Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1923, p. 12

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III] I III` 32-3-1p " 3T3: vs uc; au4ucv_y LU]; uuc ua1uwcu_\:u'. A Mr. Boys questioned Mrs. Duns- more very closely on the matter of whether her husband could have I wav- Mrs. Dunsmore reiterated that she had seen the McKerrow car before she had seen her husband. It was just by accident that she had looked to the. south and not because of any- thing unusual. Upon 'reection, wit- ness thought the roar of the car had caused her to turn. At this time she was in the lane 40 feet away and the car was, she judged, about 20 rods away. I think I `could estimate the speed of the car at that distance, said Mrs. Dunsmore. .The noise of the McKerrow car was so unusual that it caused me to turn.. She had- looked at the McKerrow car because of her anxiety for the Ca1dwell_car.| `AA ... BA... -.........4.:_..-.1 `Al..- 1\.__._ val. - Mrs. Dunsmore broke down at this point andwas given a few minutes rest. `\ -. . u .- . u `.n;v\.1vu\.aanva.v 9 i Returning from church, witness 4 said she had got out on the east side |of the road., Her husband was al- Dways particular to, stop on the right side of the road. When she had gone through the gate she did not-know where -her husband was. She had looked to the north and had seen the Caldwell car and then had turned to lthe south andhad seen the McKerrow car. `p < 1-. o n 1 . .-. It is inte'resting__to note that the people of this district have been get- ting the benefit of. Dr. W. E. _Gal1ie s contribution`; to medical science, on Iaccount of `which he was signally ihonored a short time ago by being- lappointed Hiltnterian-' Professor of Surgery in the`. Royal College of Sur- geons of England. Even before it was reported, fl`-.the living sutures of `fascia had been used by a local sur- geon in connection with several pa- tients. Barrie people will be pleas- ed to note the local application of a Barrie boy's discovery. [ IIIQIIYVCIJ S ' `\I IIUIIC VVllGIlCVCln Would he be able to recognize people he knew in a conveyance 40 feet away? Hisphysical condition was good, he `was smart on his feet iand quick to think and to move. `He .was a careful man in crossing high-` {ways and told us to be careful quite ' frequently. i `)..L.-.._...._ ..._..- -L.-_--L ___'L__ _.__ GR(XER\'~~-An old established gfocexjy for sale, with dwelling attached: u'!mrga1n_for u rilt man. Apply Box G Exatmner uice. T 31-32; V merb Fraser, Dalston, is. in the R. V. -Hospital from injuries received while harvesting last Friday. He had been driving the binder and got down in front `of the machine to: make a repair. `Unexpectedly the horses moved forward, bringing one of his legs in contact with the knives and inicting quts that will lay him up for several`-.weeks. A ~ ' (Continued from page 9) Would he have any difficulty at from 30 to 60 feet travelling on the hig'hway`?"u No, none whatever. I uur....1.x 1.... n- ..u.. A... ..... ..:__ 'McKERROW sum up 1-`ox TRIAL IN FALL -l.G\v\I U` UIIC 51. \I|II\Jv Mrs. Vallas, an elderly woman, re- siding in town, met with an unfor- tunate accident last evening about 7.30. While walking on the sidewalk on Bayeld `St. opposite the Simcoe House, she fell, fracturing her left forearm. She was removed to the hospitahwhere her injury was dress- ed. nun use. .. .. _ ' The Women's Auxiliary of Trinity Church are holding a sale of home- made baking and candy,,with after- noon tea, in the Parish Hall from 3 to 6, Friday, Aug. '17. , 32c Victrolas, high grade pianos,. ev- erything in musicat _J. G. Keenan's, opposite~P. 0. Square. 32c Old Probs promised rain this week. He kept his promise Tuesday night, but in very grudging fashion. Al- though the rain was very welcome, it did little more than wet the sur- face of the ground. TM ... 17.... an` -I.l-..`I.. _.-...-.. _.- VJIQIIIIMIIDI -"-The entire stock of the Lake- view' Fuel` Co; must be sold in 30 days; Any kind of wood you want at $4.00 per load, sawn and split to order. Phone 962. `.31.-32c fHL_ `IY-_,.,_ II His Master's Voice Victor records ' for August on sale at J. G. Keenan's, opposite P. 0. Square. 32 Book your dates early for Arnold's orchestra for Fall Fair ~ concerts. Lorne Arnold, Cookstown. . 32c "l!....A. n:4.-.v.. . _ _ . . _ . _ _ . . . ._- .1 _ a.av|._n|\; rnsuvuu, vvvnavvwlto UBU Tent C_ity s annual masquerade ball, Wednesday, Aug. 15. $200 in prizes. Dancing till 1 o'clock. 32c `lsuuvwo IIIDIIBIIIB gun; I. Vvlvlallo 00!. Dr. Fred `Ross has moved his med- ical otfice from/15 Owen St. to the residence of the lite Dr. W. _A. Ross, 13% Dunlop St. -1 D YJ..`lI...LL II (V ..d l'l'I-....._A... _&'JKJ II uluy ulu - o `I. F. Hellmuth, K.C., of Toronto, is to address the Kiwanis Club this week on '.l'*he' Founding of Upper Canada. . V` BUSLNHW OPlI`0R.TUNII'I'Y--A high class nnnfnnnnnru hnn:nnan- nolnm nun! rm. uunnvsu N. M.MYERS WOOL `LOCAL NEWS HIDES man." , . When witness had met McKerrow. the McKe1-row: car was travelling in the centre of the road. Dunsmore had to turn out. Iedon t think Mc- Kerrow `turned out a bit. he said. It was 12 paces or 36 feet from the middle of the Dunsmore sate to where there was "a pool of blood on the road. 9 feet from the west side of the road way . __, Concerning the deceased. witness said his eyesight was good. He could plow as straight a" furrow as any man. cut` . n. 1 I . It If uuunnv anus uuuuultu VIII; O\i\4\Ill\l Ullll\/il Mr. McKerrow was willing to do everything he could when he came up. I There was nothing to show that there was" liquor in any shape or form ex- cept a small six-ounce bottle nf| brandy not half full. part of which was used to give Samuel Dunsmore. The deceased said, What happen- ed me? when he was picked up and l asked for a drink. He seemed to be conscious. He made no reference to the accident at all before his death. He remained conscious or semi-con- scious until the end. . _ 35 to 40 Miles an Hour Henry Dunsmore, who passed the] McKerrow car at the top of the hill. lwhen asked about the sneed the car was travelling. said, He was going at from 35 to 40 miles per hour any- way. ,,,. ' Al I -` I 21, _ ' HIS CIU LUBE. Witness swore positively that she I saw her husband's body hit by the! car and knocked through the air 36 feet until it hit the ground. `fWhat I mean is that I saw my husband : body in the air in front of and about three feet higher than the engine." The car then passed on between` my husband's body and me and I never! saw it again until I got up to the gate and saw it on the ground. The rea- son was because the gate post and. maii-box post obscured myvision. She" reiterated thatthe car had not caught her husband the second time. `ll-. `If_Y,7_.__.-__- ___-.. __-!II..__ L- J- Witness said she had seen the `ob- ject (Mr, Dunsmore) go up two or three feeteabove the top of the hood. It was clear of the car, It had gone forward and to the left. I am cer- tain that he- was not carried forward again by the car, she said. I am" positive that he was not carried along by the car after he was hit, said Mrs. Dunsmore. Explaining this at- L2J....l.. -1... ....:.1 J.`_...... ....... ..... .J.....J. .. I 111161! -III nun vvu lnvuv I l}`1ie," i{"' : his clothes. I!!! 1', TD RENT. Apply to Miss Bird; $8 Sophia 81.. ' 30-35p can Cpl): U0.-lllzlsa I think the car must have gone to the west side of the road and caught him there. Mrs. Dunsmore thought McKerrow held on` the wrong side of the road and ran into her husband there. She didn't think Mc- Kerrow ran into her husband delib- erately but that her husband did not see the car. Mrs. Dunsmore thought McKerrow had seen her husbanc when it was too late. IIVI; 1 I .1 I I heard the McKerrow car approaching or not. She said there was no reason to believe her husband had not heard the car. He also must have seen the car approaching. ' `(T A.L:._I- L1... nan 1Iu|IIn`- `nnvvn mnnn Suits in the same "high grade fabrics and tailored just like, our men s clothes in a most attractive lot of models and styles, colors navy blue, brown checks, plain browns and grey, suits that sold at $22.00 and $16.00. Clearing`Price onlyg. ; . . . . . Sizes 25 to 35; t your boy out now - `at a very small price. With these Suits to te 1st o_f`Sep- . tember we will. give you FREE A j@-n-: -__'_A ,7 A FouR.wHnLab WAGON I -Z1T.` These are spiooid for, uoy. (Our `advertisement on them.) This wagon is good value at $2.00. You want to hurfy up if you want a'w`agon with your `suit. _ - `IlI\ll vs LJJIFLCQIIIIIIS villa say said there was no dust or. Clothes that 6-Boys Need -uy uu: xuuuc. ~ And whereas at this meeting 001. W. E. O'Brien was present and stated that Rosey Point had been set apart by him 'and| his father for the use under proper regu-` lations of all the people of Shanty Bay and would so `continue. He then requested those present to give their advice as to what rules and regulations should be made for protection against injury to trees. etc., - and for the proprieties in connection with bathing. He` also said he had thought of deeding the Point to the Church for the dinner and had seen no other marks of blood. Witness had not noticed any wheel marks of particular inter- est. There is nothing on the road to obscure a person's vision. The road was all evenly travelled. `h- 1!? A 1' ..-..:.. _--L...:.u.-_I _ ,1 ,. , no no uvucllv uac lul Lmuuug. ' And whereas with this in view (and desir- ing to carry out what he believed would `have been the wishes of his father and mother) the late Lt. Col. William Edward O'Brien (eldest son and heir of Col. E. GK! O'Brien and inheriting his property, in- cluding.Rose_v Point) _ about theyear 1905 called a public meeting of the people of l the Village at the Town Hall to discuss the best way of regulating the use of the Point by the Public. ` Ant` I-nknnnnn at Lid -......4!_.. lV-I `I7 FOR S.\l.E--4Six-roamed brick-clad house. -all onveniences, in good locality; also =_::ara`gt- and h0nh0usP; close to Collegiate.l Apply at Examiner office. - 29-341)} :- I And whereasthis use finally made it~de-- ls-irable and, in fact, necessary that some: regulations and rules should be made and` enforced for the protection of the Point: against fire and oxher disfigurement as well ins its decent use for bathing. And uvlmnr-one urith 0113; :n I!:nnIr lav! A....:- cl maucl UI uuurac. l PIECE. 7 And whereas the property on the South! side of Bay Street adjoining the parsonage "ground, and generally called Rosey Point. came into use by the Public as a place for! landing canoes and boats and subsequently; `as the neghborhood -became more populated as a place for picnics and for bathing, and was so used to the knowledge of and with _ the consent of the owners. Col. E. G. O'- Brien and, after his death. of the late W. O Brien. and this use by the public in _process of time became more common and: a matter of course. ; A...`.l ...L_..-__.;L:_ __.,, 1-3,, ,1: 1 -. 1 auu L` CV n And whereas Col. E. G. O Brien' gave to. `the public the land on which the church` is built and the church-yard attached. he` and his wife being mainly instrumentali in the building of the church, known as. `St. Thomas Church. he also giving for the lbenefitof the Church certain glebe lots and |land on which the parsonage is built and` `also dedicated to the public the vacant field between the Church grounds and Bay St. as a Village Green for recreation pur- poses. A...1 ...L ..... r. 51... ...-............ -_ .L- u-...Li Mo-.ed by Prof. Hume, seconded by Geo. Grant. and resolved as follows :- A Whereas this meeting has been duly called for the consideration. by the inhabitants and by land owners and tenants of pro- perty in the village of Shanty Bay, of oer- tnin matters of interest to them connected `with the use of the property therein known as Rosey Point. Lake Simcoe. which was originally part of the lands granted by the ` Crown to the late Col. Edward George 0 - , f Brien for services rendered by him to his] uluuuu was auuplcu.`-- I 1 Country as an officer in the British Army`; 9 and Navy. Ah!` Inhuxu-Ann (`nl II` [1 (`in-L-....' .-...... I... I .l}ll%, I/I-IC SUCSII Ul HIKE. JUHU DUELUH. In the Shanty Bay correspondence which appears in another column, reference is made to a meeting held to discuss the r_e~' tention of Rosey Point as a public bathing. beach. At this meeting the following olution was adopted:-- I Mn: ll kn Dun` 3.....- pan.-mu-Lu} L" (1.... George Le-turned to his home in Detroit after spending a week at The Maples," the guest of Mrs. John Sutton. In `kn Q`-nnnuv Rn nun-n;w\n-.pln--.. ...L-'L Blucher cut, sizes 6 to 11, make splendid harvest. or shop boots, will give splendid wear, extra value $3.50. Clearing Price, pair . .' . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . MEN'S BROWN LEATHER SPLIT BOOTS ".AN".7 34?. Do not miss this boot at the small price. mu same IN B'AR.R1IFr--Brick cotta-1: llrninharl Il7`."'| turn In}: `nun nnnnnm-I" xuuuww, per nag . Hay, per ton Butter, per pound RUDE no. Anuan 11:35.55, put uuwn Chrckens, spring Hogs . . .' . . . . . .. _La.mb s_kins \ID% -. Barley Rye . -w--wvuu uvli` No. Fall Wheat (new) min [Ci I n o u u - Buckwheat n.;_;-__ _- `should be eddreased to the undersigned. IR. A. Stephens, Chairman of Property }and Suppl) . Barrie Board of FAm..+:.... -19- st-uc paou uuyu: uuwn um-11 rcently cnangea. But'it may here be noted that a consid- " erable part of this beach has recently been : *fenced off and made part of the premises on which a house has been built and rented to NM.-. Willison. Also that the path to the Beach was at the same time changed and remade in another place further to the :, East, with the result that the new path ighas been partly washed away, making 'Rosey Point difficult of access and only 3lS8felV'S0 thrmurh H15: our-Han nf Han In-x...... ) V 3 ll-ll`lIIJI\L I Specifications for alterations and in~ provements in ` the King George public school may be seen at the store of R. A. Stephens. Monday, August 18. Tenders for the San! ha Ilhnnhynal um `A -A-* ' mu. (1. DH I and Supply. OR S'A|:l"r--Choice building lot, one hun- dred dollars, an Vespra 62. Address care `of Box H Barrie Examiner. 29-34 BI GLIUI ug. .In Rustic Handicraft, H. Thompson of Barrie was third. capturing the junior medal. There were sixty entvriw in the competition. . -u nu: wuvivnnip lIEU_l'\I-0 1 in connection with the annual Boys Camp held at Beausoliei Island, Georgian. _Bay_. twenty-nine boys have earned grades `of life-saving. Among these are the fol-- , lowing Barrie boys: Ross Cowan and Vic- ,top Guest, the Royal Life Saving Society`:-I Ibronze medal; Arthur Watt (Allandale), !Go1-don Sarjeant. proficiency prize; "S. and James Rnhnrhmn II"Av-A-5--- guuruuxl auueanz. pronclency prize; "S. `Guest and James Robertson, Elementary standing. In D-anti. `lJ......I:-_..:. 11 run - uuoc; Auull. uuucuu OI access and only nsafelyrso through the garden of the house labove mentioned. with the kind permission ,of Mr. Wilson's tenant. And whereas it is desirable that imme- diate steps should be taken for the con- venient use. by the people of the Village of Shanty, Bay, of Rosey Point, subject to all reasonable provisions and conditions for the protection and proper use of the same. P is therefore resolved that a Committee | of Villagers be appointed to take such action Sin the premises as they or the majority of ithem may think desirable or necessary to `carry out the purposes aforesaid. 1 EU 13 HIT Ij And whereas at said meeting oertain Rules 3 and Regulations were agreed upon and sub- aequently reduced to writing by -him and copies were posted up in the Post Office and other places. And on the Point some notic~ es were postd up to the effect that a certain part of the beach on the Westerly shore of the Point was dangerous for bathers. The best and only quite safe place for children was said to be the sandy beach near where xthe path oagne down until rcently changed. I Buf.'it mav ham hp nmul Mn; 0 nAnn;r. Church authorities to take charge of these matters; but he had concluded it would be better to have a committee of the Villagers. He said he ww pleased that they had used the Point for bathing and picnics and he daaired that this use should be continued, and hoped that all men; would observe the mice to be made. Am! ..J\._.... ..o ....:.: .......a:_.. -__...:_'n_.-__, THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES u 9 Fall \lIL....a l____\ . BAmE WIN BRONZE MED.ALS_ -___--L, SIX-ROOMED HOUSE in Barrie or Allan- dale, wanted by Sept. 1, with c-onveniences, will rent with option of buying if suitable. Give full gmrticulurs. Box 0". Examin- aer. 3 -gjq uvvyncua, vuzurman or rroperty y. Board of Education. 329 i i.E 81.00-2.30 .... U\J"IKN3 75-890' 31.25-1.3. 75-Us 75-800 IOIIAIE ll` .4-anus; . Mrs. M. E. Parkhm Ruby Parkhouse left 01 -I-ning for a visit wxt Milton. u no `V n Mrs. P. Love and In` I`. J. Anderson of Nov} returned from their tri; Mr. `and Rod ma were guests of Mn. _ IAIIA UCDI-IIIID, LIEU LJ_QJlll'p| Mrs; E. B. Sutc1i`<- [Mary St., have returm .7; month s visit in Kin `I C. `D 1-` - ICU L)lllUPUllJl(` I11 A` Mrs. Bannistm" and `Waverley are the 2'u(-H mer s mother, Mrs. 54. Il:___-_ 'Al___,:,1 I v TWO HOUSES FOR SALE OR TO LET. Apply 2 Uharlntte St. _ 3 iIl\aL 1 lll\IUlIL I , .11 I 9. `. Misses Muriel and .1. Hamilton are spomlin with their gmndmothc-r I`.-n A `D f`....!,.. ..., vu-vnu u-nu.-A 5: uuuunvv-u Mrs A. B. Carioy. :11- Mrs. I. Carley of Schr `nting the former's . 2' up 1-. 6% ;... .. 1-Q."'\x}."i."ri1:Tr;;,;.. zmft yesterday to Sm-nw; her son, Harold (`Jiftn Mr. and Mrs. Fra.<(-z` tummings of Tomm . I Week-end vnth Mr. am! ` H. B. I-laugh of Tor m` H. P. Bingham. padd Tie to Belle Ewart ar cently. ` In__ It 1: nA.,1.n_ .` Mrs; A. W; Cairns ; 3"ort_COIborne are vis Mrs. -D.?Cairn.~:. Mill I . uuv I II] (J AL IV \I(lJD Ullla` VVC Mr. and Mrs. Alf. (3 mpeg were week-end and Mrs. W. J. Shaun `I `I1 I turn -uuu unto. II. (In IJIIOIIIH Mrs. H. T. CI'0Pkm` Alce of Toronto arv Mrs. Walls, Sr., Collin `ll if aI>l|n \l`Jt"llll V, Luuunn gut. . Mrs. R. W. Bain I the guest of `Mrs. T. B .`-`.t., over the weekend 1') I` LV:.J_-__ I`, , , L` uwnou AAA\..no, Vl\llu3ll" I} Oram Rodgman of guest of Mr. and Mr for a few days this we I`. .....,I RK_.. A1A` 1' WILL RIWT OR. BUY in vicinity of Bar- rie, six o1'_ seven-roamed house with large km, all cnnwnienaces. ready Sept. 1. Box "`M", Examiner. . - 32c .l`lDD VI LID, Klln \1\llIIl X Miss Margaret Sim; tlelphia is visiting her 5!. Hounsome, Szmfnw! `I `IV I`! vwuu Inn` AVAIII Aw """rf'wm. Wilson, s is visiting her sister-in- uld Jacobs, 223 Bayol `II .... I` D C`..&..1!Q.. xwu, vvvn van vv\v.,n*\uu P. C. Sidney Case of the week-end the guo. Police and Mrs. Case. `ll '7 1 vs - Irnnyv uuu MAID. \Iuk. Mrs. `Lorne Reudm ciaughters of Toronf, Mrs. Hicks, Worslt-y S l\........ `l)...I........... ...L' IJIIEIC Ill AVIJL IIII LJ(.l.ya Miss Haze] Morrissc Is; visiting her cousin, "Donald, Bayeld St. `I ... .._.I `III... lYA._.,_ I-VUIIGIVI, A)(l.Y llCI\n| L)ln Mr. and Mrs. Harm Master Philip were re Mr. and Mrs. P. Lovo. wan: c-Anu unnn. A . Ll\IV\ . Thos. Horn of Town vnd visitor with Mr. .'.'ooper, Sanford St. `I13-.. `ll....:.._ 11...... ... l'\I\I l\-I, LIIIlII\IK\-I |.'Uq Miss'Ma1'ion Hownrc or visiting with her zu Shropshire, Small St. 11.... D ur D..:.. nvvrvnanuu unnnn TVCLIX. Harold Hill has 1'(-t.1 `tort spending three vs uncle in North Bay. 11:... I1......1 M,._-:-.-.. uuu wvu All\I|IlI.-D-' Mrs. A1ex.`Smith :u Worsley St., have gm Port Huron, Mich. Miss Bessie Fieldlu bridge spent the wvv cousin, Miss Rowe. ]l'.'.... l\l......._._.... tux: u_;U` FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-A-100 acres. Int 9, con. 4, Innial, good wheat and" AL uiko farm, possession this fall. For terms and paltiouiars apply to Wm. J. Davidson, Gookstown; RR. 1, phone Gookatown 32r3. 90 00-. uvuunnn, Avnlan 1|.uvv\. Miss Margaret Elli. was the guest of Mi. over the week-end. `IL, I If If I <:vvL hln\. vv\.\,n'\,A Mr. and Mrs. ( Ruddell, Sask, visitm Newman this week. I I V10`: 1 .l\v\..a, avnvllvvo ` Geo. E. Bruce. man Telephone Co. in (TI laying in town. II. .._.I `III ... L` Cu A115 Ill vvvv II Mr.` and 5. Miss Isabel are visit and St. Thomas. .u lvvun n.,unu\.vv.,. Douglas Adams of visiting with his 93m 8. Trueman. an 1 `I \v I - A I tlwlllilllu J Mrs. J. M. News is \ (laughter. Mrs. (`. I.n .Ave., Toronto. I\-_ 1'3 Tl_,__ all. vun pav- Mrs. Hambly of A"! mg with Mr. and Mn Hotel Simcoe. .u.I.v nuu_y 0 Mr. and Mrs. (". Bu are _ guests of -.VI1-.2 Brock St. I nun Uln- \Miss O Dunxwll M taska, is visiting `hv Milne. vv . u -u Oscar brother, Monday. ll`. .. HOUSE mm STABLE for sal. Apply on the premises. '1`. H. Holdsworth, 110 So- an-his St. 30.35,; Philip Love- and H Toronto are on :1 `.`:.~ north. `IEO r\Iv\ .- ...,,. Miss Evelyn W:t:< IR holidaying` in Tm" ford. vs! -1- u Mr. and `Mrs. R. .I `gone on a trip to Aliat-a-.3... T\.{..,.l .. .. Miss Maisio Kenn her holiday.< in Ha: onto. I \v nu Mr. and Mrs. Th on Monday on 4: -tv trip. czar: E`....1.... \l'..A.. St. C-Jvo Mrs. R. VV. Slums the guest of he! si. man. ~un.. .. `Va ll\IfIIC \ VCl LII`. Miss Alice C-resw was home over tho Miss Agnes Lyall home of her parent. George S. Folster in Owen Sound ov Mrs. Irvine Carlo visiting Mr. and M1.` `I-.. D l1-.-."ll ._ VIDIUIIIE. JIALQ ulnu A Mrs. R. Powell iting with Mrs. J. H Miss Florence Ov in Toronto. IV'(|nLI 1l!Al!" 1\lIW IIPUII UT BIIIIIII nlvwr Kllln Stare conditinn and ptice. A. H. McBride, R. R. No.` {, Allandale. ` 2 31-32;) llll on many vv I Alistair MacLarc was home over the 1:` ' "A THURSDAY, .AUl ` Hurst of To S. N. Hurst. PERS Exnxemumam WOMAN wants work by the day. washing on-"cleaning, o'r will take washing at hmm. Apply Examiner office. 32p I (I'I`I(li WANTEX) as housekee r'in `town by elderly Italy. Apply Box " ~uv'n:nA|- nmnn WLANTEH)-Raw boat or small glotor boat. Dab; nnuJ:I:h-n nun` an-:AA A Il .I!_'.l.. HOUSE AISD DOT FOR SALE at 69 Vic- `Q: 4..-... ._-.1-. .... ;I.. .......z...._ an 1):. HIUIIUID FIIVIJ IIUL l`\ll\ UIIIJCJ 3`. UV VIC` :oriaAStv. Apply on the premises. 29-B40 Y!Ul\l\ UVIIIVI-I-`Ill. `I III? III], II] Jipply Boar B", Examiner office. NUWII II anvil; amxuer office. . eld St. WAN'DF)D Experienced general. plain r.ooking,_INVo children in family, wanted for` month of August. ` Return to Toronto if -llesix-able. Phone 152, or apply at 101 Bggh . I 0 100-ACRE mum Fox SA-LE'-._E.H. Lot '24. Con. 9. ea. Apply to Mrs. Wesley `Brooks, 8.11. No. 3, Thornton. 29-34p WORK WINTED. by the day, by woman-. Knnlu luv "u" mvnm:nnn nfnn 0n {U00 WKgl`b' E 610511] IJLBIIIIUII DU flslllt gparty. R. Neill, Dtd., Barrie. " 3 !~`:HOE SAIESHAN WAN'I'~ED-Experienced -man to sell shoes and do window trimming, "good wages and shady position to right _ -I-_nI'fu R Nai Tohl I-"lu-1-in One cent a -word, cash, each ineertion minimum charge. 25); six insertion for he price of four. 10 cents "extra when o'iArlId' nlnn l nan}: nrtlm when mnlies MAN WANTED to drive team on highway, 321!) per day and board. John H. Black- rmote, Lefroy. g 32 VT FTICB UK IUUF. IU UUIIBI `Whit! WMUII dun-god; also 10 cents extra when repliesl an directed to Examiner Oice. I GIRL 09. Woman WANTED for law housework. Apply to Mrs. M. F. Bolger, I lnnfnn Mn WANTED-A reliable middle-aged house- keeper for eldegly couple at Alliaton, Ont. Apply G. S. Rhonda, Alliston, Ont. 29-34p WANTDJ-at once, good maid. Apply Superintendent Royal Victoria Hoggigll; (BOOK-GENERAL WANED; middle-aged, `main family. Apply between 7 and 8 p.-m. 172 High St. ' 29tfc uunI.uu`\`I \ll`l`ll,l\4lU|LVll.l.l``l\ mg!) (`.1885 uonfccl.'rom~.r_v business; cakes and tea room. In one of the best. districts of Toronto. -Expensive fittings, favorable lease. Splen- did opportunity for family to take over Agood paying. well established business. 'Valued at $10,000, Box G". Examiner `office. _ V .32-33gc Angst cowuu m*w$&&m&m$&&&E gimwammx%awa&am Property For Sale- -Property To Let Fnmu For Sale Help Wanted 7 I I 0 H I Do 7: VV 32c V HOUGE to let---All modern c-'n`nuInicn'mn_ mnti-Rllv lnnnfml Annlur M... FOR PAINTING. rpapex? hanging and gen- eral` house decorating. phone A. Berry. No. 539W. 21 Gowan St.. Allandale. 32-37p FURNISHED OR UN'.FU'R.N'ISHED ROOMS .......s...l ...:LL 1...--.) 0.... L....:_...... _..._ __::.L 1` uuu I-U_lll'JlJ uu uur u1u1'LUIu`JlJ IVUUEID wanted with boatd for business man with small family. or rooms for light housekeep- ing. Box R" Examiner office. 32p` : T0 IEI`--Five or _aix rooms, partly fur- nished. if desired. in house pleasantly eit- uated, with conveniences, large garden. moderate rent." Apply 23 Theresa St. 30-35p FOR SALE-Shorthorn him, Rosy Morn" ---138809---. dark red, 4 years old. active and sure. a splendid animal; also a nice cow with heifer calf at. foot. Price reason- able. J. W. Henry, Thornton. ` 31-320' HEATED APARTMENTS TO LET-Apply at Hanmer's Cigar Store. 3ltfc MEALS AND LUNOH~I'B--Mulcaster Street Tea Rooms. Best of- homemade cooking, City Dairy -ice cream. . 29-34p FOR SALE--l young brood iiow. well-bred; also 1'pure-bred Shorthorn Durham bull. 2 years old. Prices very reasonable for quick sale. Apply to W. G. How, Barrie, phone 798. ` ' I ' -32c Wrwo ROOMS TO LET. furnished or _uu. ifu...-.:;.l....l ......o-nl D-.. 1`l7 I3. ..... __ 1 u u Lwuuuxu Ill ulna . zu`ru1.uucu 01' un- - II n furmshed, -central. Box ` W Examnner Office. ' 30-35p ruunmqmu nqyuu.` to let.--A'u modern .1-jo'nvuIienoea. centrally located. Apply Mrs. lPar_[d:ouse. 80 Owen St. 7 31-36c FOR SALE--Two good horses, weight alrout 1400 1-bs. Reason for selling. we need heav- ier horses. Apply Barrie Fuel 6: Supply Go. Phone 999. A . 32-33 FOR SAI.E--4B_ay . horse} sound. 1500 lbs? I John Caldwell. con. 2. Oro, Shanty Bay." Ont. 32-33;) [GOOD HORSE FOR SALE, three to. `choose from. Apply Herb Reid, near Little` |Lake. 895M. b 32-34p| I FOR'SALE--Beautiful driving mare, 6 yrs. old. well bred; alsdtop buggy and harness. Apply to Frank Longhurst, 202 Bradford Street. A 3132p} STRAYED from lot 27.` con. 11. Essa. two ewes with lambs, also four ewes. Any in- formation leading to recovery of same would be appreciated. * Allen Johnston. R.R. 2, Thornton. 32-37p QFOR SALE--Four Boston bull male pups.] Well bred. Apply 95 St. 32p GOOD HORSE .,.I..-..,... r..-.-. A.. ...1.. `lJ....L n-:.: ____ 1 :.u_t l FOR SALE-One cow. six years old. due to` frnahnn Anauinvf IA. D J`.nwunu:-In Anon-s run IUIIL-`l`JUll!! cow. uxx yeuns DIG. ue D0 freshen August 14. P. Cavanugh. Anton! Mills. Ont. R. R. 1. 32-37p NECKLACE LOST,~--On Sunday. between 187 Owen St. and Queen a Park, a gold necklace set with pearls. Valued as keep- sake. ' Finder please leave at this office.. 32pl -:2- ' '10 R.WUT~-()ffices single. or suite. newly nished, hardwood floors. steam heat. 8. W. unnlm ` AIREDALE DOG FOR SALE, six months old. cheap. 29 Elizabeth` St. ' 32 W-ATCH LOST--{Between lot 15. con. 7. \"espra'and Barrie. August 6, gold watc. Reward. . Walter Thompson, Barrie, RR. 2; or phone 612r4. 32p S'I`RAYED--On to lot. 13. con, 8, Vespra.! about July 10. one ram. Owner may have] same by proving property and paying ex-a penses. Geo. Mason, Barrie. 32;)! i ~L0S'1`~--Jsmall -brown purse. containing sum of money. between Peel St. and Clapperton St. Wednesday evening. Finder please not- ify Mrs. G. Walsh, 80 Sophia St. 32; IJ0ST--8and-colored camel`-s hair sweater. between Kempenfeldt Hill and Oro Station, August 7. Finder -please return to this of- fice. - 32p t LOS'I`-- horse strayed from lot 13, con. 9, Vespra. on Tuesday. July 31, white streak across chest, short. tail. John Pat- terson. Barrie P.0. I 32-34; I.0ST--~In Allandale. betwen July 30 andl August 1, sum of money wrapped in rubber band. liberal reward at Allandale Post Of- fice on return of same. 32p, ---- ! IJ0ST--Small black. purse on_BIake St. on August 5, containing rosary. Reward if left at this ofvice._ 32p LOST--Small brown coin" purse with rosary. Reward if left at this office. . 32p FOR SALE-~85 ice cream chairs, 1 large Taylor safe, 1 twin Indian motorcycle, 1 cream separator. 1 auto trailer, 90 bags In_- ternational Stock Food at 81.00; also a cash carrier system for store, cheap. At A. J. Tuck's. .32p i }ROCl*RY STORE and dwelling for sale. cm Robinsun Street in town of Collingwood. Stiore and dwelling combined. contents and grurugv. For particlnlars apply to Mrs. Grant `Blunt-.y. [`mld\vater. RJR, 2. or Box 39. '(`ollin;:wnod. 32-37c i KITCHEN RANGE for sale, hot water front. reservoir and large" warming closet, in perfect condition. . Also Champion Oak coal heater. No. 2, good as new. Apply at this office. 32-33c BABY GARR.1AGE,good condition. Phone . ' 29,11 FOR SALE:~Pony, harness and carriage. a young, -strong, sound, well-bred pony. A. G. Ardagh. Phone 413. 32p (ms smovn: FOR SALE, good as haw.- Apply at Hanmet s Cigar Store. -_ 3ltfo I.` VII: |)lIlJIll"lV|I$IUI'UII , I-IUHII cu uugg now; also good horse. Apply R. R. Both- wn" 21 -3191: PNEUMATIC Tmm BUGGY for 5319. Suit- A .....I-. L- I'| l'\7 ..l.l.. C..- ..L..... ....... FOR SALE--Coal oil stove, four-burner uflu nunn Annlu ha "ha Hm-.m Mn-inn FOR SALE--~Silver-plated b rm solo comet`, I Beion model, in first class condition. Ap- ply at this office. , . . 32p 0L\J\Jl\ UL` l`Ll\t3.I."\l4lJlIX .I3I\'\JI\ EU!" 511'? at Midland, Penetang Brick Works, Pene- tang. For inforrhation tlephone J. Quiz- ley. - V . 30-35p FOR SALE-2-inch dry hemlock. Apply 85 nnndnnnlrl Qt nr nhnnn 650.! 20.1-`nu FOR V 'c.on\-onieucect. newly decorated. and. new `gzaruyre; also bed, two tables. 5~piece parlor -omit, one dresser, Morris chair. -kitchen `~."Rbil)f.'.l, 2 -Columbia grafonola. bookcase. `dining-toonz table and pictures. Fu".`|E- Seven:-roamed brickhouse. all Apply at 50,John St... or phone 654J. 320 I.` Ullu |Jl'lIJl`J""IlI|l UK, IIUIIIIU` I Dundonald St. or phone 650.1. gm SALE--Ru`bberatired buggy, neat-ly. noun glen aunt` `Int-an Annlu D H n..+l.- uuvv , well. I. L` l`JIJ'AVltllly\J LIIIVIB DUUKIL `IVY SHIV: D able for show ring. Apply to B. D. Neill. ' . V 32~l `STOCK 0F'FfRST-CLASS BRICK. for sale ..L III.-II......I I)......L.._.. 'D_2-I- I`lT-._I-_ 1)..-- I` \II\ hDIlJl3A"'\lUlIl Ull BI/UVU, IU UI"lJul'llI7l' with oven. Apply to Mrs. Harry Norton. 186 Bradford St. , 32-33;) Live For Sale , Rooms 9nd Board Lost a'I'1clWF'7und Forsale` .1.-uu. unuu nu lJl1l\Il\|l`l`r""l)l'lUK GUWBQU, urnishetl. with two lots fully` cropped." stable and driving shed fully equipped, and lull set of market gardener's implements. Suitable for retired farmer, business man. liock up summer cottage or market garden- vx. from which to main: his living. Apply to owner, 8. L. Fleming, 211 Blake St.. Bar- rie. (ht. . 28-32

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