Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1923, p. 4

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10 lbs. Sugar CHSP 10C pkg. Dommion W:i`Ea:2:+ SUGAR _C()RN _._._-..... vvlvkll auuu . Ba.seba!l- vs.. gees. Sports. `Supper. A. Smiley, entertain- V 30-31c IF IT IS REAL ESTATE, SEE MEL $1.15 I s_. is protable I i`_`1"17s3%V,mt1`:'e came from Cale-. n "`\l\ 9-4->1--` POW LL- celebration. _ _,. . , V V V. .....u, 1pqLuulCLlC grey, regular $22.50, now .. $19.75 of lighter construction," cream nish, IOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $13;75 ll offer good` for a limited time only. ' , CHEAPER TYPES without hoods--- Old price $11.50, new price . . $9.25 '0 Old price $10.50, new" price . . $8.75 0 Old price $9.75, new price . . $7.50 SAGA SARDINES MOLASSES SNAPS lb. feed. reclining ba.ck, 10-in. front ~ Wheels, rubber-tnred, leatherette 3v !'A(7II`0`Ir- #4-s zn ..-__ --- ._... PEANUT BUTTER, lb. 32:: A Summer Cottage and sevheral good houses to rent. Choice seedless Raisihs, lb. J UTLAND SARDINFS 3 ti: %3'r'$'" to than the member for Lincoln when he takes part in a discussion. He ` served for some years as a member of the Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park Commission and, within the boundaries of his own city, has ren- dered many a public service. Such a man as Mr. Chaplin deserves the 0 praise evolved in this sketch and the esteem of all'who know him. Ll..- ...e...uer is more closely listened RICE 3 lbs. 25 _--.. 11C 3991] cool: a leading pos- ition "as an earnest `and effective member of the House, especially in committee work, and, although his "speeches are few and far between, no member is more closely listened ,to the member fm. `I ,-'---1- -- - ,, _. _ --n"A` 1`? JAMES AD. CHAPLIN n Let us make our way to the city e graphical subject, in James D. Chap- _ lin, who is fully entitled to honorable " ' an esteemed citizen and r ' ests and inuence extend ; far beyond its boundaries. After his 3 educational period in the local public `schools and the Collegiate" Institute, :;Mr.'Chaplin found his bent in bus` positions as president of many of them. His gcommercial activitie r l of St. Catharines for the next bio-V QUALITY and SERVICE , , _ . . . . V--uwv No. 2, width 26% inches, depth 18%. inches, height 4184 inches, regular $17.75, now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95 No. 4, width 29%, inches, depth 19% inches, height 4454 inches, regular $21.75, now . . . . . . .._ . . . . .. $17.75 - Case of thoroughly seasoned hard- wood, nished golden, provision and ice chambers lined with galvanized steel, removable shelves and ues, outside measurements, No. 1, width 23%, inches, depth 161,4 inches, height 39% inches, regular $14.75, HOW . '. . . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . .. xv - IAIIISB I` --_ _ form of citizen service. After 7 , an `apprenticeship as a mun- councillnr fnv an-an ---~-- " ----.v .v val a, 1111'. was elected to. the Dominion Te soon too]: leading earnest effctive Of the Hanna nnn..:..I*u_ - mg ulc: IIUL WCZ_iUl_6I', brand at so modest an `_`_'_A__` '5 1 a`-- 2 tins . cu. v v-nnvulvv At;2400---Real good home, Barn, etc. L * [Around '$3(l00-- -A number of real good places to choose from; At $5000---An A1 home. strictly modern. - Houses, Farms and Market Gardens, all sizes and prices. Magic Baking V P9.Wd.er - V vv IICI lb. tin 34c T PRUNEJS 2 lbg. 25c `ENE? tins 25C Has a comfortable house to exchange on a pasture farmnear Barrie. Whit have you" to offer? _ At $1500--I have six odttages, some real good values. 7 At $1600--Six-roomed house, with all conveniences. . ` LL QtIA.\4\ - get all $2.00 i>i:om";1'~a Phone 531. Offic- I\I I in -I-sun-4-. There will in match in the n Cameron, captn naving accepted Simpson of tho ` ` f`L1's1` j Sole Agent for and Pipele Charlie Smit} wanian for the ashlight, thv 2 Smoked am` Picnic Hams 21 per lb. NOW Is" to have your and repaired, ` Continuing. his ideas of H and civilization know no bnum same time rem: tional charactm thins: that stru forcibly was thl lauded the cha ians by a strik the laboring nu Canada.` I lik men," he said latter. Save Alliston. (lctnhvr "Barrie, Septembe Beeton. ()(~tInbm- Y4 Bruce-bridge. Seple Brxuiford. Uctohvr Cnldwuter. So;-'1-n Cnllingwood. Sept Conkstmvn. Octu} -F.'Im\'uIc. Sc-pu-In} IGrnvonhur.~:1_ Sept. ; Hunt.<\'iH'. Sop!-n jLind.~'u_v. Sc-.p1L-xnlm flidland. Snptmnhn .VewIn:1rk(*t, S'eptI'I .0riHia, October 2 .()m' Septmxnlwr H There isn't tion, nor to H also say to till C-ohoe. in ('ll(l( fact that thing: ordinzngv I`(`l'.\'(, does not wurr) ferring to ill(` Dr. Cohoo (mil of indivi(lunll_\' istinpr evils DI` V punishment uf they believe if the villain on- right. D-r. Svi-mpzi Dr. Cohoe ing first seen farm in Sout he resided in teen years } many other ( side of the `i He is spemlin tion on tho 5 near town. 5 gr! - Hitting on synonymous B. Cohoe. Church, Mo livered :1 ve the Kiwanis luncheon on Iated Kiwani. construction optimism for c-. 4DI3;.9.*_il iby inst J Fresh Fish onFridays THURS! L'_"_W FALL Fl SPECIAL Ed. Bryson s CO"NFl':`.C'l`l0NERY _Onder French Ice Cream for today. ' Delivefed anywhere V . in town. _ -- v -- W XIIIIIIIGI C we are Jelly Beans at 25-per pound. At 011!` Candy Counters -.-- -..- -_lI2__ _, I 1| vn H_, A. HENRY APHONE51 A universal custom that benefits every- `Aids digestion, cleanses the teeth," soothes the throat. : Phone 31Wi Alluulale It pays to read The `Exminer Ad-Q` _let Column. Page 12.` ........,.. ..5...,-uwuruuy and 85 per cent. of these are .making' good. These men are paying their way and are repaying "loans to the extent of be- In .a `recent address on .the: work of th_e Soldiers Settlement Board. Major Barnett, the chairman, stated ' that over $100,000.000 had-been ex- nended thus far in placing ex-sol- diers on the land. Some 30.000 men. renresenting ea farm.,community of 0 130,000 "persons; have been estab-V: lished agrlculturallv and 85 cerit. : these are rnnlrinno ....'...: mm- ...,... an au uuvwus. 1: IS unfortun- ate that there should not .be some provision whereby such a necessary _ expenditure of less than-a half-mill . could be met out of the yearly` levy instead of raising the mone_v`b_v de- benture, which adds greatly to the cost of nancing the improvements. . . uuc prupusell Improvements to the King George School. There should be none wherethe urgency of the work is so obvious. It is unfortun- ate fknrn a`\;-uulal ---L `-~ ' No (iiffic lty is aticipated by the Board of E ucation in_securing the Council's consent to issue debentures for the proposed improvements to the Kim: Gnnravn Q..|.....1 rm... 4 ~ ~--' United States boats are carrying no Canadian grain from the "head of the lakes, as they will not comply with the new regulations which call for the lingof shipping rates each day. Sir Henry Thornton suggests" that if they persist in this attitude he will do his utmost to get Canadian `Government merchant marine "ships commissioned "for the grain trans- v portation service. . These ships could not be better employed than in mov- ing Canada's great grain crop.~ vlu I [Scotch province they seem to have `a liking for Irish mayors. In Hall`-` fax the C.W.N.A. party was greeted `by Mayor Murphy, in Sydney by Mayor Fitzgerald, and there were one or two other Irish mayors en- countered in: the course of the trip, I Mayo1'_F. L. Kelly of North Syd- ney has secured the Liberal nomina- ition for the seat vacatedby the Hon. I'D. D. McKenzie and is pretty sure 'to be elected. -Down in that old: Scotch province they have] 151 lilcinn-V `FA-rs 'lV:nln -.-------~ " " " A Toronto newspaper, writing "up the town of `Acton, concludes with: this ne. tribute: It is the town lwhere everyone is 'courteous; ,We :do not know Acton not many of its v- people, but if they resemble the ed- fitor of their newspaper, Mr. Moore - {of the Free Press, they `are fully de- I iserving of the [compliment paid them` 4 Qin the above quotation. ' ` 5 1 I ____ "nuns ru can u -l'HI|Il -1>_ALiv"1"il5v'b.' AND DEGORATING-e T very masondble prices, Wqrk guarai'n_toed.i Also selling paints and wallpaper. Cut prices. FRASER- Rnlln Fund (Inc n|.-..- I A " Striking Nova Scotia miners are returning to their work, which they ileft because of the bad advice given by the Bolshevist members oftheir unions. It would be agood thing ,for the miners, and Canada as well, iif MacLachlan, Livingstone, McDon- ald and other Red" -agitators were [shipped-o` toeMoscow,. for which thev hnvn cnnl-i an ..A'....4..'..- '=uuppe(l~0IT to Moscow, they have such an affection. I r"`U " 8 SUCCESS. In connection with the Kincardine Old Boys` A Reunion, .the Reporter ,prin'ted a special number of sixteen pages on. `fine paper, illustrated by A numerous photogravures of people, buildings, etc._ It was a credit to the enterprising publisher; J. J. _Hunter, who was secretary of the `reunionr and played a big part in making -it] success. - `* _. vvv-- lvll-I DIIUIIIU mean reat things fo1`'t}:e Dominion. It is to be hoped that very depressed prices may `not result from such an immense quantity being put upon the market. Canada s wheat crop this_year is estimated at 500,000,000 `bushels, almost double the average of the last; four years. Such a yield should great for the I With coal coming from Alberta. Mexico and Wales, Ontario should not be so dependent on the Pennsyl- vania mines for the coming winter's supply. , ..uyy,y nu: you Wu! 1880. V . These things secure opportunity. That secured, there comes the (need of good judgment, which is one of the prime requisites for enduring success.f' ` ,.. uvauu w. mu: uuer mmgs OI life. Be friends with everybody. When you have friends,.you know thereis somebody who will stand by you. Lead at life that will make you kindly and friendly to everyone about you and you will be surprised at what a happy life you will lead. Nana LI`: n J - - - - - A- Iv N avuuuauuu U1. Cl SUCCESSIUI 1118. Another important thing is loy- alty. Be loyal to the `people with whom you associate at the `start. , Make your employer feel that you ; are sincere with him; that you-are : going to promote his interests; that ? you are -going to stand for the things he represents, and that will reap you a richer reward. Loyalty above all! A person, to carry on a success- ful business, must have imagination. He `must see.things in a vision, a dream of the whole thing. You can cultivate that faculty only by- an ap- plication of the ner things of life. Be frinnrla uyil-In ..u.....'|.....1... nn_- 1 1 1 l < [BELLE EWART WALLPAPER}. .mu1- .DA nurmmn A \v.n nnnnn . ....-..- 9|-I\a\al'a3 asked to name. -the most : important things that lead to a suc- {' cessful life, says Chas. M. Schwab, ,' one of the. great. captains of Amer- : ican industry, `.`I should say first of 1 all was integrity-.-- unimpeachable T integrity. No one can `ever do anything` of great value in life, `` 'f'`;li were --v_---a 5 Ian and have the condence and approv- - al of his fellow men, or be success- I ful in his undertakings with other business people, if he does not have the reputation ofibeing a person of honor and integrity. This is the very foundation of a successful life. A1InI'hnv :I\I|v\4\c-C--..L z.I__'__ -, I i I 1 I 1 wr .. J , ...uuvua, nut, 11; gnvmg me province :1 gift of $9,000 in the past -threw vyalrs. `The premiership of Ontario should `command a monetary return of at least $12,000 per__vear. It is not too much,f and an unm-atefu7 province is not saying thanks to the -- ------... uuouuuuscu ] Cqllingwood Bulletin; ' Some crit- icisin is being offered of Hon. E. C. Drury because he decided to collect some backpay as Premier of Onw` tario. The criticism `is misdirec _ced.I [The mistake of Mr. Drury is not in, collecting--$2125 for the past eight months, but in giving the province a rift of $9 nnn .3. n... ....-L nu.-- .._------ --gm - -we-c Job (in the ar2'2're2-ate. . m Simcoe Reformer: The most re-farm 18Wl- much I markable feature of the selection of {most DY'0d`10ti"" 3 . _I-Ion. J. S. Martin for a cabinet post,5 the Province. It and one which indicates that his qual-1 am`-Onmanied b.V 1 ifications were fully recognized by3Vall1-`lled Shade 8"} , the new Premier, is that whilst Hon. ; all t'8SeS- it "@0955! 1 Howard Ferguson's Toronto` head-I exnense `for new f , quarters were bombarded by scores The of deputations acting on behalf oflwoulrl. he unjusti various members for whom they de- l ciroumstances. U sired to secure cabinet appointments,'lancia1 conditions South Norfolk s outstanding repre- height-of folly. ' sentative remained quietly in hisfof Highways is to] home town and the call to Toronto'cgl]ing- a halt. `and consequent honor came all un-I ------- solicited. e I r.-ontinuanc ' ,. _.,, ..._.- ...u uan gzcau Uullbfll)-I _ I _ ution to medical science. A R! 5" 9" E""`Y _ ________._...___.._,_.___________ ' Farmers Sun: By ordering a dis-' ' `continuance of work on the widening x"Xx"x"x"I"X`:!of rural highways, Hon. Gen.` Henry} I E .3 has given the first tangible proofl ` DE , {that Premier Ferguson was not using,` . ,F,I0F,I0x0x0I`*!idle words when. in one of his first bl` d 1' . 3 h 1 - Rur`l Hydro Line` pl] 10 elverances since t 6 880 t Vtion. he declared the intention of` Acton Free_ Press: It must be i cutting` all expenditures to the bone., gratifying t the 9991`? 'f this Pm`! The `general widening of rural I vmce that the work of extending the a provincial highways to eig.hty_Sixg.- Hyd"']mS "` rum] Parts f theifeet was one of the greatest mis-I. I pmvince is, pmceeding Vi?-'rS1Y-tnlces made by the former Minister ' Over 650 miles of transmission lines _ of` Highways. To give a_ width of`; have_ already been constructed. Th1s.e;2.ht_V_s5x feet to a rural highway mikes DOW 9-V3_`l3b19 "1 93 tw"`{that connected with sixtv-six-foot ships, the` plan being on the fty per , _ _ A `street allowances in urban centres? ,t' bfmus P.`Pl`3 Pmvlded f1' bylwas surely a case of mlttimr H10 .~m~+,l letlslatmn, - . ' u vvll vn UUII Us`. legislation. _-_ -v--I-A\.v$6lll\:L| UJ. CV13 a i two ago, and it would seem that sur-f. szery is_ aboutto make another great ; forward stride for the benet of -hu-:3 manity. Canada s `own Dr. Banting,:1 discoverer of the insulin cure 'for_;] diabetes. has taken part in the Con-.9 gress and has impressed all by hisll modesty as well as his great contrib-I } -. vans racma;;;;;;;;;;e;;;r";`e?;i"c'iI2,i .31:r(::::)'g.d o`;.'h_`{n.I(';::;: z:`edtht(:"ggiizgfwithout running the gauntlet of the , of the idea, at the International `Con-jt Elntrigiengxgtrnrnlgitlogif Zrdaggitgigi , gress in London, who was abie to give; g - `t. g - n th th h , convincing details of cases whichiilgagundhloris ?1 ebyvay mug , have resulted in the rejuvenation of alSedScat?;h'e egrosfutgictgrgufiare ; forty-four elderly men who entrust-m`n,.atl the end 6f the Second ;,ear: ed themselves to his hands for thejfom, more at the endof the third ` treatment, six of them being` doctors. "ml the accumulation of fauiges and It` has of course` been genemn-vinexainined subjects at the end of ' :e`:_?a:: glailozsiggzzgli)a?nnAtr:: {the fourth. 'l:he cost of examinations But startling discoveries are being.` . _ `. - made about them` in. these days thatI::)L;:'v `?N:`ff(`);]1`:i`1f:a:`i,]1:f: were undreamed of even a year or:(em th emon'h] X min(;ti(:] V ndv two sur-_r .t e h u -1.! er: b h- S 8, 1 is a e .8 p pl ` W0 y 1s genela forward -hu- v ? hwmg throughout the yew" spar` . . . zine: the children the nerve-racking` .man1_t_v. Canadais own Bant1ng,.t9t af Hm pm, M. Hm __M__ ___u,., ,t .dismnvmvm- A4` +1.... :..-..1.'- ~- ' ' I I Monkey gland grafting on human} beings may continue to be subjectv for the jokesmiths for years to come but it seems to have passed the ex-g perimental stage and become an ac-; tual and successful,` factor in sur-`I gery. _ This is the opinion of many} [notable surgeons from all parts of 5 Hzhe world whn h`a+m-ml am 11- '---~ ' _--.. 1.- -...-.w an: uuulc. DFIUISH 0DSeI'.V- U _e' ers are inclined to the opinion that `E: during the next few monthsthe pol-` I itical situation at home, not lessthan ' the intricate developments on the Y European continent, will call for the` closest attention of British states-3 manship. The defeat of the Labor. party's various Socialistic proposals by handsome majorities in the Com- - mons has not fully cleared the situ-l at_ion.~ There is much apprehension among the nancial, commercial and I manufacturing leaders of the coun-` try lest the levy on capital and other; - advanced proposals should nd! I stronger public favor than the very}, ' hearty support they are already re- ` ceiving in many quarters. There are again disquieting rumors as to 7 Lloyd George's health. He is pic-, , tured as apparently very weary a`nd, ' as we would say on this continent.g \ lacking` in pep. But it is to be hoped that he will be able to come to Can-; "i" ada, where he would be sure of a tre- rel mendous welcome, and where heINO would satisfy. the hope of many peo-{est pie to get a glimpse of and hear ad-1 P81 dresses from the outstanding states-iter man of the great war. ' ' While many places in Canada are! looking. forward to a visit in the fall from Lloyd George, it isvnot certain that events will permit him to keep] his promise to come. British observ-1 are int-linorl +1. 41.... .--.=-=--A H ' repxantea so far, however, but touch-( es the fringe of the territory. At` the rate replanting is now being done, it would take 150 years to re- forest the timber land that has-been denuded of its trees. In the work of reforestation` which` has been taken .up by many munic- fipalities- in_ Ontario, "the v'United ~ States has already made considerable, ' progress. During last year over .4000 acres in" the Rocky Mountain district were replanted. The largest: single operation was in the Minnes-' ota National Forest, where over. 1700 acres were planted in pine. Nebraska I p . replanted nearly 1000 acres,` Color- ado over 700 acres and Michigan ap-} proximately 600 acres. The amount! replanted so far, however, touch- the `Prince: ml? +1... a..._'...u..*_._- -- Cfitiism Misdirected 1.5-. A-Vv W "OPE OI peo-1 est criticism andhear ad-[payment of n outstanding arm... 19...... post,5'the was in many cases shat qua1-,an.r-onmanied by the destruction of cognized and fruit trees. In necessitated a very heavy ronto for fencing. rd hv gnnmml vm-_ '_._.L:_,,, -- . ( scores} continuance of this policy! behalf ofwoulri. unjustifiable under any` de-`circumstances. Under existing n- intments. anciai it `would be the 18` 1`ep1'e- The new Minister 7 hisfof to be commended for Torontonmmy... .. i...u - w_R]__GlEY$ v...u uv van-g _ V " "` ` " "" are a'tre-retiring Premier for his sacrice. he l Nor would there have been any hon- peo- criticism had he accepted the full ndihear ad-nnavmcmf. n'F monnn u_......_L.._A 1(- ,-.'v.<. -..- ,..., ,.,v,,m,u_, lm""91'~ taking out of cultivation. `in the a' large area of! of it among the` 1 nflmost nrndnnma m-..:....n-......1 1.2. :_.I I human . subject Too Many Exams. Walkerton Telescope: The new "Provincial Government will renderl me,the Province a real service if it sub- e eX'stantial!y curtails the elaborate sys- a'tem of examinations which haunts `m:`:;;`-[the children in our primary and se- tcondary schools. At the present time! rts ~ S gchildreu cannot enter the High School _. ergiwvithout running thel mcatmIEntrancepexamination and continu- 1` `.m'ling the nightmare of departmental oivlexaminzitions `all the way` through ,.' `ifHig`h School. Four subjects must be [n `:2 {passed at the end of the first year, a "'5 '!four at year. `r the,5four third.` ?rS' and accumulation and 812;!-Viunexalnined kntii Isthe The examinations . gwhich have been intensied under anlty. I othtl lnftn o-nvnv-nwu-....L L..- L---~- n -~-- ...-,.............u;a uu uuc u_uuc.; '---- P513`! The `widening `jibe St1`mY Petrel o the - nrovmcial eighty-sixip_ht_1cs for almost a gen: eifoet mis-(W1`3m LYOH Mackenzie ESIyO!t:"keq Ministerlgscotland on Mar. 12 in $13: a of-'.V'0UY1g' Scotch lad ei2`ht.V-six rural hi hw idonia t` Canada in the 1'4 that sixtv-sii-fox; of 1812'_th Same Year I .b centressMacd"a.ld` For Ver f 5 'was putting the cart} Ma.c].`enZ'e was destined sbeifore the horse. This` involved,IStkmg Damn the public |'rnn'vnnvav .'nl):~\:u ....n _.L- _,_ L. Del` Canada. nhw nn+m.:.. WH- ' July 18, shohting at 25 claybirds, the Jscnres were -la'.s' follows:--. A _ Wm. Crossland . .v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..23 . R. Wolfenden.- . . . . . . . . . . '. T. `Villiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 V E. Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 l_M. Carr .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20 A N. Dyment . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . ..`.20 J.J.Dumond . . . . . . . . . . . . Bert 'Marw`ood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I7 I Thos. Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16 ] H.A.G0odwin . . . . . . . . . . . .._....l6 1 Chas. Lower-`._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v . . . . . 15 - Mr. Coulson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12 ` Dr. Webb .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l2v Mr. Mulhall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 SooWah- . . . . . . . . . . . ..l."._ . . . . . . . . . ..8 9 _...,., ....,- umuxceu uxe nerve-racking jtet at the end of the year which is {made of supreme importance at the present time. V I ` rug Aunt; term. nu-nu. nu.u;u ()1 ll. among meg agricultural land in! 3vnunnn TL ....... 3.. A ~- ABARRlE c.,uu CLUB After Meal A `U0 II]! I ' Slightly smdller, but otherwise exaet- ly the sameas No. 369, outside mea- surements, width, 24' inches, depth 19%, inches, height 50 inches, reg- ular $31.75, now . . . . . . . . . . $27.25 -r-/I No. 369 Challenge Style . Outside case mgde of ash, nished golden, 5`walls, insulated with cerite I with re-tinned wire shelves, ice cham- ber lined with heavy. galvanized steel, outside measurements, width 26 1/,- inches, depth 191/4 inches, height 54 inches`, regular $35.00, now $30.00 N. `ac-7 (\I_- II -- .....-.. uc auccpueu Lne IUH $12,000 throughout his =5.` reguxar $35.00, $3: No. Challenge ltlv Smsiinm-, }mi- nu-k............. -___ Challenge e ca_se nished , 5 Walls; -insulator! man. ......:a... an I-llall a Iuxuly uurmg me not weather, mous Brantford modest hly approved by Federal Board /of Health. ,.e pe: nt render ervice \I71n1'n1n L-'~--4-~ I ..2l ..20 [.20 ..18 .17 .16 .16 -15 .12 .124 Reading the advts. employment. T --Come to St:-oud s' annua-I Monday. August 6. Baseball- Hawkstone. Foot races. Sport Entertain-ment--Owen Smiley er; Arnold s orchestra. At Brei1n;u_1;; nnluuv 7163 of Canada. BELLE EWART I "WILLIAM LYON MACKENZIE I I The of Canadian politics almost generation was_ `William Lyon Mackenzie. Born in uScotland nn Mm. 10 :- Wm -` MAKERS or CANADA] ,B_:-ief Biographical Sketches `of Somei ` of the Dominion : Big Men Who , Have Passed Away. ' Beautiful stylesin reed, reclining wheels, 12-in. back rubb hood, nished in $22 Smziller size and lighter constru regular $16.50, now .' This exceptional _, ,----.. nvvul aclx guv_c1'n- gfven to all the provinces L . . 1.15. a,. 13= Clan-Inon Hone Blok

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