Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1923, p. 6

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Pts. $1.09.doz. Qts_.-$;.'19 do; -I:Iz'a1;'--Ga-lsT., $1.59 doz. Rubber Rings, 3 doz. l9c.V Zinc Rings, 19c doz. Khaki Knickers V-Neck Sweaters V-Neck= Sweaters BOYS . 1'9E- $1.25 Mf1 s, reg. $4.25 Men s, I'eg- $550 (593581; 39: pair Speci $1.95 Special, $2.75 Peabody O;e;;l_ls regular $2.50 Special > $1.98 we have a full range of SPRING OVER- - COATING for your inspection. We are showing"TWEEDS and HOME- SPUNS `in all the leading shades. We have that` GOOD BLUE SERGE in pre-war quality, guaranteed color. ' FRUIT JARS ~_ FRUIT `DRY goons SPEC_IALSi Me n s Summer Underwear Reg. $1 garment Special, 59c Men s Combina- tion Underwear, light weight reg. $1.75 Special, $1.15 Tdfco Overalls regular $2.25 Spqcial $1 .89 Men's Cottonade Pants Reg.`up ot $4.50 Special, $1.85 Men's` President Suspenders Reg. $1.00 Special, 65 Boys Ovralls reg`-ular $1 .75 Special 81 .29 an IE llllf 3 That _`V;uther 1 ' Whu laluic |'CK'|I AIl1|llYl hi..'.f of 208 chi ins-lilies have i =f:-milies are hoin ci.J.se which hu czmwan. 'I`hirt_ -urder sixteen 31 c.-use which pc- I~'":ance tn the x SIR.`-e(`n years n L- 31.! cru _v\un.< -r lzmsbnnd, or M] I`L.'.I'L xx`. turn urn` .LH`UuI I}|l.lllh` ll 2.x` zn'e1`:lge uf 3 sum inclu|*.~: Ir: 51-uplies. D()!~ l:|,*_'( nu The `Sarjeanf All heno(-iuri '_n,000 vaml ow .'-..:.ces un the in :.~ 540 nmnthly $-r'~-nmnthly for .--1;-.tecn yeum nf iv. per month I won ostuhli. :4 ntrcs nf pnpul 5-Zmd. The com '.r~-nerticiurius`. S-E`-0 nmnthly fu :Mi0nul 35 um ..."Lt( ell _ve:\r.< u TUh(`l'C-lll0.~'i.< ;: source of serh :aatvely 1().`2`. p fr-r Mothers` year 1922 W:I.~` ct ': zlosis. Colltilllmll u l'.+~Ip. show that f:.'V)l`!leXll of H-1: 1`. is estim:-nv I `mg assist-anco n i)`-'. VIVL- L,..I V...-u.._ _,. 382.138 :L~ (-um 19.41 per N-111.: _-zwnses. $7-1.876} THURSDAYI extent of $1.3} number. but t} `hurton _ami- Du 13 3. ' `T 2.. ., '1`-he 1x:ti>:1:nli{ '3-E15 C:m2uliun.~1 7'2` Irish. 73 .\I 3559 di\'id(*tl un` \vv 1 Y1 l7.'.nch are the fi Or wheat or End not for .-il My luml wuu` `unuld-I forgot I 'l`.. ........o L...- `In! for the lake `N I love this Ian A`_,, l.,_ my. were this Still here wm 3 the Soul 0 mL.,. u::.. I IU\C |IIl~` llll wt for the dur Berinmml wi mt for th(' hll When ruthly , sgAN'rY BAY . ...... ...... ut |o:L~'t \t' umries with 37 Phi` Lncztl Bu ::.~\'e gl`uYlli!(HL~' "ovince in the- mcul Bu:mL~ fa _ I D Ulllll I IUIFCI I To count he-r The secmul zu .'lovv.:u\co.- (`nu `-~.'el0pxm*nl in mm. The numhc .\ A'A'l\ I, 1 .`.(7ru _v\.u.< xu "- elewn ('hiM1 two hHllH`> I `roan. ' The zum-mic-I zpe of the (`n It children nf mar-nmthor clu `e been ummi I l\` `THO "kl. ununuu, In vu its of 1120 um! fzteen y9ur.~. the umemlml ` men who have I, . L3 `The total 569. an im- grecc-ding yo: .1 n 1 no "nu u.uuu Vober 19`) - The entire} 3. muat be _.u nod you want} !'lit to order. 'luIxr. 5 III r . I n. is burno- Torontn has M Ol\l|lI Du A l|'I\lIII\! nu.` mg $'. 9!J,RS4.` Mm 136. NEWS FROM NEIGHBQRING TOWNSHIPS In the cm: -94 hem-tici .-Xhnve .,1u `-'tnh('l` 31. I Plumbin We 1155: best qu and 2.660 ` 1l\.\. % Han MOTHEI II.` \'llllI an lifts III_\ of half 2 tyranny ..v..... I h(` l`(` Excl PEA EDI-1NV_ALE. (;rm' 01' :1 __UTOPlA wwu ucl Maser. Luns. vvm. awxtzer, . Mrs. Lawrence and son Russell of Sud-' bury visited for a few days. at the home of her brother, H. Kelsey, last week. TEA YV\nYiv'fr;nnr`a nf Tn}... D..u......._ -:lI ucl UIUULICI`, I1. I\CL'58y_, IRS]; Week. The manyfriends of John Patterson will be pleased} to hear that he is improvig, though slowly. Mr our` `Mm F...` 11...... ....,n ...... -: 1:1... " July [30,--4Mrs. Allan W-att. Sr., and Mrs. Allan Watt, Jr., visited at S. J. Reynolds last week. ' II`... lI'IL__ G," - ` - ' " IEISL WCUl\u M-rs. Thos. Sampson has_ returned to her` home in Allandale after spending a week with her sister. Mrs, Wm. Switzer. ' Mm T.mm.......... ......I _..... 'n..__-n -t as I III-IIRII` E. R. Palk and Mrs. Palk of Toronto are spending a..mont.h with Walter-`Palk on the `farm, All uuuuauu. ` Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ucles and ,f_amiIy[of Bradford spent Sunday" at t}? home; of El- mer Uncles. ucu ucl ausucr, mm. ueo. uncles; bramord. A kitchen shower was given to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ross at the home of, the bride s narents. Mr`. and Mrs. A. A. Bell, last Thursday evening. A number of useful presents \wfere given to the bride and all spent a vbry enjoyable everiing. Misses Llllelln and Avie: 'k'iu~bnn+.-:..b M..- npcnu a vcry enjoyable evenmg. Misses Lluella and Avis Kirkpatrick are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Wm.- Mcclinton, in Midland. - T It_ ..._.I ll... [1 1-0 s - - a uay zu. uurruua ru'rK last week. V Mrs. Elmer Uncles and two children vis- ited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Uncles; Bradford. A lritnhnn nhnuynr unua minus. 4.. M. ......l July 30/._ 'i`om Ellson of Thornton spent the week-end with relatives here A !\IiVv\"\nn o.`\bL.. ..-.-.--.--.- -JA3A-- uuc WI7:l\`l:llu W\llaLl I`-CIKIJVCB nere. A number of the summer visitors attend- ved divine service, -Sunday night. ' ` EH?` ' nnrl .I;rnrnuI IN.-.c..`I....../` ---`-- cu uxvulr mcrvlut`. -munuuy mgnt. `Earl` Leigh and Jimmy Fletcher, who have been 111, are getting long"ne now." Mr. and Mrs. Revie of Hawkestone spent a day at Barrillia Park last week. Mpg wlmn- n....I.... _...1 L--.- -LrH nun, uynua Duuul Uu aunuay. Wm. J. Davidson and Lorne Davidson made a `buiness trip to Aurora a_nd Mark- ham last week. . `;__ 'r-___ I\_-__I ,' 1 ii...` . .. ~ I ucuu may wvcun. ' " Mrs. Lorne Davidson and luittle daughter Ruth are spending a few weeks with friends in Huntsville. . t"..........a...l..A:.___ ;_ 1:5 1- 1 1-D- uz AAUIIDGVIIIQ. Congratulations passing her exam. uuu l:l'UllUl' `DUN. Glen Slesser of Barrie helped very nicely with a solo in the Methodist Church. on Sunday. ` ' _VVCVl\'C.llll Ill um: vwuury. Mr. and Mrs. Irving-Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rainey visited with Mr. and` Mrs, Cyrus Smith on Sunday. I Wm. nnviaenn and Tn:-nn l"|n..:.l.u... IJKIIIIWI .'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston of Warmin- ster spent Stmd-ay with Mr. and Mrs. Robt`. Eldridge. * Dnlnk n....:.:-.... -r A ---- -- -----A it I uuu Aug . U Ralph Davidson of Aurora `spent [weekend in this vicinity. MI` and Mr: lrunn Mnlnnn nun` 1`- .._ _-....-- atnvll uunynvvwu Ill ucalltllul uvli;-.'and Mrs. J. MaM'aster and child-I ren spent Sunday evening with friends in Bame. III . .___I 115., I`! 7 I n u..- nun. U. xuuscl` uu uunuay. Mrs. Frank Hmdle has returned. home from the hospital much improved in health. II. ..._.I I1... I17 1 It at uvclcvu .uu ouuuuy. _ . I MissbMarjorie Eldridge spent a couple of I days last week with Miss Irene McMaster.l Mr. and Mrs. La Qusene yisited Mr. and Mrs. G. Parker on Sunday. Mm Fran]: I-I:nAl.. luau .m6..........l 1.-...- July 3l.-4Mr. and Mrs. R. Gallagher arldl .b_aby_ and Clarence Gallagher motored to Everett .on Sunday. Mlna Mnrinn I3`.hl.-lulu... n....L...s .. .....;.J- -fl 1/oao s1'AT1N BETHESDA to Miss Lulu Hindle on` . in music recently. I July 30.--The rains `of late gladdened the `leg-t of the farmer. . Urn. Hewitt of Edgar spent Sunday with llr, and `Mrs. Wilton McGil1. ll.-c A.1m.... nun :. 1.-.--- _--:_ Au. 7 the uul uuuu: LICIC. Miss Frances Hussey and" Mrs. Will Hus- sey are visiting with Mrs. J. Mcljaughlin. Mrs. Dan Rice, Mrs. Clarey and daughter Eileen are visitors at M. Coughlin s. J. MIA$illD`\l;n and I-Sand. -mp.l>n-..J L- uuccu an: wswurs an M. uougmms. Jas. McLaughlin and friends motored to Toronto over the week-end L \ '. Mr and 1!... Q......_.. -.:__..__I J In cuc uu um: Sum 1150. ' Miss Elsie Carson has returned to Tor- onto after spending a couple of weeks at her home here. v in... r.\_.__., ~r~r -'-- ----" -- 4uu_:uvu over 5118 weex-ena. M}. and Mrs. Spears visited {at Mrs. W1-ig=ht s. [ _ Juiy 31.--Mrs. P Hayes," Mrs. C. Mc-' Laughlin, `Mrs. Muir . z_1nd`Mrs. Braithwaite are on the sick list. ` Mfhu. 'l.'M..2.. l'I.._.__._ L_'_ . I - - am LTILCIUUIVIIU3 ` Miss Mary -McKinnon is visiting with her sister in Brentwood. - -Miss Myrtle Campbell is visiting her sie- ter,_ Mrs. Jas. `Davidson. IJGV IIIBUII 5. Mr. and Mrs. McDoyle of Shelburne spent a few days with the latter's sister, Mrs. R. McCracken. - ' ' Ill..- 'l__-_,, 1: I\ I - . . . - . LIL\.7-\.JJ DUAUII . Miss Irene MoCracken is visiting friends at Shelburne. `l:'___ `'____'`.V'__. . . ... - - - Most of the farmers have nished haying. .Bert Rowe has sold -his farm and has moved to Toronto with his family. ` Lnurlnr Hun I-nfnrnnnl kn-an u:r._ mrs. ~.James nart, lately. `Miss Lottie Hart. and Miss Newton of` Or- 'illia'.Hospital are awajr on a trip to Mon- treal and other points. and on returning will spend a few weeks at the University of Tor onto.. . 131115 I`: c... .- uuuvcu bu LUFUIIDO WWII DIS I8-Hllly. ; Miss Elizabeth Lawlor has returned home` after spending a .couple of weeks at James Davidson's. __ ' II - -_'_.I II, II I\ u A A-I ucn awvcr, U113. 11. rmwrlgnb. `Wheat harvest is on in full swing. Spring crops, roots and pastures are needing al` Igood rain badly. I My WAAA :. ..;.:.:.... |..:.. _:..._L..., -- Euuu nuu uzuuy. -Mr. Wood is visiting his daughter, Mrs. IW. Lindsay. . (uc 5 U1 H1135 Lrucy. cow ' Miss Olive Graham of Vandorf is visiting! her sister, Mrs. R. Plowright. ! 'Wh(-'!Rf. harvpnf `E nn {us Full n1II:nn Q--3--- VH. Pattenden spent fhe _week-end in Aurora. T A 1 Mrs. Duchamin and children of Toronto late guests of Miss Tracy. I .Mi_qa nlivo (:I`n"'\nrn nf \7nn,l.-...t :. -.2..:L2'..~ l\_l'lI pel. I '" " `"' ' " I July 30.-~'M1"`. and Mrs. Rex Chappel and| little daughter motored from Toronto onj Friday. They were `accompanied on their return by Miss Norma and, Leighton Chap- .pel. ' ' m5 wuu muss meme BIIHDD. I The C.G.I.T. and Boys Club of Hawke- stone entertained the Shanty Bay clubs at `a weinerlroast "last Thursday. Miss Aiiderson of Toronto is visiting her brother for a week. ` um-u, uuu-age wr we rest DI me season. ! Misses McKinnon and MacDonald of Ath- erley visited Miss Evah Leigh for a few; days, I Mr nvur` ll... .lI.;.........a.L_. -,_,l 11' I1!-.I I J5' . _- V 1 Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy and Miss'Edit-hi (of Toronto, Misses Doris G vin, Nicholson.` Jefferson and Williams of oronto are stay- ing with Miss Nellie Smith. R qty. pf! {:31 ____| n_,,_9 nu I 1- iv- Wm. Barnes of Oro Station is busy these daysnishing the houses of Jas. Pemberton and Abner Ball. m.. .. m...-.... -n n...-. ma 7- July 31.--*MisZs Ella Tm-is of Allandale is visitingher cousin. Miss Verna Leigh. `MT. nd MFR F]nf.n'lnAv- nf Tnnnuurn nun no . um:-mg uc|' uuuam. wuss Verna Lexgn. I and Mrs. Fletcher of Toronto are at: their, cottage for the rest of the Miaenn MnT(:nnnn .-....! II....T\-...xlJ -f 14' . Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. S. mug her mother, Mrs: Warner, this week.` Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hurst and son of : Reynolds on their return from a motor trip to Muskoka last week, returning home to I the city last Monday. . r.`n\ml Pnuynnlg Lug ....c-n...,....l .. L:. L_.__. uvl _l.-Ht purclll-ul FUUI. ' - _ Mrs. and Miss Apperly have returned to their `home in Toronto after visiting with old "friends and acquaintances around here `_for the past for'inigh`t. .Mv-2 prion nnrliwonuilav .-J` 'l"..--..o.. ...... ..:.. i uuc 1.1151.-V lUl' luguh Mrs. Price and"family of Toronto are vis-i iting her mother, Mrs: Warner, this week.` MI` nnrl "re mnnnn I.T.._..i. .....l ......- nu: uuy Anal. munuay. Lloyd Reynolds has returned to his homei in Stroud -after holiday-ing `for a few days with Tommy Bowman. 4'AII\n n Qmnnevn .. ..... ..I -..l_L___4!-,, --Come to Stroud s annual celebration. Monday.` August 6. BasebaIl---Barrie vs. Hawkestone. Foot races. Sports. Supper. Entertain-ment---Owen A. Smiley, entertain- er; Amold s_ orchestra. b 30-31c vuuu a.uuun_y uuwuuul. I ~-- I 0 July 31.---iMi:i's YMYarion Reid of Toronto] is spending a couple of weeks holidays un- der _the parental roof. i rant` Minn Anrnnnlun L n . . . - . L - - - ---J A- an. muucnlulu vlsweu New uoweu menus! last week. ._\ T - There was a large attendance at the U.F. O. picnic and everyone reports a. good time. Mrs. J. B. Long has returned home after a-month s visit with Minesing friends. , ---f`nn'in in Rh-null : nnu-um] nnlnknnoinn n uluuvu 5 vu-no wwu muleslng menus. ---Come to St-roud s annual celebration, Monday. August 6. 'Baseball--Barrie vs.g Hgwkestone. Foot races. A Sports. Supper.` Entertainment---Owen A. Smiley, entertain- er; Arnold s orchestra; 30-31c I o ._..c._. .. vv\\4lI`J u_-cu In auauuvu. Albert. McGill of Toronto is spending a week with his daughter,".Mrs. Hugh Gra- ham. ` ' nuns \a_uuV uuu uuugmen. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapin and Mr. and; Mrs. Jas. Reidsmotored to Longford for the week-end. `Mr. and Mrs. G. .0. Allan and C01. and Mrs. -McLella)id visited New Lowell friends lac? uynnlr Jug uulua nu DIIIul].!lAJlI._ . Miss Verna. Smyhe spent last week with Miss Edith Allan.- _' v V . `Mr. and Mrs. J". Gibson are isiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.`Mo'ore. ` Mr: I..'...... nn...:.. :. ..:..:`:__ L-.. _g_.__T uul.;la,ns are well uner way fof the opening of avcontinuafion school here, Sept lat. Cnmn-atnlatinnn tn -Mr and M... ll .-..-1., In a cuuuuuuuuu apuuul nere, aept ISL Cdngratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mode- land on the Arrival of a young son;.also to Mr. [and Mrs. McLeod, on the arrival of twins (son and daughter). 1 I Mr and Mn` Tn; mnn:n .....I II. ....J. yuuuug mt. uuu JIIIE. noun UIOSC. Misses Jean and Jbyce Broome are visit- ing frinds in Brampton. `I113 Vnrnn ganul-un an-An` l....L ......-l- __:n. _,guua. uniwu, uu Mrs. Fred Tebo; VIVL- I`|3_I I`..2J- Mrs. Fred Te.-bot H , A T The Girl Guides took charge of the music in the Methodist church last Sunday `and it was yexy much enjoyed by all. 1 V nvilln chnnf Qu-Inn 3.. A..- waa yen uuwu cxuvyeu uy 81!. S E Mrs. Orville Todd spent Sunday in Aur- I ora. n|___ ___ ___-n __,:-{L as ` .- vqucula, nu . nut} 43113. D. . l-LO0l'. ,_M~x-5. Isaac. G1Ip1n.ia visiting her sister, Hrs- Fl-pd Tasha A_N_GUS 1-`L775 Brooks. Sr.. wh o has beh away on an extended visit, has returned to the vill- HQB-. . Thus. White of Orillia called on his sis- ter, Mrs; -James Hart, lately. -Miss LAt.`ia mm an:-I Mam n......,... -1:-n. Hw1 _MlNESlNG Axuocx 1 I o""`.l`J- DISH o IJI. up Jr. Pr. (B)---J. Webster.-G. Bedford. Jr. P-r. (A):-J. Rainey, M. Hillock. V.` Marling, C. Gilroy. Names are in order of merit. 3 I I ; Maude Blanch-ard, teacher. S. -S. No. 2, lnnisfil Sr. IV-I. Nelson, A. Lawton. H, Parker, `3 W. Cunningham, J. Rainey, B. Cunning-, `ham (R). V _ ' ' Jr. IV --~S. Morris. ` `Sr. III-G. Bishop, M. Rainey. i Jr. III-C. Hindle. O. Smith (H).'C. `Randall, I. Fisher, H. Rainey, I.- McMas-E I I [tar (R). ' Sr. II-.-W.'Hindle. . V \Jr. II-J. Morris (H), M. Eldridge. v. ;l(7`isher. G. Moire, C. Copeland. J. Gilroyi ` R). Sp. I-C. "Bishop, H. Bed-ford,-C. Fi.sher,I C. Trumbley, M. Morris (R). Jr. I--M. Teggart. Sr. Pr.--E. Bishop. Bedford. 7_ Y`, I A \ n .. __.. A by-law closing and authorizing the `conveying of the sideroad between lots 10. [and 11 in the 5th concession. and the-eas`t_! ihalf of the 6t1h concession. to the Crown; for reforestation purposes was given its first `and second readings. Said by-law will be given its third reading after it has been ad-' vertised as dir_ect.ed in the statutes. I Tkn (`n......:1 .uJI1,..........l L- -.._-L - I" ' lyualuc M10. 10. UUII. 10, OOU.OU. I _ U01. ttoad No. 2, $431.35; James Binnie, work on 001. Road, No. 8, $366.50; W. W. Scott-, work on Mac Road, 8254.60; F. !Chappel, repairing culvert opp. lot 8, con. i 11.88.75; Chas. Harris, grading, on Sunni~ {dang Road, $19.50; A. B. Coutts, Secy.-' Treas. Telephone System, loan, $700; Alf. Newman, work on Col. Road No. 7, 3250; G. M. Vance, County Judge, draft for re- vising voters lists, 398.85; E. Carson, spec- iial Govt. grant opposite lot 5. con. 6, 8100;. G. E. Richardson, work on Col. Road No. 7, $157.50; Barrie, Examiner, printing Part III of voters list, $60; A. Jary, vespnrs` share on north townline. $550.50; Leo Me Laughlin. slfeep killed by dogs, $18; Jas. Mills, sheep killed-by dogs, $12; Geo. Plow- 'right, work ag, .Minesing gravel pit, 835; T. J. Nelson. gravel for sideroad 30 and 31, con. 1. 83.75; E. Harris, repairing road op-` lposite lot 18. con. 13, $30.60. A h\v-lu1u nln:-inn and ....LL.__:_:.___ .L.I - vca until an uu;g,-cmeu ll] EH8 SD8l'UT%. The Council adjourned to meet on Sept? 17 at 10 a.m. ._ ~ A. B. COU'I"I`S, Clex-k.i ! The following axfcounts were ptrssed:- Stanley Fralick, work on 001. Road .No. 9, $323.24; W. W. Scott, grading on con. 10, $9; Wm. Walt, work on 001. Road No. 1, ls412.45; Chas. Harris, work on Col. Road No. 5, $751.87; A. Dwyer, work on Col. Road No. 3, 3400; Walter Forbes, work on Col. Road No. 2, 8431.35; James Binnie, wm-1:. nn n] Rmul Mrs R (mu: :n. 111 nr umua -:74. uuu5~lul' uounny purposes and 11,1; mills for Provincial Highway, or 6 mills in all. ` I II'\L, Ell ' A " ` ` 1110` wank} July 30.~-The biggest` event of theseason was the picnic and grove social held by the . Union Church in Rupert's Grove last Wed- nesday evening. The grove looked very in~ viting.wit'h its bright lights ; supplied by torches,- pine res and Japanwedanterns. Supper was just suehas Edenvale usually provides. Barrie band was present and provided excellent music afternoon and ev- ening. Several races were run, th! most interesting being the relay race, which was i won by Misses Cora Fralick and Marjory ` Dixon and Messrs. J ; McN`abb and C. Grant. ` The ball game between Stayner and Min- esing resulted in a score of 9-14 in favor ; .of"Minesing. Both teams played their us- ual good game. The refreshment booth was well patronized. The program was of * the very "best. Thos; E. Ross, M.P.. of Guthrie was chairman. Mr. William of Barrie Agave several_solos and piano selec- tions and was heartily encored. Miss Part- ridge of Barrie gave some excellent read- ings. Howard Priest of Minesing furnished some sxveet Hawaiian music on a hand-saw and Ross Richardson gave a reading in his 5 usual good style. The solos by Miss Strange 1nd`Mr. Barron of Barrie, Mr. Orchard of llinwing and Miss Culham of Edenvale were "heartily encored and enjoyed `by all. lThe .mem-hers of the Mission Band had a bazaar `on the grounds, and realized the sum of $15 from the sale of aprons and candy. LJULIUUI l'lCg U 0/ 1 1111118. V ` lcommunications were as follows :- Wm. J. Nicholson, re damage to moving van; petition asking for a polling sub-division at` Craighurst, led; T. F. Burrows, Clerk of Sunnidale, re cleaning out Brillinger Award Drain; Sec). Canadian Social Hygiene, Council; abstract of expenses of Election Board, re revising voters'- lists `for Provin- cial Election; J. A. Mills -and J. L. Mc- Laughlin, affidavits re sheep killed by dogs; J. T.- Simpson, County Clerk, advising that amount required from Vespra is $10,960, being 4% mills.for County purposes and ` .111. mills for PI-nvinninl IJ:..1mm.. .. A .....:n.. ~ A by-law for the purpose of levying and collecting the following rates was given its three readings and passed : Count-y rate, 7 4/10 mills; Township, 3 mills; _General School rate. 5 8/10 mills. if`). ..... ..: . . . . . _ _ _ . h - A-,n vvv __._.:__ PROMOTION EXAMS. `BY THE RED RIVER Ladis and Men s Tailor Ross Block, Banie (upstairs) - Phone 731 HARRY J. TWISS Good Showing 01 % Seasonahle " Cloths Men's Paris Garters Reg. 50c pr. Special, 30: pair T BOOTS AND SHOES _ Our Boot `and Shoe Sale of Entire Stock ` V i's_now in full swing. ' See window display for prices and partic- ulars of some of the goods on sale. Men s Duplex Suspenders Reg. 75c pr. 5 pecial, 48g pair .-u auu mm. vvuwn mount. Abner Ball is home again after a couple of weeks visit in Toronto. AIL, . II I\'II I run

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