Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1923, p. 13

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[U\a `Dunn -w upe, putt , L8`/.' to 10, ftce, 50 pr. ` nd 1x1 Rib otton Hose `A. 9, 9% Fm. 50c and --- V-.. .-V .v.- ova . nuns. vnuuvu Mrs. Fred Grasley of Montreal and! Mrs, Reed-Lewis of Toronto have! been spending a few" days with` friends at Big Bay Point and in Barrie. 3 V1` can . _.-. 1.1101 1. Ave Miss Florence Robertson of Craig-} valehas returned home after. spend-'5 ing a week/ with her grandparents,' Mr. and Mrs. F. Robertson, Worsleys Street. ` _ i `ll . up 1` us `on so ..i Iuutuuln I ! Miss Margaret Marshall,-R.N., of` the Women's College--Hospital sta','a Toronto, is spending a month's va-I cation with her mother, Mrs. R. Mar-1 shall, 49 Park St. I `Ill - ....J `I\.l--_ 111'... 1'5. -__._n _1,._ _, \_.u.vvv5 Miss"};my 3411 .5? Alliston, who] has been the guest of Miss Gwen! Fife and Miss Marjorie Laidman, re-. turned home on Sunday. `M- ....A `M..- n `A mr..n....` -..1...) guy Lyqazucxluc lu 1.ul.`UluaU. "Mi'ss=-Muriel Robertson of Toronto, acconfpanied b_v.Miss Della Napier of} Capreol. spent the week-end with. Mrs. Sutcliffe. Bayld St. I `Mr..- A 1' M..:I ..._..1 ...-... -1: 111:....: I yualluu ll\IlIl\'4 VII uullungu Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mullen`, who` have been with their parents in town for several weeks. have gone to takei up residence in Toronto. I ..an:....1m....:-1 n-1.__..--.. -1 m____,,._ I LIVLIJIJIIO Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brewster and children have returned tb town after apending two __ weeks at Wasaga, Beach. - . I - III In", In v___. v----- ---------_-, --- -..----r -..-v Frank Cavanagh and sons motored "from Thessa1on and are visiting with his father, P. Cavanagh, Wellington Street. I It ivv 1-,` vs . I aavuvlln Wallace Cameron has returned to Detroit after visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J.` C. `Lang, Grgw/`e St. , e, 1|,`I up AIIO 1,, I : -. .. n \llI|lvl| \II.IaAA\4n have I Miss.V. 7VIi_lligan has returned to Tottenham after spending a week wth her sister, Mrs. M. J. Walls. I --_ -I mg; b;$.'ti{e{ii'cni;'c1{rn% 3E7ror; onto _returned .home after spending a few days with friends in town. 1 ms. 142;;m;;;a`;;.a%'d;gga;eer Margaret of Winnipeg are visiting Mrs. John Buchanan, 122 Dunlop St. nu: manna _XAlNElt- an --. .u~u nu. -..-vv- . Prescott Journal--0n July l4, Mr. l and Mrs. T. H. Burton entertained i on their beautiful lawn in honor of their nephew, Albert Burton, wife. ` and daughter of Barrie-, who were visiting their father, John Hutton, and other relatives. _ It`._was a family gathering in the formvp.o;.,a:._banquet. There were 'thirty.gs_i_e11_ j guests. Those` from out-of-towiiier Mr. and Mrs. Albert; Btirtogn -and daughter Guida of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. [Tay- lor and family and'Mr. and Mrs, Gil- son and family of Brinston. . Each ohe was delighted with the" unique gathering and all report having spent ` a very pleasant afternoon. ' Mrs. W. J. Brown of Dalston and: Mrs. J. A. Harris of Barrie. Mr. Stewart was correspondent for The? Examiner at Dalston before he lefti this part of the country twenty-five years ago. For several yearshe has] been with the big Seers Roebuck Co.` organization and is now manager of a large factory manufacturing string- ed instruments. On his return mo- tor trip this week, he took his mother as faras Mimico. . , ' uuuu:I'. - ' E The bandits had a shotgun, and the` messenger was in the very act of trying to draw his revolver," (-Here Lord.had to sit clown, as he was wo_unded, and obviously ' very nervous). I rushed over to the mes- senger s zxcsistunce. Just as I got there,l I u another of the hold-up gang took careful | aim and the rrressenger sank helplessly. still [clutching his revolver. ' V Crawled Under Auto , I grabbed the bandit, and another man ' struck me over the back arid shoulders with ~ l the stock of a large, new shotgun. He was. l swearing terribly. and telling me he d' knock` my ---~ brains out if I did not let go . I Am Ind`-.. I...` n..... ::_-.r e-.__ 4.-.- : uunu luuuwulg tucul. ` The bandits car was last seen proceeding {in the direct-ion_of Hamilton. 1 l I - Story of Battle Allan Lord. elevator operator in -the Mc-l -Kinnon building, at Jordan and Melinda] ism-ets, was an eye-witness to the entire affair. Calls on the elevator being momen- itarily slack, he wassfanding at 'the front , door of the building._ I nnfinn `nun vI\nn l\O\(\ ..L.....l2..... .. ucuuu,'_; uU\Vll>nlUl'lll1ll sweet. ` I Pistols barked fire from the car as it made { its way down Jordan and west on Welling- : ton. About 9. score or more of shots were exchanged in the ght. U Spectators from the confer of King and `Jordan watched t-he battle in amazement. H The bandits car was aided by congestion of I I traffic in getting away from a pursuing 'car which fired on them. but was block ; from following them. ' = : moceedinz ' llUl;)|' Q1 .18 uuu(ung._ . `I noticed four men, one standing on each corner. but there was nothing peculiar in. that. I started back into the building and heard a shot; I thought it was some- ! body's auto tire blowing out. and paid! I little heed until I heard four more shots. I ran out. and there was one bandit grappling with a bank messenger on the northwest} corner. ' HrnL_ L_,|e. I u 1 . - - .- l . autumn I.-nu Iuuu LU l-LIUII` cur. Suddenly Harris dropped over on his side. A bandit. bullet had caught him in the i stomach. . D... _.I_._I_I_, L ' I I ` . I(Ul.IIlICll. j a But pluckily he raised himself on his el-.j bow and again resumed his fire on the ban-: dits, who. in their car were by this time re-i treating down Jordan street. I D:o`l\`n L..Ll....l ::-.. :._..-_ LL_ _-, V -- I X Shoot Bank Messengers Broad Daylight in _ Toronto. 5 uxc Auuxuug uuuru uuu Hl'8(l. ` ' - | 3 In a moment the men wre grappling` in ` a hand-to-hand fashion. ` TL- 4.... ..L..L.._.--_ E-" - " ` " " a uauu-uu-uuuu IHBIIIUD. , The two shotswerefollowed by a fusil~ ; ade as the other bank messengers and the other robbers engaged in a revolver batt-le. . Mesenger Wounded 1 Harris jumped from the Standard bank I car and opened [fire on the bandits. Lying -at in the `mad he aimed at the bandits who [were carrying :1 Sterling bank bag of money 3 across the road to their car. i I Q.-I.]....l-. 1I......2.. J _ . _ . ,-J ,-4-- ` ' ' ` uuuac wwu uuuwruus Lugs 01 money. W. s. Dick, Sterling Biink was shot and seriously injured, and James W. Harris, Standard Bank messenger, was shot in the abdomen and the thigh,_but bravely returned the robbers fire.` I Twin 5:`: nnkknnn 1.-.! .. I .... ..-.I A. ?- - mmvmy wourucu we l'0DDe-rs 1111!.` The snx robbers had a large red -tounung car and made their getaway safely. A.: Hip gun-lino man nonnn inn. 1...)..- val auu umuu lvlll gevuway saxely. As the Sterling men came into Jordan street at Melinda, two men jumped` from E the running board and fired, ` | In 9 .mnmnnf H-an man Iain-n ...........'.l:.... L. Bandits and bank messengers engaged in a sensational pistol battle in Tomato at 9.45` Tuesday morning, -when six robbers made a daring raid on the messengers of three banks, Ster1ing,.Stiandard and- Nova Scotia, as they returned from the clearing house with numerous bags of money.____ _ W. S. Dink, Rfar-lino Rimlz minmana.-' BANDITS CARRY AWAY $33,000.09 t Minesing. July .`Bor~1fy of Craig apman to Miss l"'of Minesing. At the Presby- Saturday. July N.- H. MoGill1'~ daughter of Mr. n A lnun...I..- u:`I did\let go, but; `they fired four shots! ..v. -- wu vacuum The rope of hemp or similar material has been used from the earliest times, but it has obvious limitations in point of strength and durability. Improvements in the man-4 ufacture of steel and developments in rope- making machinery have led to the produc- tion of steel ropes suitable -for all require- ments. Indeed, a romance of land, sea and air could be woven from the many tri- umphs, of engineering in which steel ropes . have played a vital part. At this moment there are thousands of miles of steel ropes in use as ships hawsers and rigging, as crane and lift ropes, and for raising andi lowering" the cages in pit shafts. In addi-l tion to thwe and other prosaic but necw-I sary duties, such as hauling tramcars or steam iploughs, or transmitting power from one end of a mine to_ the other, steel ropes! Got Away With 383,000 The `bandits haul is estimated at 883,000, belonging 'to the Sterling Bank and the Bank df"Nov`s Scotia: The km is said, to be covered by insurance. . A ` ale um. um: on JIIGHI go]: me In me leg. I thought it was all over as I felt like 3! ton of lead, but that is probably what saved me. I crawled underneath an auto stand- ing close by, and the buckshot sirnply riddled the body and windows of the car The banditrs then ran to a large red auto-I mobile. There was no one in the driver's' seat that I could see, but the car started on. the second. | u_\ ______| ___, ,.l, -- ` DIJC acuuuu. A crowd was gathering now, and one policeman came running up from Welling- ton street. He dnew his gun but hesitated to use it fearing to shoot someone in the crow ." ` 11.1 wvv - . u A A A.`-- at me. Or_1e of them got me in the leg. thought It was all nvnr 3.; 1 cm 1:1... .. Jeny `Powders, 3 an 25 LL PAY :07 BE rr THE Walnuts SUGAR. $11.35 :5} PLUMS - SHIRRII`-`PS SLICED BACON LEMONS 29c. DOZ. SEALERS ORANGES - 37cD Seedless Raisins .- l5c"' July 25, .1923, . Fitsell, Francis . Lorne R. Rog- indsor, 0nt., on ' Elizabeth). uly 22, 1923, n Robt. Vaughan, Specials for Friday and Saturday `@urru s `ggh oi `arru 36 DUNLOP snug:-:1 V aops or s1'EEL Bordeaux Halves lfimitd WXu Visitors over Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Fm set of Toronto, Master C. Pratt `bf Ham ilton, J. McKee and wife of Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Martin motored to Ollis on Sunday. I G. Tracy and family motored to.8unni I dale on Sunday. - 1. I When an article is scorched in ironing, plunge it into cold water and let it stay until the next day. The mtirk will then I have disappeared. ' uwu uu auvruxra to me man 1200 tons breaking strength. July 23.-;"Rev. J.'A.-and Mrs. Patch and daughter of Streetsville called here this wan]: ` III? WUIIBI Skirts, Company, $5.00 and $1.00 en. the small are worth ' VIII F01 PINTS 1.15 QUARTS 1.25 MmE1Nc .STATlON NEXT TO OLYMPIA - % 15c" ~ 35'B. Ch t in e'?::. uuugulcl U1 NIT. to Alexander gest son of Mr. Miilan, both of `prdine and __._ (II-l_L_ `I3. 1928. Princess Lse~,~ full fa- hvu osnf-O-I1 .le 35 pr: _ ow. " [CW Ul Du` Mtrliamen-t. New York -gamblers say that the publictig mending `millions `on baseball pools this _ypai' z-ml that the suckera" are biting almost as eagen-ly_a.s in -the record-breaking sum- mer of 1919. 7 .. ` ' \I&IIlIIlh 8" IV: V`! v vvuvu The monthly meeting of` the'lI.l?`.0. and U.F.'W.O. Clubs was'held on the evening of` July 21 at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. Stod- iart. A large crowd waspresent toenioy 1`. good programme of vocal and instrument- cl music. Mrs. Meek, district speaker for the vW.I., gave two very interesting ed- Jreases on Citizenship" and Women Hchool Trustees." Also -is very pleasing pieature of theevening was an unexpected risit from Joseph Wearing, K.C., of Peter- norough, who that day had called on his later, Mrs. D. Mcuaig. He very kindly tpoke for some time on subjects of great interest to all. Especially d-idhe mention his past days among his Guthrie friends and the great benefit he had receiyed from the Sunday School here andthe good that the lives of others had donefor him `in many ways. - - . a HIP!) am-1-hm mu-tv hall! at the mwy ways. - The U.F.O. garden party held [at the home ofAMr. and `Mrs. _Stoddart.on the waning of July 18 was a grand success. A large cmwd, a beautiful night. a` good urogrnmme, dnd abundance of 'eata., Pro- -needs were over $115.00 _ ' TL- _--.L ......-.L`n`-v nnnn6-nu II` OLA v'l06(f over $110.00 4_ 1 The next monthly meeting of the Clubs will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. `D. Campbell on August 2. :78 is to be H community meeting to which -all in the community are cordially invited.- Mm. 001- lins of Stayner, director of the `U.F.W.0.. The expected to give an addretgs. T. E. Ross,` `Federal member for this r1ding`;"hes also promised to be present and_d'iscuss the im-A mrtant questions of `thefday, `giving a re- view of the recent eemion of the Federal Hc.._.I!.. -4 __L IIUII n will, xwy _ Jr. II to Sr. II~Fred Rnwliuson (H.). Jr. I to Sr. I-Gladys Irwin (HJ. Edna ._ - urchaae (IL), Florence Ingham (`H.), `Tilly Banks, Emerson Hunt (F.). St. Primer to Jr. I-Don:iId McKenzie. Jr. Primer to Sr. Primer---Hector Mc- ` Kenzie, Gladys Banks. A to Jr. Primer--Kenneth vGr_iffi`n. nab Hutton. Gladys Ingham. ' `N lhoann taiunhpr ."Hk`l\I$I'Ulll!' umuy '83`, 1101'! (l`l'lIUll|_ `IUD, `Beth Arnold 134, Kathleen Lewis 428, Jean Arnold 387, Teucie Hayes 385, Arthur Rob- Innnn QR? Dnnnvnu-nn.nl`nrL._;.*.Il.nvnn Mar. 81'. III to-Jr. IV-Jim Dutton (H.), Clar- xmce Holt. ' V Sr. 11 to Jr. IIl--Dora Irwin. Howard Ir- win, Roy Holt. ' ` 1. n 4.. Q. TL...Ja`rn:l nnmlsnma ll-I \ `l.`V!'.l'. Honours--Gem'ge Kidd 516. Alan Hopper 494. Myrtle Rankin 489, Allan Rx-ed 485. George Houghton 471, Mary Hopper 459; ."nss-sArchie Reilly 447, Bert A-rnoltl 436, 131:9`-u AIl'|l\`I' I(n~f`I1AAn Innn JDUIJU HTUUIII 7'81)`, KXIIIJIIIUUII IEVHD `S60, ll!-`Ill! Arnold mson 383; Recommended-- * M-axine Mar-T 7.'m, 361. ' V Tknnn utnnnuul canny`-:n nnnn L-n`\:nnt Vromotior; Exatiniiions of 8.8. I I4, Essa (1 ivv . v 111 1' 1\,,nn__ III` \ W! V .`Ifi`(.>nours--1ldarion Banting 484, Bolirxxgla. Runny 473, Audray Hickland 470. a Parks 4-64, -Emily D1-aperA46l, Cunningham Wilson 459, Elva Ney .455; Pass--Colwel-I Prince 439, Irene Harper 411, Norman Bak- ~nr 405, Laura Jebb 896, Gowan Raney 382, -lllara Jebb 378, Alice Harris "378; Rec~ -ommended--'G1adys Hickland 437. Ruth unningham 386, Muriel Rose 352. Those starred failed in one subject.` I '7' A , (21,. "V V Li:;n::;mu;1u:1[\e:`uf marks 60, Honour murks 450 and over, Pasagmarks-.360 and er-var. . . . lI__.-..._.. lV..__..._ 112.14 {In AL... 11--.`..- Mu`: mark:-2' 600, Hofnour nmrks "450 and over, Pass mzgrks 360 -and aver. u-......._.. .u....:..- II..._A{.... ADA u..l:...I..n a;d1$1V.boV, . . . . . 69; IURI UV . 480. omy rugsney 000, :u'LuLu' uuupur Du, uulu Hayes 548, Norman Reed.543, Velma Gare- foot 50-}; Recommeuded- Mary Ingham. 420. ' ` . EL. '1! L- I- Y`? --- -Come to Stroud s annual ,o`elebrntion,,i Monday,-`August 6. Baseball-_+-Barrie vs. Hawkestono. Foot races. Sports. Supper. Entzerzainmont-V-Owen A. Smiley. entertain: or; Arnold's orchestra. A - 30-31c. . _' Tho promotion examinntjion results of the: Uookstown Public School for the term end~`i ing in June, are as foliowa, ~t'he names be-: ing given in order of merit: . 1 _Jr. 1v to Sr. IV Maximum number of marks 809, Honour ] zraxzrlzs 600 and 'over,: Paw marks required` A ' , !ionouxs~Bruce Gould 634; Paa9-~-Dor- othy Pugsley 585,Ax-thur Cooper 577, Lulu I-fauna EAR Nnrmnn Raw` KLR Vnlmn Ira- nu. aux. Those .s_uu'red fa'h1ed`in One 6`|1b.'l<`4- curunni uT.r-'.o. AND u.r.w.o; or-Ina ooInA\ uvu-o-say quuu-u Jr. III to Sr. III !_........ _.......l..... ..t Special Orchestral. Numbers from Mara ~ Friday and Saturday V \ - V ` This special picture will be shown at regular -`prices 15 and 25 cents -. _ NO MATINEE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 30-31, ll y H"b"' R' in THE PRISONER" d d '_'sx;. 111 to J-r. IV .._..-_. _..._l_.... `I a . YOUWlLL ENJOY V - DANCES--More sensational than you have ever seen before. V V V . ` 'l`HRlLLS-.-`Of the, Paris underworld. ROMANCE-Of `a beautiful dancing girl. IIII lIIaI\A!r\u-| vigour As}; \" . THURSDAY, JULY 28', 1923.`, The GreeL1::i'.emptation~L %wA1'r FOR THE SHOCK-COMINGSOON i`HORNS ANi) oRANGE'BL5'SbiiS" `Public simu Promotions `_`HEI,L92% MARS AIS Tl-IE comm cooxsrowu V 'l'HURS., 1=RL,% sA'r. JULY 26, 27, ~28 `BETTY COMPSON .--IN-`- its, colors Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 2, 3, rjC-QZQO1 A 1.2 3: A 1-11 :3 -- N145--LJI 21 DCZIUUTUI (12lClI1g gm. Cast includes THEODORE KOSLOFF W.A L`ee.~son, teacher. . (cmrenc Review) . _ . Sea horses are used for the first time on the screen in Thomas H. Ince's new comedy` tures Douglas McLean and Madge Bellamy. The sea-beasts are one of the fift-y-seven varieties that appear in this hilariously funny story of a horse-fearing yaohtsman who mistakes an invitation to /a fashionable steeplechsse for a boat party and then finds- it impossible to dodge all thehorsee around U drama special, The Hotrent.ot."Aw_h4ich fea- . him. He ends up by riding ,_the most dan- gerous horee o'f all in afspeotacular racing sequence. . ' i _ ' ' IA nah `atuaun nv`|:n`\ nnnnnnv 3.. Ann Annals IIIUII UI VVWIIIU \ llIllUl D llllllll IUUIIIS })I`IIy, _were secured` with the greatest difficulty as sea-horses are almost as rare as shark s t.eet`h. ' ....I.... II.` -.._ ..I...... (L- ..-I- -1" Q_... IICUIIH. Douglas McLean plays the role of ' Sam "Harrington. whogets so discouraged .in his efforts to keep_pf{_ a horse that he exc1aims diamrally. This isn t a home. it's a stable." -M-a'dge;'~Bellamy. recently. starred in -Lorna Doone,t'\`;;:lays the part of- the adorable .D.....m . `Jaw " `nu nunnn nbn kn :....1l.. WK: horse :-1 which appear in oneicome; dy shot in the-picture. which is an adapts. tion of Willie Coltier's fanious racing play, nvnnn nnnlnnn ufll Hus at-Anfnaf ("fnulfv ca l.}UUIl, \ \ IIDJB OIIC [J5]? U1` HI-IU HUUTUUIU Peggy Fa. 4ax,'.? for wlgqee sake he finally overcomes his fear of the` animals. The"picture is showing at the New Dream- land Theatre, Friday and Saturday. ;;;,*::*%g;' ea; Fa fc nunnnnmnn `' Lil {Ann-. -Come to Stroud s annual celebration, Monday, August 6. Base'balI~-Barrie vs. Hawkestone. Foot races. Sports. Supper. Entertainment---Owen A. Smiley. entertain- er; Aruold`s orchestra. V 30310` nten Mills,` on hgnents sold on CIA- Fen Will be` held A very enjoyable afternoon was spent at! the home of Miss Margaret Boyes on July 19, when Churchill Branch visited Stroud at their regular monthly meeting. The main item of Ibusinevs was the appointment of a. committee to arrange for the servingof a lunch on August 6, in connection with the Park Field Day. . Contributions of baking a from any ladies f the community will be most gratefuly received. After the transaction of this business the chair was taken by Mrs. G. 0. Allan. President of _Clllll'Cl'lil`l Branch and an excellent program was rendered, `consisting of instrumental eclections by Mrs. Hodgson and Miss Josie Rcive, a vocal solo by Mrs. Allan, and; an address by Mrs. Robert Boyes, Impressions of -an Institute? '.l`o'ur. _' Mrs. Lfloyes llxiad m intereting experiences w ie 011,. er iciling tour, and `passed -them on in her usual pleasing manner, to the'enjoynYent of the forty-two ladies who were present. A alninfv Ilnnnin unm any-var! uvlelnlu um; `NC IUI |I.V'UVVU IKIIIICE WIIU VVCIU ])l`CUUIau A dainty lunch was served which was also enjoyed. `The August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. F. Warnica. and will be Girls Day, Thursday, August 9. Mvsramous SEA HORSES ARE usao m "THE H`o1'n:u1-o'r_" v - v - - - --v r. van u-----yaw Iyzl \tIl.l\I`I`I\5 `-7.7. UIIIO I Mr. and Mrs. Lesie Nelaonand family spent Sunday at Keswick. EM:-5. McCallum was in Toronto last week. Jno. Selman wasiaid up last week, being hit with a sledge hammer while at his work. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. McNamara and fam- ily of Manistique, Michigan, spent a night with her father, Wm. Allan, on their road to Maine. They say the roads are very rough near the Soo but have had splendid weuth'er"and are enjoying their trip. .n,....- L- Qi._-...n'_ _______n ,_u_u,, .- ..--.. W-` ....,v4V---B --you Ir-ctr: -Game to Stroud s annual celebration, Monday. August 6. Baseball-- Hawkestone. Foot races. Sports. Supper. Entertainment--~Owen A. Smiley, entertain- er; Arnold's orchestra. ' 30-31c ._..'_ .. ...._.f' iv...-Val you-awu vu uiul-IUKIJ 0 St. Peter's Anglioan'Cbu1-ch held a garden party at the home of Stafford Watt. An excellent supper was served -by the ladies. and the programme was enioyed by all. 1 '11.. .....A II... 1...I:- u_I-__ ___,| p `I -v no v vvnvu AVQIIFO L.'M:I'4ean ofTBrad;'<'>rd preached in 1 Iivvivlllin the_ Pree;l_>yterian hurch on Sunday. Q6 `l3o.lu...`.. A .....ll...... - I\L....-I_ I_-I_I' _ ___.,I- Mr; andl-17's. E/I;'d_se_ll nd `Miss Margaret MacKay of .Tomnt.o spent, a pleasant week-end at The Maples" as !_guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sutton, i : Mr. and Mrs. Ransted and Mr. and. Mrs. :Bowm:m of Toronto- spent the weekend 2 as guests of `Mrs. John Sutton; as did also !M1*s. Jeunielliownmu of Niagara Falls, N .Y., and Miss Ethel LeDrew of Detroit, ! Michigan. - _ July 54--Miss Rdgerson has gone to Buf-M ` faldfor a visit with Mrs. W. Stewart. A I -19,: 5. . ..i ith. straps n knit and I Mrs. Jhn M;I{-;cVhn'ie">: Pit-tsburg is the! } guest of Mrs. H. L. 'I'~ax'Bus;h. . 1 E 1iis.e7 `1:'{i}1_'1E{agmo{- "Q3; sze} Marie is I visiting Miss Jean ,TarBush. ` srnouo wo_M-E-N7 msmun: ms Jean ,TarBush. s_ TY BAY .d M-rg. (J. Iwdseu QHURCHEL STROUD JENGUS I On 61: `IO IVLWCIIIIIE . Mr. and. Mrs. A.,S. Btfrtbn _ahdi Miss Guida Burton returned `last Sunday from their `holidays, which they spent on a motortrip to Niagara Falls, Kingston, Prescott and other places. They report numerous de- tours on all roads they travelled over, but the finished roads `are; ex- cellent. At one dfour they had to travel 26 miles out of thelr way; ~ trimmed; d 69c and ~s,V, clearing for $1.00 lace trim- y the Ox- sed, extra The Examiner had a pleasant call on Saturday from J. Russell Stewart bf Glen Ellyn, 111., who, with his wife and three"sons, had been spending a week with his mother" and sisters, sQa.vLA|au I . . 5 .. J. C. Elliott left` on Monday night for his home in Californiap On ac- count of the hot weather, Mrs. El-3 lio_tt will remain in' town for a couple i of months, with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Peacock, before joining her husband in` her new home ` 0 `_, ,1 If , A II III III?` IICVV IIIIIIICI Mr. `and Mrs. A. Cunningham have returned home after spending this past month with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Playle at Montreal, accompanied, by Mrs. 1 J. W. -Speers and children of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., [who will hpend some time in- town visiting `friends. LL llilluclo Mr. and Mrs. Meadows and child- ren of.Woodstock, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Harper and family of Bridgeville, Dr. and Mrs; "E. :V.` Humphrey `and family of Toronto and Miss Margaret; Meeking are vsummering at Glen (`,4-\11A 111:0-`n.r"`~I-`:1-dun ~I\;|`nt|O\`vn If- ...L.'J` 2':`JJ3"?v c?.77th2?" {Z{Es, in. `-325% Mrs. A. H. Meeking. . = `M - .....A 11.... A 1:: n-r..L'_._ -5... way V naval. Wu UV yvutunu. -- v J n Mrs. R. E. F_letcher `of Torontoi came up last week to see her sister,` Mrs. Alfred Morren, who has [not] been in good health for some time.` louunn, `IV Jain LID: 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and daugh-g ten` Betty of Detroit, Mich., arrived, by motor on Sunday to spend their vacation with Mrs. Bell's mother, Mrs. H. Mart, Dunlap St. Mm. 1\Ir....a.'I.. n.......-..n. -3 rn........a... uato Ll: $VLGLl, IJLIIIIUIJ DUI F Miss Myrtle Coxworth of. Toronto` visited her grandparents, AMr. and. Mrs. Jas. Speers, on Saturday. Mr.` and Mrs. E. Smith of Hamilton were also visitors with Mr. `and ' Mrs. Speers. i `ll- ..._.1 Kl ..- 1 TI rs, , I '11 friends at St. Anne's, Quebec, near Ddyuul. on D Mr. and. Mrs. A. H. Goodall and Miss Nel1ie`Goodall, Mary St., left on Tuesday to spend a vacation with, Montreal. They will.a1so visit Port- land, Maine, and wjll be absent for, a fortnight. ' ! `I ('4 `l:|lI:..LL l.... ._ `lll'__..l___ ___-__1_Ll Junta. uuuullllcq JJGJLICIU DU. Mrs. A. J. Neil and son of Winni- 'ueg.`were_. the guests of Mrs. G. C.i Miles, Bradford St., this week. They are on their way to Detroit. `MI... I) I.` `I:\l..4...1...`.. --1: m......4... : nd sahnon pce,'25c irts or oy- L 25 yd. ne quaL-

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