 8 "`. w _' 3-Vmg 3 3 33' e ' (were, who cleared the land in the 1 Id ``d `Mrs Wren H`. g'h'fparts of Simcoe which they took up. I A _ t`:,"A"`l',`d' M",`{:;`ddM :i1 H`:i`n';"A great number of them were not (5 of 0 1`3t `"9 9 W ~ 3" rs` , present, but those who were testied `fl VI. Shephardv St`; Mda_-V"as to their ability as farmers, helc Ger3 H`k5_' returnedlclaimed. He `suggested, the picnic ii l`urnbull of,'h9 :133_tVt]:`_ft91' 5P"d`9't 17&'tr`;should be an annual affair to keep ith "'8' t W 9"` Era pare? 3 'lthe clan together. Though Irish, he 8 Hicks. Collingwood. preferred the name uclann` for that] rd MrS.l'famiIies, The heart of a nation is t( :s in its cottages, he quoted. e` _ I`ed`l`ioni_e after At the close of Mr. Bantingos v_: F ._ weeks. speech. Orton scythes of Barrie rose hi 5 Ml`8 _Hi810P_ and ht-{and expressed the regrets of those I 9` . :.':.:::":::.:=:`.t: *..".::: . :';;:P'.: r `. *- W: = is _ ., - ,;a sen in ngan ,. an expresse |._ ~ f~M!`s- thethree cheers and a tiger for Dr. Fred. [V1 . After the cheers, Rev. Mr. Chantler '33 week` Mr. _and Mrs. W. 0. Fawcett amillvoiced `the pride the family felt inlhs Son Hilliard Of Owen Sound. Wholhaving the doctor's father and mo-[fa . , ,W91` "i-Siting M13 8116 Ml?-_ J A-gther present, and asked God's bless- m` 1&I`8.ntFI`0l'g'1Hicks lefti on Monday to V1813 T01" ing to rest on them and the work of "5 rs. 1'6 [onto rien s. . gtheir distinguished son.` 1= Clifford Trueman, manager of the; JoS_ Fif told how in 1832 Wm en *I'0nt0 W88 Standard Bank at Claremont, `was _ Lscythes and `Jane Meredith werelsh ri, . the guest of his mother here on Wed ! married in h.e1a,nd_ Foul.` boys and . flesda-V 3"`! P3"t`1Ptd m the b`1'p'three girls were born of the union: _m}`:.s1f?ent `"9 tm3mnt- , -IJohn, Thomas, Susanna, Sarah, in; ' C `e Mm Percy Sprmg Pd 5 Dwglas George, Hettie and William, who ate Spent the Past Week Wlfh he? Parents came to Canada with their parents in bu, a"_d.:ih.ree M and Mrs` Wm` Tnbblei F1r?n 1846, where they purchased a farm" Su( 3 r V` tmg st-v leavmg vMd,33 fr 9 h1`day near Thompsonville. Shortly after me , at A1903 Beach `- they arrived the father and mother the gm`; , Mn and Mrs- 0- W- Houshtof and both died, leaving all the children six eo. V e son ikmbrose have gone to resi e in 0,.phans_ Their uncie Wm Bantmg, if . . H3m`lt- Wh_}'. M1" 'H3'ht" hasfgrandfather of Dr. Fred, took the gre 't`SffWL i"' Secured 3 P5_1t17l 0" the Stfi f." whole seven children and brought fgu "' Of the 011e8l8t_S- ' e ._ "them up with his own family. Of sue The HOW Jusme 1`g`K3-V 0f 3981" such `kindness and greatness of heart as _d8}18'hel' is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. .a,.eV,0m. pioneers made; ting` With J. H. Wilson, I_-ligh St. Mrs. McKay. ' ~ -- - - T,I: er iam, i s 'th, , D3rra`vAtnt?,lt'daughter in I Ivnau VJ. week IS... (`A or Among the recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Jacobs, Bayeld St., were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knapp of Capreol, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Culford of Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Lewis and lit- tle son of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, 'Jr'., and. children, also of` Toronto. ` _ 9, 1923. _ada. _i ..-..~ uuauya VV8Sc we, _attending the 41st Suprenie Con- vention" at Mount Royal Hotel, Mon- ti-eal, this week. This is the first time convention has been held in Can- ada. V ' B. D. O'Neill is the delegate ap-l -........ _vII\a uq; an -20 uuura. W -~-v I Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walls and Ritchie reunion at Wasaga Beach on Kenneth and Mildred attended thei Monday. They were _ accompanied` by Mr; and Mrs. F. c. Walls and fam- '. ily of Hamilton, Mrs. M. J. Walls and Miss Gladys Walls. `[2 I\ f\ \Y_II .0- -I I I - , ,,____, -... . . . . V . . uuua uxuuuct. ~ .1 Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jory and Mr.!`, and Mrs. Cecil Jory and children 0f,`: Chicago motored toyBarrie this week`: to spend their holidays with theirqo parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.` E. Jory. '1 They made the trip in 46 hours. L "_ __ .1 ll vvo --- - immev be con- \7ZII.. A- N, -------- unuuci I - u. u.. uusun rugn 51:. Mrs. McKay " V " . l : has been spnding 8 month with her] John Scythes taught school._ Tomi . . died from neumonia. Susanna mar-I sister, Mrs. Wilson. p ` l I I . . l . iJane married Robt. Fife of `Thorn- httle daughter of Hamilton were mg tom ; George married Miss Sarah Bmfne on Sunday and Mnday' Mr` ; Ann Boake and Hettie married Louis Elliott was on the Sta Of the BanklAuen AS a the Scythes of Toronto here some years ago. ' ' ` Mr. and Mrs.eChester Elliott,and_.ned T1103` Clark of Fergus` Sarah, is rve th ir fellowmen in wi - a - Frank cavanash and sons returned : Jim. gcythes Limited is I(`icfro:n1I:)o ' t Th`-`$33103 by mt1' " Tlfursdaylcan supply all tenting requisites; last. They_ were accompanied by Arthur nd garvey are in the boot Misses T955 Cwanagh and i Grace business; Will and Ed. in the musical McDonald, who will return by boat. I instrument business; Albert in insur- Robt. Smith motored from Bramp-; A -ance: Orton in farm implements at ton on Sunday and was accompanied, Barrie; while Tom is farming near home. by Mrs. Smith` and their three; Thornton, and Dalton at Apto. ' children. who have been spending,-ai Albert voiced the sentiment of 1 few days with M1`-, and M`'-` - B7'each member when he said he was I Owens. Mm Smith S bI'0the1`- ` glad to belomr to the r.mn., +1.... 1.-.. e \lJ- vul: vuuc I E. ', - The tflgswtice McKay Regina is with High McKay her sister, ` ! M- = ` .._.I `II... 11 . _.... ., "son Ambrose reside nu cuuuuu Dcucn. I and Houghion where_ has; position staff of` one` collegiates. ' mhn 1.1.... T-.-.l.2.._ 11-17 - - - I aycul, nut: pasta WEEK Wltn ner Mr. Tribble; Florence oliday on Monday h Alcona t. _;. .1 11.. A cu: -- parents, vv vult- and Mrs. an:-1],: who `] were Mrs. J. A. g Hicks. left visit Tor-ii friends. ' I l1I.I&-._.I gt uuv. uux, oupnla D1. Miss. E. Reynolds post o i_c;e staff has "fter spending her friends in Pittsburg, A! Mr, nirul Mvn 5--' 5 ....,......~, wuu. traced ms connection . vacation at Glenwoody par-through the Hill branch of the fam- ents' summer home_ i 3 ily. He spoke tenderly of his splen- Miss Maimie Frances Hubbert has did Pioneer` mother. Who told him returned from Toronto, where she many a tale of the times when wolves has been taking a course at the `on-_ prowled at night around the little tario College of Art, lhomestead in the bush and bears; 4 A. G. Hill, son and daughter, of roamed thewoods by day. By Way Cranbrook. 'B.C., are spending a of illustrating the tremendous diffi- month withhisiparents, Mr; and Mrs. culties -under which the pioneers lab- . `Geo, Hill, Sophia st, _' ored, he said the house on, the rst `] of the Barrie concession north of Newton Robin- ` olige returned homegson was built with bricks made in ' rafter spending vacation with handm0l11.dS- The Sturdy. big` f01`m~-` 5 inpittsbm-g,Apa, of manhood present, he said, were 1 Mr, and Mrs, Fred c_ Wglls and worthy successors of thatrace of C family motored .from Hamilton and hardypioheers Who Went before. t spent the week-end with Mr. Walls Never shall lforget, said he, 2 mother and brother here. the integrity of the people who. Mr. and` Mrs. Chas. E. Leef andlchanged this country from a wilder- a Miss. Audrey Leef of Toronto spentjness to a place of pleasant homes. e A - In closing his remarks,lhe referred t] J. Allward. Bradford St. A _ _ . .to the camp meetings in a reminis- cl M188 Agatha M. Quinn, R.N'., Bndlcent wav as lmina Hm..- ...1..... _u. - Ma..- 1 v n--:---. -~-- - K ` ,s,_ -.__-- ---., ,,.... .....,..c auu wucnmg speeches _ Dorothy Jackson of Toronto - were-lwere made which marked the real . week-end guests `of Mrs. `Geo. Mc-{spirit of the gathering. Mr. Fife , Donald, Bayeld st. _ . `was elected chairman, and first call- Dalton Meeking of the Hennesey' ed "upon Rev. Mr. Chantler of Tor- , Drug Stores. Toronto, is spending his; Onto. Whov traced his vcbnnection Glenwood Beach, his par- through ents at 81`0Und Ehomestead and hem-n.. A (1 um _-_ e wwalnvl U , `Mr. and Mrs. Turner and daughter Marjorie are spending a few days . with Mr. and Mrs. J.aH. Card at Ca- waja Beach. Jack Reid returned on Tuesday after spending a ortnight s vacation at Oliphant Beach on Lake-_ Huron, near Wiarton. . I Miss Leola McDonald and Miss`: Dorothy Jackson Toronto were.` Mrs. Geo. Mc- flail-an I --`I-3-'~ - l`: _, __ l '1 craft while attending the Houghton reunion. , "~ ' so Mr} and Mrs. E. A. French and daughters of Hamilton spent the week-end with Mrs. L. Newman, Mc- Donald St. Miss Myrtle Hill and Mr. and Mrs. l Plowman of Toronto spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill, in Sanford St. _ __ ,I `- (3 ll C II)!" d Vic! ciety'u dale), 15: `Q ugjc cxuuuuz -lJUll8I(lSOII' ner Ath- enia, landing at Montreal 'on Sun- day, Aug. 5. He spent a day in Belleville before coming on to Barrie. I ,__._ -_--... . van nuvuu H. Baden Greene of the Greene Music Co., Ltd.. returned to Barrie on Tuesday after a ve weeks trip to England and France, during which time he visited most of the points of. interest in these two countries. He sailed on July 24 from England on the Anchor-Donaldson" liner v``Ath- : enia." landing g+ `Il'....c..-..1 --A ~-- I uvvnvvtillc ` Over` one himdred present regis- -tered in the family book, and the day ended with three lusty cheers for Mrs. Sarah Ann Scythes, the old- est representative present, and three ` cheers for baby Ralph Banting, the youngest member present. `anally auun guunerlngs. Fra'nk Wilcox, Dr. Carruthers and Mr. Ball also added a few words and Orton Scythes moved that the offic- 'ers for next year s picnic be Joseph Fife, president, and Mrs. McKnight, secretary. .- nay-.. A... `L-`--- J~ - ` ; ,,--, ..--.. -an-nvvll an lip). 3 Albert each member glad belong to the family that had _worked together so harmoniously iand hoped it would be the first of `many such gatherings. ' I` !:!....!.I. '12:. , , -~ - RETURNS FROM ENGLAND `LI `Dad... I`... -.. , Q ........~...ca were an won: and `with -pride in the thought that these an- 'cestors left a name honored among men and unstained. I`.-u....a...... 1--m_ H -- 1 ______-a..,. ynnnn \.uuuu.'y .ll.'UIIl 8 Wilder- _ness remarks, he ,cent way as being.times when great inuences were at work and `with, `pride in Hm +1m....1.a u.-. .LL-'_, unuuur-uona1ason' liner Ath- at aum 5. an m-- - :~ - A `cool breeze blowing in from the _ lake made the day ideally pleasant . for the Scythes picnic held at Killer- [lney Beach, `yesterday. Motor cars began arriving at eleven o'clock and . continued steadily till late in the af- ` ternoon. Many of the party took ad- vantage of the good bathing beach. ` while the remaining groups chatted ` in "a real old-time. get-together spirit. It was, however, when everyone`. was thoroughly` satised at the well-I5 `lled supper tables that the interest- ling yet simple and touching speeches ' " I -on of junior n the Tl-IE BARBIE EXAMINER` _. .-. _vvu-uvunllil aUl1UUL Afcon-tinuaon school under a joint Board from Innia! school sections 3, '4, 5, 7. 8 and 16 will be opened in Lefroy at com-A mencement of fall term and will be;_,_pre- pared to teach all subjects in first and M second form; Ill VIII6 they I the' 1: 2 L_'_ 11 El Criticises New Government I Turning to some recent acts of the l new government, Mr. Drury said that f he looked with suspicion on the dis- 5 placement of `Mr. Ramsden, his gov- d ernment s appointee on the Hydro Electric Commission, simply because y he had not found favor with Sir Ad- am Beck. Mr. Drury expressed the opinion that Hydro radials, for ` which certain city interests had been l; clamoring, would now go full steam 1 ahead. He` regarded the appointment of an under secretary for the De- . partment `of Forests, the nancial ` adviser to the Provincial Treasurer and a superintendent of education as E indicating an indefinite enlarge- ment of oiceialdom and a denite avoidance of cabinet responsibility. In conclusion, Mr. Drury appealed for co-operation in an undertaking greater than any class movement, a work in which they could serve the whole people, going forward" with a `ti stronger determination than ever to advance the 1.3.. l"--- ` an v qucc one fair Canada. ,-- .v..- V` anv|u5 hot manufacture world can afford t be reforms 13 all` mgn. ` we can- at prices which the 0 pay. There must to reduce the cost of pro- "it is our! wealth the cost of living should be ! so high, remarked Mr. Drury. The; task ought to be simple enpugh toi take unlimited natural resources and turn them into products the world` needs. But we cannot do it because the cost of living is `so high. We not thelf to reforms tn ran-`non 4-1.. .----L -4' -- ~ LEFROY CONTINUATION SCHOOL A` .m`.o:n....l.... ...1...-I ---J~ ' I. vaauuo I 1.` Mr. Drury said that they must` ",1 have `co-operation in marketing. The _'farm clubs must get back to the for- I . mer position where they are intellect- f ually fed and are given strong: leadership. You farmers must wak-3 up and put your organizations inf ; shape, declared the speaker, [ _ Calls It Folly After pointing out the `folly of \us-:3 ' mers in Ontario and they would be!` the most futile body V imaginable. Sixty Progressives could be elected; you link all those in favor of Pro- `I . . . . I gressive principles, found. such party greatly needed.`

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